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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default WWE Smackdown Live Coverage - 19th Feb, 2019

    WWE Smackdown Live Coverage - 19th Feb, 2019
    Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
    Announcers: Tom Phillips, Byron Saxton, and Corey Graves.

    Shane McMahon starts things off and he is so distraught from his loss on Sunday that he was unable to shuffle on the stage before walking to the ring.

    We take a look at highlights from Kofi Kingston the WWE Championship Match from The Elimination Chamber Pay Per View, including the post match reaction to Kofi's performance.

    Shane welcomes everyone to Smackdown and comments on the six man tag match tonight featuring the participants from the Elimination Chamber Match. He mentions the four debuts on Raw and he says that they will be on Smackdown tonight.

    Miz interrupts and he makes his way to the ring. Miz apologizes and he says that he has not slept in two days. Miz says he lost the Smackdown tag team titles on Sunday. That was 48 sleepless hours. MIz says he cannot shake the guilt. You took a chance on Miz being your partner. Miz says he knows his reputation and Shane still took that risk because of Miz' plea. Miz has a confession to make. Miz says he used Shane.

    Miz says that he knew that Shane could relate to dealing with your father. Miz says that you selflessly took his place to be the Best in the World. Miz says he heard Shane talk about wanting to be a tag team champion. Miz says he wants to make whatever title he has and make it the best. We won the titles together. Two nights later, you brought out Miz' dad. Miz says that he heard his father say that he loved him and was proud of him. Miz says that was the first time he heard his father say that in his life.

    Miz says that was the best moment of his career and one of the greatest moments of his life and it was because of Shane. Then, two days ago in their first title defense, he let them down. Miz says he cannot change the past, but he can alter the future. There are no automatic rematches, but you have the ability to do it Shane. Miz says everyone wants it.

    The Usos make their way to the stage and they want to stop things. Jimmy says it sounds like everyone wants a rematch for the tag titlese. Jey says there are no automatic rematch clauses. If you can forgive the Miz and they will give them another chance to be called the best tag team in the world. Jimmy says there is only one reason why you don't want this rematch. It is because Miz is a joke. Your boy Miz is a joke, a loser, a failure, a fraud, and a wannabe A Lister with C List skills. Jey tells Shane to find another partner.

    Shane says that you do not disrespect his partner like that. Shane says the rematch is on and it will happen in Cleveland at Fastlane.

    Aleister Black makes his way to the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    Aleister Black vs Andrade Almas (w/ Zelina Vega)

    Almas with a wrist lock and Black with a leg sweep for a near fall. Almas with a leg sweep and cover for a near fall. Black misses Black Mass when Almas moves. Almas with a waist lock and Black with a side head lock. Almas with a chop.

    We see Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa watching in the back as Almas kicks Black. Almas chops Black in the corner and Irish whips Black and hits a running knee for a near fall. Almas with an Irish whip but he misses a knee and hits the turnbuckle and goes over the top rope to the floor. Black teases a dive to the floor but he springboards back into the ring and sits down.

    Almas returns to the ring and Black with a kick and knee to the midsection for a near fall. Black with an arm drag into an arm bar. Almas sends Black to the apron and Black with a forearm. Almas with a forearm to Black on the apron. Almas tries to suplex Black back into the ring but Black blocks it. Black brings Almas to the apron. Almas with a forearm and Black fires back. They continue the exchange and Black with boots to Almas and Almas with a boot of his own followed by a back breaker and elbow to the chest onto the apron. Almas gets a near fall.

    Almas with a reverse chin lock. Black backs Almas into the turnbuckles to get out of the chin lock. Almas with a boot and he sets for a tornado DDT but Black stops him. Black with a kick and Almas falls into the ropes. Black and Almas with forearms and Black with running back elbows. Black blocks a kick and takes Almas down to the mat and follows with a sliding knee. Almas pushes Black over the top rope to the floor when Black sets for a springboard move. Almas sets for the hammer lock DT but Black blocks it and gets a near fall with an inside cradle. Black kicks ALmas from the corner and hits Meteora.

    Black with a kick and German suplex for a near fall. Black sets for a suplex but Almas blocks it. Almas with a boot and hip toss into the turnbuckles. ALmas with the running double knee strike for a near fall. Almas sets for the hammer lock DDT again and Black with Snake Eyes followed by Black Mass for the three count.

    Winner: Aleister Black

    Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa are in the back and they are asked about their match last night on Raw and their hype going into tonight. Ciampa says they have made careers of defying expectations. He was not handed the title, he earned it. Johnny says it is crazy to think that they went to war against each other in this building and now they are together on Smackdown. They are going to show that they are the future.

    Cesaro and Sheamus stop by and Cesaro says it is bring your NXT Superstar to Work Day. Cesaro says no one knows who you are or cares about you. He tells them to stay on NXT.

    Ciampa says they are here to take over. Gargano says they are not here to set the bar, they are here to break the bar.

    Sheamus and Cesaro laugh at Gargano and Ciampa and then walk away.

    Jeff Hardy is in the back and he tells AJ Styles to let bygones be bygones.

    Kofi Kingston stops by with a pancake branch instead of an olive branch to make sure they are on the same wavelength. Jeff and AJ take pancakes and take a bite.

    We go to commercial.

    Sheamus and Cesaro vs Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa

    Sheamus and Ciampa start things off. They lock up and Sheamus backs Ciampa into the corner. Sheamus runs his forearm across the bridge of the nose on the break. Ciampa with a waist lock and Sheamus with an elbow. Ciampa with a kick to Sheamus and a boot to the temple. Sheamus goes to the floor. Cesaro tags in and he wants Gargano. Gargano tags in. Cesaro with a waist lock and he floats over onto Gargano. Cesaro with a wrist lock and Gargano with a reversal. Gargano wtih a head scissors and a rollup for a near fall. Cesaro with a European uppercut and Gargano goes down hard.

    Sheamus tags in and he kicks Gargano from the apron. Ciampa makes the tag and Sheamus is sent to the floor. Ciampa clotheslines Cesaro over the top rope to the floor. Ciampa with a knee to Sheamus to knock him off the apron and Gargano with a suicide dive. Cesaro with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker to Ciampa after Cesaro catches Ciampa off the apron. Sheamus with a knee to Gargano.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Cesaro with a reverse chin lock on Ciampa. Ciampa with a jaw breaker and a boot to Cesaro. Ciampa comes off the turnbuckles and is met with a European uppercut. Sheamus tags in and runs across Ciampa's back to knock Gargano off the apron. Ciampa goes to the corner but Gargano is not in the corner to make the tag. Sheamus with a knee in the corner followed by forearms as Sheamus sets for a super Air Raid Crash. Ciampa with elbows to Sheamus to get out of the hold. Ciampa with a sunset flip power bomb but Sheamus lands on Ciampa's leg.

    Cesaro and Gargano tag in and Gargano with kicks and a head scissors that sends Cesaro to the floor. Gargano with a thrust kick to Cesaro and a cannonball onto Sheamus from the apron. Cesaro misses a knee into the ringside barrier. Gargano sends Cesaro into the apron with a head scissors. Gargano wtih a slingshot DDT but Cesaro kicks out. Gargano floats over in the corner and connects with a rolling kick. Gargano with a La Mistica and Gargano with the GargaNo Escape. Cesaro is able to pick Gargano up and hit a back breaker. Sheamus tags in and Cesaro with a back breaker and Sheamus with a knee to the chest but Ciampa breaks up the cover.

    Ciampa is sent to the floor and Sheamus with a uranage back breaker for a near fall. Gargano with a super kick as Sheamus taunts him. Gargano gets a near fall. Cesaro tags in and Ciampa goes to the floor to avoid Cesaro. Gargano with a rollup for a near fall. Ciampa with the blind tag in and a rollup for the three count.

    Winners: Johnny Gargano and Tommaso Ciampa

    Samoa Joe is in the back with Randy Orton, Daniel Bryan, and Rowan.

    We have a video feature on Ricochet.

    Asuka makes her way to the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    Kayla Braxton is in the ring with Asuka. She brings up Asuka's accomplishments. She mentions that people are talking about Ronda Rousey more than her. She asks if Asuka feels lost in the shuffle.

    Asuka says she is ready for a new challenge. She beat Becky and Charlotte at TLC. She made Becky tap out at the Royal Rumble. She does not want to talk about Becky and Charlotte. She wants to know who is ready for Asuka right now.

    Mandy Rose comes out with Sonya Deville. She says poor Asuka that no one is paying attention to you. Take notes from the most magnetic, most irresistible, and most talked about Superstar in WWE. If anyone is ready for Asuka, it is her.

    Non Title Match
    Asuka vs Mandy Rose (w/ Sonya Deville)

    Mandy with a side head lock. Asuka with a drop kick for a near fall.

    Lacey Evans' music plays and she walks to the ring and it mesmerizes Asuka so much that she stops focusing on Mandy. Sonya Deville goes to the ramp and tells Lacey to go back.

    Mandy sends Asuka into the turnbuckles and hits a side Russian leg sweep for a near fall. Mandy goes to the floor and Asuka yells at Mandy and the referee. Mandy with knees and she sends Asuka to the mat. Asuka kicks Mandy in the leg and Mandy sends Asuka into the turnbuckles. Asuka sends Mandy to the floor.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Mandy tries for an abdominal stretch but Asuka blocks it and applies a knee bar and grapevines the leg but Mandy gets to the ropes. Mandy with a knee on the floor and Mandy returns to the ring while the referee counts Asuka on the floor. Asuka powers up at nine to get back in the ring before the ten count. Mandy with kicks to Asuka. Asuka slaps Mandy and connects with more strikes. Mandy with an Irish whip and Asuka with a missile drop kick. Asuka with a spinning back fist and a jumping back heel kick for a near fall. Asuka with a German suplex and a running knee for a near fall.

    Asuka with a pop up knee to Mandy and Mandy tells the referee her eye is hurt and Asuka is held back by the referee. Mandy was playing possum and sends Asuka into the ropes and gets the rollup for the three count.

    Winner: Mandy Rose

    Charlotte Flair is in the back and she is asked about the last few days in her life with Becky Lynch. Charlotte is asked if Becky will haunt her on the rest of the road to Wrestlemania.

    Charlotte says that Becky is a ghost because she will not be around due to her suspension. Becky reaggravated her injury when Charlotte made her suffer. It will be a one on one match at Wrestlemania, Ronda Rousey versus Charlotte Flair and it is the main event because she is in it.

    Miz walks in the back and he thanks Shane for putting the trust in him again. Miz says he has news for Shane and Miz says that his dad will be at ringside for Fastlane.

    Ricochet makes his way to the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    Ricochet vs Eric Young (w/ Alexander Wolfe and Killian Dain)

    They lock up and Young with a clean break. They lock up again and Young with a wrist lock. Ricochet with a reversal and arm bar. Ricochet continues to work on the wrist and he takes Young down. Young with a head scissors and Ricochet escapes. Young with a side head lock and shouldre tackle. Ricochet blocks a kick and he hits a handstand head scissors followed by a drop kick. Ricochet teases a dive to the floor and handsprings off the ropes with a superhero landing. Young sends Ricochet to the apron and Wolfe distracts Ricochet and Young punches Ricochet to the floor.

    Young punches Ricochet and goes to the turnbuckles and applies a Dragon sleeper in the turnbuckles. Young with a forearm to the back of the neck as he comes off the turnbuckles for a near fall. Young with a cravate into a chin lock. Young keeps Ricochet on the mat with the chin lock. Young pushes Ricochet into the turnbuckles but Young goes into the turnbuckles when Ricochet moves. Ricochet with a clothesline and head scissors take down. Ricochet with a shoulder into the corner and he goes to the apron for a springboard European uppercut and standing shooting star press for a near fall.

    Ricochet gets Young on his shoulders but Young gets to his feet. Ricochet with an elbow and Irish whip but Young flips to the apron and Young with a shoulder and he slides into the ring. Ricochet kicks Young away and hits a rolling drop kick. Ricochet with a springboard drop kick to Wolfe and a Fosbury Flip onto Dain and Young. Ricochet with an enzuigiri and he goes to the turnbuckles for a 630 splash and he hits it for the three count.

    Winner: Ricochet

    The New Day are in the Gorilla Position and Kofi is asked about being the story of the Elimination Chamber Match. Woods stops and says this did not happen over the course of seven days, it has been eleven years. They talk about things that have been around for less than eleven years, including Instagram and Empire. Kofi talks about the influence of Twitter and KofiMania. He says it would not have been possible without his brothers Big E and Xavier. They pushed for him to be in the match at Elimination Chamber.

    New Day make their way to the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with Kevin Owens and we get the same video from Raw at the movie theatre with his son.

    Daniel Bryan has something to say before the main event.

    Daniel says small minded skeptics throughout history have oppressed the great minds and radical thinkers. Thomas Beckett, Joan of Arc, and Socrates. Daniel says they are not superheroes or celebrities so you would not know who they are. You are ignorant. You tried to will this title off of him by putting him in the Elimination Chamber but Daniel Bryan survived. How? It is because Daniel serves a higher person. To enlighten and educate, even if you do not want him to do it. Daniel says he will educate you once more about his opponent at Fastlane.

    Daniel says he will tell you who it is not. It is none of the men in this match tonight because he defeated all of them inside the Elmination Chamber.

    Kofi Kingston (w/ Xavier Woods and Big E), AJ Styles, and Jeff Hardy vs Samoa Joe, Randy Orton, and Daniel Bryan (w/ Erick Rowan)

    Joe and Kofi start things off after Bryan tags Joe in. They lock up and Kofi with kicks and forearms in the corner. Joe with an Irish whip and Kofi with a missile drop kick for a near fall. Hardy tags in and comes off the turnbuckles with a forearm to Joe's arm. Hardy with a running forearm followed by a reverse atomic drop, leg drop and drop kick. Hardy with a splash. Joe avoids a Twist of Fate and Orton tags in. Orton with the Garvin Stomp to Hardy. Bryan tags in and he kicks Hardy in the chest and hits the round kick as we see Kofi's reaction. Bryan gets a near fall and tags Orton in.

    Kofi tags in and hits a springboard forearm and hits a drop kick on Orton and follows with a flying clothesline. Kofi with a Boom drop and he sends Bryan to the floor. Kofi clotheslines Orton over the top rope to the floor. Kofi goes up top and is pushed off by Bryan. Joe knocks Hardy and AJ down on the apron. Orton with a back drop driver to Kofi on the announce table.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Bryan with punches to Kofi and then he slaps Kofi a few times. Orton tags in and Bryan sends Kofi to the floor. Orton with another back drop driver onto the announce table. Orton sends Kofi back into the ring and gets a near fall. Orton with a reverse chin lock. Kofi with elbows and Orton with an Irish whip but Orton misses a shoulder in the corner and Orton hits the ring post. Bryan and Styles tag in and Styles with a punch to Joe and Bryan. Styles lands on his feet and Styles with a back breaker and forearm in the corner. Styles with an Ushigoroshi for a near fall. Styles avoids an RKO and kicks Orton. Bryan with a round kick to AJ and AJ with a calf crusher.

    Joe breaks up the hold. Hardy with a Twist of Fate to Joe. Orton sends Hardy to the floor. Styles sends Orton to the floor and Bryan with a rollup. Styles gets to the ropes to avoids the LeBell Lock. Styles with a Pele Kick after avoiding the Flying knee. Kofi tags in and hits a springboard double sledge and Kofi is sent over the top rope onto everyone. Kofi with a forearm to Bryan as Bryan sets for a suicide dive. Kofi with a missile drop kick to Bryan. Kofi goes up top and hits a trust drop onto Bryan and Rowan. Kofi sets for Trouble in Paradise and hits it for the three count.

    Winners: Kofi Kingston, Jeff Hardy, and AJ Styles

    After the match:
    Shane McMahon comes out and says that Daniel Bryan will defend his WWE Championship against Kofi Kingston.

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Smackdown Preview:

    *The new top contender to the WWE Champion, Daniel Bryan, will be named.

    *The Miz will apologize to Shane McMahon over losing the Smackdown Tag Team titles.

    *The Usos make their first appearance as the new Smackdown Tag Team Champions.

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    They are pushing the NXT guys way to much and to soon.

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