Otis and Dolph Ziggler to battle in Money in the Bank Qualifying Match

WWE Money In The Bank qualifying action continues as Otis battles rival Dolph Ziggler and Mandy Rose faces Carmella. Daniel Bryan also seeks payback against King Corbin and The New Day meet The Forgotten Sons in a non-title match.

- Tonight's WWE SmackDown on FOX opens up from the closed-set WWE Performance Center in Orlando. Michael Cole welcomes us and he's joined by Corey Graves. They hype tonight's line-up. Graves says there will be a new episode of Firefly Fun House with Bray Wyatt tonight.

Daniel Bryan vs. King Baron Corbin

We go to the ring for tonight's opener and out comes Daniel Bryan as Greg Hamilton does the introductions. We see the Money In the Bank briefcase hanging high above the ring.

Bryan takes the mic and talks about overcome new challenges and trying new things at this point in his career. He's excited for the most unique Money In the Bank Ladder Match ever, from WWE HQ. Bryan goes on hyping up the MITB matches, and says they will risk it all. Bryan goes on about the match and wonders if he can just take the elevator to the roof. Bryan doesn't know a lot about the match but he is excited, and he's excited for the opportunity. Bryan recalls how he cashed in years ago to win the WWE Title from Big Show. Bryan says he is something most people thought was impossible but winning MITB was the pivotal moment in his career. That's what spawned The Yes Movement, spawned him headlining WrestleMania and more, to prove he belonged in WWE with the very best. Bryan is excited but he's also kind of sad. He was hoping partner, friend and trainer Drew Gulak would get to be in the match with him. Bryan goes on and says King Baron Corbin ruined that opportunity, along with his cronies. Bryan calls Corbin to the ring.

The music hits and out comes Corbin to the stage with his scepter. Corbin scolds Bryan for calling out a king. Corbin threatens Bryan and shows us how Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura helped him defeat Gulak in a MITB qualifying match last week, and the post-match attack. Corbin says that felt good. He wants to save Bryan some time because Bryan will not be winning Money In the Bank. Corbin says he will stand on the roof of WWE HQ and look down at his subjects as King Money In the Bank. Bryan taunts Corbin for previously failing to cash in and says that makes him a loser. Corbin threatens him again, saying he will end up like Elias. They have a few more words as the promo goes for almost 10 minutes. Corbin threatens to come to the ring and shut Bryan up. We get ready for the match to start as Cole sends us to commercial.

Back from the break and they lock up to start. Corbin backs off and talks some trash before locking up again. Corbin takes it back to the corner and backs off as the referee counts. Bryan lands a big kick to the leg. They go to lock up but Corbin rams Bryan back into the corner and works him over with big right hands. Bryan comes out of the corner with more kicks. Bryan takes Corbin down. Corbin gets back up and connects with a knee to the gut. Corbin drops Bryan with a big shoulder and points to the briefcase. Bryan comes back and drops Corbin by the knee. Bryan delivers several kicks to beat Corbin around the ring.

Bryan takes Corbin back down and works on the leg. Bryan with a knee bar now. Corbin gets to the bottom rope to break it up. Corbin slowly gets up and is limping a bit. Corbin avoids another kick. Corbin keeps getting kicked as he tries to go in. Corbin grabs Bryan this time and puts him down. Bryan turns it around and has Corbin on the mat face-down. More back and forth now. Corbin gets up and puts Bryan back down with a right hand to the mouth. Corbin kicks Bryan around and talks more trash in his face.

Corbin calls Bryan washed up while beating him and keeping him down with elbows. Corbin continues the trash talking, mentioning Gulak and Bryan's family. Bryan unloads at Corbin but Corbin cuts him off and takes him back to the corner. Bryan is on the top now, fighting back. Corbin lands a big right hand, knocking Bryan from the top and then sending him out to the floor. Corbin stands tall and we go back to commercial with the referee counting.

Back from the break and Corbin continues to dominate Bryan, grounding him with a knee to the face in the middle of the ring. Corbin unloads and keeps control. More back and forth now. They trade counters and pin attempts. They get back up and go at it but Corbin runs out, then back in with a big clothesline. Bryan still kicks out at 2 and Corbin argues with the referee about his count.

Corbin continues talking trash in Bryan's face. The referee warns him about grabbing Bryan's hair. Corbin with more offense, including a big knee to the face. Corbin works on Bryan's shoulder, keeping him down with more trash talking and strikes. Corbin rocks Bryan back into the corner. Bryan ends up hitting a big suicide dive to the floor. Bryan comes back in and hits a missile dropkick. Bryan with kicks now, kicking Corbin all around the ring. Bryan applies the ankle lock on Corbin now. Bryan drags Corbin away from the ropes and stomps on his ankle. Bryan with a big kick to the face for a 2 count, and another. Bryan with a third straight pin attempt but Corbin keeps kicking out.

Bryan continues to kick Corbin's left leg while he's down. Bryan sends Corbin into the corner and hits the running dropkick. Bryan runs again but Corbin comes out of the corner and connects with Deep Six. Corbin covers for a 2 count and he can't believe Bryan kicks out. Corbin mounts Bryan and talks more trash while pounding on him with rights. Bryan slides out and goes for a half-Crab but Corbin gets the bottom rope. Bryan yells about going for Corbin's arm now as he starts stomping on it. Corbin is on the floor now.. Bryan runs and goes for a dive. Bryan goes on and stays on Corbin at ringside until Corbin uses a ladder next to the ramp to hit Bryan with. The referee calls the match.

Winner by DQ: Daniel Bryan

- After the bell, it's announced that Bryan wins by DQ. Corbin throws a fit and yells at the referee. Corbin brings a ladder into the ring and then brings Bryan in. Corbin points at the referee and says what's about to happen is on him. Corbin goes for End of Days on the ladder but Bryan counters. Bryan takes Corbin down on top of the ladder and applies the Yes Lock on top of the steel. Corbin yells out until Cesaro and Shinsuke Nakamura make the save with a Kinshasa to the head. Bryan gets double teamed now. Cesaro sends Bryan out of the ring with a ladder. Corbin takes Bryan to the stage and throws him off, into the group of standing ladders next to the stage. Bryan knocks over the ladders and lands on them as Corbin looks on. Corbin's music hits as he stands on the stage with Cesaro and Nakamura. We go to replays. Corbin, Cesaro and Nakamura look down at Bryan laid out on the ladders.

- We see WWE Women's Tag Team Champion Alexa Bliss talking backstage with WWE Universal Champion Braun Strowman. Strowman walks off to the ring. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Cole looks at how WWE Champion Drew McIntyre recently sent a custom title belt to a World War II veteran, Captain Tom Moore, for his 100th birthday.

- We go back to the ring and out comes WWE Universal Champion Braun Strowman.

Strowman talks about last week's look at his history with The Wyatt Family. He goes to issue a warning to Bray Wyatt for their match at WWE Money In the Bank but the Firefly Fun House music interrupts. We see Wyatt at the Fun House.

Wyatt says hello to Braun. He says he has something special for all of tonight. The kids in the Fun House cheer. Wyatt says tonight is story time and he's telling The Story of The Black Sheep. Wyatt is reading from a book with that title, showing a cartoon version of Strowman's old sheep mask on the front. Wyatt tells the story as a version of their history. Strowman is the black sheep and Wyatt is the shepherd. The black sheep was selfish and one day left the shepherd, making him sad. Then all of his sheep left one day, making it worse. Wyatt tells a wacky ending to the story, The End. Wyatt says that's a sad ending, doesn't Strowman agree? Let's come up with a happy ending, one where the shepherd finds the black sheep, reminds him of his mistakes and takes away what makes him happy. Strowman touches the title. Wyatt goes on with a threat but Strowman interrupts.

Strowman says he's done with this puppet and Fun House stuff. If Wyatt has something to say, come to the ring and say it in his face. Wyatt just looks at Strowman, starts smiling and then waves goodbye. Wyatt will see Strowman soon. Strowman looks back down at his title, touching it again. That's the end of the segment.

- We see Sheamus backstage warming up. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Cole mentions tonight's show being held at the WWE Performance Center. We see the building as Cole sends us to a new WWE video for Make-A-Wish and World Wish Day, narrated by John Cena. Cena touts how Cena has granted more wishes than any other celebrity or sports figure in history.

Sheamus vs. Leon Ruff

We go back to the ring and out comes Sheamus. Sheamus stares Cole down at ringside. Cole and Graves talk about Sheamus' incident with Cole and how Sheamus feels disrespected. Enhancement talent Leon Ruff of EVOLVE waits in the ring.

The bell hits and Ruff starts with two dropkicks. Sheamus takes the first and swats away the second. Sheamus looks to go to work now, despite Ruff trying to land a bunch of offense. Sheamus manhandles Ruff, dropping him with a backbreaker. Ruff is still swinging. Sheamus holds Ruff in position and easily drops him with two more backbreakers. Sheamus looks bothered as he just tosses Ruff across the ring to the floor.

Sheamus pulls Ruff up to the apron and talks some trash before unloading with the forearms to the chest. The referee warns Sheamus and he barks back. Sheamus drags Ruff to the corner and backs off to wait for him to get back up. Sheamus yells out and delivers a big Brogue Kick to level Ruff in the middle of the ring. Sheamus easily covers for the pin to win.

Winner: Sheamus

- After the match, Sheamus hits the corner to pose as his music hits. We go to replays. Sheamus goes to the announce table and asks Cole if he's going to talk about his best mate now, Jeff Hardy. Cole says as a matter of fact we are because it's time for the final part of the recent series on Jeff. Sheamus says let's see it.

- We cut to the "Chapter Four: The Comeback" video on Jeff Hardy now, the fourth and final part of the recent series on SmackDown. The first 3 videos in the series were The Rise, The Fall, and The Redemption. Hardy talks about returning from his injury and the 2020 version of himself. He says there is something special for him in WWE. He's very blessed to be here, especially after the dark days. Jeff knows he's got it in him to get back to what he needs to do, and to do it better than he's ever done it. Jeff goes on and says this is what he was born to do, and the sky is the limit for the future. Cole announces that Jeff will be back on next week's SmackDown. We see Sheamus standing there with his arms crossed, looking at Cole. Sheamus tells Cole that Hardy will be here next week, but so will he. Sheamus pats Cole on the back and walks off.

- Kayla Braxton is backstage with Otis and Mandy Rose. She mentions their Money In the Bank qualifying matches tonight. Otis says he beat Dolph Ziggler at WrestleMania 36 and will do it again tonight, this is just the beginning. Otis says he will win the MITB briefcase and so will his beautiful peach. Rose also talks about facing Carmella and what's happened to her friendship with Sonya Deville. Rose says what happened with Deville did hurt her but she's looking forward, not back. Carmella is a former champion and briefcase holder but she says Carmella has another thing coming if she thinks she can just moonwalk all over Rose. Rose is confident about she and Otis winning the briefcases because the risk is worth the reward. But first thing's first, she's got this win tonight. She kisses Otis on the cheek and walks off, leaving Otis stunned.

Money In the Bank Qualifying Match: Carmella vs. Mandy Rose

We go to the ring for the final women's Money In the Bank qualifying match as Carmella makes her way out. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and out comes Mandy Rose as we see the briefcase hanging above the ring. The bell rings and they lock up. Rose takes control on the mat first. Rose shows her up some and gets to her feet. Carmella fights back from the mat and shows off with a moonwalk. They lock up again and go at it. they run the ropes and Carmella nails a big kick to the face while Rose is sitting on the mat. Carmella grounds Rose now.

Rose turns it around and slams Carmella for a 2 count. Rose grounds Carmella in the middle of the ring now. The music hits and out comes Sonya Deville with a mic. She speaks from the stage as they go at it in the ring. Deville continues to try and distract Rose, reminding her that she gave Rose her MITB spot last year. Rose keeps fighting Carmella but looks to be getting distracted.

Rose works Carmella over in the corner. Carmella drops Rose as Deville continues to taunt Rose from the stage, eating her imaginary popcorn. Carmella turns it around and takes Rose to the corner, then to the mat. Deville says she's tired of just watching. She threatens to go to the ring as Rose levels Carmella with a big strike in the middle of the ring. Deville keeps ranting, telling Rose that karma is a b---h, b---h, so bring it on. This leads to Carmella dropping Rose for the pin to win and qualify.

Winner: Carmella

- After the match, Carmella celebrates as her music hits. Rose is slow to recover. Deville runs to the ring and attacks Rose as the referee warns her. Deville talks trash, telling Rose she will never be as good as her. Deville takes it to the floor and continues to destroy Rose, sending her into the barrier and then the steel steps. Deville charges and rams Rose against the steps with a running knee to the back of the head. Deville backs up against the barrier and looks on a bit crazy. Cole says Deville has snapped. WWE officials run down to check on Rose. Deville backs up the ramp and says she's done. We go to replays. Deville tries to run back down but the referee holds her back. Deville continues to yell out about how she will ruin Rose's life.

- Still to come, Otis vs. Ziggler and The New Day vs. The Forgotten Sons. Back to commercial.

- Back from the break and Otis is with Mandy Rose and a trainer. The medic checks Rose out and she says she will be alright. The trainer needs a few more minutes with Rose and Otis heads off. Dolph Ziggler approaches him and asks how Mandy is doing. Otis just stares at Ziggler, breathing heavy.

The New Day vs. The Forgotten Sons

We go back to the ring and out come SmackDown Tag Team Champions The New Day - Kofi Kingston and Big E. Out next come The Forgotten Sons for this non-title match - Wesley Blake and Steve Cutler with Jaxson Ryker. Cole leads us to a video package on what happened last week with the blue brand tag teams getting beat down by The Forgotten Sons.

The match is about to begin when The Miz's music hits and out he comes to the stage in street clothes. He stops and waits for John Morrison's music to start up. Out next comes Morrison. They head down the ramp together, joining Cole and Graves on commentary. Cutler locks up with Big E and they go at it. Big E powers up and slams Cutler. Kofi tags in for some double teaming. Kofi with a big kick and a quick pin attempt. Cutler rocks Kofi and tags in Blake for a quick double team. Blake takes Kofi to the corner and works him over.

Kofi turns it around in the corner and unloads with kicks. Kofi charges in the corner with a dropkick for another quick pin attempt. Blake turns it around by slamming Kofi by his head. Cutler tags back in and keeps Kofi down. Blake with a quick tag and some double teaming but it's blocked. Cutler gets sent out to the floor. Big E tags in and hits a big belly-to-belly suplex on Blake, and another big throw. Big E manhandles Blake some more and hits him with big forearms to the chest. Cutler charges but Big E back-drops him on the floor. Big E goes to the apron and runs, hitting a big splash to Blake while he's down on the apron. Big E taunts Cutler while he's down on the floor. Back to commercial.

Back from the break and Kofi is in control. Big E tags in for the double team and a big splash to Cutler for a 2 count in the middle of the ring. Big E chases Cutler out and back in the ring. Big E drops Blake as he comes in but Cutler knees him in the back, sending him to the floor. Blake is in control of Big E in the ring now, dropping down for a 2 count. Blake keeps control and tags in Cutler for a big double team chokeslam. Cutler covers for a 2 count.

Cutler works over Big E in the corner now. Cutler unloads against the ropes with shots to the gut as Ryker cheers him on. Blake comes back in for a double team backbreaker. Big E kicks out at 2 again. Blake grounds Big E and ends up on his back with a hold. Big E rams him back in the corner. Blake with shoulder thrusts to Big E in the corner after turning it around. Blake charges but Big E spikes him out of the corner, driving him into the mat.

Cutler and Kofi tag in at the same time. Kofi flies off the top and goes to work. Kofi with a big dropkick and a flying right hand. Kofi with the Boom Drop in the middle of the ring. Kofi rallies and drops Blake on the apron. Cutler comes over and hits a big backbreaker on Kofi. Kofi kicks out at 2. Cutler ends up taking Kofi to the top for a superplex. Kofi fights him and sends him to the mat. Kofi ends up rolling through and hitting a big stomp for another close 2 count. Cutler looks for a tag but Blake isn't there. Kofi rocks Cutler. Blake tags himself in and they hit the big double teams to Kofi. Blake covers for a tag after the backbreaker - flying elbow combo. Kofi kicks out. More back and forth now. Cutler is legal but Kofi dumps him over the top to the floor next to Blake.

Big E tags in and launches Kofi to the floor, taking out both opponents. They bring it back in and there's more chaos with all four competitors. Big E charges to hit a Spear on Cutler but Cutler moves and Big E goes through the ropes, landing out on the floor. Ryker grabs Big E and sends him into the ring post. Cutler tags back in but Kofi rocks him. Kofi mounts Cutler in the corner with punches. Blake tags back in as Cutler moves Kofi from the top turnbuckle. Cutler powerbombs Kofi into Blake's knees but that may have been botched. Cutler and Blake put Kofi away with another double team and Blake covers for the pin to win.

Winners: The Forgotten Sons

- After the match, the music hits as all three of The Forgotten Sons stand tall together in the middle of the ring, raising their arms in the air. We go back to commercial.

- We get a video package to hype Tamina Snuka vs. SmackDown Women's Champion Bayley at Money In the Bank. Kayla Braxton is backstage with Tamina now, asking about the match at Money In the Bank. She asks if there's anything, including Bayley's best friend Sasha Banks, that can stop her. Snuka talks about how it took multiple women to stop her at WrestleMania and goes on ranting about how tough she is. She says she won't be intimidated by a bunch of bratty mean girls who are masquerading. She goes on and Sasha Banks appears, asking if it's really going to be this way after all they've been through together over the years. Banks says Tamina knows how much she loves Bayley, but she also knows they can carry themselves like woman who don't have to do cheap shots. Banks keeps speaking but it's all to distract Tamina. Tamina turns right when Bayley is trying to do a sneak attack. She fights but they beat her down and laugh after sending her into a production case. Lacey Evans finally runs up and makes the save for Tamina. All four Superstars brawl now as officials try to separate them.

- Sonya Deville is backstage with Dolph Ziggler. She wishes she would've seen the look on Otis' face when Ziggler asked him how Mandy Rose was doing earlier. Deville goes on about how she hurt Rose and will continue to do the same. Ziggler looks like he might be annoyed. Deville says Otis will be hurt by Ziggler tonight. Ziggler agrees and runs Otis down. Ziggler says fans cheer Otis because they can see themselves in him, or sitting next to him on the couch drinking beers. They think they're witnessing greatness but Ziggler and Deville both know guys like Otis never really win. They get pats on the back, sympathy likes and the occasional participation award, and with a little luck they get a moral victory. Ziggler goes on and says he's a real winner, and will do what he does best in the ring tonight. He's going to win tonight then go on to Money In the Bank to win again, then he will cash in the contract again, and become champion... again. Ziggler says after Deville is done hurting Rose, he's going to slide next to her as the new champ and make her feel better. They both smirk. Deville says that sounds like a plan to her. Ziggler walks off.

Money In the Bank Qualifying Match: Otis vs. Dolph Ziggler

We go to the ring for tonight's final blue brand Money In the Bank qualifying match. Otis is out first as we see the briefcase and the ladders in the arena.

Back from the break and Cole announces the line-up for next Friday - Snuka and Evans vs. Bayley and Banks, Bryan and Gulak and a partner vs. Cesaro, Nakamura and Corbin, plus a face-off between Wyatt and Strowman. It was also said the men's and women's MITB matches will take place simultaneously. We go back to the ring and out comes Dolph Ziggler for tonight's main event.

The bell rings and they go at it. Otis unloads and launches Dolph to the floor with a big elbow. Otis brings it back in and Otis just dominates him for several minutes. Dolph looks to turn it around at one point but Otis overpowers once again and levels him. Otis catapults Ziggler into the corner at one point and Ziggler lands hard. Ziggler ends up on the floor for a breather but Otis brings him back in.

Otis keeps control and backdrops Ziggler on his neck. Otis with a close 2 count in the middle of the ring. Otis charges int he corner but Ziggler moves. Otis hits the ring post shoulder-first and lands out on the floor. Ziggler follows and rams Otis face-first into the barrier. The referee counts and Ziggler rolls back in. Otis is still down as the referee keeps counting and we go back to commercial.

Back from the break and they're going at it. Ziggler turns it around and mounts some offense finally. Ziggler with a big dropkick to send Otis down. Ziggler with another dropkick into the ropes. Otis goes back down. Ziggler stands on Otis and the referee warns him. Ziggler keeps Otis grounded now, raking his face. The referee warns him and checks on Otis as Ziggler keeps him down, talking trash.

Otis gets free and swings but Ziggler gets on his back with a Sleeper hold. Otis sends him off but Otis is dazed. Ziggler looks to capitalize but Otis just takes it and starts getting hyped up. Ziggler takes a head butt and goes down. Otis keeps knocking Ziggler down. Otis runs into an elbow in the corner. Otis catches Ziggler and rams him into the turnbuckles. Otis goes for the Caterpillar but Ziggler rolls to the apron. Otis grabs him but Ziggler drops him over the top rope.

Ziggler runs in for the Fame-asser but Otis catches him and blocks it. Ziggler rakes the eyes again and ends up hitting the Zig Zag from behind. Otis still kicks out at 2. More back and forth now. Otis lands a big throw after catching a superkick, and is fired up again. Otis hits the Caterpillar and the elbow now. Otis goes on and covers for the pin to win and advance.

Winner: Otis

- After the match, Otis stands tall and celebrates as his music hits. We go to replays. Otis looks up at the briefcase after the announcers hype Money In the Bank. SmackDown goes off the air.