Jersey All Pro Wrestling kicked off their Anniversary show weekend at the Rec Center in Rahway, New Jersey tonight.

Josh Daniels vs. Jonathan Gresham

They started out with some good back and forth wrestling as Gresham took Daniels to the mat with a cravate. Daniels escaped and tried to work on Gresham’s arm. He grabbed Gresham in a side headlock and was shot off into the ropes but soulderblocked Gresham down. They exchanged hiptosses and Daniels went to the floor. Gresham faked out a dive and went to the top rope for a standing moonsault to the floor.

Back in the ring, they exchanged chops with Daniels getting the better of the exchange. He began wearing down Gresham with hard hitting shots. Daniels wore him down on the mat with a side chinlock. Gresham fought back with a series of chops. Daniels backdropped Gresham, who landed on his feet. Gresham nailed a dropkick and several quick moves but was caught in a Side Russian Legsweep into a submission attempt as Daniels used his leg to torque Gresham’s neck.

Daniels nailed a running clothesline in the corner, then a second. Gresham looked out on his feet. He kicked off Daniels from a third attempt but was caught with several stiff kicks. Gresham ducked another and nailed a Dragon Screw legwhip and cinched in a figure four leglock. Daniels escaped and drilled him with a lariat for a two count.

Gresham came back with a floatover DDT for a two count, then cinched in an anklelock. Daniels caught him with a belly to back suplex with a bridge and scored the pin in 7:32.

Good opener to open the show.

Devon Moore vs. Jon Moxley

They began brawling as soon as Moxley hit the ring. Moore came back with a head scissors takedown and a dropkick. Moxley caught him in the corner with a series of punches but was elevated up and over to the apron, then kicked to the floor. Moore dove through the ropes but was caught and run into the guard rail. Moxley slammed him into the railing a second time.

Back in the ring, Moxley slammed him down for a two count. He applied an STF. Moore mounted a comeback but was cut off on the top rope. Moxley nailed a superplex and scored a two count. He cinched in a rear naked choke on Moore. He pulled Moore to the ropes and tried to suplex him outside the ring to the floor but Moore escaped and kicked Moxley off the apron. Moore nailed a shooting star press to the floor.

Back in the ring, he nailed a bodypress for a two count. Moore drilled Moxley with a big boot to the face and nailed a quebrada for a two count. He went for a sunset flip but Moxley sat down and nearly for the pin. They charged and collided in the center of the ring. The referee began counting them down as the crowd clapped and rallied them.

Moxley caught Moore with a DDT and nearly scored the pin. He went to the top but Moore dropkicked his legs out from under him, crotching Moxley. They battled on the ropes and Moxley nailed a forward faceslam off the ropes for the pin in 5:50.

Another short but good match.

Nick Gage vs. Rhino (with Jonny D)

Gage got the biggest reaction of the night so far for his entrance. They locked up and neither man go t the advantage. Gage worked over Rhino with a side headlock but Rhino took him down with a shoulderblock. They brawled out of the ring. Rhino slammed him backwards into the floor before they returned to the ring.

Gage cut Rhino off with a clothesline and nailed a running elbowdrop for a two count. Abby would be proud. He cinched in a side chinlock and took Rhino down to the mat. Gage drilled Rhino with a hangman’s neckbreaker for a two count.

JAPW champion Brodie Lee hit the ring and tried to take out Rhino with a running boot but nailed Gage instead. No DQ? Lee and Rhino got into it for a second and Lee walked out. Rhino waited for Gage to recover and gored him for the pin in 5:16.

The brawling was fine but it felt they never got out of first gear. The finish was weird and honestly, not good. Fans chanted, “Bullsh**” afterward, then chanted for Gage.

Corvis Fear vs. Joe Hardway

Hardway was attacked by Fear as the strippers did their thing. Hardway came back with a slam and a legdrop for a two count. He choked Fear against the ropes. Fear tried to come off the ropes but was stopped. He came back with several chops and knocked Hardway outside to the apron. Fear followed and they battled on the apron.

Back in the ring, Hardway scored some shots but Fear cut him off. He nailed a unique splash into the ropes on Hardway then hit a leg lariat. Fear went for a stunner but Hardway escaped and nailed a TKO for a nea r fall.

Hardway grabbed a crutch but Annie Social ran out grabbed it. Fear nailed a stunner on the distracted Hardway to get the pin in 6:08. OK.

After the match, Social got into it with Mia Yim. Fear grabbed Yim and kissed her.

Kalamity vs. LuFisto for JAPW Women’s championship shot tomorrow

Fans chanted “Welcome back” to LuFisto. They locked up and Kalamity backed LuFisto into the corner. They had a clean break and locked up again in the center of the ring. LuFisto scored a quick two count and Kalamity did as well, then they faced off.

They locked up for a test of strength, which LuFisto got the advantage on, but Kalamity fought back. She ran LuFisto into the ropes for a rollup for a two count. LuFisto came back with a clothesline and a back senton splash for a two count. She cinched on a leg submission but Kalamity fought her way to the ropes.

Kalamity came back with a stuff clothesline and began stomping Lufisto as she was hanging in the ropes. She measured and drilled her with a stiff kick to the head, then locked on a Camel Clutch variation. She really worked over LuFisto in the corner but was kicked off while charging. Lufisto did a hanging armbreaker over the ropes while upside down outside the ring.

LuFisto went to the ropes but was cut off and tied to the tree ofwoe. Kalamity nailed a running dropkick to the mid-section, then smothered LuFisto with her boot. She nailed a running boot to the face and scored another two count. She locked a chinlock on LuFisto, driving her knee into Fisto’s back at the same time. The crowd rallied LuFisto who made a comeback and scored a two count with a backslide.

They began exchanging blows while on their knees and continued fighting as they made their way to their feet. They knocked each other back down with a double clothesline. They recovered and began exchanging chops. Kalamity missed a charge in the corner and was nailed with a kick, a cannonball splash and a running boot for a two count.

They went back and forth. LuFisto caught her in a forward choke but Kalamity got out and they began stiffing the hell out of each other with hard kicks and punches. The fans began chanting, “This is awesome” and they were right. LuFisto came back with a flying headbutt for a two count.

LuFisto grabbed Kalamity by the breasts, squeezed and raked them. That was, uh, unique. Kalamity came back wih a sitdown powerbomb for two count. LuFisto finally came back with a Tazmission and forced a submission at 11:03.

Your winner, LuFisto!

Really good back and forth match. The best thing on the show so far.

Necro Butcher (with Brodie Lee) vs. Eddie Kingston

Necro choked Kingston immediately with a shirt and tried to hang him over the ropes. Kingston fought his way out and they began chopping each other on the floor. Several chairs got tossed into the ring. Necro and Kingston battled back and forth. Necro nailed a backbreaker across two open chairs in the ring.

They continued to maul each other in the tradition of Thesz and Inoki. Necro trapped Kingston in a chinlock, tearing at his face and mouth. Fans began chanting for Kingston. Kingston made it to the ropes.

Kingston fired back with a series of hard chops in the corner and a running boot. He grabbed a chair and set up a chair. He press slammed Necro off the top through the chair and covered him for a two count. Kingston nailed a side suplex. He went for a German suplex but Necro headbutt him backwards.

Brodie Lee grabbed a piece of the guard rail and placed it inside the ring. Necro ran it into Kingston, placed it atop of him and nailed a back senton splash on the railing. That was insane. Butcher bulldogged Kingston on the railing piece for a two count. Kingston came back to hit a belly to back suplex on the railing. All of this is in full view of the referee with no DQ.

Butcher and Kingston began beating each other with punches in the face. Butcher nailed a KO shot and scored the pin in 12:58.

Your winner, Necro Butcher!

Nice brawl.

Necro Butcher took the mic and said he had found Brodie Lee, the new JAPW champion, another opponent of “questionable ethnicity” from “Deepest, Darkest Puerto Rico” and called for the challenger to come out. Lee waited for a long time until finally Pinky Sanchez came out.

JAPW champion Brodie Lee vs. Pinky Sanchez

Sanchez came out wearing the Pink Ant mask and took it off in the aisle. He hit the ring and ate a big boot to the face, and was pinned.

Your winner and still champion. Brodie Lee.

Lee and Necro kept beating on Sanchez, which brought out Rhino and Jonny D, followed by most of the roster. There was a pull apart with Rhino. Lee ended up on the floor, laying out several members of security and throwing a guard rail. Lee held up the JAPW title and told Rhino he’d see him tomorrow in Philadelphia.

Nick Gage took the mic said that we were all looking at the most dominant force in JAPW, the Hillbilly Wrecking Crew. Jonny D said they should send Lee back to the ring and no one would have to wait for Philadelphia. Lee charged back down to ringside and began swinging a chair. Everyone held Rhino back from getting out of the ring. Jonny D told them Rhino would see them tomorrow.

JAPW Tag Team champions Sami Callihan & Chris Dickinson vs. Da Hit Squad

Da Hit Squad went under the ring and tossed a ton of weapons in, including chairs, a trash can and two big heavy pieces of wood. As the champions came to ringside, Maff nailed a dive out of the ring onto both, which got a huge pop.

Monsta Mack and Callihan faced off in the ring nailing each other with stiff shots. Maff and Dickinseon brawled on the floor. Mack pressed Callihan over his head but Dickinson attacked him from behind. The champions worked over Mack in the ring as Maff was down on the floor.

Maff returned to the ring and began unleashing suplexes. He and Callihan exchanged chops. Maff charged Callihan, who leapfrogged him and Maff ran right into a chair wedged in a corner. Maff was busted open. He tried to charge Callihan again but Callihan sidestepped him and Maff speared a huge piece of wood. He no sold it and charged Callihan, crashing through the second piece for a huge pop.

Maff locked Callihan in a figure four leglock. Mack came off the top with a big splash. Dickinson dropped a top rop elbow on Maff to break it. Mack and Dickinson fought back and forth. Dickinson drilled him several times with remnants of the broken wood and covered him for a two count. Mack was now busted open as well.

Dickinson worked over Mack as Maff and Callihan brawled on the floor. Callihan cut off Mack and nailed a tope on Maff. Mack went for another dive but the champions nailed him. He fought them off and then hit a tope through the ropes on his opponents. Fans chanted, “JAP.”

All four battled in the aisle. The champs put a trash can over Mack and kicked the hell out of his head. Callihan tossed a guard rail into the ring. He broke another piece of wood over Mack. He threw the trash can from the ring down at Maff. Dickinson tossed Maff in the ring and Callihan covered him for a two count.’

Callihan went for a back suplex and finally nailed it, driving Maff into the guard rail, which was placed in the corner. Mack and Dickinson continued to battle outside. They all began brawling into the bleachers. They had a long, long, long brawl around all four corners of the building,

Back in the ring, Callihan drilled Mack with a trash can lid to no success. He drilled Mack with a lariat for a two count. The champions worked over Maff as Mack recovered. Maff recovered and hit a Burning Hammer off the apron through a thick wooden plank bridged from the apron to the rail.

Mack scored the pin in 19:36.

Your winners and new JAPW Tag Team champions, Da Hit Squad!

Famed New Japan referee Tiger Hatori is refereeing. I popped for that.

BBoy and Azrieal started, going back and forth and faced off. Omega tagged in and faced off with BBoy, but Generico asked to be tagged in. They locked up and Generico backed Omega into the corner, breaking clean. They locked up again with Omega backing Generico into a corner and again, a clean break. He pointed at Generico, then poked him in the eye. They faced off and then shook hands, only for Omega to poke him in the eye again.

Generico got fired up and nearly scored a pin with a rollup. They went back and forth exchanging armdrags, then Omega got a poke in the face. Liger and Bandido tagged in. Bandido shot him into the ropes but was shoulderblocked down. Bandido hiptossed Liger and nailed a headscissors takedown on him, sending the legend to the floor outside.

Azrieal and Bandido exchanged forearms and chops in the center of the ring. Azrieal slid out of the ring and was caught with a tope to the outside. Back in the ring, Bandido scored several two counts. Omega tagged in and tagged Bandido with several chops. He suplexed Bandido over. BBoy tagged in but Bandido out maneuvered them and drilled Omega with a float over DDT. BBoy took Bandido out and controlled the bout.

Bandido came back with a rolling neckbreaker for a two count. Generico tagged in and continued working over BBoy. He peppered Boy with punches in the corner and covered him for a two count. Generico tried to go up and over during a charge in the corner but was caught and nailed with a Gut Buster. Generico fought back and went for a brainbuster off the ropes. BBoy knocked him into the ring and stomped his stomach.

Azrieal tagged in and worked over Generico. He had words with Omega when Omega wanted in. Omega and Bandido tagged in. Omega dropped him across the ropes and nailed a suicide legdrop across the back of his head.

Jushin Liger tagged in and locked Bandido in a bow and arrow before dropping him into a modified rear chinlock. Generico tagged in. He and Liger doubleteamed Bandido. Bandido fought back against Generico and tagged in Omega. Omega delivered with a hangman’s neckbreaker and scored a two count. Omega nailed the reverse hurancanrana on Bandido.

Azrieal and Liger both tagged in and Liger got the better of a chopfest. Everyone else hit the ring and Liger palm thrusted them all. Omega caught Liger with a kick. He tricked Liger and nailed him with an enziguiri. Liger came back to do the same with a palm thrust. Liger then hit a dive off the top to the floor on. Azrieal followed up with a crazy tope con hilo to the floor. He landed on a woman in the first row.

Generico nailed an Arabian Press to the outside on everyone. Bandido went for a dive but was cut off by BBoy. BBoy nailed him with a death valley driver on the apron. BBoy hit a sitdown powerbomb but the pin was broken up by Liger. Liger nailed his tiltowhirl backbreaker for a two count.

Liger went for a Ligerbomb on Bandido, who turned it into a hurancanrana for a two count. Bandido went to the top rope but was cut off by Generico. Generico went for the brainbuster and nailed it, dropping him on the top turnbuckle. Azrieal covered Bandido and scored the pin.

Bandido Jr. has been eliminated.

Generico and BBoy battled it out in the center of the ring. Generico drilled him with a running boot to the face. BBoy came back with a shining wizard and scored the pin.

El Generico has been eliminated.

Azrieal caught BBoy with a surprise kick to the head and scored the pin.

BBoy has been eliminated.

Liger and Omega worked over Azrieal. Liger rolled up Azrieal for the pin but Omega broke it up. They ended up coming to blows. Liger charged Omega, who leapfrogged him, then Azrieal. Omega nailed a hurancanrana on Azrieal. He drilled Azrieal with a leaping leg lariat. He nailed Azrieal with a double thrust palm for a two count. He got on Azrieal’s shoulders for a forward roll but was slammed down.

Liger broke up a pinfall attempt and exchanged chops with the champ. Omega came from behind and nailed the Electric Chair on Azrieal but Liger broke up the pinfall. Liger nailed a sitdown powerbomb for the pin on Omega.

Kenny Omega has been eliminated.

Liger was cut off by Azrieal. Liger nailed a suplex for a two count. The eliminated competitors all banged on the mat to rally Liger. Azrieal cut him off and slammed him to the mat. He nailed a superkick for a two count. They battled to the top rope where Liger nailed superplex and scored the pin in 25:43.

Your winner and new JAPW Light Heavyweight champion Jushin Liger!

Thank you for logging in with us tonight. We will continue with live coverage tomorrow at 4 PM for Day Two of the JAPW Anniversary weekend from Philadelphia with the following updated card:

*The ECW Arena debut of Japanese legend Jushin "Thunder" Liger as he defends the JAPW Light Heavyweight championship for the first time vs. Mike Quackenbush.

*JAPW champion Brodie Lee will defend against former ECW and NWA champion Rhino.

*Nick Gage & Necro Butcher will challenge the new JAPW Tag Team champions Da Hit Squad or The United States Death Machine.

*B-Boy vs. Eddie Kingston.

*Jay Lethal vs. Kenny Omega.

*The Briscoe Brothers vs. The United States Death Machine.

*Azrieal vs. Bandido Jr. vs. Devon Moore.

*JAPW Women's champion Sara del Rey vs. LuFisto

*Also appearing will be the The South Side Playaz Club with Jonny D., Mia Yim, Corvis Fear.