As mentioned prior to the TNA Final Resolution PPV, there were forces within the company pushing for TNA champion Jeff Hardy to be sent home from the company and to be stripped of the TNA championship after concern was voiced over Jeff Hardy's condition upon arrival at the PPV.

After Hardy met with TNA officials, the decision was made to let Hardy work the show. In speaking to multiple sources after the show, I was told that Hardy claimed his condition was not due to any personal issues but exhaustion from his recent TNA schedule.

From what we have been able to piece together, Hardy flew from the Middle East where he had worked the trio of TNA house shows in the U.A.E. this past Wednesday (a 20 hour flight). After landing in Atlanta, Hardy then flew on to North Carolina. I was told Hardy was home just one day (and, as one wrestler pointed out to me, that one day was likely dominated by Hardy's newborn baby) before flying to Michigan to make a personal appearance at a Monster Truck event in Detroit with Jesse Neal and Shannon Moore yesterday.

Someone who was in attendance at the event last night noted that Hardy looked exhausted and spoke of how hard his schedule was the last few weeks, as he had been on the road since the day after Thanksgiving. The same person also told me that Hardy was spotted returning to his room fairly early last night. Hardy then flew from Michigan to Orlando earlier Sunday to the TNA PPV.

When the decision was made to change plans, word spread like wildfire that Hardy was being sent home due to his condition. However, once Hardy explained his position, management backed off of alternative plans and agreed to let him work the show. One person I spoke to just as the PPV kicked off remarked, "False alarm."

Had Hardy been sent home, the plan would have been for Eric Bischoff to announce Hardy was injured on the Middle East tour. The match that would have replaced the main event would have been Matt Morgan vs. Ken Anderson vs. Jeff Jarrett. Since Samoa Joe's contract had expired, he would have been held off the PPV. There's no word on who would have ended up with the championship, but my gut is that Matt Morgan would have ended up with the belt.

As I write this, Hardy is scheduled for all of this week's planned Impact tapings.