Kulayev is the only surviving terrorist
The trial of the only surviving terrorist involved in the Beslan school siege in which over 300 people died - many of them children - is drawing to a close.

Nur-Pashi Kulayev faces several charges, including murder, over the siege in September 2004.

He has admitted taking part, but denies killing anyone.

Some 1,100 children, parents and staff were taken hostage in the attack on the town's School Number One.

Thirty-two gunmen took part in the siege - and Kulayev was the only one to survive.

Four rebels accused of being back-up hostage-takers have already been jailed for 17 years.

They were convicted of banditry, participating in illegal military groups, terrorism and attempts on the lives of military and law enforcement officials.

The attackers of School Number One had been demanding Russian troops withdraw from the breakaway province of Chechnya.