ROH on HDNet
January 3, 2011
Louisville, KY (OVW's Davis Arena)

It's time once again for your weekly ROH on HDNet recap! So, sit back, relax, open up a brew or a pop, and get ready for the first show of 2011!

Here's how things went down this week:

-We open the show with a shot of downtown Louisville, KY. This will be the site of ROH on HDNet for the next several weeks! The opening credits roll and here we go!


-Backstage interview with Claudio Castagnoli, along with Chris Hero and Sara Del Rey, commenting about his match later in the show against Homicide!


-A video is shown of the match between Davey Richards and Roderick Strong at Final Battle. This was by far the best match I've seen Richards in! Even though Davey Richards fell short, it was a great match to end the year!

-Backstage, we have comments from "The Giant Killer" Mike Mondo! He said that everyone will fear him! He also says that "its my time, its Mike Mondo time, and its gut check time!" This guy reminds me of Owen Hart when he turned heel in the WWE! During his promo, he was carrying around a sign that said, "Godzilla fears Mondo!" Pretty funny promo from Mike Mondo! This is his ROH debut!


-A video is shown featuring comments from Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin on who is the best tag team in ROH! This is also the ROH on HDNet debut from Haas and Benjamin! Last time I saw them on ROH programming was back in September of last year, when they took on The Kings of Wrestling for the tag titles at Glory By Honor IX! Its great to see the World's Greatest Tag Team on ROH!!




-Backstage where Kyle Durden is interviewing "The Prodigy" Mike Bennett and his trainer, Brutal Bob Evans. Bennett cuts a promo about how great he is and says he's gonna prove it next week!



Welcome everyone to 2011! This week's show came to us from Louisville, KY! Pretty good show to start off the new year! I was real surprised to see that Eddie Edwards was still the TV champion due to the fact that the last time I saw the TV champion it was Christopher Daniels. Anyway, congrats to Eddie Edwards on still being the TV champ! His match tonight against Mark Briscoe was a great way to start off the new year!

The debut of Mike Mondo had me shaking my head. I love how this guy reminds me of Owen Hart back in the day when Owen was a heel! Not sure what to think of Mike Mondo yet, but I'm sure this won't be the last time we see crazy characters coming in and out of ROH! His match tonight against Grizzly was your typical squash match. However, don't count out Redwood, because this little man knows how to hang in matches against guys who are more than half his size!

It was great to see Haas and Benjamin on t.v. this week! I was beginning to wonder if we were ever going to see the World's Greatest Tag Team on ROH programming. Their match tonight was really nothing to get excited about, but Haas and Benjamin are still in pursuit of the ROH Tag Titles! One of these days Haas and Benjamin will get another shot at the Kings of Wrestling and I'm really looking forward to seeing that! Haas and Benjamin have come along way from their days in the WWE! I'm happy to see these two get a chance to do some real non-storyline based wrestling!

Also, the match that ended the night....Claudio vs. Homicide! I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not a fan of anything to do with the Kings of Wrestling! This match was a true test for Homicide, due to the fact that he's still undefeated since coming back at Glory By Honor! Well, his undefeated streak continues, after Claudio tried to use an exposed turnbuckle and it back fired on him! Sub-par match, but entertaining in my opinion! Can't wait to see Homicide get a shot at the ROH World Title!

Finally, I want to end with this, please go and support your local indy wrestling scene! I've had a chance to experience local wrestling here in Indianapolis several times last year! ROH and smaller promotions need our support! True talent is all around us, and the "no name" guys give it their all each and every time they have an event! Last weekend, my friend and I saw one of the best matches we've seen since attending the Insanity Pro Wrestling events here in Indianapolis! The match was The American Wolves (Richards and Edwards from ROH) taking on a local tag team called the Irish Airborne! This match was a great test for our local boys! The Airborne got the victory over the Wolves! However, after the match was so special! Davey Richards got on the mic and told us to continue to support our local pro wrestlers! Richards also mentioned that one day they want a rematch against the Airborne! It was so great to see Colt Cabana, The American Wolves, and Kyle O'Reilly from ROH coming to Indianapolis to support IPW! SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL WRESTLERS! WWE and TNA will always be the big fish in the pond, but if you ever get a chance to go see a local indy wrestling event, you will not be disappointed! Thanks for listening!

-ROH debut of "The Prodigy" Mike Bennett
-ROH WORLD CHAMPION Roderick Strong vs. Colt "BOOM BOOM" Cabana

Catch ROH on HDNet every Monday at 8 p.m. and 11 p.m.

Until next time, my friends!