Roman Reigns returns LIVE to SmackDown for New Year's Revolution

As Randy Orton, AJ Styles and LA Knight prepare to battle in a Triple Threat Match to determine Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns' challenger at Royal Rumble, The Head of the Table returns to the blue brand. With Royal Rumble on the horizon, who will become the No. 1 Contender to The Head of The Bloodline on The Road to WrestleMania?

Your announcers are Kevin Patrick and Corey Graves.

We start off with a look at Jinder Mahal's big return to Raw and Dwayne Johnson's as well, with his comments to the crowd.

We see a vehicle arrive at the arena and Roman Reigns emerges, along with Paul Heyman.

Kayla Braxton asks Roman about Rock's comments and Roman laughs and walks away. Paul smirks and walks away too.

Finals of the Number One Contender Tournament
Kevin Owens vs Santos Escobar (w/ Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo)

The bell rings and Wilde and Cruz attack Angel and Humberto and they fight to the back.

Owens with a super kick and cannonball. Owens goes up top and hits a frog splash for a near fall.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Owens with a back senton and he looks at Logan at the announce table. Owens goes up top and Santos stops Kevin with a forearm. Owens with forearms and Santos with an elbow. Santos drops Kevin's arm on the top rope. Santos slams Owens' broken hand into the ring post and apron. Santos gets a near fall. Santos with a double wrist lock and Owens with a punch. Santos with a tilt-a-whirl back breaker and both men are down. Santos with an arm bar. Santos with a kick to the broken hand and he connects with a forearm in the corner. Santos with a running knee into the corner followed by a head scissors take down that sends Owens to the floor.

Santos with a suicide dive. Santos stomps on the injured hand and slams it into the apron. Owens with kicks and he gets back in the ring. Owens with head butts. Santos goes up top and Owens punches Santos to stop him. Owens sets for a superplex but Santos stops him with punches. Santos with a head butt and punch to send Kevin back to the mat. Kevin with a reverse atomic drop as Santos comes off the turnbuckles. Kevin with a DDT. Santos stops Owens on the turnbuckles and sets for a rana. Santos head butts the broken hand. Owens with a super fisherman's buster.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Owens gets Santos on his shoulders on the turnbuckles but Santos gets to the apron and he sends Owens to the mat. Santos drops Owens on the top rope. Santos is sent to the apron and he blocks a kick. Owens with a super kick to send Santos to the floor. Owens with a swanton off the apron onto Santos. Owens goes up top and goes for a swanton but Santos gets his knees up. Santos with a running double knee strike and he puts Owens on the turnbuckles. Santos with a super rana. Santos goes back up top and hits a frog splash for a near fall. Santos with a running boot into the corner. Santos puts Owens on the turnbuckles.

Owens with a head butt to send Santos to the mat. Santos with an enzuigiri to stop Owens on the turnbuckles. Owens gets Santos on his shoudlers and hits a Super Finlay Slam for a near fall. Kevin with a kick and Santos with a rollup to counter the stunner and Santos gets a near fall. Owens with a super kick and he tries for a pop up power bomb but Santos with a rana. Owens hits a pop up power bomb. Kevin with a kick and stunner for the three count.

Winner: Kevin Owens

After the match:
Logan takes the mic and he has something to say. Logan congratulates Kevin on winning. He says Kevin gets to face the greatest US Champion in history. Logan says he hasn't broken a sweat and he has retained his title for 62 days. Logan says there is no way a Canadian could have the United States Championship. You beating him for the title is like the Canucks winning a Stanley Cup. It's never going to happen. Logan says the reason it isn't going to happen is because he is Logan . . . Owens punches Logan and Logan goes down.

We take a look at Randy Orton.

Bobby Lashley, Montez Ford, and Angelo Dawkins make their way to the ring.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Logan Paul is being led in the back with an ice pack on his head. Cathy Kelley asks Logan about Kevin's punch. Austin Theory and Grayson Waller interrupt and help Logan. Cameron Grimes stops by and says he is glad that Logan got to meet Kevin.

Bobby Lashley welcomes everyone to Smackdown. He says he wants to get a little personal. He says 2023 was the toughest year of his career in WWE. Not because he didn't put in the work, but because the work didn't translate into the results he wanted. The highlight of 2023 was linking up with The Street Profits. Their resolution is simple. They are going to fight for and take everything they deserve in 2024.

Montez tells everyone to listen to Bobby. They are going to hop on the trend. Montez says they know. Montez says they are going to fast forward when the grass is greener on the other side. They will take care of all opportunties to capture gold.

Angelo tells THE Judgment Day to keep their heads on a swivel.

Bobby says his goal is to get back to being The Allmighty. He is declaring himself as a participant in the Royal Rumble.

Karrion Kross' graphic appears on the Tron.

The lights go out and Karrion Kross walk out with Scarlett.

They are joined by Paul Ellering.

Rezar and Akam attack Montez and Angelo. Bobby is sent to the floor and Kross sends Bobby into the ring steps.

Rezar and Akam hit Super Collider on Montez and Angelo. Kross with a pump handle swinging DDT.

We take a look at AJ Styles.

Women's Championship
Iyo Sky (c) vs Michin

They lock up and Iyo backs Mia into the turnbuckles and gives a clean break. Mia pushes Iyo away and misses a few punches but she kicks Iyo. Iyo blocks a punch but Mia with a kick. Iyo kicks Mia away but Mia with a monkey flip. Iyo with a cartwheel and Mia moves out of the way. Mia with a back slide for a near fall. Mia with a rollup for a near fall. Mia with a drop kick. Mia with a forearm and kicks. Iyo with a victory roll and double stomp. Mia hangs in the ropes and she moves when Iyo charges at her and Iyo goes to the floor. Mia with a suicide dive.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Iyo has a kick blocked by Mia and Mia with forearms and chops. Mia with a back heel kick and she tries for a power bomb but Iyo escapes. Mia with a round kick. Mia with a gutwrench suplex and Iyo goes into the corner. Mia with a cannonball and she gets a near fall. Mia goes for Eat Defeat but Iyo stops her. Iyo misses a charge into the corner and Mia with a kick to the back. Mia slaps Iyo and hits a Codebreaker to Iyo hanging in the corner for a near fall. Mia goes for a single leg crab and Iyo reaches for the ropes and she gets there to force a break. Iyo with a forearm from the apron and she blocks a kick. Iyo sends Mia's let into the ropes but Mia with a forearm.

Mia goes to the apron and she sets for a DDT on the apron. Iyo escapes and hits a German suplex on the apron. Iyo with a springboard drop kick and she she goes up top for a moonsault but Mia gets her knees up. Mia with a Dragon suplex for a near fall. Mia goes for a power bomb but Iyo blocks it and gets a sunset flip. Iyo with a kick for a near fall. MIa stops Iyo on the turnbuckles and Mia with punches to send Iyo to the mat. Mia goes to the turnbuckles but Iyo with a Shotei. Iyo goes for a Frankensteiner but Mia blocks it and she goes for a Super Styles Clash and hits it. Iyo gets her hand on the rope to stop the count. Iyo goes to the floor and Mia misses a suicide dive when Iyo moves.

Iyo with a running double knee strike against the ringside barrier. Iyo with a running double knee strike in the ring and then she goes up top for a moonsault and hits it for the three count.

Winner: Iyo Sky (retains championship)

We go to the back where Paul Heyman is pacing. Kevin asks Paul about the comments made by The Rock on Raw.

Paul says The Rock name drops Roman Reigns because the Rock wants to sit at the head of the table. To sit at the head of the table, one must be invited to a dinner of relevancy. The Rock has not been invited, nor will he be. Rock is like everybody else. He is looking for a shortcut to the headlines. There are two ways to be on top. Date Taylor Swift or challenge Roman Reigns. Roman Reigns is confronted by John Cena, Brock Lesnar, and Cody Rhodes. CM Punk comes back after ten years and Punk says he is the OG Heyman Guy. Tonight, Randy Orton, AJ Styles, and LA Knight fight for the privilege to get smashed by Roman Reigns. The winner will be smashed at the Royal Rumble the same way the man who challenges Roman at Wrestlemania.

There is not one man on the face of this planet who can beat Roman Reigns.

We go to commercial.

Iyo Sky walks in the back and she is swamped by KaienFive. Bayley says this is her vision and she sees visions of gold. She says she knew Iyo would win. Iyo says this will never end. Bayley says next week, Asuka and Kairi will face the tag champs. Dakota says Bayley will win the Royal Rumble.

Bianca shows up and she says she wanted to congratulate Iyo on her victory. She tells Bayley she is getting ahead of herself. She tells Bayley she is not winning the Royal Rumble because Bianca says she is going to eliminate Bayley and then win the Rumble for a second time and get her title back. She wishes everyone a Happy New Year.

Dakota says Iyo says that Bayley has to take care of Bianca if she is the leader of the group.

Elton Prince and Kit Wilson vs Butch and Tyler Bate

Bate and Kit start things off and they lock up. Bate with a wrist lock take down and Kit with a head scissors. Tyler with a headstand and escape into a side head lock. Tyler kicks Kit in the head and Kit sends Tyler into the turnbuckles. Tyler with a leap frog and he goes through the legs. Tyler with a rollup for a near fall followed by a drop kick and pose. Elton tags in and Tyler kicks Elton. Butch tags in and Tyler with a senton off Butch. Elton with forearms and a side head lock. Butch with a clothesline to Elton. Butch pulls at Kit's fingers and stomps on the back. Tyler tags in and Butch with a moonsault onto Kit while Tyler hits a plancha onto Elton.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Elton with a reverse chin lock on Butch. We see footage of Kit helping Elton escape a submission hold. Butch fights out of the corner but Elton with a kick to stop Butch from making the tag. Butch with an X Plex. Tyler and Kit tag in and Tyler with forearms and elbows to both men. Tyler with a head scissors to Kit and an uppercut to Elton. Tyler with a knee lift to Kit and a corkscrew uppercut off the turnbuckles. Tyler with an exploder to Elton followed by a shooting star press. Tyler with an airplane spin to Kit and a slam. Butch tags in and he hits a kick to the back of the head while Tyler hits a kick. Tyler with a rebound clothesline for a near fall.

Tyler with a punch to Elton. Butch and Tyler go up top and Elton kicks Tyler on a moonsault to the floor. Elton pushes Butch off the turnbuckles onto the top rope and Kit with a rollup for a near fall. Butch pulls at the fingers and Tyler tags in and he punches Elton. Butch and Tyler with a double power bomb for the three count.

Winners: Butch and Tyler Bate

We take a look at LA Knight.

We go to commercial.

AJ Styles, LA Knight and finally Randy Orton make their way to the ring.

We go to commercial.

Nick Aldis is on the phone and Ashante Thee Adonis shows up.

He says he feels lost but he doesn't want Nick to feel sorry for him. He says he is hungry. He says he needs an opportunity.

Nick says he does not feel sorry for him. Nick says he believes in Ashante and he has some ideas for him.

Next week, Bianca Belair faces Bayley. Cameron Grimes faces Grayson Waller. Joaquin Wilde and Cruz del Toro face Angel Garza and Humberto Carrillo.

Number One Contender Match for the Universal Championship at Royal Rumble
AJ Styles vs LA Knight vs Randy Orton

The match is joined in progress and AJ punches Orton but Knight punches AJ. All three men chop each other. AJ kicks Orton in the corner and Knight sends AJ into the turnbuckles and chops AJ. Knight Irish whips AJ into the turnbuckles and AJ hits the ring post. Knight tries to clothesline AJ over the top rope but AJ stays in the ring. Knight is able to send AJ to the floor. Orton sends Knight to the floor and Orton follows. Knight with a back elbow and he sends Orton's head into the announce table. Knight does the same to AJ. Orton gives Knight a back drop driver onto the announce table. Orton gives AJ a back drop driver onto the announce table as well.

Orton decides to give Knight another back drop driver onto the announce table. AJ avoids being dropped on the table again and AJ gives Orton a back drop driver onto the announce table. AJ sends Knight into the ring steps. AJ sends Orton back into the ring. AJ sets for a Phenomenal Forearm but Orton swats at AJ's legs to send AJ to the apron. Orton looks around and sets for the IEDDT. Orton hits it. Orton looks around and then he kicks AJ aside. Orton twists to the mat and sets for the RKO with the push ups. Knight pulls Orton to the floor and sends Randy into the ring steps. AJ with a drop kick to Knight through the ropes.

We go to commercial.

We are back and AJ with a snap mare and sliding forearm to Knight. AJ punches Orton on the apron and sends him to the floor. AJ with a knee to the midsection. AJ with a belly-to-back suplex to Knight for a near fall. AJ kicks Orton to the floor and AJ follows. AJ with punches and chops to Orton and he sends Orton into the ringside barrier. AJ sends Orton into the ring steps. AJ goes for a sunset flip on Knight but Knight drops down for a near fall. Knight with a jaw breaker to AJ and Orton drops AJ on the top rope. Knight with jabs to AJ and he adds some kicks. Knight with jabs to Orton and a side Russian leg sweep. Knight with a running hip to AJ in the corner. Knight with a back body drop to AJ.

Orton with two clotheslines and he avoids a clothesline from Knight. Orton with a power slam to Knight and then to AJ. Knight with BFT to Orton and AJ stops the referee's count. AJ punches Knight and Knight punches back. They continue the exchange. AJ gains the advantage. Knight with a kick and knee lift. AJ with a Pele Kick to Knight. AJ with a back breaker. AJ goes to the apron and hits a springboard 450 splash on Knight for a near fall. Knight is bleeding and AJ with punches to the forehead. AJ sets for the Syles Clash but AJ sees Orton in the ring so he sends Knight to the floor. Orton sends AJ into the corner. AJ with a forearm and he sets for the Phenomenal Forearm but Orton with an RKO but Knight pulls the referee out of the ring to stop the count.

Roman Reigns' music plays and Roman comes to the ring, followed by Paul, Jimmy, and Solo.

Solo attacks Knight and sends him to the floor. Jimmy and Roman attack Orton and then Roman goes after AJ and kicks him. Solo picks up the ring steps and he hits Orton with them when Jimmy sends Orton towards Solo. Jimmy pulls off the hood of the announce table. Roman with a power bomb to AJ. Knight is sent back into the ring and ROman sets for a Superman punch on Knight and he hits it. Roman has some words for Knight before hitting Knight with a spear.

They send Orton back into the ring. Roman with a spear while Solo hits a Samoan Spike.

Nick tells Paul to congratulate Roman because now he has a Fatal Four Way at the Rumble.

End of show.