We start tonight's show with a video package recapping the main event of Final Resolution as Jeff Hardy successfully defended the TNA World Title against Matt Morgan and Eric Bischoff left Ken Anderson in a pool of his own blood.

We go to the office backstage as Eric Bischoff talks about how serious the situation is with Dixie Carter legally challenging their control of TNA.Bischoff says he and Flair know enough about lawsuits to teach a class, and they need all the titles because if the lawsuit goes the wrong way, they need all the leverage they can get. He asks AJ Styles to stand up, which he does, and Bischoff calls him the Chosen One, the Phenomenal One, the man who built TNA, and the man who lost the TV Title and cost them leverage. He tells AJ to sit down and then asks if everyone is on the same page. Rhino walks in and asks Bischoff where the contract is that he promised Rhino a few weeks back, so Bischoff writes NO in big letters on a piece of paper and tells Rhino there's his contract. Rhino says he promised him a contract, but Bischoff saw him lose to RVD. Rhino flips out and dives over the table onto Bischoff, and everyone else grabs Rhino and pulls him off.

We go out to the Impact Zone, and apparently what we just saw happened earlier because Bischoff, Flair, and all of Immortal and Fortune come out to the ring for our opening promo. Bischoff says that with great honor and pride, he and the rest of the group introduce the self proclaimed Antichrist of professional wrestling and the man who will be on the lips of wrestling fans for eterninty, THE immortal, Jeff Hardy. Hardy makes his way out to the ring, and I bet he's going to say two or three sentences and then stand behind Bischoff and Flair so they can talk. Bischoff says there's a reason Hulk Hogan chose Hardy to carry the banner for Immortal, because as great as Hardy is and will always be, he will only remain great when challenged by greatness. When Hardy retained his title at Final Resolution, he defeated a quality opponent, and Bischoff now asks Morgan to come out to the ring. Morgan comes out and joins them in the ring, and he's brought along a steel pipe...just in case. Bischoff tells Matt he knows what he's thinking, but there's no need for a pipe because nothing's going to go wrong here tonight. Bischoff says they're under the scrutiny of a judge in Texas and Dixie's hired proctologists who are looking at everything they do, so he has Bischoff's word that from this point forward, it's all about fair play. Bischoff says he watched the Final Resolution match a hundred times today, and says that Morgan could have beaten Hardy, and the fact that he didn't doesn't say anything bad about him, the reason he didn't beat Hardy was because he had a crappy referee, and if Morgan had a referee who knew what he was doing, things might have different. Morgan did the right thing when Ken Anderson went down with a concussion, and he came within an inch and because of that, he deserves a shot. After consulting with Hardy, Flair, and someone else to remain nameless, he's going to sign Morgan vs Ken Anderson with the winner getting a shot at Jeff Hardy. Morgan says that he just spoke with Anderson last night and he's still not medically cleared to wrestle, so the match isn't happening. Bischoff says he doesn't care, he's capable of wrestling and if he doesn't, he can go back to Green Bay and freeze there and walk away from the business, because he'll be damaged goods and they won't need him. The match is happening tonight, and Bischoff says to hit his music.

Speaking of Anderson, he's backstage watching a monitor and...get ready for this...CHEWING GUM!!!

We hit the opening video (still the Hogan version), and tonight Tara will perform live in concert, Jeff Jarrett will take an Open MMA Challenge, and Douglas Wililams defends the TV Title against Abyss.

We go backstage to Brother Ray, who says he's spent 15 years showing why he's the star of Team 3D and how anybody could have been his partner. Tonight, he's going to prove it, and he turns around to a guy who looks like Devon and tells "Devon" it's time to go. The guy says "Oh my brother, TESTIFY!" and flexes.

We're back, and Mike Tenay announces that due to travel issues, Ayako Hamada is unable to make it into the United States to defend the Knockouts Tag Team Title, so she and Taylor Wilde are stripped of the title and it will now be put on the line in a tournament, the first match of which will take place tonight as Angelina Love & Velvet Sky take on Sarita & Daffney.

Time for our opening match...

Brother Ray & "Brother Devon" vs Ink Inc

Team 3D (I guess that's what I'll call them) attack Ink Inc from behind to jump start the match and Bubba tosses Jesse to the floor and then starts to work Shannon Moore over. He tags Devon in and he starts unloading on Moore as Bubba shouts instructions from the apron. Devon whips Moore into the ropes and hits a flying back elbow and covers for 2, then rams Moore into Bubba's boot and Bubba tags in. Bubba whips Moore to the ropes and Moore gets a sunset flip, Bubba tries to drop on Moore's chest, but Moore moves out of the way. Bubba hurt his ass, but drags Moore to the corner and tags Devon in and tells Devon to give Moore a headbutt. Devon slams Moore and goes to the second rope for a headbutt, but Moore moves and makes the hot tag, and Jesse Neal comes in and starts tearing over Devon with clotheslines, knocks Bubba off the apron, and covered Devon for a close 2. All four men wind up in the ring and Bubba gouges at Moore's eyes and then slams Jesse and tells Devon to go up top for WAZZUP. He hits it and then does Devon's spinny/Last Rites thing, then Bubba shoves Devon and tells him to get the tables. Devon goes out to the floor and gets a table and slides it in the ring and they set it up, but Neal spears Bubba out of nowhere and Neal picks Devon up so Moore can hit the Mooregasm for the win.

Winners: Ink Inc

Bubba is not happy with Devon, and addresses his frustrations by kicking Devon in the back of the head and sets him up for the Bubba Bomb, but the real Brother Devon comes running out and chases him off. Bubba runs out to the aisle and hides behind So Cal Val.

We go backstage to Tara as she practices her singing, and Generation Me (who will apparently be her dancers) tell her she did good. Tara says they're outfits aren't TNA enough, so she takes their shirts off and likes that better. She sends them out to the ring and slaps them on the asses on the way out.

We go backstage where Christy Hemme, forever waiting for an interview, has Matt Morgan walk in and ask if she's seen Ken Anderson. She says she hasn't so Morgan goes off to search elsewhere.

We now head out to the entrance ramp where Tara performs Broken, her entrance song. Watching her badly lipsynch while she and Generation Me attempt to dance is hilarious. Predictibly, Mickie James walks out and nails Tara, but Generation Me grab her and Tara takes a couple of free shots. The music continues to play as Eric Young comes out to make the save and chase off Generation Me while Tara and Mickie fight down the rampway and to ringside until security comes out to separate them. The crowd chants "let them fight", so Mickie obliges by breaking free and going after Tara again. Security pulls them apart again, but they break free and continue fighting. Mickie rolls into the ring and motions for Tara to join her, and grabs a mic and says that enough is enough and she's tired of this. She says that neither of them likes the other, so there's only one way to settle this. It's obvious she can't do anything by herself, so she challenges Tara to a steel cage match. Only one of them is walking out, but they don't need to wait for Genesis, they can do it tonight. Hardcore Country starts playing, so Mickie takes it as a cue to jump out of the ring and go after Tara yet again.

We go backstage to Beer Money with Gunner and Muffin, and Robert Roode tells them to go out and rough up the Motor City Machine Guns. Gunner and Muffin leave, and James Storm asks Roode to spot him a few bucks so her can go on a beer run. Roode says he just gave him money, but Storm says he ran out of beer so Roode slaps off a few greenbacks.

We go elsewhere backstage to Jeff Jarrett, who says he's had people everywhere congratulating him on his victory over Samoa Joe at Final Resolution. But now it's time to go on to something new, so tonight begins the Double J MMA Challenge, where he will give some lucky fan the chance of a lifetime. Sounds like a riot waiting to happen to me.

Back to the ring...

TNA World Tag Team Champions Motor City Machine Guns vs Gunner & Muffin

Beer Money's music hits before the match, and they come out and join Taz & Mike Tenay at the broadcast booth as Gunner & Muffin to attack the Guns from behind. Sabin gets tosses out to the floor as Gunner puts the boots to Shelley and then tags in Muffin, who chokes Shelley on the second rope and then stands on his head. Gunner tags back in and gets a rear chinlock on Shelley, then just blatantly chokes him before releasing and covering for 2. Gunner goes back to the chinlock, then tags Muffin back in and Muffin chokes Shelley with his boot, then catapults him into the second rope and taunts Sabin to come in the ring. Muffin tags back in and now he chokes Shelley with his boot, but misses a charge and Shelley makes the hot tag and he comes in and cleans house on Gunner and Muffin. Muffin charges but Sabin pulls down the ropes and Muffin sails out to the floor. Guns set Gunner up for the Skull & Bones, but Muffin comes in with the nightstick and nails Sabin and that gets the DQ.

Winners: Motor City Machine Guns by DQ

The Guns snap and grab the nightstick and go nuts beating Gunner & Muffin down and choke them out as Beer Money is speechless at the broadcast booth.

We go back to the Beautiful People's locker room where Winter walks in on them and wishes them luck tonight. Velvet asks who that is, and Angelina says that's the girl she's been seeing all this time and that she'll tell her all about it on their way to the ring.

Sarita and Daffney are backstage, and they're...WALKING!

Matt Morgan is backstage and finally found Ken Anderson. He asks Anderson if he heard what Bischoff said, and Anderson said he did. Morgan asks what the verdict is, and he says he's going to wrestle. Morgan can't believe it, but Anderson says he has no choice. Morgan says he's doing this because he stood up for Anderson and turned his back on Immortal and Fortune because he had a choice to make. Anderson says it was the right choice and he thanks him for that, and he's shown for a while now that he's appreciative of that fact, but they're both wrestlers and this is what they do, and every once in a while, you're going to get an owie on the back of your head. Morgan says he knows better than that, and Anderson says damn right he knows because he was sitting home for the last two months, and Morgan asks him if he wants to be home for the next 20 years. Anderson says he has someone to be his doctor, and he's confident that he's going to clear him to wrestle. Morgan says this is BS and it's not 1945, Anderson's going to get himself hurt. Anderson asks Morgan if he's going to hurt him, and Morgan takes offense to that and walks out on him.

Time to begin the tournament!

Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament - Opening Round: Sarita & Daffney vs Angelina Love & Velvet Sky

Sarita grabs the mic before the match and says this is really starting to become a joke because every time Velvet Sky gets in trouble, she always goes running back to Angelina. Sarita says she kicked her scrawny little ass and beat her twice in front of everybody, so she went running back to hide behind her little girlfriend. She asks Velvet if she's afraid she can't beat her, because she's right, she can't beat Sarita. But Sarita wants to know one thing: when is Velvet going to grow a big-

Well, we never find out what she was going to say because Velvet tackles her to start the match and repeatedly slams her head into the mat. Velvet gets a rollup for 2 and then whips Sarita to the corner, Sarita tries a leapfrog but Velvet just drops her straight down on her face and covers for 2. Sarita misses a charge in the corner and Velvet gets a Fujiwara armbar, but Daffney comes in and saves her partner with a boot to Velvet's head, drawing a big "Daffney" chant from the crowd. Sarita dances over Velvet and talks smack to her, then tags in Daffney, who picks Velvet up for a greatly delayed bodyslam and then rakes her boot across Velvet's face. Tag back out to Sarita, but Velvet fights back and gets a chinbreaker on Sarita and a double clothesline puts both girls down. They both tag out and Angelina comes in for the babyface comeback as the crowd chants Daffney and boos everything Angelina does. Angelina with a Pittsburgh Plunge, nails Sarita off the apron, and hits a Flatliner for the win.

Winners: Angelina Love & Velvet Sky

Sarita grabs a mic and tells Velvet that it doesn't matter because she still didn't beat her because she's a loser and is never going to beat her.

A bunch of dudes are backstage wheeling a casket around. What are they up to??

We go to a video package detailing the history between Tara and Mickie James in TNA and the viciously personal feud that has developed between them since Mickie came to TNA, and then we hit another video package detailing the events of the Pope-Abyss match at Final Resolution.

Speaking of Abyss and Pope, we go out to the Impact Zone where the aforementioned dudes roll the casket out to ringside and then This Little Light Of Mine starts playing, and a bunch of dancing singers, apparently from Pope's Congregation. Pope's voice boomed out over the Impact Zone saying not to fear because Final Resolution was not the end of the Pope, but the beginning, and while he was in the casket he was surrounded by darkness, and darkness without life. But while he was surrounded by darkness, Pope had a spiritual awakening, and now he's going to lead the Congregation to heights never seen before, and will do so by helping those in need. He said we're heading into the Christmas season and there are some who have a Christmas tree, but some will only have a Christmas twig, so he wants the members of the Congregation to dig into their pockets and donate to those less fortunate than themselves. Everybody knows that when there's Pope, there's hope because Pope is pimpin'.

AJ Styles is backstage yelling at Abyss that Douglas Williams stole the TV Title from him and Abyss has to bring it back. Abyss says to relax because he'll take care of it.

We go to a video package looking back at TNA's recent tour to the United Arab Emirates, and then we go backstage to Mickie James, who says she thought the water was under the bridge between herself and Tara, but she guesses not so they're going to need to settle this in a cage.

Back to the ring...

TV Title Match: Douglas Williams vs Abyss

They tie up and Abyss shoves Williams off, so Williams headbutts Abyss in the chest and tries an Irish Whip, but Abyss blocks so Williams hits a dropkick and fires in European Uppercuts in the corner and then climbs up for a 10 punch count. Williams ducks a clothesline and gets a three quarter nelson and rams in kneestrikes to the face. Abyss sends Williams into the ropes and boots him in the face, then sends him to the corner and stalls for a good long time before laying in some hard shots in the corner. Abyss whips Williams hard across the ring and Williams bounces out of the corner and collapses to the mat. Abyss with a head vice, but Williams fights his way free and tries a sunset flip, Abyss tries to drop on his chest but Wililams moves and opens up with European Uppercuts and hits a running knee in the corner, then goes up top and hits a rolling back elbow off the top rope and covers for 2. Williams goes for Chaos Theory, but Abyss holds onto the top turnbuckle so tightly he pulls it off. Williams tries a rollup and gets 2, but Abyss kicks out and tries a charge and Williams moves and Abyss crashes into the exposed turnbuckle and Williams rolls him up for the win.

Winner: Douglas Williams

AJ Styles runs out and attacks Williams on the rampway and gives him the Styles Clash, then gets in Williams' face and shouts at him that he stole his belt.

Jeff Jarrett is backstage getting warmed up for the Double J MMA Challenge, and that's up next!

Also backstage, Tara says that if Mickie James wants a cage, she's got it because there's no escape from the cage. It's the first ever Knockouts cage match, and she's coming out on top. Then Generation Me says that they were getting their dance on when Eric Young came out and ruined it, so Max Buck suggests Young gets his girlfriend Orlando Jordan (his words) and they'll face them next week on Impact.

Back to the ring...

The Double J MMA Challenge

Jarrett gets the usual chant, and he says for the last time he didn't sell out, he bought in. Crowd keeps chanting anyway, so Jarrett just continues by saying that the entire world of professional wrestling knows he is the most feared athlete in professional wrestling today. Nobody thought he could make Samoa Joe tap out, but he did, and now it's time for Jarrett to up the ante, and with it being the holiday season and with Christmas right around the corner, he's in a giving mood and he's going to give someone in the Impact Zone a chance to make something of themselves because he's throwing out the first ever Double J MMA Challenge, and if any man, woman, or child can force him to submit, he'll give them $100,000 of his own money. Taz casually says he wishes he had his gi. Jarrett brings Jeremy Borash in the ring and Borash asks one more time that if anyone can make him submit, he'll give them $100,000, and Jarrett says he will. Borash asks the crowd if there's any volunteers, and Borash finds a guy in the front row who's big and in great shape, but Jarrett says to stay where he is because he's all gassed up and he'll blow up in 30 seconds. Another guy is in the front row and Jarrett says to sit down and have another six pack. Jarrett finally picks a skinny mark in a TNA shirt out of the crowd and brings him into the ring. Borash confirms that he's over 18 and he understands that this is a contest of a physical nature. He says he's 18 and that's fine, so Jarrett asks him his name and where he's from, and the guy says he's Mike from Brooklyn, so Jarrett says this is no joke and slaps Mike repeatedly then tells the ref to ring the bell. Jarrett repeatedly rams knees into the guy's face and rains down punches on him. Crowd starts a "let's go Mike" chant as Jarrett gets the rear naked choke and Mike taps.

Winner: Jeff Jarrett

Jarrett runs around the ring with his arms raised celebrating his victory.

We take a look backstage where people are carrying out the pieces of the cage, and the first ever Knockouts cage match is up next!

As we get ready for the main event, we go to a video package looking back at the last several months of Rob Van Dam's career from being put out by Abyss and having his TNA World Title stripped of him, to coming back and having Jeff Hardy turn on him and then his recent situation with Rhino turning on him as well.

It's main event time!

Cage Match: Mickie James vs Tara

Mickie goes after Tara on the floor before she even gets in the ring, but Tara fires back on her and they exchange blows on the floor until Micke rolls over her with a clothesline. Mickie tosses her into the cage and the bell rings...and it's commercial time!

Okay, we're back and it's 10:58! Tara picks Mickie up for a TKO, but keeps swinging her past the TKO position into a side suplex and covers for 2. Mickie tries to reverse a whip into the cage but Tara blocks, so Mickie just yanks back on her hair and hits several clotheslines, then a snapmare and a diving dropkick to the face for 2. Tara Tullys Mickie into the middle turnbuckle and gets a snap suplex into a front choke, but Mickie gets to her feet and rams Tara into the corner and rams in several shoulderblocks. Tara turns it around and tosses Mickie over the top rope to the apron, wedging Mickie between the ropes and the cage and, with nowhere to go, Tara hits a high kick to the face. Mickie fires back and rams Tara into the cage and climbs up the cage to the top rope, but Tara recovers and follows her up, and Mickie looked like she was trying for a Frankensteiner off the top, but something went wrong somewhere and they crash hard at a really awkward and scary angle. Tara gets up and rams Mickie to the cage, then picks her up and rams her to the cage again. Tara limps over and tries to escape the cage, but Mickie nails her from behind and drags her back in as Impact comes to an end.

We're into Reaction now and Tara tries for the Widow's Peak, but Mickie slipped out and rammed Tara into the cage, then does it again and the second time, Tara comes down badly on her arm and visibly injured herself. Mickie tries to choke her with the boot to buy Tara some time, then rams Tara to the corner turnbuckle. Tara tries to climb out but she's only got one working arm and can't make it out, so Mickie follows her to the top rope and kicks Tara off the top rope. Tara lands in the ring and Mickie goes to the top of the cage, which is a long way up and way higher than the WWE cage, and hits a Thesz Press off the top of the cage for the win.

Winner: Mickie James

Mickie seemed to come down badly on her knee on that one. This was an awesome match and both girls deserve a ton of credit for working their asses off, and big props to Tara for gutting it out and finishing the match.