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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE PPV 'No Way Out' LIVE COVERAGE

    LIVE Coverage!
    WWE PPV 'No Way Out' 2007

    Los Angeles, CA - Staples Center - 18th Feb 2007


    John Cena & Shawn Michaels v Batista & The Undertaker

    WWE Tag-Team Championships
    Paul London & Brian Kendrick (c) v Duece & Domino

    ECW Title Match
    Mr. Kennedy vs Bobby Lashley

    Cruiserweight Championship
    Champion Gregory Helms will defend the title in a "Cruiserweight Open" against Daivari, Chavo Guerrero, Shannon Moore, Funaki, Jimmy Yang, Scotty 2 Hotty and Jamie Noble

    King Booker v Kane

    Chris Benoit & The Hardyz vs MVP and MNM

    Diva Talent Invitational

    Finlay v Boogeyman


  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
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    No spoilers before they are posted in this post.

    WWE PPV 'No Way Out' 2007
    Location: Los Angeles, California
    Announcers: Micael Cole & JBL

    A video compilation showing the main event tonight with HBK & Cena vs Batista & Undertaker. Two Wrestlemania main events go at each other. The package ends saying tonight, the road to WrestleMania 23 continues.

    A graphic opening then hits welcoming us to No Way Out. We go live to Los Angeles where a series of pyro goes off in the arena.

    A shot of the crowd is shown as Michael Cole & JBL welcome us to the PPV and then Cole tries to pass it onto the Spanish Announce Team, but JBL says this is America and we speak English. Then we go to the Spanish announce team eventually and they welcome us to the show.

    MVP's music starts and makes his way to the ring.

    MNM with Melina make their usual way to the ring and Johnny Nitro slapped a "You suck" sign out of the hands of a fan. Alot of focus on Melina doing her ring enterance. Some good caps for later on. After seeing Melina's entrance, JBL commented that he needs to learn Spanish.

    Matt & Jeff hardy make their way to the ring, slow and high-fiving fans on the way.

    Chris Benoit the United States champion makes his way to the ring with all 6 in the middle of the ring and MVP the only one trash talking ...

    Here we go ......

    Chris Benoit, Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy vs MNM (Joey Mercury & Johnny Nitro, with Melina) & MVP

    Matt started out with Mercury, as they locked up and went to the ropes. Mercury hit some punches, but Matt returned fire. Mercury rammed Hardy face first into the turnbuckles and hit a bionic elbow. Mercury ran into a boot by Matt, and Matt followed it with a second rope elbow. Jeff tagged in, hitting a shoulderblock and a slingshot dropkick. Matt tagged back in and worked on Mercury's arm. Mercury yanked him down by the hair and tagged in Nitro. Matt hiptossed him, but Nitro got Matt into his corner and tagged MVP. MVP threw some punches and slammed Matt, then missed an elbowdrop. Matt tagged in Benoit, who chopped MVP and delivered some knees to the gut. MVP went to the eyes, then hit some forearms to the back and a snap mare, then a kick to the back for a two count.

    Benoit came right back with chops, and went to tag out, but MNM went to the floor, as no one wanted to face Benoit. MVP reluctantly went back towards Benoit, who chopped him and hit a snap suplex for a two count. Jeff tagged in and stomped MVP in the corner. MVP raked Jeff in the eyes and tagged Nitro. Nitro took Hardy down with punches, as the fans chanted for Hardy. Jeff crawled to the corner, and hit Nitro with a back kick. Jeff hit a slingblade clothesline and a legdrop to the groin. Nitro got to his feet and slapped Jeff. Nitro exited the ring and Jeff gave chase, which was a ploy for Mercury to blindside Jeff on the floor and toss him into the security wall. Jeff was tossed back in and Nitro put him in a chinlock.

    Jeff battled out, but Mercury hit him with a knee from the apron as he tried to bounce off the ropes. Mercury tagged in and hit an elbowdrop for a two count, then applied a rear chinlock. MVP tagged in and kicked Hardy down in the corner. MNM worked him over as MVP argued with the referee. MVP suplexed Jeff for a two count. Nitro tagged back in and whipped Jeff chest first into a corner. Nitro set up Jeff for a back superplex, but Jeff elbowed him away and hit the Whisper In The Wind. Jeff tagged Matt, who hit Nitro with a back elbow. Mercury ran in and got clotheslines. Matt hit a bulldog/clothesline combo on MNM, then gave Nitro a Side Effect for a two count. Mercury hit Benoit on the apron and Benoit ran in and kicked Mercury out of the ring. As the referee was getting Benoit out, MVP gave Matt a back suplex. Nitro then tagged in MVP, who put Matt in a cravate, then hit a salto suplex. MVP hit his "three point" elbow, but Benoit came in and broke up the cover.

    Mercury tagged in and stuck his thumb in Matt's eye. Mercury hit Matt with a short arm clothesline for a two count. Nitro tagged in and gave Matt a neckbreaker for a two count, then put him in a front facelock. Nitro gave Hardy an uppercut, but Matt decked him with a clothesline. Mercury tagged in and knocked Jeff off the ring apron. Matt backdropped Mercury and tagged in Benoit. Benoit cleaned house on all three opponents, suplexing Mercury on top of MVP. Benoit went to German suplex Mercury, but Mercury grabbed Nitro. So Benoit suplexed both members of MNM. The Hardys ran in, and Nitro and MVP were tossed out of the ring. Mercury was given Air Hardy, a Twist Of Fate, a Swanton Bomb, and a top rope headbutt from Benoit, but MVP ran in and broke up the cover.

    The match broke down, with MNM and the Hardys on the floor. MVP grabbed the U.S. Title belt and went to hit Benoit with it, but Benoit ducked and put MVP in the Crippler Crossface. MVP was about to tap, but Nitro got in to break it up. The Hardys ended up on the floor with MVP, and MNM went for the Snapshot on Benoit. Matt ran in to break it up, and Benoit floated over Mercury into Crossface position. Mercury resisted, but Benoit pounded on Mercury and got the Crossface on for the tapout win at the fourteen minute mark.

    Winners: Chris Benoit, Matt Hardy & Jeff Hardy

    Benoit and the Hardy Boys celebrate their win as they make their way to the back. Stop before entering the back, salute the crowd and leave.

    Crystal is backstage and welcomes Vicki Guerrero with boos from the crowd. Vicki says she has been doing alot of soul searching and she says there is one important thing she has to do before she accomplishes something her and Crystal said. Vivki said it all begins this week on Smackdown. Strange segment if people missed the last couple of Smackdowns.

    The Little Bastard is saying to Finlay that he does not want to go out because he is scared of the little Boogeyman and says little people are scary. Finlay leaves to get his stick and the Little Bastard does not want to be left alone, so Finaly gives him a hug and throws the Little Bastard into the rubbish bin and says maybe you will feel safer in here andd the rubbish bin has smoke coming out of it and a red light appears and as the Little Bastard jumps out, out pops little Boogeyman. JBL says it is like Gullivers travels around here.

    In- ring an announcement is amde for the Cruiserwight championship match and that competitiors picked out numbers. Once a superstar is eliminated, another one enters the ring and the last superstar to stand is the winner.

    Scotty 2 Hotty makes his way to the ring.

    Daviri comes out and makes his way to the ring.

    Up next, Gregory Helms defending his Cruiserweight Championship.

    Cruiserweight Open Rules Championship Match

    Daivari and Scotty 2 Hotty were the first two "random" participants. Daivari kicked Scotty in the gut and whipped him hard into the corner for a one count. Daivari slammed Scotty and dropped an elbow for two. Daivari hit some punches, but Scotty fought back. Scotty hit the bulldog and went for the Worm. Scotty hit it and got the pin at the two minute mark.

    Daviri out.

    Gregory Helms was out next.

    Helms hit Scotty with left and rights, then choked him against the bottom rope. Helms catapulted Scotty into the middle rope for a two count. Helms applied a double underhook and drove his knee into Scotty's head. Scotty rammed Helms into a corner, then hit some punches. Scotty hit a back suplex. He went for the Worm, but Helms tripped him into the ropes, then hit a facebuster on his knee for the pin at the two minute mark.

    Scotty 2 Hotty is out.

    Funaki was out next.

    Funaki hit a right hand and went to the top rope. He went for a flying bodypress, but Helms rolled through it and held the trunks for the pin in about ten seconds.

    Funaki out.

    Shannon Moore was out next.

    He pulled Helms to the floor and gave him a headscissors after handspringing off the apron on the outside. Moore tossed Helms into the ring for a two count. Helms reversed a whip and hit a backbreaker for two. Moore tripped Helms and rolled him up for a two count. Helms ran into a Moore boot, and Moore hit a second rope neckbreaker for a two count. Moore went to the top rope, but Helms caught him and hit a double arm suplex. Helms hit Moore with the facebuster to the knee for the pin at the three minute mark.

    Shannon Moore is out.

    Jimmy Yang was out next.

    Yang hit Helms with a back elbow and a standing moonsault for a two count. Yang pounded Helms in the corner with punches, then poked him in the eye and swept hit leg out. Yang cradled Helms for a two count, then hit a Russian legsweep and applied a variation of the abdominal stretch on the mat into a cradle for two. Yang rammed Helms into the corner and went for a moonsault off the top. Helms moved and Yang landed on his feet, but Helms hit him with a clothesline. Helms charged Yang, but Yang caught him with a rana for a three count at the two minute mark. We'll have a new champion tonight.

    Helms is out.

    Jamie Noble was out next.

    Helms grabbed Yang and gave him the Eye Of The Hurricane before leaving. Noble covered Yang for a two count. Noble hit a neckbreaker for two. Noble slammed Yang and hit a legdrop, then applied a cobra clutch. Yang broke out, but missed a charge in the corner and hit the ringpost. Noble rolled up Yang for a two count. Noble applied a sleeper, but Yang got out with a chinbuster. Noble missed a kick and got crotched on the middle rope. Yang hit a reverse atomic drop, two clotheslines and a spinkick. Noble came back with a jumping knee for a two count. Noble set up Yang for a superplex, hitting chops after sitting him on the top rope. Yang blocked the move and shoved Noble to the mat, then hit a springboard moonsault to pin Noble at the three minute mark.

    Jamie Noble is out.

    For some reason they were going to give Yang the belt, even though Chavo Guerrero hadn't come out yet.

    Chavo's music hit, and Guerrero came out.

    Michael Cole said he was a "surprise entry". Maybe Cole was the guy that pulled Chavo's picture from the Cruiserweight Open picture on WWE.com this afternoon, since Chavo was listed for the match all day yesterday and much of today.

    Chavo snapmared Yang and kicked him in the back. Chavo stomped Yang in the corner and gave him a facewash kick. Yang ducked a right hand and hit a spinkick. Yang backdropped Chavo over the top rope and to the floor. Yang hit a top rope dive on Chavo on the floor. Yang hit a top rope dropkick, but Chavo came back with the Three Amigos suplexes. Cole said doing the move was disrespectful. Chavo went to the top rope, but Yang met him up there and hit a rana for a two count. Yang went for the corkscrew splash, but Chavo moved out of the way and Yang crashed. Chavo hit a frog splash and got the pin at the three minute mark.

    Winner and new Cruiserweight Champion: Chavo Guerrero

    Personal Note: I find it strange that someone who has held the Championship for so long and is a record holder gets beaten in this fashion for it. Helms may have pissed somebody off.

    Chavo celebrates in the ring but the crowd are not happy with his win and continue to boo him as he leaves the arena.

    Chavo celebrates in the ring but the crowd are not happy with his win and continue to boo him as he leaves the arena.

    Wrestlemania 23 ad - 42 days away.

    Kristal was with WWE Champion John Cena. He said he wasn't concerned about any tension between himself and Shawn Michaels tonight. He said a whole lot of other stuff but it went in one ear and out the other.

    Finlay and the Little Bastard make their way to the ring. Bastard ran under the ring as soon as he came out.

    Boogeyman and Little Boogeyman make their way to the ring.

    Gawd help us, here we go ....

    Finlay & Little Bastard vs Boogeyman & Little Boogeyman

    Finlay started off with Boogey, kicking him in the gut and applying an armbar. Boogey reversed it and took Finlay down with a fireman's carry. Boogey dragged Finlay to the floor and rammed him into the security wall. In the ring, Boogeyman kicked Finlay in the face and rammed him into the turnbuckle. Boogey slammed Finlay. Little Boogey came in and gave Finlay a pair of sitdown splashes. Boogey gave Little Boogey worms. Little Bastard showed up from under the ring, taking off his hat (he put it on Finlay's head) and jacket. As he got ready to go at it with Little Boogey, Finlay kicked Little Boogey in the head. Bastard returned to under the ring. Finlay went to pin Little Boogey, but Little Boogey put him in a small package for a two count. Finlay clothesline Little Boogey, from his knees. Finlay hit a sit down splash and a elbow, then put Little Boogey in a Short Arm Scissors (the announcers called it a Little Armbar). Little Boogey was tapping but I guess it didn't count. Little Boogey was tossed to the floor, and Little Bastard dragged him under the ring. Finlay went to lift the apron, and Boogeyman, who had crawled over from the other side of the ring, popped out. We're back to Boogeyman vs. Finlay. Boogey hit a catapult and a splash in the corner. Little Boogey showed up from under the ring, and Boogey threw Little Boogey on top of Finlay. Little Bastard broke up the cover. Boogey scared off Little Bastard into the crowd with a handful of worms. In the ring, Finlay nailed Little Boogey with the shillelagh for the pin at the six minute mark.

    Winners: Fit Finlay & Little Bastard

    JBL Quote: "Wouldn't you be scared of Boogeyman and your a full blown half man."

    Finlay celebrates his win as he makes his way to the back.

    RAW ad - Billion dollar challenge made promo between vince and Trump. RAW back to its normal time.

    Crystal is with Shawn Michaels and asks him if he can trust Cena tonight and Michaels says no and he only trusts one person, HHH. Michaels says he gave Cena his word and will not go back on it tonight and that he is not scared of anyone tonight. He had two words for us ... you know you want to say it!

    King Booker makes his way to the ring in his only Royal way he knows how to and probably only person that wants to.

    A promo vid showing Bookers proclamations from the Royal Rumble andf how Kane threw Booker over the rope and screwed Kane over and got him out of the Royal Rumble. The from 2 weeks ago when he recieves a key to a city and that all goes to hell when Kane comes out.

    As Sharmelle is yelling King Booker, kanes pyro goes off and he makes his way to the ring.

    Here we go ....

    Kane vs King Booker w/ Queen Sharmell

    Kane hit an uppercut at the start and worked Booker over with elbows and punches in a corner. Booker fought back with chops and punches, but Kane threw Booker into a corner by the throat and pounded him down to the mat. Kane hit an elbow to the throat on the outside with Booker stretched across the apron. Kane hit a clothesline in the ring and applied a head vice. Booker poked Kane in the eyes and hit a back elbow, but ran into a backbreaker by Kane. Kane drove a knee into Booker's back and Booker rolled to the apron. Booker yanked Kane throat first across the top rope, but Kane came right back with a boot to the face.

    Kane clotheslined Booker over the top rope and to the floor. Kane pounded Booker on the floor, but Booker got a mule kick to the gut and rammed Kane into the ring steps twice. Booker rolled Kane back into the ring, and hit a missile dropkick. Booker scored a two count, and stomped Kane on the mat. Booker applied an overhead wristlock on the mat. Kane fought up and armdragged out of it, then hit a clothesline and a series of punches. Kane hit a boot to the face, then went to the top rope. Kane jumped off, but Booker dropkicked him as he came down. Booker hit a back kick for a two count. They traded punches, actually, Booker never landed any, as Kane blocked them and hit his shots. Booker came back with a flying forearm. Booker complained about the slow count by the referee, then pounded Kane on the mat with punches.

    Booker chopped Kane in the corner, then hit some punches. Booker went for a vertical suplex, but Kane reversed it and delivered his own suplex. They were both slow to get up, and Booker nailed Kane with a side kick for a two count. Kane and Booker traded shots, with Kane getting the better of it. Booker ducked a clothesline, but Kane grabbed him by the throat. Booker kicked Kane in the gut, then kicked him again, and went for the ax kick. Kane dodged it and flipped Booker with a clothesline. Both men were down, and Kane sat up as Booker was getting to his feet. Kane hit some punches, then rammed Booker into the turnbuckles. Kane pounded Booker in a corner with punches. Kane whipped Booker across the ring and hit a clothesline. Kane hit a second, then dropped Booker with a side slam.

    Kane went to the top rope and hit a clothesline. Kane called for the chokeslam. Sharmell got on the apron. Kane and the referee were distracted by her, and Booker nailed Kane with a side kick. Booker went for the ax kick, but Kane dodged it, grabbed Booker by the throat and hit the chokeslam for the win at the twelve minute mark.

    Winner: Kane

    Kane stands in the middle of the ring as he watches Sharmelle help a dazed Booker to the back. Kane starts to smile his evil grin as the arena goes red.

    DX - New and improved DVD ad.

    Crystal introduces batista. Batista reminds us it is WM main event vs WM main event and says it is Smackdown vs RAW and Smackdown will beat RAW (thankyou Batista). Crystal reminds Batista that Undertaker choke slammed him 2 weeks ago and brings up the clip of it. She asks Batista is he intimidated by the Undertaker and he says no, and not Michaels or Cena either.

    Tag Team Champions London and Kendrick quickly, i mean in like 2 secs (don't blink) make their way to the ring.

    Deuce and Domino w/Cherry come out in there car and make their way to the ring.

    WWE Tag Team Championship
    Brian Kendrick & Paul London vs. Deuce & Domino, w/Cherry

    No Ashley with the tag champs. London started out with Domino, and they exchanged shoves. They locked up, and Domino shoved London on the break in the corner. London piefaced Domino, and they exchanged slaps. London leapfrogged Domino and hit a back elbow. Kendrick tagged in for a double armdrag. Kendrick leapfrogged Domino and armdragged him, then tagged in London, who hit a top rope double stomp on his outstretched arm. Deuce ran in, and was tossed from the ring. Domino was given a double dropkick and went to the floor to regroup. Back in the ring, Deuce gave London a backbreaker and a clothesline and put him in a surfboard. Domino had a bloody mouth. Deuce whipped London into the corner, then whipped him into a double knee by Domino.

    Domino slapped London and then slammed him. Domino put London in a surfboard. London broke out, but Domino gave him a double underhook suplex for a two count. Deuce tagged in and slammed London into the turnbuckles. Deuce & Domino gave London a double backdrop. Deuce knocked Kendrick off the apron when London was near his corner. London flipped out of a slam attempt, kicked away Deuce and avoided Deuce and Domino to finally make the tag to Kendrick. Kendrick dropkicked Domino from the ring and put Deuce in a backslide for a two count. Deuce cut off Kendrick's momentum with a clothesline. Deuce ran into a boot by Kendrick. Kendrick climbed the ropes, but was cut off by Domino. Deuce and Domino went for the Doomsday Device. London went to break it up, but Domino knocked him away. Domino went for the clothesline, but Kendrick ducked it and rolled Deuce into a Victory Roll for the pin at the eight minute mark.

    Winners: WWE Tag Team Champions Brian Kendrick & Paul London

    Kendrick and London celebrate as they make their way to the back while Deuce and Domino are in the ring pissed off at themselves.

    Power Trip - Monster Magnet - Ofiicial No Way Out theme song.

    Michael Cole. who is losing his voice introduces a video that celebrates Lashleys past in wrestling, to the army.

    Crystal is with Mr Kennedy. She asks Kennedy his thoughts on L:ashleys recent succes. Kennedy says his thoughts on Lashley are the same as his thoughts on the people of Hollywood, phony wannabes. He continues dissing the crowd and saying he got his dream but they didn't. Kennedy says he has alreaady beaten Lashley and he will beat him again tonight. Lashley turns up and says he has one word for him, ummm I think he said allatosis, not sure. Kennedy went to hit lAshley but Lashley blocked it and knocked Kennedy to the ground for his troubles.

    They showed a image of chains with the wwe logo on it while JBL ttells us his love of Kennedy, exciting stuff lol.

    Lashley makes his explosive enterance and heads to the ring.

    Kennedy runs out of the back and attacks Lashley as he walks to the ring (oh and JBL is still telling us his love for Kennedy while Cole nearly loses his voice) ....

    ECW Championship
    Bobby Lashley(c) vs Ken Kennedy

    Kennedy jumped Lashley in the aisle as he was making his entrance. They brawled near the entrance set, with Lashley getting the better of it. Lashley dragged Kennedy to the ring and tossed him in to start the match. Lashley pounded Kennedy across the back, whipped him across the ring and tossed him with a Beel throw. Kennedy rolled to the apron, and Lashley stomped him. Kennedy crawled to the floor, and Lashley went after him. Kennedy fought back on the floor, but Lashley stayed on offense.

    Back in the ring, Kennedy poked Lashley in the eyes and went for a whip, but Lashley reversed it and backdropped Kennedy. Lashley hit a forearm and a bodyslam. Lashley went for a charge, and Kennedy side stepped it, but Lashley put on the breaks and hit a clothesline. Lashley hit a delayed vertical suplex for a two count. Kennedy came back with some knees to the body and kicks to the back. Lashley reversed a whip, and Kennedy kicked away a backdrop attempt, but Lashley scored with a clothesline. Lashley put Kennedy in a Torture Rack, but Kennedy raked his eyes and dropkicked his legs out from under him. Kennedy hit a running kick to the face for a two count. Kennedy applied an inverted figure four leglock. Lashley struggled in the hold, then rolled out of it.

    Kennedy dropped a pair of elbows to the leg, then applied a leglace. Kennedy pounded on the leg, but Lashley headbutted and elbowed out of it. Kennedy punched Lashley in the head and then dropped his weight on Lashley's leg. Kennedy scored a two count, then elbowed Lashley's leg. Kennedy drove Lashley's knee into the mat. Kennedy applied a single leg crab, but Lashley made the ropes. Lashley went for a slam, but his leg couldn't support the weight, and Kennedy scored a two count. Kennedy wrapped Lashley's leg in the ropes and dropkicked it. Kennedy got another two count, then kicked Lashley in the gut. Kennedy threw Lashley into the corner and worked him over with right hands. Kennedy choked Lashley in the corner. Lashley shoved Kennedy away and started throwing right hands. Lashley went for a suplex, but Kennedy kicked him in the leg and hit a DDT. Kennedy scored a two count.

    Kennedy put Lashley in the single leg crab again. Lashley tripped out of it, but Kennedy grabbed him and hit the forward roll Samoan Drop. Kennedy went to the top rope and went for the Kenton Bomb, but Lashley got his knees up. Lashley hit a belly to belly suplex. Both men were slow to get up. Lashley and Kennedy traded punches, which some in the crowd were mocking by going "Ohh" and "Ahh". Kennedy hit a spinebuster for a two count. Lashley put Kennedy in a Torture Rack and dropped down to his knees, then covered Kennedy for a two count. Lashley went for a backdrop, but Kennedy hit a neckbreaker for a two count. Kennedy accidentally/on purpose elbowed the referee. Lashley scooped up Kennedy for a slam, but Kennedy floated over and knocked out Lashley's leg. The referee was back up. Kennedy went for a chair and blasted Lashley in the back with it. The referee was busy wiping his eyes. Kennedy went for another chairshot, but Lashley kicked Kennedy and grabbed the chair. Lashley swung the chair, but Kennedy ducked it. Kennedy tried to escape the ring, but Lashley hit him in the back with the chair, getting disqualified at the sixteen minute mark.

    Winner via disqualification: Ken Kennedy

    Personal Note: All the way through the match i was waiting for JBL to raise some pom poms and start a cheer for Kennedy. He did all the announcing mainly with a few comments from Cole since his voice is so bad.

    Kennedy left the ring and started to the back but Lashley went after him. Lashley then proceeded to beat Kennedy down with the chair until officials made him leave.

    Michael Cole tells us Rey Mysterio returns this Friday night to his home town on Smackdown.

    Preview of Stone Colds new movie 'The Condemned'.

    Michael Cole is with co star of 'The Condemned' Vinnie Jones and he says he is the real star of the movie, not Stone Cold.

    Mike Mizanians music hits and out The Miz comes.

    Diva talent show up next.

    Diva Talent Invitational

    The first contestant(s) was Extreme Expose. They danced in the ring.

    The second contestant was Jillian Hall. Jillian got on the mic and said that this was her "big break". Jillian said the only reason she didn't win a Grammy last week is because she wasn't signed to a record deal yet. Jillian said she wrote her own song for tonight, and she was going to sing it. She warmed up with a pitch pipe, and had the sound man adjust the treble and bass for her. She started to warble a song, but Miz interrupted, saying she was the "female William Hung". Jillian freaked over the interruption, then said Extreme Expose didn't have enough talent to be her background dancers. Jillian said none of the other Divas had talent, making fun of Candice, Maria and Ariel, saying they were all "talentless bitches". Candice, Maria and Ariel came to the ring, and they all beat up Jillian. For some reason, Extreme Expose started brawling with them as well, and we had a big catfight in the ring. Referees, to a chorus of boos, broke it up.

    Ashley's music hit, and she came out, stood at the entrance, and they unfurled the giant version of her Playboy cover. Ashley stood in the aisle and took off her top. She had Playboy Bunny pasties on her breasts. She then turned and left as The Miz declared her the winner of the competition.

    We will have the CAPS of this available and posted ASAP. My gawd, those bunnies left hardly anything to the imagination. She looked like this sneak preview that was posted on UOW but alot less showing - Click Here

    Winner: Ashley

    Shows a image outside of the Staple Center.

    A video package showing the lead up to the main event tonight - HBK & Cena vs Undertaker & Batista

    HBKs music hits and he makes his way to the ring, atleast Coles voice seems a bit better, he has not been speaking much, saving himself for this match.

    Cenas music hits and the crowd erupts to their feet.

    Batista comes out the only explosive way he can with a stern look on his face and makes his way to the ring.

    With all 3 men in the ring staring each other down, the arena goes dark and blue, smoke builds and the Undertakers music hits. The undertaker is seen standing under the scaffolding and slams his arms down and fire erupts all aorund him on the scaffolding at the enterance. As the undertaker makes his way to the ring slowly with the fire burning in the background

    All 4 men in the ring standing eye to eye, they move to their corners and Cena and Batista to start it off ...

    Batista & The Undertaker vs John Cena & Shawn Michaels

    They locked up, and Batista threw Cena into the ropes and hit a shoulderblock. Batista hit some shoulderblocks in a corner, then whipped Cena across the ring and ran into a Cena boot. Cena hit some right hands, but Batista blocked a whip and hit a forward roll Samoan Drop. Batista gave Cena a jackhammer for a two count. Batista backed Cena in a corner, but missed a charge and ran into the ringpost. Cena worked over Batista with punches and tagged Michaels, who came in to a pop. Michaels chopped Batista, and Batista whipped Michaels into the corner and kicked him in the gut. Michaels kicked away a backdrop attempt but Batista nailed him with a clothesline. Undertaker tagged in to a pop and grabbed Michaels in an armbar. Taker hit a pair of short arm shoulderblocks and a legdrop to the arm. Undertaker did the Old School rope walk and dropped a forearm.

    Taker hit Michaels with headbutts, but Michaels fought back with punches. Taker shoved Michaels away, but Michaels came right back with more punches. Taker hit a boot to the face for a two count. Undertaker tagged Batista, who worked on Michaels' arm. Michaels fought back with chops, but Batista slammed him. Batista missed an elbowdrop and Michaels tagged Cena. Fans booed as Cena and Batista went at it. Batista hit a back elbow and tagged in Undertaker. Undertaker hit a running knee in the corner for a two count. Undertaker went for the Old School rope walk, but Cena stopped him and hit some right hands. Cena went for a superplex, but Taker blocked it and headbutted Cena to the mat. Cena got right back on the ropes, punched Taker and got the superplex after all.

    Taker sat up on the mat. Cena hit some punches, but Undertaker decked him with a clothesline. Taker missed an elbowdrop, and Michaels tagged in. Shawn hit a flying forearm and kipped up. Undertaker grabbed Shawn by the throat, but Michaels kicked himself free. Undertaker pressed Michaels over his head, and then dropped him over the top rope to the floor. Batista grabbed Shawn on the floor and dropped him face first on the ringsteps. Undertaker went to the outside and punched Michaels, then rolled him back into the ring for a cover, which Cena broke up. Batista tagged in and worked over Michaels with punches, then hit a running kick to the face for a two count. Batista put Shawn in his corner and hit elbows and punches, then tagged in Undertaker.

    Michaels fought back, but was overwhelmed being in the Batista-Taker corner. Undertaker missed a running kick in the corner and got caught in the ropes. Michaels threw some punches and chops, but Undertaker caught him with a side slam for a two count. Undertaker tagged in Batista, who hit Michaels with a trio of short arm clotheslines for a two count, then applied a reverse chinlock. Michaels fought out of it and hit some chops, then bounced off the ropes and gabbed Batista, planting him with a DDT. Michaels made the tag to Cena, who was greeted with a mixed reaction.

    Cena hit Batista with the Throwback, then hit a top rope Rocker Dropper, which got a pop. Taker came in to break up the pin. Cena hit Taker with a shoulderblock, which got booed. Cena clotheslined Undertaker out of the ring and hit Batista with a back suplex. The crowd booed the Five Knuckle Shuffle, but Cena landed the fistdrop. Cena went for an FU, but Undertaker came in and gave Cena a boot to the face. Michaels kicked Taker to the floor, then tried to jump on him from the apron, but Taker caught him and rammed Michaels into the ringpost. Cena went for a bodypress, but Batista powerslammed him. Batista went for the powerbomb on Cena as Undertaker tossed Michaels back into the ring. Michaels clipped Batista's knee to stop the powerbomb.

    It settled back into a tag match, with Cena tagging Michaels. Michaels worked over Batista, with Cena taking a shot at Batista from the apron. Michaels hit a clothesline and a stomp, then tagged in Cena, who hit an elbowdrop for two. Cena ran into a boot by Batista, but hit a clothesline. Taker reached into the ring to break up the cover. Cena tagged in Michaels, who chopped Batista and hit an enzugiri for a two count. Michaels put Batista in a front facelock.

    JBL is pretty much calling the match solo now, although he isn't doing play-by-play. He is basically doing color commentary without any play by play and carrying the whole match. He keeps calling the match like he is talking with Cole, but Cole hasn't been saying anything.

    Michaels tagged in Cena, who put Batista in a sleeper. Batista had some blood coming from near his left eye. Batista backdropped Cena, but was crawling to the wrong corner. Cena did the same, and both men got punched for their efforts. Cena tripped Batista with a drop toe hold and put him in an STF. Taker came in to break it up. Cena slammed Batista and tagged Michaels, who gave Batista a top rope elbowdrop. Michaels did a crotch chop in Taker's direction, then went for Sweet Chin Music. Batista ducked it and hit a spinning sidewalk slam. Michaels tagged Cena and Batista tagged Undertaker. Undertaker cleaned house, giving Michaels Snake Eyes and a bit boot. Taker gave Cena a flying shoulderblock. Taker went back and forth, splashing Cena and Michaels in the corner. Undertaker grabbed both men by the throats. Undertaker tossed Michaels to Batista, who gave him a spinebuster. Undertaker gave Cena a chokeslam. Taker and Batista were standing tall over their Raw opponents, then Batista turned and gave Undertaker a spinebuster.

    Batista went to the floor and just watched as Michaels gave Undertaker a superkick, sending him into Cena's FU for the pin at the 22-minute mark.

    Winners: John Cena and Shawn Michaels

    Michaels and Cena left quickly, raising each other's arms as they left. Batista picked up his belt, got in the ring and stood over the Undertaker. Batista left, but as he got to the entrance, Undertaker sat up. Undertaker scrawled to the ropes, glaring at Batista, who stood at the entrance holding up his belt and screaming 'Paybacks a bitch' and 'Come on'. That ended the show.

    Thankyou for joining us for our Live Coverage, see you for our next Live Coverage TNAs PPV 'Destination X' and UOWforums huge celebration of WWEs PPV 'Wrestlemania 23' in April. Expect fun times at PPV Live Coverages in the future! No spoilers in the shoutbox please.

  3. #3
    UOW's Soldier D-Man's Avatar
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    It'll be crap just as No Way Out usually is. There discussed

    ^^^^^Thank You to W-OLF for the great banner OOOOOOHHHH RIIIIGGGGHHHHT^^^^^

    Come and have a look at my creative thread called


  4. #4
    Mid-carder Con's Avatar
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    Only 5 matches with 1 title match...

    Meh... I don't think I'll be ordering this PPV.

  5. #5
    Ring Crew
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    They added 2 more.

    Chris Benoit & The Hardyz vs MVP and MNM

    ECW Title Match
    Mr. Kennedy vs Bobby Lashley

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I am looking forward to the main event, otherwise this PPV does not excite me. Although it would be cool if Stone Cold came back at this PPV.

  7. #7
    **Incorporated Filmix** Dangerous Incorporated's Avatar
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    Stone Cold Is Backstage!!!!

    1958 - 2009

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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    i wonder what Austin is going to do tonight.

  10. #10
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DangerousInc View Post
    Stone Cold Is Backstage!!!!
    *Hurry's to find a stream*

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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