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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE Friday Night Smackdown Live Coverage - September 1st, 2023

    John Cena returns to Friday Night SmackDown

    The 16-time World Champion and international film star has made several memorable recent appearances in WWE where he mixed it up with the likes of then-Bloodline allies Roman Reigns and Sami Zayn, Austin Theory and Grayson Waller. What will happen when The Leader of the Cenation returns to the blue brand one night before WWE Payback?

    Your announcers are Michael Cole and Wade Barrett.

    We start off with a look back at what happened with the Usos since SummerSlam.

    John Cena makes his way to the ring.

    John welcomes everyone to Smackdown. John says you have given him 20 years of moments running to the ring and sliding in and it never gets old. It gets better every time. He says he is going to do his best to say thank you every time he comes to the ring. He thanks everyone for giving and what they have given. They have given him a chance to come home to his WWE family. You gave him the chance to be part of Smackdown, not for one night only, but for months. You gave me the opportunity to travel to India for the first time in my career.

    John says you have given him the opportunity to host Payback. For all that you have given him, John says he gives you his word to give back to you. That starts right here and right now. John mentions that we are giving answers to the questions that have been on your mind for weeks. You are getting unforgettable moments because you are going to get to see John Cena . . .

    Jimmy Uso's music plays and he makes his way to the ring.

    The crowd chants for Jey and John does a voiceover.

    Jimmy wants to know what is John doing here. He tells the people not to boo him. These people came to see him, the top star. They came to hear 'Why Jim Why?' He says he would save his brother ten times over. He says he did it because he loves his brother. The funny thing is that he didn't want Jey to be corrupted like Roman and he didn't want Jey to be corrupted like John Cena.

    He says this is John and John says he has an identifiable fashion sense.

    Jimmy says John is a GOAT, but Jimmy says he is one of the best. He says that John and Roman are exactly alike. You take take take and take. The only difference is that John does it with a smile.

    John says Jimmy has a lot on his mind and he had a crazy run. You have made some rash decisions and you are trying to make sense of it. John says he has wanted to say this for three years. The wrong Uso quit. He tells Jimmy to take that.

    Jimmy starts to walk away but he turns around and goes for a super kick that is blocked by Cena. John with an Attitude Adjustment.

    Kayla is in the back with Grayson Waller and Austin Theory. She asks them about John being the host at Payback and they both laugh. Austin points out he beat John Cena at Wrestlemania. Waller says all people will talk about other than Theory winning his title back than the Grayson Waller Effect. Austin says it is time to see the greatest tag team of all time beat Rey Mysterio and Santos.

    We see Jimmy Uso walking in the back and yelling at production assistants.

    Grayson Waller and Austin Theory vs Rey Mysterio and Santos Escobar (w/ Zelina Vega)

    Waller and Santos start things off and Santos blocks a kick. Santos with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Santos with a wrist lock and Rey tags in. Rey with a kick to the arm and a wrist lock. Waller with a forearm and Rey with a kick to Waller and a punch to Theory. Rey sends Waller to the floor. Theory goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Rey lands on his feet and Rey sends Theory to the floor. Rey with a flip dive onto Waller and Theory.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Waller with a suplex to Rey. Theory tags in and he connects with a clothesline in the corner. We see footage of Rey being clipped on a moonsault attempt during the commercial break. Waller and Theory make a number of tags and Waller trips Santos and then Theory punches and kicks Rey while the referee sends Santos back into the corner. Theory with a punch and shoulder in the corner. Waller tags in and he kicks Rey. Waller with a cravate and knees to the head. Theory tags in and Theory grabs and holds Rey but Rey moves and Waller with a forearm to Theory that sends him to the floor. Waller tags himself back in and he stops Rey from making the tag by knocking Santos off the apron. Rey with a tornado DDT and he makes the tag to Santos. Santos with a back elbow to Waller and a forearm to Theory. Santos with flying forearms and an Iris h whip. Waller sends Santos to the apron but Santos with a kick on the apron. Santos with a cross body for a near fall. Santos with a running double knee strike and an enzuigiri followed by a rana off the turnbuckles for a near fall. Rey sends Theory to the floor when he tries to interfere. Santos kicks Waller to the floor. Theory with a running shoulder to the knee when Santos pushes Rey out of the way. Rey sends Theory to the floor and Waller with a slingshot rolling cutter for the three count.

    Winners: Austin Theory and Grayson Waller

    Mia Yim is in the back with Adam Pearce and Jimmy Uso enters. Jimmy is told by Adam that Jimmy's behavior is horrible. Adam apologizes to Mia after Jimmy leaves.

    Bobby Lashley makes his way to the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Mia tells Karl and Luke about what Jimmy did and they tell her not to worry about it. AJ shows up and she tells him what happened and he says he will deal with it.

    Bobby says the crowd know how to make someone feel good. He says he has some business to do. Everywhere he goes, everybody keeps asking him the same question. He says that question is what is going on with you and the Street Profits. He says he is here to give you the straight answer. It is a simple answer. He says real recognizes real and great recognizes great. That is why he recognizes the Street Profits.

    Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins make their way to the ring.

    Bobby says y'all know the Street Profits. They are charismatic, athletic, and more aggressive than they have ever been.

    Montez tells Bobby to hold up. He says tonight is not about them. It is about giving Bobby the gratitude for what he did for them. They have not been this successful in a long time. Dawkins says since they formed this friendship, Bobby has shown them the bigger picture. They stepped over what was to what is.

    Montez says What to Is. Ford says it is nothing personal, it is just profits. Ford says they have two words for Bobby . . . Thank You.

    Bobby says he appreciates Montez and Angelo. He says they just have to keep the continued success going. He says they have a message for the WWE Universe. Everyone is being put on notice. They are coming for power, control, and championship gold. We are coming for it all.

    Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn make their way to the ring while Bobby, Angelo, and Montez make their way to the back.

    We have a stare down and then Bobby lets them walk past them to the ring.

    Non Title Match
    Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn vs Cruz del Toro and Joaquin Wilde (w/ Zelina Vega)

    Sami and Wilde start things off and Sami with a wrist lock and side head lock. Sami with a side head lock. Sami sends Wilde to the apron and Wilde with a shoulder and e flips over Sami and hits a back elbow and splash for a near fall. Sami goes for a tilt-0a-whirl back breaker but Wilde gets to his feet. Sami with a clothesline and Kevin tags in and goes up top and hits a swanton for a near fall. Kevin goes for a pop up power bomb but Wilde with a drop kick. Cruz with a running forearm into the corner followed by jabs and a chop. Kevin with an Irish whip and Cruz goes to the apron and connects with a forearm and a kick to Owens. Cruz with a springboard move but Kevin moves and Cruz rolls through. Kevin with a pop up power bomb and Sami knocks Wilde off the apron. Sami with a Helluva Kick and Kevin tags in and hits a stunner for the three count.

    Winners: Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

    After the match:
    Sami gets on the mic and he tells THE Judgment Day he has a message for them. Tomorrow is not going to be fun or pretty. It will be the fight of your life.

    Jimmy Uso is about to leave the building and AJ Styles stops him. He says that no one wants him here. AJ tells Jimmy not to disrespect Mia. They push each other and Solo attacks AJ from behind. Solo tells Jimmy he is out of the Bloodline when they say he is out of the Bloodline. Jimmy says that neither him nor Roman nor Paul can tell him anything. Jimmy leaves.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a look at what just happened with Jimmy Uso, AJ Styles, and Solo Sikoa.

    AJ is with Cathy and she asks him about what just happened. AJ says the Bloodline thinks they run everything but they don't. AJ says he is going to handle it. He wants Solo tonight and he says he is going to knock Solo's teeth down his throat. Karl and Luke show up and tell AJ not to worry about the Bloodline and Mia likes what AJ wants to do. AJ wants to prove that this is the House that AJ Styles built.

    Miz makes his way to the ring.

    We see what Miz did on Raw to mock LA Knight.

    Miz says tomorrow night LA Knight will be in the biggest match of his career. It is not his fault, but it is a fact. You saw how easy it was for him to be LA Knight on Raw. He is not on his level. He is not half the star that Miz is now, or was ten years ago.

    LA Knight interrupts and he makes his way to the ring.

    Knight says he wants to talk to you. It was another Miz cosplay moment. He has done The Rock, John Cena, and now LA Knight. Do you know what those three have in common, in addition to you not being able to fill out their clothes. They are people who you cannot be. Knight says he pulled himself out of the sewer to get to this point. He worked every dirty job he could. He cashed his checks at the Pay Day Loan companies. You could not live a day in his boots. You got to walk in from a reality show. I came from the bottom and got to where I am. Knight says he has passed Miz and Miz is not on his level.

    Miz says that Knight has failed where he has succeeded. You were on a reality show and you were the first to get eliminated. I got here in three years while it took you twenty.

    Knight says that Miz succeeded because he took advantage of every situation. He says that Miz isn't the star of his own show. You carry the bag that your wife carries your giblets in. Knight tells Miz to send his wife his regards. When he gives her a broken husband she will be empty inside. One phone call can fix that real quick.

    Miz says all of the years in that roach infested apartment cutting promos into your hairbrush has paid off. These people love you and they relate to you. People are failures. They try, they fail and they settle for mediocrity. You have had losses but you never gave up. That gives you a chance to do something they could never do. That is succeed. You are going up against a Superstar who crushes the hopes and dreams of superstars. This Saturday, he is not just Knight's opponent, he is a human time traveller. You lose everything and you will go back to that roach infested apartment cutting promos into a mirror like it was 2003.

    Knight says he didn't quit because he never learned how. You live in the past. Go as far away as you can because your present is trash and your future will get worse. At Payback, you will get snuffed out and you will learn in the present and future whose game it is.

    Miz misses a clothesline and Knight sets for a punch but Miz avoids it. Miz with a shot to the throat and a Skull Crushing Finale.

    Miz tells Knight that is his future.

    Knight chases after Miz in the aisle and he attacks Miz from behind.

    We take a look at what The Bayley Bunch did to Bianca Belair.

    Bayley (w/ Iyo Sky and Dakota Kai) vs Shotzi

    Bayley tries to make sure that Shotzi doesn't do anything rash. Shotzi goes for the leg and Bayley avoids her. Shotzi avoids Bayley and then she puts Bayley's leg in the ropes and she punches Bayley. Bayley with a slap and Shotzi smiles and she hits a clothesline or two. Shotzi with punches. Bayley with an Irish whip and Shotzi with a head scissors in the ropes. Bayley kicks Shotzi in the knee and she connects with forearms. Bayley kicks Shotzi in the corner. Bayley mocks Shotzi's hairstyle. Shotzi with an enzuigiri. Shotzi goes to the floor and she pulls Bayley to the floor and tosses Bayley to the floor a few times by the hair. Shotzi with a cannonball off the apron and we go to commercial.

    We are back and Bayley with a reverse chin lock. Shotzi with elbows and a jaw breaker to escape. Bayley with a boot to Shotzi and she hits an elbow drop to the back for a near fall. Bayley goes to the turnbuckles and goes for an elbow drop but Shotzi gets her knees up. Shotzi with a round kick to knock Bayley off the apron. Shotzi with a suicide dive. Shotzi with a wraparound bulldog followed by forearms. Bayley puts Shotzi on the turnbuckles when Shotzi went for an Acid Drop. Bayley with an elbow drop to Shotzi in the tree of woe for a near fall. Bayley goes for a belly-to-belly suplex but Shotzi with elbows and an overhead belly-to-bely suplex into the turnbuckles followed by a cannonball. Shotzi goes up top and Iyo distracts Shotzi and Bayley with a forearm. Bayley wants Iyo to give her the title belt and . . .

    Charlotte Flair's music plays and she kicks at Iyo when Iyo tries to hit Iyo with the belt. Dakota tries to hit Shtozi but the referee sees it. Charlotte punches Bayley and Shotzi with a DDT for the three count.

    Winner: Shotzi

    After the match:
    Flair celebrates with Shotzi in the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    We have a video for Seth Rollins and Shinsuke Nakamura.

    We take a look at John Cena and Jimmy Uso from earlier tonight.

    Solo Sikoa (w/ Paul Heyman) vs AJ Styles

    AJ with a forearm as the bell rings and he punches Solo. Solo sends AJ into the corner but AJ with an elbow and chops. Solo with a running shoulder tackle. Solo with a head butt and a second one. Solo goes for a diving head butt and AJ gets his knees up. AJ with a kick and knee drop. AJ goes for a slam but Solo blocks it. Solo with an elbow and slam of his own. Solo with a chop. AJ with a kick and a Phenomenal Drop Kick. AJ with a clothesline into the corner.

    Paul Heyman makes his way to the ring and Solo hits AJ from behind.

    Solo goes to the floor when AJ drops down. AJ goes to the apron and hits a sliding knee to the head. AJ with a slingshot forearm.

    Paul backs up.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Solo with an Irish whip but AJ gets a knee up. AJ comes off the turnbuckles and is met with a punch. Solo sends AJ ribs first into the ring post. Solo sends AJ into the announce table a few times. Solo with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. AJ with punches and Solo with a knee. Solo with a back body drop. Solo sets for the Samoan Spike but AJ stays on the mat. AJ with a kick and enzuigiri. AJ with a Pele kick and both men are down. AJ with a drop kick to the knee and a sliding forearm. AJ with a clothesline into the corner and he gets Solo on his shoulders but Solo gets to his feet and he gets AJ up. AJ gets to his feet and he connects with a series of strikes. Solo with a pop up Samoan drop for a near fall.

    Solo misses the running hip into the corner and AJ with a clothesline and then he hits a quebrada for a near fall. AJ sets for a Styles Clash but Solo blocks it. Solo goes for an Alabama Slam but AJ gets to the apron. AJ with a forearm and he looks at Paul. AJ sets for the Phenomenal Forearm but Jimmy clips AJ. Solo with a Samoan Spike for the three count.

    Winner: Solo Sikoa

    After the match:
    Jimmy Uso attacks A.J. Styles more.


  2. #2

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    The Rock says he will not be on WWE because he feels like he would be betraying his fellow actors in the strike that's going on. Cena though may have made his return plans months ago. He actually said he will be around for the next couple of months.

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Looks like a feud between Cena and Jimmy Uso is happening. I guess this may include the rest of the remaining Bloodline.

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Well done Austin Theory and Grayson Waller

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Lashley and co coming for it all.

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Well done Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn. Looking forward to their match tomorrow night.

  8. #8

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol LA Knight and Miz were good.

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Well done Shotzi with an assist from Charlotte Flair.

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