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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default This Day in History - 4th Aug, 2016

    On this day in history in ....

    1966 - Fritz Von Erich defeats Johnny Valentine in Fort Worth, Texas to win the NWA American Heavyweight Title for the second time.

    1976 - Seji Sakaguchi & Strong Kobayashi defeat Tiger Jeet & Gama Singh to win the National Wrestling Federation Asian Tag Team Title in Tokyo, Japan.

    1983 - Tatsumi Fujinami defeats Riki Choshu via countout to win the WWF International Heavyweight Title in Tokyo, Japan at Sumo Hall.

    1984 - Super Medics I & III defeated Invaders I & III in San Juan, Puerto Rico for the WWC World Tag Team Title.

    1989 - Cactus Jack & Scott Braddock defeat Jeff Jarrett & Matt Borne for the World Class Wrestling Association World Tag Team Championship in Dallas, Texas. The belts would soon become the USWA World Tag Team Championship.

    1990 - Lance Idol & Rick Valentine defeat Super Medics I & III in Caguas, Puerto Rico to win the WWC World Tag Team Title.

    1997 - WCW stomped WWE in the Monday Night Wars. Nitro, headlined by Lex Luger defeating Hulk Hogan for the WCW World Heavyweight Title, Dallas Page defeating Ric Flair via disqualification, and Chris Benoit defeating Syxx via disqualification, did a 4.4 rating. Raw earned a 2.7 rating, headlined by Dude Love defeating Owen Hart, Triple H vs. Vader ending in a double countout, and The Godwins defeating The Headbangers.

    2001 - Race Steele defeats Cody Hawk in Batavia, Ohio to win the HWA Title for a third time.

    2003 - Raw earned a 4.0 rating. Here is Tim Whitehead's original report on the show:

    The 8/4 episode of RAW IS SLOW aired live from Vancouver. There was a good match in the second hour, but much of the show was either boring or badly booked.

    The opening montage featured highlights of Shane McMahon's return last week, where he triple chairshotted Kane.

    Shane came out to a decent pop to start the live broadcast. He promised to finish what he started with Kane, and to make his life a living hell. Some would say Kane's life has been a living hell since the Katie Vick angle. Shane had barely gotten started when Eric Bischoff arrived. The crowd called him an "a**hole". I guess they were familiar with him. Bischoff said he understood how Shane feels, and claimed to be appalled at what Kane did to Linda McMahon two weeks ago. He asserted that he would have stopped Kane that night if it weren't for the fact that Linda earlier had given him the night off and sent him home. Bischoff also recalled how Kane chokeslammed him off the stage a few weeks ago. He said he hates Kane and would love to see Shane get revenge on him. But, alas, Bischoff reported that Vince McMahon has ordered a Kane vs. Rob Van Dam match for SummerSlam. Shane said that was fine, since he didn't want to wait till SummerSlam. He was ready to fight Kane right there in Vancouver. But, alas again, Bischoff said Vince was angry that Shane punched him last week, so he's ordered that Shane not be allowed to fight Kane at all. Bischoff gave Shane the option of leaving the arena on his own, or being hauled out by security. Shane called Bischoff a parasite and dared him to make him leave. Bischoff reminded everyone that he's a black belt and got in Shane's face. At this point, Steve Austin came out to start the "what" nonsense. Austin at first pretended to side with Bischoff, for no apparent reason. He told Shane he'd better leave or Bischoff would kick his ass using his black belt skills. He said Bischoff has a thing for Linda and alleged that he privately said nice things about her breasts. Austin then stopped the pretence and sided with Shane, offering to grant him a no holds barred match against Bischoff. Bischoff said he can't fight Shane because the new rules ban general managers from physically battling the talent. Austin said Shane isn't a contracted WWE superstar, so the rules don't apply. Bischoff again refused to fight, but then got a smirk on his face and reversed himself, saying he would be glad to fight Shane. There was a lot of reversing in this opening segment, which was too long, by the way. It was agreed that Shane would fight Bischoff no holds barred in the main event.

    A commercial aired for the Freddy vs. Jason movie. I think the one marrying the producer's daughter will win.

    Bubba Ray Dudley defeated Rene Dupree in 2:40. Bubba started on offense, but Sylvan Grenier interfered to give Dupree control. Bubba came back with a neckbreaker and a crossbody off the second rope. Grenier got in the ring and tried to lariat Bubba, but he ducked and Dupree took the blow. D-Von got Grenier's French flag and clocked Dupree with it, allowing Bubba to score the pin after a Bubba Bomb. Dupree juiced from the flagpole shot. No heat for most of the match.

    Triple H was relaxing backstage, resting his groin, which was legit injured in the dark match against Goldberg after last week's RAW. Randy Orton asked about the injury, and Ric Flair joked that three pretty female therapists have been helping HHH's groin heal. Considering who HHH is planning to marry, a groin injury could indeed jeopardize his career. Anyway, Bischoff stormed in, all agitated. He wanted to cut a deal with HHH.

    Footage aired of last week's Australia tour.

    Randy Orton defeated Scott Steiner in 4:09. Orton claimed that more people came to the arena to see his nipples than to see Stacy Keibler's. Well, maybe some of the ladies did. I hope he isn't planning to get implants. The match began, and it had no heat. Jerry Lawler & Jonathan Coachman took the opportunity to report that Jim Ross is recovering well and may be back next week. Steiner suplexed Orton, who rolled out to the floor. Orton used Stacy as a shield to get an advantage over Steiner. Steiner delivered a somewhat clumsy powerslam. Steiner did his push-ups after an elbow drop. Orton appeared to be in trouble after taking another suplex, but Test ran in. Steiner pounded Test and dumped him from the ring, but the distraction was enough to allow Orton to hit the RKO and score the pin.

    HHH & Flair were watching Orton's win on a monitor. Bischoff wanted their attention, and kept asking HHH if they had a deal. HHH agreed to the deal, and told Bischoff to calm down and not wet his pants. Lawler & Coach, of course, wondered what the deal was.

    Rosey told Hurricane he's ready to become a superhero. But Hurricane said his hurrisenses tell him otherwise. He indicated that Rosey still has a long way to go. Christian walked up and said Rosey's superpowers must consist of being able to eat a stack of cheeseburgers in a single bound. Christian (who was scheduled to wrestle Hurricane) took credit for injuring Booker T on the Australian tour. Rosey held up a box with the "s**t" logo on it. He said it was his superhero kit. Hurricane repeated that Rosey wasn't ready for superhero status. Rosey said, "We'll see about that," after Hurricane left. This angle is kind of silly, I guess, but they've managed to give Rosey some personality.

    Shane was shown doing warm-up exercises in preparation for his bout against Bischoff.

    Bischoff, delighted that he cut a deal with HHH, encountered Rodney Mack. He boasted that a guy such as himself always plans ahead. Austin arrived and sent Mack away. Bischoff bragged that HHH would be in his corner for the match against Shane. In return, Bischoff had made the HHH vs. Goldberg match at SummerSlam into a no-DQ bout. That way, Flair & Orton could interfere legally to help HHH. Austin was angry over this. Bischoff claimed that if Austin hadn't delayed so long last week (actually two weeks ago) in accepting Linda's new rules for staying on as general manager, he might have been able to stop the deal, but now he can't do a thing about it. That made no sense at all.

    This week's WrestleMania Recall was Jeff Hardy coming off a ladder to put Bubba Ray Dudley through a table in 2000.

    Christian beat Hurricane in 2:14. Lawler said Rosey could be the Incredible Bulk as a superhero. Hurricane hit a spinning headscissors and somersault splash to the floor. Hurricane hit a crossbody for a near fall. Christian blocked the chokeslam and ducked to avoid the shining wizard. Christian scored a pin out of nowhere with a roll-up using the tights. Christian got a lot of cheers since he's Canadian. After the match, Hurricane told the ref Christian used the tights, and the ref called Christian back to question him about it. Since when is that the policy? Christian returned and attacked Hurricane. Just as Christian was about to hit the unprettier, Rosey arrived. He was wearing a T-shirt with "Super Hero in Training" written on it in plain lettering, a mask, and had a tablecloth for a cape. He laid Christian out. Hurricane was impressed, and they posed together as heroes, though Rosey had to be reminded to stand behind Hurricane, since otherwise he blocked him out of the camera's view with his girth.

    A police van arrived carrying the shackled Kane.

    Hour two began with Goldberg defeating Ric Flair by DQ in 4:38. This should have been the main event, but it was downplayed the entire first hour since neither guy is a McMahon. HHH came out and did color commentary. Lawler noted Goldberg's impressive ring entrance and HHH said he's all show and no go. Flair chopped Goldberg, who no sold. Goldberg tossed Flair across the ring. Flair sneaked in a chop block and went to work on one of Goldberg's knees. Goldberg fought back, backdropping and powerslamming Flair. Flair, who got a ton of cheers, raked Goldberg's eyes. Flair went to the top, but got slammed off as usual. Orton ran in at this point and hit Goldberg with a chairshot for the ultra-lame DQ. Orton & Flair doubled on Goldberg as HHH casually strolled down to the ring. HHH retrieved the sledgehammer from under the ring and hit Goldberg in the gut with it. He was about to hit him again when Shawn Michaels made the save. Jericho then ran in to a huge babyface pop and went after Michaels. Kevin Nash arrived and the momentum shifted to the babyfaces, so the (supposed) heels retreated to the floor. As if this wasn't enough, Austin showed up on the ramp top, and yes, the "whats" started yet again. Austin said he couldn't change Bischoff's decree making the HHH vs. Goldberg SummerSlam match no-DQ. But he said he could add to it, so he turned that match into an Elimination Chamber match with HHH, Goldberg, Michaels, Jericho, Nash, and Orton. Okay, let's forget the logic, or lack of it, involved in allowing Austin and Bischoff to make all these rulings unilaterally, each one-upping the other. Let's instead ask why the Elimination Chamber is being brought back after less than a year. That's one of those special gimmicks that's special precisely because it's very rare. HHH is legit injured, so he presumably can't go long in a singles match, so this protects him, since he can stay on the sidelines and then lose on a fluke. But if Goldberg is supposed to go over, and that may or may not be the case, he needs to go over in a decisive manner, such as a quick, clean singles win. HHH's injury already provides him with some cover for losing, so why not lose straight up in a quick match? Because the boss' son-in-law doesn't lose like that, that's why. Anyway, back to the action, Flair tried to wallop Goldberg with a chair, but Goldberg speared him.

    Terri interviewed Slamball commissioner Pat Croce at ringside. He was putting over his league when Jericho ran back into the ring and tried to attack Michaels & Nash, who were still hanging around for some reason. I guess they didn't see that "no loitering" sign. Jericho took Michaels down and pounded him, but Nash laid Jericho out with a jackknife. The crowd cheered Jericho like crazy here.

    Backstage, a medic attended to Flair, who was selling Goldberg's spear like crazy. Bischoff came in and asked HHH if their deal was still on. HHH said it would only still be on if Bischoff could overrule Austin and cancel the Elimination Chamber plans for SummerSlam. Bischoff said he couldn't do that. Someone needs to officially explain exactly how power is divided between Austin and Bischoff. I mean, why doesn't Bischoff have the power to add to Austin's decree, such as stipulating that HHH can only lose the title if he's pinned 18 times by each of his five opponents? But since Bischoff couldn't go any further, HHH said the deal was off and he wouldn't be there to back Bischoff up against Shane.

    Trish Stratus beat Molly Holly by DQ in a women's title match in 2:24. They traded quick two counts. Trish did a headscissors takedown and a dropkick. Molly bumped to the floor. Trish went out after her but was attacked by Victoria for yet another cheap DQ. Victoria went for some sort of slam on Trish, but she lost her and Trish ended up landing on Victoria's leg. There was a weak post-match fight with Victoria (who was now limping) arguing with Molly, though they both went after Trish again. Gail Kim ran in and threw Molly and Victoria from the ring. She helped Trish up but then turned heel on her and beat her up. Damn, they're ruining Kim's career before it even starts.

    Shane attacked the police van carrying Kane. The van no sold every one of his blows, as if Vanamania was running wild. There were a bunch of cops there guarding the van, and about half of them hauled Shane off. kicking and screaming.

    Lance Storm admitted that he's boring and needs help. Well, marrying the boss' daughter might help, but she's already taken. Storm asked Goldust for help. Goldust was happy to be of service, and promised to show Storm how to have fun. This should lead to some entertaining vignettes.

    Bischoff approached the van and told the remaining officers that Shane overpowered the cops who hauled him off. So they all went off to help their fellow officers fend of this maniac from Greenwich who manhandles cops four at a time. This left the van unguarded, making the Vancouver police department look incompetent as hell. I guess they were all rookies since half that city's force got wiped out in that Ecks vs. Sever movie last year. Bischoff then pulled the key to unlock the police van from his pocket. How did he get the key? And if he had it, how were the cops supposed to let Kane out when the time came? And why was Kane even there, since he didn't have a match scheduled and Vince had banned Shane from wrestling him? See, I can't even wait for the rhetorical questions at the end to ask these things.

    Rob Van Dam defeated Chris Jericho in 11:25. Jericho was cheered again, which guaranteed he'd lose. They started a little slow but it built very well. RVD hit a spinkick and a thrust kick. Jericho went for a charge in te corner but hit the post and bumped out to the floor. RVD dived out but Jericho moved and RVD hit the security barrier. Jericho slammed RVD on the floor and went on offense inside the ring, scoring several twos. RVD suplexed Jericho out to the floor for a big bump. Back in the ring, RVD blocked the walls and scored two on a cradle. Jericho scored two after a kick. RVD hit a spinkick and went for the rolling thunder, but Jericho got his knees up. Jericho went for a lionsault but RVD rolled clear. Jericho then rolled clear when RVD tried a frog splash. Jericho hooked the walls but the ref forced him to break the hold when he got caught using the ropes. RVD then laid Jericho out with a kick and scored the pin after a split-leg moonsault. Good match! And it did make sense for RVD to win since he faces Kane at SummerSlam, though that match could end up being changed due to some angle involving Shane. Jericho threw a tantrum afterward, claiming his loss was due to a conspiracy, blaming it on Nash for jackknifing him earlier, which left him at less than 100% here presumably. He called Nash a big, stupid son of a bitch and challenged him to a hair vs. hair match, saying Nash's hair is his most prized possession, so he plans to take it from him. That should prove interesting.

    Bischoff was seen smiling broadly. The police van was shown empty.

    Eric Bischoff beat Shane McMahon in the no holds barred match in 3:22. Bischoff brought one of the tech guys in the ring before the match and sparred a little with him, showing off his karate skills. Shane arrived. Bischoff flattened him with a few kicks. Shane tackled Bischoff and began punching him. Kane started down the ramp. Shane immediately forgot about Bischoff and went after Kane on the floor. Shane was acting totally crazed and had Kane reeling for a few seconds with wild punches and kicks. He choked Kane with a cable. Kane overpowered Shane, gave him the boot to the face, and posted him. He then gave Shane a tombstone piledriver on the stairs. Kane rolled the unconscious Shane back into the ring, where Bischoff easily pinned him. Bischoff had a bloody nose, presumably from an errant punch. The show ended on a flat note, as this match wasn't very good, and Bischoff simply walked over to the broadcast desk and demanded half-hearted high fives from Lawler & Coach to conclude the program.

    2010 - Shane Douglas posted the following on his official website, www.FranchiseFanSite.com:

    After seeing, the ECW promo piece put out by tna, and being deluged by texts & emails from friends AND fans, I felt, very strongly, that I should put out a clarification about that less-than-honest video from tna.

    Firstly, MOST organizations would NOT wish to mislead any potential customer(s)! CLEARLY, this video intended to mislead wrestling fans, most certainly ECW fans! That said, I have to question tna's motive(s) in placing ANY shot of me in their promotional pieces?! tna is overly aware that we have NOT come to terms for any participation by ECW's centerpiece "Franchise" in "Hardcore Justice"!

    So, either they are trying to deceive potential ppv buyers (namely ECW fans), or they must be willing to meet my only demand for the event- Dic Flair on a silver platter! This was the biggest angle, teased to our loyal fanbase, that never came "to a head" in ECW. Unless I'm missing the mark, I feel VERY STRONGLY that this IS a match our fanbase, and tna's, would tune in to see. Too bad, thus far, tna seems to be following their now-tired trend of ignoring their fans' desires!!!

    I stand prepared to take part in the "final bow" of this great organization. I only demand that our fans get what they deserve- Dic Flair and The Franchise, face to face, for their enjoyment!

    To be fair and certain, it would seem Dic would want the same thing, judging from his recent comments about me. SURELY, "the, ahem, man" isn't afraid of a guy who "works retail", right DIC?

    Balls in your, and tna's (Dixie?) court! What do you fans think? Or, more importantly, what do you fans want? Surely, the Carter's want to aim to please... RIGHT?!

    Not hiding behind someone's blouse, are you, Dic?!?!
    I'm waiting...

    2011 - The Amazing Red announced that he had left TNA, citing that creative had nothing for him on his Twitter.

    2011 - WWE broadcast Superstars. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

    We start off this week’s episode of Superstars with the Smackdown brand and your announcers are Jack Korpela and Matt Striker.

    Match Number One: Alicia Fox versus Kaitlyn

    Alicia pushes Kaitlyn from behind and then she gives Kaitlyn a nasty look. Alicia with a side head lock take down and Kaitlyn with a head scissors but Alicia escapes. Kaitlyn with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Alicia with a waist lock but Kaitlyn picks Alicia up by the wrist and then she puts Alicia on the turnbuckles. Alicia with a Thesz Press off the turnbuckles. Kaitlyn with an Irish whip but Alicia with a kick and then she drives Kaitlyn into the mat for a near fall. Alicia with a series of knees to the back and then she sends Kaitlyn face first into the mat. Alicia with a reverse chin lock as Kaitlyn tries to get back to his feet. Kaitlyn with punches to Alicia followed by a sunset flip for a near fall. Alicia with a clothesline and then she returns to the reverse chin lock.

    Alicia takes Kaitlyn to the mat while keeping her in the chin lock. Kaitlyn with elbows and forearms but Alicia slams Kaitlyn’s head to the mat again. Alicia returns to the reverse chin lock but Kaitlyn with a belly-to-back suplex to escape.

    Kaitlyn with a flapjack to Alicia followed by a drop kick for a near fall. Kaitlyn sends Alicia into the corner and Kaitlyn follows up with forearms in the corner Alicia with an Irish whip but Kaitlyn with a back elbow out of the corner for a near fall. Alicia avoids a side slam and Alicia with the scissors kick for the three count.

    Winner: Alicia Fox

    We go to commercial.

    Match Number Two: Brodus Clay versus Pat Silva

    Clay runs Silva into the corner followed by forearms to the back and a kick to the back. Clay with a forearm to the back of the head and then he punches Silva and then he stomps on the chest. Clay chokes Silva with his boot and then he goes to the floor and Clay with a forearm across the chest. Clay chokes Silva in the ropes. Clay with a forearm to the side of the head followed by a series of elbow drops and he pulls Silva up before the referee can make the three count. Clay with an Exploder suplex and then he hits a head butt to the chest followed by an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Clay with a flying cross body for the three count.

    Winner: Brodus Clay

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time for the Raw portion of the show and your announcers are Scott Stanford and Josh Mathews.

    Before our next match starts, JTG makes his way to the ring to join Scott and Josh at the announce table as we see the footage from this past week’s NXT when Kozlov faced JTG and out JTGed JTG.

    Match Number Three: Vladimir Kozlov versus Primo

    They lock up and Kozlov with an arm drag and Primo goes to the apron. Kozlov with a hip lock take down and Primo retreats to the corner and the referee keeps Kozlov away. Primo pushes Kozlov and Kozlov pushes back. Primo with a side head lock followed by a shoulder tackle from Kozlov and Primo goes to the floor.

    Primo kicks the ropes when Kozlov tries to re-enter the ring but Kozlov feels no pain. Kozlov catches Primo and then he puts him on the top turnbuckle and then he kicks Primo and sets for a power slam but Primo escapes and he clips Kozlov.

    Primo works on the ankle as Kozlov tries to fight out of the hold. Primo continues to work on the ankle with kicks and then he hits a single leg DDT. Primo works on the ankle again and Kozlov refuses to give up. Kozlov kicks Primo away but Primo with a drop toe hold to Kozlov. Primo punches Kozlov until the referee warns him.

    Kozlov moves when JTG tries for a shoulder in the corner and he goes to the turnbuckles. Kozlov with a head butt to the sternum followed by a kick to the chest. Primo with boots to Kozlov followed by a drop kick to the knees. Primo comes off the turnbuckles but Kozlov with a head butt to the sternum for the three count.

    Winner: Vladimir Kozlov

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the Raw Rebound.

    Match Number Four: Jack Swagger versus Chris Masters

    They lock up and Swagger with a waist lock take down and he applies a waist lock to Masters. Masters gets back to his feet but it is only momentarily as Swagger gets him back on the mat. Swagger with another waist lock take down and he locks the arm. Swagger with a modified surfboard but Masters gets to his feet and he takes Swagger down with an arm drag. Masters with a few shoulder tackles and Swagger goes to the floor to regroup.

    Swagger claims that Masters cheated but the referee is not going to hear any of Swagger’s claims.

    Swagger returns to the ring but he quickly returns to the apron. They lock up again and Swagger retreats to the corner. Swagger punches Masters and then he kicks him until the referee warns him. Swagger with an elbow to the top of the head. Masters with a flying back elbow and a suplex for a near fall. Masters kicks Swagger in the corner and the referee warns Chris.

    Masters with a slam and then he connects with a leg drop but there is no doom involved so Swagger kicks out. Masters with a chop and then he tries for a running power slam but Swagger escapes and he sends Masters into the turnbuckles and then he connects with a forearm. Swagger with a double jump Swagger bomb to the back and he gets a near fall as we go to commercial.

    We are back and just in time to see the end of Swagger’s victory lap. Swagger with a forearm to the kidneys. Swagger tries again but Masters knows what is coming and he hits a clothesline and both men are down. Masters blocks a punch and he connects with punches of his own. Masters with shoulders in the corner followed by a short arm clothesline. Swagger takes out the knee with a shoulder and then he connects with a big boot but he can only get a near fall.

    Swagger with a key lock but Masters gets to his feet. Swagger with forearms to the back and then he gets a near fall. Swagger with a body scissors on Masters and Swagger grabs the ropes for extra leverage but the referee sees it because it is right in front of him. Masters with punches and he tries for a slam but his back does not allow it. Masters with a kick but Swagger with a clothesline.

    Swagger with a running shoulder tackle and he continues to pose for the fans without worrying about finishing off Masters. Swagger charges at Masters and Masters tries for the Master Lock but Swagger gets to the ropes. Masters with a Samoan drop and Masters tries to get a second wind. Swagger runs into a boot from Masters and then Masters goes to the turnbuckles for the flying shoulder tackle and he connects. Masters with a spinebuster and he gets a near fall.

    Both men struggle to get back to their feet but Masters gets up first. Swagger with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Swagger stands over Masters and then he kicks him as Swagger sets for the Swagger Bomb but Masters gets his boots up and Masters tries for the Master Lock but Swagger backs Masters into the corner. Swagger applies the ankle lock and Masters tries to fight it off but he has to tap out.

    Winner: Jack Swagger

    Continued ...

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Continued ...

    2011 - Stu Carapola filed the following Impact Wrestling TV report:

    We start with a look back at last week as Sting's shocking display of dishonesty, as well as Bully Ray hanging Ken Anderson out to dry, led to Kurt Angle retaining the World Title against Anderson in a cage. Then we go to the ring where Bully Ray and the rest of Immortal are in the ring. Bully Ray puts over Scott Steiner, Gunner, Abyss, and Jeff Jarrett, then gets to Anderson and calls him an asshole. Ray says this town ain't big enough for both Immortal and Fortune, but Anderson interrupts, calls Bully Ray an asshole, and says this town isn't big enough for he and Ray. Anderson reminds Ray that it was his idea to get in the ring with Kurt Angle, then screwed him once the match happened. Anderson says Ray hopes it was worth it, because one of these days, he's going to get him back. Ray reminds Anderson that he lost the World Title after only one week, while he himself is a 23 time tag champion and he's the guy in charge of the group when Hogan and Bischoff aren't around. Ray's going to be the World Champion, and Anderson is a piece of dog crap on his shoes. Anderson says they're both not booked, and quotes Meatloaf in asking Ray if he wants to settle this. Anderson and Ray go at each other and the rest of Immortal pulls them apart.

    Fortune comes out and says it sounded like Immortal was calling them out, and they will accept that invitation. Fortune rushes the ring and clears Immortal out, though James Storm appears to have hurt his back during the skirmish.

    Tonight, we're in for three Bound For Glory Series matches and the official contract signing for the Angle-Sting match at Hardcore Justice.

    Miss Tessmacher is backstage, and she's...STRETCHING!

    Mickie James comes out to join Mike and Taz for commentary on our next match...

    Madison Rayne vs Miss Tessmacher

    Madison has Tessmacher's partner Tara ejected from ringside, but turns her back and Tessmacher blindsides her with a series of forearms, then sits her in the corner and rubs her ass in Madison's face. Now Tessmacher commits a cardinal mistake and turns her back, and pays for it when Madison forearms her in the back of the head and gouges at her face. Madison with an old school Moolah toss across the ring by the hair, then does it again just to be a jerk. Maidson skullhumps Tessmacher's head into the mat, but turns her back to mouth off to Mickie and Tessmacher gets a small package for the win.

    Winner: Miss Tessmacher

    Madison attacks Tessmacher after the match and Mickie gets up to try and intervene, but Angelina Love runs out of the back and attacks Mickie. Mickie fights back, but now Winter comes out of nowhere and lays Mickie out, then Angelina holds Mickie so Winter can lay her out with the title belt.

    We catch up on the Bound For Glory Series matches over the last week, and Crimson still remains in first place with 40 points. Now we head to the ring for the first Series match of the night...

    Bound For Glory Series: Devon vs AJ Styles

    Feeling out process to start, Devon pulls out a leapfrog and a hiptoss, but AJ catches Devon with a standing dropkick to the face for 2 as the Pope comes out to join Devon's family at ringside. Devon charges AJ, but AJ gets the boot up and tries a charge of his own, only to run into a flying back elbow from Devon for 2. Devon sees Pope out in the crowd with his family and is not happy, and the distraction allows AJ to roll Devon into a cross armbreaker, but Devon makes it to the ropes and then rolls out to the floor. AJ with a sunset flip for 2, then tries pulling Devon up into the Styles Clash and gets kicked in the face. Devon goes for the Curtain Call, but AJ slips out the back and hits a Pelle Kick and covers for 2 as Christopher Daniels comes out to take a seat at ringside. AJ now is distracted by Daniels and goes out to the apron to talk to Daniels, then tries a springboard move back into the ring, but Devon ducks and rolls AJ up for 3.

    Winner: Devon

    Pope gives Devon's wife a big hug and they applaud as Devon comes out to get in Pope's face and AJ comes out to ringside and ends up arguing with Daniels all the way to the back.

    We go to a video package looking at the history of the Sting-Kurt Angle feud, then we go to Pope, who says he's going out there tonight to get more points and is worried about what's going to happen between he and Devon at Hardcore Justice.

    Matt Morgan, torn shoulder and all, joins Mike Tenay and Taz for our next match...

    Bound For Glory Series: The Pope vs Samoa Joe

    They circle one another for a moment and then Pope ducks a couple of wild swings and pops Joe with an uppercut. Pope continues to outmaneuver Joe and gets a pair of armdrags, a dropkick for 2, and then another armdrag into an armbar. Joe just powers Pope into the corner, but Pope dodges a charge and goes out to the floor. Joe chases after him around ringside and back into the ring where Pope gets an inverted atomic drop and a flying shouderblock. Pope wit ha series of high elbows and a straight double axhandle to the face. Devon comes out to ringside as Pope gets an O'Connor Roll, and Joe slides out and traps Pope in a choke until Pope taps out.

    Winner: Samoa Joe

    Wait a minute, Joe won't release the hold and his eyes are rolling back in his head, so the referee reverses the decision.

    Winner via DQ (reverse): Devon

    Joe is PISSED, and chases the referee to the back as Devon argues with his sons at ringside.

    Joe is backstage yelling about how he's being screwed over by the company, and he knows they're trying to kill him, and he's not going to go silently. Going forward he (I guess some mysterious TNA official) is going to be held responsible for what happens out there.

    Back in the Fortune locker room, James Storm's back is still hurting and Bobby Roode offers to take his match tonight against Hernandez since they have to defend the World Tag Team Title against Mexican America at Hardcore Justice. Storm says okay, if he wants to.

    Bully Ray is backstage arguing on the phone with Hulk Hogan, and reluctantly agrees to go apologize to Ken Anderson tonight.

    Back to the ring, and Bobby Roode tells the referee that Storm can't go in the next match and he will be taking Storm's place.

    Roode fires off some right hands and Hernandez casually tosses Roode into the corner, but Roode flattens Hernandez with a running clothesline, and a second one sends Hernandez out to the floor. Roode slingshots himself over the top rope and comes down on top of Hernandez, then takes a chair and spears it into the gut of Hernandez, then turns it flat and slams it over his back. Roode tosses a variety of items into the ring, smashes a trash can lid over Hernendez's head, but Hernandez reverses a whip and sends Roode slamming into the ringpost. Hernandez covers Roode for 2 on the floor, then rolls him back inside and hits a slingshot shoulderblock into the ring. Hernandez takes his belt off and whips Roode in the back with it, then wraps the belt around Roode's throat and chokes him with it. Roode fires back at Hernandez, but Hernandez flattens him again with a big running bodyblock and then tosses the trash can lid at Roode's face and covers for 2. Roode rolls out to the floor, but Hernandez goes after him and rams his back into the apron, then whips Roode into the ringpost. Back into the ring, where Roode gets the trash can lid and loudly bashes Hernandez over the head with it repeatedly, but tries a charge into the corner and Hernandez gets his boot up. Hernandez skins the cat up to the top rope, but Roode pops up and bashes him in the head with a trash can and then superplexes him into the ring. Roode gets a kendo stick and starts killing Hernandez with it, then comes off the second rope with a Blockbuster for 2. Roode comes off the ropes, but Hernandez nearly tackles Roode clear out of the building with a shoulderblock and then sets up for the Border Toss. Roode slips out and hits a spinebuster, then gets Hernandez in a Fujiwara armbar. Hernandez taps, but the referee is distracted byt Anarquia attacking Storm on the floor. Sarita comes in from behind and hits Roode with a kendo stick, and Hernandez rolls Roode up with his feet on the ropes for the win.

    Winner: Hernandez

    Bully Ray comes into Ken Anderson's dressing room backstage and says he respects the business and the guys who came before him, and Hogan came before the both of them and neither would be here if it weren't for Hogan. He's going to apologize to Anderson for the way he treated him and anything he's done that has offended him. Ray extends his hand to Anderson, and Anderson is dubious, so Ray says he doesn't apologize to many people, and he again apologizes. Anderson finally shakes Ray's hand, and Ray pulls Anderson into a knee to the groin and asks him who the asshole is now. What a great heel!

    We go back to the production truck as Kurt Angle prepares to provide commentary on the Empty Arena Match he and Sting had back in 2009, and then we're back to the ring...

    Austin Aries vs Alex Shelley

    Aries attacks Shelley from behind, then drapes his neck across the bottom rope and hits a slingshot double axhandle to the floor. Aries tries to slingshot into a senton back in, but Shelley gets the knees up and peppers Aries with fists and a leaping enziguiri, then covers for a series of 2 counts. Aries tries to sucker Shelley with a kick, but Shelley catches the boot, ducks an enziguiri, and gets la magistral cradle for 2. Shelley opens up with a series of chops and hits a Flatliner into the second turnbuckle for 2. Shelley with a leg whip and twists Aries into a seated inverted figure four, but Aries just manages to make the ropes. Aries dumps Shelley to the ring apron and hits a neckbreaker through the ropes, then comes off the ropes with a Macho Man double axhandle to the floor. Aries rolls Shelley back in for a series of 2 counts, then sits Shelley up top and tries for a superplex, but Shelley gourdbusters Aries into the ring and comes off the top with a missile dropkick that sends Aries crashing out to the floor. Shelley hits a dive through the ropes, then sends Aries back into the ring and tries a top rope double stomp, but Aries moves and hits him with a back elbow. Aries tries Sliced Bread #2, Shelley counters to a rollup for 2, then Aries dumps Shelley to the floor and mocks Shelley by putting on Shelley's jacket. The referee takes the jacket away from Aries and falls on his butt, Shelley tries for Sliced Bread #2 but Aries dumps him into a seated position on the second rope and kicks him in the nuts, then hits a brainbuster for the win.

    Winner: Austin Aries

    Aries puts the boots to Shelley while yelling at him that he just beat him with a wrestling maneuver, but Brian Kendrick runs out and chases Aries off. Aries says he'll see Kendrick at the PPV and walks off.

    Eric Young tries out for movie and talk show roles, then we go to Jeremy Borash with Kurt Angle as they discuss the Empty Arena Match they had back when Angle was the head of the Main Event Mafia and Sting wanted to take his place. They didn't show the whole thing, but we got a good sampling of them ramming one another into guardrails and rows of chairs, as well as one spot where Sting dumped Angle over a railing from the stands and to the floor from a pretty good height.

    We see Sting arriving at the Impact Zone just in time for three quarters of the show to be over, then we're back to the ring...

    Bound For Glory Series: Gunner & Scott Steiner vs Crimson & Rob Van Dam

    Only the winner of the fall in this match will get the points. RVD and Steiner start us off and Steiner powers RVD into the corner, but stops to pose and RVD rolls him up with a bodyscissors cradle for 2. Steiner kills him with a clothesline, then unloads with some heavy strikes in the corner. RVD comes back with a spinkick to the jaw and stops to do the Rob Van Dam pointing to the back thing, and Steiner comes from behind and hits a full nelson slam for 2. Gunner tags in and goes at it with RVD, who gets a legsweep and a standing moonsault for 2. Gunner rams RVD to the corner and hits some forearms, but RVD with a high kick to the face of Gunner and then tags in Crimson. Crimson with a slam and a T-bone suplex for 2, Steiner tries a cheapshot from the outside and Crimson nails him, but Gunner runs him over with a back elbow for 2. Gunner continuing to work Crimson over and then tags in Steiner, who opens up with another series of hard chops and then the rotating belly to belly suplex for 2. Steiner with a clothesline and then the elbowdrop and pushups, then Gunner tags in and hits a back suplex for 2. Gunner comes off the second rope for a double axhandle and Crimson seems to blow the counter, but picks Gunner up and turns it into a spinning Flatliner and makes the hot tag to RVD, who comes in and unloads on Steiner with a leg lariat, but then Steiner catches RVD and hits an overhead release suplex. RVD with a springboard thrust kick and Rolling Thunder for 2, and then Gunner and Crimson are in the ring and going at it as RVD and Steiner go out to the floor. Gunner knocks RVD off the apron, but Crimson hits a spear out of nowhere on Gunner and RVD comes off the top with the Dive Star, and then Steiner comes in and hits a Flatliner on RVD and wipes Crimson out with a clothesline efore covering RVD for 2. Steiner puts RVD up top, but Crimson comes from behind and hits an Electric Chair and then RVD hits the Five Star Frog Splash for the win.

    Winners: Crimson & Rob Van Dam (RVD scores the pin for 7 points)

    With that win, RVD now rockets up to second place with 35 points, right behind Crimson. They do a postmatch promo with Christy Hemme, who points out that they'll be facing each other in just three days at Hardcore Justice. Crimson says RVD got the win tonight, but this weekend, he'll be the one walking out with the points.

    Mike Tenay and Taz run us down the card for this weekend's Hardcore Justice PPV, then we're off to the ring for the contract signing for the Sting-Kurt Angle contract signing. At Jeremy Borash's direction, Angle signs the contract first, then Sting. Borash asks Angle for his final comments before this weekend, and he says that there are very few men in the business whom Angle respects, and Sting is one of them. He's never politicked or screwed anyone, and if he ends up half the man Sting is, he knows he did a good job. But at Hardcore Justice, he's coming after Sting and it's strictly business, nothing personal, and after the match, it will end in a handshake and then man who is going to walk away with the World Title is Kurt Angle. Sting takes the microphone and says he suddenly doesn't feel like laughing too much. He thanks Angle for the words because after 25 years in the business, he feels like he accomplished someone and had an effect on someone as great as Angle. He's just as big a fan as Angle, and it doesn't matter who he's talking to, he says the best wrestler he's ever faced has been Kurt Angle. There isn't anything Kurt can't do, and no matter what aspect of wrestling it is, Angle's the best, and to top it all off, he's done what no professional wrestler has and won an Olympic gold medal. The thing is that the title is his life blood and his way to right everything that's wrong, and he made a vow to Dixie Carter, the wrestlers in the back, and the fans that before he hangs it up, he'll return the company to Dixie Carter, and he can't lose to Angle at Hardcore Justice. Angle won't have to kill him to win the title, but he'll have to come damn close, and he's going to get his hand raised at Hardcore Justice, and that's damn real

    2011 - The 2011 NWA Legends Fanfest kicked off in Atlanta, Georgia.

    2012 - ROH on Sinclair was broadcast via the Sinclair Broadcasting Group. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

    This week we begin with footage from Best in the World when Truth Martini introduced the Guardians of Truth to face the Briscoes. We see highlights from the match and then the post match shenanigans.

    We are live on tape from Baltimore, Maryland and your announcers are Kevin ‘Old Bay’ Kelly and Nigel ‘Hon’ McGuinness.

    Truth Martini makes his way to the ring and he has something to say. Truth says that he is the tv super duper, King Kong, mega mega managerial sensation and live intervention expert. He says that everyone can call him ‘The One’.

    Truth says that it is time to change the face of professional wrestling with the faceless. He introduces the newest members of the House of Truth, the Guardians of Truth.

    Match Number One: Guardians of Truth (with Truth Martini) versus The Briscoes

    Before the match, Truth stands behind his guardians and removes their masks to reveal another mask.

    Jay and Guardian M start things off but Guardian T hits Jay from behind and then they double team Jay after M sends Mark to the floor. M with a clothesline from the turnbuckles to Jay and then he chokes Jay in the corner. T chokes Jay in the ropes while the referee deals with Mark. T tags in and he kicks Jay in the ribs. T with a chop against the ropes followed by a power slam for a near fall. Mark makes the tag and then he hits a Yakuza kick to T.

    Mark with a head butt to T followed by an Irish whip and splash into the corner. Mark with a bulldog and then he pulls T into the center of the ring to get a near fall. Jay tags in and they hit a double running shoulder tackle. Jay with a spinebuster to M and both Guardians go to the floor.

    M returns to the ring and Mark punches him. T pulls the ropes down and Mark goes to the apron. M kicks Mark off the apron and to the floor. T Irish whips Mark into the guardrails and we go to commercial.

    We are back and M with an elbow drop for a near fall on Mark. M throws Mark to the floor and then T kicks Mark on the floor. M punches Mark and then he hits a springboard clothesline over the top rope. They hot shot Mark onto the apron.

    T tags in and he kicks Mark. T chokes Mark in the ropes and then M does the same when the referee deals with Jay. Mark is thrown to the floor again and then they drape Mark over the guardrail and T with a double sledge to the back.

    Mark is rolled back into the ring and M gets a near fall. M knocks Jay off the apron and then they send Mark into the turnbuckles. T tags in and they kick Mark in the corner. T with a snap mare and reverse chin lock. Mark with elbows and then he tags in Jay. Jay with a boot to T’s head and then he knocks M to the floor. Jay with punches and a leg lariat to T. Jay sends M to the floor and Mark with a hesitation drop kick to M. Jay with a Death Valley Driver and Mark with an elbow drop from the top turnbuckle but T kicks out.

    They signal that it is over and they set for the Doomsday Device. Truth holds Mark’s leg and the Guardians try for a double suplex on Jay but Mark with a spear to one of the guardians and Jay gets the three count with an inside cradle.

    Winners: The Briscoes

    After the match, Mark tries to get some revenge on Truth but the Guardians get involved. The Briscoes fight back but Roderick Strong and Rhino come to the ring and it is now a four-on-two situation with Martini barking out the orders. Michael Elgin comes to the ring and he decides to go to the back while the Guardians hit a power bomb and leg drop combination on Jay while Rhino and Strong work over Mark.

    Referees come to the ring and they try to stop things and they really aren’t doing a great job. Adam Cole, Jay Lethal, Caprice Coleman, and Cedric Alexander finally come to the ring to help the Briscoes.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Kevin mentions that we still have the rubber match between Lance Storm and Mike Bennett later tonight.

    Kevin wants to talk about Boiling Point next weekend and the Ring of Honor World Title Match between Kevin Steen and Eddie Kingston. Nigel wonders how desperate Jim Cornette is to get the title off Kevin Steen by bringing in Eddie Kingston.

    We go to comments from Kevin Steen and he is with Jimmy Jacobs. He says that him and Eddie Kingston are a lot alike. Eddie was run out of Ring of Honor for not fitting the mold and walking the line. Kevin says that he gave Eddie the perfect chance to tear this company apart, but Eddie refused and he is a hypocrite, but what do you expect from someone from New York.

    Instead of raising hell and making Ring of Honor sorry for getting rid of him, Eddie decided to conform. Now Eddie thinks that he will come to Providence and take the title from him? Kevin says that the only thing that he is going to do is kick Eddie’s ass and then Eddie can go home to New York to cry to his fake family.

    Kevin Kelly is in the ring and he brings out Eddie Kingston.

    Kevin asks Eddie what does redemption mean to him. Eddie says that redemption means being the Ring of Honor World Champion. He tells Kevin to get out of the ring. For ten long, hard years, he has struggled to become a world champion. He has hurt everyone in his family to become a world champion. To chase a dream, on August 11th in Rhode Island, he will have his opportunity.

    Eddie says that he has struggled for ten years. He has laid awake at night wondering why he does this and why he makes these sacrifices. When he wins the title on August 11th, he will show his parents, who thought he was an idiot for getting into professional wrestling. He will show it to his ex-wife who he left to stay in wrestling. He will tell her that he still loves her, but the title was for this.

    He says that he is doing this for Larry Sweeney, who he considers his brother. Larry died without becoming a World Champion. He will say a prayer to Larry and say that he did it. The most important person is his son. He will tell him that no matter what you go through, if you sacrifice and fight, you can live your dream and be whatever you want.

    On August 11th, he will go through hell and spit in Satan’s face to become the ROH World Champion.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time for Inside ROH. This week, Kevin will talk about Shelton Benjamin’s status, the status of the Embassy, and the new Ring of Honor Television Champion.

    We talk about the Embassy and the plan to keep Tommaso Ciampa from Roderick Strong. We see footage from last week when Ciampa confronted Evans and Nana. Then we see what Martini said to get Ciampa pissed off at Nana.

    Kevin says that Evans is still working with Ciampa and will represent him.

    We go to footage from last week when Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin confronted the men who defeated them to take the Tag Titles from them, The All Night Xpress.

    Kevin reminds us that chair shots to the head are banned in Ring of Honor and that Benjamin was fined $5,000 for his actions. Since this was Benjamin’s second strike, he has been suspended indefinitely and if he does it again, he will be fired.

    It is time to take a look back at last week’s Television Title Match between Roderick Strong and Adam Cole when Adam Cole was able to take the title from Strong.

    Kevin mentions the matches that have been announced for Boiling Point including the World Title match between Kevin Steen and Eddie Kingston, the World Tag Title Match between the Briscoes and The All Night Xpress, Eddie Edwards and Sara Del Rey versus Mike Bennett and Maria Kanellis, Charlie Haas versus Michael Elgin, Tommaso Ciampa versus Jay Lethal.

    Kevin tells us that the main event next week will be Kevin Steen, Jimmy Jacobs, and Steve Corino versus Jay Lethal and the All Night Xpress.

    We go to commercial.

    Match Number Two: Mike Bennett (with Maria Kanellis and Bob Evans) versus Lance Storm

    Lance and Bennett get face to face and the push each other but they are not done talking. Storm with a pie face. They lock up and they go to the corner. Storm with a clean break. They lock up again and Bennett works on the arm. Storm rolls through and reverses. Storm works on the arm and he sends Bennett into the turnbuckles. Storm with a European uppercut.

    Bennett with a back elbow to Storm followed by kicks and punches in the corner. Storm with a knee and chop followed by a forearm. Bennett with a boot to Storm followed by a sunset flip but Storm rolls through and he tries for a single leg crab.

    Bennett goes to the floor and Storm brings him back in. Bennett wants a time out but Storm with a kick and suplex for a near fall. Bennett with a kick and slam to Storm. Bennett with elbow drops and he gets a near fall. Storm with a jawbreaker and drop kick for a near fall. Storm with an elbow to the head followed by a punch.

    Bennett with a forearm in the corner followed by an Irish whip but he goes for a splash into the corner and Storm moves. Storm with a boot to the abdomen followed by what appeared to be an elbow drop but the camera was focused on Maria. Storm with an elbow drop that we see for a near fall.

    Bennett runs Storm into the turnbuckles to escape a front face lock. Bennett runs Storm into the turnbuckles again. Bennett tries for a drop kick but Storm holds on to the ropes. Storm with a jackknife cover for a near fall. Storm sends Bennett into the turnbuckles. Bennett sends Storm over the top rope to the apron. Storm with a shoulder and then he brings Bennett to the apron. They exchange punches and then Bennett with a thumb to the eye and he sends Storm into the guardrail and he hits a clothesline off the apron. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Bennett with a drop kick and he gets a near fall. Bennett with a belly-to-back suplex and he gets a near fall. Bennett with a rear chin lock. Storm with punches but Bennett with a knee and he sends Storm shoulder first into the ring post. Bennett goes to the floor and he wrings the injured shoulder into the ring post. Bennett with a kick to the shoulder and then he drops the arm on the top rope.

    Bennett gets a near fall. Bennett continues to work on the arm with a quarter nelson and chin lock. Storm with punches and a head butt. Bennett with a divorce court and he gets a near fall. Bennett stomps on Storm’s forearm. Storm with a punch but Bennett with a knee. Storm with a kick and elbow but Bennett with a punch. Storm with a punch and Bennett with a kick. Bennett tries for a suplex but Storm counters with an inside cradle.

    Bennett with a clothesline and he gets a near fall. Bennett with a wrist lock and he knee in the back. Storm with forearms but Bennett with a punch. Storm with a back heel kick and enzuigiri and both men are down. Storm gets a near fall. Storm goes to the apron and Bennett runs Storm’s ribs into the turnbuckles. Bennett does it again. Bennett goes to the apron and he tries to suplex Storm. Storm blocks it and he clotheslines Bennett back into the ring.

    Storm tries for a slingshot move back into the ring but Bennett moves and Storm hits the mat. Bennett gets a near fall. Storm and Bennett exchange punches. Bennett with elbows as well. Storm with a back elbow and clothesline followed by a leg lariat for a near fall. Storm with an Irish whip and clothesline into the corner.

    Storm with a springboard clothesline for a near fall. Bennett with a punch but Storm tries for the Maple Leaf but Bennett drops down and gets a near fall. Bennett avoids an enzuigiri and applies a single leg crab. Storm with a boot to the head and Storm with an uranage for a near fall.

    Storm gets Bennett up for a TKO but Bennett gets Storm up. Storm escapes the hold and he rolls through for the Maple Leaf but Bennett gets to the ropes. Storm puts Bennett on the turnbuckles and then he sets for a superplex but Evans holds the foot. Bennett with a neck breaker from the turnbuckles for a near fall.

    Maria gets on the apron to distract the referee while Bennett hits a TKO onto a chair that Bennett rolls into the ring and Bennett gets the three count.

    Winner: Mike Bennett

    After the match, Evans and Bennett pick up Storm and Maria hits Storm with her boot. Sara Del Rey comes into the ring and she kicks Maria and applies a single leg crab. Eddie Edwards comes out to even the odds.

    2014 - Jessie Kaye won the second annual Reid Flair Memorial Scholarship in Charlotte, NC at the Mid-Atlantic Legends Fanfest.

    2015 - WWE broadcast Tough Enough. Richard Trionfo filed the following TV report:

    This week’s show starts off with a look back at last week’s first save to keep Amanda in the contest, but as a result, Mada was eliminated.

    We are at Full Sail University in Winter Park, Florida and your hosts are Chris Jericho and Renee Young.

    We see the seven finalists on the stage and Chris mentions Mada’s elimination last week. Renee wonders who will be gone this week.

    Chris introduces us to the judges, Daniel Bryan, Paige, and The Miz.

    Renee asks the judges for comments. Miz says that Amanda made him the most hated by saving her. Paige says she is looking forward to seeing what Josh does. Daniel tells Chelsea it was her first week on the show, not being hurt, but he says that he expects a higher level from her because of her experience. Miz tells Tanner that he needs to show more charisma. Paige says Giorgia has been doing well, but she has been on cruise control. Daniel tells ZZ that he hopes that he picks it up. Miz says that he would like to see what Sara is all about.

    We go back to the barracks and everyone is in the living room area and they talk about how no one is safe. Giorgia says she was shocked that Amanda was saved. Amanda says she was happy that Miz saw the potential in her, but Chelsea says it was not potential he was seeing.

    Chelsea asks Amanda if she was annoyed at Miz’ comments. Amanda says she was not upset about Miz’ comments. If her looks get her to the top, she has no problem.

    ZZ says that people think he should not be here, but he belongs here.

    Tanner says that ZZ is his competition and he is not trying.

    Tanner says that ZZ is not showing anything. He needs to do more than get people to laugh at him.

    ZZ says that Josh and Tanner do not respect him as a man. ZZ tells Josh and Tanner that he is tired of them. All of you want him gone, so treat him like he is gone.

    It is time for the next challenge and they are in the ring.

    Lita mentions the theme for this week and it is teamwork. You need to work as a unit in front of the crowd.

    We see everyone in the ring. Tanner says they added some cardio. Giorgia says they are being pushed hard.

    Billy yells at ZZ for his poor cardio and he wants ZZ to say that he is going to quit. ZZ says he will not quit. Billy tells ZZ that 20 minutes in you are going to be tired.

    We see Jason Jordan in the ring as he gives everyone hip tosses and they are impressed with Sara. ZZ is sent out of the ring again. Giorgia says it is embarrassing.

    Billy and Booker show how they do a hip toss.

    Billy tells everyone they need to work well as a team. He does not care where it comes from, but you need to work together.

    Tanner says he is worried about working with ZZ.

    Tanner and ZZ go first. Tanner has trouble with ZZ because ZZ is having trouble. Tanner says that he is happy that ZZ did not drop him on his head when he slammed him.

    Sara and Giorgia are next. Giorgia complains about the way that Sara was slamming her in the ring. Lita says some of the things they did were dangerous. Giorgia says that she thinks Sara may have paralyzed her. Sara says that Giorgia is being a brat.

    Amanda and Chelsea go. Amanda says that Chelsea is distracting with her actions and gestures. Amanda says that they are not being a team. Chelsea says that she did not think she was having trouble with her selling, but the coaches notice that they are not on the same page.

    Tanner and Josh are last and Booker tries to find something to complain about.

    Lita comments on the girls and she tells Amanda not to take off. Booker says Giorgia has been coasting and has fallen back. Booker says that he thought he saw something from Sara, but then she had trouble.

    Booker praises Josh and Tanner, especially Josh. Billy tells ZZ he needs to step up and he needs to do something about his cardio.

    Billy says Josh and Tanner was the best pairing and ZZ and Tanner was the worst.

    ZZ says that the way he is, he needs a five to ten minute break while training.

    Paige was impressed with Giorgia, but she did not like that Sara did not apologize for almost slamming Giorgia on her head.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and we are back at Full Sail as Renee reminds us of the rules for elimination.

    It is back to the barracks and Josh and Tanner are playing pool. Josh says that Tanner has no game and he reminds us about the hot tub situation with Chelsea. Josh says they might be competing for a contract, but he wants to help him out.

    Josh has Tanner use him as an example. If anyone walked into the room at that time, there would be some major confusion going on.

    Josh tells Tanner he got him flustered. Josh says that it looked like Tanner enjoyed it too much.

    Giorgia is talking to Sara and she says that she is looking out for her safety and was worried being in the ring with Sara. She says she doesn’t know what is coming next. Giorgia asks what would have happened if her neck was broken. Sara says if it was that bad, they would have stopped her.

    Giorgia says that Sara thinks she is doing better than she is. They argue about whether Giorgia would be able to make it out of the bottom three if she makes it.

    They are in the gym training and ZZ says that he is an outdoors guy but he needs to train in the gym. Josh tells ZZ that this is his life right now. Everything he does relates to the ring.

    We go to Valencia University and they are with the Orange County Fire Rescue.

    The Prime Time Players arrive on the fire trucks.

    Titus says everything they do is about teamwork. Everyone is working to make the WWE product the best.

    They are split into two teams and they are going to put out the fire inside and save the victim inside.

    They have one person to help out each team.

    The first team is ZZ, Chelsea, Amanda, and Tanner.

    ZZ mentions that he was a volunteer fireman.

    Chelsea mentions that with the oxygen masks, it can get claustrophobic.

    They get the fire out and then Chelsea says that she fell on top of the victim. They finish in 12:02

    The next team Josh, Sara, and Giorgia start and the coaches complain that Josh is doing everything.

    They put out the fire and they get the victim out in 14:49.

    Giorgia says that Josh did most of the work.

    Booker and Billy remind everyone about teamwork.

    Billy says that Team 1 is the winner.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and we are at the barracks.

    Josh talks to Tanner and ZZ and he mentions that ZZ did well with the challenge, but did not do well in the ring. Josh asks ZZ if he thinks he is going to be in the bottom three.

    Tanner says that ZZ has done a good job getting out of the bottom three.

    ZZ says he wants the best man to win.

    Amanda and Chelsea says she thought they could work well together in the challenge, but Amanda says that Chelsea made them look bad in the ring. Amanda says that Chelsea threw her off in the ring with her selling. She asks Chelsea if she is trying to sabotage her. Chelsea says that is the way she is and she is doing her job and not trying to show off.

    Chelsea says that she is going to work with her but try to win. Amanda reminds Chelsea about what the judges said. Chelsea says that Amanda sucks in the ring and Amanda says that Chelsea is not as good looking as her.

    ZZ wants a pillow fight and he gets something thrown at him for his comment.

    Paige says that all of the girls are trying to sabotage each other while the guys are working together.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time for the judges to interrogate the contestants.

    Miz tells Amanda not to have what he said to her last week got to her head and it did. He puts her in the bottom three.

    Daniel asks Josh why did he try to help ZZ. Josh says that it is the father in him who is trying to help out. Miz asks Josh if ZZ is working out for the camera. Josh says he was doing the business type thing to help him along and it might be time to chop it off.

    Chris asks ZZ if he is training and he says he lost 8 pounds. He says he did not know the type of physicality needed in the WWE. Miz asks ZZ what he did today in the gym.

    Paige says she is not impressed with Chelsea and she tells Paige that she is better than her. It is your fault that you put her on her face. She says that Chelsea did not listen to the judges.

    Daniel says he was taken aback and he did not think the slam was so dangerous but you should have said you were sorry. Daniel says that as someone who has suffered numbness in both arms and has been dropped on his head, he does not appreciate the way that Giorgia talks.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and it is time to find out the three up for elimination.

    Daniel says he has to put Giorgia up for overreacting. If that is going to make you worried about being paralyzed, then you belong up for elimination.

    Paige puts Sara up for elimination. She tells Sara that for not apologizing is completely wrong. She yells at Sara for not showing compassion for what you did.

    Miz says that you embraced being pretty and you have done that so Chelsea is in the bottom three because you should be held to a higher standard.

    Sara says that she is sorry to Giorgia. She says she is a little sloppy and she is learning. She would not hurt anyone intentionally. She is here to improve every week.

    Giorgia says she needs to be here. She needs this more than anything in her life. She represents Australia, the UK, and Italy. She is here for every girl who is too shy. You need to go out and pursue your dreams.

    Chelsea says she did not come here to figure out if this is for her. She came her to win because she loves sports entertainment. She will give 110 percent even if you say no until I get into the WWE. She was given a second chance and she is going to prove it.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and the vote continues.

    Chris asks ZZ how it feels to not be in the bottom three. He says Giorgia needs to go. Tanner says Sara goes home. Josh says Sara should go.

    Chris decides not to ask Amanda.

    It is time to find out if the judges will use their save.

    Daniel says he will not use the save.

    Paige will save Giorgia.

    The votes are in and Chelsea is eliminated, but Giorgia would have been eliminated with the fewest votes.

    Renee asks Chelsea what went wrong. She says that she is not going to quit. It will not stop her. Renee asks who should win of the girls and she says Giorgia should be the one to win.

    We go to credits.

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