View Full Version : Cena discusses seedy part of business and rug testing with FOX Atlanta.

07-19-2007, 10:38 AM
Fox News Atlanta interviewed WWE champion John Cena about the Benoit tragedy. He said, "Everybody wants to know the dirt. Everybody wants to know the seedy underbelly of the wrestling industry. If you wanted to know that, you'd have to go back 10, 20 years because that's when they were partying all the time like rock stars."

Cena, noting he was in the top-tier of the company, commented that at no point during that his entire run with the company has he felt he's needed to use steroids or take pain medication. He stated he was tested several times this year by Aegis Science.

"The business has become more of a business. We have stockholders that we have to keep happy. All of us who go out in boots and tights realize that. We're not ignorant to what's going on."

To watch the Cena interview, click here (http://www.myfoxatlanta.com/myfox/pages/Home/Detail?contentId=3811782&version=2&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1).
