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RAW Results - 7th October, 213
Live From: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Announcers - Jerry "The King" Lawler, JBL, Michael Cole

Last night, at Battleground, we were going to get a WWE Champion after the title had been held up since the Raw after Night of Champions. That is where you would be wrong because Big Show stood tall over Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton. What is next for the title?
We are in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and your announcers are John ‘Maybe the Penguins can use the Shield as enforcers’ Layfield, Jerry ‘Browns and Indians’ Lawler, and Michael ‘I want to be a Primanti Brother’ Cole.

Stephanie McMahon makes her way to the ring. She says that last night, the main event at Battleground between Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton for the WWE Championship was compromised. It was not compromised, it was ruined.

Stephanie says that she is angry, just like the fans. Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan are also angry. What happened last night is due to one man. Stephanie tells Big Show to come out.

Big Show makes his way to the ring.

Big Show starts to talk and Stephanie tells him to shut up. Stephanie says that she knows that Big Show is under a lot of pressure but last night was a mistake. He knocked out an official, Daniel Bryan, and Randy Orton. She wants to know what Big Show has to say about it.

Show says that he is sorry and Stephanie mocks him. She calls him pathetic. They have saved him from bankruptcy and bought his mortgage. Show cannot manage his finances, his career, or even manage himself. She has told Show to be professional and do his job. It is time for Show to man up and take responsibility for his actions.

Show says that he will man up and then he asks if he can go now.

Stephanie pokes the bear and tells him that he cannot go now. They don’t just own their home, they own Big Show. He does not have the right to free will. Show does not do anything in this company unless her or her husband approve. She tells Show to beg the people for forgiveness. She wants him down on his knees.

She tells Show that he has no heart or no soul.

Show says that he is not going to beg. He knocked out Randy Orton because he could not take it any more. She knocked out Daniel Bryan because Stephanie told him to.

Stephanie reminds Show that they were not even in the building.

Show says that everyone knows that Brad Maddox is her puppet as well as her son of a bitch husband.

Stephanie slaps Show and she wants to know what he is going to do about it. Stephanie tells Show that he is fired.

Show leaves the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and in case you missed it, Big Show explained why he did what he did at Battleground, and then he got fired.

Match Number One: Dolph Ziggler versus Damien Sandow

They lock up and Sandow with a knee to the midsection and he runs Ziggler into the turnbuckles and he connects with shoulders and kicks. Sandow with punches and the referee pulls him out of the corner. Sandow with more shoulders and a knee. Sandow with a suplex and he floats over to get a near fall.

Sandow with forearms across the chest and he applies a reverse chin lock. Sandow with a knee to the back. Sandow with a knee to the midsection followed by forearms and knees to Ziggler. Sandow with punches to Ziggler. Sandow with forearms in the ropes and then he hits a running hip to Ziggler for a near fall.

Sandow with a head scissors to Ziggler. Ziggler escapes and he punches the knee. Sandow with head butts in the corner and the referee warns him again. Ziggler with punches. Sandow pushes Ziggler to the floor and we go to commercial.

We are back and Sandow with a near fall on Ziggler as Sandow continues to control the match. Sandow with a hard Irish whip or two. Sandow with a side Russian leg sweep and then he hits the Elbow of Disdain. Sandow gets a near fall. Sandow returns to the reverse chin lock. Ziggler with head butts but Sandow sends Ziggler over the top rope to the floor.

Sandow rolls to the floor and he sends Ziggler into the apron and then the ring post. Sandow gets a near fall and he applies a cravate. Sandow with an Irish whip but he misses a charge into the corner and Sandow hits the ring post with his shoulder.

Ziggler with punches to Sandow and he takes Sandow to the mat and he punches Sandow. Ziggler with a clothesline and punch that sends Sandow to the floor. Ziggler with a baseball slide to Sandow and he punches Damien on the floor.

Ziggler climbs the turnbuckles and he punches Sandow. Ziggler with a swinging neck breaker followed by a drop kick for a near fall. Sandow tries to send Ziggler to the floor but Ziggler lands on the apron. Ziggler goes up top and Sandow crotches him. Sandow gets a near fall. Ziggler with a rollup and then he hits a Fameasser for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Brad is in his office and Stephanie tells him that they trusted him as General Manager of Raw to do a good job. The Rhodes Family wins. Then there is a blackout. Then Scott Armstrong, the referee who compromised the match at Night of Champions is reinstated. Then Big Show ruined the main event. We have no champion and it is all Brad’s fault.

Brad mentions Triple H and Stephanie shuts him up. Stephanie says that her husband has been trying to fix the messes that Brad caused. She tells him that he could suffer the same fate as the Big Show. Brad is going to apologize and he is going to tell them how he will make it up to them.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Michael Cole shows us footage of Bruno Sammartino appearing in the arena during the commercial.

Match Number Two: Alicia Fox, Rosa Mendes, and Aksana versus Eva Marie, JoJo, and Natalya

Natalya and Aksana start things off and Natalya with a take down into a front face lock. Aksana with a hammer lock but Natalya with a fireman’s carry into an arm bar. Aksana with a head scissors. Natalya with a kick and Eva Marie tags in and gets a near fall with a rollup. Eva Marie with a side head lock take down but Aksana with a near fall.

Aksana sends Eva Marie to the mat and she connects with elbow drops and then she crawls around and punches Eva and gets a near fall. Rosa tags in and she kicks Eva. Rosa with a Japanese Stranglehold.

Alicia tags in and she slams Eva’s head into the mat and follows with a slam and Alicia gets a near fall. Alicia with a forearm to Natalya on the apron and then she goes back to focus on Eva. Alicia with an Irish whip but she misses a knee in the corner.

Natalya tags in and connects with clotheslines followed by a slam. Natalya sends Alicia into Rosa and Aksana. Natalya with a rollup and Alicia rolls through and gets a near fall. Natalya with a discus clothesline followed by the Sharpshooter and Alicia taps out.

Winners: Natalya, Eva Marie, and JoJo

After the match, Brad Maddox goes to the stage and he says that he would like to publicly apologize for the events that transpired last night at Battleground. To ensure that this issue between Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton gives us a definitive winner, Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan will wrestle at Hell in a Cell. Brad says that three Hall of Famers have the potential to make the determination that there will be a WWE Champion. Brad says that he will not be the one to decide the referee, it will be the WWE Universe.

The first candidate is Booker T. Booker says that there is not much to say as to why he should be referee. He is the Six Time World Champion. Everyone knows that he is going to do the right thing for the people. He will do the right thing for business..

We go to commercial.

Drew McIntyre and Jinder Mahal vs. Los Matadores

Back from the break and Drew McIntyre, Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal are in the ring dancing. Out next comes Los Matadores and El Torito.

Jinder starts things off with Fernando it looks like. Back and forth action. Diego comes in and they double team. Drew tags in and takes control. Matadores make a comeback and do some double teaming for the pin on Drew and the win.

Winners: Los Matadores

- After the match, Heath Slater comes in and chases El Torito around. Torito ends up taking Slater out with a top rope hurricanrana.

- We see Ryback, Paul Heyman and Curtis Axel walking backstage. Back to commercial.

- We go to the ring and Paul Heyman is in the ring with Ryback and WWE Intercontinental Champion Curtis Axel. Heyman introduces himself as the best in the world and brags about beating CM Punk. Heyman talks about what happened at Battleground. He says Punk is a bully and a cheater. We see a still shot from the match where Punk won with a low blow. Heyman just shakes his head until Punk's music hits and out he comes.

Punk speaks from the stage as the fans chant his name. Punk says all he did last night was win. Maybe he did kick Ryback in the balls but he did that to see if Ryback actually had a pair. Heyman says Punk will never have a chance to do something like that again. Punk cuts him off and says he will do it again, by it he means Ryback. Punk accepts the challenge for the rematch they haven't asked for yet. Punk says that's what happens you pick on someone smarter than you. Heyman tells Ryback to do something about it. Ryback says if Punk had balls, he would have hit him in them a long time ago. Ryback calls him a bully and tells him to come to the ring. Punk looks to the fans and they chant his name. R-Truth's music hits and out he comes. Truth and Punk head to the ring and it looks like we have a tag match.

CM Punk and R-Truth vs. Curtis Axel and Ryback

Punk looks to start out with Ryback but Ryback tags Axel in to start. Axel with a headlock, taking Punk down. Axel drops Punk with a shoulder. Punk drops Axel on his face and Truth tags in to keep control. We take a break with Heyman giving advice to his guys.

CM Punk and R-Truth vs. Curtis Axel and Ryback

Punk looks to start out with Ryback but Ryback tags Axel in to start. Axel with a headlock, taking Punk down. Axel drops Punk with a shoulder. Punk drops Axel on his face and Truth tags in to keep control. We take a break with Heyman giving advice to his guys.

Back from the break and Truth is in control of Axel. Axel turns it around and tags in Ryback. Ryback and Truth go at it. Ryback beats Truth down and splashes him. Ryback keeps up the attack on Truth and locks in a bear hug. Axel comes back in and drops from the second rope for a 2 count. Axel continues and nails a dropkick for a 2 count. Ryback comes back in and rams Truth into the turnbuckles. Ryback dominates Truth as Heyman cheers him on from ringside. Ryback with a boot to the face and a 2 count. Ryback with an abdominal stretch. More thrusts in the corner now. Truth counters a big slam and kicks Ryback in the face. Punk waits for the tag. Punk springboards in and clotheslines Axel. Punk unloads on Axel and hits the high knee and a clothesline. Punk goes to the top and hits the big elbow drop. Punk goes for GTS and hits it. Ryback runs in but gets sent back out. Punk tags in Truth. Truth hits the scissors kick on Axel for the win.

Winners: CM Punk and R-Truth

- Still to come, the Rhodes brothers and Bryan vs. The Shield. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and we meet the next Hall of Famer up for voting for the special referee at Hell In a Cell. Bob Backlund comes out. Backlund cuts a crazy promo on why we should vote for him.

Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton

We go to the ring and out first comes Kofi Kingston. Randy Orton is out next.

Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton

We go to the ring and out first comes Kofi Kingston. Randy Orton is out next.

Back and forth to start the match. Orton ends up on the floor and takes a second to regroup. More back and forth. Orton sends Kofi out of the ring and we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Orton is still in control. Kofi looks to make a comeback but Orton nails a dropkick for a 2 count. Kofi ends up countering with a big DDT from the corner. Kofi with chops and a dropkick. Orton ducks a big right hand but runs into a kick. Kofi nails a big crossbody for a two count. Kofi hits SOS but Orton kicks out at 2. More back and forth on the apron. Kofi springboards in but Orton catches him with a powerslam for a 2 count. They end up on the floor again. Orton with a big clothesline. Orton tosses Kofi into the barrier and drops him over top of it. Orton with a draping DDT off the top of the barrier. Orton brings it back in the ring with a RKO for the win.

Winner: Randy Orton

- After the match, Daniel Bryan runs out and attacks Orton. They brawl to the floor and Bryan takes the fight over the announcers table. Referees, agents and trainers try to break it up. Orton retreats to the back but here comes Bryan chasing after him.

- Still to come, The Shield vs. Bryan and the Rhodes brothers. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Vickie Guerrero is running down a staff member backstage. Alberto Del Rio walks up and asks if she will make him the new face of WWE since he's the only champion WWE has. Del Rio says he's hoping to have the night off after destroying Rob Van Dam last night but he understands people need to see him. He trusts Vickie will pick the right opponent for him. Del Rio kisses up some more and calls her sexy, beautiful and intelligent. Del Rio gives her his scarf and kisses her on the cheek before walking off. Vickie acts confused.

- Out next comes WWE Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels to a huge pop. He cuts a promo on why fans should pick him to be the special referee at Hell In a Cell. He says he and Triple H are close personal friends but we're talking business now. HBK mentions how he trained Daniel Bryan but says that won't sway him. Neither will his friendship with Triple H. HBK says he doesn't like Randy Orton and Orton doesn't like him but he won't let that sway him either. HBK tells fans to vote for him on the WWE App. HBK guarantees that he will make sure there is a new WWE Champion. He doesn't care if it's best for business, he wants what's best for the fans.

Alberto Del Rio vs. Ricardo Rodriguez

We go to the ring and out comes World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio for a non-title match. Out next comes Vickie Guerrero. She brings out Del Rio's opponent and it's Ricardo Rodriguez. Ricardo comes out and doesn't look happy about being forced to fight Del Rio.

We go to the ring and out comes World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio for a non-title match. Out next comes Vickie Guerrero. She brings out Del Rio's opponent and it's Ricardo Rodriguez. Ricardo comes out and doesn't look happy about being forced to fight Del Rio.

The bell rings and Vickie has one more announcement. She says Del Rio will defend at Hell In a Cell against John Cena. This shocks Del Rio. Ricardo takes advantage and rolls Del Rio up for the win.

Winner: Ricardo Rodriguez

- After the match, Vickie laughs at Del Rio and Ricardo poses on top of the announcers table. Del Rio attacks and lays him out at ringside. Del Rio unloads and Ricardo and beats him up. Del Rio wraps a chair around Ricardo's arm and stomps on it several times. Referees back Del Rio away and check on Ricardo.

- Back from the break and we get a recap of what just happened. Cole confirms Cena's return.

Fandango vs. Zack Ryder

Zack Ryder waits in the ring as Fandango and Summer Rae make their way out. Fandango takes control early on.

Ryder looks to make a comeback with a missile dropkick and attack in the corner. They take the fight to the floor and Ryder brings it back in but Fandango retreats to the apron and turns it around. Fandango goes to the top and nails the big leg drop for the win.

Winner: Fandango

- We get results from the WWE App and it will be Shawn Michaels as the special referee for Orton vs. Bryan at Hell In a Cell. Back to commercial.

Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger vs. Santino Marella and The Great Khali

Zeb Colter waits in the ring with Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger as The Great Khali, Santino Marella and Hornswoggle make their way to the ring.

Swagger and Santino start things off. Swagger with power moves early on but Santino gets some shots in. Swagger drops Santino and takes him to the corners before tagging Cesaro in. Cesaro with uppercuts in the corner. Another tag to Swagger as The Real Americans keep Santino in their corner. Cesaro gets in a cheap shot. Swagger nails a big clothesline and a Swagger Bomb as Cesaro tags in for some double teaming for a 2 count.

Santino finally tags in Khali. He knocks down Cesaro twice and takes him to the corner for a bunch of elbows and a big chop to the chest. Khali with another big chop. Swagger runs over but Khali knocks him to the floor. Cesaro runs into an elbow but manages to take Khali's leg out and he goes down. Cesaro does another impressive Cesaro Swing on Khali for the win.

Winners: Antonio Cesaro and Jack Swagger

- After the match, the crowd cheers for the Real Americans again as Zeb celebrates with Cesaro. Swagger brings Hornswoggle in the ring. Hornswoggle takes a Cesaro Swing also. Santino Marella runs in and nails Cesaro with a Cobra shot. Khali takes Swagger out and they check on Hornswoggle, who is too dizzy to stand up.

- We get a video for WWE's partnership with Susan G. Komen.

- The Miz is headed to the ring for MizTV. His special guest is himself. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and out comes The Miz with another episode of MizTV. He speaks but is interrupted by the lights going out and The Wyatt Family making their way out. The lights come on and Erick Rowan and Luke Harper are in the ring. Miz escapes but fights with Bray Wyatt on the ramp. Miz goes down and The Wyatt Family poses.

- Maddox is backstage with Stephanie McMahon. Triple H walks in and kisses his wife. He's been busy cleaning up the mess from last night. Triple H says he's going out there to make sure what happens in the main event is best for business.

The Shield vs. Cody Rhodes, Goldust and Daniel Bryan

We go to the ring and out comes WWE Tag Team Champions Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns with United States Champion Dean Ambrose. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Goldust followed by Cody Rhodes and then Daniel Bryan. Triple H's music hits and here he comes to watch the match. Goldust and Rollins start things off going at it. Goldust takes control and covers for a 2 count. Cody comes in and keeps up the attack on Rollins for another pin attempt.

Ambrose tags in but Cody fights them both off. He sends Rollins to the floor and works over Ambrose for a 2 count. Goldust comes back in and works on Ambrose. More tags between Cody and Goldust. Ambrose turns it around but gets into it with the referee after beating Cody up in the corner. Ambrose tosses Cody to the floor as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Rollins has Cody beat up in their corner. Ambrose comes back in and puts knees and boots to Cody. Ambrose with a chinlock now. Ambrose takes Cody to the top but Cody knocks him back to the mat. Cody nails a moonsault. Bryan and Rollins tag in. Bryan knocks Reigns off the apron and goes to work on Rollins. Bryan dumps Rollins on his head and hits the big dropkick in the corner. Bryan with a top rope hurricanrana and a 2 count as Reigns breaks the pin. Goldust takes care of Reigns but Ambrose makes the save. Goldust tosses Ambrose but gets laid out by Reigns. Cody with a Disaster Kick on Reigns. Cody clotheslines Reigns to the floor. Bryan and Rollins are back at it now. Bryan applies the Yes Lock. Ambrose runs in with a steel chair for the disqualification.

Triple H interrupts the announcement and says he's re-starting the match with no DQ. The bell rings and here we go. Bryan and Rollins go at it in the ring. Reigns and Ambrose double team Goldust on the floor. Bryan leaps out with a suicide dive and makes the save. Randy Orton appears out of nowhere through the crowd and lays Bryan out with a RKO. Orton rolls Bryan in the ring and Rollins covers for the win.

Winners: The Shield

- After the match, Triple H nods at The Shield and they do a 3-on-2 beatdown on Cody and Goldust. Big Show's music hits and out he comes. Triple H looks worried and gets in the ring behind The Shield. Show enters the ring but The Shield attack him. He fights them off and stares Triple H down. They take him down before he gets to Triple H and the beatdown starts. Triple H takes off his jacket and tells them to hold Show. Show pushes them off and is face to face with Triple H. Big Show knocks Triple H out with a big punch. The crowd cheers as Show exits the ring and walks to the back. Daniel Bryan gets to his feet and the "yes!" chants start up. We go to replays. Big Show's music hits as he walks up the ramp and Bryan celebrates in the ring. Bryan fixes Triple H's tie and laughs at him before RAW goes off the air.