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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE PPV 'The Bash' LIVE Coverage 2009


    World Heavyweight Championship
    CM Punk (c) vs. Jeff Hardy

    WWE Championship
    Randy Orton (c) vs. Triple H

    ECW Championshipship
    Scramble Match

    Intercontinental Championship
    Championship vs Mask Match
    Chris Jericho (c) vs. Rey Mysterio

    Women's Championship
    Melina (c) vs. Michelle McCool

    Unified Tag Team Championship
    Carlito & Primo (c's) vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

    The Great Khali vs. Dolph Ziggler

    John Cena vs. The Miz


  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment (spoilers allowed) in this thread about the PPV.
    Beware of possible spoilers past this post.

    The Bash opened with a video package that focused on the main events, but mostly the "Three Stages Of Hell" storyline from this past Monday.

    ECW Championship Scramble Match
    Tommy Dreamer (c) vs. Christian vs. Fit Finlay vs. Jack Swagger vs. Mark Henry

    The time between entrants for the Scramble has been changed from five minutes to three, so it will be a 12-minute match. Christian and Jack Swagger are the first two participants. They locked up at the bell, with Swagger hitting a knee to the gut and working over Christian in a corner. Swagger lifted Christian for a backdrop and Christian tried to go into a sunset flip, but Swagger yanked Christian off the mat. Christian hit some right hands, but Swagger lifted Christian into a powerslam for a two count. Swagger applied an abdominal stretch, then hit a gutbuster. Swagger put Christian on the top turnbuckle, but Christian kicked him and went for a tornado DDT. Swagger blocked it, and Christian applied a sleeper, but Swagger spun Christian off and applied a front facelock. Swagger hit some punches, then put Christian on the top rope again. Christian kicked Swagger away, then hit a top rope dropkick for a two count. Christian hit Swagger with a pendulum kick.

    Finlay was the next entrant.

    Finlay hit Christian and Swagger with clotheslines, then threw Christian on top of Swagger. Finlay hit a rolling Samoan Drop on Swagger and kicked him tot he floor. Christian grabbed Finlay with a small package, but Finlay kicked out, hit a forearm and a sitdown splash for a two count. Finlay hit a clothesline, but Christian kicked him and delivered a second rope back elbow for a two count. Swagger pulled Christian from the ring and threw him into the security wall. Finlay kicked Swagger between the ropes. They got back in the ring, and Swagger poked Finlay in the eye. Swagger then rolled up Finlay for a pin.

    Swagger has the advantage.

    Christian shoulderblocked Swagger from the apron and hit a slingshot sunset flip for a two count. A doctor was checking Finlay's eye at ringside. Christian and Swagger traded counters on their finishers, then Christian gave Swagger a reverse DDT for a two count. Swagger came back with a uranage on Christian.

    Tommy Dreamer was the next entrant.

    Dreamer clotheslined Swagger and hit Christian as he came off the top rope. Dreamer bulldogged Swagger, then gave Christian a spinebuster for a two count. Dreamer gave Swagger a neckbreaker, then put Christian in a Tree Of Woe. Dreamer dropkicked Christian in the Tree. Swagger threw Dreamer into Christian, but Christian was falling out of the Tree, and the crowd groaned. Swagger threw Dreamer to the floor and tossed him into the announce table. Finlay threw Swagger into the ringpost, then the ring. Swagger charged Finlay, who side stepped it and Swagger went into the ringpost. Finlay gave Swagger the Celtic Cross for the pin.

    Finlay has the advantage.

    Christian kicked Finlay for a cover, but he kicked out. Dreamer gave Finlay a back elbow. Christian tripped Dreamer to the mat. Christian went to the top rope, but Dreamer met him there and went for a superplex. Christian blocked it, and Swagger decked Dreamer, then went to the top and tried to superplex Christian. Christian blocked it as well.

    Mark Henry was the final entrant. The final period is five minutes long.

    Henry clotheslined Dreamer, then powerbombed Swagger, who was superplexing Christian, and they crashed into Dreamer. Henry knocked Swagger out of the ring and press slammed Christian to the floor. Henry hit Finlay, then caught Dreamer off the ropes and powerslammed him for the win.

    Henry has the advantage.

    Everyone started ganging up on Henry, except Dreamer, who was down. Henry got knocked out of the ring, then Christian knocked Swagger out and rolled up Finlay for a two count. Finlay threw Christian out of the ring, then dove onto Swagger with a tope. Dreamer jumped off the ring apron with a senton into Swagger. Christian hit a springboard from inside the ring out, hitting Dreamer. Mark Henry teased climbing the ropes. Swagger got in the ring behind Henry and clipped his knee. Swagger gave Henry a reverse splash off the middle rope for a three count.

    Swagger has the advantage.

    Swagger tried to keep Dreamer, Finlay and Christian from getting in the ring. Henry hit Swagger form behind and gave him a guillotine slide on the ropes. Dreamer and Finlay knocked down Henry. Christian gave Swagger a Killswitch, but Dreamer broke it up and DDT'd Christian for a pin.

    Dreamer has the advantage.

    Finlay, Swagger, and Christian all attempted quick covers, with Dreamer breaking them up (or kicking out). Finlay DDT'd Swagger, but Henry broke it up and covered, but Dreamer pulled him off. Dreamer DDT'd Henry, then Christian dropkicked Dreamer. Christian went for a second rope sunset flip on Dreamer, who kicked out. There was a mad rush for one more cover by everyone, but no one got it as the clock ran out.

    Winner: Tommy Dreamer

    They aired the Gillette Fusion commercial with John Cena
    and Vince McMahon.

    Edge approached Theodore R. Long, saying that since Vince McMahon put him on "probation", Long should think "outside the box" and make the Punk vs. Hardy match a Triple Threat match with him added. Edge said it was a "crime" he wasn't on the PPV. Long refused, and Edge said he should reconsider, or Long would end up like Vickie Guerrero (out of a job).

    Intercontinental Championship Match
    Championship vs. Mask

    Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio.

    They reviewed the history between Jericho and Mysterio as Rey made his entrance. They noted in the introductions that if Rey lost, he would have to unmask "forever."

    Jericho tried to grab the mask at the bell, but Mysterio hit some punches. Jericho applied a headlock and trash talked, but Rey broke out of it, only to be shoulderblocked down. Rey leapfrogged a charging Jericho, then hit a boot in a corner, and a rana that sent Jericho to the floor. Mysterio went for a baseball slide, but Jericho caught it and swung Rey into the security wall. Jericho rammed Rey into the ring apron. Mysterio crawled back into the ring and Jericho catapulted him into the bottom rope. Jericho stomped Rey, then delivered a vertical suplex for a two count. Jericho applied a crossface chickenwing, but Rey elbowed out of it. Jericho put Rey on the top rope for a back superplex, but then went for the mask instead. Rey elbowed Jericho to the mat, then hit a top rope senton. Rey ran the ropes, but Jericho grabbed him in a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker.

    Jericho kicked Rey in the head, then put him in the corner and choked him with his boot. Jericho rammed Rey face first into a turnbuckle, then dropkicked him to the floor. Rey got on the apron and Jericho went to suplex him back in, but Rey floated over and hit some punches. He went for a backdrop and Jericho drove a knee into his head, then dropkicked him on the mat. Jericho applied a double chickenwing, but Rey kicked out of it, then dropkicked the knee of a charging Jericho, sending him through the ropes and to the floor. Mysterio dove off the top rope and hit Jericho with a senton on the floor.

    Mysterio rolled Jericho back in the ring and hit a springboard bodypress for a two count. Mysterio leapfrogged Jericho, then used a headscissors to send him into a turnbuckle. Rey then springboarded off one rope, dropping into an Arabian Press off another, for a two count. Rey went for a Quebrada moonsault, but Jericho caught it and powerslammed Mysterio for a two count. Jericho missed a charge in the corner, and Rey hit a top rope moonsault on a standing Jericho for a two count. Rey went for a rana, but Jericho dropped him to the mat and hooked his legs, applying the Walls Of Jericho in the center of the ring. Mysterio struggled and made the ropes for a break.

    Jericho charged Rey, who sidestepped him and sent him over the top rope. Jericho landed on the apron, and Rey kicked him so he would fall over the middle rope. Rey went for a 619, but Jericho dropped to the floor to dodge it, then clotheslined Rey from the apron. Jericho went to the top rope, but Rey crotched him. Rey went for a top rope rana, but Jericho blocked it and superbombed him to the mat, then put his feet on the ropes, but only got a two count. Jericho went for a Lionsault, but Mysterio moved out of the way. Rey hit a rana for a two count. Rey dropkicked Jericho into 619 position. Jericho blocked the move and went for the Torture Rack, but Rey spun out of it and hit a tornado DDT for a two count.

    Rey began kicking Jericho's legs. Rey went for a springboard, but Jericho caught him with a Codebreaker as he came off the ropes. Jericho crawled onto Rey, but Mysterio kicked out at two. Jericho argued the count, then kicked Rey in the back. Jericho threw Mysterio in a corner, then put him on the top rope. Jericho headbutted Mysterio twice, then stood on the top rope, but Mysterio pulled away and Jericho fell to the mat. Mysterio dropkicked Jericho into 619 position, and hit the move. Rey then went for a springboard rana, but Jericho caught it and put him in the Walls of Jericho. Mysterio rolled under Jericho, then went up and over him for a sunset flip. They traded reversals on a sunset flip for two counts, and Jericho pulled out of it with Rey's mask in his hands. However, Rey had a second mask on. Rey gave an enzugiri to a stunned Jericho, sending him into the ropes, hit a 619, then dropped a springboard splash on him for the pin at the 16 minute mark.

    Winner and new Intercontinental Champion: Rey Mysterio.

    They recapped the McMahon-Trump confrontation from last week's Raw.

    hey showed Triple H having his knee taped up.

    Jericho was in Theodore R. Long's office, demanding his contractually guaranteed title rematch tonight. Long said he has been a General Manager for almost five years, and he didn't get that way by doing what every star asks him for. Long sent Jericho away, and Jericho said when, not if, Long changes his mind, he knows where to find him.

    A video package on the Dolph Ziggler-Great Khali feud was shown.

    No DQ, No Countout match.
    Great Khali vs. Dolph Ziggler

    Ziggler ran around Khali at the start and threw kicks and punches, but Khali shoved him to the mat, then whipped him hard into a corner and chopped his chest. Khali whipped him hard into another corner, but Ziggler dropkicked his leg. Ziggler tried to punch him in a corner, but Khali tossed him over the top rope and to the floor. Khali went outside and hit Ziggler, then chopped his chest. Khali went for another chop, but Ziggler ducked and Khali hit his hand on the post. Ziggler hit a dropkick off the apron, got back on it, and Khali hit an openhand chop that sent Ziggler back into the ring. Khali rammed Ziggler in a corner, but missed a kick and caught his leg over the top rope. Ziggler got on the apron and yanked Khali's leg across the top rope. Ziggler got a chair and hit Khali in the leg with it. Khali swatted the chair away, but Ziggler hit a chopblock on the leg, then a Rocker Dropper for a one count.

    Ziggler punched the downed Khali and put him in a front facelock. Khali stood up in it and tossed off Ziggler, then hit a clothesline and a boot to the face. Khali got ready for a chop, when Kane, to a pop, came out. Khali was distracted, and Ziggler grabbed a chair and hit Khali repeatedly in the leg. Kane got in the ring, and Ziggler bailed out. Kane picked up the chair and hit Khali in the back and head with it. Kane hit Khali repeatedly with the chair across the back, then walked off. Ziggler rolled into the ring and pinned Khali at the five minute mark.

    Winner: Dolph Ziggler.

    A happy Vince McMahon entered Teddy Long's office. Vince apologized and said he was hard on Long last week after the Trump fiasco. Vince said he heard Long telling Chris Jericho that he was the longest reigning General Manager in history ... and that he accomplished nothing. Vince said Eric Bischoff, Heyman, William Regal and even Mike Adamle accomplished something during their time. Vince said if he was in a foxhole with Long, he would shoot himself out of boredom. Vince said all Long has is a dance, but he had no rhythm. Vince said he was still on probation, and left.

    Unified Tag Team Championship
    Carlito & Primo Colon (c's) vs. Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes.

    Before the bell could ring, Teddy Long came out. He said it was now a Triple Threat tag team match, and out came Edge & Chris Jericho.

    Unified Tag Team Championship
    Carlito & Primo Colon (c's) vs. Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes vs. Edge & Chris Jericho.

    The announcers said that since the tag belts can be defended on all three brands, Long was able to make this decision. Cole & Lawler speculated that Long "succumbed to the pressure" to do something.

    Priceless knocked Jericho & Edge out of the ring, but the referee restored order and rang the bell. Carlito started off with DiBiase. Carlito flipped over DiBiase off the top rope and hit a clothesline. Primo tagged in and hit DiBiase with a headbutt to the back as Carlito gave him a drop toe hold. Jericho tagged himself in off of DiBiase. Primo backdropped him and Rhodes tagged in off of Jericho. Cody worked over Primo, then tagged in DiBiase. Primo hit DiBiase with kicks and a legdrop. Primo tagged in Carlito, who dropkicked DiBiase for a two count, then applied a sleeper. Primo tagged in and continued to work over DiBiase, who armdragged out of a hiptoss attempt, then tagged in Rhodes, who stomped Primo. Cody hit a back elbow on Primo, then avoided being tagged by Jericho and Edge. Cody tagged in DiBiase, who choked Primo against the rope. Cody tagged in and Priceless whipped Primo into the corner.

    Cody gave Primo a snap mare and put him in a surfboard. The announcers noted that if no one tags Jericho and Edge, they won't be able to get legally involved in the match. Primo gave Cody a jawbuster and Edge tagged himself in off of Cody. Edge went for a spear, Primo ducked, and DiBiase tagged himself in off of Edge, frustrating him. DiBiase dropped some elbows on Primo for a two count. Primo cradled DiBiase for a two count, but DiBiase hit a clothesline. Cody tagged in and dropkicked Primo for a two count. Cody then drove an elbow into Primo's arm, then applied a neck vice. Primo punched out, then rolled up Cody for two. There was an "Edge" chant. Cody hit Primo with a clothesline for a two count.

    Cody lifted Primo for a Gory Special variation, but Edge ran in and broke it up. DiBiase tagged in, but Primo backdropped him over the top rope. Primo made the tag to Carlito, hit hit Cody, who also tagged in, with a springboard Blockbuster. Carlito hit a springboard elbow, but DiBiase broke up the cover. Primo dropkicked DiBiase from the ring,. Jericho gave Primo a Codebreaker and sent him from the ring. Carlito threw Jericho from the ring. Carltio was working with Rhodes, but Edge tagged himself in off of Rhodes and Carlito didn't realize it. Carlito gave Rhodes a Backstabber, but the referee didn't count. Carlito asked "Who tagged?" then turned and was hit with a spear by Edge (to a pop). Edge pinned Carlito at the eleven minute mark.

    Winners and new Unified WWE Tag Team Champions: Edge & Chris Jericho.

    Randy Orton told Priceless not to worry about what just happened, saying the important thing was protecting his WWE Title. DiBiase said they were close to winning the tag titles. Orton said he didn't care about the tag titles. DiBiase got in Orton's face, saying he didn't care about him. Cody tried to calm him, but DiBiase said he "let it go" that Orton kicked him in the head in order to further his career, and that he made a mistake in doing so. They argued, and DiBiase said "good luck with Triple H" and walked off. Orton yelled that he can't talk to him like that. Cody tried to clam Orton, then said he would go talk to DiBiase.

    Womens Championship Match
    Melina (c) vs Michelle McCool

    Melina showed no ill effects from the jaw injury on Smackdown, but the announcers played it up as possibly being a factor. They went right at it, with Michelle kicking Melina in the gut, then punching her in the jaw, which she sold huge. Melina hit an elbow, then Michelle lifted Melina in a choke, but Melina rolled out of it, delivered some stiff shots and then a backdrop. Michelle dropkicked Melina's leg, then drove knees and elbows into it. Michelle applied a spinning toe hold, but Melina kicked her in the gut. Michelle kept up her attack on the leg, then twisted it around the bottom rope. Michelle dragged Melina's leg outside and rammed it on the apron, then put the leg between the ring steps and the apron and kicked the steps into it. Michelle pulled Melina into the center of the ring for a two count. Michelle hit a gutbuster, then bent Melina's leg until Melina's foot was touching her head.

    Michelle kicked the leg repeatedly, but missed a running kick. Melina hit some elbows, then stretched McCool across the middle rope. Melina dropped a knee on Michelle, but hurt herself in doing so. Michelle hit a chopblock. Melina came back with a headscissors, but then hurt her leg kicking Michelle. Michelle went for the Styles Clash, but Melina turned it into a rana for a two count. They traded kicks, with Melina hurting herself on hers. Michelle went for a superplex, but Melina blocked it, then came off the ropes with a facebuster. Melina covered, but Alicia Fox put Michelle's foot on the bottom rope. Melina kicked Fox between the ropes. Melina went for a Code Red, but Michelle blocked it, rather awkwardly and hit a kick to the head for a two count. Michelle hit the Styles Clash, which she calls the Fatebreaker, for the pin at the seven minute mark.

    Winner and new Women's Champion: Michelle McCool.

    Don't try this at home ad.

    They showed the events leading to CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy. Todd Grisham called it the "Smackdown main event", while Jim Ross pointed out it was "THE main event" of the show.

    World Heavyweight Championship
    C.M. Punk (c) vs. Jeff Hardy

    No facepaint for Jeff Hardy tonight. They did the "big match" introductions for the bout, with Punk and Hardy staring each other down in the center of the ring. Cheers for Hardy, mixed reaction for Punk. A "Hardy" chant broke out before the bell. Some started a "CM Punk" chant, but the Hardy chant won out.

    They locked up, with Punk backing Hardy in a corner, but Punk broke clean. They locked up again, with Hardy grabbing a side headlock, which Punk reversed. Punk hit a shoulderblock, but Hardy quickly got back to his feet. Punk and Hardy exchanged waistlocks, with Punk grabbing a hammerlock, which Hardy escaped and grabbed a side mare. Punk tried to push off the headlock, but Hardy maintained the hold, then started a chant for himself. Punk broke out and grabbed his own headlock. Hardy shoved off the move, and Punk hit another shoulderblock. Hardy leapdrogged Punk and went for a hiptoss, but Punk blocked it and went for a GTS, but Hardy turned it into a crucifix for a two count. Hardy went for a Twist Of Fate, Punk blocked it, and Hardy backdropped Punk to the floor, then hit a pescado.

    Hardy moved the ring steps, then launched off them for a leg lariat. Punk moved and Hardy crashed into the security wall. Hardy got in at the nine count, and Punk covered him for a two count. Punk hit a series of kicks to the back, then applied a figure four headlock with his legs. Punk drove some elbows into Hardy's head while maintaining the hold, then got a two count. Punk hit a side backbreaker for another two. Punk applied the figure four headlock again, but Hardy made the ropes. Punk slammed Hardy and went to the middle rope, but missed a legdrop attempt. Punk missed a splash in the corner, and Hardy hit him with Whisper In The Wind for a two count.

    Hardy hit a series of clotheslines, then a reverse atomic drop and a double legdrop between Punk's legs. Hardy dropkicked Punk in the face and got a two count, then hit a gourdbuster. Hardy went to the top rope, but Punk rolled to the floor. Hardy jumped off the apron and hit Punk with a clothesline on the floor. Back in the ring, Hardy dropkicked Punk into a corner and then went for an elevated kick, but Punk sprung up and grabbed Hardy for a GTS. Hardy grabbed the ropes to block it. Punk let go of the fireman's carry, kicked Hardy in the face, then delivered a jumping knee and a bulldog for a two count.

    Punk hit a series of kicks and open hand shots. Punk missed a backfist, and Hardy hit a Twist Of Fate. Hardy went to the top rope, but missed on a Swanton as Punk sat up. Punk called for the GTS. Hardy grabbed a small package as Punk picked him up off the mat for a two count. Punk hit a kick to the head. Punk went for the GTS, but Hardy reversed it and hit a Twist Of Fate. Hardy hit the Swanton, but Punk put his foot under the bottom rope. The referee counted three, and Hardy's music played, by the referee waved it off. The referee told Hardy the match was still on, and they argued. Hardy kept arguing with referee Scott Armstrong. Punk got up and Hardy went for a Twist Of Fate, but Punk blocked it and went for a GTS, which Hardy elbowed out of. Punk fell to the mat, grabbing at his eye. The referee held back Hardy so he could check on Punk, then Punk kicked the referee in the back. Punk was disqualified at the 15 minute mark.

    Winner via disqualification: Jeff Hardy.

    Fans chanted "bulls***" over the finish. Punk kept holding his eye, playing up that his kick may have been accidental. As Punk was leaving, Hardy confronted him in the aisle. Hardy said he did it on purpose, and Punk said "I thought it was you". Hardy then went nuts, attacking Punk, throwing him back into the ring and stomping and punching Punk until referees pulled him off. Hardy broke free and attacked him again. Hardy was pulled off again, and Punk rolled out of the ring, still holding his eye.

    The Colons burst into Teddy Long's office, complaining. Long said he wasn't going to stand around and be fired. He told the Colons he stands by his decision, and sent them out of his office. The Colons walked off, muttering in Spanish.

    Randy Orton was shown backstage on his cell phone. He left a message for Cody Rhodes, asking where he and DiBiase were at, and asking Cody to call him back.

    They showed footage from the "Block Party" in the parking lot earlier today.

    The events leading to John Cena vs. The Miz were shown.

    Cena vs. The Miz

    Big "Cena" chant at the bell, but there are boos as well. Cena took Miz down twice and hit his leg. Cena took Miz down again, and this time stepped on his arm. Miz looked frustrated. Cena ducked a punch and took Miz down with a headlock. Miz went for a shoulderblock, but Cena knocked him down. Miz tried a leapfrog, but Cena avoided it and took Miz down with a headlock. Miz grabbed a headlock on a break, but Cena shoved it off, dropped under him, leapfrogged him and hit a hiptoss. Miz tried some shots, like kicking away a backdrop attempt, but Cena just shook his head at him. Miz finally got something by pulling Cena neck first across the top rope as Cena chased him around and into the ring, then hit some shots in the corner. Miz hit his corner clothesline, then a top rope double axhandle for a two count.

    Miz kicked Cena in the head, then hit a suplex. Miz whipped Cena into the corner and hit a clothesline for a two count. Miz hit a knee to the back, then used a baseball slide dropkick to send Cena to the floor. Miz rolled Cena back in for a two count. Miz measured Cena for a punch, but Cena came back with lefts and rights, then some shoulderblocks and the back suplex into a powerbomb. Cena said "I've been waiting to do this a long time" and did the "You can't see me" and dropped the Five Knuckle Shuffle fistdrop. Cena hit the Attitude Adjustment. Miz struggled, but Cena had a look on his face like "Are you kidding me?" and delivered the move. Cena applied the STFU and Miz tapped out at the six minute mark.

    Winner: John Cena.

    As Cena walked out, he gestured like he was kicking dirt on the downed Miz.

    A video package on the events leading to the Three Stages Of Hell match was shown.

    WWE Champion Randy Orton vs. Triple H in a Three Stages Of Hell match with a regular first fall, a Falls Count Anywhere second fall and, if needed, a Stretcher Match third fall.

    They did the "big match introductions again.

    First Fall: Standard Match.

    They started slugging it out, and Orton hit a shoulderblock, but Triple H came back with a jumping knee. Orton reversed a whip, but Triple H hit a clothesline and delivered a series of punches in a corner. Triple H whipped Orton across the ring, but ran into a boot. Orton tripped Triple H from the floor and tried to pull his leg near the ringpost, but Triple H pulled his leg back and Orton went into the ringpost head first. Triple H suplexed Orton back into the ring for a two count. Triple H punched Orton, then went for a backdrop, but Orton kicked it away. Triple H kicked Orton in the gut and went for a Pedigree, but Orton clipped his leg, then hit a chopblock. Orton went to the floor and drove Triple H's leg into the ring apron, then successfully into the ringpost.

    Back in the ring, Orton put Triple H's leg over the middle rope and kicked it. Orton kept kicking at Triple H's leg, then drove it into the mat with his knee. Orton went for an RKO, but Triple H shoved it off. Triple H hit a spinebuster. Triple H was limping on his bad leg. Orton hit a side neckbreaker, and Triple H fell to the floor. Orton told the referee to count. As Triple H went to get back in the ring, Orton kicked him to the floor. Triple H reached under the ring for a chair, and as Orton approached him, Triple H hit him with it and was disqualified.

    Orton wins the first fall at the six minute mark via disqualification.

    Second Fall: Falls Count Anywhere.

    Triple H drove the chair into Orton's body repeatedly, punctuating it by driving the chair into the back of Orton's neck. Orton rolled out of the ring to the floor. Triple H picked up Orton and gave him a Pedigree on the floor. Triple H pinned Orton on the outside.

    Triple H wins the second fall at the seven minute mark.

    Third Fall: Stretcher Match.

    Triple H loaded Randy Orton on the stretcher and began pushing it up the ramp. As they got near the finish line, Orton rolled off and kicked the stretcher into the legs of Triple H. Orton then clipped Triple H's knee on the ramp with a chopblock. Back at ringside, Randy Orton crotched Triple H on the security wall and knocked him into the crowd. Orton went out after him and pummeled him in the crowd. They made their way towards a production area, and Triple H mounted a comeback with punches. Triple H clotheslined Orton over the security wall and back to ringside. Orton ripped the protective covering off the security wall, and when Triple H came at him, Orton yanked him into the exposed railing. Orton hit Triple H with the wall covering, then slammed him back first, then head first, on the exposed rail.

    Orton put Triple H on the stretcher, but Triple H got right off and hit a right hand. Orton threw Triple H into the ringsteps. Triple H rolled back into the ring, while Orton tossed a segment of the ring steps into the ring. Orton went to hit him with the steps, but Triple H tripped Orton with a drop toe hold and Orton hit his head on the steps. Triple H picked up the steps and blasted Orton with them. Triple H put Orton on the stretcher and wheeled him up the ramp. Orton kicked Triple H in the head. They started brawling on the stretcher, and it slid down the ramp and into the guard rail. Orton began grabbing his back, and apparently said a dirty word, as the audio dropped out. Orton and Triple H fought over the stretcher, with Orton hitting Triple H, putting him on the stretcher (which Orton raised so it was higher off the ground) and then using the stretcher for an assist on a DDT on the floor.

    Randy Orton lined up for a punt, but Triple H moved and Orton kicked the bottom of the stretcher. Triple H went for a Pedigree, but Orton backdropped him on the stretcher. Orton wheeled the stretcher up the ramp, but Triple H got off as they reached the stage. Orton attacked, hitting punches and stomps, then measured Triple H for an RKO. Triple H blocked it, shoving Orton into the video wall. Triple H then hit a Pedigree on the stage. Triple H pulled the stretcher over, and put Orton on it. Triple H went to wheel it over the finish line, but Cody Rhodes ran out and blocked the stretcher. Triple H and Cody went at it, and Triple H threw Cody into the set. Triple H went back to the stretcher, but Ted DiBiase ran out and attacked Triple H. Rhodes joined in, and Priceless tried to put Triple H on the stretcher. Triple H fought back, but they pounded him down again.

    Priceless went to check on Orton. Triple H reached into a compartment on the stage and pulled put a sledgehammer. Triple H hit Rhodes and DiBiase with it. Orton kicked Triple H low, picked up the metal cover from Triple H's secret compartment and hit him in the head with it. Triple H fell on the stretcher, and Orton wheeled it over the finish line at the twenty two-minute mark of the match.

    Randy Orton wins the third fall, at the twenty-two minute mark.

    Winner: Randy Orton.

    Randy Orton stood on the stage with the championship belt, oblivious that Triple H was getting up behind him. Randy Orton turned, and Triple H drove the sledgehammer into the side of Orton's head. Triple H stood over Orton, then walked to the back, returning for a crotch chop before leaving again.

    After a lot of replays, they showed Randy Orton slowly getting up, with the help of officials.

  3. #3
    Main Eventer John's Avatar
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    World Heavyweight Championship
    CM Punk (c) vs. Jeff Hardy

    WWE Championship
    Randy Orton (c) vs. Triple H

    ECW Championshipship
    Scramble Match

    Intercontinental Championship
    Championship vs Mask Match
    Chris Jericho (c) vs. Rey Mysterio

    Women's Championship
    Melina (c) vs. Michelle McCool

    Unified Tag Team Championship
    Carlito & Primo (c's) vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

    The Great Khali vs. Dolph Ziggler

    John Cena vs. The Miz

    in my opinion.

  4. #4
    Resident Cena Fan tommy's Avatar
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    Who I think will win is bolded, who SHOULD win is underlined:

    World Heavyweight Championship
    CM Punk (c) vs. Jeff Hardy

    WWE Championship
    Randy Orton (c) vs. Triple H

    ECW Championshipship
    Tommy Dreamer, Finlay

    Intercontinental Championship
    Championship vs Mask Match
    Chris Jericho (c) vs. Rey Mysterio

    Women's Championship
    Melina (c) vs. Michelle McCool

    Unified Tag Team Championship
    Carlito & Primo (c's) vs. Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase

    The Great Khali vs. Dolph Ziggler

    John Cena vs. The Miz

  5. #5
    Resident Cena Fan tommy's Avatar
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    Oh, and if Triple H vs Randy Orton goes over twice as long as Punk vs Hardy, I'm gonna be pissed. I saw something saying RKO vs HHH is getting over 40 minutes...that's terrible, we've seen the match, it's put us to sleep time and time again. Punk and Jeff better at least get 20 minutes if that's the case, THAT is the match everyone wants to see.

  6. #6
    TasseKucken! Kop-kage! DA's Avatar
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    I just want to see the scramble I know how the others are going to end

    Credit goes to a GOD of GFX RJ

  7. #7
    Resident Cena Fan tommy's Avatar
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    Swagger is the first interim champion...

    And I have a feeling Finlay won't be seen for a while then will get a pin...maybe the last one?

    Now Finlay is the champ...

    And now Mark Henry...

    And back to Swagger...

    And now Tommy Dreamer!

    Sweet. They said "new ecw champion", but wouldn't it count as the same title reign?
    Last edited by tommy; 06-29-2009 at 01:22 AM.

  8. #8
    TasseKucken! Kop-kage! DA's Avatar
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    Woooooooohhhhhooooooooo Dreamer!!!!!!!!

    Credit goes to a GOD of GFX RJ

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Good to see Dreamer win again.

  10. #10
    whuppin ass since 1984 vegeta02012's Avatar
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    I liked that scramble match, even moreso because of dreamer winning

    man it seems like Jericho is more over tonight then mysterio
    Last edited by vegeta02012; 06-29-2009 at 01:33 AM. Reason: update to IC match
    I choose to remember the wrestler that made me interested in wrestling and not what he became.

    However it may have ended, Rest In Peace

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