This is a regular thing that I will be doing (and have been doing for quite a while on another forum). Basically I make up some Old School wrestling questions, then I'll post the answers after everyone's had a chance to answer.


Who ended Samoa Joe's unbeaten streak in TNA? (made him submit/tap)

Who was the final ECW champion before it was officially purchased by WWE?

What was the first ever match to take place in a TNA ring?

Who is the longest reigning WWE champion of all time? And for how long was the title held?

In the Attitude era, WWE ran an angle where there was a 'Higher Power' and Undertaker would take orders from him. Who was the Higher Power?

Bobby Heenan wore a neckbrace for much of 1987 to sell an angle (which didn't really get far). Who "broke" Heenan's neck in the storyline, and how did he do it?

After the Montreal Screwjob one of WWE's superstars walked out and didn't attend the Raw tapings the very next day? (Note: This superstar became a major star later)

When Vince McMahon took over WWE he did one thing that his father told him never to do in this business, what was that?

What is the nickname of the training "room" used by Stu Hart to train several people back in the 70s/80s?
Good luck everyone!