I have had alot of problems with trying to get a shoutbox for UOW but we seem to have a kind of stable product for now.

This shoutbox works on IE7, IE8 and FireFox 3.5.5. I am not sure abut IE6 but if you are using IE6, i recommend you upgrade to IE7 or IE8.

The shoutbox may be pruned often to help with server load.

On the shoutbox you will see a + and -, these can be used to make the shoutbox a larger or smaller size.

If you are having problems, please clean your cache, this sometimes seems to help with problems.

So, enjoy the shoutbox if you can .. lol If you find any troubles with the forum because of the shoutbox, please tell us here or feel free to say where it is working for you. I am sure a more sadvanced shoutbox wil be available in the future.

Good luck.