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    How you doin Shane McMahon's Ass's Avatar
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    Default RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion Thread - 4th January 2010

    Please feel free to discuss RAW here. No need to wait for updates!

    RAW Results - 4th January 2010
    Location -
    Announcers - Michael Cole & Jerry "The King" Lawler

    Dark Match:

    Reader Tony Luce, who is present at Raw tonight, just informed us that Bryan Danielson made his Raw debut tonight and beat Chavo Guerrero via pin fall in a dark match.


    WWE RAW Opener:

    A Bret Hart video package opens up the show. When we get to the live audience, they introduce tonight's special guest host...Bret "The Hitman" Hart.

    "Well I guess hell froze over," Bret Hart opens. He talks about it being 12 years since he's been back and it's an amazing feeling. He says Vince always declined and told him it wasn't possible for him to come back when he brought it up and tried to come back in the past. A LOUD "one more match" chant breaks out. He says "thank you" to all the fans for letting him not be forgotten. He owes everything to the WWE Universe and he thanks them again. He starts talking about memories and winning his first King of the Ring match and then Jerry Lawler jumping him afterward.

    He then says he has another reason he's there and he wants to get some things off his chest. The first thing....he wants Shawn Michaels to come out! HBK's entrance hits and here he comes! HBK's entrance hits and here he comes! Shawn gets in the ring and goes face to face with Shawn Michaels. Bret then says he wants to bury the hatchet and call a truce right now. Shawn grabs a mic and says that before Bret gets his closure, he's been waiting 12 years to say that Bret deserved what happened in Montreal. He says Bret disrespected him and the business and yes, he did have a hand in what Vince did that night. A loud "You screwed Bret" chant breaks out and Bret says that because of that, he rests his case.

    Shawn says there's a big part of him that doesn't regret a bit of it. However, there's another part of him that knows in the last 12 years, a lot of things in his life have changed. He says that he always respected Bret, but feels Bret didn't respect him. There were times that he couldn't stand the sight of Bret and he knows the feeling is mutual. When he thinks of Bret Hart, he doesn't think of Montreal. He thinks of Anaheim, California - a 60 minute Ironman Match that no one thought the fans would want to see. But Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels went out there and did it. When Shawn thinks of Bret Hart, he thinks of the "Excellence of Execution". Shawn tells Bret he's not the only one who wants to move on. The last thing he has to say is...are you sure and are you ready?

    Bret then says being honest, Shawn wasn't the easiest guy to love back then either. But he says Shawn's right, their careers shouldn't be hung on Montreal and tonight, they should take this opportunity to say that the two of them could be friends. He puts his hand out and wants Shawn to call a truce and bury the hatchet right now. The crowd boos, but Shawn shakes his hand. The crowd cheers..or at least some of them. Shawn starts exiting, and it looks like he's going to superkick him, but instead, he goes and hugs Bret. Shawn then starts leaving.

    Before he can though, Bret says there's one more thing he wants to ask and before he can, he needs Vince McMahon to come out there and face him too.

    As Bret is waiting for McMahon, Cole and Lawler come on with promos for the matches tonight (Kingston/Orton and JeriShow vs DX). They then cut to a break.


    When we come back, Josh Matthews is waiting by Vince McMahon's door when Vince shows up. Apparently, McMahon was in a meeting and didn't hear Bret call him out. If Bret wants a public meeting, that's fine with him, but he'll do it on his terms later tonight when he calls Bret out. We then start the first match of the Diva Championship tournament.

    Maryse vs Brie Bella

    They lock up and Maryse quickly goes to the ropes to fre herself. Brie grabs her and takes her to the corner and chokes her out with her leg. She then starts swinging her around by her hair, followed by a dropkick. Maryse rolls to the outside, but Nikki Bella takes her head and bounces it off the announce table. Cover attempt, but a two count. Maryse takes over offense after grabbing Brie's hair and slamming her down. Pin, but two count. As the ref gets distracted, Nikki rolls in to the ring and switches out with Brie. It didn't help though as Maryse hits the French Kiss and gets the three count. (The replay shows Maryse seeing the switch, so she wasn't fooled).

    WINNER: Maryse

    After The Match: The Miz comes out as Maryse is walking back up the ramp. He tells Maryse that if she wins the tournament, he might actually call her back. He says he has to go now and scout his next opponent, but first, he's been hearing her say that 2010 is the year of Maryse. He wants to make clear that this year, this decade, every year going forward...it belongs to him because he's the Miz and he's awesome. Miz joins the announce booth as MVP will be facing Jack Swagger and two others in a Fatal Fourway Match next.


    MVP vs Jack Swagger vs Mark Henry vs Carlito

    We're back from break and the match is underway. Mark Henry is on the outside. Swagger and Carlito are going at it. Swagger hits a slam, tries for a cover, but MVP breaks it up. Swagger then turns his attention to MVP and goes for a cover. Carlito breaks it up. Swagger swings Carlito to the corner and swings MVP into him. He charges them both, but MVP moves and he hits Carlito instead. Henry then comes in and slams Swagger. He throws MVP over the top rope to the outside. He then goes after Swagger and Carlito taking them both out. He picks up Carlito and uses him to kick Swagger and then follows it up with a bearhug on Carlito until Swagger breaks it up. Not for long though as Henry takes Swagger up to his shoulders. Carlito then comes and breaks it up and MVP follows with kicking Henry out of the ring. He hits his finisher on Swagger and gets the pin.


    We cut to the back where Jericho and Big Show are talking. Big Show tells him how important it is that they win tonight so Jericho won't have to leave Raw. Jericho says he has a plan that Bret Hart can't pass up and he heads to talk to him.


    We're back and Jericho meets up with Bret backstage. Jericho talks about their history and says that he saw his lovefest that he had earlier with HBK. He says that he knows deep down Bret despises Shawn and he has an idea. He wants Bret to be the special guest referee in their match with DX. In fact, he can screw Shawn just like Shawn did him. Bret says that everything he said out there was real and he doesn't want to be like Chris...a hypocrite. He tells Jericho that if he wants to stay on Raw, he has to win the match all by himself.

    We then cut to Hornswoggle and he's met by Hunter. They promote some new WWE action figures. Shawn comes in and asks Hunter why he talks to Hornswoggle like a child...he's got a beard says Shawn. Hunter says that while Shawn was out there with Bret, he was back here focusing on their match. Santino comes in dressed like Jericho and starts mocking him about conspiracies. He then tells Hornswoggle to attack and he jumps on Santino. Hunter tells Shawn that tonight isn't about Bret or Undertaker...it's about JeriShow and the tag team titles. He then calls for Hornswoggle like a dog and gives him a cookie when he comes. They walk off and we see a beaten Santino.

    Next is the Tag Team Championship match.

    DX vs JeriShow
    Tag Team Championship

    As the match starts, Hornswoggle climbs under the ring. Shawn and Big Show start the match off with Big Show taking the early advantage. Shawn makes a quick tag though and they try a double suplex, but Show reverses. They go out of the ring and we take an early commercial.


    We're back and JeriShow has the advantage. Big Show comes in and Hunter tries to take control with a knee drop, but Big Show hits a sidewalk slam. Big Show then steps on Hunter's chest, hits a leg drop and goes for a cover but only gets a two count. He keeps pounding Hunter with headbutts before tagging in Jericho. Jericho comes in and steps on the back of Hunter's neck while he's on the second ropes. He taunts the crowd (and TNA) by doing the Hogan ear motion toward the crowd. He applies an armbar headlock and Hunter slowly rises back to his feet. Jericho charges, but Hunter nails the spinebuster.

    They both go for the tag, but Hunter can't make his before Big Show comes and stomps on him. He hits a bodyslam and goes to the second rope. He tries a splash, but Hunter moves. Hunter makes the hot tag and he comes in firing on Show with chops. He then hits some running shoulder blocks, but Big Show won't go down. He does a dropkick to the legs and he finally does. Shawn hits Jericho off the apron and then goes to the top turnbuckle. Before he can leap, Jericho comes up and hits him to where he straddles the top rope. Hornswoggle runs in and frogsplashes Big Show. Shawn goes for a cover, but only gets two.

    He fires up the band in the corner, but Show catches his leg and delives a huge chokeslam. Pin, but only a two count. Jericho gets tagged in and tries his moonsault, but HBK puts his knees up. He tags in Hunter and Hunter hits the Pedigree. Cover, but Big Show breaks it up. He picks Shawn up for a chokeslam, but Hunter breaks it up. They double Pedigree Show and he rolls out. Jericho tries a quick roll up on Hunter, but a two count. Hunter barely comes to his senses before Jericho lands a Codebreaker. They are both down and the ref starts counting to ten. Jericho covers, but Shawn breaks it up. Hornswoggle comes back in and starts tuning up the band as well. He tries to kick Jericho, but he kicks him in the hand. Hunter tries the Pedigree, but Jericho reverses and attempts the Walls of Jericho. Superkick by Shawn Michaels and the cover and three count by Hunter.


    After The Match: Hunter gets on the mic and tells Chris it's over for him on Raw. Shawn then says that if he's not down with that, they have two words for him...

    We cut to the back and someone is knocking on McMahon's door. McMahon answers and we finally see that it's Randy Orton. Orton says he has an offer for McMahon. He doesn't know how McMahon plans on confronting Bret, but...Vince cuts him off and says that Bret spitting in his face is nothing compared to what Randy Orton has done to him and his family. Orton says even still, what he does to Kofi tonight is nothing compared to what he will do to Bret. McMahon asks what's in it for him. He wants the #30 spot in the Royal Rumble. McMahon says that he has his own security and don't ever confront him again. Orton starts walking off and he's met by Legacy. They tell him "thank you" for last week and they want to return the favor. If he doesn't beat Kofi Kingston tonight, they will kick him out of Legacy and beat the hell out of him.


    Sheamus comes out and says that last week, John Cena couldn't beat him. He can make all the excuses he wants, but Sheamus did exactly what he said he would. The last image was him standing over Cena's body, still WWE Champion. He says his next title match is at the Royal Rumble and he will not be defending it against John Cena. He wants a new challenge. He says that Bret was right when he said he's the best there ever was. The best there ever is and the best there ever will be belongs to him. Evan Bourne then interupts and comes out. He takes the mic from Sheamus and rolls out of the ring. He says that the only reason Sheamus has that title is that someone gave him the opportunity. He says that he knows he can beat Sheamus if he's giving the opportunity right now. Sheamus mocks him and tells a ref to get in here so they can have the match right now. He then says that if Bourne can beat him now, he'll put his title up against him at the Rumble.

    Sheamus vs Evan Bourne

    Bourne comes out firing with kicks immediately and even hits the Air Bourne within a minute of the match, but Sheamus kicks out. Bourne goes back up top, but Sheamus catches him and slams him. Sheamus hits the big boot and the Razor's Edge finisher. Pin and three count.

    WINNER: Sheamus

    They remember Dr. Death Steve Williams and go to break.


    We see another Bret Hart video recap upon returning from the break that focuses more on the Montreal Screwjob.

    Randy Orton vs Kofi Kingston

    We see Legacy sitting outside the ring watching the match. The bell sounds and Kofi takes early offense with a springboard off the second rope. Orton applies a headlock and when Kofi pushes him off, he hits a shoulder block. Kofi then ducks a clothesline, leaps over Orton and hits a dropkick. Orton rolls to the outside and Kofi comes through the bottom rope with another dropkick as Legacy looks on. Kofi rolls Orton back in and as he gets in, Orton grabs him for the delayed DDT, but Kofi counters and backdrops him over the rope as we cut to break.


    We're back and Orton has a headlock applied. He continues his offense for a while and takes Kingston to the corner. He slingshots Kofi's neck into the bottom rope. Cover but a two count. Another headlock applied. The two charge each other and both hit crossbodies. Both men rise to their feet, Kofi blocks a punch, another...hits some chops and then a dropkick. He punches Orton in the corner and then a major uppercut. Side Russian legsweep followed by a Boom Drop. He's setting up for the Trouble In Paradise, but Orton rolls out of the ring. Kofi follows and leaps over the ropes on to Orton. Kofi rolls Orton back in quickly and goes the top rope. Cross body and a pin, but only a two count.

    Ortont tries an RKO, but Kofi counters into the SOS. Pin, but only two count. He drags Orton up, another RKO attempt, but Kofi counters. Orton blocks the Trouble In Paradise, hits the RKO and gets the three count.

    WINNER: Randy Orton

    Vince McMahon makes his way out to the ring. Vince says "Happy New Year" first to everyone. The second thing he wants to say is that there's really no reason for him to call Bret Hart out there tonight. Shawn and Bret buried the Montreal incident and he feels the same way..it's over. He said he would like to thank Bret for being the guest host and promotes Mike Tyson as next week's guest host. He ramples on about Mike, but Bret makes his way out to the entrance ramp (no music, by the way). Bret makes his way out to the ring and a loud "Bret" chant breaks out. As Bret gets in the ring, he takes off his jacket and goes face to face with Vince.

    Vince says that he knows what Bret is thinking and what the fans would like to see, which is Bret applying the Sharp Shooter on Vince. He's asking Bret to be the better man tonight. Vince would like to get a few things off his chest tonight. First...he really does believe Bret screwed Bret. Plus, he'll never forget Bret spitting in his face. He'll also never forget Bret sucker punching him. He'll also never forget Bret disrespecting him the night of the Hall of Fame. Bret has slandered and insulted him for so many years. Vince says he's just being honest and he wants to hear what Bret has to say. He's hoping Bret wants to say "I'm sorry". Again, Vince says he's not trying to provoke Bret.

    Bret says he can think of a lot of things to say to him, but the two words Vince is thinking are a lot different than the two things he's thinking. He says that he did come tonight to bury the hatchet and he thinks he's halfway there. Bret says that he knows Vince wants closure as bad as he does. Vince says he thought he wanted to come out and kick Bret in the guts, but he knows now that would be stupid. Vince says he remembers when he thought Bret was the future of the business, going from a tag team specialist to a WWE Champion. He says no one handed it to Bret..he scratched his way to the top. Vince says the reason the Montreal incident was so personal between the two of them was because Bret thought of Vince as a father. He then brings up Bret's father, Stu Hart, and says that he would personally like to nominate Stu for this year's Hall of Fame.

    Bret said he appreciates it. Vince then says that he would like to thank Bret for everything as well...as would the fans. Vince continues thanking Bret for being the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. Vince puts his hand out to shake it and Bret gives in. Vince then raises Bret's arm for all the fans. As they are posing for the fans, Vince kicks Bret in the gut!!!

    Bret goes down to a knee and then to his back as Vince exits the ring. Bret finally gets up as we go off the air.
    Last edited by Shane McMahon's Ass; 01-05-2010 at 05:15 AM.

  2. #2
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. #3


    Umm I dont think they were lol. Anyway thanks I think tna won honestly. Only good thing was the HBK/Hart at the beginning but a little sad using this from ages ago when it's old now and knew it was gonna happen the end you saw it coming and it turned a shoot into a work. I prefered the T tonight.

  4. #4
    YAY!! Bubala's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Travis View Post
    Umm I dont think they were lol. Anyway thanks I think tna won honestly. Only good thing was the HBK/Hart at the beginning but a little sad using this from ages ago when it's old now and knew it was gonna happen the end you saw it coming and it turned a shoot into a work. I prefered the T tonight.
    I thought I'd never see the day. And it's obvious that they're gonna boil up something with Hart, and Vince but I thought Hart can't wrestle anymore?

    Ladies' Night

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Boring .... as I mentioned when I heard Bret was coming to RAW, I knew someone would be going into the HOF, I thought it would be Owen though.

    I am guessing Hart comes back to get revenge on Vince? I do not see an opening for his return next week except for that. Typical WWE writers screwing up what could have been an awesome return.

    meh, show bored me ..... TNA tonight won easily IMO.

  6. #6
    Mid-carder Coruptyed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionDen View Post
    Boring .... as I mentioned when I heard Bret was coming to RAW, I knew someone would be going into the HOF, I thought it would be Owen though.

    I am guessing Hart comes back to get revenge on Vince? I do not see an opening for his return next week except for that. Typical WWE writers screwing up what could have been an awesome return.

    meh, show bored me ..... TNA tonight won easily IMO.
    no doubt in mind tna won, There quality sure picked up tonight and if what hogan said about things are going differently, i think tna has a really good shot of holding up their product
    The One, The Legend, The Icon


  7. #7
    Main Eventer Slayer_X's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LionDen View Post
    Boring .... as I mentioned when I heard Bret was coming to RAW, I knew someone would be going into the HOF, I thought it would be Owen though.

    I am guessing Hart comes back to get revenge on Vince? I do not see an opening for his return next week except for that. Typical WWE writers screwing up what could have been an awesome return.

    meh, show bored me ..... TNA tonight won easily IMO.
    i agree some what . tna was just as dull .but the whole Bret gets screwed agian thing is stupid ,if it leads to HBK VS Hart im cool with it . jeff hardy on tna was the only suprise tonight .
    Last edited by Slayer_X; 01-05-2010 at 07:13 AM.

  8. #8
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    TNA owned WWE's ass last night. And the whole Bret/Shawn deal was stupid. I had hoped Shawn would Superkick Bret back into the 80's. What happened was just sas

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