View Full Version : Peter Punkin Eater

01-07-2006, 04:09 PM
Cinderella is scrubbing the floors and sobbing because she cannot go to the Ball.

Lo and behold, her fairy godmother appears and says, "Do not cry, I will fix everything so that you can go to the Ball."

With a wave of her wand, she transforms Cinderella into a beautiful princess with a gorgeous gown and jewels. Cinderella is thrilled.

"One thing Cinderella," the fairy godmother says, "You must be home by midnight for all that I have created will transform back at the stroke of 12. If you are late getting back, one more terrible thing will occur, your vagina will turn in to a pumpkin so be sure to be home by midnight."

"Oh thank you fairy godmother," says Cinderella as she runs out the door to go to the Ball.

Once there, she has a wonderful time and meets a gorgeous man and spends the whole evening dancing. Of course, she forgets all about the time until just a few moments before midnight and then realizes she must get home.

She starts to run out the door, and the man calls out to her, "Wait, I don't even know your name."

"It's Cinderella,: she yells back, "And what's yours?"

"It's Peter, Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater," he says.

She stops dead in her tracks.

"What am I running home for?" says Cinderella, and they lived happily ever after!