OVW Results - 21st Jul. 2007

Missed the first two minutes of the show.

Kenny Bolin does a promo on Jerry Lawler, saying Lawler was the king 20 years ago, Bolin's the King of Louisville for the past 10, and that Lawler is only here one day a year while he's here 365 days a year.

John Cena does a promo for July 27 OVW at SF Kentucky Kingdom, talking about a storm coming that can be seen from Uranus as he comes to Louisville.

They are having a Royal Rumble to determine who wrestles Cena, with a new participant every 60 seconds. Kassidy James gets #1 and his brother, KC James, gets #2. Kassidy tries to throw out KC while his back is turn before the ring . KC throw outs Kassidy. Cody Runnels is #3 and, after almost being eliminated by an inch or two, beats up on KC. Justin LaRoche is #4 ad attacks Cody. Steve Lewington is #5 and comes to the rescue. #6 is Teddy Hart, accompanied by Nattie, and goes after KC. JTG of Cryme Tyme is #7 and goes after the heels. Steve Lewington is eliminated just before #8 is announced. And we go to commercials.

Paul Burchill comes in to attack JTG. Festus Dalton is next and goes after the Ox. Harry Smith comes into the ring. Teddy Hart got eliminated. Someone I didn't catch came in. Nattie Neidhart eliminated KC. Then the Ox got eliminated. Festus is also eliminated. Domino comes in as a surprise entrant and goes after Cody, and almost eliminated him. Antoni Pulaski is next and eliminates someone before he is ganged up by six remaining others.

Brian majors comes in after Pulaski stops being ganged up upon. Jacob Duncan is next, being a very bad ripoff of Mankind. Duncan almost eliminated Pulaski, btu Domino stops him. For his trouble Duncan eliminates Domino. Colt Cabana comes out. Vladmir Kosov comes out next and eliminated Pulaski and Duncan simultaneously. Idol Stevens going after Brian Majors. Harry SMith is eliminated by the Idol. Then Atlas Da Bone comes Mike Kruel is next. Four people trade a chair, each giving Vladmir a chairshot to the head. Mike Kruel eliminates himself to avoid being ganged up upon. Los Locos comes out to help Kruel gang attack someone.

Jesse Dalton comes out after the major cleaning. Brian Major, Cody Runnels, and Paul Burchill are the only other ones late. #23 is Shad of Cryme Tyme, who lays into everyone. They brag about Cody being in for 20 minutes and Burchill for 15. What tha? Bradley comes in as #24 and eliminated Jesse Dalton. Mike Mondo comes in at #25 and takes swings at everyone. Shawn Spears comes in, and Cody goes after him. Prodigy comes in. You guessed it...another commercial.

#28 is Charles the Hammer, who attacks Mondo. The face announcer is still praising how long Cody has been in (25 minutes). Have they ever heard of Ric Flair or Chri..., oh wait, that's right. Anyways, Brent Majors is #29, and helps his brother against Shad. Lucky #30 is Armaaaaaaaaaaaaando, Alejaaaaaaaaaaaaandro Eeeeeeeeeestrada, who is promptly eliminated by Cody ala Bushwhacker Luke. Shawn Spears is thrown out, but not over the top rope, so he's still in. Brian is tossed out by Brent Majors. Then comes another break.

Prodigy is thrown out as we come back, and Cody eliminated Shad. Mondo is also eliminated. Still the butt-kissing about how long Cody has been in. Burchill throw out Spears and Cody throws out the Hammer, meaning Cody and Burchill are the only ones left, but both are on the ring mat, breathing hard. Both are going at it. Cody does an impressive missile dropkick. Burchill has too much speed and goes over the turnbuckle as he tries to avalanche Cody. Cody thinks he wins, but Shawn Spears sneaks from behind and throws Cody out, winning the chance to face Cena. We end with Cena once again talking about a storm coming. Sorry, but I don't see Ororo Munroe around. After one more sale job about OVW, we end.

C. Bedford Crenshaw



From Ohio Valley Wrestling Website

The show started off with an appearance from Jerry “The King” Lawler, who reminisced a little about Tuesdays at the Louisville Gardens and wrestling in his “second city” Louisville. As many OVW fans know, Lawler has made it a point to appear at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom for the OVW Summer Sizzler series since the beginning and this year will be no exception as Lawler announced he would be appearing at the OVW Arena on July 27th ! He went on to say that he was especially looking forward to seeing another King, Kenny Bolin, and that this year he would shut up Bolin for good!

The camera cut to Dean and Kenny at the announcers' desk and it was obvious that Bolin did not take lightly to Lawler's threat! “You may have been the king here twenty years ago, but I run this town now,” Bolin insisted. Dean tried to calm him as they still had more and even better news about the July 27th OVW Summer Sizzler Series show!

WWE Champion (and former OVW Heavyweight Champ) John Cena appeared on-screen to announce that “there's a severe weather watch for Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom on July 27 th …a storm is coming, and that storm's name is JOHN CENA!… I'm coming back to the place where I got my first chance to put my stamp on this business!” With Cena daring to take on anyone who wanted to even eye him funny at Six Flags, the camera cut back to Dean Hill in order to announce that OVW Television would have a thirty-man over-the-top-rope rumble match!

30-Man Over-The-Top-Ropes Rumble Match
Winner to Face WWE Champion John Cena at Six Flags on July 27th
REF: Kevin Keenan, Nick Andrews, Ray Ramsey & Goose Mahoney

Cassidy James had gotten the spot of being first in the ring for the Rumble, and although he didn't look very happy about the pick, he appeared determined to mow down all that stood in his way. That is, until he saw that he was going to have to face his brother Kasey! With Kasey yelling at everyone as he made his way into the ring, he got into Cassidy's face and lectured him as well. Cassidy, nodding to whatever Kasey was saying, waited until Kasey had turned back to the announcers and then prompting threw his brother out of the ring! Fortunately for Kasey, he managed to hold on to the top-rope and swing himself on to the apron. A shove from Kasey got the same in return from Cassidy, followed by a punch to Cassidy's jaw from Kasey. Upset, Cassidy ran at Kasey and found himself sailing through the air as Kasey backdropped him over the ropes and on to the floor for the first elimination of the match!

As the refs tried to move Cassidy away, Cody Runnels dove into the ring to take on Kasey James. The two threw blows at each other until Kasey managed to toss Cody out … and just take a look at the pic from the show when he went over! Cody was less than an inch from touching the floor, but managed to pull himself up and back over the ropes! Kasey, showing off after the toss, found him an easy target for Cody, but Kasey fought Cody off in a corner as Justin “The Ox” LaRoche came into the ring! With Ox's connections to Bolin Services – of which Kasey works with now – it was no surprise to see Ox and Kasey gang up on Cody, which they continued until the next man came out, Steve Lewington!

Lewington went after Ox, while Cody tried to move Kasey over the ropes and the four continued as such until the arrival of the next man and the debut of Teddy Hart in OVW, with Nattie Neidhart accompanying him! Teddy went on the attack with Kasey, while Cody and Steve moved in on Ox to try to get him over the ropes, and the match continued as such until the next man came out, JTG of Cryme Tyme! JTG, who has issues with Ox, immediately attacked LaRoche until Lewington could take over again. JTG then turned his attention to another half of a tag-team that has caused problems for Cryme Tyme in OVW recently, Kasey James! Ox managed to toss Lewington out of the ring, but Steve managed to hold on to the ropes and was swinging himself back in when Ox kicked him in the chest and sent him flying down to the floor! Steve Lewington became the second elimination of the match!

“The Ripper” Paul Burchall dove into the ring and took on JTG, while Kasey took to Cody and Ox moved in on Teddy. The one wild card in the ring, of course, was Burchall who moved on from JTG to Kasey. Meanwhile, Festus Dalton had entered the match and latched on to Ox. Let's face it, Ox and Hammer haven't been making friends with other tag-team members this summer, as this match clearly shows! Returning to OVW Television was the next entry, Harry Smith, who ran like a blur into the ring and straight at Kasey James! James managed to keep Smith away and traded Smith with JTG for Teddy Hart. James managed to just barely get Hart tossed over the ropes and out of the ring, for which Smith did not take well and casually threw James over the ropes. Kasey managed to stay on the apron, only to turn to find an angry Nattie Heidhart standing next to him! Kasey made the mistake of trying to patronize Nattie by putting a hand on her head and she took the opportunity to toss him right off the apron and to the floor! Kasey had been eliminated from the match!

As this was occurring, Nic Nemeth came into the ring while Cody eliminated Ox and Burchall got Festus over the ropes and eliminated. The remaining wrestlers were now JTG, Henry James, Cody Runnels, Nic Nemeth and Paul Burchall. In a surprise, the next entry was none other than Domino, who came to the ring wearing the WWE Tag-Team Championship Title! Domino immediately took on Cody and tried to get him out of the ring then hit a jumping knee to the face on JTG, who fans may remember was in a running feud with Domino & Deuce last year in OVW. With another countdown met, Antoni Polaski arrived to tear-up on Nemeth so painfully that everyone else just stood back and watch rather than get caught in the attack!

After Polaski tossed Nemeth out to the floor, EVERYONE dove on Antoni before he finally shook them off (Polaski doesn't pony up $2,500 as part of a bodyslam challenge for nothing, as one could see here). Brian Major then arrived to take on Domino, leading to a few others trying to help out in that endeavor. Burchall managed to get Domino over the ropes, but not off the apron, and Domino retaliated with an eyerack. As everyone maneuvered around the ring, the next man out arrived, Jacob Duncan, with Beth Phoenix in tow. Duncan went straight for Polaski and, after a few elbows back and forth, picked up Antoni and was about the bodyslam him over the ropes when Domino gave Duncan a sharp elbow in the back! To show his “appreciation,” Duncan then picked up Domino and tossed him over the ropes!

Just as Polaski had eliminated JTG, Colt Cabana ran to the ring and darted his head back and forth like a kid in a candy store not sure what treat to start with! Polaski resolved that problem by attacking Cabana, although Colt managed to knock Polaski around enough to attempt to get him over the ropes. His request for assistance wasn't heard, however, as Brian and Harry were busy trying to get Burchall out, while Cody was busy trying to fight off Duncan in another corner. Cabana's attempt found relief when Jacob went back to take on Antoni. Polaski got the edge there and was moving Jacob over the ropes when Vladimir Kozlov ran in and succeeded in throwing Polaski out along With Jacob, to eliminate the two huge men in one go!

Vladimir had so much fun with that he moved on to trying to rip Cabana's head off in a corner. Fortunately for Colt, Burchall has his grievances with Michael W. Kruel's little army and gave Vladimir a savage kick to the small of his back! Cody and Colt helped to gang up on Vladimir, while in a corner Brian Major and Harry Smith continued at it until Idol Stevens jumped in to work over both of them, eventually eliminating Harry from the match. The match was now left with six men, Burchall vs. Vladimir, Stevens vs. Runnels and Cabana vs. Brian. Atlas DaBone then arrived to strike a blow on a member of each of the twosomes already in the ring.

Cody hit a standing dropkick on DaBone, and the two began at it, while Stevens moved over to help Cabana try to eliminate Brian. As Cody moved over to help out Stevens and Cabana, Chet the Jet ran in to give Atlas a hand with Kozlov. With eight men swinging at each other in the ring, it looked to become complete chaos, but the emergence of the next man into the ring cleared things up: yes, the hatred of just about everyone there for OVW Troubleshooter Michael W. Kruel made it even obvious to Kruel himself that he was in a lot of trouble as nearly everyone stopped and turned to advance on him! The only one who didn't was Vladimir, of course, but Stevens tried to stop him with a shot to the head with a steel chair. That didn't seem to do anything but stagger Vladimir, so Stevens handed the chair off to Cabana, who handed it to DaBone when it did nothing, who then gave it to Chet, who just let the chair fly when bringing it down on Vladimir's head! That did the trick and Vladimir went sailing out of the ring, and Kruel, seeing everyone ready to tear him apart, did himself a favor and threw himself over the ropes to get eliminated!

Of course, the hatred for Kruel didn't stop some from leaving to go after him, and Chet, Idol, Atlas and Colt left the ring to circle the fleeing Kruel! They were attacked, however, by Los Locos and The Belgium Brawler, with Vladimir and Kruel joining in as well. That left only Cody, Brian and Burchall in the ring as Jesse Dalton arrived to join them there, as Kruel and Team America moved their party to the back. Jesse worked on getting Burchall out, while Cody worked on Brian at the other side of the ring. Then Shad Gaspard arrived to forearm everyone in his path! Just as it looked Gaspard was to eliminate Burchall with a clothesline on the ropes, The Ripper hit a DDT on Shad. Jay Bradley then arrived to immediately eliminate Jesse and then move over to Cody. Burchall, for obvious reason, attacked Jay and the two went at it, with Bradley gradually gaining control until Shad jumped Jay, giving Burchall some breathing room. Mike Mondo was next in the match, and he took on a few of them before concentrating on Bradley, who countered with some sharp elbows to the head. Shawn Spears then came out and was attacked by Cody, as if Runnels has just been saving his breath until Spears arrived.

Cody was about to throw Shawn out when he was attacked from behind by Jay, who had teamed with Shawn a couple of times during this summer. As the match continued, Prodigy dove into the ring, with Hammer soon also arriving! Then Brett Major arrived as well! And who should want to join in the chance to go up against the WWE Champion by winning the match but none other than Armando Alejandro Estrada … who was then immediately thrown out by Cody Runnels! Shawn Spears then viciously attacked Cody, only to get a jumping dropkick to the back of the head by Cody that sent him THROUGH THE ROPES to the floor. Because it was not over the ropes, Spears had not been eliminated from the match, although he certainly did not look to be in good shape facedown on the floor at the time!

One man who did go over the ropes a second later was Brett Major, who was eliminated by his own brother! Prodigy and Shad Gaspard got eliminated together with the help of Cody on the ropes a short time later, leaving Cody, Jay Bradley, Brian Major, Paul Burchall, Hammer, & Mike Mondo, with Shawn Spears slowing trying to sneak back into the ring … only to act like he was in pain and unable to move if anyone dared to look his direction! Brian and Mike were the next two out, and Jay hit Burchall with a hard clothesline while Hammer moved in on Cody. With Burchall out of it in a corner, Hammer and Bradley went to pull Cody over the ropes until Burchall hit Jay with a jumping neckbreaker! Burchall then tossed Bradley over the ropes to the floor while Cody backdropped Hammer over the ropes and to the floor!

With both men having spent most of the past hour fighting twenty-something others in the ring, the two slowly rose up from the canvas to face each other with blows and stomps. Cody managed to hit a dropkick off a corner and both men went down. Burchall got up first and whipped Cody to a corner, running in at him after Cody hit. Runnels barely managed to move out of the way as Burchall hit the corner full-force and flew over the ropes and straight down to the floor! Cody was the only man remaining in the ring!

But that was forgetting that Spears had NOT been eliminated. With Cody the only one left, Shawn returned to the ring, snuck up behind Cody, and tossed him over the ropes. Shawn Spears had become the winner of the rumble match and would now face WWE Champion John Cena at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom on July 27th!

How will Spears do against the WWE Champ? What has the rumble match wrought to those that participated? Best way to find out is to check out the next OVW Summer Sizzler Series show at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom on July 27 th ! Don't forget that not only will former OVW Champ and current WWE Champion John Cena will be there, but also Jerry “The King” Lawler, as well as matches galore! The action starts at 7:30 at Six Flags! Make sure to check out our Live Events section here at OVWrestling.com for details!

Until next week, remember to keep check out the OVW live events in your area and keep watching OVW Television on the CW Network in Cincinnati and Louisville!