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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE Friday Night Smackdown Live Coverage - August 18th, 2023

    Edge celebrates his 25th anniversary in WWE in his hometown with a match against Sheamus

    Tonight in Toronto, Edge will face Sheamus on The Rated R-Superstar’s 25th Anniversary Special. Despite both having long tenures in WWE, Edge and The Celtic Warrior have never faced each other one-on-one. Can Edge turn Fight Night into a Rated-R victory?

    Your announcers are Corey Graves, Michael Cole, and Kevin Patrick.

    We begin with the Grayson Waller Effect.

    Waller welcomes everyone to Smackdown and mentions the 25th Anniversary Celebration for Edge and he says he is waiting for Edge to thank Grayson. It is time to talk about his guests for tonight, Santos Escobar and Rey Mysterio.

    Escboar has a knee brace as he makes his way to the ring with Rey.

    We see footage of Rey winning the US Title last week.

    Waller congratulates Rey on winning and he asks how is he feeling.

    Rey says he has to admit it feels great to be United States Champion once again.

    Waller asks Santos if he could imagine being champion.

    Rey says what Theory did last week was cook up a plan but they ruined it.

    Waller suggests they are co-champions.

    Rey says the championship is with the LWO.

    Waller asks if there was any tenion over Rey stealing Santos' opportunity and he points out how Sanots has been on a roll.

    Santos points out that he beat Waller.

    Waller mentions that Santos beat Rey. Then Santos' mentor stole the opportunity.

    Waller says that he wanted the glory again and he isn't ready to pass the torch.

    Santos tells Waller to shut up. Santos tells Waller to listen carefully. He says the only person he is angry at is that lowlife Austin Theory. He says he gave Rey his blessing because he has the utmost respect. He says Waller has no respect for the man, the myth, the legend and his mentor Rey Mysterio. Santos says they are family. Austin got what he deserved. When he is fully healed . . .

    Austin Theory's music interrupts and he makes his way to the ring.

    Theory congratulates Rey for being a three time US Champion, but where is the Father of the Year award. Theory wants to know who is running this show because what happened last week was a tragedy. Santos, you weren't man enough to step up to him. Theory says Rey was not supposed to be in that match. He says Adam Pearce is going to hand him back the US Title.

    Adam Pearce comes out and he says no one wants to hear Theory complain tonight.

    LA Knight's music plays and he makes his way down the aisle.

    Knight wants to talk to you. He wants to know if he heard Theory say he was the greatest champion. You defended the title once in three months and you fumbled the ball. If you want to talk about what you deserve, it doesn't matter who is the champ because it is coming to him. Knight says he hasn't been the US Champion yet and he went through all those people at SummerSlam. If we are dressed for a fight, why not have a number one contender match.

    Pearce likes it so we have Impromptception.

    We go to commercial.

    Before the match starts, Miz makes his way to the ring.

    Number One Contender Match for US Championship
    LA Knight versus Austin Theory

    Theory with a forearm to a distracted Knight followed by punches and kicks. Theory with a knee and a fallaway slam. Theory with a punch and Irish whip but Knight with a clothesline out of the corner. Knight with a suplex and he goes to the turnbuckles and connects with an elbow drop for a near fall. Theory with a kick and Knight with a power slam for a near fall. Theory sends Knight to the floor and they fight by the announce table. Theory sends Knight into the apron and then he punches Knight in front of Miz. Knight goes to the floor and he connects with a forearm and sends Theory into the announce table many times. Knight sends Theory back into the ring and he turns his attention to Miz. Theory with a kick and Knight avoids being sent into the announce table. Knight sends Theory into the announce table and then into Miz.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Bayley with a side head lock. Charlotte with a back breaker and she throws Bayley into the turnbuckles. Bayley with a press slam for a near fall. Iyo lands on her feet on a belly-to-back suplex. Iyo with La Mistica into a cross face. Flair gets to her feet and she snap mares Iyo. Iyo keeps Charlotte from making the tag. Flair rolls through on a sunset flip but Iyo holds on. Flair with a back body drop and Iyo knocks Bianca off the apron even with Flair inches away from Bianca. Iyo chops Charlotte. Iyo with a drop kick against the ropes for a near fall. Bianca tags in and she connects with shoulder tackles and a drop kick. Bianca with a marching delayed vertical suplex. Bianca with a shoulder in the corner and then she goes to the turnbuckles to punch Iyo.

    Bayley tries to stop Bianca but Bianca with a back flip and she hits a back breaker on Bayley. Bianca with a handspring moonsault to Bayley when Iyo moves. Iyo with a drop kick to the back of Bianca's leg. Bayley tags in and hits a KneeDT for a near fall. Bianca with a neck breaker to Bayley while hitting a DDT on Iyo. Charlotte tags in and she goes up top and hits a cross body on Iyo and Bayley. Charlotte with chops. Charlotte with a fallaway slam to Iyo followed by one to Bayley. Flair with a handspring clothesline for a near fall. Flair goes up top and Bayley pushes Charlotte off the turnbuckles to the floor. Flair holds herankle while Bayley knocks Bianca off the apron. Iyo kicks Flair and Bayley sends her back into the ring.

    Bayley gets a near fall. Iyo tags in and she goes up top but misses a moonsault. Iyo lands on her feet and hits a shotei on Flair. Iyo misses a running shoulder into the corner and hits the ring post. Bayley sets for a figure four and Charlotte with a punch. Bianca tags in and Flair kicks Bayley and Bianca with KOD for the three count.

    Winners: Charlotte Flair and Bianca Belair

    We get more comments about Edge. Cody, AJ Styles, RIcochet, Bayley, and Dolph Ziggler congratulate him.

    Cody talks about Edge going on the European tour after he announced his retirement.

    Kevin Owens says Edge was someone he had on his list to wrestle. Becky thanks Edge for looking out for her. Rey says he loves Edge and wishes him a happy 25th anniversary. Kurt Angle says Edge is one of the greatest of all time.

    Cathy is in the back with Bianca and she is attacked from behind by Dakota, Iyo, and Bayley. They send her into a storage case and then Iyo chokes Bianca with a chair. Bayley puts Bianca's leg in a chair and Iyo hits the chair with a chair.

    Officials come to stop the attack.

    Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins vs Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows (w/ Mia Yim)

    Gallows kicks and punches Ford. Luke with peek-a-boo uppercuts and Karl tags in. They Irish whip Ford and Luke with a splash followed by a kick from Karl for a near fall. Karl with an uppercut and chop. Ford with a clothesline. Dawkins tags in and he punches Karl. Ford and Dawkins with punches and kicks. Karl is sent into the apron and Dawkins runs into a boot. Karl with a chop. Dawkins with a pump handle suplex to Karl and he knocks Luke off the apron. Dawkins with a twisting suplex and Ford with a Frog Splash for a near fall. Luke is sent to the floor. Dawkins tags in and Karl gets to his feet. Ford leaps over Karl and Karl with a spinebuster. Gallows tas in and they hit a belly-to-back suplex and neck breaker combination for a near fall. Karl tags in and they set for Magic Killer and Dawkins escapes. Dawkins with an enzuigiri. Ford clotheslines Gallows to the floor and then hits a plancha.

    Karl with a flying boot to Dawkins. Ford makes the blind tag and they hit Sky HIgh and a neck breaker combination for the three count.

    Winners: Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins

    After the match:
    Bobby Lashley joins Angelo and Montez on the stage.

    We see Paul Heyman in the back and he does not look happy.

    We go to commercial.

    We take a look back at what happened last week on Smackdown with the Bloodline.

    Kayla asks to talk to Paul Heyman to get an update on the Bloodline.

    Paul says no.

    Kayla asks about the head space of Roman Reigns.

    Paul says nothing.

    Kayla says she has heard some rumors.

    Paul wants to know what rumors are Kayla going to bring to him? About Jey Uso, who abandoned and quit the Bloodline and WWE? About Roman's family? What about your family Kayla? Paul asks how Kayla's mom is and she asks if she talked to her lately. Paul asks about Kayla's dad and cousins. You want to talk about the rumors about the cousins of Roman. You don't want to ask me about Edge or Austin Theory who got a win over the flash in the pan wannabe?

    Paul says, as they say in Quebec, a real province? Paul takes a call. He says he is doing a live interview. Paul is surprised by some news and the call ends.

    Kayla asks Paul if he wants to share.

    Paul says that is not a rumor, it is a fact. It is a spoiler. Jimmy Uso will be on Smackdown next week.

    Kayla asks Paul to share his source.

    Paul says he would love to do so, but he wouldn't dare.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and next week, Jimmy Uso appears on Smackdown. Grayson Waller faces Rey Mysterio in a non-title match.

    Sheamus (w/ Butch and Ridge Holland) vs Edge

    They shake hands before logging in. Edge with a side head lock and shoulder tackle. They lock up and Sheamus with a wrist lock and side head lock. Sheamus with a shoulder tackle. Sheamus with a uranage back breaker.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Edge with punches. Edge with a springboard back elbow. Edge with Edge-O-Matic for a near fall. Edge sends Sheamus to the apron and Edge slides under and hits a power bomb to the floor. Edge sends Sheamus back in the ring and hits a cross body for a near fall. Edge sets for a Sharpshooter but Sheamus kicks Edge away. Sheamus with a tilt-a-whirl power slam for a near fall. Sheamus grabs Edge to set for the forearms on the apron. Edge blocks the forerm and Edge with punches. Edge with knees to the midsection. Sheamus falls to the apron. Edge spears Edge through the ropes to the floor.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Sheamus has Edge in a Cloverleaf. Edge with forearms to the back of the legs and the back. Edge goes for a crossface and he locks it in. Sheamus eventually gets to the ropes to force a break. Edge runs into boots in the corner and Sheamus pulls himself up to the turnbuckles. Edge with a boot to the head to stop Sheamus. Edge goes to the turnbuckles for a superplex and Edge hits it and holds on for Edgecution for a near fall. Edge goes to the turnbuckles and Sheamus with a kick to stop Edge. Sheamus and Edge exchange punches. Sheamus with forearms to Edge. Sheamus gets Edge up for a super Air Raid Crash. Sheamus sets for the Celtic Cross and hits it for a near fall.

    Sheamus with forearms across the chest to Edge on the apron. Edge tells Sheamus to hit him more. Sheamus with more forearms. Edge slaps Sheamus and hits a clothesline. Edge sets for a spear and Sheamus with a jumping knee and Brogue Kick for a near fall. Sheamus sets for the Brogue Kick and Edge moves and he gets a near fall with a rollup. Edge with a spear for a near fall. Edge with a spear and the three count.

    Winner: Edge


  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Beth Phoenix couldn’t be happier during Edge’s 25th anniversaryin Toronto tonight.

  3. #3

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