EPA asks employees to stop pooping in hallway

June 26, 2014 4:28 PM

In an email sent out earlier this year to the employees of Denver’s Region 8 of the EPA, management reportedly acknowledged “several instances” in which employees exhibited bad potty behavior including, but not limited to, pooping in the hallway outside the bathroom.

The purpose of the email, from Deputy Regional Administrator Howard Cantor, was reportedly to ask that the perpetrators stop clogging the toilets with paper towels and “placing feces in the hallway.”

EPA management reportedly sought advice on this issue from John Nicoletti, a known expert on workplace violence. According to Government Executive, Nicoletti’s expert opinion was that poop in the hallway is a health and safety risk, that the behavior is “very dangerous” and that it would “probably escalate” if nothing was done.

Cantor concluded in his email that, “Management is taking this situation very seriously and will take whatever actions are necessary to identify and prosecute these individuals.” He asked that the other employees help identify the pranksters. EPA spokesman Richard Mylott refused to comment on any of it.