Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli. Jay & Mark Briscoe. Those four names have largely defined tag team wrestling in Ring of Honor throughout 2010. From the KoW’s surprise return that closed out 2009 to their epic battles at “The Big Bang”, “Death Before Dishonor VIII”, and on HDNet, this rivalry has shaped the tag division for the last 10 months.

In a traditional tag setting, the current World Tag Champions have largely controlled the game. Their two iPPV wins as well as their successful title defense against The Briscoes on HDNet, while somewhat nefarious, have put the KoW at a decided advantage over the Sandy Fork natives. The animosity between these four men is such that it has spilled outside the confines of the participants and brought Sara Del Rey, Amazing Kong, Shane Hagadorn, and Papa Briscoe all into the equation. In fact, at the last set of “ROH on HDNet” TV tapings, the head of the Briscoe clan assaulted Hagadorn after his involvement in a bout between his sons and the Kings.

Well Ring of Honor has decided to give these four men another opportunity to battle it out under stipulations in which they have not battled it out before: Elimination Rules. When ROH returns to Chicago Ridge, IL on October 16th, it will be The KoW vs. The Briscoes fighting it out under Elimination Rules.

“Those hillbillies are lucky to even get a chance to set foot in the ring with The Kings one more time!” offered Shane Hagadorn, “They have decisively…DECISIVELY…beaten those boys three times when the belts have been on the line, and I will be damned if I allow ROH officials to make this a title match again. I know they’re the favorite sons of honor, but you haven’t proven anything to me, to Claudio, or to Chris. If ROH want to put the belts on the line, then don’t expect the Kings to sign on that dotted line!”

“$%^& Hagadorn!” retorted Jay Briscoe, “Belts or no belts, we’re taking that match in Chicago. Them boys know by now they’ve made this beyond personal. This is family, this is blood for blood, and trust me, which ever one of you queens we knock outta this match first, well me and Mark are gonna take our time hurting whoever’s left. See you b!@#$%^ in Chicago.”

The Kings of Wrestling vs. The Briscoes, Elimination Style! Tickets are on sale now for ROH’s return to Chicago Ridge, IL on October 16th right here: Don’t miss out on this tag team grudge match as well as Christopher Daniels vs. Davey Richards, Homicide vs. Kevin Steen, and more!!!