Regarding Kurt Angle's arrest this weekend:

It was troubling to hear of Kurt Angle's arrest in his hometown of Pittsburgh over the weekend. I've always had a respectful repore with Kurt ever since we signed him to his first WWE contract. Without question, Kurt Angle is one of the best athletes to ever migrate to pro wrestling and "got it" as fast as any one that I can recall. Nonetheless one being arrested in one's home town is regrettable and embarrassing. From a personal point of view and speaking as someone who has enjoyed most of my business dealings with Kurt, I hope that he can recover from this matter and regroup. If regrouping requires Kurt to leave pro wrestling and moving to other endeavors such as acting full time then so be it. Perhaps the former Olympic Gold Medal winning Freestyle Wrestler in the '96 Games in Atlanta puts too much physical pressure on himself in an athletic setting and may be more relaxed and happier if movies were his focus is not being a "jock."

What has occurred lately for Angle obviously isn't working for a legitimately decent human being. It seems as if problems exist and my theory has always been that if one can't, after doing all that's humanly possible, solve a problem then the only alternative is to eliminate the problem.

There are times in everyone's life where they need to step away from what they feel that they have immersed themselves and take the time to reassess. Trust me on which I speak as, from the best that I can tell, we only pass this way once.