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    Default ROH Glory By Honor 9 Live Coverage!

    Before the show they run down the card, officials and announcers. Tyler get's boo'd and you sold out chants and my grammer may suck during this it might be quick . Kevin Kelly as the announcer and a 10 second salute to 9/11 then KOW Speaking about there match with WGTT.

    Then the other matches run down with wrestlers speaking about there matches and MV's

    Sound problems already and streams with stoppages. First match is up with Kenny King and a hot women with him vs Briscoe

    Here we go lock up and 25 minute limit, couple slaps from each other and Kenny spits on Briscoe, Lock up and a couple of flash moves. Arm drags and kip ups. Hard slaps to each other and some punches from Briscoe. Irish Whip and a Leg Lariat for a 2 count from Briscoe. Irish Whip and a dropkick from Jay. Jay picks him up and get's but not before a couple of kicks before throwing him down of his shoulders with a forward slam. King reverses it and hit's an irish whip into a forearm for a 2 count. Some back and forth slaps and punches before a Whip from King into the ropes and then a headlock from King. She got herpes to King's woman. Back Elbow from King as theyre back up now and a 2 count. Powerslam and a twisting top rope leg drop for a 2 count from King. Irish Whip from King took to long and Jay reverses it and hit's him with a forearm. Jay put on the top rope and get's a big shot to the head. Briscoe fights back and get's a painful looking high back body drop onto King's neck and head. Couple of punches and exchanges before a Spinebuster from Jay out of an irish whip 2 count. DVD Position Kenny reverses it and irish whip and another irish whip reversed. Jay takes him down with a shot to the head. Enquigeri from King now. Jay though with a STO on the 2nd turnbuckle then a take down from Jay for a 2 count. Titus has come out and caused a distraction. King takes control and hit's an irish whip which is reversed and Jay jumps over the ropes with a Tope taking Titus out. Jay back in and Jay Driller Attempt reversed with a couple of shots by King and then King's hit's the finisher and get's the 3 count for the win!

    After the match beatdown from King/Titus before Mark makes the save and it's an evened up to 2 on 2 and here we go! There scheduled to meet right now and the match has started. Mark vs Titus right now and Mark get's the upper momentum early on with chops/slaps and punches and suplex for a 1 count. Short arm clothesline for a 2 count by Mark. Titus reverses and tries to fight back but it's stopped from Mark who hit's a leg lariat and then locks in a headlock. Hot kiss from King and his woman who are still outside the ring. Dropkick from Titus and he goes to work with a few knees and a 2 count on Mark. 2 Axehandles from Titus before a few back and forth chops. Irish whip to the corner then again followed by a Clothesline for a 2 count only. Punches back and forth from both before an eye poke and a rake to the back from Titus. Take down and a head scissors from Titus

    Mark get's out of it and hit's elbows to the corner then a whip which is reversed with a kick by titus. On the top rope and Mark goes for a move on him but Titus reverses it and hit's a few punches then hit's a leg neckbreaker for a 2 count. Titus continues to work over Mark with chokes in the corner and chops and punches. Whip buy Mark goes right now and Tius runs in and over and they're fighting on the outside apron with kicks back and forth and cheers and boo's from the crowd. Before a headbutt and a kick take titus out before WAAAH A HUGE Somersault Senton from Mark of the top rope!

    Back in the ring 2 count. Titus fights back and they're on the top rope and looking for a superplex and Mark pushes him of and another run up by Titus but it's stopped be Mark who then hit's a huge Ace Crusher RKO like of the top rope! Both back up before the count before punches/forearms exchange. Bam T Bone suplex from Mark. Cut throat attempt by Mark reversed with a Crucifix for a 2 count from Titus. Back and forth pins on the mat none work. King's on the apron but Jay takes him of the apron who was also at ringside during the match. Titus charges and get's a Yakuza Kick and then the Cut Throat Driver for the 3 count!

    Grizzly talk from the announces the tag match coming up next. Flashback to a PPV and he see the multi talented Balls Mahoney. He cut's a promo backstage after his appearance and saying he gonna kick ass in NYC. Nana says he didnt come to NYC For Balls and you'll find out the hard way why were the best etc and here we go tag match is up

    Balls comes out with an ECW Chair. WOW Roh has really changed how can Grizzly have a place on a PPV? Balls Song with fans singing!. Here we go and we go straight outside fighting with each other fighting. Beer spit from Balls into the face. Necro slammed of the apron from Redwood on the other side of the ring. Back in the ring and a double team on Erick a Rana and then a powerbomb like move for a count but ref dosent count. Erick fights back and WOW Huge Bodypress and throwing Grizzly over the top rope and outside to the floor. Throws him back in and a 2 count on Grizzly. Nana pulls him Outside the ring and Nana powerslams Grizzly and throws him back in the ring behind Ref's back. Necro's in there now and bam with a chokeslam, another chokeslam one and a hard punch for a 2 count but Balls makes the save. Erick's in and a Ted Dibiase like punch for a 2 and then a bearhug like submission on the mat on Grizzly. Suplex attempt but Grizzly reversed and locks in a sleeper hold on Erick but he reversed by slamming him into the corner. Charge missed and then a rana by Grizzly on Erick. Balls in and he hits both men as Necro came in and wow fans actually chant balls with him as he punches. Pumphandle on Necro and a Powerbomb like on Erick for a 2 before Necro interupts. 10 counts in the corner by Grizzly/Balls men from each team before they stop and bite there heads then work as a team taking both men out before balls attempts a high flying move. Grizzly says no then we got Spike Dudley like bodypress to the outside on Erick. Balls on the top rope and a frogsplash on Necro in the ring who's the legal man 1 2 no Nana pulls the ref out. Balls powerslam on NANA But erick from behind and a Rock the World type move for the 3 count! Erick and Necro win it in another disapointing match

    They celebrate in the ring before we go to the mv of the next match. But before that we see Balls/Grizzly in the ring and fans clap for them. ECW Chants for them also and ROH Chants. Like a ECW/ROH War between chants . Double Chain is up next! Uh Kelly staying in character saying its gonna be violent. Here we go! Pinfall/Submission/Knockout only. Coin toss to decide who is connected to who. Lol 'this match has the potention to be a bloody war' from the announcer. Use viewer discretion at home.

    Updated below to make it more simple so read below.
    Last edited by Travicity; 09-12-2010 at 01:45 AM.

  2. #2
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    Who won the second match??

  3. #3


    Jay sorry it was the 3 count lol after the cut throat*

    another one.

    ROH "Glory By Honor IX" PPV Opener:

    WrestleZone's own Nick Paglino will begin sending updates from the Manhattan Center's Grand Ballroom in New York City, New York, for tonight's Ring Of Honor "Glory By Honor IX" pay-per view coverage momentarily ...stick with us!

    The show opens with Bobby Cruise in the ring running down tonight's scheduled matches.

    Tyler Black, Joe Dombrowski and Kevin Kelly are on PPV commentary, they do some further introductions for tonight's show.

    Following the opening hype-up, Cruise asks the arena audience for a moment of silence in remembrance of 9/11.

    A few video packages airs to hype the top matches on tonight's show.

    Jay Briscoe vs. Kenny King

    King was accompanied by a woman to the ring, her name was never mentioend. The match gets underway and both guys shove and slap each other, before finally locking up and starting things out. King slowly gains control of the offense. The momentum is reversed after King missed a shotgun double knee attempt in the corner. Briscoe caught King, and dumped him on his head awkwardly. Crowd chanting "you killed Kenny," ala Southpark. Rhett Titus hits the ring. King whips Briscoe into the ropes and runs, instead choosing to dive onto Titus on the floor. Moments later, King hits his Royal Finish for the pinfall victory.

    Winner: Kenny King

    After The Match:

    After his victory, King, along with Titus, continued their beatdown of Briscoe. This lead to Mark Briscoe hitting the ring. We immediately go into match two out of this.

  4. #4
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    King & Titus won? Talk about putting over the most stupid tag team in ROH

  5. #5


    King won then Mark won the 2nd one. So 1 a piece.

  6. #6


    All over the place but ill clear it up Here's more detailed so far....

    Ring of Honor Glory by Honor IX Results
    September 11, 2010
    New York City, New York (Manhattan Center, Grand Ballroom)
    Commentators: Kevin Kelly and Joe Dombrowski

    They held a moment of silence for the victims of 9/11.

    Fired up crowd tonight in New York City. Very unique to see this event from a live perspective as if you are in the broadcast truck seeing the show come together. Production is very decent for ROH standards.

    Kenny King def. Jay Briscoe. Fans in NYC loved Briscoe and hated King. Was some surprising mat action early on. They are only working with a three camera setup, but it is covering the action quite well. Lots of clotheslines from King. Impressive vertical leap kick to the head by King. Extremely scary spot saw Briscoe completely drop King on his head. The crowd started a "you killed Kenny" chant. King seemed to be okay and didn't take too much time to recover after what looked to be a big botched spot. Briscoe with a huge spike spinebuster. They looked a bit lost when Briscoe hit an atomic drop. Briscoe hit a nice facebuster to the second turnbuckle and clothesline spot. Rhett Titus walked out to distract Briscoe. Briscoe with a huge dive to Titus over the top rope. Not a huge fan of the constant clothesline transitions. King hits what Dombrowski called a Royal Flush and gets the pinfall. After the match, King and Titus start beating down Jay when Mark Briscoe hits the ring for the save.

    We then go right into the next match.

    Mark Briscoe def. Rhett Titus. Briscoe with a quick heel kick early on. Kenny King and Jay Briscoe remain at ringside. Titus with an impressive dropkick. More "man up" chants from the NYC crowd. Lots of exchanges between the two. Titus with an interesting neckbreaker over his knee. This is almost like a Japanese crowd where they get silent during transitions and pop when a move is executed well. We get a kick/headbutt exchange from the two on the ring apron. Briscoe getst he better of it. Big flip senton by Briscoe off the top turnbuckle over Titus. Briscoe favored his lower back/tailbone after landing pretty much right on his ass on a floor with little padding. We get a "you f*cked up" chant when Titus tries to jump up on the top turnbuckle and almost falls. Briscoe drove him down to the mat off the top turnbuckle with a superplex. Briscoe with an overhead t-bone suplex. Series of pinfall attempts between the two. Crowd claps. Are we sure this event is in New York City or Japan? Briscoe with a superkick and neckbreaker driver on Titus for the win following interference that was attempted by King that Jay broke up.

    A video package airs focusing on Balls Mahoney. He took a shot saying the big boys aren't in Florida. Didn't he just work there last month? Mahoney gave some credit to Connecticut. Prince Nana says, "Balls? We will show you who has the real balls in ROH."

    Erick Stevens & The Necro Butcher w/ Prince Nana def. Grizzly Redwood & Ballz Mahoney. Mahoney is being referred to as "Ballz" with a Z. We got AC/DC for his entrance and the crowd sang along. Mahoney grabbed a bunch of beers and took out Stevens with them. Corner spot with Mahoney sending Redwood into Stevens and then dropping him over Stevens with a leg drop. Butcher with his knockout punch to Redwood as Stevens tossed him out. Nana gave Redwood a big scoop slam on the outside. Butcher gave Stevens two chokeslams (holding on for each) and finished him off with a clothesline. Redwood gets a sleeper on Stevens when countering a suplex. Stevens broke it up sending Redwood into the corner. Fun spot saw Redwood huricanrana Stevens face first into the second turnbuckle. We got the "Ballz" spot with a series of punches and wind up to Butcher and Stevens. Mahoney with a big sitdown powerbomb on Stevens. Mahoney tossed Stevens out, teased a dive over the top rope, Dombrowski added, "We almost saw flying balls!" Redwood dived over instead and Kelly added, "Instead we have Grizzly balls!" Mahoney with a frog splash on Butcher. Nana broke up the pinfall attempt. Mahoney pulled Nana in, but Stevens hit a modified russian leg sweep on Mahoney to get the pinfall.

    Kelly and Dombrowski try and take us to a video package hyping the double chain match. Instead we stay inside the arena with a hard camera shot of the Manhattan Center. Some of the crowd starts an ECW chant. We then get a louder ROH chant. Well it looks like we aren't getting that video package after all. Some definite production flaws they need to fix for future iPPV events. The announcer said the next double chain match "has the potential to become a bloody war."

    Kevin Steen and Steve Corino vs. El Generico and Colt Cabana in a double chain match is up next.

    El Generico and Colt Cabana def. Kevin Steen and Steve Corino in a double chain match. They accidentally used a "Kenny King" graphic during Steen and Corino's entrance. Steen picked on Kelly and Dombrowski at ringside. Kelly and Dombrowski's audio is really low all of a sudden. Ah, looks like they fixed the problem. Referee is starting a coin toss for who gets tied up. Generico wants to be wrist-to-wrist with Steen. Cabana and Corino will be tied up with a chain. Both teams start a tug of war. Cabana and Generico look at each other as if to say "screw it" and go after Steen and Corino. We get a double baseball slide by Cabana and Generico. Generico drives Steen into the steel barricade. Generico wrapped up the chain in the corner and sent Steen's head into it repeatedly. Steen is busted open now and Generico is biting his bloody forehead. Cabana has his chain low blowing Corino. Steen's blood is all over Generico's hands. Corino is busted open now. Great shot of both Steen and Corino busted open. Cabana and Generico sent Steen and Corino into each other. Cabana with his flying asshole in the corner. Cabana is now busted open. Steen is wrapping the chain around the neck of Generico and pulling back. Corino has the chain wrapped around the face of Cabana. Steen with a superkick on Generico, locks Generico in a Sharpshooter, wraps the chain around it and turns over to fully execute the Sharpshooter. Cabana is in to break it up. Generico with a t-bone suplex on Steen into the corner. Crowd starts a loud "OLE!" chant. Steen and Generico go over the top rope. Cabana has Corino in a tree of woe, grabs a steel chair, places it on the face of Corino, Generico is up on the top turnbuckle, but instead flips off onto Steen. Cabana with a dropkick to Corino's face using the chair. They pull out the timekeepers table. Steen and Generico are up on the ring apron and turnbuckle. Steen falls down and pulls Generico off who flip dives crashing through the timekeepers table. Generico is preventing Steen from reaching Cabana. Steve Corino's kid hits the ringside area and he cuts the chain free off Generico. Steen drops Cabana. Steen ties the end of his chain to Cabana's wrist. Corino ties his end to the other rope. Cabana is helpless. We lost the stream. Five minutes later we are back after ROH had an outage. Cabana is still tied up. Generico starts tossing chairs head first at Steen. Generico with a flip dive over Steen. Cabana is free, hits a powerbomb and locks in the Billy Goat's Curse. Corino quits.

    Gofightlive.tv stream went down.

    stream is now back online. ROH reported having an outage.
    Last edited by Travicity; 09-12-2010 at 02:06 AM.

  7. #7


    Live results from Sean Banner, who is attending tonight’s Interview PPV Glory by Honor IX at the Manhattan Center in New York City.

    - Moment of Silence for 9/11. Cary Silkin made a donation on behalf of ROH to the Police Aid Foundation.

    - Kenny King defeated Jay Briscoe in 7:39. Post match beat down on Jay by King and Rhett Titus, with Mark coming out to make the save, leading into Mark’s match with Titus.

    - Mark Briscoe defeated Rhett Titus with a Cut Throat Driver.

    - The Embassy (Necro Butcher and Erick Stevens) defeated Balls Mahoney and Grizzly Redwood in a 7:44 after Stevens pinned Mahoney.

    Bit more clearer so far.

  8. #8
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    Awesome that El Generico & Cabana won! They might be contenders for the Tag Titles soon!

  9. #9


    Yea they could become tag champs


    After the match Steen took of Generico's mask and then licked the blood with Corino..........

    Production is all over the place. We have cameras struggling to get to Kelly and Dombrowski. They introduce a video interview by Jim Cornette with Davey Richards. Cornette mentioned Richards is about to start on a tour of Japan with New Japan Pro Wrestling. He mentioned that Richards started he intended to retire at the end of this year. Cornette asks if that statement still stands. Richards said he was planning to get off the road after meeting a girl in St. Louis. He then says a lot of his family is dead and talks about his mother having addiction issues. Richards said after speaking with his mother, she said she may not have been there for him, but wrestling always has. Cornette asks if that means he is walking away or staying. Richards pauses and says he is going to Japan...and he will stay in pro wrestling.

    A video package airs featuring The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli).

    We then see video of ROH Champion Tyler Black talking about leaving for WWE.

  10. #10
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    I really hope they edit the show for the DVD release

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