OVW TV taping spoilers for 6/14/06
by Mike Vicars and Will Turpin

1st dark match: Raol Loco of the Locos vs. Robby McAllister of the Highlanders. Winner: Robby McAllister via pinfall by double-underhook powerbomb.

2nd dark match: Jack Bull vs. Pat Buck Winner: Jack Bull via pinfall by boot to the face.

Robby Dawber comes out for another edition of "Sports Entertainment Tonight". Al Snow is his guest. Al begins by saying that although he has worked in the WCW, NWA, WWE, and ECW, the most fun he has ever had is in OVW. Al proceeds to cut a promo on Simon Dean saying that there is nothing Dean can do that hasn't already been done to Al, but there are
many things Al can to to hurt Dean that Dean has not yet experienced. Al announced again the match this Friday at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom between himself and CM Punk vs. Simon Dean, Shad Gaspard, and the Neighborhoodie. Al then worked the crowd into a frenzy getting them to boo Robby Dawber, and Al left to loud cheers.

The announcing team was again Dean Hill and Kenny Bolin and it appears hat this is going to be permanent since Al will spend more time working in ECW.

Our 1st TV match was Raheim vs. Elijah Burke. As usual Elijah came out to a loud pop. Winner: Elijah Burke via pinfall by hitting the Experience.

2nd TV match: Shawn Spears vs. Aaron "the idol" Stevens. Winner: Aaron "the idol" Stevens via submission by hitting an idolizer then locking on a modified STFU which idol referred to as the FUJC, the JC standing for John Cena. After the match Stevens claimed that two weeks ago at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom he was bamboozled because while he devoted a
month of his life to preparing for a match against Kurt Angle, he in fact got a match against John Cena. In spite of this he still took Cena to the limit, but because of the heat and his expectations of facing Angle he didn't quite get the job done. Stevens then demanded a rematch of Cena for this Fridays show at Kentucky Kingdom.
3rd TV match: Charles Evans vs. TV champion Seth Skyfire (accompanied by Shelly) in a non-title match. Winner: Charles Evans via pinfall by Evans hitting a running sit-down powerbomb.

OVW heavyweight champion CM Punk then comes out and cuts a promo on OVW tag team champs Shad Gaspard and the Neighborhoodie saying that over the last several weeks every time they have attacked him from behind they were not only attacking him, but also the OVW fans. They even kept him and Tommy Dreamer from winning the Raw tag team belts. Punk went on to challenge Gaspard and Neighborhoodie in a tag team match on June 30th at
Kentucky Kingdom saying that since Tommy Dreamer is tied up with ECW he will have a new partner, and this partner is big, he's red, and he's a machine. Kane's entrance music and Titantron scenes proceeded to play on the monitor. Kane, however, was not in attendance.

4th TV match: Mo the Mug vs. Boris Alexia. Mo gave up more offense than I've seen against Alexia so far even getting one close pinfall. In the end though it was just more of the same. Winner: Boris Alexia via submission by standing armbar.

Main Event: Deuce & Domino vs. Roadkill & KC James. Good back and forth match. Roadkill went up top for a splash, but spent too much time trying to get a reaction from the crowd. KC James was standing over Deuce when Domino snuck up behind him and knocked KC into the ropes which caused Roadkill to fall down. Deuce then got up and made the pin. Winner:
Deuce & Domino via pinfall.

All in all a decent show, but I think that I speak for a lot of people when I say I miss Paul E. already. I'm afraid that the outlook for OVW television doesn't look good unless the suits at Titan Towers take his replacement seriously and put a lot of thought into it, instead of
throwing the first person that comes to mind (Greg Gagne) into this important position. I personally feel that Simon Dean would be a great candidate, especially now that the color commentary position on Smackdown is a bust, but hey what do I know. Until next time, thanks for reading.