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    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    Default [ROH] Official 9th Anniversary Show Live Coverage Thread

    Welcome To UOW's Live Coverage Of ROH's 9th Anniversary Show PPV!
    Feel free to discuss the PPV here. No need to wait for updates.

    Colt Cabana vs Davey Richards

    Great choice to start by kicking the show off with the hometown star. They follow the Code of Honor to start and we're off, with Cabana trying to confuse Richards with some of his British wrestling techniques but Richards was able to escape and Cabana barely dodges a hard kick. Cabana turns a Richards drop down into a modified O'Connor Roll for 2 and then gets a combination Indian Deathlock/Boston Crab, but Richards sits up out of the hold and turns it into a Thesz Press for 2. Cabana with a schoolboy for 2 and Richards tries to reverse to an anklelock, but Cabana rolls free and goes to the floor where Richards hits a baseball slide and the dive through the ropes, though he landed at ringside instead of the fifth row like usual. Richards takes Cabana down in the ring and tries for a LeBell Lock type move, but Cabana makes the ropes so Richards takes him down with a hammerlock and adds the half nelson, trying to stack Cabana to his shoulders but Cabana won't go over so Richards turns it into a bridging hammerlock. Cabana escapes so Richards takes him down with a side headlock and scissors the arm at the same time, which is a really nasty stretch. Richards keeps up the attack on the arm and Cabana again tries to escape, so Richards dropkicks him in the face and then hits a stiff kick to the back. Richards gets a hammerlock suplex and goes to the top, but comes off right into the raised boots of Cabana, who starts firing back with right jabs and the Bionic Elbow. Cabana with repeated double chops and goes for the Flying Apple, but Richards blocks so Cabana hits a Lionsault for 2 instead. Cabana goes up top and Richards nails him with a leaping enziguiri and then goes up, but Cabana picks him up with a fireman's carry and tries to drop Richards on the top rope, but seems to lose him and Richards hits in the ring. Cabana covers for 2 and then goes right back to the top and hits a moonsault for 2, then goes for the Colt 45, Richards escapes and rams Cabana's shoulder to the ringpost, then hits a missile dropkick and goes back to the top. Richards leaps almost the entire length of the ring with a diving headbutt for 2, then gets a cross armbreaker on Cabana. Cabana tries to roll Richards to his back but instead counters to the Billy Goat's Curse and Richards reverses that to a bridging O'Connor Roll for 2. Richards with another hard kick and a bridging German Suplex for 2, then hits a running forearm and running knee in the corner, and comes out with a swinging tornado DDT and a Falcon Arrow suplex into a cross armbreaker and Cabana taps.

    Winner: Davey Richards

    Throughout the evening, we're going to see different choices for the top moment in ROH history, and the first of those was CM Punk's farewell back in 2005.

    Four Corner Survival: Grizzly Redwood vs Mike Bennett vs Steve Corino vs Kyle O'Reilly

    Corino and Bennett start us out, but Bennett tags out to Redwood before making contact. Corino shakes Redwood's hand and then takes him down with a shoulderblock, so Redwood tries a couple of shoulderblocks of his own and gets nowhere, so he stomps on Corino's foot and takes him down with a shoulderblock before tagging in O'Reilly, who appears to be sporting a new tattoo around his ribs. O'Reilly unloads with a series of kicks and a slap to the face, so Corino slaps him back and invites O'Reilly to give him some more kicks, so O'Reilly obliges and comes off the ropes and Corino powerslams him. Now Bennett tags himself in and goes after O'Reilly, hitting a dropkick and then making a blind tag to Redwood. O'Reilly boots Bennett to the floor and runs Redwood at Corino's boot, but Redwood changes directions and knocks Corino off the apron, so O'Reilly hits a running boot off the apron onto Bennett, and Redwood follows him with a dive of his own. Corino sets up for a dive of his own, but Bennett slides in and takes Corino out with a clothesline. Bennett with a slam that doesn't even get 1, so he takes Corino to the corner and hits some chops and then whips him hard into the opposite corner. Bennett rains down rights in the corner and then distracts the referee as Bob Evans drags Corino to the floor. Corino goes to nail him, but Bennett goes outside and nails Corino before he can get his hands on Bob. The video freezes for about a minute, and Grizzly Redwood is beating O'Reilly up when it comes back. Redwood unloads with chops and forearms, but O'Reilly hits the rolling butterfly suplexes for 2. O'Reilly goes up top but Bennett shoves him into the guardrail and I guess that counted as a tag because he comes in and goes after Redwood, who rolls to the other corner and tags Corino. Corino with a rolling elbow and a leg lariat, and he goes for the Magic Thumb, but settles for hitting a combo DDT/Flatliner on Bennett and Redwood. Bennett clotheslines Corino and Redwood hits a DDT on Bennett, O'Reilly goes for a German Suplex on Corino and Redwood sunset flips him into a German Suplex on Corino, and then Bennett hits a spinebuster on Redwood and they're all down. They get up and O'Reilly destroys everyone singlehandedly, then goes up top and hits a double missile dropkick on Corino and Redwood, but Evans grabs O'Reilly as Bennett gets an O'Connor Roll on Redwood and O'Reilly breaks with a stiff kick to Bennett's head. Redwood with an abdominal stretch on O'Reilly and Corino starts to go for the thumb on Redwood, but Bennett nails him and hits a Side Effect for the win.

    Winner: Mike Bennett

    Our next Top 5 Moment is the main event of the first ROH show with Low Ki, Christopher Daniels, and Bryan Danielson going at it in a three way match.

    Michael Elgin vs El Generico

    They follow the Code Of Honor, but then Elgin suckerpunches Generico and works him over in the corner. They exchange blows in the middle of the ring with Generico coming out on top, so Elgin shoves him into the corner but misses a charge and Generico goes for a sunset flip, but Elgin blocks and yanks Generico back to his feet and pops him in the air, but Generico hits a dropkick in midair. Truth Martini grabs Generico's foot from the outside, allowing Elgin to nail him and hit the standing curb stomp. Elgin starts working Generico over with stomps and forearms and then hits repeated side backbreakers and a running senton for 2. Elgin takes Generico to the floor and tries to ram him into the ringpost, but Generico reverses and Elgin hits the post and then Generico tries for a tornado DDT on the floor, but Elgin blocks the move and runs completely across the ringside area and plows Generico into the barricade. Generico beats the count back in, so Elgin continues pounding on him. Generico tries to come back with some clotheslines, but can't take Elgin off his feet so he dodges a charge and Elgin tumbles to the floor. Generico follows him out with a dive, then sends him back in and hits a flying bodypress for 2. Elgin catches Generico with a back elbow and goes for a powerbomb, but Generico escapes and finally hits the tornado DDT for 2. Elgin hits Generico with a couple of hard forearms that make an audible WHAM and then hits a Here It Is Driver for 2. Elgin picks Generico up for a slam and drives him into the corner, then hits a Cyclone for 2. Elgin creams him with another hard forearm and hits a running charge in the corner, Generico tries a running Yakuza Kick in the corner but Elgin blocks him and hits a hard powerbomb type move for 2. Generico finally hits a Yakuza Kick but Elgin no-sells and rips his head off with a hard clothesline for 2. Elgin goes for another clothesline but Generico ducks and hits a half and half suplex for 2. Generico goes for the brainbuster but Elgin accidentally nails the referee and rams Generico into the corner. Truth Martini tries to nail Generico off the top rope but Generico moves and Martini lands on Elgin, but Elgin catches him and hoists him into a fireman's carry, then powerbombs Generico with Truth Martini still on his back. Generico suddenly rolls him up out of nowhere and gets the win.

    Winner: El Generico

    Crowd boos the Generico victory, and Elgin attacks him after the match. Generico fights back, but Roderick Strong runs in and nails Generico from behind with the ROH World Title belt, and then Elgin wipes Generico out and tosses him to the floor. Best match on the show so far, no doubt about it.

    Roderick grabs the mic and tells Elgin he did a great job and sends him to the back because he's done for the night. He says that what we saw here was just a taste of what we're going to see later. Homicide doesn't deserve to be World Champion, but Strong was made to be a World Champion, and tonight is Homicide's chance to prove he's as tough as he thinks he is, but he promises that this pretty boy from Tampa is going to whup his ass and Homicide will realize that only the Strong survive. Homicide runs out to the ring, but Strong and Truth Martini head for the hills. He grabs the microphone and tells Strong that he's not waiting for later tonight, he wants to do this right now. Strong mulls it over, so Homicide hits a dive to the floor and wipes Strong out, and the title is on the line right now!

    ROH World Title Match/Barrio Streetfight: Roderick Strong vs Homicide

    They brawl into the crowd and Homicide gets the advantage, ramming Strong into a chair and then chasing him into the entranceway. They exchange blows in the aisle and Homicide chases Strong back to ringside with a chair and rams it into Strong's ribs. Strong tries to escape into the ring but Homicide goes after him and hits the 10 punch count in the corner, then bites him on the ear. Homicide sets the chair up in the middle of the ring and bulldogs Strong into it, then threatens the referee with the chair. Strong kicks Homicide in the midsection and fires some forearms, but Homicide pokes him in the eyes and tosses him to the floor. Homicide goes out after him and rams him into the guardrail, then picks Strong up in a fireman's carry and dumps him on top of the barricade. Strong rams Homicide into the apron, picks him up in a Torture Rack, and dumps Homicide back first on the apron. Strong rams Homicide into the barricade again and then rolls him into the ring and whips him hard into the corner. Strong lays Homicide in the corner and stands on his face, then sets up a chair in the far corner and goes after Homicide and they end up exchanging blows until Strong dropkicks him in the ribs. Strong gets a second chair and nails Homicide with it, then sets it up in the corner in front of the first one and then takes a third chair and sets it up in the other corner. The crowd chants for one more chair so Strong has Truth Martini hand him one, then he tosses it to the floor just to piss off the crowd. Strong with a snap suplex in the middle of the ring and then gives him the Three Amigos and covers for 2. Homicide gets an overhead belly to belly out of nowhere and Strong gets to his feet and charges him, but Homicide moves and Strong crashes hard into one of the chairs, then Homicide rams him headfirst into another one and then a third. He knocked that last chair free, so Homicide set it back up and rammed Strong into it again and finally hit a bridging T-Bone Suplex for 2. Strong tries to whip Homicide into one of the chairs and Homicide puts on the brakes, but Strong hits a running knee and covers for 2. Strong gets a table and slides it into the ring and sets it up in the corner as Truth Martini tells Homicide he got the streetfight he wanted. Strong goes for a Gibson Driver into the table, but Homicide slips out and hits a tornado DDT through the talbe for a close 2. Homicide sits Strong up top and goes for a top rope Ace Crusher, but Truth Martini runs in and grabs him so Homicide nails him and goes for the Cop Killa, Michael Elgin runs in and Homicide promptly tosses him and then hits the top rope Ace Crusher and running lariat and goes for the cover, but Truth Martini breaks the cover. Homicide grabs Truth Martini, who begs for mercy and then lowblows Homicide and starts mocking him. Truth Martini picks him up and sets for an Ace Crusher, but Homicide spins out and hits an Ace Crusher on Truth Martini. All this distraction gave Strong enough time to recover, hit the Sick Kick, and finish with a vertical suplex into a backbreaker for the win.

    Winner: Roderick Strong

    Elgin helps both Strong and Truth Martini back to the locker room as Homicide gets back to his feet. Homicide takes his t-shirt off and lays it in the middle of the ring, then flips out and slams the table in the middle of the ring, picks up a chair, and cracks the table with it.

    Since this was supposed to be the main event, Kevin Kelly informs us that the Briscoes vs Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin will now close the show.


    We see some videos during intermission, including a look at all of the Top 5 Moments in ROH History (as chosen by someone with different taste than me) and some of the hype videos they ran on TV and HDNet.

    We come back from intermission, and Kevin Kelly is in the ring with Jim Cornette and says that there's been a lot of talk about what's next for ROH. Cornette puts the crowd over for selling the place out and also thanks the internet crowd for showing up and seeing the best wrestling product in the world. He announces that the next time ROH will be on iPPV will be the Wrestlemania weekend events on April 1st and 2nd, and Cornette says that the winner of tonight's World Tag Team Title Match will defend against the winner of Haas & Benjamin vs the Briscoes at one of the shows, and whoever the ROH World Champion is will defend against Christopher Daniels at the other.

    MsChif vs Sara Del Rey

    They duke it out to start and exchange pinning combinations with neither girl getting an advantage. MsChif hits a standing moonsault for 2, but Sara gets a savate kick and a series of running boots to the chest. Sara gets MsChif up in the Gory Special and bridges way forward, but MsChif rolls out of the hold and hits a Northern Lights Suplex for 2. Del Rey bridges out of the move and almost breaks MsChif in half with a powerbomb and covers for 2. MsChif kicks over her own head and gets a Rocker Dropper type move for 2. Sara whips MsChif to the corner and follows in with a rolling somersault kick, but MsChif rolls her up out of nowhere for 2. Sara gets a wrist clutch Angle Slam for the win.

    Winner: Sara Del Rey

    Sara puts the mouth on MsChif after the match and spits at her, so MsChif spits the green mist in Sara's face. Sara goes down and rolls to the floor.

    ROH World Tag Team Title Match: Kings Of Wrestling vs All Night Express

    Titus and Hero start the match and do a feeling out process, Titus tries a shoulderblock but Hero doesn't move. Hero tries one and Titus doesn't move. Hero kills Titus with a chops and then picks a single leg and goes to the ankle, Titus reverses to an abdominal stretch but Hero hiptosses out and Titus hits him with a high knee for 2. Hero backs off and tags Claudio, so Titus tags in Kenny King. Claudio slaps King in the face so King fires some rights at him. Claudio with a pair of knees to the ribs and goes to a hammerlock, but King slips out and hits a series of armdrags and atomic drops Claudio into a flying shoulder tackle by Titus, who covers for 2, so I guess he tagged in. Claudio lays in some chops so Titus chops him back and Claudio tags Hero, but Titus slams him and he and King hit a double team for 2. King back in and nails Hero, and Claudio got a blind tag and tried to sneak in, but the ANX pepper him with a chain of double team moves and then Titus hits a leapfrog bulldog on Hero. KOW go to the floor so King hiptosses Titus over the top onto the champions and then King hits a dive of his own. Titus rolls Claudio back in and covers for 2, but Claudio backdrops Titus to the apron and Titus hits a big boot to Hero, but charges Claudio and then Claudio pops him up into a European Uppercut and Titus falls all the way to the floor. Hero rolls Titus back in and Claudio covers for 2, then yells at the crowd for going HEY! Hero tags in and Claudio whips Titus into a running Yakuza kick, then goes to an armbar. Titus with a hammerlock backbreaker for 2 (that was pretty innovative), then Claudio comes in and just punches Titus in the face before flipping on the crowd for going HEY again. Claudio goes to an armbar then then Hero tags in and they hit a European uppercut and rolling elbow to the back of the head in rapid succession on Titus for 2. Claudio with a running European uppercut for 2, then they get the suplex/running elbow combo that's won them a bunch of matches, but it only gets 2 so Hero just starts kicking Titus in the head instead and then cheapshots King off the apron. Titus nails Hero and puts him up top, but Hero shoves him off and comes off the top rope with a knee to the back of the head and a rolling elbow for 2. Hero with a senton for 2 and then Claudio tags in and puts Titus up top, but Titus blocks the superplex and slips out, dumping Claudio on the top turnbuckle, and makes the hot tag to King. King comes in and cleans house, ripping Hero's head off with a leg lariat and catching the roaring Yakuza kick and turning it into a cradle suplex for 2. Hero counters a spinning boot and hits the roaring Yakuza on the second try, then tags Claudio in. Claudio hits a running European uppercut in the corner and a running kneestrike to the face for 2 then goozles King, but King fights his way out so Claudio just kills him with a clothesline instead. Claudio goes up top but King nails him and goes up as well and Claudio tries to chokeslam King off, but King turns it into a backflip and lands on his feet and hits a big leaping enziguiri, and Titus runs up for a top rope Sex Factor and King covers for 2. King hits the Royal Flush but Hero breaks the cover at 2. Titus tosses Hero to the floor as King kicks Claudio in the head, and Titus suplexes Claudio and King hits a Shooting Star Press and Hero again breaks the cover at the last possible second. All four men are in the ring now and they all lay each other out, and the crowd erupts in applause as all four men are down. Shane Hagadorn tries to toss the loaded elbow pad to Hero but King catches it and tries to nail Hero with it, but Hero escapes and Claudio goes for the UFO. King slips out, but by this time Hero got the elbow pad and nails King with a rolling elbow and Claudio covers for the win.

    Winners: Kings Of Wrestling

    World TV Title Match, 2/3 Falls with a 30 Minute Time Limit: Christopher Daniels vs Eddie Edwards

    They go face to face to start and then they tie up, Edwards takes Daniels to the corner and breaks clean. Daniels goes to the arm with a wristlock, but Edwards with a drop toehold and floats over to a front facelock. Daniels counters to a hammerlock and Edwards reverses to one of his own and then catches the other arm to try and turn it to a guillotine, but Daniels rolls through and breaks clear for a stalemate. Daniels takes Edwards over with a side headlock but Edwards gets to his feet and takes Daniels to the corner again, but this time rams his shoulder into Daniels' ribs and then they exchange armdrags with Edwards coming out on top with an armbar. Edwards converts it into a wristlock and Daniels slips out and goes to a side headlock and takes Edwards down with it. Edwards tries to headscissors his way out of the hold, but Daniels blocks it and keeps the hold, trying unsuccessfully to roll Edwards to his back as we hit the 5 minute mark.

    Edwards gets to his feet and tries to shove Edwards off, but Daniels goes back to the headlock and takes Edwards back down. Edwards shoves Daniels off into the ropes and Daniels takes him down with a shoulderblock and then a second one, but Edwards blocks the third and takes Daniels off his feet with a chop, then picks him back up and floors him with a second one. Edwards whips Daniels to the ropes and hits a knee to the ribs, then snapmares Daniels and kicks him in the back for 2. Edwards goes to a rear chinlock and Daniels elbows his way out, but Edwards hits an inverted atomic drop, superkick to the knee to chop Daniels down, then a Shining Wizard for 2, then it's back to the chinlock. Eddie takes Daniels to the corner and lays in some more hard chops and a running boot to the chest, then facewashes Daniels and hits the running facewash. Edwards covers for 2, then hits another hard chop and goes for a whip but Daniels counters to a backdrop suplex and slowly makes his way to his feet. Daniels runs Edwards over with a clothesline but is still hurting from the last few minutes and can't go for a cover, so he puts Edwards in the corner facing the turnbuckle and chops him in the back, then does it a gain and follows it up with a side neckbreaker for 2.

    We're at 10 minutes now as Daniels kicks Edwards in the back and drops a series of elbows to the back of the neck, and then hits a Northern Lariat for 2. Daniels gets a weird hold that I can only describe as a Million Dollar Dream with the legs, but Edwards rolls backwards and puts Daniels to his shoulders for 2. Daniels recovers right away with a clothesline, but Eddie fires back with chops and forearms and Daniels responds by tackling Edwards to the floor. Daniels goes out after him and they exchange blows on the floor, but Daniels rams the back of Eddie's head to the barricade and then rolls him back into the ring and stomps on the back of his head. Daniels chokes Edwards in the corner with his boot and hits a vertical suplex for 2, then locks Edwards in a neck vice. Edwards fights free, but Daniels nails him and puts him up top for a superplex. Edwards blocks and crotches Daniels on the top rope and then comes leaping out of the corner with a top rope Frankensteiner.

    We're at the halfway point now as Edwards dumps Daniels to the apron and hits a running kick to the chest and then hits a slingshot double stomp and they both tumble to the floor. Edwards rams Daniels into the barricade and hits a running Yakuza kick that sends Daniels tumbling into the crowd. Daniels begins to collect himself and get to his feet as Eddie climbs to the top rope and dives into the crowd and onto Daniels. Eddie dumps Daniels over the guardrail and they head back into the ring, and Edwards hits a missile dropkick, running forearm in the corner, and a bridging Tiger Suplex, but releases the bridge at 2 because of the pain Daniels inflicted on his neck. Edwards hangs Daniels in the Tree Of Woe and hits a running dropkick to the face, then goes out to the aisle and runs clear across the ring to leap up and baseball slide Daniels in the head. Crowd popped big for that and Edwards goes for a top rope double stomp, but Daniels moves, palmstrikes him in the face, bulldogs him into the second turnbuckle, and curb stomps Edwards off the second rope for 2. Daniels with a running forearm to the back of the head and a Burning Hammer for 2. Edwards blocks a uranage attempt, armdrags out of a second, but catches Daniels charging and suplexes him into the corner.

    Both men are down as we hit the 20 minute mark, but Edwards gets to his feet and hits a running forearm in the corner and puts Daniels on top and hits the Backpack Driver for 2. They exchange chops in the middle of the ring and Daniels palmstrikes Edwards and comes off the ropes, but Edwards rolls backwards right into the Achilles Lock. Daniels goes for the ropes and Edwards drags him back to the middle, but Daniels uses the opening to roll through to the Koji Clutch and now Edwards is in trouble. Edwards goes for the Achilles Lock again but Daniels rolls through and gets an Achilles Lock of his own on Edwards. Edwards kicks out of that and gets a Koji Clutch on Daniels. Paul Turner checks the arm but it only drops twice and Daniels rolls Edwards to his shoulders for 2. Daniels with a leaping enziguiri, Edwards responds with a superkick, and Daniels gets a rolling leg cradle for the first fall at the 23 minute mark.

    Daniels: 1, Edwards: 0

    Edwards doesn't stop for a second and drops Daniels with a clothesline. Daniels rolls to the apron and Edwards goes for a double stomp off the top, but Daniels moves and then rams Eddie's back into the ringpost and gets a Blue Thunder Driver on the apron and they both tumble to the floor. THAT looked nasty. Daniels makes it back in the ring first as the referee counts Eddie on the outside.

    We've got five minutes left, and Eddie barely beats the count back in and Daniels spikes him with a piledriver for 2. Daniels pounds the mat in frustration and then goes for the Angel's Wings, but Edwards rams Daniels into the corner with 4 minutes left. Daniels hits a uranage into the corner and goes for another second rope curb stomp, but Edwards rolls through into the Achilles Lock and Daniels taps.

    Daniels: 1, Edwards: 1

    We're tied up with three minutes left. Edwards desperately tries to get the Achilles Lock and Daniels blocks and goes for the Angel's Wings, but Edwards trips him and hits a running kick to the chest. Edwards with an STF and Daniels goes for the ropes, but Edwards pulls him back and hits a full rotation back suplex for 2 with two minutes left. Edwards puts Daniels up top and hits a Superfrankensteiner for 2. Daniels is busted open with one minute left, and Eddie hits a pair of superkicks and charges Daniels, and Daniels tries to hiptoss Eddie over the top rope but they both go to the floor with 30 seconds left. Edwards rolls back in first and the referee continues to count but the bell rings for the time limit.

    Time Limit Draw

    Crowd chants for five more minutes as a bloody Christopher Daniels rolls back into the ring. Edwards goes to check on Daniels along with Kevin Kelly and several officials. Jim Cornette comes out to survey the scene, and he gets the microphone and tells the fans that Daniels is hurt and can't continue the match like last time. Eddie comes out to protest this decision as Daniels is carried to the back, but it looks like it's all said and done, so he waves to the crowd and heads to the back.

    Jay & Mark Briscoe vs Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin

    Jay and Shelton start the match and do a feeling out process. They tie up and go to the corner, but neither man gets an advantage, so they pull apart and Jay shoves Benjamin on the break. Jay gets a go behind and a waistlock, but Benjamin pops the hips and goes behind with a waistlock of his own. Jay reverses back to one of his own, Benjamin with a drop toehold, Jay floats out to a front facelock, Benjamin reverses to one of his own and then goes to a wristlock. Jay rolls out of that and drop toeholds Shelton and goes to a front facelock. Jay drags Benjamin to his corner and tags to Mark, who takes Benjamin down with a hammerlock and scissors the head. Benjamin rolls through and slips out, then goes to a side headlock. Mark gets to his feet and shoves Benjamin into the ropes, Shelton takes him down with a shoulderblock and goes for a second, but Mark dumps him to the apron. Shelton skins the cat back in and Mark gets a sunset flip for 2 and they exchange pinning combinations and end in another stalemate. Haas asks for the tag and Shelton obliges, so Haas comes in and snaps Mark down with an armdrag and drops several knees to Mark's arm and goes to a top wristlock. Haas rams Mark's arm into the corner and then whips him across the ring and follows in with a running forearm. Mark tries fighting back with some chops but Haas no sells and lays in several chops of his own. Mark no sells those and lights Haas up with a hard chop and they tie back up. Mark with a knee to the midsection and tags Jay and they run Haas over with the double football tackle. Jay lays in several boots in the corner, but Haas reverses a whip and hits a hard running forearm in the corner and a dropkick to the face for 2. Shelton comes back in with a hard kick to Jay and Jay tries a whips to the corner, but Shelton leapfrogs into a sunset flip for 2. Shelton goes for a German Suplex but Jay rolls through into a cradle for 2 and we're at another stalemate. Benjamin takes Jay to the corner and rams a hard shoulder to the ribs and then bricks Jay with a chop, Jay responds with one of his own, and they exchange hard forearms until Shelton whips Jay to the ropes and almost literally puts his boot down Jay's throat for 2. Jay tries to get to his corner, but Shelton cuts him off, tags Haas, and slams Jay on Haas' knee. Haas snapmares Jay and flat out punts Jay in the back. Jay gets to his feet and snapmares Haas and punts him in the back, then tags Mark, who comes in with a fistdrop. Mark makes a blind tag as Haas goes for a waistlock and Jay hits a running boot to Haas and then nails Shelton on the apron. Jay gets a European uppercut and then rams several shoulderblocks into Haas in the corner. Jay puts the boots to Haas and chokes him with his boot, then Mark tags in and hits a running clothesline in the corner, followed by a running Yakuza kick in the corner from Jay, and then a hard double whip across the ring and Haas crumples into the ring and Mark covers for 2, then goes to a neck vice. Mark dumps Haas to the floor and he and Jay go out and pick Haas up for a double back suplex and drop him backfist on the barricade. Mark rolls back in as the referee starts the count, but Jay goes after Haas and rolls him back in. Haas fights out of a suplex attempt and goes for a dropkick, but Mark dodges and tags out to Jay. Jay clubs Haas with forearms and goes for a back suplex, but Haas rolls through and hits a release German suplex. Haas makes the hot tag and Shelton comes in and cleans house on the Briscoes, hitting an inverted atomic drop on Mark and then turning him inside out with a running palmstrike. Samoan Drop on Mark followed by the Stinger Splash and a T-Bone Suplex for 2. Mark comes back with Redneck Kung Fu and Shelton tries for a backdrop, but Mark lands on his feet and superkicks Shelton and then Jay kills him with a running Yakuza kick for 2. Jay with a fireman's carry and Shelton slips out, goes for the superkick, Jay catches it and spins Shelton out so Shelton can spinkick him for 2. Haas runs in and hits a BIG Angle Slam on Jay and then they set Jay up for the World's Greatest Leapfrog, but Mark comes in and nails Shelton, Haas nails Mark, and Jay nails Haas. Jay hits a Death Valley Driver on Haas and Mark goes up top, but Shelton runs across the ring and leaps up to the top rope and suplexes Mark clear across the ring and goes for the cover, but Jay makes the save at 2. Shelton and Mark duke it out in the middle of the ring and Mark comes off the ropes right into a superkick to the jaw. Jay pulls Shelton to the floor and dumps him into the crowd, but Haas nails him and they go into the crowd as well. Mark gets to his feet and you know what's happening next: Mark slingshots onto the top rope and springboard off with a somersault dive into the crowd and onto Haas & Benjamin. The Briscoes toss Shelton back into the ring and Mark hits a Finlay Roll and Jay comes off the top with a legdrop and goes for a cover, but Haas breaks at 2. Briscoes work Haas over as the crowd gets a "this is awesome" chant. Jay picks Haas up on his shoulders and Mark goes up top for the Doomsday Device, but Haas slips out as Shelton superkicks Mark off the top and then they hit a Shelton Blockbuster into a Haas spinebuster for the incredibly hard fought win.

    Winners: Charlie Haas & Shelton Benjamin

    The Briscoes hang their heads in the corner as Haas & Benjamin celebrate, then get to their feet with angry looks on their faces. The two teams face off as the crowd is on their feet applauding, then Haas & Benjamin point to Jay & Mark and the crowd starts chanting for the Briscoes. Haas & Benjamin extend their hands and the Briscoes shake. All four men raise their hands in the middle of the ring to the cheers of the crowd as we go off the air.
    Last edited by Smartmark; 02-27-2011 at 05:57 AM.

  2. #2
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    They are having the World Title Match now? :omg:

  3. #3


    Pretty obvious he was gonna win if the match isnt the Main Event and I like long title reigns so awesome hes still champ.

  4. #4
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    ^^ Well yeah. I had a feeling Homicide could have ended up winning, as the stipulation fitted him more, but I don't really care either way tbh, cause I'm not fan of either of them

  5. #5


    2 Real stars of the ROH and you dont like them . Dosent matter about stips in wrestling all a swerve alot of the time.

  6. #6
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    ^^ I admire their wrestling skills. They are just not personal favorites of me

  7. #7


    Michael Elgin's been around for years finally getting a break.

  8. #8
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    ^^ Yeah, I know. He's a underrated wrestler

  9. #9


    Would of been cool to see Daniels vs Homicide or a 3 way.

  10. #10
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    ^^ Cornette Just announced that the winners of tonights Tag Team Match between Briscoes and WGTT will meet the winners of the Tag Team Titles Match.

    WGTT for ROH Tag Team Champions!

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