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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default Media coverage of this tragic event is out of control!

    This media frenzy is geting out of control IMO, with them bringing up Sherri Martel and saying drugs killed her, i find that disrespectful. Fair enough she is getting recognition but to bring her up to (once again, as was the case with the steroids) try to bring a dark side to wrestling is wrong IMO. I have said it before and I will say it again, the media have been disgusting about a few subjects in these events and has dissapointed me to no end.

    After making pro wrestling look bad, a FOX anchor woman asked some jerk off if Martel knew Benoit, he said he did not know but all wrestlers travelled around the same circles, especially in the 80s. I would have loved to have known what she would have said if he said yes. Then she went on to ask did Martel know Nancys ex husband and I am sitting here thinking literally, "What the fuck" and "Why does it matter". All I could think of was she looking for an angle or any angle to play off. I was amazed and appalled by what I saw and from other reports.

    It would also be nice if these news agencies got their facts right as I have seen alot of misleading facts over the last few days and some of these are from their so-called experts, facts most 14 year old real fans would know. Worse thing is people who do not follow wrestling will believe all this.

    Just leave the WWE and pro wrestling alone I say, all the superstars are not little boys but grown men, they make their own decsions. As someone said in an article, "Vince is not their babysitter".


    I got sent this and it is written by Mike Johnson at PWInsider.com. I believe it adds to my recent post and thought I would share it with you.

    Mike Johnson at PWInsider.com

    Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor covered the Benoit tragedy on Thursday night, with host Bill O'Reilly discussing the "bizarre details" with reporter Geraldo Rivera O'Reilly discussed the wikipedia story, then introduced Rivera. Rivera said there was going to be "increased scrutiny" in regard to WWE, saying "I don't know about the role they played in the death necessarily but certainly in the steroid abuse in the people who are their actors." He said WWE knows about the heavy steroid abuse and that there were raids on the doctor who prescribed Benoit his steroids (true there was a raid) and raids on the Internet pharmacy Benoit used (which actually happened months ago).

    Rivera said that when you think of how WWE has tried to downplay the possibility it was roid rage and instead attempted to say, "Oh no, the couple had been feuding over the care of their developmentally disabled seven year old son Daniel", calling it "a bunch of bunk." He said WWE was trying to deflect attention from the steroid use.

    In regard to the wikipedia posting, Rivera said he doesn't know if it was a legitimate post or a hoax posting, but it legitimately happened before the bodies were discovered by authorities. He said it would be an unbelievable coincidence and said there is another coincidence.

    Rivera says (and I am will provide the exact quote, so feel free to count the errors), "The authorities say, here is Chris Benoit. He kills his wife on Friday June 15th or Saturday June 16th. Did you know that on Friday June 15th, a woman named Sherri Martel also died of unnatural causes, related to drug use. Who is Sherri Martel? She is another woman connected to this, these group of professional wrestlers. Indeed, the guy who was the original husband of Chris' wife Nancy, the one he allegedly murdered, he was this other woman's, Sherri Martel's booker, and she died the same day Bill - June 15th. Friday June 15th. The same industry, they all knew each other, it's one degree of separation."

    When O'Reily asked about Martel's death, Rivera said, "They don't know yet. It's not natural causes. They don't suspect foul play. It means a drug overdose."

    Rivera was asked if all of this will damage the industry or whether the authorities will step in. Rivera said that they need to find out if the email (he actually means the wikipedia post) was posted by someone from Stamford, CT and whether it was posted by an official of WWE. "If it was posted by someone in WWE, they were obviously in communication with Chris Benoit. It is alleged on that Sunday night June 17th, he was instant messaging people, talking to his friends, as he was watching a wrestling event that he was supposed to be at, in Texas. Did he send a text message to WWE - I killed my wife or my wife just died and what did Chris say and who in WWE caught the messages. The feds have to subpoena every single electronic device."

    It was pointed out that Georgia is a capital crime state. Rivera said in New York and Florida, the feds did DEA raids, so the feds are already involved on a certain level. He said that we "don't know if it's a double murder, suicide or maybe something more insidious - maybe it's a triple murder." O'Reily said that if they can prove that the top guys are pushing the wrestlers to use steroids, then they can arrest them. Rivera said that what if "everyone in town knows what everyone is doing, there's steroid use coming out the gazoo and do nothing." He said it's a little less clear as to their criminal liability, but there is a story here that will affect professional wrestling. They compared it to corruption in boxing and said there would be indictments in this case,


    From this point on, this is purely my opinion and mine alone. Whoever Geraldo Rivera's research assistant is, they should be terminated immediately because they were absolutely dreadful at their job. I present the following:

    1)Sherri Martel did indeed die on June 15th.

    2)The official cause in her death, despite Rivera's comments, has not been officially disclosed, so to claim it was drug-related (while possibly correct) was premature at best and irresponsible at worst.

    3)Chris Benoit is alleged to have murdered his wife Nancy on Friday June 22nd, not June 15th. It is alleged he murdered his son on June 23rd before allegedly taking his own life later that date or the 24th.

    4)The deaths of Sherri Martel and Nancy Benoit are not tied.

    5)The Vengeance PPV was June 24th, not June 15th, and is believed to have taken place after Benoit commited suicide. Not only was Rivera not aware of the correct date, but based on his comments on the wikipedia topic, he assumed WWE officials were in Stamford the night before their Texas PPV. They were in Houston.

    6)Rivera states Chris Benoit is "alleged to have instant messaged friends while watching the PPV" but where are these allegations from and how does Geraldo Rivera know this when the rest of the media, wrestling or mainstream has yet to report it?

    7)Sherri Martel was not connected, socially or professionally to the Benoits in 2007. She worked with them in the past but beyond independent appearances and occasional WWE work, was living in Alabama. The Benoits lived in Georgia.

    8)The comment that Kevin Sullivan was Martel's "booker" to tie everyone else together was preposterous. Sullivan booked for WCW so he was *everyone's* booker. Rivera obviously didn't even know what the term meant. Furthermore, Sullivan hasn't worked in wrestling in a booking position or any management position since WCW went out of business in 2001. Sullivan told the New York Times that he hadn't been in contact with Nancy Benoit since they divorced. His last likely contact to Benoit was early 2000 when Benoit and the other Radicals left WCW for the WWF.

    9)Rivera's discussion of the steroid issue in professional wrestling sounded like wrestling had a "wild west" mentality where anything goes. Whether you believe the WWE Wellness Policy is effective or not, Rivera didn't even know it existed based on his comments, so he was obviously not educated on the topic.

    10)The wikipedia user, based on the five minutes of research made into that IP address (which was done via sources available publicly online, with very little effort) showed that the person involved was a hoaxer who was changing wikipedia entries to include offensive, obscene, explicit comments. The comment about the death of Benoit's wife was just another example of that, not a smoking gun that WWE may have been involved.

    11)The internet pharmacy Rivera referred to as "raided" was MedXlife. They were not raided due to the Benoit tragedy. In reality, Two of MedXLife's co-owners pleaded guilty to drug charges in Albany County in April 2007, two months before the Benoit incident. Benoit's doctor's office was indeed raided overnight, presumably for evidence in the Benoit case. There have been no "Internet pharmacies" raided in connection to the Benoit case at this point and time.

    There has been a lot of media coverage with varying degrees of legitimacy but this discussion between two "respected" reporters took the cake for me. You can give reporters a pass for not knowing or understanding the inner workings of the wrestling business, but for Rivera to state that Sullivan was "Martel's booker" just shows a complete inability to do the most basic of research or even care about the topic. Rivera attempting to tie Kevin Sullivan, who's off running a gym in Florida, to the Benoit family tragedy because of a position he held over five years ago in a company that no longer exists was as useful as Rivera's ill-fated special on Al Capone's vault. Important facts like dates were spewed incorrectly to weave a picture of a larger problem between a "group of wrestlers."

    While there is obviously an epidemic of problems in this industry (and all others, to be fair), Rivera throwing out incorrect facts and inferences does nothing to educate the public or to help bring about the truth to the viewers. Instead, it was wasted time that could have been spent on the true tragedy here - the deaths of a mother and a child, the shocking actions of someone who committed an act he never would have been suspected of prior to that sad weekend, and of Fragile X, the rare affliction Daniel Benoit suffered from and how we, as viewers, can help others afflicted by the same syndrome.

    Instead, we watched two self-appointed experts spout boastful comments and half-truths. I usually enjoy such a thing - when they are done inside professional wrestling promos and aren't disguised as "real journalism."


    More from PWInsider.com on Geraldo:

    Geraldo was on, talking about the Benoit tragedy, coincidentally, at the same time I was reading about the article regarding his mistakes on Fox News. He, along with this lady Jeanine Pirro, were immediately biased towards "Roid rage" as the cause. Geraldo also said he was "stocking up on steroids" at his Doctor's, killed his wife on Saturday, and watched Vengeance while texting people. Then after the event, he choked his son and hung himself. He also said that Benoit supposedly texted a WWE official during the event, saying he killed his wife, which, in turn, made the guy edit his Wikipedia page. The only thing that was anywhere near accurate was that he said Sherri, (which he pronounced her last name wrong) died exactly a week before Benoit. I used to think Geraldo was an intelligent person, but after seeing this, I'm starting to have a little bit different a view.

    Geraldo's claim that Benoit was "watching the PPV" comes from an inference made by celebrity gossip website TMZ.com, which has never been confirmed by any other media source.

  2. #2
    Main Eventer Slayer_X's Avatar
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    thanx lion.On this site its being taken to far.Kevin Sullivan a satanic killer?thats a stretch.Shady docters?probably.too many tax dollars spent figuring out what happened? for sure.sports entertainment is what we like or we wouldnt be here on uow.keep perspective in this media storm.people being killed is one thing and an awesome flying headbutt is another.SAYING SULLIVAN DID IT OR STERIODS CAUSED IT IS THE SAME.EXCUSES FOR AN ACT OF COLD BLOODED MURDER.oh yea johnny angel is just a nobody looking for attention IMO

  3. #3
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    Thanks alot LD! This should clear up some specualtions...

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    A good article can be found clicking here on how the media has exploited the facts and the benoit tragedy for their own agenda.

  5. #5
    Ring Crew
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    Fuck Corporate media outlets.

  6. #6
    Main Eventer Slayer_X's Avatar
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    thanx again ld.

  7. #7
    Ring Crew Luthos the dragon's Avatar
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    Thanks Lion... I have been arguing with friends of mine in New Zealand who flat out get abusive at the thought of people still respecting Chris Benoit... Now, assuming that he did kill both his son and his wife, I will say with all honesty that I don't hold it against him. I have more respect for Chris Benoit than I have had for anyone I have seen or met. The fact that he died in what appears to have been the worst three days of his entire life leads me to believe that he got the point where he had enough and lost the plot. No one except Chris knows what really happened.

    Instead of feelind bad about the situation and saying a silent prayer for all three (regardless of belief in God or not), many people are trying to cash in on this tragedy by hyping up the rumours and steriod use in wrestling. We all know that steroids are used in wrestling, many performers admit to having used them in the past, if not the present. Yes, it can lead to an early death, not necessarily directly from the drugs but because it can leave their bodies more suspectable to disease and damage. The wrestlers live with nagging injuries everyday, it is the risk they take to entertain us. At some point, everyone will take some kind of medication to help. One person choosing to take steroids should not cause responsibility to be put onto others who don't.

    All I ask is that people remember Benoit for who he was and not who he appeared to be for the last few days of his life. That wasn't Chris Benoit who was involved... that was his inner demons manifesting themselves. We all make mistakes and unfortunately, he can't live to regret or make up for his. I am sorry that he felt so bad about things that this happened. I am sorry that he felt that it couldn't get better. Most of all, I am truly sorry that everything he worked for, dedicated his life for, is being ripped to pieces by media and people who are more interested in getting their 15 seconds of fame, than truly expressing the sadness that we all feel. Granted a lot of people are angry that his son died, that is fair enough. Maybe we will never know the whole truth. But please, don't forget the man we all loved to watch every week. He was and still is, the best In-Ring Technician we have ever seen.

    I hope you have peace now Chris.

    If you face The Undertaker you WILL "Rest In Peace!"

    18-0 at Wrestlemania speaks for itself!

    If I wanted your opinion... I would have given it to you! :joker:

    Too many opinions around, few are worth listening to! :hands:

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