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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default RAW LIVE Coverage and Discussion - 18th Aug, 2014

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    RAW Report / Results - 18th Aug, 2014
    Location - Las Vegas, Nevada
    Announcers - Jerry "The King" Lawler, JBL, Michael Cole

    We begin with a video package summarizing what happened at SummerSlam.

    Daniel Bryan’s music plays and Stephanie McMahon comes out and she ‘Yeses’ her way to the ring.

    Stephanie says that she has to thank everyone for chanting her name when she came to the ring. She wants to talk about last night. SummerSlam was truly one of the most epic pay per views in WWE History. They have been monitoring social media and people are saying that SummerSlam was better than Wrestlemania. We crowned a new WWE World Champion. Tonight, the Authority will be presenting the new championship belt to Brock Lesnar.

    She wishes John Cena a quick recovery from a brutal beat down last night. She does not know how John Cena will recover from that. Chris Jericho had to recover from the lesson in humility from Bray Wyatt. Dean Ambrose learned that Seth Rollins was the man who ran the Shield. The biggest loser of the night was her opponent, Brie Bella.

    Brie learned first hand you do not mess with the Authority. Not mentally, not emotionally, and not physically. She says that you can watch SummerSlam on the WWE Network for $9.99.

    Stephanie says that she could not do it by herself. She thanks her husband for being a rock, standing by her side, and being faithful . . . unlike Daniel Bryan. Daniel cheated on Brie because he found out who Brie is. Stephanie brings out the person who knows Brie the best . . . her sister, Nikki Bella.

    Nikki comes to the ring and she hugs Stephanie. Stephanie says that you need to hear Nikki out. She is clearly not herself. It takes a lot to come out here and stand up against someone who has been abusing her so much. Some people say it was an act of betrayal, but what does Nikki think?

    Nikki says that Brie has betrayed her. It was supposed to be the Bella Twins against the World. It has never been that way. Nikki says that she was always there for Brie. She has always loved Brie. Secretly, she became manipulative and selfish. It has always been about Brie. Whenever Brie got in trouble, she blamed Nikki. Brie always wanted to be better than her. She is sick of hearing that she will never get married and never have a husband.

    Stephanie asked Nikki if Brie raced her to the altar. Nikki says that Brie married that goat faced, scraggly Daniel Bryan. They say that Daniel was clearly cheating on Brie. Stephanie and Nikki talk about how Brie manipulated her way into the match at SummerSlam.

    Nikki says that she is heartbroken and can talk about the things that Brie has done her. Nikki says that she could say she lost a sister, but she never had one. Nikki says that she is Free. She loves being able to stand on her own.

    Brie Bella comes to the ring. She says that she loves Nikki because they are sisters for life. Nikki has destroyed the family and for what? Brie says that she can forgive Nikki.

    Nikki slaps Brie. Nikki says that she will never forgive her.

    Brie leaves the ring and cries up the ramp and to the back.

    We go to commercial.

    Luke Harper and Erick Rowan vs Mark Henry and Big Show

    Rowan and Henry start off and they exchange punches. Henry punches Rowan in the corner and connects with head butts. Henry runs into an elbow and Rowan runs into a clothesline from Henry. Harper tags in and he runs into a boot from Henry. Henry with head butts and forearms until Show is tagged in.

    Show with a Shhhhh chop. Show with punches in the corner. Show slams Harper and follows with a head butt. Show with a chop but Harper pushes Show away. Show with punches. Show with a punch to the ribs. Harper with a back elbow and it staggers Show. Harper with punches and Show pushes Harper away. Show gets out of the corner and Show sends Harper over the top rope to the floor.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Show waits for Harper to get back into the ring. Show picks up Harper but Harper drops Show on the top rope. Harper with European uppercuts but Show with an Irish whip and a running butt splash. Rowan tries to hold the ropes down but Show sees it and he stops. Show sends Rowan to the floor but Harper with a running boot that sends Show to the floor. Harper tags Rowan in.

    Rowan with a running boot to the head. Rowan rolls Show back into the ring and he gets a near fall. Harper tags in and he stands on Big Show. Show with punches but Harper with European uppercuts. Rowan tags back in and he punches Show. Harper tags back in and Rowan is sent into Show and Show is sent into a Harper super kick but Harper can only get a near fall.

    Harper with a front face lock and a Gator Roll into a side head lock. Show with a belly-to-back suplex to get out of the hold. Rowan tags in and he hits a running clothesline and Show goes down. Rowan picks up Show and slams him but he can only get a two count. Rowan tries to slam Show again and Show counters with a DDT and both men are down.

    Henry tags in and he connects with clotheslines and then Harper takes care of Show on the floor. Henry with a splash in the corner and Henry picks up Rowan for the World’s Strongest Slam but Harper with a Yakuza Kick and Rowan gets a near fall. Harper and Rowan go for a double suplex and Show punches Harper and then Rowan. Henry with a World’s Strongest Slam for the three count.

    Winners: Big Show and Mark Henry

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Dolph Ziggler is with Ric Flair and Miz enters in his Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure wardrobe. Miz says that Dolph is not worthy of the Intercontinental Title. It comes home to a real A lister, himself.

    Dolph says that Miz is not an A Lister, he is an A-Hole.

    We see photos from the Lumberjack Match that was so epic, it could not be contained in the ring.

    Renee Young is with Seth Rollins in the interview area. She asks Seth about his victory on Sunday. Seth thanks Renee and he says that it feels so good. He did what he told the entire world he would do. He did not run or hide. He planted his two feet inside the ring and stayed inside Dean Ambrose’s Wall of Flesh. He proved that he is the future WWE Champion and the future of the WWE.

    Renee gets out of the way as Dean Ambrose does the 'Ice Bucket Challenge' over Seth Rollins. Dean says that it is for charity and then he hits Seth with the bucket before they start brawling. Officials have to separate them as we go to commercial.

    Kane and Triple H are in the office and Seth Rollins enters and he wants to know if they saw what happened. Seth says that they need to take Dean out of the equation.

    Hunter tells Seth to relax. Hunter says that Seth will have a rematch with Dean tonight. Seth asks if it will be in a lumberjack match. Hunter says that people like Dean because he is unpredictable and has an attitude.

    The WWE Universe will choose the stipulation so Dean will not be a martyr when he loses, the blood will be on the hands of the WWE Universe.

    Kane wishes Seth luck.

    Before our next match, Paige says that despite everything, she respects AJ and she loves AJ. Paige says that she is going to dedicate this match to her little AJ.

    Non Title Match
    Natalya vs Paige

    They lock up and Paige with a hammer lock but Natalya with an elbow and fireman’s carry for a near fall. Natalya with a double leg take down and jackknife cover but Paige bridges. Paige blocks a backslide attempt and Paige kicks Natalya in the back of the head. Paige rolls Natalya over and crawls onto Natalya and connects with head butts.

    AJ’s music plays and she skips to the ring. Paige gets distracted and Natalya with a rollup for the three count.

    Winner: Natalya

    After the match:
    AJ takes the mic and she tells Paige that despite everything, she respects Paige. She loves Paige. She dedicates her life to Paige. AJ says that she needs to go into the ring and shake Paige’s hand.

    AJ enters the ring and Paige gets out of the ring.

    We are told that the stipulations for the Dean Ambrose/Seth Rollins match are: No Holds Barred, Falls Count Anywhere, or No Disqualification.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Triple H makes his way to the ring with his wife and wardrobe change expert, Stephanie McMahon.

    Hunter says that this is a historic night. After what could be the greatest SummerSlam in WWE History . . . not because his wife returned to the ring after ten years and won. Because of a WWE Championship match of epic proportions. We witnessed a match that will go down in history as an instant classic. Two men stood in this ring and gave everything they had to represent the WWE into the future.

    Hunter says that it is time to show the new symbol of that future. We see the new WWE World Heavyweight Title.

    Triple H introduces the new WWE Champion, Brock Lesnar.

    We have a photographer come into the ring for this special moment. Everyone in the ring shakes hands and then Hunter and Stephanie leave the ring for Paul to talk and Brock to stand around.

    Paul begins talking by introducing himself and he says that he is the one behind the one who conquered the one who thought he was the one to beat the one in twenty-one and one. Last night at SummerSlam, his client not just beat, didn’t just victimize, he conquered the title holder which affords him, Paul Heyman, the opportunity to proclaim himself as the advocate for the brand new reigning and undisputed WWE Heavyweight Champion of the World, BROCK LESNAR.

    Now let’s get down to business. His client has authorized him to tell a secret the Authority has not authorized to say. John Cena . . . is not here this evening.

    John Cena would be here, but he cannot physically be here. That is thanks to his client, BROCK LESNAR. Brock tells Paul he loves hearing that so he says Brock’s name again. Paul says that he has been in this industry since 14 and he has never seen an ass kicking like John Cena took at the hands of Brock Lesnar.

    We are talking about a top superstar. We are talking about THE top Superstar of a generation.

    Rock was on top for three or three and a half years. Steve Austin was on top for four or four and a half years? There has been one constant on top over the last ten years and that man has been John Cena. You have to give credit where credit is due. Any man, after 30 seconds would have given the title to Brock Lesnar to fight another day, but not John Cena.

    Paul says that he witnessed the suffering on John Cena’s face and he truly understood. We never got it before. He could never understand why so many people who love John Cena. Paul says that his children are John Cena fans, and it pisses him off. John Cean was taking this heinous and vicious beating and coming back for more. When John says ‘Never Give Up’, he means never give up. Paul says that John has earned his admiration and respect. Paul says that he would love to make John a Paul Heyman Guy if he had the time.

    If you write the history of WWE before Brock Lesnar pinned John Cena, John would have gone down as the best fighting champion in WWE history.

    In Brock’s world, John entered the ring a hero and walked out a martyr. Martyrdom does not equal street cred. The person with the most street cred does not win. The person who dies with the most street cred still dies . . . at the hand of the conqueror Brock Lesnar.

    Just like the Undertaker’s streak died at the hands of Brock Lesnar. The Undertaker’s career died at the hands of Brock Lesnar. Hustle, Loyalty and Respect died at the hands of Brock Lesnar. The Cenation died at the hands of Brock Lesnar.

    The same will happen to the next person who comes into the beast’s lair to try to beat Brock Lesnar. The person who comes into the ring is man. Brock Lesnar is not a man, he is a beast. He will lay wreckage to whoever faces him. Every Brock Lesnar match will be must see or must watch.

    If you were too cheap or too stupid to pay the $9.99 for the WWE Network, his client destroyed John Cena. Paul mentions Basic Brockanomics. Eat, Sleep, Suplex, Repeat, Suplex, Repeat, Suplex, Repeat, Suplex, Repeat, Suplex, Repeat, Suplex, Repeat, Suplex, Repeat, Suplex, Repeat, Suplex, Repeat, Suplex, Repeat, Suplex, Repeat, Suplex, Repeat, Suplex, Repeat, Suplex, Repeat, Suplex, Repeat, Suplex

    Brock lives by Eat, Sleep, Suplex, Repeat, Eat Sleep, F-5, Repeat, Eat, Sleep, Victimize, Repeat, Eat Sleep, Conquer John Cena.

    It is time to take a look at the opening segment with the Bellas, when Nikki became Free of Brie.

    We go to commercial.

    Intercontinental Title Championship
    Miz vs Dolph Ziggler

    They lock up and Ziggler with a waist lock but Miz with a side head lock. Miz with a shoulder tackle but Ziggler with a hip toss for a near fall. Ziggler with a side head lock. Miz with a kick in the corner and a side head lock. Ziggler with a top wrist lock into a side head lock. Ziggler lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex and then Miz gets a near fall with an O’Connor Roll.

    Ziggler with a leap frog and he appears to have injured his knee. Miz with a drop kick and he kicks Ziggler. Miz wrings the leg into the ring post.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Ziggler counters with a sunset flip for a near fall. Ziggler with a backslide for a near fall. Miz sends Ziggler into the corner and he sets for the Awesome Clothesline but Ziggler counters with a hesitation DDT and he gets a near fall. Ziggler holds his injured knee. Miz blocks a super kick and he sends Ziggler to the mat and he applies the figure four leg lock.

    Ziggler crawls and gets to the rope and Miz is forced to release the hold. Ziggler trips Miz on the apron and Miz falls to the apron. Ziggler kicks Miz on the apron and he kicks Miz, sending Miz into the ring and Ziggler falls to the floor and is counted out.

    Winner: Miz (by count out)

    After the match:
    Miz sends Ziggler into the announce table and then the apron. Ziggler is rolled back into the ring but Ziggler with a kick and Zig Zag.

    Ziggler is helped to the back by the referee while JBL claims that Ziggler is faking.

    Renee Young is in the interview area with Jack Swagger. She asks Jack to take a look at their match at SummerSlam. Renee asks Jack how he is doing after losing to Rusev on Sunday. Jack says that last night, he had a chance to defend the country he loves but he failed. When things get hard, you join together. Jack says that he will do what every Real American does when their backs are against the wall. He will come out swinging because that is who he is.

    We go to commercial.

    Cesaro vs Jack Swagger

    Cesaro with a punch to the ribs. Cesaro with another punch to the ribs. Swagger with punches to Cesaro and the referee warns him. Swagger with an Irish whip but Cesaro moves when Swagger charges into the corner. Cesaro with a side salto. Cesaro kicks Swagger in the face and Swagger with an elbow and punches. Cesaro with an abdominal stretch and he elbows Swagger in the injured ribs. Swagger with a hip toss but he runs into a knee from Cesaro and Cesaro with a double stomp to Swagger and he gets a near fall.

    Cesaro with an arm bar. Swagger with knees in the corner followed by an Irish whip and boot to the chest. Swagger goes for the double jump Swagger Bomb but he cannot capitalize because of the injured ribs. Swagger with a suplex attempt but Cesaro blocks it. Cesaro with a knee and then he drops Swagger on the top rope.

    Cesaro punches Swagger but Swagger punches back. Cesaro with a shoulder to the midsection and he sends Swagger’s midsection into the top turnbuckle. Cesaro tries for a running boot but Swagger blocks it and he applies the ankle lock from the apron. Swagger returns to the ring and applies the ankle lock but Cesaro is in the ropes. Cesaro with a thumb to the eye and he hits the Gotch Style Neutralizer for the three count.

    Winner: Cesaro

    After the match:
    We get some inspirational music and Bo Dallas drips his way to the stage. Bo says 318. 318 million. That is how many Americans were let down at SummerSlam when you lost that flag match to Rusev. Look at you now? Losing again. You have lost your manager Zeb Colter. You have lost all self respect. You have lost your dignity.

    BUT, you can get it all back. You can get it all back. You just have to . . . BOLIEVE!!!!!

    Renee Young is in the interview area with Chris Jericho. She asks Chris about how he feels after losing at SummerSlam. Chris says that he realized that after facing dozens of Hall of Famers, he has never faced anyone like Bray Wyatt. That upside down spider walk is the most disturbing thing he has seen. There is an emptiness inside Bray Wyatt. When Bray said that he was already dead, he is dead inside.

    Chris says that he is not dead inside. He has three things. He has the fire inside him to be the best in the world at what he does. He has the fighting spirit. He has the best fans in WWE history. He knows that every Jericholic will be behind him no matter what he does, chanting Y2J.

    That is something that Bray Wyatt and no other human being in this world can ever . . . ever take away from him.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Erick Rowan faces Big Show on Main Event.

    Randy Orton, Curtis Axel, and Ryback vs Roman Reigns, Sheamus, and RVD

    Axel and Sheamus start things off and Axel with a waist lock. Sheamus with an elbow and side head lock followed by a shoulder tackle. Sheamus with a clothesline but Axel sends Sheamus into the ropes. Axel with punches and Orton tags in. Orton kicks Sheamus and head butts him. Orton with a punch and kick. Orton goes for a back breaker and Sheamus with a Finlay Slam after Van Dam tags in and hits Rolling Thunder.

    Orton rolls to the floor and we go to commercial.

    We are back and Sheamus gets Axel on his shoulders but Axel gets to the apron. Sheamus with the ten forearms to the chest. Ryback goes after Sheamus and stops awkwardly on the apron because it is time for him to get the ten forearms to the chest.

    Axel kicks Sheamus and punches him in the corner. Sheamus with an Irish whip and shoulder in the corner. Orton pulls the ropes down and Sheamus falls to the floor. Orton tags in and he tells someone to move out of the way and he hits a back drop driver onto the ringside barrier and Sheamus falls into YeatonVille. Orton sends Sheamus into the announce table and then Orton tags in Ryback since it is his home town.

    Ryback sends Sheamus into the corner and he connects with shoulders in the corner. Ryback with a hard Irish whip. Ryback with a front face lock. Ryback with a delayed vertical suplex to Sheamus. Orton tags in and he kicks Sheamus in the chest and he sets for the IEDDT but Sheamus gets into the ring and he hits White Noise and both men are down.

    Reigns and Axel tag in and Reigns with a Samoan Drop followed by a punch to Ryback. Reigsn with a flying clothesline and he kicks Axel in the back of the leg and he flips. Reigns with a clothesline in the corner followed by a punch and Axel rolls to the ropes for the Juggernaut Drop Kick. Reigns with a Superman punch to Axel and then one for Ryback.

    Reigns readies for the spear but Orton with a back breaker. Van Dam tags in and hits a cross body for a near fall. Van Dam with a body scissors for a rollup. Van Dam avoids a splash in the corner and Van Dam with a kick followed by a split legged moonsault for a near fall.

    Sheamus with a Brogue kick to Ryback, but Orton with an RKO to Sheamus. Van Dam with an enzuigiri followed by a spear to Orton by Reigns. Axel sends Reigns into the ring post. Van Dam with a step over heel kick to Axel followed by a five star frog splash for the three count.

    Winners: Roman Reigns, Rob Van Dam, and Sheamus

    We take a look at what happened with Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns earlier tonight. Remember to vote for one of the three different match stipulations.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Randy Orton walks dejectedly in the back. Ric Flair stops him and he wants to talk about Roman Reigns. Randy tells Ric to stay out of his way unless he wants to know why they called him the Legend Killer.

    Bray Wyatt appears on the TitanTron and he says that last night at SummerSlam, a pair of horses was coming for Chris and its rider was Wyatt. He told Chris it would happen because he is a man of his word. Chris claims that he looked in his eyes and saw nothing. Maybe he does not have a soul. His only place on the Earth is to collect them and play with them. Chris will never ever truly comprehend what he truly is.

    Behold the new face of salvation. Follow the Buzzard.

    Non Title Match
    Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso (c) vs Goldust and Stardust

    Goldust and Jey start off and they lock up. Goldust sends Jey into the corner and Jey pushes Goldust. Goldust pushes back and he gasps in Jey’s face. Jey with a rollup for a near fall. Goldust with a shoulder tackle and arm drag but Jey with arm drags of his own.

    Jey with a waist lock into an arm bar and Jimmy tags in. Jimmy goes up top and hits a double sledge to the arm. Jimmy with an arm bar. Jey tags in and he works on the arm with another arm bar. Jimmy tags in and they hit a double chop and double elbow drop for a near fall. Jimmy with an arm bar. Goldust backs Jimmy into the corner and Stardust tags in but Jimmy gets out of the corner.

    Stardust with a flying forearm. Jimmy slides into the corner and he runs Stardust into the corner. Jey tags in and he hits a running forearm into the corner. Jey with a belly-to-back suplex and he gets a near fall. Jimmy tags in and he snap mares Stardust into a reverse chin lock. Stardust with an arm drag but Jimmy with a clothesline and wrist lock.

    Jey tags in and he pulls Stardust into the center of the ring and applies a reverse chin lock. Stardust runs Jey into the corner and he hits a belly-to-back suplex. Jey gets a near fall. Jey with a reverse chin lock while Goldust tries to motivate Stardust. Stardust lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt and Stardust tries to make the tag but Jey keeps him from making the tag. Stardust with a sunset flip for the three count.

    Winners: Goldust and Stardust

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Randy Orton will face Rob Van Dam on Smackdown.

    Lana and Rusev make their way to the ring.

    Lana says at SummerSlam, Rusev dedicated his match to Mother Russia and its leader, Vladimir Putin. President Putin is so proud of Rusev as our flag was raised high as a symbol of victory, patriotism, and supremacy. The Kremlin to . . .

    Mark Henry’s music plays and he comes to the ring. Mark asks Lana and Rusev if they hear that because that is American pride. He says that he has had the honor of representing this country twice in the Olympic Games. Those will always be two of his proudest moments. He never had a problem with anyone who believe in their country and flag, except for you two jackasses.

    Mark says that it got under his skin last night to see that flag raised in his country. Mark says that it made him sick to his stomach. He tells Lana he is not talking to her. Rusev says that the power in America is gone, but Mark does not think so.

    Mark tells Rusev to ‘listen up boy’. He will give Rusev a personal guided tour into the Hall of Pain.

    Rusev and Henry stand face to face and Rusev punches Henry but Henry punches back. Henry blocks a round kick and Henry with the World’s Strongest Slam to Rusev.

    Henry tells Lana to move out of the way for an Ultimate Warrior Splash.

    Mark high fives the announcers and then Mark puts on JBL’s hat and JBL doesn’t mind when he does it.

    We see footage for a WWE Network special about the current status of the Shield, which will air on Wednesday.

    We are back with a look at the promo where Paul Heyman mentioned the word repeat a few times.

    We are told that John Cena will address the WWE Universe next week on Raw.

    Jerry Lawler is in the ring to announce the official stipulation for tonight’s Dean Ambrose versus Seth Rollins match.

    Falls Count Anywhere Match
    Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins

    They start off by exchanging punches. Ambrose with a cross body and punches to Rollins. Rollins with a double thrust followed by a punch and kicks. Rollins punches Ambrose and slaps him. Ambrose with a drop kick that sends Rollins to the floor. Ambrose sends Rollins into the crowd and Ambrose follows. Ambrose punches Rollins and connects with a knee to the midsection and he gets a near fall. Ambrose and Rollins with forearms and punches as they head to the stage.

    Rollins with a kick to the midsection followed by punches. Ambrose with punches and a double thrust to the throat. Ambrose sets for a suplex but Rollins lands on his feet. Rollins tries for a running power bomb into the matrix board but Ambrose counters and hits a suplex on the stage for a near fall.

    Ambrose with a punch and Rollins falls down the ramp. Rollins makes his way back towards the ring and Ambrose sends Rollins back into the ring. Ambrose goes under the ring and he throws some chairs to the floor and he grabs a kendo stick, but Ambrose grabs a chair and he sends it into the ribs. Ambrose puts the chair behind Rollins and slams him and the chair. Ambrose goes to the turnbuckles with a chair for an elbow drop.

    Ambrose gets a near fall. Ambrose sets up the chair in the turnbuckles but Rollins is the one to use it when he sends Ambrose into the chair in the corner. Rollins gets a near fall and we go to commercial.

    We are back and Rollins has a kendo stick in Ambrose’s mouth. We see Ambrose getting hit with the kendo stick in the midsection during the commercial. Rollins hits Ambrose with the kendo stick. Ambrose blocks a kendo stick shot and he punches Rollins. Rollins with a super kick and kick to the chest followed by a drop kick but Ambrose bounces off the ropes and Rollins ducks. Rollins with an enzuigiri for a near fall.

    Ambrose moves when Rollins charges into the corner and Ambrose with a tornado DDT for a near fall. Ambrose sets for the Dean Driver but Rollins avoids it. Rollins misses Black Out and then both men go for cross bodies at the same time and both men are down.

    Rollins with a forearm and Ambrose fires back. Rollins with another forearm and then he connects with a series of punches. Ambrose fires back with punches of his own but Rollins with a back heel kick and Rollins grabs the kendo stick. Ambrose with a catapult into the turnbuckles while Rollins hits Ambrose with the kendo stick.

    Ambrose with kendo stick shots to Rollins followed by a White Russian leg sweep. Ambrose goes under the ring for some chairs and he throws a few dozen into the ring. Rollins grabs a chair and Ambrose with a kick and Ambrose punches Rollins. Ambrose puts Rollins on the turnbuckles for a superplex onto the chairs but Rollins blocks it. Rollins and Ambrose fight on the turnbuckles and Rollins with a sunset flip Awesome Bomb for a near fall.

    Kane makes his way to ringside to watch the match.

    Rollins kicks Ambrose while the referee removes the chairs from the ring. Rollins looks under the ring and he pulls out a table. Rollins sets up the table and he puts Ambrose’s head on the table for a Super Black Out but Ambrose recovers and crotches Rollins. Ambrose with a superplex through the table and both men are down. Ambrose crawls to make the cover but he sees Kane try to interfere so he knocks Kane off the apron. He sends Rollins to the floor and then he hits a suicide dive onto both men.

    Rollins with a kick to Ambrose and Ambrose rebounds off the ropes for a lariat and he hits the Dean Driver but Kane pulls Ambrose out of the ring and Kane punches Ambrose. Kane sends Ambrose into the announce table. Ambrose stops short of the ring steps and Kane is sent into the steps with a drop toe hold. Ambrose sends Rollins into the crowd. Ambrose with a running splash off the announce tables onto Rollins.

    They return to the ringside area and Rollins tries to crawl away. Ambrose sends Rollins into the announce table. Ambrose rearranges the announce table and they climb the announce table. Ambrose sets for the Dean Driver through the table, but Kane grabs Ambrose and choke slams him through the table.

    Rollins with a Black Out on the table and the table has still not broken. Kane removes a cover of something and there are cinder blocks. Kane holds Ambrose for Rollins to hit Black Out on the cinder blocks. The referee checks on Ambrose and stops the match.

    Winner: Seth Rollins ( by referee stoppage)

    EMTs come to the ringside area to take care of Dean Ambrose while Seth Rollins stands over Ambrose on the announce table.

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    New belt notes:

    Tonight's Monday Night Raw will feature a segment where new WWE World Heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar is presented a new championship belt featuring the company's new logo.

    The WWE version of the "Big Gold Belt" will be retired and the new version of the WWE title will replace the one featuring the "Scratch" logo, as WWE will retire that logo officially as of tonight's Raw as well.

    Brock Lesnar popped up on TMZ.com last night noting that he intended to merge the two championship belts so he only had to carry around one. Lesnar was playing into tonight's plans.

    Several weeks ago, John Cena handed the "Big Gold" belt to Ric Flair which was meant to symbolically retire that belt, but then the decision was made to keep it around until Summerslam. This will be the first time since 1985 that a version of that belt is not active in a promotion. For more on the history of that belt, check out the great Dick Bourne book The Big Gold Belt.

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    Nikki Bella note:

    About turning on her sister Brie last night Nikki Bella tweeted, "Tomorrow you will hear why…. Nikki #SummerSlam". That should be one interesting reason. Maybe it's just me, but it never, ever makes sense to join people that have been having you get beaten up for months.

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    TMZ interview with Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman after Summerslam

    Lesnar's comments will play into Raw, which we'll have complete coverage of tonight.

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    New WWE theme for RAW:

    It would seem with the new logo and title belts there will be a new RAW theme also.

    In recent years WWE has used "The Night" by Kromestatik and "Energy" by Shinedown as the theme song for their flagship broadcast.

    From Twitter:

    Danny Worsnop ‏@dannyworsnop

    Tune in to WWE Raw tonight. I hear there's a real cool new theme tune.

    - Original Twitter page found by clicking here.

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    Notes on RAW:

    Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins in a rematch from last night's WWE Summerslam PPV is scheduled for tonight's Raw.

    There have been a lot of rewrites to the show. At one point, John Cena was not scheduled to appear on camera, but I can't say 100% if that is still the plan.

    New WWE champ Brock Lesnar will appear and at one point, was slated to open the show.

  7. #7
    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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    RAW should be fun tonight. I'm expecting a nice ratings coming off of a top notch SummerSlam.

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Role Model View Post
    RAW should be fun tonight. I'm expecting a nice ratings coming off of a top notch SummerSlam.
    I think people will be fascinated to see if Cena shows up or not.

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    It was just announced on the Raw Pre-Game Show on the WWE Network that The Authority will present Brock Lesnar with a new WWE World Heavyweight championship belt on Raw.

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    That opening with Steph, Nikki and Brie really sucked in all different ways.

    Only good thing was Stephs boobies bouncing around.

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