All Japan held a press conference for the upcoming big matches scheduled for this month and the next, July & August.

First up is the Triple Crown match between the champion Kento Miyahara and challenger Jun Akiyama on July 23. The 46 year old Akiyama stated that he really does not feel his age as he gained a new sense of purpose with All Japan and looks to become champion once more. Though the champion Miyahara stated that his reign is only still beginning as he cannot afford to end his journey now. Akiyama appears confident over the champion as he holds a direct win over him in the June tour and does not wish to be looked at as nothing more than a stepping stone for the younger guys. He does not aim for this to come off ass greed, as he is the president of All Japan, but that he is still a pro-wrestler that is capable of proving himself. Miyahara though looks to further build a road into the new era of All Japan as a match against Akiyama will either make or break all that he wishes to achieve.

AJPW “Summer Action Series ~ Kumamoto Earthquake Charity Assistance Tour”, 7/23/2016 [Sat] 18:00 @ Hakata StarLanes in Fukuoka

(-) World Tag Championship Match: [72nd Champions] Daisuke Sekimoto & Yuji Okabayashi vs. [Challengers] Zeus & The Bodyguard
~ 1st title defense.
(-) Triple Crown Championship Match: [55th Champion] Kento Miyahara vs. [Challenger] Jun Akiyama
~ 4th title defense.

Before the Triple Crown match though, the World Junior belt will be will be in defense on July 14 as Hikaru Sato defends against veteran Tatsuhito Takaiwa. Hikaru finally managed to become champion on June 19 with a win over his partner Aoki, but that was followed up by a direct loss in a a tag match on June 25 by Takaiwa. Takaiwa a former multi-time junior champion has held belts in New Japan, NOAH, and ZERO1, most notably, but now aims to make it a full set by holding All Japan’s belt. Naomichi Marufuji being the only man to hold all three junior belts from the top 3 Tokyo promotions. Hikaru stated that he thought his chase was over when he became champion, but really it was only the beginning. That now he will have to prove himself in every match to remain as champion. Hikaru aims to make his first defense while Takaiwa wants to put his name in the history books.

Also on July 14, Yohei Nakajima will be defending the GAORA belt against Michinoku/freelance wrestler Takeshi Minamino. June was a rough month for Yohei, as he suffered a loss to Tamura for the belt, but then recaptured it on June 15. This led to Minamino making his present known and insulting the champion. Yohei was upset that Minamino could not appear at today’s conference, but that just proves that Yohei needs to retain the belt as he is the one who respects it. This is a fated match between the two as they are both the same age and both got their starts in Toryumon. Though the major defense being that Minamino got his start much earlier in life as he began in 2002 while Yohei did not make his debut until 2007, though he was training in 2004. Yohei stated that he has another intention with the match and that is to see Minamino bring back his happiness from the past before he went full blown dark heel / rudo in 2008.

AJPW “Summer Action Series ~ Kumamoto Earthquake Charity Assistance Tour”, 7/14/2016 [Thu] 18:30 @ Korakuen Hall in Tokyo

(-) GAORA TV Championship Match: [9th Champion] Yohei Nakajima vs. [Challenger] Takeshi Minamino (FREE)
~ 1st title defense.

(-) World Junior Heavyweight Championship Match: [40th Champion] Hikaru Sato (Pancrase MISSION) vs. [Challenger] Tatsuhito Takaiwa (FREE)

Then lastly Akiyama came back out as he brought out Naoya Nomura and Yuma Aoyagi as well. The All Japan trio will be teaming together to take on WRESTLE-1 on August 11 in Yokohama. Akiyama stated that this is the biggest chance for his rookies as this match is garnering plenty of buzz as Akiyama and Mutoh are set for a showdown in the ring. Koji Doi of W-1 has already stated that he is gunning for Akiyama, though this is good to hear as Akiyama himself expects no less in an opponent. This match is leaving fans torn in which team to root for, but Akiyama stated that he just aims to show that All Japan is still strong as he aims for the victory. Akiyama also addressed Aoyagi’s inclusion in the New Japan “SUPER J-CUP” as he wishes the young man all the best of luck against Taichi in the first round. Aoyagi stated that this is a big opportunity that he will not let just slip through his grasp. That he knows what Taichi will and can do in a match, but he wants to make it through the first round.

“SUPER J-CUP 2016”, 7/20/2016 [Wed] 18:30 @ Korakuen Hall in Tokyo

(-) SJC First Round Match: Taichi [SZKG] vs. Yuma Aoyagi [AJPW]