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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation TNA PPV 'Genesis' LIVE Coverage! 2007

    TNA Genesis PPV
    Sunday, November 11, | Orlando, Florida

    TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match
    Kurt Angle (c) & Kevin Nash vs. Sting & mystery partner.

    TNA X Division Championship Match
    Jay "Black Machismo" Lethal (c) vs. Sonjay Dutt.

    TNA World Tag Team Championship Match
    AJ Styles & Tomko (c's) vs. The Steiner Brothers.

    "Fight for the Right" Tournament Final - Ladder Match
    Christian Cage vs. Kaz.

    Samoa Joe vs. Robert Roode.

    Team 3D vs. The Motor City Machineguns.

    Shop of Horrors Match
    Abyss vs. Black Reign.

    TNA Women's Championship Match
    Gail Kim (c) vs. Roxxi Laveaux vs. ODB vs. Angel Williams.


  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
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    TNA Genesis PPV
    Sunday, November 11, | Orlando, Florida

    The PPV opened with Jeremy Borash mid-ring asking everyone to rise and honor the playing of the national anthem in honor of Veteran's Day tomorriow. The cameras focused on the crowd and SoCal Val, with quick shots of the American flag hanging in the Imapct arena.

    TNA went to a video feature on the matches on tonight's PPV.

    Mike Tenay promised that tonight, the mystery over who Sting's partner would be solved tonight. Don West and Tenay pushed that the winner of tonight's fall in the main event would be the new TNA champion. Fireworks exploded. Outside a limo was sitting as Tenay said that it had to be Sting's partner.

    Shop of Horrors Match
    Abyss vs Black Reign

    They showed clips of different instruments of destruction as Black Reign walked to the ring, including a table with mousetraps set atop of it. They showed footage of Jim Mitchell and Reign putting a sack with Reign's rat over Abyss's face.

    Abyss and Reign met in the aisle and started brawling. Reign jumped off the apron but was caught and drove onto the floor by Abyss. Abyss tossed Reign into the ring but was cut off as he followed into the ring. Abyss reversed an irish Whip but Reign dropped down and punched him in the face. Abyss missed a charge in the corner, but when Reign charged, he was tossed over the top rope. Abyss followed to the floor and snapped a piece of board over Reign's head, shattering it. Abyss tossed Reign into the crowd and followed him into the Impact Zone. He tossed Reign into the Zone wall.

    Abyss goes and tosses Reign back into the ringside area. Abyss dumps two trash cans full of weapons all over the rampway in the aisle. He finally went after Reign, who nailed him with a board. Reign pulled out a key and tried to open the door to a chamber set up on the stage. Abyss stopped Reign and they brawled. Reign suplexed Abyss on the ramp through the trash cans, getting a "TNA" chant.

    They returned to the ring, where Reign drilled Abyss with a lariat off the middle turnbuckle and began biting him. The crowd rallied Abyss. Reign went for a double sledge off the top but Abyss caught him with a goozle. Reign broke free and took Abyss down with a lariat. Reign grabbed a chair outside the ring and wedged it in one of the corners. Abyss reversed a whip into it. Reign stopped himself but Abyss kicked Reign low, then grabbed him and sent him headfirst into the chair.

    Abyss grabbed a barbed wire baseball bat from under the ring. Somewhere, Axl Rotten is shedding a tear. Abyss takes a shot but Reign retreats. Abyss follows him up one of the aisles. He clobbers Reign, who knees him in the midsection. Abyss returns to his feet and chokeslams Reign off the stage to the floor (well, some crash padding). They showed a number of replays and the crowd chanted, "That was awesome."

    By the end of the replays, Reign was back up, only to be tossed down the rampway, rolling towards the ring. There's no way he should have been up so quickly in my opinion. That only diluted the bump. Abyss slid a board full of mousetraps into the ring. Abyss opened a vice and put Reign's hand into the vice. Abyss returned to the ring with Reign's rat and set up the board. Jim Mitchell ran out and freed Reign. Abyss threatened to throw the rat onto the mousetraps (well, don't all babyfaces threaten to harm innocent animals?) when Mitchell came into the ring to distract him. Abyss shoved the rat into Mitchell's shirt and Mitchell rolled around like he was shot with a bazooka.

    Reign hit an implant DDT onto the mousetraps on Abyss, who kicked up at the last second. Reign grabbed a kendo stick. He cracked Abyss in the head with it several times. Reign pulled out brass knuckles as the referee admonished him. He went to hit Abyss but was caught in the Black Hole Slam for the three count.

    Winner: Abyss

    Abyss grabbed the key and opened the box marked "crimson blood", where a masked muscular tattooed wrestler spewed mist into Abyss' face and attacked him. Reign and the masked man beat down Abyss with a nightstick. They dragged Abyss into the box and locked him in. They tipped the box over the side of the stage, where it crashed to the concrete (no crash padding) below.

    Jeremy Borash was outside trying to get into the limo for Kurt Angle. Someone wearing a TNA polo shirt told Borash that he was to leave the limo. Borash tried to big league him by saying that he's a big deal in TNA and that he was making more than him and to let him in or he was calling security. The guard told Borash to get his "milky white ass away from the limo" because he was security.

    Mike Tenay and Don West ran down the remainder of the PPV lineup.

    They aired a video feature on Team 3D vs. The Motor City Machineguns.

    Crystal interviewed The Motor City Machineguns backstage, saying that they were the underdogs but were fighting for honor, respect and tradition tonight. Sabin said they were but they were also fighting to take their place among the greatest tag teams in wrestling. He said in the past, they've had their fun but tonight, 3D are stepping stones. A serious Shelley said that he could say something funny and witty, but the time for that has come and gone. He said they are taking aim at 3D and they are fighting for something even more important than just the X-Division, but for the evolution of pro wrestling.

    Team 3D vs Motor City Machineguns

    The Guns charged 3D at the stage and they all brawled to the ringside area. The cameras focused on Sabin getting the better of Brother Ray on the floor. Shelley drilled Devon with a kick on the floor. The Guns tossed 3D into the ring and started double teaming Ray. They nailed him with a charge in the corner, then ducked away from Devon, causing 3D to crash into each other. They took out Devon, then double backdropped Ray. They nailed him with stereo kicks to the front and back. 3D retreated to the floor where Ray menaced the announcers.

    Ray returned to the ring to face off with Sabin. Ray grabbed him in a standing side headlock, but was shoved off. He shoulderblocked Sabin down. Sabin bounced right back up and used his speed to escape Ray. Ray grabbed him for a powerbomb attempt but Sabin turned it into a hurrancanrana. The story so far was that the Guns were throwing 3D off with all their speed, aggressiveness and offense.

    Ray finally cut off Sabin in 3D's corner and chopped him down. Devon and Ray started to maul Sabin but couldn't get a three count. Sabin escaped Devon and dove into his corner to tag Shelley. Devon shoulderblocked Shelley down but Shelley grabbed him in a drop toehold as he rebounded off the ropes. Shelley drilled Devon with a dropkick. The Guns knocked Ray off the apron and went to the top. They teased hitting a stereo dive but Ray shook the ropes, crotching them. Devon superplexed Shelley into the ring and drove his boot into Shelley's throat.

    Devon worked over Shelley and tossed him to the floor, where Ray tossed him into the ring steps and back into the ring. Sabin argued with the referee. Devon worked over Shelley on the mat, but he got to his feet and fought off Devon. He crawled to Sabin to make the tag but Ray attacked Sabin, pulling him off the apron with Sabin crashing facefirst into the mat. Shelley went to make the tag but only Ray was waiting to lay him out. Devon picked up Shelley for a delayed vertical suplex, but Shelley kicked out.

    Ray tagged in and dropped an elbow on Shelley, then failed at making a sloppy cover. Ray began slapping and berating Shelley in the corner. Devon charged Sabin in his corner, shoulderblocking him to the floor. They continued to work over Shelley. Devon drilled him with a diving headbutt.

    Sabin finally got the hot tag and worked over 3D with fast kicks and strikes. He nailed a springboard clothesline on Devon for a near fall. Ray tried to sneak in the ring but Sabin nailed him. He sent Devon into the corner with a drop toehold, then nailed a tornado DDT out of the corner for a two count. So far, a very good match telling a good story. Sabin went for a fireman's carry but couldn't get it. Shelley dropkicked him off the ropes. He grabbed Devon for an STO and Sabin dropkicked Devon to add to the momentum of the move. The Gun drilled Devon with stereo kicks in the corner.

    They placed Devon on the top rope and Sabin nailed a top rope Frankensteiner. Shelley hit a splash from the top but Devon kicked up. Ray blind tagged in and clotheslined the Guns. He slammed Shelley and set up for the wazzup headbutt off the top. Devon went under the ring for a table. As he put it into the ring, Sabin dropkicked it into Devon's face. The Guns nailed Ray with the High/Low but Devon pulled out the referee.

    Devon took out Shelley. Ray began beating Sabin with his belt. 3D hit the Doomsday Device on Sabin, who got his shoulder up. Devon went looking for another table and brought it into the ring. They set it up in the corner as the announcers acted like it was a foregone conclusion that the Guns were finished. They whipped Sabin into the table but he ran up the table and backflipped onto his feet. Devon charged him, but Sabin sent him headfirst into the table, shattering it. Shelley returned to the ring and the Guns hit their series of kicks on Ray before pinning him clean in the middle of the ring.

    Winners: The Motor City Machineguns

    In his locker room, TNA champion Kurt Angle was screaming at Jeremy Borash for not looking inside the limo. Borash claimed there were 50 people stopping him. Kevin Nash tried to get Angle to calm down, saying they'll know who the partner is in a few hours. Angle accused Nash of being in on the whole deal and being a backstabber. Nash grabbed him by the throat and told Angle he should be shoving Angle's head through the wall, but tonight he needs him. Nash said that they would take care of the other team tonight and then it would be down to them in the future,. Angle agreed and told Nash to go cool off. He walked out. Angle immediately started screaming that they had to find out who was in the limo while Karen Angle yelled at him to stop worrying about the limo.

    They aired a video feature on the TNA Womens' title.

    TNA Women's Championship
    Gail Kim (c) vs ODB vs Angel Williams vs Roxxi

    VKM were with Roxxi as apparently they needed to be on PPV. ODB was drinking from a flask as she came to the ring. Crystal interviewed Kim before she went out to the ring. Kim said that she has what it takes to overcome to the odds. She said she's come too far to lose the belt and she said they were all there to bring women's wrestling where it needed to be.

    All three tried to corner Kim, who came out battling. Kim backdropped Williams over the top to the floor. Kim clunked Roxxi and ODB's heads together. Kim caught Roxxi with a bulldog stle faceplant, kicking ODB down in the process. Kip James argued with the referee after putting Roxxi's feet on the ropes during a pin attempt. The referee threw VKM out from ringside. Roxxie tried to hypnotize the referee, who acted like he was in a daze. UGH. Kim got tossed into the ringpost outside the ring by Williams. Williams returned to the ring, only to be cut off by ODB and Roxxi. Williams was tossed into the corner. Roxxi held her for ODB to spank her.

    Roxxi and ODB turned on each other. They got in each other's faces and Roxxi nailed her with a kick to the face. Roxxi hit a running splash in the corner. ODB went to the top, grabbed Roxxi and began beating her into the top turnbuckle, which was between ODB's legs. She covered Williams but Kim broke it up. Kim worked over ODB.

    Kim went to the top and kicked off Roxxi to the floor. Kim dove to the floor on Roxxi. They showed several replays. Williams began working over ODB with forearms. Williams scored a two count. ODB cut off Williams with a kick to the midsection. ODB showed a ton of poise and charisma as the decadent female. ODB went for an Unprettier but Williams kicked off the ropes and landed a DDT for a two count.

    ODB caught Williams as she climbed to the top rope. Roxxi slid underneath and they did a Tower of Doom spot out of the corner. Kim nailed Roxxi with a top rope missile dropkick. All four women were down on the mat as the referee counted them down.

    Kim and Roxxi were up first. Kim nailed a legdrop off the ropes but ODB broke up the pinfall. She drilled Kim with a sideslam, but Williams attacked her to break up the pin. ODB manhandled her to the floor but threw dust in ODB's eyes. Kim took our Roxxi, then nailed a neckbreaker on ODB for the pin.

    Winner and still Womens Champion: Gail Kim

    Awesome Kong's music hit and she made her way out to the Imapct Zone. Kim and Kong glared at each other.

    Karen Angle was trying to find out who was in the limo. Jeremy Borash told her that it wouldn't work but she said she was going to make Kurt Angle happy. She psyched herself up. She walked right up to the guard that had cut the promo on Borash earlier and asked if she could see inside. He said, "Sure, go right ahead Mrs. Angle." When she opened the door, it was Jackie Moore, Eric Young and James Storm inside having a drinking contest. They were all drunk. Young asked Storm if Karen could come with them and Storm said no because she was obviously dressed to go to the prom. He asked security why they were guarding the limo because it wasn't the surprise limo, but was the heavyweight drinking champion's limo. He even brandished a toy belt with a beer bottle attached to the main plate. Borash tried to help himself to a beer but Storm told him he couldn't have one if he wasn't part of the competition. A funny segment.

    TNA X-Division Championship
    Jay Lethal (c) vs Sonjay Dutt

    They showed So Cal Val making goo goo eyes for Jay Lethal as he entered the ring. Lethal was wearing the coolest fringed tights ever. He looked like a Sid and Marty Kroft feathered character. Dutt and Lethal hugged at the bell. Dutt grabbed a sideheadlock, was sent off and shoulderblocked Lethal down. Lethal missed a kick and they faced off.

    They locked up again. Lethal and Dutt had some sort of miscommunication but saved it with Lethal powering him over with a backslide. They went into a series of quick pins and reversals. Dutt got mad and slapped Lethal, then composed himself and hugged Lethal. Lethal got the better of Dutt, who slapped him. This time, he didn't want a hug.

    They locked up a third time. Lethal tried to shoulderblock Dutt, who grabbed him and tossed Lethal to the floor. Dutt hit a running flip dive to the floor, which they showed a replay of. Dutt tossed Lethal back into the ring but could only get a one count. Dutt began working him over with punches and kicks. Dutt continued to work over Lethal, who came back with a cartwheel dropkick.

    Dutt scissored Lethal with his legs, trying to force a submission. Lethal broke free and began nailed punches. Dutt took down Lethal with an armdrag takedown, then hit a standing moonsault. Dutt started showing some aggressive tendencies, kicking and punching Lethal. Lethal fired back out of the corner with chops. Lethal came off the ropes and drilled Dutt down.

    Lethal began peppering Dutt with punches. He nailed several clotheslines. Dutt floated over Lethal as he charged into the corner but Lethal moonsaulted him for a two count. Lethal nailed a springboard missile dropkick, sending Dutt to the floor. Lethal hit a tope suicida to the floor. Lethal tossed Dutt into the ring for a two count.

    Dutt rolled up Lethal for a two count, then locked on the camel clutch. Lethal rolled him off and nailed a Pele style kick for a near fall. Dutt kicked Lethal and hit a moonsault. Lethal tried to move but Dutt landed on his feet and hit a standing moonsault press, then hit a standing shooting star press for a two count.

    Dutt went for a reverse Diamondust but Lethal caught him with a faceplant. Dutt got his shoulder up at the last second. Dutt played possum and drilled Lethal with an Ace Crusher, then locked on a camel clutch. Lethal made his way to the ropes. Dutt began slapping Lethal, who fired back with punches.

    Dutt nailed a guillotine legdrop on Lethal, then springboarded into the ring. Lethal caught him on his shoulders, then nailed the Lethal Combination. Lethal went to the top and drilled Dutt with a flying elbow for the pin.

    Winner and still X-Division champion: Jay Lethal

    They showed SoCal Val looking on approvingly at Lethal. Dutt and Lethal hugged after the match. Lethal finally called Val into the ring as she acted all embarrassed. They channeled Randy and Elizabeth as Dutt tossed rose pedals into the air. 3D attacked Dutt and Lethal. Ray began whipping Lethal with the title belt. Devon nailed Dutt with the belt. 3D menaced Val as she screamed in horror.

    Ray demanded a ring mic. They nailed the Dudley Death Drop on Dutt, then snapped Lethal with it. Ray grabbed the mic and claimed the Motor City Machineguns cheated earlier tonight. He said that they could never defeat 3D. Ray said the X-Division was paying the price and they were taking the X-Division title hostage. I actually like that angle.

    Crystal interviewed Kevin Nash. She asked Nash if he was sure Scott Hall wasn't in the limo. He said he was. Crystal overheard noise and they followed it to Eric Young and James Storm having their drinking contest. Storm was trying to make Young throw up but he was able to hold it. Storm and Young are actually really funny together.

    TNA Tag Team Championship
    AJ Styles & Tomko (c) vs The Steiners

    Styles and Scott started, with Scott easily riding him to the mat. AJ rolled to the floor. Steiner caught Styles with a tiltowhirl. As Steiner came off the ropes,. Tomko distracted him. AJ kicked Steiner, sending him to the floor. Styles dove outside of the ring onto Scott. AJ got a two count. He charged Scott in the corner, but was caught with a boot to the face and a belly to belly.

    Rick Steiner and Tomko tagged in. Steiner nearly killed Tomko (and I'm not kidding) with a really bad death valley driver. Tomko returned to his feet and killed him with a clothesline for a two count. Tomko powerslammed Rick for a two count. Styles and Tomko worked over Rick in the corner.

    Styles went for a sunset flip and Rick did a really bad roll through. You could see Styles was waiting for the pin reversal but Rick got held up. He finally clotheslined AJ. Scott tagged in and T-Bone Suplexed Styles. Rick and Tomko brawled on the floor. Scott hit a back bodydrop on AJ and put him on the top rope. He went for a top rope Frankensteiner but Tomko slid underneath and powerbombed Scott into the ring. Styles hit a top rope splash but Scott got his shoulder up.

    Tomko and Styles continued to work over Scott. AJ mocked Scott's bodybuilding pose. Steiner caught AJ with a belly to belly suplex. Tomko caught him with a clothesline. Styles missed a diving splash in the corner. Scott finally made the tag to Rick.

    Rick began unloading on AJ and Tomko. Steiner tossed AJ in the air with a really reckless suplex. The Steiner hit release suplexes on Tomko and Styles. Scott put AJ on his shoulders and Rick bulldogged AJ off the top rope. Tomko broke up the pinfall. Steiner clotheslined Tomko to the floor and they brawled on the floor.

    AJ took out Rick somehow. Tomko grabbed a chair on the floor and the referee tried to stop him but got taken out by Scott. Rick powerbombed AJ in the ring. Scott and Tomko kept fighting on the floor. Rick had AJ pinned but there was no referee. Rick went to grab the referee but Styles grabbed the chair that had been left on the apron. Steiner avoided the chair and went to back suplex AJ, who kicked him low and drilled him in the head with the chair. The referee was tossed into the ring by Tomko and scored the three count.

    Winners and still TNA Tag Team champions: AJ Styles and Tomko

    We saw a white limo outside the Impact Zone and now we think that's the limo with the mystery partner.

    Robert Roode did a promo backstage where he promised to kill Samoa Joe. He told Ms. Brooks that as far as she was concerned, she was to stay out of his way. He yelled at her to go. Brooks demanded to know who the woman in the crowd was and he blew her off.

    Samoa Joe vs Robert Roode

    Joe started off fast, killing Roode with strikes and backdrops. Roode's fan (Rain from SHIMMER) was in the crowd. Joe measured Roode and drilled him with a punch. Roode tossed Joe to the floor. Joe took Roode down on the floor and nailed the forearm dive out of the ring. Brooks and Rain sneered at each other at ringside. Joe began drilling Roode with kicks on the floor.

    Joe grabbed a chair from a ringside fan and sat Roode in it. Roode went for the Ole Ole Kick but Roode caught him foot and slammed it onto the chair. Roode began working over the foot, then attempted a suplex on the floor. He finally was able to get it, dropping Joe on the entrance ramp. Roode tried to throw Joe into the ring steps, but Joe reversed it and Roode ate the steps. Joe hit the Ole Ole kick.

    Joe tossed Roode back into the ring and drilled him with kicks to the back and chest, then dropped a knee. Joe whipped Roode into the corner and hit a back elbow followed by a kick to the head. Joe put Roode on the top and they traded chops. Roode raked Joe's eyes, then nailed a Diamondust. He began choking Joe as the referee yelled at him.

    Roode began working over Joe in the corner. He hit a running clothesline in the corner, followed by the running snapmare. Roode was great here doing old Curt Hennig mannerisms to the crowd as Joe was down on the mat. Roode leapfrogged and dropkicked Joe. He nailed a big elbow and scored a two count. Roode locked on a nerve hold on Joe's neck, but Joe fought to his feet. Roode clotheslined Joe back down. Roode kept trying to score the pin, but couldn't attain it. Roode was getting visibly frustrated.

    Joe was choked out with a chinlock but fought to his feet. Roode went to a sleeper, but Joe ran him off, sending Roode through the ropes to the apron. Roode went to the top and dove on Joe, but was caught with an Ace Crusher. The referee counted Joe and Roode down.

    Joe caught Roode with a leg lariat and big knee. They showed Brooks down on the floor, which I guess will be attributed to the "fan." Joe hit a big slam but couldn't get the pin. Joe powerbombed Roode, then turned it into a Boston Crab, then finally a STF. Roode finally got to the ropes, breaking it up.

    Joe went for the choke, but Roode scrambled to the ropes to force the break. Joe refused to let go, so Roode kicked him low and nailed a DDT. Joe kicked up at two. Roode continued to chop away at Joe. Joe caught Roode in the corner with an uranage. He put Roode atop the ropes for the muscle buster but Roode fought his way out. He grabbed Joe's arm and snapped it over the ropes. Roode hit the Northern Lariat for another two count.

    Roode grabbed Joe and spiked him with a piledriver. Joe got his shoulder up at the last moment. Roode began mounting Joe with a series of right hands. Roode catches Joe with a charge in the corner, then teased the Payoff. Joe powered Roode into the corner and kicked him, then hit the muscle buster for the three count.

    Winner: Samoa Joe

    We go back to the white limo. Kurt and Karen Angle are watching on the monitor as Borash watched on. Karen Angle tried to tell Kurt that it doesn't matter who the partner is because she's got it under control. He blew her off and went charging off to find out who was in the limo. Karen told Borash to help her stop Kurt and he responded, "You're married to him, not me." The announcers acted like they didn't expect this to go on. Angle started taking out the security guards but before he could open the door, Sting appeared and the guards held he and Angle apart.

    Crystal interviewed Christian Cage. Cage said he wasn't going to lose a ladder match tonight because he never has. He said that he was going to take Kaz's body places he never dreamt. He said Kaz wanted to go to the top and Cage was going to take him there, just to crash him down to the mat. Cage told AJ Styles and Tomko they were to stay in the back as tonight Cage wanted to make a statement and have them stay in the back. Styles told Tomko to follow his lead. Tomko told Styles that Cage was serious and Styles reminded Tomko that he, not Tomko was the team captain.

    Ladder Match for a TNA World title shot
    Kaz vs Christian Cage

    They had a lot of crazy stuff planned, so we'll see where this goes. Kaz and Cage stared off for a long time. The announcers said it was the biggest match in Kaz's career, which was the truth. They locked up and went through a feeling out process. Cage took control on Kaz, cursing him out. Kaz leaped over Cage, landed on his feet and unleashed a flurry of kicks. Cage went down. Kaz went outside to grab a ladder but Cage attacked him on the floor. Cage tossed him back in the ring and kicked Kaz in the face.

    Cage went outside to retrieve the ladder. Kaz followed, so Cage dropped the ladder and went after Kaz. Kaz went to the ropes and springboarded back into a dive on Cage, who was holding the ladder. Cage's eye was busted open above the eyebrow by the ladder. Kaz tossed the ladder into the ring. Cage cut off Kaz, slammed him on the ramp, then grabbed another ladder. He bridged it between the ring and the barriers.

    Cage tried to attack Kaz but Kaz placed Cage atop the prone ladder. Kaz got kicked low and was slammed onto the ladder. This is already brutal. Cage went to the top and hit a frog splash off the top onto the ladder, which DID NOT GIVE AT ALL. Ouch. They tumbled to the floor. The crowd chanted, "That was awesome."

    Cage set up the ladder in the ring and made his way up. As he got to the contract, Kaz shoved the ladder over, although Cage landed on his feet. Kaz whipped Cage into the corner and a ladder at MACH 5. Kaz charged Cage, but had the ladder flung in his face. Cage set a ladder up across one of the corners and slingshot Kaz's face into it.

    Cage tossed Kaz out of the ring but he landed on his feet. Kaz smashed Cage with the ladder, and then hit him again with it. Cage went to the floor. Kaz set up the ladder in the center of the ring. He started climbing to the top, but Cage attacked him. Cage used the second ladder like a battering ram into Kaz's side. Cage set up the second ladder and they battled atop of it. Kaz looked to be going for the flux capacitor but the ladders weren't sturdy enough. Cage grabbed Kaz with an inverted DDT off the ladder.

    Kaz and Cage recovered. Kaz hit a monkey flip onto one of the ladders. Kaz hit a springboard legdrop on Cage, who was laying prone on the ladder that was draped off the corner. Kaz suplexed the second ladder onto Cage.

    Kaz set up a ladder near one of the corners and went to the top. He leaped off for a legdrop but Cage move and Kaz landed full blast on the other ladder, which was one of the most insane ideas I've ever seen. Don West said that Kaz broke his leg and if he didn't get hurt, he should be thanking every lucky star he has. I had flashbacks to Johnny Stamboli doing the springboard legdrop to the floor in WCW, which severely injured him duirng the Russo Nitro era. They showed a ton of replays and fans looking shocked.

    Cage sledged the ladder into Kaz, trapping him in the corner. Cage began climbing up the ladder as Kaz got up and went after him. Cage kicked him away. Kaz hit a springboard dropkick onto the ladder, sending Cage flying.

    Kaz and Cage began jockeying for position over a ladder as AJ Styles and Tomko made their way to the ring. Cage who was climbing up, tried to send them away but was caught by Kaz. The ladder toppled over with Cage taking a bump to the outside, crashing into the TNA Tag champs. Kaz landed on the ropes, set the ladder back up and went to the top for the contract.

    Winner: Kaz

    Crystal filled in JB about the drinking contest. He said that after his long day, he had to see this. It was more drunken silliness with Young and Storm drinking out of funnel. Storm poured Jack Daniels into the funnel and he drank it. Somewhere, the Freebirds are smiling. Storm told Young that the first one out the door was the winner. They shook hands and Storm collapsed drunk. Young took the drinking title belt and declared himself champion. Jackie tried to tell him not to take it, but he did. Totally silly, but I liked it.

    TNA Championship
    Kurt Angle (c) and Kevin Nash vs Sting and Mystery Partner

    The mystery partner was the debuting Booker T after they waited forever with dramatic music. Booker looked excited to be there and the crowd reacted like it was a major deal, chanting his name. Mike Tenay even noted that the first wrestlers he ever interviewed on live TV was Harlem Heat. They teased that Kurt Angle didn't expect Booker, looking shocked. The crowd chanted Booker's name and then chanted for the "Spinaroonie."

    Sting and Angle started. They went back and forth. Sting slammed Angle and nailed a pair of armdrags. The crowd chanted for Booker to be tagged in. Sting powdered Angle in the corner with punches and kicks. Angle scrambled out of the ring and hid behind Nash in the corner before tagging out.

    Nash kicked Sting in the corner. Sting fight his way out by kicking Nash in the knees. Well, that's where I would kick. Nash cut him off and tagged back in Angle. Sting cut off Angle with a back elbow and tagged in Booker. Angle ran from the ring. Booker offered to hold the ropes open for Angle.

    Booker took control quickly with a springboard into a flying forearm and a scoop and slam. He hits a sideslam for a two count. Angle whips Booker towards Nash, who knees him in the back. Nash tags in and elbows Booker in the neck. Booker ducks under a clothesline but is caught with a sideslam.

    Nash tagged in Angle, who suplexed Booker over for a two count. Booker fought out of a side chinlock and catches Angle with a spinkick. Sting tagged in and cut off Nash. Sting drilled Angle with the Stinger Splash, then locked Nash in the Scorpion Death Lock. Angle took Sting out. The crowd is enjoying it.

    Nash nailed another sideslam. Karen Angle came to ringside. Remember that earlier she said she had taken care of everything. Angle tagged back in and he and Nash glared at each other for a second. Nash hit a back suplex on Sting, but Booker made the save. Nash scissored Sting with his legs and rode him to the mat, cinching in a chinlock at the same time. Sting finally fought out and tagged Booker, who clotheslined Angle before he could tag in. Booker knocked Nash off the apron.

    Booker escaped the Olympic Slam and nailed a spinebuster on Angle. Booker gave us the long awaited return of the Spinaroonie. He then hit Angle with the Axe Kick. Nash broke up the pin at the last possible second. The timing was perfect. Booker "hit" (well in theory) Nash with a spin kick. Angle and Booker jockeyed for position. Nash powerbombed Booker but Sting hit him with the Scorpion Death Drop.

    Karen Angle jumped on the apron to distract the referee. AJ Styles and Tomko hit the ring and attacked Sting. Styles got tossed out of the ring but Tomko drilled Sting with a clothesline. Sharmell made her way to the ring (there's the second surprise) and attacked Karen Angle. Nash pulled down the straps and teased another powerbomb on Sting. AJ Styles slid the TNA title to Angle, who drilled his own partner with it.

    Angle hit the Olympic Slam on Sting. Angle covered Sting and scored the pin.

    Winner and still TNA champion: Kurt Angle

    Angle shook Tomko and AJ's hands. Christian Cage, looking like hell from the ladder match, did not look happy.

    Thankyou for joining us for our Live Coverage, see you for our next Live Coverage WWEs 'Survivor Series' on nov 19th Nov and expect some huge surprises on the day! No spoilers in the shoutbox please.

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  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Even though most of us know who Stings partner is, it will be a huge moment IMO. That is one thing I am looking forward to.

  4. #4
    Jobber buzzsaw89's Avatar
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    I was watching the opening to the 'Road to Genesis' and DW and Mike Tenay didn't list the 'Shop of Horrors' match. Just a quirk.

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Hmmm, strange. I am interested to see how Kevin Nash does back in the ring tonight.

  6. #6
    Shoutbox Mod That Rob's Avatar
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    LD it's not who everybody thinks it is, and when its proven its not then everybody better rep me! I think it will be Paul White aka. Big Show.

    Hey Gunner what did that guy do to you?
    Today 12:42 AM] Gunner4Life: he screwed me

  7. #7
    Shoutbox Mod That Rob's Avatar
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    Ouch who made that remix lol!

    Hey Gunner what did that guy do to you?
    Today 12:42 AM] Gunner4Life: he screwed me

  8. #8
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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    Booker T is alot more likely than Paul White. White has shown little to no interest in wrestling anymore while Booker T has had a working arrangement with TNA talent wrestling for his promotion for the past several months.

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Might be man but I still think it is Booker T.

    While the TNA Genesis preshow aired for people at home, this is what happened inside the Impact Zone:

    - Dixie Carter walked around the front row of the Pit and let the fans hold the title belt.

    - Jeremy Borash came out to greet the crowd. Jeremy talked about the international tours of Mexico, Canada, and Japan.

    - Willie Urbina came to the ring and introduced Hector Guerrero and the crowd chanted "Eddie". They cut a promo for the December tour of Mexico. Someone came to ringside and he argued with Hector in Spanish. LAX came out to confront the wrestler.

    - Don West and Mike Tenay come out to assume their positions at the announce table.

    - Jeremy mentions the mystery partner as he goes over the main event.

    - They hung an American flag in the ring for the National Anthem.

  10. #10
    Shoutbox Mod That Rob's Avatar
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    I just don't think that TNA managment would be dumb enough to five such an easy puzzle for fans to solve. They are known to keep secrets just that secret, it may not be White but it will be somebody other then Booker and when it is I'll say haha haha haha to you all!!!

    Hey Gunner what did that guy do to you?
    Today 12:42 AM] Gunner4Life: he screwed me

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