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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE PPV 'Backlash' LIVE Coverage 2009



    World Heavyweight Championship
    Last Man Standing Match

    Cena (c) vs Edge

    ECW Championship
    Jack Swagger (c) vs. Christain

    WWE Championship
    Triple H (c), Batista & Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton & The Legacy

    I Quit Match
    Jeff Hardy vs. Matt Hardy

    Chris Jericho vs. Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat

    C.M. Punk vs. Kane

    Santina on Khali Kiss Cam



  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment (spoilers allowed) in this thread about the PPV.
    lBeware of possible spoilers past this post.

    26th April, 2009

    Thankyou to Kellie

    Dark Match
    Kofi Kingston pinning Dolph Ziggler with a spinkick.

    The Show

    WWE Backlash opened with a flashback to Wrestlemania with clips of John Cena vs. Triple H, John Cena vs. Edge vs. Big Show and Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy, followed by clips of the events leading to this show. Jim Ross welcomed us to the show and they went right to the entrances for the first match. Ross, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler are calling the entire show.

    ECW Championship Match
    Jack Swagger vs. Christian

    Swagger took Christian down at the bell and rolled him across the mat with a front chancery. Christian made the ropes for a break, and Swagger shoved him. Christian slapped Swagger and hit some punches, then ducked under him and hit a spinkick. Christian delivered a second rope back elbow for a two count and applied a headlock. Swagger shoved him into the ropes and hit a shoulderblock, then a second. Swagger pressed Christian over his head and tossed him over the top rope and to the floor. Christian followed him to the floor and choked him, then rolled him back into the ring for a two count. Swagger hit a knee to the gut, then a second. Swagger applied a waistlock and tossed Christian to the mat, then rolled him into a bridge for a two count. Swagger kept the waistlock applied, while the fans chanted for Christian.

    Christian got to his feet and elbowed out of the waistlock, then dodged a charge by Swagger in the corner. Christian went for a pendulum kick, but Swagger caught it and stomped Christian into the mat. Swagger applied a bearhug, then lowered Christian to try and pin him with the hold. Christian kept his shoulders off the mat, then forearmed his way out of the hold. Swagger went for a press slam, but Christian floated over it. Swagger grabbed Christian and hit a gut buster. Swagger went back to the waistlock, and when Christian got to his feet, hit a knee to the gut. Swagger missed a charge in the corner, and Christian hit the pendulum kick. Swagger came right back with a knee to the gut, then went for a V Bomb off the middle rope, but Christian got his knees up.

    Christian was favoring his ribs, and threw some punches at Swagger, then a running forearm. Christian hit a back elbow, then went for a tornado DDT, but Swagger tossed it away. Christian ducked a Swagger clothesline and hit a sunset flip off the middle rope for a two count. Swagger grabbed Christian and backdropped him. Swagger went for the powerbomb, but Christian blocked it twice. Swagger rammed Christian into the corner, and set up for a superplex, but Christian kicked him away. Christian then hit the tornado DDT for a near fall. As they got to their feet, Swagger hit a belly to belly suplex, then went for a fireman's carry, but Christian armdragged out of it, sending Swagger to the floor.

    Christian went outside after Swagger, but Swagger decked him. Swagger then went for a German suplex off the apron to the floor, but Christian blocked it and flipped Swagger back into the ring. Christian went to climb the ropes, but Swagger headbutted him in the gut. They fought on the ropes, and Swagger backdropped Christian to the mat. Swagger then hit a V Bomb from the top rope for a two count. Swagger pulled Christian up, trash talking, but Christian slugged him. Christian went for a Killswitch, but Swagger shoved it off and picked up Christian for a slam. Christian floated over and rolled up Swagger for a two count. Swagger kicked out, picked up Christian and gave him an Oklahoma Stampede for a two count. Swagger, frustrated, went to pull the pad off a turnbuckle, but the referee was stopping him. Meanwhile, in the other corner, Christian pulled off a turnbuckle pad. Swagger charged, Christian moved, and Swagger went headfirst into the exposed steel. Christian then hit the Killswitch for the pin at the eleven minute mark.

    Winner and New ECW Champion: Christian

    Evan Bourne, Finlay and Tommy Dreamer congratulated Christian. Christian then walked up to Edge. Edge accused Christian of thinking he was better than him because he had a championship. Christian asked what happened to Edge, saying he used to be "fun" and now he was a "bitter, raving lunatic." Edge said he was a lot of fun, but John Cena turned him into a lunatic. They argued, then Edge said he was going to be fun again after he got rid of John Cena tonight, and walked off.

    Ricky Steamboat vs. Chris Jericho.

    Jim Ross pointed that Steamboat's last singles PPV match was 15 years ago, against Steve Austin at Bash At The Beach. Jericho stalled at the start, then Steamboat took him down with a waistlock and Jericho went for the ropes. Jericho shoved Steamboat, who returned it. Steamboat slid under Jericho and out of the ring. Jericho went to follow him to the floor, Steamboat got back in and then kicked Jericho between the ropes. Steamboat hit a pescado, then tossed Jericho back in the ring. Steamboat armdragged Jericho, and there was a "You still got it" chant. There were some chants for Jericho too. Steamboat applied an armbar, but Jericho punched out of it and hit a shoulderblock.

    Steamboat ducked under a charging Jericho and hit another armdrag. Jericho punched out of it, but Steamboat fired off a chop and hit a shoulderblock. Jericho tossed Steamboat out of the ring, but Steamboat skinned the cat back in. Jericho then clotheslined Steamboat over the top, sending him to the floor. Steamboat got on the apron and Jericho hit a springboard dropkick from the middle rope. Jericho hit a back suplex and kicked Steamboat in the back. Jericho called him "washed up" and told him to give up while slapping his head. Jericho applied a half nelson and crossface, telling the referee to ask for a submission. Steamboat battled out of it, and as Jericho charged, he armdragged him again. Jericho responded with a clothesline for two and applied a chinlock.

    Steamboat tried to shove off the headlock, then tried to back suplex out of it, but Jericho kept the headlock applied, screaming that Steamboat was "finished." Steamboat battled out of it, but Jericho hit a headbutt. Jericho went to throw Steamboat in a corner, but Steamboat reversed it and threw Jericho onto the ropes. Steamboat hit some shots and went for a back superplex. They battled for position, and Steamboat hit a top rope back superplex. Steamboat crawled onto Jericho for a two count. They traded shots, with Steamboat getting the better of it. Steamboat ran into an elbow, but then Jericho ran into a powerslam for a two count. Steamboat went for a backdrop, but Jericho kicked it away and hit an enzugiri for a two count.

    Jericho hit a bulldog and went for a Lionsault, but Steamboat got behind Jericho and went for an electric chair. Jericho rolled forward into a Victory Roll, but then rolled all the way through and applied the Walls Of Jericho. Steamboat reversed it and broke out, but then had difficulty getting the figure four leglock on Jericho. Jericho made the ropes and they rolled to the apron. Steamboat backdropped Jericho into the ring. Steamboat went to climb the ropes, but Jericho charged, so Steamboat jumped back and Jericho ran into the buckles. Steamboat then hit a flying bodypress, but Jericho kicked out at two. Steamboat went to the middle rope for a chop, but got hit with a Codebreaker. Jericho covered Steamboat, but Steamboat got his hand on the rope for a break. Jericho argued with the referee. Jericho went to pick up Steamboat, but Steamboat rolled him into a small package for a two count. Jericho kicked out and held onto Steamboat's leg. Jericho put Steamboat in the Walls Of Jericho and got the submission at the eight minute mark.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    After the match
    Jericho left, and the fans gave Steamboat an ovation

    Beth Phoenix and Rosa approached Santino, who pretended to be on the phone with Santina. Beth tried to get Santino to give him his charade, but he wouldn't do it, saying Beth was just jealous. He then tried to get Beth to kiss the Great Khali tonight. Beth said she wasn't kissing Khali, and she wasn't kissing Santino anymore either. Phoenix walked off, and Santino said he faked "you know what" in bed with her.

    CM Punk vs. Kane

    Punk threw some kicks at Kane's side as they circled at the start. Punk hit some punches and kicks in a corner, but Kane blocked them. Kane cornered Punk and hit some shots. Punk kicked Kane in the arm, then applied an armbar across the top rope, breaking on the ref's count of four. Punk came off the top rope with a knee to Kane's shoulder, then hit some kicks to the arm. Kane hit some shots, but Punk kicked Kane out of the ring. Punk went for a pescado, but Kane caught him by the throat. Kane lifted him for a chokeslam, but Punk got hit feet on the ring apron and kicked him away. Punk then hit a clothesline off the apron to the floor.

    Back in the ring, Punk applied an overhead wristlock, then some shots to the arm. Kane threw Punk away, sending him into a corner, then gave him a baseball slide kick to drive his ribs into the ringpost. Kane rolled Punk back into the ring for a two count, then applied a bodyscissors. Kane headbutted Punk in the back of the head while maintaining the hold. Punk elbowed Kane's bad arm while in the hold, breaking the scissors. Punk went for a jumping knee, but Kane dodged it. Kane hit a clothesline for a two count. Kane put Punk in the corner and hit some shots, then delivered a side backbreaker and pushed down on Punk's chin to stretch him over the knee. Punk got out of it by hitting the arm of Kane again.

    Kane went for a backdrop, but Punk kicked it away. Kane went for a chokeslam, but as they came down, Punk hooked Kane's arm into an armbreaker. Punk delivered some kicks, but Kane backed him into a corner. Kane came in, but Punk grabbed him in a Tarantula variation. Punk then hit a springboard clothesline, but ran into a boot to the face by Kane. Kane went to the top rope, but Punk jumped up and kicked him in the head, crotching Kane. Punk pulled Kane off the turnbuckles for the GTS, but Kane punched out of it. Punk hit the jumping knee, then a bulldog for a two count.

    Punk went for a springboard clothesline, but jumped right into an uppercut by Kane for a two count. Kane went for a sideslam, but Punk flipped over it and put Kane in a Fujiwara armbar. Kane struggled in it, but got to his feet and sideslammed Punk for two. Kane called for a chokeslam. Punk turned around and kicked Kane in the head. Punk hit a series of kicks, slaps and then a spinning backhand. Punk went for a kick to the head, but Kane caught his leg, then grabbed Punk by the throat. Kane lifted Punk by the throat and leg to chokeslam him for the win at the ten minute mark.

    Winner: Kane

    A video package on the Hardy vs. Hardy feud was shown.

    I Quit Match
    Matt Hardy vs. Jeff Hardy

    Jeff Hardy, with no paint on his face or body, came out first. Matt had his fists taped up. Jeff pounded Matt in a corner to start off the match, decking him to the mat and hitting a double legdrop to the groin. Matt rolled to the floor, but Jeff kicked him between the ropes and then hit a pescado. Jeff threw Matt into the security wall, then launched off the ring steps for a leg lariat, sandwiching Matt into the wall. Matt got back in the ring, and Jeff yanked him throat first across the top rope. Jeff clotheslined Matt in the corner twice, then hit the elevated kick in the corner. Jeff stomped matt and hit a series of legdrops. Jeff came off the middle rope with a legdrop, and the referee asked Matt if he would quit. Matt didn't respond.

    Jeff jumped on Matt's back and applied a sleeper. Matt rammed Jeff into the turnbuckle to break out, then dropped an elbow on him. Matt and Jeff exchanged shots, and Jeff climbed the ropes for a Whisper In The Wind, but Matt shoved Jeff off the top and to the floor. Jeff refused to quit, despite holding his knee. Matt put Jeff on the apron and rammed his leg into the ringpost twice. Some fans called for tables. Matt put Jeff in a figure four, using his arms, around the ringpost. Jeff refused to quit. Back in the ring, Matt hit a chopblock and applied a figure four leglock. Jeff refused to quit. Matt let go of the figure four and dropped his weight on Hardy's leg twice, then stomped it.

    Matt kicked Jeff's leg out, then went back to the figure four. Jeff still refused to quit. Jeff reversed the figure four, but Matt refused to quit. They rolled again, and Matt released the hold. Jeff went for an enzugiri, but Matt ducked it and applied a single leg crab. There was apparently a fight in the crowd. Jeff refused to quit. Matt yelled for Jeff to quit, but Jeff refused. Matt got frustrated, letting go of the crab and dropping a leg on his head. Matt screamed for Jeff to quit, and put him in a Tree Of Woe, then pulled back on his chin from the floor, streching him across the the turnbuckles. Matt went for a back superplex, but Jeff elbowed him to the mat. Jeff hit the Whisper In The Wind, and both men were laid out.

    They exchanged punches, and Jeff hit a mule kick. Jeff applied a Texas Cloverleaf, and Matt tapped, but the referee said he had to verbally quit. Matt grunted, but didn't quit. Matt grabbed the ropes and pushed off the hold. Jeff went for the Twist Of Fate, but Matt shoved it off, only for Jeff to kick Matt and hit it on the second attempt. Jeff then hit a Swanton Bomb. Matt refused to quit. Jeff gave Matt a second Swanton Bomb. Jeff went under the ring and pulled out a table, to a huge ovation. Jeff slid it into the ring and set it up near a corner. Matt rolled out of the ring, but Jeff went after him. They slugged it out, and Jeff gave Matt a Twist Of Fate on the floor.

    Jeff put Matt in the ring and on the table. Jeff then went under the ring and pulled out duct tape. Jeff taped Matt's feet together at the ankles, then taped his hands together at the wrist. Jeff then took a rope and tied Matt to the table. Matt, trapped on the table, tried to talk to Jeff, but to no avail. The referee asked Matt if he would quit, but he refused. Jeff pulled out a ladder and set it up in the ring. Matt begged Jeff not to do it, but Jeff waved at his brother, then started to climb the ladder. Matt said into the referee's mic that he was sorry about everything, and that he loved Jeff. Matt talked about how they are brothers, and said he shouldn't listen to the fans. Matt said their mother in heaven wouldn't want this to happen. Matt said their father at home wouldn't want him to do this. Jeff was standing on top of the ladder. Matt said "I quit" to end the match at the twenty minute mark.

    Winner: Jeff Hardy

    After the match
    Jeff climbed down the ladder to the top rope, then turned and hurdled the ladder and put Matt through the table with a double legdrop. Jeff stood over his brother, then went onto the ropes and gestured to the fans before leaving. The referee untied Matt, who was down on the mat.

    Todd Grisham interview Randy Orton. Orton said he had nothing left to say to Triple H or Shane McMahon, but wanted to talk about Dave Batista. Orton said that Batista is still doing Triple H's bidding, just like back in Evolution. Orton said he knows Batista has issues, but he better not get disqualified, because then Triple H would lose the title. Orton said that is what is important, Triple H keeping the WWE Title. Orton said that it is still "all about the Game ... to some people."

    Santina on Khali Kiss Cam

    Ranjin Singh and The Great Khali came out for the Kiss Cam, and called out Santina Marella. "She" came out and said she would love to kiss Khali, but she isn't what she "appears" to be. Singh said she needed to explain herself. Santina said she is not "a single girl" and said she was in love with someone else. Khali, through Singh, wanted to know who it is. Santina said it's JR, and that Ross had been "courting" her since Wrestlemania. Santina expressed her love for Jim Ross. Ross noted he is happily married. Singh said Khali understands and that all he wanted to see was Santina kiss JR right now. Ross said "that isn't going to happen" while Lawler and Cole were cutting jokes. Ross asked Cole who was feeding him his lines. Santina then said he, er she, felt faint. Beth Phoenix and Rosa came out, and Phoenix said she is sick of this and wanted a match for the Miss Wrestlemania crown right now. Khali was angry at the interruption, and Phoenix tried to explain to him that Santina was a man. Phoenix told Khali he had rocks in his head, assumed all women in "Punjabi" were ugly if he likes Santina, and that Khali must be an idiot. Khali bopped Beth in the head, then shoved her to the mat. Santina told the referee to ring the bell, shoved Rosa out of the way, then covered Phoenix for the pin. Khali approached Santina, who tried to run away, and Khali pulled off her bra. Santina ran off, covering her/his chest, while Khali and Singh celebrated with the bra.

    WWE Championship Match
    Triple H, Batista & Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton, Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes

    The babyfaces each had separate entrances, but were getting along in the ring. Legacy entered together, slowly. Jim Ross pointed out that all three of Randy Orton's title reigns were ended by Triple H. They started brawling before the bell, and Triple H battled Randy Orton up the rampway and into the back, while Batista and Shane held DiBiase and Rhodes at bay. Triple H came back out, but no Orton. The referee ordered the bell to be rung, without Orton, so essentially it is a handicap match for now.

    Batista pulled Cody into the ring to start the match. Batista hit some shoulderblocks in the corner, then hit a running kick to the face. Batista looked at DiBiase and said "You're next, don't worry". Shane tagged in and he and Batista gave Cody the Demolition Decapitation. Shane hit some elbows on Cody, then tagged in Triple H, who pounded Cody in a corner and stomped him down. Triple H whipped Rhodes hard across the ring, then gave him a crotch chop before kicking him in the head. Cody kicked away a backdrop attempt and tagged DiBiase. Triple H gave him a clothesline and tagged in Shane. Shane and Triple H gave DiBiase the Hart Attack. Is this a tribute to classic WWF tag teams tonight?

    Batista tagged in, and DiBiase kicked away a backdrop attempt. Rhodes tagged in, but Batista kicked him and gave him a delayed vertical suplex. Rhodes raked his eyes and tagged DiBiase, who threw a series of punches and kicks in his corner. Priceless tagged in and out, working over Batista in their corner, but then Batista hit a double clothesline, knocked Rhodes out of the ring and gave DiBiase a spinebuster. Batista set up for a Batista Bomb, but DiBiase scurried out of the ring. Batista went after him, and Randy Orton ran out and nailed Batista from behind, then rammed him into the ringpost. Orton jumped on the apron so DiBiase could tag him, then went after Batista, throwing him back in the ring and stomping him.

    Orton pounded Batista with punches, then put him in his corner and tagged in Rhodes to stomp him down. Orton and DiBiase worked over Batista in the corner whenever Rhodes got backed off by the referee. Orton tagged back in and kicked Batista, then, with Batista hanging off the middle rope, hit a DDT for a two count. Orton stomped Batista in the gut repeatedly, then tagged in DiBiase. Batista rallied, but DiBiase hit a drop toe hold and applied a side headlock. Batista broke out with a back suplex, but DiBiase tagged Orton, who cut off Batista before he could make a tag. Orton delivered a series of kneedrops, then put him in a chinlock.

    Batista got to his feet and elbowed out of it, then hit Orton with a spear-like headbutt to Orton's gut. Batista made the hot tag to Shane, while Rhodes tagged in for his team. Shane cleaned house and gave Rhodes a neckbreaker for two. Shane threw Rhodes to the floor, then went to clear off the announce table, but was stopped by DiBiase, who Shane tackled. Cody got back in the ring, and Shane pulled him throat first across the top rope. Shane gave Cody a top rope elbowdrop, but was pulled out of the ring by DiBiase. Orton grabbed Shane and threw him into the ringsteps. Orton tagged in, then went after Shane, pulling him back into the ring with a vertical suplex for two.

    Orton kicked at Shane, and glared at Triple H. DiBiase tagged in and stomped Shane, then kicked him in the ribs, sending him to the floor. He worked him over on the outside, then tossed him back in the ring for a two count. Rhodes tagged in and stomped him, and Shane tried to fight back, but got put in the wrong corner again. Cody tagged Orton, then held Shane for a kick to the body. Orton hit a standing dropkick to Shane for a two count. Shane crawled for a tag, but got pulled back and DiBiase dropped a series of elbows, then a double stomp off the middle rope. Shane tried to battle back, but DiBiase rolled Shane to the mat and kicked him in the back. Rhodes tagged back in and hit a kneedrop to the side of the head for a two count. Rhodes applied a front facelock, and Shane eventually battled out of it and almost made a tag, but was cut off by DiBiase and a slew of elbowdrops.

    DiBiase hit an old-school Ted DiBiase fistdrop. DiBiase applied the Million Dollar Dream, but Shane broke out of it and hit a DDT. Shane made the tag to Triple H as Orton tagged in. Triple H battered Orton with right hands, then hit a clothesline and a facebuster to the knee. DiBiase and Rhodes ran in, but Triple H tossed them out. Orton hit a boot to the face, but Orton ran into a spinebuster. DiBiase broke up the cover. Batista and DiBiase fought on the floor, where DiBiase gave Batista a drop toe hold into the security wall. In the ring, Triple H set up Orton for a Pedigree, but Cody broke it up and hit Triple H with a DDT. Shane tackled Rhodes from the ring, and they battled on the floor.

    Rhodes hit Shane with a chair, then Batista, with the referee not seeing it. In the ring, Orton went for an RKO on Triple H, but Triple H escaped it. On the outside, Batista had gotten the chair from Rhodes and was going to use it, but Triple H grabbed it away, fearing a DQ. DiBiase grabbed Batista from behind and rammed him into the ringpost. Orton hit Triple H with an RKO and covered him for a two count (and the bell inexplicably rang anyway). Then Orton gave Triple H the punt to the head for the pin at the 24 minute mark.

    Winner and new WWE Champion: Randy Orton

    After the match
    Triple H was still unconscious, and they had him to a stretcher job. Some fans were chanting "Hey Hey Goodbye" and "Please Retire".

    A video package on the main event was shown.

    World Heavyweight Championship - Last Man Standing Match
    John Cena vs. Edge

    They did a long staredown at the bell before locking up. Edge put Cena in a corner, but missed a right hand. Cena went for a bulldog, but Edge shoved it off and went to the floor. Cena gave chase, then back in the ring, Cena leapfrogged Edge and teased an Attitude Adjustment, but Edge put on the brakes. Edge applied a side headlock, then hit a shoulderblock and pounded Cena in a corner. Cena came back with a kick to the gut and a fisherman's suplex. Cena went for a slam, but Edge floated over and yanked Cena headfirst into the mat. Cena grabbed his head. Edge hit a clothesline, then another. There was a "Cena Sucks" chant. Edge hit a third clothesline, then pounded him on the mat. Now there's a "Cena" chant. Cena got up at six, and traded shots with Edge. Edge hit a spinning back kick, and Cena got up at six.

    Cena and Edge traded punches, then Edge hit a flapjack and applied a sleeper. Cena grabbed the ropes, but there was no break since there are no disqualifications. Edge jumped on Cena's back, maintaining the hold, but Cena rammed Edge in the corner to break it. Edge jumped back on Cena and reapplied it. Cena slumped to the mat, and Edge releases the hold so the referee would count. There was a "Let's Go Cena" chant. Cena got up at seven. Edge missed a clothesline and Cena hit two shoulderblocks and a back suplex into a powerbomb. There were boos for Cena's offense. Cena did the "You Can't See Me" and Edge upkicked him in the head. Edge applied the Sharpshooter, and grabbed the ropes for added leverage. Edge released the hold, and Cena got up on the apron at the six count. Edge knocked Cena off the apron and into the announcer's table. There were dueling chants for Cena and Edge.

    Cena was down on the floor, and got up at seven. Edge went after him and hit some shots, then set up the ring steps and placed Cena against them. Edge charged, but Cena moved and Edge went into the steps. Edge got up at the six count. Cena went for a whip, but Edge reversed it and sent him into another set of steps. Cena got up, this time reversed Edge's whip attempt, and Edge went into the steps. Edge got up at six, and Cena tossed him back into the ring.

    Cena tossed a section of the ring steps into the ring, having trouble getting them over the top rope. Edge caught Cena with a kick to the head, then hit Cena with the ring steps. Cena was down in a corner with the steps in front of him, and Edge dropkicked the steps into him. Edge charged Cena, but Cena backdropped him over the top rope and to the floor. Cena picked up the steps and threw them at Edge on the floor, hitting him in the head. Edge got up at eight. Cena came outside and tossed Edge back in the ring. Edge and Cena exchanged punches, with both men finally going down at the same time. The referee made a count, with Edge and Cena both up at eight. They went into a series of counters with Cena going for the Attitude Adjustment and Edge going for a DDT, with Edge finally hitting a back suplex. Edge mocked Cena's "You Can't See Me" and went off the ropes, but Cena hit a drop toe hold and applied the STF. Edge tapped, but of course, there are no submissions in this match. Cena held the hold for a while, then released it so the referee could count.

    Edge got to his feet at eight, and Cena went for the Attitude Adjustment, but Edge grabbed the ropes and pulled away from the attempt. Cena charged him, but Edge nailed him with a spear. Cena got up at seven as Edge was climbing the ropes. Cena met him there and went for an Attitude Adjustment off the middle rope. Cena hit it. The referee counted and Edge got up at nine, then stumbled back down. Cena went to the top rope, and jumped right into a spear by Edge. Both men were down, but near the ropes. Edge pulled himself up at six, and Cena got up at nine.

    Cena fell through the ropes and to the floor, and Edge went after him. Edge cleaned off the announcer's table. Edge set up to DDT Cena on the table, but Cena blocked it, picked up Edge and gave him an Attitude Adjustment off the announcer's table and over the security wall and into the fans. Edge got up at a nine count. Edge tried to get away from Cena, and they ended up going into the stands and onto the concourse of the arena. They made it back into the arena, and down the stands, finally ending up near the side of the stage. Cena bulldogged Edge into some equipment cases, but Edge got up at seven. Edge picked up a hard hat and blasted Cena with it.

    They made their way onto the stage, and Edge gave Cena an Implant DDT. Cena got up at nine. Edge went into the back, and came out with a chair. Edge blasted Cena with a chairshot to the back, then blasted him with a shot to the head, sandwiching Cena's head between the chair and the metal stage. Cena got up at nine. Edge charged Cena, who lifted Edge for an Attitude Adjustment. Big Show ran out from the back and grabbed Cena by the throat. Show lifted Cena for a chokeslam, but instead of chokeslamming him on the stage, or off the stage, he chokeslammed him into a giant spotlight that was part of the set for the show. The spotlight "exploded" and fire extinguishers were sprayed. Big Show left. Cena, covering in broken glass in the casing of the spotlight, was counted out at the 29-minute mark.

    Winner and new World Champion: Edge


  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    For some reason I just didn't want Christian to win but I won bookie lol.

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    That Steamboat / Jericho match was dull, even the crowd was not into Steamboat as much as they were at WM. They could have let Steamboat win a final time unless this is continuing but I am not sure if it will.

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Oh my gawd, Kane won a match Should have been for the briefcase lol I hope with Kane going to Smackdown now he gets some time to tag team with his brother again, I love it when the brothers of destruction come together. As long as he does not take on Mysterio, for some reason Kane can not beat someone half his weight and size

    lol Iv bet on bookie for Kane every match he has lost in the last 2 years, now I decide for Punk and I lose again

  6. #6
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Its great to see Kane win

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I have added a stream to the thread, may take a few secs for it to work. Lets hope it stays up lol.

    If the stream stalls, just refresh page.

    Be sure to check back for WWEs next PPV, a whole lot of surprises and prizes and more will be happening.

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol the Santina segment actually made me giggle. Love JRs bit in it and him saying, "that's not going to happen". Although Khali is becoming a bit of am joke in my eyes.

  9. #9
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    Thanx for adding a new stream! This works perfect!

    ^^ I agree! Khali was a great monsterheel, now he is just a joke.
    I wonder if we are gonna see a Beth Vs Khali match soon? :think:

    It was nice to see Kane win a match again!

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I am wondering if they are going to add anymore matches otherwise the next 2 championship matches have one and a half hours to use.

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