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WWE RAW Results - 1st Feb, 2016 2015
Location - Birmingham, Alabama
Announcers - Michael Cole, Byron Saxton, and John Layfield

We begin with the man who earned a spot in the Main Event at Fastlane thanks to his impressive performance last week on Raw. Brock Lesnar is accompanied by Paul Heyman.

Paul Heyman introduces himself and tells us that he is the advocate for mayor of Suplex City, BROCK LESNAR. Paul says they have a lot of business to get to so let's get started.

At the Royal Rumble, Bray Wyatt and his disciples hatched a conspiracy to knock his client out of the title picture. Their plot, plan, conspiracy failed. When he wants to, at his leisure and with his pleasure, Brock Lesnar shall invoke the Eleventh Commandment, thou shalt not mess with Brock Lesnar.

That puts them on the fast track to Fastlane. Last week, Stephanie McMahon did what was beast for business. She announced the title match for Fastlane and it would be brother versus brother versus beast. Dean Ambrose versus Roman Reigns versus Brock Lesnar.

The winner of this match will go on to Wrestlemania to main event for the WWE Championship against Triple H. Paul says that his client has authorized him to say that at Fastlane, Brock Lesnar will both imprison Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose into Suplex City. Brock will F-5 Roman Reigns. Brock Lesnar will F-5 Dean Ambrose. He will put one man on top of the other where he will pin both men. Then he will go on to Wrestlemania to beat the Billion Dollar Trophy Husband where he will once again become the WWE Champion.

Paul says that no one is selling two thirds of the Shield lightly. Roman Reigns knows what it is like to face Brock Lesnar and be put down. He needs to tell this to Dean Ambrose. He rode the short bus to school.

Dean Ambrose comes out and he makes his way to the ring.

Dean asks Porky who is he calling a nutjob. Dean says he has never been in the lair of a beast before and it is cozy. Dean says he told himself that this could have been a bad idea, but right now it looks like he might be crazy, but he ain't crazy. He ain't crazy, stupid, or afraid of Brock. He says he has all the respect in the world for Brock. He wants to look in Brock's eyes so he can tell him he wants the title and he wants it so bad he will fight his own brother for it. He will fight Brock for it.

Does he want to fight Brock? Not really. He knows the beating that Brock will give him at Fastlane. He knows the beating that Roman will give him at Fastlane. Take him to Suplex City. You can throw him on his head. Be prepared to give him the worst beating of his life. Dean says that he is the iron man of the WWE. He will bring his broken body to Wrestlemania and he will take the title from Triple H.

Out of respect, he thought he would come out to tell Brock. He tells Paul he wanted to see what the fuss was about.

Dean goes to the back and Paul and Brock discuss what just happened.

Kalisto is walking in the back because he will be in the next match against Rusev.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Alberto Del Rio is on commentary for this match.

Non Title Match
Kalisto vs Rusev (with Lana)

They lock up and Rusev backs Kalisto into the corner and pats him on the chest on a break. They lock up again and Rusev misses a punch and Kalisto with kicks. Rusev pushes Kalisto away and he goes to the floor. Rusev chases Kalisto around the ring and back in and Kalisto with a kick. Rusev with a knee and then he tries to slam Kalisto but Kalisto with a kick and he goes for a head scissors take down but Rusev holds on. Kalisto escapes a power bomb attempt. Rusev with a back elbow.

Rusev with kicks to Kalisto. Rusev tries for a power bomb but Kalisto is able to counter with a rana to send Rusev over the top rope. Kalisto goes for a springboard move and Rusev with a super kick.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Rusev with a bear hug. Rusev sends Kalisto into the turnbuckles and connects with a shoulder followed by a splash. Rusev with a suplex throw. Rusev gets a near fall. Rusev runs into an elbow. Kalisto with a kick and he hits a tornado DDT off the turnbuckles. Kalisto with an enzuigiri and he hits a springboard seated senton and a corkscrew cross body. Rusev catches Kalisto on a cross body attempt and Rusev hits a uranage and gets a near fall.

Rusev with an Irish whip and he misses a charge into the corner and hits the ring post shoulder first. Kalisto with a rollup for a near fall. Kalisto with a jaw breaker and a drop kick to the knees. Kalisto with a head scissors driver for a near fall.

Del Rio gets up from the announce table to motivate Rusev and Kalisto with a baseball slide to Rusev. Kalisto with a cross body off the turnbuckles but Rusev catches Kalisto. Kalisto lands on his feet on a fallaway slam attempt. Kalisto with a drop kick to the back that sends Rusev into the ring steps.

Rusev sends Kalisto onto the announce table and he hits a rana that sends Rusev into the ringside barrier. Kalisto rolls back in and the referee makes it to ten.

Winner: Kalisto(by count out)

After the match
Del Rio tries to attack Kalisto but Kalisto gets away.

We go to commercial.

We see Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns in the office and Stephanie enters and she says it was only 8 days ago that this championship belt was your until her husband beat the all.

Roman says it took 29 or more guys to do it.

Stephanie says Dean said he would do anything to become champion. Roman knows what it is like to be the champion.

Roman says after Fastlane, one of them will be the number one contender and they will be closer.

Stephanie says that they are missing the third component. She does not think that Dean really wanted to go to Suplex City. Stephanie talks about people who got knocked out of groups. She mentions Marty Jannetty with Sean Michaels, Randy Orton with Evolution and Dean and Roman with Seth Rollins. Stephanie wonders how long Dean wants to be known as Roman's buddy.

Stephanie says that they will be in the main event against the New Day. United you stand, but divided you will fall at Fastlane.

We get an update on Nikki Bella.

Renee Young is with Brie Bella. Renee asks Brie about Nikki's recovery. She says that the doctors are optimistic that she can get back in the ring. She says that Nikki is watching a lot of the WWE Network. Renee mentions that Brie and Nikki will be on Ride Along.

Charlotte appears with Ric Flair. She tells Brie to give Nikki her best when she sees her. Charlotte says that she cannot believe she might have caused the surgery that could have ended Nikki's career. Charlotte wonders why should she be sorry since she is on her way to becoming the longest reigning Divas Champion.

We go to commercial.

Before our next match, Heath Slater has something to say. Heath throws out an Uce-oh. They might not be family but they chose each other. Adam says they are four sons of anarchy riding off into the stratosphere. Curtis says they are the closest group of brothers in the WWE. Curtis wants to know where Bo is. Curtis wants Bo to come out.

Adam says he BoLieves they forgot him in the back. Heath says that Bo-Rida said he would not be here tonight. He is in the studio mixing some beats. Just like they are going to beat the Usos.

Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso vs Curtis Axel and Adam Rose (with Heath Slater)

Axel and Jey start things off and Curtis kicks Jey. Axel with more kicks and Rose tags in and connects with a knee drop from the turnbuckles for a near fall. Jey with punches but Rose with a knee. Rose with clotheslines in the corner to Jey and he tags in Axel who chokes Jey on the ropes. Slater gets in a punch and then Axel kicks Jey and gets a near fall. Axel with a reverse chin lock.

Axel with an Irish whip and Axel with a drop kick to Jey. Rose tags in and he kicks Jey and applies a sleeper. Jey punches Rose but Rose with a forearm. Jey has a kick blocked and Jey with a dragon whip. Jimmy tags in and he connects with a forearm to Axel on the apron and then he super kicks Slater off the turnbuckles. Jimmy with a super kick to Axel followed by a thrust kick to Rose. Jimmy and Jey with a double super kick. Jey goes up top for a frog splash and the three count.

Winners: Jimmy Uso and Jey Uso

We go to Miz in the back getting ready for MizTV.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Miz is in the ring for MizTV.

Miz says that since his debut at the Royal Rumble, the WWE has been buzzing about his guest, AJ Styles. He is a man who has captivated audiences all over the world. Miz says he was meditating and he says that guests like AJ are why he provides a public service for people like AJ. Miz says that this is a forum for storytelling. AJ's story is phenomenal.

AJ makes his way to the ring.

Miz says that AJ finally made it. The WWE Universe wants to know who AJ Styles is. AJ says it is easy. Miz says that AJ is someone who was told that he did not have IT. You were the smallest of four brothers. You earned every morsel of respect. You tried out for the football team and you were classified as too small. You were told to take up other interests.

AJ was the first one in the gym and the last to leave. By the team he made it on the field he showed how good he is. He shows that it is not the size of the dog in the fight that is important.

He showed what he could do in the ring in holes in the wall towns like Tallahassee and Timbuktu. You saw that great white whale look more unobtainable. Through blood, sweat, and tears, you became an entrant in the Royal Rumble match. That moment of feeling must have felt like an accomplishment.

Miz says that questions remain. Doubts still linger. You lasted 28 minutes in the Royal Rumble. Then on Monday, you beat Chris Jericho. Where do you go from here?

Miz takes the mic from AJ and he says that AJ reminds him of his former protege Daniel Bryan. Daniel was short in stature. He was an indie darling. He was a wrassler. Daniel did nothing until he took Daniel under his wing. That was when he attained greatness. Miz says that people call him the Father of the Yes Movement. Miz says he wants to help and guide AJ. He wants to mentor AJ Styles to take him to levels he has never seen before. All you have to do is say yes.

Miz tells people to stop booing him and he mentions how he main evented Wrestlemania. AJ may have been a big fish in a small pond, but this ocean is full of sharks. Miz says the E is just as important as the W. Miz asks if you think a rookie redneck like AJ Styles can make it in the WWE without his guidance. There is no chance in hell.

Styles punches Miz and he punches Miz in the corner and he throws Miz around the ring. AJ with more punches and Miz goes to the floor and he leaves the ring.

We take a look back at the opening segment of Raw.

We go to commercial.

We are back and it is time to honor Black History Month.

Non Title Match
Brie Bella (with Alicia Fox) vs Charlotte (c) (with Ric Flair)

Charlotte does push ups to mock Nikki. They lock up and Brie with forearms. Brie with a kick and clothesline. Brie with a kick to the knee and she follows with Kicks of Yes. Brie with a drop kick and it is time for the BRIE MODE running knee but Charlotte recovers and sends Brie to the floor. Charlotte sends Brie back into the ring. Charlotte sends Brie face first into the mat and she gets a near fall.

Charlotte with a cravate and knees. Charlotte pulls Brie down by the hair. Charlotte with a snap mare and she applies a figure four head scissors and drives Brie's head into the mat. Brie with clotheslines followed by a bulldog and Brie gets a near fall. Charlotte goes for a neck breaker but Brie counters with a backslide and she gets a near fall. Brie with a drop kick and a BRIE MODE running knee.

Brie with a sleeper and Ric gets on the apron. Alicia comes over and she yells at Flair. Flair kicks at Alicia but misses. Charlotte with a running backpack stunner to get out of the hold. Charlotte goes for the figure four but Brie counters with an inside cradle for the three count.

Winner: Brie Bella

We see what happened after the main event of Smackdown when Big Show came out to help Chris Jericho, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns.

We go to commercial.

We are back with information about Bret Hart announcing he has prostate cancer.

Big Show vs Erick Rowan (with Luke Harper and Braun Strowman)

Show picks up the ring steps to keep Strowman at bay before the match starts.

Show with punches to Rowan followed by an Irish whip but Rowan with an elbow followed by forearms. Rowan tries for a suplex but Show blocks it and hits a suplex of his own. Show with a clothesline and a double thrust. Show with a running butt bump into the corner followed by a shoulder tackle. Show knocks Harper off the apron. Show grabs Rowan by the throat and Show sees Strowman get on the apron so he spears him into the announce table. Rowan attacks Show but Show with a choke slam for the three count.

Winner: Big Show

After the match
Strowman gets face to face with Show. Harper and Strowman attack Show but Show fights back for a moment. Rowan recovers and it is a three on one attack. Harper with a running boot to Show and then Harper rakes at the eyes. Strowman with a running shoulder tackle to Show. They take Show to the floor and Strowman and Rowan Irish whip Show into the ring steps. Harper goes onto the ring steps and he hits a super kick while Rowan and Strowman hold Show. Strowman and Rowan pick up Show and slam him onto the ring steps.

We go to commercial.

We are back with a look at the devastating attack on Big Show after his match against Erick Rowan.

Tyler Breeze appeared in the Goldman Box and he says Titus reminisces about when he was a super jock hero. An uggo like that looks best when he has a helmet on his head.

Titus O'Neil vs Tyler Breeze

They lock up and Titus sends Tyler into the corner but Tyler with a kick. Titus catches Tyler and hits three back breakers and then he tosses Tyler aside. Titus with a bark into a splash in the corner. Tyler with a shot to the knee and he takes Titus down. Tyler sends Titus' knee into the ring post. Tyler kicks Titus in the back of the knee. Tyler with an elbow drop to the leg and he applies a single leg crab.

Tyler pulls Titus towards the corner but Titus pulls Tyler across the ring. Titus misses a boot and hits a clothesline. Titus with Clash of the Titus for the three count.

Winner: Titus O'Neil

Brock and Paul are in the locker room and Paul says that you do not play into other people's hands.

Hunter enters and he wants to talk to Brock alone. Paul, after hesitating, leaves.

Hunter asks if he saw little Dean Ambrose get in the face of the beast and then live to tell the story. Hunter asks if things are getting soft in Suplex City.

Brock says we will find out at Wrestlemania.

Hunter leaves.

We go to commercial.

Dolph Ziggler vs Kevin Owens

Ziggler tries for a super kick and Owens avoids it and goes to the floor. Owens attacks Ziggler on the floor with a forearm and he gets back in the ring. Owens brings Ziggler back into the ring and connects with a forearm. Ziggler with a drop kick. Owens blocks a hesitation DDT and sends Ziggler over the ringside barrier into Yeatonville.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Owens with a forearm to the back. Owens with crossfaces to Ziggler and he applies a reverse chin lock. Ziggler with a jawbreaker and he misses a super kick. Owens sends Ziggler into the turnbuckles face first and Ziggler goes down hard. Owens with a cannonball. Owens kicks Ziggler. Ziggler with punches to Owens but Owens with a back elbow. Owens kicks Ziggler. Owens with a crossface to Ziggler.

Owens with a short arm clothesline and then he dedicates a back senton to Cole, but Ziggler rolls out of the way. Owens misses a charge into the corner and hits the ring post. Ziggler with a few Stinger Splashes into the corner. Owens with a clothesline and he says it is over. Owens sends Ziggelr into the ropes for a pop up power bomb and Ziggler holds the ropes. Owens goes over the top rope but lands on the apron when Ziggler ducks.

Ziggler with a super kick and Owens falls off the apron. Ziggler with a Fameasser on the floor. Ziggler sends Owens into the ring and he gets a near fall. Ziggler tries for a Zig Zag but Owens holds the ropes. Owens with a super kick and Owens gets a near fall. Owens walks across Ziggler's chest and he goes up top for a Swanton but Ziggler gets up and he stops Owens. Owens head butts Ziggler to the mat. Ziggler climbs up again and Owens gets to the mat and he crotches Ziggler and puts him in the tree of woe. Owens with a cannonball followed by a pop up power bomb attempt but Ziggler leaps over Owens and hits a Zig Zag for the three count.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

After the match
Ziggler celebrates in the crowd while Owens slaps JBL's hat off the announce table.

In honor of Black History Month, we take a look at Mark Henry.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Sasha Banks has the mic. She says the Boss is back. This time, it is on her terms. No more sitting in the back and watching other divas getting her opportunities. No more sitting in the back watching other divas steal her spotlight. That is why she is on her own. Nothing will stop her from becoming Divas Champion. She tells Charlotte that Becky might be crying for another title match and Brie might have beaten you earlier, but neither of them can hold a candle to her.

Tamina and Naomi make their way to the stage and Naomi says to look at baby girl. She is spreading her wings going out on her own.

Sasha tells them not to take this personally, but she came out to be the best.

Naomi says they feel the same way. That is why they are out here. They are here to assure Sasha that there are no hard feelings. They are veterans and they know that friendships come to an end at some point. You need to make your own legacy. Naomi says they won't let this manifest until there is a huge twitter war.

Naomi says they are trying to say that they can be competitors but still be sisters.

Sasha asks if she is here to give them her blessing. She asks if they have her back.

They do the UNITY fist stacking.

We go to commercial.

Sasha Banks vs Becky Lynch

They lock up and Sasha sends Becky to the mat. Becky with a waist lock and Sasha with a standing switch. Becky with a standing switch and waist lock take down. Sasha with an arm drag and she gets a near fall. Becky with another near fall. Sasha with a cover but Becky bridges up. Sasha with a rollup after Becky drops down as Sasha comes off the ropes. Becky with an arm drag into an arm bar. Sasha with an Irish whip and she puts Becky on the middle rope and connects with a double knee drop.

Sasha chokes Becky in the corner. Becky with a punch and forearms. Sasha with a forearm and wrist lock. Sasha goes to the turnbuckles for leverage on an arm drag. Sasha misses a charge into the corner and Becky tries for a double jump side kick but Sasha sends Becky to the floor.

Sasha stops Naomi and Tamina from attacking Becky so she tells them she does not need them.

Sasha turns around and sends Becky into the ring. Naomi and Tamina push Sasha so Sasha pushes back. Tamina and Naomi pull Sasha out of the ring.

The referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Sasha Banks (by disqualification)

After the match
Becky attacks Naomi but Naomi with knees and she sends Becky into the ring. Tamina sends Sasha into the ring. Becky attacks Naomi while Sasha takes care of Tamina.

Michael Cole tells us that after Raw, Legends with JBL returns and his guest is Ron Simmons.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Renee Young is with Chris Jericho in the interview area. She asks Chris about AJ's win over him. Chris says everyone is talking about the new kid in town, except for him. He is not talking about him, he is thinking about him. The match was amazing. It was a match for the ages. Everything about it was tremendous, except for the finish. Anything can happen in the WWE. It proves that AJ is here for the long haul. He showed it against Miz on MizTv. Chris says that he is going to see what transpires on Thursday between AJ and Miz on Smackdown. Chris says he cannot wait to see it.

Truth is in the bathroom and he complains about Goldust calling and texting him. Goldust is in the stall Truth opens. Goldust says all he wants to know if Truth will be his tag team partner to form Golden Truth.

Truth says he is flattered and he appreciates it but he does not want to tag with Goldust.

Goldust asks why and Truth says that he is a weirdo. He tells Goldust he has doo doo on his foot. Goldust asks Truth who was his last tag team partner. Goldust reminds Truth about Little Jimmy, someone who was imaginary.

Truth leaves and Goldust says that he meant interplanetary like his weird brother.

Big E says hello to BOOTYham as the New Day makes their way to the ring.

Big E swims in the ring while Kofi runs the ropes and Xavier plays Francesca 2.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Paul Heyman is at ringside to join on commentary.

Xavier says they are sick and tired of hearing what everyone is talking about. Xavier says BootyGate is putting so much pressure on Francesca 2 that she cannot sleep at night. Big E says he is not talking about what Amber Rose said about Kanye. Xavier says they are talking about comments from the Inappropriate One. They were comments more appropriate for Too Hot For TV on the WWE Network.

Kofi says they are here to ReShame Rock. Big E says that Rock has a problem with foul language. This is a family program. Big E tells Rock to think about the children and babies.

Kofi says they love children. Kofi says that they will still fight the kids. They will fight them out of love. Xavier says they are for equal treatment of children and trombones around the world. Big E says that tonight is about revenge. Xavier says they are going to beat up the Rock's cousin and Kofi says that they are going to beat up the Rock's cousin's friends.

Xavier says they are going to take care of Dean and Roman and they will lay them to rest. Kofi asks do you know why? Big E says that New Day Rocks.

Non Title Match
Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose vs Kofi Kingston and Big E (with Xavier Woods)

Roman and Kofi start things off. Kofi with a side head lock into a hammer lock and wrist lock. Kofi pushes Reigns away. Kofi with a side head lock. Reigns gets Kofi on his shoulders but Kofi escapes. Roman with a punch to Kofi. Dean tags in and he punches Kofi. Ambrose with a Sliding D to Kofi. Dean misses a chop and Kofi with a chop of his own. Kofi chops Dean a few more times and then Dean with chops in the corner.

Ambrose with a slam and he tags in Roman. Reigns with an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Reigns with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot. Reigns with a kick to the midsection. Reigns signals for the Superman punch but Kofi is pulled to safety.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Kofi punches Reigns. Kofi chokes Reigns over the apron and Woods gets in a shot. We see Big E running Reigns into the ringside barrier during the commercial break. Kofi kicks and chokes Reigns. Big E tags in and kicks Reigns and punches him in the midsection. Big E with kicks and he chokes Reigns. Big E goes to the apron and he sets for the splash on the apron but Reigns moves and Big E falls to the floor.

Ambrose tags in and Ambrose with punches and chops to Big E. Ambrose with a running forearm. Ambrose with a running forearm and a bulldog. Ambrose sends Kingston to the floor and sends him into the ringside barrier. Ambrose is caught by Big E but Ambrose drops down and Big E goes over the top rope to the floor. Ambrose with a suicide dive onto Big E. Ambrose rolls Big E back into the ring and Kofi distracts the referee so Woods drop kicks Ambrose into the ring steps.

The referee sends Reigns back into the corner. Kofi with a running kick to Ambrose. Kofi sends Ambrose into the ring and gets a near fall. Woods calls for the stampede so Kofi kicks Ambrose. Big E tags in and he kicks Ambrose. Kofi tags in and he kicks Ambrose. Big E tags back in and he kicks Ambrose. Kofi tags in and Big E Irish whips Kofi for a drop kick into the corner and it is time on Raw when we dance.

Kofi with a snap mare and a kick to the chest. Kofi gets a near fall. Kofi with an arm bar. Kofi with a European uppercut and then he runs Dean into the corner. Big E tags in and hits a running shoulder in the corner and Big E gets a near fall. Big E with an abdominal stretch to Ambrose and it is time to play the Booty Bongos.

Ambrose bites Big E but Big E with a back elbow thanks to Tricep Meat and he gets a near fall. Kofi tags in and Ambrose with punches but Kofi with a knee and slam. Kofi goes up top but he is met with a punch to the midsection. Big E tags in and Dean blocks a suplex and Dean with a suplex of his own. Reigns and Kofi tag in and Reigns with clotheslines followed by a flying clothesline.

Reigns with a tilt-a-whirl slam. Reigns with Neverending Story to Kofi followed by an uppercut. Reigns is distracted by Woods and Big E so Kofi is allowed to hit a pendulum kick. Big E tags in and Reigns with a Samoan drop and both men are down. Ambrose tags in and Dean goes up top and hits the elbow to the chest and he gets a near fall. Kofi sends Dean to the floor and Woods attacks Dean. Woods sends Dean back into the ring but Dean spins on the apron and hits a clothesline. Kofi with a baseball slide. Reigns with a Superman punch off the steps. Big E with a belly-to-belly suplex onto the announce table. Big E with a shoulder tackle to Ambrose.

Big E sets for the Spike Big Ending but Kofi misses. Reigns with a Superman punch to Kofi while Ambrose hits a double underhook DDT on Big E for the three count.

Winners: Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose

After the match
Brock Lesnar comes to the ring but it is a way for the New Day to attack Reigns and Ambrose. Reigns with a punch to Kofi. Kofi with a back heel kick and Lesnar hits an F-5 on Ambrose.

We go to credits.