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  1. #1
    Main Eventer Slayer_X's Avatar
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    Default RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion - 4 May, 2015


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    RAW LIVE Coverage - May 4, 2015
    Location: The Bell Centre in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
    Announcers:JBL, Michael Cole and Booker T

    Randy Orton comes to the ring and talks about getting Seth Rollins back and winning the title, but Roman Reigns cuts him off and says he’s winning. Orton says he’s not just going to watch Reigns beat up Rollins, but Reigns says he doesn’t care because if Orton is near him he’ll get knocked out. Orton says Reigns is forgetting who he is, but Reigns reminds Orton he beat him at Summerslam. The New Day cuts them off and Woods says this needs to stop, and and there’s no reason for negativity because they are champions and it’s a new day. Kofi tells them to let it all go, then Big E takes a few shots at each of them coming up short in big matches. He says they have an opportunity to prove themselves tonight, and Kane booked them in a match, all of them, right now.

    The New Day vs Randy Orton & Roman Reigns

    Kofi hits Orton in the corner, but Orton comes right back with a clothesline and a suplex onto the ropes. Reigns suplexes Kofi back in from the apron, then Woods tags in and applies a headlock but Reigns hits a Samoan drop. Orton and Reigns keep Woods isolated for awhile, then we get back from a break to see E hit Reigns with a belly-to-belly for two. Kofi applies a front facelock, then Woods attacks but Reigns comes back with a clothesline and makes the tag. Orton hits a few clotheslines, then Kofi catches Orton with a kick and springboards in from the apron. Orton catches him and powerslams him, then Reigns and Woods get involved before Orton hits Kofi with a hangman’s DDT. Woods runs in and Orton drops him with a RKO, then Reigns inadvertently spears Orton and E pulls him outside while Kofi makes the cover.

    Winners – The New Day

    Kane comes out and says there is no shame losing to the tag team champions, but he wants to set things right, and Orton will face Reigns in tonight’s main event.

    Ryback comes to the ring for an interview with Renee Young, and he says he doesn’t know why Bray Wyatt attacked him, but it was stupid. Ryback talks about how he’s been held back all his life, but he takes negativity and fear and eats it and pushes forward. He says he feeds off the chants of ‘Feed Me More’ every week, and Bray has his attention, so he should listen clearly. Ryback says Bray doesn’t scare him, but he woke him up, because it’s now feeding time. Bray cuts him off and appears on the Titantron, and he says Ryback is scared, and it’s the fear that causes everyone to think they have something to lose, so he should run.

    Tyson Kidd & Cesaro vs The Ascension

    The Ascension attacks Kidd at the bell and stomp him in the corner, then Viktor connects with a delayed elbow for two. He applies a headlock and slams Kidd down, then Cesaro connects with several (like eight in a row) running corner uppercuts off the tag and follows with a clothesline for two. Kidd takes Konnor outside before Cesaro swings Viktor, and Kidd dropkicks him for the win.

    Winners – Tyson Kidd & Cesaro

    Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose

    Kane (who forced Rollins into this match) comes out before the match and says Rollins told him there’s no point to this, so he’s fixing it. Kane says Ambrose will be added to the Payback title match if he wins tonight’s match. Rollins says there’s no way that’s happening because he’s already in a triple threat, but Ambrose takes the mic from him and Kane screams to ring the bell. Ambrose gets a quick two count rollup before hitting a clothesline, then Rollins hits him a few times in the corner.

    Rollins applies a headlock before Ambrose backdrops him to the floor, then we get back from a break to see Ambrose hit a clothesline and a bulldog. Ambrose goes for a top rope clothesline but Rollins bails, so Ambrose turns and hits a suicide dive. Ambrose rolls him back in but Rollins snaps his head on the ropes and kicks him, then he springboards in and kicks Ambrose in the head. Rollins taunts Ambrose and tells him to stay down, but Ambrose hits him so Rollins turns and superkicks him for a two count.

    Ambrose comes back with a diving clothesline that sends both men outside, then they fight to their feet and Rollins ends up powerbombing Ambrose into the side of the barricade. Rollins rolls in as the referee starts counting, then Ambrose runs in to beat the count and Rollins stomps him in the corner. Rollins hits a corner clothesline but Ambrose charges at him and hits a corner splash, then he hits a rebound clothesline and goes for Dirty Deeds. Mercury and Noble run out for the distraction, and Rollins tries to steal a rollup, but Ambrose reverses it and hooks Rollins’ legs to win it.

    Winner – Dean Ambrose

    Rollins storms into Kane’s office and says he should beat the hell out of him for screwing him over. Kane says the WWE Universe put him in the triple threat, but tonight was Rollins’ fault. He says it will all work out, and Kane says he has a plan, but Rollins is seething and seems to doubt him.

    Byron Saxton joins Lana backstage to ask her about the changed perception of her from fans, but she plays it off. She goes to speak but Fandango cuts her off and says she needs to watch, then he dances and says it’s euphoric. Rusev walks in and asks what’s going on, but Lana says nothing and leaves with him.

    Fandango vs Rusev (w/ Lana)

    Rusev charges Fandango and hits him in the corner a few times, then Fandango catches him with a kick and rolls outside. He dances in front of Lana and gets her to dance along, but Rusev runs over and clotheslines Fandango from behind. Rusev screams at Lana and makes her leave, then Fandango hits Rusev a few times and connects with a dropkick and some mounted punches. Rusev shoves him back and kicks him in the face, then he stomps him a few times and makes him tap to the Accolade.

    Winner – Rusev

    R-Truth vs Stardust

    Stardust stomps Truth a few times when Truth tries to find out what’s in Stardust’s bag on the apron, then he gets pissed at the ‘Cody’ chants. He hits Truth a few times, then Truth hits a sitout slam and goes for the bag. Truth finds a bunch of fake spiders and freaks out, and Stardust rolls him up for the win, then Truth runs away.

    Winner – Stardust

    Cena cuts a promo about not quitting, and he says he will win at Payback because he has passion. He says Rusev has no passion; he just cares about winning a match, but Cena has passion like this whole crowd. He says it’s time for the United States Open Challenge, and he is answered by… Bret Hart! Bret comes to the ring and says he’s only here to introduce a great wrestler, then Heath Slater cuts him off and says he’s not losing his spot again. Slater mocks the Canadian crowd and talks about how he’s been screwed over, and he’s sick of being attacked out of nowhere. Bret decks him and lays him out, then introduces Cena’s opponent, Sami Zayn!!!

    United States Open Challenge
    Sami Zayn vs John Cena (c)

    Sami and Cena go back and forth a bit before Sami knocks Cena down, then Cena hits a side suplex and Sami rolls to the ropes. Ringside doctors check on Sami before he continues, then Sami punches Cena a few times before Cena calls for a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Sami gets a near fall before he blocks an Attitude Adjustment, then he hits a crossbody before Cena rolls outside. Sami hits a diving senton over the ropes, then he rolls Cena in and puts him in a Koji Clutch.

    Cena breaks it but Sami rolls through into a bridged pin attempt, then Sami counters another AA attempt and charges back. They collide in midair and try to regroup, then Sami runs and dives through the turnbuckles, hitting a DDT on the floor. Cena catches Sami with a surprise AA for two, and Cena can’t believe it and argues the count, and Sami hits a Blue Thunder Bomb for two. Sami pulls Cena up and throws a few punches, but Cena swings back and hits a springboard stunner and a AA for the win.

    Winner – John Cena

    Randy Orton vs Roman Reigns

    The Authority comes out before the match and Jamie Noble announces they will all fill roles as guest commentator, ringside enforcer and timekeeper, and the ref rings the bell. Orton teases a quick RKO before they fight on the floor, trading punches before Reigns decks Noble. Orton knocks Reigns down and throws Reigns back inside, then Roman whips him into the corner and goes for a Superman punch. Orton counters with a spinning powerslam, then he connects with a hangman’s DDT and lifts Reigns back up.

    Reigns catches him with a Superman punch, then he hits the ropes but Kane pulls him outside. Rollins asks if ‘this is it’ and they all go after Orton, then Reigns dives on everyone before Rollins whips him into the ringpost. Orton tries to fight back but the numbers are too much for him, then Reigns gets attacked as Dean Ambrose runs out for the save. He helps clear the ring and they all corner Rollins, and Reigns spears him before Orton RKO’s Reigns, and Ambrose hits Orton with Dirty Deeds!

    Result – No Contest

  2. #2
    Main Eventer Slayer_X's Avatar
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    WWE has announced that Randy Orton will kickoff tonight’s Raw broadcast in Montreal. Orton will address the announced triple threat main event for WWE Payback, which will see Seth Rollins defend the WWE title against Orton and Roman Reigns.

    Also set for the show is King of the Ring fallout, King Barrett will speak out, and John Cena will defend the United States Championship.

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol the crowd at Cena

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Good to see Sami take on Cena

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Well, good to see Cena building up the younger guys though.

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Sheamus is really going to hurt someone one day with the bro kick

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I had dejavu during that RAW, they need to change it up a bit.

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Thank you Slayer

    I did not really like this RAW, it just seemed to be a repeat of the last few weeks. The ending was good though with Ambrose lol

  9. #9
    Main Eventer Slayer_X's Avatar
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    Ambrose /Rollins stole the show . Zahn vs Cena was a nice suprise and Ziggler teaming Neville was fresh for a change . But the main event smh .

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