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    Default RAW LIVE COVERAGE Feb 2 , 2015

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    RAW LIVE Coverage - Feb.2 , 2015
    Location: Pepsi Center in Denver, Colorado.
    Announcers: Booker T, Michael Cole, JBL

    The Authority starts the show by teasing their announcement, and Stephanie talks about how awesome the Super Bowl was, then they say that game had controversy too. Triple H makes a comment about the #CancelWWENetwork hashtag, and they say they listened to the fans about have to address all of this controversy. Stephanie says they will do something about this because they can’t allow this to continue, then they show a clip of the final moments of the Royal Rumble match with The Rock’s run in. HHH says Big Show and Kane are guilty of being unsportsmanlike, but his main problem is with The Rock because he has no business here. He says The Rock is great, and he’s one of the biggest stars and will always have a place in WWE, but he’s not a WWE Superstar anymore and had no business getting involved in the Rumble. HHH says that’s partly his fault for letting people back in, just like he let Sting affect the outcome of Survivor Series. He says it happened again but that’s going to stop, and he promises to resolve their problem if Sting shows up at Fast Lane.

    HHH says the Sting problem brings them back to the original problem and the controversy surrounding Roman Reigns, and Stephanie asks what if The Rock didn’t interfere? She says they could have had a different star winning the Rumble, and Reigns’ name will be in the history books, but they aren’t sure he should face Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania. Reigns cuts them off and heads right to the ring, and gets right in HHH’s face and asks if they are really going to try and take his title shot away after he won the Rumble. Reigns says hell no, then they have a staredown but Stephanie gets in between them and tells Reigns to stop and think. She says the very family he is trying to impress is the reason he probably shouldn’t main event Wrestlemania, then Daniel Bryan comes out and says he’s sorry Reigns has to deal with this. Bryan says they put him through the same thing, and he wants to talk about title shots since he was stripped of his title, and never got a rematch. He says if there’s a title shot he wants his name in, but HHH says he probably could have got his title shot but he came back all cocky and put himself in the Rumble match, even when he shouldn’t have. Seth Rollins cuts them off as we go to a break, then we get back to see Rollins mock Bryan for wanting a shot at Brock Lesnar. He says Lesnar would eat Bryan alive, and Bryan got hurt and lost his title, so it’s no one else’s fault, then he turns his attention to Reigns.

    Rollins says Reigns shouldn’t even get a title shot since he had help, but he deserves it because he is the guy who went toe-to-toe with the champion. Reigns threatens to knock him out, then Triple H and Stephanie calm them down and HHH announces they will have a match between Bryan and Rollins, and the winner will face Reigns at Fast Lane. He says the winner of that will get the Wrestlemania title shot, and Reigns looks pissed, but HHH says Reigns has a lot to lose, but it’s Reigns’ choice to make, and he could make things right and prove himself. Stephanie says Reigns has a chance to prove he does belong, but Bryan says he will face Reigns at Fast Lane and they will tear the house down. Rollins says no one wants to see that, but Reigns should make the right choice or else everyone will think he is afraid to face Rollins, not Bryan and lose. Stephanie asks for his decision and calls it the most defining moment of his career, then Reigns says ‘screw it'; he says he’ll fight either one of them because it’s always been one versus all. HHH makes the match official, then he tells Reigns not to go anywhere because he has plans for him, and Big Show makes his way to the ring.

    Big Show vs Roman Reigns

    We get back from a break to see Show attacking Reigns, then Noble causes a distraction and Show chokeslams Reigns for two. Reigns makes a comeback and calls for a spear, but Rollins hits him with the briefcase behind the ref’s back, and Show slams Reigns down and makes the cover.

    Winner – Big Show

    Triple H and Stephanie are shown watching from backstage, and they are talking about how they just manipulated everyone into setting things in motion. They say Rollins just took care of Reigns, and he can beat Bryan tonight, then Reigns at Fast Lane, and Rollins will get the title shot. HHH says all he has left tonight is the Stone Cold Steve Austin podcast, and Austin can ask him anything he wants.

    Curtis Axel walks out and says he got attacked and he would’ve won the Royal Rumble if it wasn’t for being taken out, and he points to the Wrestlemania sign and says he wants Brock Lesnar in the ring. Dean Ambrose cuts him off and they trade a few punches before Ambrose throws him over the ropes, and Ambrose says now Axel is eliminated. Ambrose says he cleared his head and he knows what he wants to do next, and he has ‘some bad news’ and he’s going after the Intercontinental Champion. Axel runs back in and attacks him but Ambrose clotheslines him, then he drops Axel with Dirty Deeds and celebrates.

    Gold & Stardust vs The Ascension

    Viktor hits a legsweep slam before Goldust tags in and connects with some jabs, then Konnor gets the tag and they hit Fall of Man. Stardust checks on Goldust before they argue with each other, and Stardust leaves him in the ring.

    Winners – The Ascension

    John Cena comes to the ring and talks about how important tonight is, then he says he hopes Triple H doesn’t skate around any answers during the podcast tonight. He says he heard HHH call Cena the past, and Rollins is the future, just like all of his Superstars in NXT and “his” WWE. Cena says HHH’s WWE doesn’t have room for Cena, but he will never give up and he will keep making history as long as he is here. He plays a clip of Sting on RAW, then Ryback, Erick Rowan and Dolph Ziggler enter the ring and Cena says he is ready for whatever is next. He talks about fighting Rusev, then Stephanie cuts him off and Dolph gets into an argument with her about putting obstacles in front of them. Stephanie says since he opened his mouth, Dolph will face Bray Wyatt, Rowan will face Rusev, and Ryback will be in action next.

    Ryback vs Luke Harper

    Ryback hits a quick suplex and a scoop slam, then he heads up top and hits a splash for two. Ryback kicks him in the corner, then he whips him and connects with a clothesline before hitting the ropes again. Harper kicks him in the face, then he knees Ryback off the apron and sends him out to the floor. Harper hits Ryback a few more times and applies a side headlock, then Ryback fights out so Harper drops him with a swinging side slam. Ryback calls for a Meathook but Harper kicks him in the face, then he gets a rollup for two before Ryback hits a Meathook and Shell Shocked for the win.

    Winner – Ryback

    Jimmy Uso (w/ Jey Uso) vs Cesaro (w/ Tyson Kidd & Natalya)

    Jimmy applies a side headlock but Cesaro slams him on the mat, then Jimmy applies a waistlock but Cesaro shoves him in the corner and chops him. Cesaro rolls outside after Jimmy hits him a few times, then Jimmy goes for a suicide dive but Cesaro walks away towards the ramp. Jey gets in his way and Jimmy dives on Cesaro, then he rolls Cesaro in and gets caught with a double axe handle smash. Cesaro applies a headlock, but Jimmy connects with a side kick before Cesaro counters another strike and catches him in the Cesaro Swing. Cesaro then puts him in a single leg crab, then he stomps Jimmy for a two count before he repeatedly elbows him in the face. Cesaro hits a double underhook powerbomb for two, then Jimmy comes back with a somersault dive off the turnbuckles for two. Jimmy tries for a kick but Cesaro catches his foot and throws him outside, then the referee warns Kidd to stay out of the way. Cesaro slams Jimmy into the commentary table and yells at Natalya, then he heads back in the ring but Jimmy kicks him in the face. Jimmy connects with a corner splash, then he heads up top as Kidd tries to interfere, but Jey runs over and takes him out, and Cesaro hits an uppercut off the distraction for the win.

    Winner – Cesaro

    The Miz is backstage making Damien Mizdow get him some food, then a crew member comes up to them and asks for Mizdow’s autograph. Miz flips out and tells Mizdow he can’t take this anymore, and he calls Mizdow ungrateful and says he was a joke before Miz took him under his wing. Miz fires him and tells him to stop miming him, then he says he will keep him as an assistant and makes him make a smoothie.

    The Miz is backstage making Damien Mizdow get him some food, then a crew member comes up to them and asks for Mizdow’s autograph. Miz flips out and tells Mizdow he can’t take this anymore, and he calls Mizdow ungrateful and says he was a joke before Miz took him under his wing. Miz fires him and tells him to stop miming him, then he says he will keep him as an assistant and makes him make a smoothie.

    Dolph Ziggler vs Bray Wyatt

    Bray hits Dolph several times and chokes him on the ropes, then he sets up a backdrop suplex but Dolph floats over and kicks him. He calls for a Famouser but Bray rolls outside, then he reenters the ring and Dolph sweeps his legs. Bray splashes Dolph for two, then he applies a nerve hold but Dolph fights out and kicks him a few times. Bray rolls back outside and snaps Dolph’s head on the ropes, then he suplexes Dolph onto the floor as we go to a break. We get back to see Dolph counter a headlock with a jawbreaker, then Dolph elbows Bray and sends him shoulder first into the ringpost. Dolph hits a corner splash and some elbows for two, then he hits Bray in the corner before Bray whips him across the ring. Bray splashes Dolph, then Dolph attempts a Famouser before catching him with a thrust kick for two, and he connects with a Famouser but Bray jumps right up and hits Sister Abigail for two.

    Winner – Bray Wyatt

    BP: This was a great match; I especially loved the suplex on the floor spot. I’ll say it, but Bray looked superhuman here. (Yeah, I know…) The spot at the finish was really cool.

    Seth Rollins walks into the The Authority’s office and talks about how great their plan was, and asks if they thought of all the options. Stephanie says they would never consider Daniel Bryan as a viable contender, but they had to appease the fans a bit, but he won’t even make to Fast Lane. Triple H says Rollins has great opportunities ahead of him, unlike Randy Orton, who constantly disappointed them and complained when they thought he was “the face.” Rollins says he Curb Stomped Orton and took care of him, and he will punch his ticket to Fast Lane later tonight.

    Paige vs Alicia Fox

    Alicia hits Paige a few times and gets a two count, then she applies a headlock and follows with a Northern Lights suplex. Alicia goes back to a headlock but Paige slams Alicia and rolls her up for the win. Alicia attacks Paige after the bell and puts her in a stretch hold, then The Bella Twins leave commentary and spray Paige with some fake tanner.

    Winner – Paige

    The Miz (w/ Damien Mizdow) vs Sin Cara

    Miz tries to hit Cara a few times but Cara breaks free and hits a springboard forearm, then he splashes Miz and slams him down. He heads up top but Miz avoids a senton bomb, then Mizdow gives into the fans’ chanting for him and tries to play along. Miz orders him to stop and stand still, then Miz kicks Cara in the face and follows with a clothesline. Miz applies a headlock before hitting Cara a few times, then Mizdow panders to the crowd again and Miz yells at him, and Cara steals the win with a rollup.

    Winner – Sin Cara

    Bray Wyatt cuts into the program and says he’s been called many things over the years, but you can call him ‘Bray.’ He says they used to fear him, but now it turned into love and admiration, but Bray is the new face of fear and he can’t wait to see ‘him’ again. Bray says he knows ‘he’ is listening, so find him.

    Rusev (w/ Lana) vs Erick Rowan

    Rusev kicks Rowan as he gets on the apron, then he slams him a few times and stomps Rowan near the ropes. The referee tries to break it up but Rusev continues to stomp Rowan, then he chokes him on the ropes and punches him. Rusev rolls Rowan back in and puts him in the Accolade, and Lana walks over as the ref demands he breaks the hold. Lana says now that they have everyone’s attention, they want to invite them for a film with a very dark ending. She says it features an ending for any man that challenges Rusev, including John Cena. They play a highlight reel stylized as a trailer, then Rusev taunts the crowd and raises his title in the air. They wait for the Russian flag to descend from the rafters, but it gets stuck and the fans cheer, so Rusev flips out and waves another flag at them.

    Result – No Contest

    Daniel Bryan sits next to Roman Reigns and says he saw what happened with Seth Rollins earlier, and Reigns says Rollins will get his. Bryan says he hopes Reigns isn’t thinking of doing anything in retaliation, and Bryan will be his Fast Lane opponent, not Rollins. Reigns asks if that’s a threat, then he says he doesn’t care what Bryan meant, or who he fights, then he tells Bryan to get the hell out of his locker room.

    Seth Rollins (w/ Joey Mercury & Jamie Noble) vs Daniel Bryan

    Bryan kicks Rollins several times and attempts to apply an armbar, but Rollins makes it to the ropes and Bryan continues to kick him. The ref is distracted and Bryan is hit from outside, then he is knocked on the floor and Rollins splashes him as we go to a break. We get back to see Bryan connect with several kicks, but Rollins connects with a STO into the turnbuckles, then Big Show makes his way to ringside as Bryan comes back with a clothesline. Bryan connects with several kicks and a hurricanrana, then he dropkicks Mercury and Noble off the apron when they try to interfere.

    Bryan backdrops Rollins onto them and takes them out with a suicide dive into the commentary table, then Bryan heads up top but Rollins crotches him on the ropes. They fight back and forth a bit before Bryan connects with a backdrop superplex for two, then he calls for Knee Plus but Rollins counters with a buckle bomb and a superkick for two. Bryan rolls through and catches Rollins in the YES Lock, but Rollins makes his way towards the ropes and Big Show tries to assist. Roman Reigns runs out and spears Show, then he goes after Rollins and spears Mercury instead, then Noble tries to interfere as Reigns hits Rollins with a basement dropkick. Bryan kicks Noble in the head, then he turns and hits Rollins with Knee Plus for the win.

    Winner – Daniel Bryan

    Triple H is shown watching backstage, and Renee Young asks for his thoughts, but he tells her that he’ll go say everything on the podcast now. Michael Cole congratulates Bryan as he celebrates, then he says the fans got him here, and he’s going to beat Roman Reigns before he goes on to Wrestlemania.

  2. #2
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    So the whole brey fears no one alive or dead is what is suppose to bring back taker. The reason behind his wrestlemaina match.

    Dolph Ziggler vs Bray Wyatt

    Bray hits Dolph several times and chokes him on the ropes, then he sets up a backdrop suplex but Dolph floats over and kicks him. He calls for a Famouser but Bray rolls outside, then he reenters the ring and Dolph sweeps his legs. Bray splashes Dolph for two, then he applies a nerve hold but Dolph fights out and kicks him a few times. Bray rolls back outside and snaps Dolph’s head on the ropes, then he suplexes Dolph onto the floor as we go to a break. We get back to see Dolph counter a headlock with a jawbreaker, then Dolph elbows Bray and sends him shoulder first into the ringpost. Dolph hits a corner splash and some elbows for two, then he hits Bray in the corner before Bray whips him across the ring. Bray splashes Dolph, then Dolph attempts a Famouser before catching him with a thrust kick for two, and he connects with a Famouser but Bray jumps right up and hits Sister Abigail for two.

    Winner – Bray Wyatt

    Seth Rollins walks into the The Authority’s office and talks about how great their plan was, and asks if they thought of all the options. Stephanie says they would never consider Daniel Bryan as a viable contender, but they had to appease the fans a bit, but he won’t even make to Fast Lane. Triple H says Rollins has great opportunities ahead of him, unlike Randy Orton, who constantly disappointed them and complained when they thought he was “the face.” Rollins says he Curb Stomped Orton and took care of him, and he will punch his ticket to Fast Lane later tonight.

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