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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE PPV 'One Night Stand' LIVE Coverage

    WWE One Night Stand - Live June 1, 2008

    WWE Championship
    (Last Man Standing Match)
    WWE Champion Triple H vs. Randy Orton

    World Heavyweight Championship
    (TLC: Table, Ladders and Chairs Match)
    Undertaker vs Edge

    First Blood Match
    John Cena vs. JBL

    Stretcher Match
    Shawn Michaels vs. Batista

    Falls Count Anywhere Match
    Jeff Hardy vs. Umaga

    Singapore Cane Match
    Big Show vs. John Morrison vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Chavo Guerrero vs. CM Punk

    "I Quit" Match
    Melina vs. Beth Phoenix

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    The opening video for the PPV was a bit shorter this time around, focusing quickly on the top matches and whether tonight would be Undertaker's last night in WWE. The stage set features a lot of motor vehicles and road construction equipment.

    Jeff Hardy vs. Umaga in a Falls Count Anywhere match.

    The crowd was really behind Hardy (I know, shocking). Hardy ran into an Umaga elbow at the bell, then Umaga threw him hard into a corner and kicked his head. Umaga tossed him into another corner, but Hardy jumped onto the ropes and hit the Whisper In The Wind for a two count. Hardy jumped off the second rope at Umaga, but Umaga caught it and hit a spinning side slam for a two count. Umaga threw Jeff into the ropes, but Jeff put on the breaks. Umaga charged and Jeff pulled down the top rope so Umaga would fall over the ropes to the outside. Hardy gave Umaga a pescado and got a two count on the floor. They battled outside, and Umaga threw Hardy hard into the retaining wall, then tossed him into the crowd and threw some chairs on him.

    Umaga dragged Jeff over near the entrance way and headbutted him down. Jeff hit Umaga with a plastic traffic barrier, but it had no effect and Umaga kicked him down. Umaga pounded Jeff up against an equipment case and went for the posterior butt, but Jeff moved and Umaga crashed into the case. Jeff grabbed a fire extinguisher, and had some trouble with it, but eventually blasted Umaga in the face with it. Umaga stumbled backstage, with Hardy following. Umaga slammed Hardy into a wall, but missed with a chair shot. Hardy climbed a flight of stairs, then slid down the banister into a bodypress on Umaga for a two count on the landing of the steps. They went up the steps, and were fighting on the concourse of the arena, near a merchandise stand. Umaga rammed Hardy into a trash can for a two count.

    They fought out of the building, and Umaga threw Hardy into a road case that was near some trucks. Umaga rammed Jeff into a forklift and covered him on the ground for a two count. Umaga rammed Jeff into the back of an eighteen wheeler, then went to ram him into the door of another one, but Jeff blocked it and rammed Umaga into it. Jeff choked Umaga with a piece of packing material, and got a two count on the ground. Umaga charged Jeff and ran into a truck. Jeff started to climb a ladder to the top of a truck. Umaga gave chase, but Jeff kicked him to the ground. We couldn't see him land, as there were (conveniently) road cases blocking the view.. Jeff then dove off the top of the truck into a Swanton, presumably crashing into Umaga on the concrete, although we didn't see the impact. The referee counted three at the ten minute mark, and the camera finally got around the cases so we could see that Jeff was on top of Umaga.

    Winner: Jeff Hardy.

    The referee was checking on both men, laid out on the concrete, after the match ended.

    They switched from Jerry Lawler & Jim Ross to Mick Foley & Michael Cole. They then showed a video package shot earlier where Foley explained the rules for a Stretcher Match, noting that to win you had to roll your opponent across a finish line to win. Foley also demonstrated how the stretcher could be used as a weapon. They are conducting a poll asking fans who will win the match.

    Shawn Merriman of the San Diego Chargers was shown in the crowd. Of course, the Chargers are not the Superbowl Champions. That would be the New York Giants.

    Tazz and Mike Adamle were introduced, with Adamle saying they were "bringing back the past" tonight, since Singapore Cane matches were once "a staple" of ECW. They set up four poles, one in each corner, each with a cane on it.

    Big Show vs. CM Punk vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. Chavo Guerrero, with Bam Neely, vs. John Morrison in a Singapore Cane match, with the winner receiving an ECW Title match against Kane at the Night Of Champions.

    Bam Neely accompanied Chavo, but no Miz with John Morrison. Big Show was smiling and laughing as he entered the ring. Show started swatting people around at the bell. Show headbutted Morrison, Dreamer and Punk, then slammed Chavo. Show slammed Morrison on top of Chavo, then elbowdropped both of them. Show slammed Dreamer, but missed an elbow on him. Punk kicked Show while he was down, and Morrison hit a Shining Wizard on Show. Dreamer gave Show a DDT, then Chavo gave Show a frog splash. Everyone, except Show, clumbed up and got canes. Everyone started caning Show. Dreamer and Punk used the canes to clothesline Show over the top rope and to the floor. Chavo and Morrison attacked Dreamer and Punk. Chavo and Punk ended up fighting on the floor, while Morrison and Dreamer were fighting in the ring. Chavo "accidentally" caned Shawn Merriman. Punk knocked down Chavo, and Merriman asked for the cane. Merriman caned Chavo hard across the head. If it was Michael Strahan, he wouldn't have needed a cane to knock out Chavo.

    Show started fighting Morrison at ringside, and The Miz ran out to help his partner. Show swatted him away, then picked up the steps to hit Miz with. Morrison hit Show in the legs with a cane, and Show fell forward, hitting his head on the steps. In the ring, Punk powerslammed Chavo. Morrison caned Punk. Dreamer suplexed Morrison, using the cane. Punk went for a GTS on Dreamer, but Dreamer blocked it and applied a Texas Cloverleaf. Morrison caned Dreamer. Show was bleeding on the floor. Chavo and Morrison fought on the ropes, and Morrison got tossed to the mat. Punk went for a superplex on Chavo, Morrison grabbed Punk from behind for a powerbomb, and they all crashed to the mat, falling into Dreamer.

    A very angry Show got up, and kicked Bam Neely down, then pulled out a cane (they had a trash can full of them at ringside). He caned Miz, then blasted Morrison. Show got in the ring and caned Punk, Chavo and Dreamer. As Show would wear out a cane, he pulled out a new one. Punk and Chavo were knocked out of the ring, and Dreamer got a cane of his own. Dreamer swung, but Show caught the shot. Show chokeslammed Dreamer. Show wiped the blood across his face, then pulled Dreamer up in a corner. Show caned Dreamer across the head, then stood on his chest with one foot for the pin at the eight minute mark.

    Winner: Big Show

    Big Show had a very angry look on his face. They cut to the back, where Kane was watching on a monitor, and smiling.

    Todd Grisham interviewed Vince McMahon about giving away $1 million on Raw, starting tomorrow. Vince is calling it "McMahon's Million Dollar Mania". Vince informed Todd that WWE employees are not eligible to win. Enter Ron Simmons. Damn!

    John Cena vs. JBL in a First Blood match

    Cena seemed to get a pretty positive reaction coming out. JBL had his fists taped up, and was wearing elbowpads. Lawler explained he did that to avoid getting a cut there and bleeding. JBL and Cena each ripped off a top turnbuckle pad. They went face to face and slugged it out, with JBL getting the better of it. Cena avoided a boot to the face and clotheslined JBL. JBL went to the floor and Cena rammed him into the announce table. Cena hit some right hands in the ring, but JBL threw him over the top rope and to the floor. JBL hit an elbowdrop on the floor. JBL hit a punch and Cena put his head under the ring for a moment. He wasn't bleeding when he came out. JBL rammed Cena into the ring apron, then they got back in the ring. JBL went to ram Cena in a corner, but Cena blocked it and hit some punches. The boos for Cena are starting to come out.

    JBL punched Cena to the apron, then nailed him with some punches and a boot to the face that sent Cena to the floor. Now the Cena fans are doing a light Cena chant. JBL punched Cena on the floor, then rubbed his face against the guardrail. They slugged it out in the aisle, then JBL poked Cena in the face and kicked him in the head. JBL grabbed a chair and propped Cena against a ringpost. JBL swung, but Cena ducked the chairshot. Cena hit some punches, but JBL grabbed a microphone and popped Cena in the head with it. They got back in the ring, and JBL blasted Cena with the mic again. JBL yelled for Cena to get up, saying "I want my torch back". Cena battled up and hit a pair of shoulderblocks, then a back suplex into a powerbomb. Cena did the "You Can't See Me" and delivered the Five Knuckle Shuffle fistdrop.

    Cena went for an FU, but JBL grabbed the top rope and pulled himself to the apron. JBL grabbed Cena and yanked him throat first across the top rope. JBL went down on the floor, and Cena rolled outside as well. JBL rammed Cena into the ringpost, and Cena covered up, but when the referee checked, he wasn't bleeding. JBL grabbed the steps, the same ones that busted Big Show open in the previous match, and threw them at Cena, but Cena ducked. JBL rammed Cena into the retaining wall, then pulled the padding off the top of the wall and rammed him into it again. Slight chant for Cena. JBL went for a DDT on the other half of the ringsteps, but Cena tripped JBL, sending him back first into the steps with a thud. Cena grabbed the microphone and hit JBL in the head with it. Cena rubbed JBL's head against the ringsteps, but no blood.

    JBL rolled into the ring, and Cena grabbed a chair. JBL kicked Cena low to block the chairshot, then rammed Cena into one of the exposed turnbuckles. No blood. JBL called for the Clothesline From Hell, but Cena ducked it and bulldogged JBL into the chair. No blood. JBL crawled over to the towel he came to the ring with, and pulled a chain out from it. Cena advanced on JBL, who hit Cena in the gut with it. JBL measured Cena for another shot with it, but Cena ducked and gave JBL an FU. JBL was out cold, and Cena was still grabbing his ribs from the chain shot. Both men got to their feet, and JBL hit Cena with a boot to the face. Cena fell backwards and got tied in the ropes. JBL went under the ring and pulled out a bullwhip. JBL cracked it and smiled, but got too close to Cena, who kicked JBL low. Cena pulled out of the ropes, then tripped JBL and applied the STFU, using the chain around JBL's throat. The referee called for the bell at the fifteen minute mark, as JBL was bleeding from the mouth (awfully fast, given how long he was in the move).

    Winner: John Cena.

    They advertised the next PPV, Night Of Champions, which occurs 28 days from now. That's a long break, given what WWE has been doing lately.

    Randy Orton approached Batista backstage. Orton wished Batista luck, and Batista asked what he really wanted. Orton said that if they end up on the same brand after the draft, they should "put the band back together" and reform Evolution. Batista just glared at Orton and walked off.

    Melina vs. Beth Phoenix in an I Quit match

    As Phoenix entered, they replayed her impressive backbreaker on Melina and Mickie James from Judgment Day. As Melina entered, one of the paparazzi photographers fell down on his rear end. Melina patted him on the back, then they replayed him falling down again. Phoenix backed up Melina against the ropes and trash talked her. Melina shoved her and kicked her, then put Phoenix in a guillotine choke. Phoenix lifted her up whoile in the hold, and Melina kneed her in the face. Melina went for a bodypress, but Phoenix caught it and hit a backbreaker, then a second, holding her over the knee. Melina kneed out of it, but Phoenix pushed her in a corner and hit some shots. Melina fired back, and drove Phoenix face first into the mat from the second rope. Melina applied a Mutalock, but Phoenix wouldn't submit. She struggled her way to the ropes for a break, and they both fell to the floor. Melina tossed Phoenix back in, but Phoenix picked her up and threw her in a corner. Phoenix stomped her, then stretcher her between the ropes. Phoenix applied the over the shoulder backbreaker, and jumped up and down with it. Melina tried to elbow out of it, and Phoenix ended up slamming her down.

    Phoenix applied an armbar, then threw Melina to the mat by her hair. Phoenix told the referee to ask her, but Melina refused to submit. Phoenix threw her down again by the hair, but Melina fought back with forearms. Phoenix went for a whip in the corner, and Melina tried a headscissors, but Beth caught it. She went to pull Melina away from the ropes by her legs, but Melina turned it into a victory roll that sent Phoenix between the ropes and into the ringpost, shoulder first. Melina twisted Phoenix' now injured arm in the ropes and yanked on it. Melina hit a cross armbreaker, then did a tilt-a-whirl into a Fujiwara armbar, then transitioned into a jujigatame. Phoenix stood up and lifted Melina while in the hold, and powerbombed her to the mat. Phoenix hit a facebuster, then applied a surfboard variation, that was sort of like a double chicken wing with the legs trapped on the mat. Phoenix then hooked Melina's chin as well, and bent her backwards to the point that Melina's head was touching the bottom of her feet. Melina finally submitted at the fourteen minute mark.

    Winner: Beth Phoenix.

    Backstage, John Cena was with the trainer. Mickie James came in, and the two started flirting. Mike Adamle came out of the bathroom, and they acted like it smelled bad. Cena asked if Adamle was supposed to be working, but he noted that he only has one match, and he had to go to the bathroom. Adamle started yapping about going to Tijuana with his old American Gladiators buddy Gemini, and asked Cena and Mickie if they wanted to go party. Cena said he was in "good hands". Adamle walked off after giving Cena a bottle of Mamajuana, and Mickie and Cena discussed working on submission holds together.

    Shawn Michaels won the fan poll for the stretcher match, with 59% picking him to win. The events leading to the stretcher match were reviewed.

    Shawn Michaels vs. Batista in a Stretcher match

    Mick Foley and Michael Cole got the call for this multi-brand match. Both men got cheered coming out. Michaels looked serious coming out. Batista looked angry. Michaels charged Batista at the bell, but Batista threw him off twice, then punched him in the face. They teased a Batista Bomb, which Michaels avoided, but Batista clotheslined him to the floor. Batista dropped Michaels chest first across the stretcher. Michaels reversed a whip and sent Batista into the steps. Shawn then shoved Batista into the ringpost. Shawn cracked the back of Batista's head against the ringpost, then gave him an enzugiri. Shawn sat Batista on the steps, then rammed the metal stretcher into Batista's chest. Batista went down, and as he got back up, Shawn rammed the stretcher into him again. Shawn put Batista on the stretcher, but Batista used a series of knees to knock Michaels back and roll off.

    Batista went for a Batista Bomb on the floor, but Shawn rolled through it and applied a guillotine choke. They fell onto the stretcher, with Michaels hanging on to the choke. Shawn finally released it and rolled Batista fully on the stretcher. Shawn started to roll the stretcher, but Batista kicked Shawn away. Batista crawled back towards the ring, but Michaels stopped him and went for a whip. Batista reversed it and sent Michaels into the ringpost. Batista picked up Shawn and rammed him into the ring apron back first, then did it again onto the security wall. Batista rolled Michaels into the ring, then flipped him with a clothesline. Batista whipped Michaels into a corner and hit a clothesline, then drilled him with a powerslam. Batista went for a spear, but Shawn sidestepped it and sent Batista shoulder first into the ringpost. Shawn hit a flying forearm, then kipped up and went to the top rope.

    Michaels hit the top rope elbowdrop, but then grabbed his back in pain. Shawn went for a superkick, but Batista hit him with a clothesline. Batista went for a powerbomb, looking to throw Shawn over the top rope. Shawn floated over it, nailed a superkick, and Baitsta fell through the ropes and onto the stretcher. Shawn got out of the ring and started pulling the stretcher down the aisle, but Batista grabbed onto the apron. Shawn hit his arm to break the grip, but then Batista rolled off the stretcher to the floor. Shawn picked him up and struggled to put him back on it, but Batista kept throwing elbows and knees to get off it. Shawn rammed Batista in the gut with the stretcher twice, but on the third try, Batista blocked it. Batista teeter-tottered the stretcher, hitting Shawn in the jaw, then rammed it into him.

    Batista tossed Michaels back into the ring, measured him, then nailed a spear. Batista called for the Batista Bomb, nailing it in the middle of the ring. Batista dragged Michaels to the apron, then pulled him onto the stretche rat ringside. Chris Jericho came out and started saying something to Michaels, apparently trying to encourage him. A referee came down to get Jericho away from ringside. Michaels was showing movement on the stretcher, so Batista shoved him back into the ring. Batista stood over Michaels, who crawled to his feet. Michaels could barely get up, and tried to throw a superkick, but was too weak and collapsed as he threw it. Batista dragged him to his feet and said "I'm not sorry and I don't love you". Batista gave him another Batista Bomb, to some boos.

    Batista put the unconscious Michaels on a stretcher and wheeled him towards the finish line. Jericho came back up, and blocked the stretcher and yelled at Shawn to keep fighting. Shawn rolled off the stretcher to the floor. Once again, a referee pulled Jericho back. Batista grabbed a section of ring steps and placed them in the aisle. Batista gave Michaels a spinebuster on the steps, then put Shawn on the stretcher and easily rolled it over the finish line for the win at the seventeen minute mark.

    Winner: Batista

    The doctor checked on Michaels as Batista walked off triumphant. The announcers put over that Batista had now settled his issue with Michaels

    The events leading to the Last Man Standing match were recapped.

    WWE Champion Triple H vs. Randy Orton in a Last Man Standing match.

    Orton kicked HHH at the start and threw him to the floor. Orton hit some right hands, but HHH reversed a whip and sent Orton into the ring steps. Triple H pounded Orton around ringside, then rammed him into the Smackdown announce table. He tossed Orton into the ring and punched him in a corner. Triple H stomped him down, then pulled at his mouth and nose. Triple H threw Orton shoulder first into the ringpost, then did it again. Triple H gave Orton a kneedrop to the back of the head, and got a one count, but Orton was quickly back to his feet. Orton reversed a whip and hit a dropkick. Triple H sidestepped a charging Orton and sent him over the top rope and to the floor. Triple H rammed Orton head first into the ringsteps, then decked him on the floor.

    Triple H cleared off the ECW announce table and put Orton on it, then hit a series of punches. Triple H set up for a Pedigree on the table, but Orton blocked it and went for an RKO, but Triple H shoved him off the table. Orton, from the floor, hit some punches and hooked Triple H's head. Orton gave Triple H a DDT on the floor, with HHH's feet hanging across the announce table. Triple H got to his feet at the nine count. Orton hit a series of rights, then pulled a section of padding up off the floor. He went for an RKO on it, but Triple H shoved Orton into the ringpost. Back in the ring, Orton hit Triple H in the back of the head with a forearm and stomped Triple H. Orton hit a kneedrop, then went and tossed a section of the ringsteps into the ring. Triple H was struggling to his feet and Orton nailed him in the head with the steps.

    Triple H beat the ten count back to his feet, so Orton went and grabbed an extension cord from ringside. Triple H fought him off with punches, but eventually Orton got the cord around his throat and began choking him out. Orton released the choke, but Triple H got to his feet at the eight count. Orton went for an RKO, but Triple H threw Orton over the top rope and Orton came down hard on his arm. Triple H came out of the ring and picked Orton up off the floor at the eight count, then rammed him into the security wall. Lawler was speculating that Orton broke his collarbone. Orton was selling his left arm and shoulder in a big way, not even moving it. Orton got to his feet at a six count, and Triple H knocked him down. Triple H pulled out the sledgehammer. Triple H rammed the hammer into Orton's head at ringside. Orton went down at ringside and Triple H stood in the ring triumphant at the fourteen minute mark.

    Winner: Triple H

    They replayed Orton being thrown over the top rope and to the floor, and the sledgehammer shot several times. Triple H headed to the back, while medics were checking Orton's shoulder at ringside.

    After a commercial for Night Of Champions, they came back and Orton was still being checked. He eventually got up and started walking out under his own power, but not moving his left arm. They replayed his fall to the floor a few more times, and again speculated that he had broken his collar bone. As Orton walked out, some cheered him, and Orton actually turned around and heeled them, then got in the face of one fan by the aisle and argued with him.

    The events leading to the main event were shown.

    The Undertaker vs. Edge in a Tables, Ladders & Chairs match for the vacant World Heavyweight Championship. If Undertaker loses, he will leave WWE.

    It was noted that there was no nameplate on the title belt, which was hung above the ring. Michael Cole noted that Mick Foley ordered the first TLC match during his time as WWE commissioner, and how important that type of match has become in the career of Edge. Undertaker decked Edge at the bell, then began working him over with punches in a corner. Undertaker hit a series of headbutts, then whipped him hard into a corner and blasted him with a clothesline. Undertaker choked Edge in a corner, then went for the Old School rope walk. Undertaker hit the top rope forearm, then delivered a running boot to the head. Taker went to the floor and grabbed one of the ladders. As he approached the ring, Edge hit a baseball slide to knock the ladder into Undertaker.

    Edge slid out of the ring and set up two tables in a stack at ringside. Undertaker rammed Edge with a ladder, then hit him with it again. Undertaker rammed Edge into the ringsteps. Undertaker noticed the two tables Edge had stacked up, then stacked up two more next to them. Undertaker approached Edge, who tripped Undertaker into the steps. Edge slid a ladder into the ring and set it up. Edge climbed the ladder, but Taker got in and pulled Edge off by the tights, sending him chest first into the ropes. Undertaker placed the ladder in the corner so it was resting across the turnbuckles. Undertaker lifted Edge for a slam, but Edge floated over and rammed Undertaker into the ladder. Edge pulled out another ladder and set it up in the opposite corner. Edge went for Taker, who reversed a whip and sent Edge face first into the ladder.

    Undertaker pulled a third ladder into the ring, set it up, and began to climb it. Edge came up the other side. Undertaker shoved Edge off the ladder into one of the ladders propped on the corner. Edge stumbled out of the corner and bumped into the ladder Undertaker was on. Undertaker fell off and hit the other ladder that had been propped on a corner. Edge set up a ladder in a corner again, but Undertaker grabbed Edge and gave him Snake Eyes on the ladder. Undertaker then kicked a ladder into Edge, who fell to the floor. Outside, Taker hit Edge in the back with a chair, then put him on the ring apron and kicked him in the head. Undertaker went for a legdrop on the apron, but Edge grabbed a chair and rammed it into the leg of Undertaker as he went for the legdrop. Edge followed that with another chairshot to the leg on the floor.

    Edge bridged a ladder between the apron and the security wall. Undertaker kicked Edge, and teased a powerbomb on the ladder, but Edge gave Taker a low blow. Edge hit Undertaker with a chair shot, started to set up a table, then blasted him with another chair shot. Edge put Undertaker on a table at ringside, then stood on the Smackdown announce table and jumped off, putting Taker through the table. Edge set up a ladder in the ring and began to climb. Undertaker got in and shoved Edge off, but Edge landed on his feet and charged into the Undertaker with a spear. Edge put Undertaker's leg in a ladder, then slammed it close on him. Edge then went for a chair and hit the ladder, crushing Undertaker's leg in it.

    Edge pulled out an extra tall ladder and set it up. The top step was only a few feet below the belt. Edge hit Undertaker with a pair of chairshots to the head. Edge set up for a one-man Conchairto, but Undertaker threw a punch from is back and hit Edge in the groin. Undertaker got up, favoring his leg, and grabbed Edge on the ring apron. Undertaker chokeslammed Edge off the apron onto the ladder that was bridged between the apron and ring. Edge bounced off the ladder to the floor with a thud. Undertaker began climbing the ladder in the ring, but the Edgeheads ran out to attack the Undertaker.

    The Edgeheads slid two ladders in the ring. They stomped down Undertaker while setting up tables. They put Undertaker on one table, then put another table over him. Hawkins went to the top rope but Undertaker battled up and knocked Ryder away. Undertaker grabbed Hawkins by the throat and tossed him backwards off the top rope, through a table at ringside. Undertaker grabbed Ryder, who was on the apron, and chokeslammed him through a table at ringside. Edge got back in the ring and knocked Undertaker out of the ring and into the security wall at ringside. Edge once again set up the double decker table near a corner. Edge looked for Undertaker, saw where he was, then decided to climb the ladder. Undertaker got back in the ring, and powerbombed Edge from the second step (from the bottom) of the ladder through the stacked tables in the corner.

    Undertaker began to climb the ladder again, but Bam Neely and Chavo Guerrero attacked. They went for a Conchairto, but Undertaker ducked and they ended up hitting each other. Undertaker grabbed a chair and blasted both Neely and Guerrero. Undertaker then started to climb the ladder again. Edge was getting up from the table wreckage. Undertaker was near the top of the ladder, but Edge tipped it over, and Taker fell off the ladder, out of the ring, and through the side-by-side double stacked tables at ringside. Edge set up the tall ladder again, and began to slowly climb up. Edge pulled the belt off the cable at the 24-minute mark.

    Winner and new World Champion: Edge.

    Edge crawled up the aisle and celebrated with La Familia. Vickie Guerrero walked out (no wheelchair) and hugged Edge. Pyro went off in celebration, while Undertaker was still lying unconscious in the table wreckage at ringside. The announcers put over that we have seen the last of the Undertaker. La Familia walked off, and they turned off Edge's music. Undertaker, his arm bleeding, struggled to sit up, and finally did so. He got to his knees, then rose to his feet. Undertaker stood up and began walking to the back. The lights went out, except a spotlight on Undertaker as he limped down the aisle. He stopped and turned to face the crowd, which was going nuts for him. Undertaker then turned back around and walked off as the show ended.

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Batista completely destroyed Michaels, pretty good match.

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    wow Triple H threw Orton over the top rope and Orton landed on his left shoulder and you knew he hurt something. Orton could not even get up then Triple H forced him but when Triple H attacked him with a hammer, the ref told him to go away and Triple H went into the ring as the ref counted him out. At the end, alot of people started running down towards the ring and they are still there helping Orton as keeps holding his collarbone I believe.

    I would say Orton is out for a while.

  5. #5
    The Walls Of Jericho Darth Fozzy's Avatar
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    Damn, losing Orton is gonna be bad, at least they have time to think about how to cover for him through the draft.

    |LOW Grand Slam Champion - Chris Jeracho|
    Titles Holding:
    Grand Slam Champion
    Triple Crown Champion

    Titles Held:
    LOW Undisputed Championship
    LOW World Tag Team Championship (w/PAJ)
    Intercontinental Championship
    United States Championship
    X Factor Championship
    2010 Texas Massacre Match Winner
    2008 King Of The Ring

  6. #6
    The Superczar Glorious Maxxwell's Avatar
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    Tazz and Mike Adamle were introduced, with Adamle saying they were "bringing back the past" tonight, since Singapore Cane matches were once "a staple" of ECW. They set up four poles, one in each corner, each with a cane on it.
    Uh... I think the singapore cane match was only used once (Storyline wise) on ECW....ever....

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol as Orton was walking to the back, the fans were booing and Orton went off at the crowd, then to his right a kid was screaming with eceryone else and Orton went over, looked like he was going to hit him lol. A bouncer came in and nearly knocked the kid down to get him away from Orton lol and they dragged Orton away.

    They say it is a broken collarbone.

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Franchise View Post
    Uh... I think the singapore cane match was only used once (Storyline wise) on ECW....ever....
    They have used it a few times on ECW while it has been part of WWE though. I think.

  9. #9
    Resident Cena Fan tommy's Avatar
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    Wow...too bad for Orton. It seemed like they were teasing him starting a new evolution, possibly the heel group that would have Ted Dibiase jr, cody rhodes, dh smith, etc they were talking about. Too bad, Orton would have been the best to head up the new evolution...

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tommy View Post
    Wow...too bad for Orton. It seemed like they were teasing him starting a new evolution, possibly the heel group that would have Ted Dibiase jr, cody rhodes, dh smith, etc they were talking about. Too bad, Orton would have been the best to head up the new evolution...
    Yeah, he looked really pissed he was hurt. That could be reason why.

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