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  1. #41
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Wrestlemania Today Report (26Mar): Interviewiews Flair, Paige, Orton, Rollins & more

    We are three days away from Wrestlemania and that means that we start the WWE Network coverage of Wrestlemania with Wrestelmania Today from Wrestlemania AXXESS.

    Your host is Michael Cole and he is joined by Booker T and Corey Graves.

    The NXT ring is right behind them so they have a good vantage point.

    Booker T mentions his new book and Corey comments on Booker’s record setting book plug. Corey says this is his favorite time of the year and he mentions that everyone is waiting outside the building.

    Michael mentions that we will hear from Paige, Wade Barrett, and Ric Flair. There will be sit down interviews with Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, and Brock Lesnar.

    Michael mentions the news that Brock Lesnar has garnered. We see Brock’s announcement that he has re-signed with WWE for a multi-year deal.

    Cole mentions that this will change the complexion of WWE this week.

    Booker calls it a blockbuster and he says that it was an easy choice for Brock. Booker talks about how people do not have an advocate in MMA like Paul Heyman so he does not have that problem in WWE.

    Michael asks Corey if the new deal means that Brock becomes complacent. Corey says that Brock is a competitor first so he will not get complacent. He may have had the most dominant year in sport and he is going to put everyone on notice that he will be the champion for a long time.

    We take a look at a video package for Roman Reigns. He says that he has a responsibility to live up to his potential and rise above it. Roman says his family has raised the standard and he is trying to lift it as much as possible. We see highlights from the last two Royal Rumbles and the winning of the Superstar of the Year Slammy.

    Roman wants people to see through his eyes where he comes from.

    Brock says that he does not respect that because he respects no one. He does not need to talk about what he has accomplished. Brock says his job is to get in the ring and hurt everyone. This is his world. This is his Wrestlemania.

    We see Paul telling Roman that he is the right guy in the right place at the wrong time.

    Roman says that Brock feels pain and he can bleed.

    Paul says that Roman is not fighting a man, he is fighting a beast. He says that he has been told that he cannot slay the beast.

    We go to Paul asking Roman about the disappointment when he faces his family after losing.

    Roman says that he will show everyone that he can. You have to have something to fight for.

    Brock says that he is not done yet. This is not a fairy tale.

    Roman says he can and he will.

    Michael mentions the last year for Brock Lesnar. He beat The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Then he dominated John Cena to win the WWE Championship at SummerSlam. Then he beat Seth Rollins and John Cena at Royal Rumble with a broken rib.

    Booker points out that Brock has been dominant, but every man can be beaten. He talks about Ali being beaten. Booker points out that Daniel Bryan was in control for most of the match against Reigns, but Bryan lost the match.

    Michael asks Corey about Roman’s mindset. He says Roman is a different man than last year. His focus is unbroken because this is the biggest moment of his career. You can look into his eyes and he is starting to believe that he can beat Brock Lesnar.

    Michael mentions that this is Roman’s first singles title match. Booker says Reigns will win. Corey and Michael think that Brock will retain.

    We look outside the building as people are in line.

    It is time to talk about the Intercontinental Title Match. Michael mentions the Ladder Match at Wrestlemania 10 as well as Savage versus Steamboat from Wrestlemania III.

    We take a look at the people challenging for the title and some of the hijinks and shenanigans, including a WWE version of Yakity Sax.

    Wade Barrett has joined the panel and Cole points out that the title belt is now with the WWE Officials.

    Wade is asked about his reaction to the video package. He says they treated it like an episode of Benny Hill and he has been trying to bring back the prestige of the Intercontinental Title. He has brought it back to the level of Randy Savage and Steve Austin. The six challengers have tarnished the prestige of the title.

    Booker asks Wade about losing a number of matches going into Wrestlemania and his injury history so what will happen if he loses on Sunday? Wade says that Booker saved himself by saying that he thought Wade was going to become the World Champion. Wade says that he is better than the six in the match. They are only better at stealing. He will show that he is the true Intercontinental Champion. There is no thought that he will lose.

    Corey asks how can you let someone steal the belt. Barrett says he cannot watch the belt 24/7 while wrestling.

    Cole mentions that the title has changed 9 times at Wrestlemania and the last four times.

    Barrett says that he will win on Sunday and then he will set his sights on the WWE Title.

    Booker mentions Daniel Bryan’s comments about stealing the show and winning the title.

    Barrett says that last year was Daniel’s year but this is his year.

    Cole asks Barrett about Ziggler and he calls him blonde.

    Cole asks him about Truth and he says insane.

    Stardust . . . weird.

    When asked about Luke Harper, he says odd.

    When asked about Dean Ambrose, he says lunatic.

    When asked about himself and he says greatest.

    Wade says that he will prove against six top men that he is the greatest right now.

    We have a commercial for the Hall of Fame ceremony.

    We are back and it is time to talk about the Randy Orton versus Seth Rollins match.

    Booker talked to Randy Orton earlier in the week and Booker says that he is no different than the Randy Orton he faced back in the day. Randy will prove to the world that he is in the prime of his career.

    Booker mentions that Randy was defending the WWE title last year and it didn’t end up the way he thought. Randy says that if you look at Wrestlemania 30 as a whole, he did not walk out without the title not because he lost, but because Bryan beat Batista. Randy says that he has not had his rematch yet.

    Randy says he did not want to be part of a stable. He wanted to be by himself. During the time with the Authority, he did not enjoy it. They stood behind Triple H, the mouthpiece.

    Booker asks Randy about his issues with Seth Rollins.

    Randy talks about the night when Seth Rollins attacked him on Raw in November. Randy says that he thought he would make his point on live television. He had some momentum, but Seth caught him with a curb stomp and then he hit him with one on the ring steps.

    Booker asks Randy about his time off. Physically it is time off, but mentally it wasn’t. He is back, better than ever.

    We see Randy’s return at Fastlane when he gave everyone RKOs, except Seth Rollins.

    Booker asks Randy about why did he return to the Authority upon his return.

    Randy says everyone thought he was going to come back and go after Seth Rollins, but then he was offered the opportunity to go back into the Authority. When you feed a mouse to a snake, the snake sits there and bides its time. We see when Randy finally got his revenge on Seth on March 9th.

    Randy says he was playing mind games and having fun. He wasn’t ready to eat, but when it was feeding time, he squeezed the life out of the mouse.

    Booker asks Randy about how Seth is called the future, just like he was when he was in Evolution. He says Seth has a huge ego. Randy says he has been around longer and he has been in the ring with so many top people. Who has Seth learned from?

    Booker asks Randy if Seth is the future if he wins at Wrestlemania? Randy says you are going to see every version of Randy Orton you have seen. If Seth wins, how can he not be the future? The future is always coming. Randy says he will always be the future. Neither will be an afterthought after Wrestlemania and he will be the better man. The future is still here.

    Booker says that Randy was Seth Rollins before Seth Rollins was Seth Rollins. Booker mentions that Randy is 34 and Booker says that when he was 34, he was at his best. Randy is a 12 time champion and he knows about winning on the big stage.

    Michael asks Corey about Seth since he knows him. Corey says Seth joined the Authority as a good business decision. Randy cannot be part of a group. Seth can be manipulated and play the game to get ahead. Now it is a business and Seth wants to succeed. Corey talks about how Seth knew he was going to be called up when they were traveling in NXT. He is brash and arrogant, but he will make the most of his opportunity.

    Booker says that Randy is not ready to let anyone else be the ‘face’ or ‘future’ of WWE.

    We take a look at the Kevin Nash induction video package.

    Booker talks about how big a deal it was for Nash to sign with WCW. He had creative control and came in whenever he wanted.

    Michael asks Corey what the Outsiders meant to him. He had the leather glove and he wore it around. Then as the nWo started, he got the shirt. Nash evolved and now he is in the Hall of Fame.

    Michael asks Booker about how Wrestlemania can shape your career and he talks about John Cena and how his work is cut out for him on Sunday.

    We take a look at a Wrestlemania Rewind Moment: John Cena winning the United States Title against Big Show at Wrestlemania 20.

    Paul Heyman says that John was the rising star and this was the way to give him the kickoff he needed. That was to have John open the show against Big Show for the US Title. Cena says he enjoyed Wrestlemania 20 in Madison Square Garden. It was a fantastic moment to lead off the show with a feat of strength he will never forget.

    Sunday, John faces one of the biggest challenges of his career. He faces Rusev for the United States Title.

    We have a video package for the United States Title Match.

    Michael mentions the rumors about Lana’s absence over the last few weeks. Is it because Lana agreed to the match for Cena at Wrestlemania.

    Michael asks if Rusev can be controlled without Lana. Corey says that he has been unstoppable since coming to WWE. How much of his game plan is Lana? They don’t make that public. It is a huge challenge for John Cena. Cena thought he was prepared at Fastlane, but he could not beat Rusev.

    Cole asks Booker about John being dominated on Monday and the look in Rusev’s eyes. Booker mentions that since he debuted in 2002, he has never looked that vulnerable. Rusev is someone who works on the pressure points. He is a student of the martial world. He compares Rusev to Oleg Tatarov.

    Michael talks about his interview with John Cena a few weeks ago about what a loss at Wrestlemania means for his career. He says that Cena said he does not know.

    Booker says this is about John’s legacy. He will need to win using his experience, not through brute force.

    Michael mentions the Wrestlemania Kickoff Show and the Tag Title Match that will be defending during the two hour period before Wrestlemania.

    Michael also mentions that Corey, Booker, Byron Saxton, and Renee Young will be hosting the Kickoff Show panel.

    Michael Cole mentions that Ric Flair will be joining the panel to talk about the Triple H versus Sting match.

    We take a look at a video package for Sting.

    Michael says that loyalty is what you use to describe Sting. There is probably one man who knows Sting as well as Sting does, Ric Flair. He joins the panel.

    Michael asks Ric why did he choose now to come to WWE. Flair says he tried to get him to come to WWE in 1993. He told Sting to go and he could have been as big as anyone in the WWE. We are seeing him 20 years later. He says that he had some unfinished business. So he can say that he did that. After this run, you can go into the real Hall of Fame.

    To be in the WWE Hall of Fame, it was the greatest retirement of them all. Whatever happens on Sunday, Sting will be a Hall of Fame candidate. Now he gets to wrestle on the grandest stage of them all. He was 59 when he wrestled Shawn Michaels. Sting is a quality guy who deserves the opportunity.

    Booker says that Sting would have wondered what would have happened if he did not sign. He can prove to Triple H that WCW had the best wrestlers.

    Flair says if Crockett could stay East of the Mississippi, they would have challenged WWE.

    Michael asks Flair if Triple H knows what he was going to get into. Flair says that he never thought Bryan was going to beat Triple H, but this is not a part time job. You need to get in the ring because the timing is important and you cannot get it from exercising.

    Flair says time off is a wrestler’s worst enemy because your timing is off.

    Flair says that Sting was wrestling ‘down there’ but not against the type of people like Triple H.

    Flair says that he is picking Triple H to win the match. Triple H is not going to lose a fourth year in a row. Stephanie may have to bring a sledgehammer into the ring.

    Michael Cole announces that the Andre the Giant Battle Royal will be on the Kickoff Show.

    Miz and Damien Sandow join the panel and Sandow is dressed unlike Miz. Miz says he is doing fine. Miz says that Kevin Hart and Will Ferrell were playing with them.

    Curtis Axel joins the panel and he talks about how AxelMania is running wild. He has been in the Royal Rumble for 59 days and counting. He is often imitated but never eliminated.

    Curtis asks Michael ‘whatcha gonna do when Axelmania runs wild on you’. He rips off the shirt and starts chanting Axelmania.

    Cole suggests that maybe Axel can get a commercial endorsement. We take a look at Miz’ commercial work.

    Miz talks about how they are treating this like a joke. He is the star of The Marine 4 and he will win the Battle Royal. Sandow offers Miz a soft drink since there are a few on the table. Cole suggests that Miz might not be able to star with Kevin and Will in ‘Get Hard’. Sandow says Miz’ guns fires real bullets in the Marine.

    Michael asks Miz and Sandow what will happen if it is down to the two of them. Will Sandow eliminate himself. Booker tells Sandow he has to stand up for himself. Miz says that Sandow will help him eliminate everyone and then Sandow will throw himself over the top rope. Miz says he will win the one thing he has never won. Sandow says that he will be doing that according to Miz. Miz says that Sandow would be fired if he does not do what Miz says.

    Sandow says it would be a tough pill to swallow if he is fired for not doing what Miz wants him to do. Michael admires Sandow’s clothing but Miz talks about how much his suit cost and Sandow asks Miz if he is compensating for something.

    Cole says that he would like to see it come down to Miz and Sandow.

    Miz reminds everyone about Alex Riley. He was taken to the main event of Wrestlemania. Now he is gone and part of NXT. Miz says that he cares about Sandow’s career.

    Miz talks about the screening for Marine 4 over the weekend.

    We take a look at another Wrestlemania Rewind Moment: Undertaker versus Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 25. Jerry Lawler says it was a magical moment.

    Michael mentions that the streak ended last year.

    We take a look at the Undertaker making his declaration that he would be coming back to the ring to face Bray Wyatt at Wrestlemania.

    Cole asks Booker why would Bray do this. Booker says it will be a hell of a walk for Bray. This is the Undertaker’s playground. It is his 23rd Wrestlemania. He is the personification of evil. Bray has made a wave and he has used children to get his message across. The streak was broken, but his spirit will not be broken.

    Michael asks Corey what will we see of the Undertaker since he was a broken shell last year. Corey says he cannot get the image of Undertaker leaving the ring last year out of his head. Time is not on the Undertaker’s side. If anyone can pull something out, it is Undertaker. Bray has had an unbelievable year. Is it insanity or genius to call out Undertaker? Will he cement his legacy on Sunday.

    Michael asks Booker how will Taker respond to the biggest loss of his career. Booker says he wrestled Undertaker in 2004 and he intended to beat Taker, but he waited for Taker and became a fan when the lights went out. It took him out of his element.

    Michael mentions that Bray is in the prime of his career and in better shape than Taker.

    Booker predicts that Undertaker will win. Corey says that Brock proved that Undertaker can be beaten and he will make Undertaker 21-2. Cole says Taker comes back in grand fashion on Sunday.

    It is time to hear from Seth Rollins, who joined Booker T.

    Seth is asked how does it feel to be played by Randy Orton. Did you fall for the oldest trick in the book or do you think you are untouchable? As Mr. Money in the Bank and the future of the WWE, he has a lot on his plate. It did not feel good. Seth says that he is smarter than that. He should not be taken like that by Randy.

    Seth says it was personally embarrassing.

    Booker points out that this will be Seth’s first singles match at Wrestlemania while Randy has been in singles matches for a decade. Seth points out that this is not his first time against Randy Orton at Wrestlemania. They met a few years ago when he was part of the Shield. He is not intimidated one bit by Randy Orton and what he did. This is the Wrestlemania where he makes his mark.

    Booker mentions when Seth injured Randy in November. What was he trying to accomplish. Seth says that he was trying to show that Randy’s days are numbers. He is an incredible performer but his time is over. He is younger than Orton. He is faster, more agile, and smarter than Orton. Orton was the Legend Killer. Seth says he is no different. He is on his way up while Orton is not.

    Booker says that Orton is sadistic and one of the most cold blooded dudes he has ever seen. How do you prepare for Orton. Seth asks what about him? What about the things he did to get ahead. He hit his brothers in the Shield to get ahead. What about what he did at Money in the Bank or what he did to Dean Ambrose. He just has to be him.

    Booker asks if he has earned what he has gotten or has it been given to him. Seth says that he is insulted by that question. There is not one single thing that has been handed to him. He has come up from the bottom. Just because he is part of the Authority and friends with Stephanie and Triple H, he has had to earn everything. He will continue to work harder to keep that position.

    Booker says that he is just here to ask the questions.

    Booker asks about his match against Randy and his career long term. Does the future become the present if he wins. Seth says that once he wins at Wrestlemania, it will be the passing of the guard. The future becomes the present. He is never satisfied. He always wants something more and something bigger. He will work harder than he did before. In 2015, you will see the best Seth Rollins you have ever seen before.

    Michael talks about how confident Seth was. Booker calls him a polarizing figure. He believes that he is the future of the WWE.

    Michael asks Corey what has allowed Seth to succeed. Corey talks about his work ethic. He trains harder and competes with himself. If there is something he needs to improve, he goes over and above.

    Michaels wonders why does Seth have to be associated with the Authority. Corey suggests that it is to prolong his career.

    Booker says that Seth is doing it the smart way. He talks about how Seth broke Brock Lesnar’s ribs at the Royal Rumble. Seth will want more even if he cashes in and wins the WWE Title.

    Michael says that after seeing what Seth did in the match at the Royal Rumble, he does not need the Authority.

    Booker says that he is staying with Orton. Corey is going with Rollins. Cole is not sure who he is picking. Orton has the experience but he does not know. Corey says this match could steal the show.

    It is time to talk about the Divas tag match and we get the predictions of the other divas.

    Paige joins the panel.

    Michael talks about how far she has come in the last year. Michael mentions that Corey knows her from NXT.

    Corey asks her where does she go from here. Paige says she wants to be on every pay per view. She wants to be the longest reigning Divas Champion. She hopes to be in the Hall of Fame.

    Michael asks Paige about the issues that she had with AJ, but he mentions they get resolved a little on Smackdown. She is asked about the differences she has with the Bellas. Paige says that they want to take the Bellas down. Paige says that she did what she could while AJ was gone. They are very similar because they both want to win.

    Michael says that AJ talked about how the Bellas were the ‘prototypical’ Divas but AJ and Paige are not in that mold. She says that they like to represent people who like to be themselves. They don’t mind being weirdoes.

    Booker asks if the Bellas are jealous of Paige. Paige says they are. As a team, they can be unstoppable.

    Paige is asked about being on Total Divas and Paige says it is ‘Total Paige’.

    Michael tells Paige to soak in her first Wrestlemania. He points out that if she wins, they will both be undefeated.

    Michael Cole mentions Brock’s signing and we see the interview that Brock did with former WWE announcer Jonathan Coachman.

    We take a look at a shot of Levi’s Stadium, the home of Wrestlemania 31.

    It is now time to hear from Brock Lesnar.

    Brock says he was put on this Earth to seek and destroy and hurt people. Is that sadistic? Maybe to some people. Not to him. He enjoys it. It is what he does. That is why he is here. What does Wrestlemania mean to him? It is a day he gets to show up and kick somebody’s ass and make money for doing it.

    The Undertaker did not stand a chance against him.

    What about the people who were disappointed he beat the Undertaker. Brock says that he does not care. Disappointment . . . surprise? He loves every minute of it.

    As a rookie, he came in and he sent the Rock to Hollywood. He ended the Undertaker’s streak. He suplexed John Cena’s ass out of Wrestlemania. If you thought Brock was crazy in ‘hunt’ mode, wait until you see him in ‘defense’ mode. If he has a message for Roman Reigns. You can wish you can win, but it won’t happen. Brock will kick your ass and it won’t be like any you have taken before.

    There is no feel good, fairy tale moment. He is going to f*** up Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania. The End.

    Michael Cole says that he cannot see Brock Lesnar losing on Sunday. He signed a new contract. He beat the Undertaker, John Cena, and Seth Rollins.

    Booker says this match can exceed expectations. He says that people will remember Roman Reigns beating Brock Lesnar. Brock won against an Olympic Gold Medalist as a rookie in Kurt Angle. Then he beat Undertaker last year. This is Roman’s first time under the bright lights. If you can keep those butterflies under control, he can do something great.

    Corey says that Roman can walk out, he does not think that Roman can beat Brock. Everything you say about Brock Lesnar, Roman cannot get the job done.

    Cole says anything can happen and Roman can pull off the upset on Sunday. Roman is going into his first singles match for the WWE Title and it will be in front of 75,000. Brock has been there and done that. Brock does not care about anyone else. He will do anything he can to support his family. Does Roman have that killer instinct in him? He needs it to beat Brock.

    Booker mentions that Rikishi is going into the Hall of Fame. Roman needs to prove that he belongs.

    Michael mentions that Corey will be back on Wrestlemania Today tomorrow while Booker and Michael will be somewhere else for Wrestlemania activities

  2. #42
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Wrestlemania Today Report (26Mar): Interviewiews Flair, Paige, Orton, Rollins & more

    We are three days away from Wrestlemania and that means that we start the WWE Network coverage of Wrestlemania with Wrestelmania Today from Wrestlemania AXXESS.

    Your host is Michael Cole and he is joined by Booker T and Corey Graves.

    The NXT ring is right behind them so they have a good vantage point.

    Booker T mentions his new book and Corey comments on Booker’s record setting book plug. Corey says this is his favorite time of the year and he mentions that everyone is waiting outside the building.

    Michael mentions that we will hear from Paige, Wade Barrett, and Ric Flair. There will be sit down interviews with Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, and Brock Lesnar.

    Michael mentions the news that Brock Lesnar has garnered. We see Brock’s announcement that he has re-signed with WWE for a multi-year deal.

    Cole mentions that this will change the complexion of WWE this week.

    Booker calls it a blockbuster and he says that it was an easy choice for Brock. Booker talks about how people do not have an advocate in MMA like Paul Heyman so he does not have that problem in WWE.

    Michael asks Corey if the new deal means that Brock becomes complacent. Corey says that Brock is a competitor first so he will not get complacent. He may have had the most dominant year in sport and he is going to put everyone on notice that he will be the champion for a long time.

    We take a look at a video package for Roman Reigns. He says that he has a responsibility to live up to his potential and rise above it. Roman says his family has raised the standard and he is trying to lift it as much as possible. We see highlights from the last two Royal Rumbles and the winning of the Superstar of the Year Slammy.

    Roman wants people to see through his eyes where he comes from.

    Brock says that he does not respect that because he respects no one. He does not need to talk about what he has accomplished. Brock says his job is to get in the ring and hurt everyone. This is his world. This is his Wrestlemania.

    We see Paul telling Roman that he is the right guy in the right place at the wrong time.

    Roman says that Brock feels pain and he can bleed.

    Paul says that Roman is not fighting a man, he is fighting a beast. He says that he has been told that he cannot slay the beast.

    We go to Paul asking Roman about the disappointment when he faces his family after losing.

    Roman says that he will show everyone that he can. You have to have something to fight for.

    Brock says that he is not done yet. This is not a fairy tale.

    Roman says he can and he will.

    Michael mentions the last year for Brock Lesnar. He beat The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Then he dominated John Cena to win the WWE Championship at SummerSlam. Then he beat Seth Rollins and John Cena at Royal Rumble with a broken rib.

    Booker points out that Brock has been dominant, but every man can be beaten. He talks about Ali being beaten. Booker points out that Daniel Bryan was in control for most of the match against Reigns, but Bryan lost the match.

    Michael asks Corey about Roman’s mindset. He says Roman is a different man than last year. His focus is unbroken because this is the biggest moment of his career. You can look into his eyes and he is starting to believe that he can beat Brock Lesnar.

    Michael mentions that this is Roman’s first singles title match. Booker says Reigns will win. Corey and Michael think that Brock will retain.

    We look outside the building as people are in line.

    It is time to talk about the Intercontinental Title Match. Michael mentions the Ladder Match at Wrestlemania 10 as well as Savage versus Steamboat from Wrestlemania III.

    We take a look at the people challenging for the title and some of the hijinks and shenanigans, including a WWE version of Yakity Sax.

    Wade Barrett has joined the panel and Cole points out that the title belt is now with the WWE Officials.

    Wade is asked about his reaction to the video package. He says they treated it like an episode of Benny Hill and he has been trying to bring back the prestige of the Intercontinental Title. He has brought it back to the level of Randy Savage and Steve Austin. The six challengers have tarnished the prestige of the title.

    Booker asks Wade about losing a number of matches going into Wrestlemania and his injury history so what will happen if he loses on Sunday? Wade says that Booker saved himself by saying that he thought Wade was going to become the World Champion. Wade says that he is better than the six in the match. They are only better at stealing. He will show that he is the true Intercontinental Champion. There is no thought that he will lose.

    Corey asks how can you let someone steal the belt. Barrett says he cannot watch the belt 24/7 while wrestling.

    Cole mentions that the title has changed 9 times at Wrestlemania and the last four times.

    Barrett says that he will win on Sunday and then he will set his sights on the WWE Title.

    Booker mentions Daniel Bryan’s comments about stealing the show and winning the title.

    Barrett says that last year was Daniel’s year but this is his year.

    Cole asks Barrett about Ziggler and he calls him blonde.

    Cole asks him about Truth and he says insane.

    Stardust . . . weird.

    When asked about Luke Harper, he says odd.

    When asked about Dean Ambrose, he says lunatic.

    When asked about himself and he says greatest.

    Wade says that he will prove against six top men that he is the greatest right now.

    We have a commercial for the Hall of Fame ceremony.

    We are back and it is time to talk about the Randy Orton versus Seth Rollins match.

    Booker talked to Randy Orton earlier in the week and Booker says that he is no different than the Randy Orton he faced back in the day. Randy will prove to the world that he is in the prime of his career.

    Booker mentions that Randy was defending the WWE title last year and it didn’t end up the way he thought. Randy says that if you look at Wrestlemania 30 as a whole, he did not walk out without the title not because he lost, but because Bryan beat Batista. Randy says that he has not had his rematch yet.

    Randy says he did not want to be part of a stable. He wanted to be by himself. During the time with the Authority, he did not enjoy it. They stood behind Triple H, the mouthpiece.

    Booker asks Randy about his issues with Seth Rollins.

    Randy talks about the night when Seth Rollins attacked him on Raw in November. Randy says that he thought he would make his point on live television. He had some momentum, but Seth caught him with a curb stomp and then he hit him with one on the ring steps.

    Booker asks Randy about his time off. Physically it is time off, but mentally it wasn’t. He is back, better than ever.

    We see Randy’s return at Fastlane when he gave everyone RKOs, except Seth Rollins.

    Booker asks Randy about why did he return to the Authority upon his return.

    Randy says everyone thought he was going to come back and go after Seth Rollins, but then he was offered the opportunity to go back into the Authority. When you feed a mouse to a snake, the snake sits there and bides its time. We see when Randy finally got his revenge on Seth on March 9th.

    Randy says he was playing mind games and having fun. He wasn’t ready to eat, but when it was feeding time, he squeezed the life out of the mouse.

    Booker asks Randy about how Seth is called the future, just like he was when he was in Evolution. He says Seth has a huge ego. Randy says he has been around longer and he has been in the ring with so many top people. Who has Seth learned from?

    Booker asks Randy if Seth is the future if he wins at Wrestlemania? Randy says you are going to see every version of Randy Orton you have seen. If Seth wins, how can he not be the future? The future is always coming. Randy says he will always be the future. Neither will be an afterthought after Wrestlemania and he will be the better man. The future is still here.

    Booker says that Randy was Seth Rollins before Seth Rollins was Seth Rollins. Booker mentions that Randy is 34 and Booker says that when he was 34, he was at his best. Randy is a 12 time champion and he knows about winning on the big stage.

    Michael asks Corey about Seth since he knows him. Corey says Seth joined the Authority as a good business decision. Randy cannot be part of a group. Seth can be manipulated and play the game to get ahead. Now it is a business and Seth wants to succeed. Corey talks about how Seth knew he was going to be called up when they were traveling in NXT. He is brash and arrogant, but he will make the most of his opportunity.

    Booker says that Randy is not ready to let anyone else be the ‘face’ or ‘future’ of WWE.

    We take a look at the Kevin Nash induction video package.

    Booker talks about how big a deal it was for Nash to sign with WCW. He had creative control and came in whenever he wanted.

    Michael asks Corey what the Outsiders meant to him. He had the leather glove and he wore it around. Then as the nWo started, he got the shirt. Nash evolved and now he is in the Hall of Fame.

    Michael asks Booker about how Wrestlemania can shape your career and he talks about John Cena and how his work is cut out for him on Sunday.

    We take a look at a Wrestlemania Rewind Moment: John Cena winning the United States Title against Big Show at Wrestlemania 20.

    Paul Heyman says that John was the rising star and this was the way to give him the kickoff he needed. That was to have John open the show against Big Show for the US Title. Cena says he enjoyed Wrestlemania 20 in Madison Square Garden. It was a fantastic moment to lead off the show with a feat of strength he will never forget.

    Sunday, John faces one of the biggest challenges of his career. He faces Rusev for the United States Title.

    We have a video package for the United States Title Match.

    Michael mentions the rumors about Lana’s absence over the last few weeks. Is it because Lana agreed to the match for Cena at Wrestlemania.

    Michael asks if Rusev can be controlled without Lana. Corey says that he has been unstoppable since coming to WWE. How much of his game plan is Lana? They don’t make that public. It is a huge challenge for John Cena. Cena thought he was prepared at Fastlane, but he could not beat Rusev.

    Cole asks Booker about John being dominated on Monday and the look in Rusev’s eyes. Booker mentions that since he debuted in 2002, he has never looked that vulnerable. Rusev is someone who works on the pressure points. He is a student of the martial world. He compares Rusev to Oleg Tatarov.

    Michael talks about his interview with John Cena a few weeks ago about what a loss at Wrestlemania means for his career. He says that Cena said he does not know.

    Booker says this is about John’s legacy. He will need to win using his experience, not through brute force.

    Michael mentions the Wrestlemania Kickoff Show and the Tag Title Match that will be defending during the two hour period before Wrestlemania.

    Michael also mentions that Corey, Booker, Byron Saxton, and Renee Young will be hosting the Kickoff Show panel.

    Michael Cole mentions that Ric Flair will be joining the panel to talk about the Triple H versus Sting match.

    We take a look at a video package for Sting.

    Michael says that loyalty is what you use to describe Sting. There is probably one man who knows Sting as well as Sting does, Ric Flair. He joins the panel.

    Michael asks Ric why did he choose now to come to WWE. Flair says he tried to get him to come to WWE in 1993. He told Sting to go and he could have been as big as anyone in the WWE. We are seeing him 20 years later. He says that he had some unfinished business. So he can say that he did that. After this run, you can go into the real Hall of Fame.

    To be in the WWE Hall of Fame, it was the greatest retirement of them all. Whatever happens on Sunday, Sting will be a Hall of Fame candidate. Now he gets to wrestle on the grandest stage of them all. He was 59 when he wrestled Shawn Michaels. Sting is a quality guy who deserves the opportunity.

    Booker says that Sting would have wondered what would have happened if he did not sign. He can prove to Triple H that WCW had the best wrestlers.

    Flair says if Crockett could stay East of the Mississippi, they would have challenged WWE.

    Michael asks Flair if Triple H knows what he was going to get into. Flair says that he never thought Bryan was going to beat Triple H, but this is not a part time job. You need to get in the ring because the timing is important and you cannot get it from exercising.

    Flair says time off is a wrestler’s worst enemy because your timing is off.

    Flair says that Sting was wrestling ‘down there’ but not against the type of people like Triple H.

    Flair says that he is picking Triple H to win the match. Triple H is not going to lose a fourth year in a row. Stephanie may have to bring a sledgehammer into the ring.

    Michael Cole announces that the Andre the Giant Battle Royal will be on the Kickoff Show.

    Miz and Damien Sandow join the panel and Sandow is dressed unlike Miz. Miz says he is doing fine. Miz says that Kevin Hart and Will Ferrell were playing with them.

    Curtis Axel joins the panel and he talks about how AxelMania is running wild. He has been in the Royal Rumble for 59 days and counting. He is often imitated but never eliminated.

    Curtis asks Michael ‘whatcha gonna do when Axelmania runs wild on you’. He rips off the shirt and starts chanting Axelmania.

    Cole suggests that maybe Axel can get a commercial endorsement. We take a look at Miz’ commercial work.

    Miz talks about how they are treating this like a joke. He is the star of The Marine 4 and he will win the Battle Royal. Sandow offers Miz a soft drink since there are a few on the table. Cole suggests that Miz might not be able to star with Kevin and Will in ‘Get Hard’. Sandow says Miz’ guns fires real bullets in the Marine.

    Michael asks Miz and Sandow what will happen if it is down to the two of them. Will Sandow eliminate himself. Booker tells Sandow he has to stand up for himself. Miz says that Sandow will help him eliminate everyone and then Sandow will throw himself over the top rope. Miz says he will win the one thing he has never won. Sandow says that he will be doing that according to Miz. Miz says that Sandow would be fired if he does not do what Miz says.

    Sandow says it would be a tough pill to swallow if he is fired for not doing what Miz wants him to do. Michael admires Sandow’s clothing but Miz talks about how much his suit cost and Sandow asks Miz if he is compensating for something.

    Cole says that he would like to see it come down to Miz and Sandow.

    Miz reminds everyone about Alex Riley. He was taken to the main event of Wrestlemania. Now he is gone and part of NXT. Miz says that he cares about Sandow’s career.

    Miz talks about the screening for Marine 4 over the weekend.

    We take a look at another Wrestlemania Rewind Moment: Undertaker versus Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania 25. Jerry Lawler says it was a magical moment.

    Michael mentions that the streak ended last year.

    We take a look at the Undertaker making his declaration that he would be coming back to the ring to face Bray Wyatt at Wrestlemania.

    Cole asks Booker why would Bray do this. Booker says it will be a hell of a walk for Bray. This is the Undertaker’s playground. It is his 23rd Wrestlemania. He is the personification of evil. Bray has made a wave and he has used children to get his message across. The streak was broken, but his spirit will not be broken.

    Michael asks Corey what will we see of the Undertaker since he was a broken shell last year. Corey says he cannot get the image of Undertaker leaving the ring last year out of his head. Time is not on the Undertaker’s side. If anyone can pull something out, it is Undertaker. Bray has had an unbelievable year. Is it insanity or genius to call out Undertaker? Will he cement his legacy on Sunday.

    Michael asks Booker how will Taker respond to the biggest loss of his career. Booker says he wrestled Undertaker in 2004 and he intended to beat Taker, but he waited for Taker and became a fan when the lights went out. It took him out of his element.

    Michael mentions that Bray is in the prime of his career and in better shape than Taker.

    Booker predicts that Undertaker will win. Corey says that Brock proved that Undertaker can be beaten and he will make Undertaker 21-2. Cole says Taker comes back in grand fashion on Sunday.

    It is time to hear from Seth Rollins, who joined Booker T.

    Seth is asked how does it feel to be played by Randy Orton. Did you fall for the oldest trick in the book or do you think you are untouchable? As Mr. Money in the Bank and the future of the WWE, he has a lot on his plate. It did not feel good. Seth says that he is smarter than that. He should not be taken like that by Randy.

    Seth says it was personally embarrassing.

    Booker points out that this will be Seth’s first singles match at Wrestlemania while Randy has been in singles matches for a decade. Seth points out that this is not his first time against Randy Orton at Wrestlemania. They met a few years ago when he was part of the Shield. He is not intimidated one bit by Randy Orton and what he did. This is the Wrestlemania where he makes his mark.

    Booker mentions when Seth injured Randy in November. What was he trying to accomplish. Seth says that he was trying to show that Randy’s days are numbers. He is an incredible performer but his time is over. He is younger than Orton. He is faster, more agile, and smarter than Orton. Orton was the Legend Killer. Seth says he is no different. He is on his way up while Orton is not.

    Booker says that Orton is sadistic and one of the most cold blooded dudes he has ever seen. How do you prepare for Orton. Seth asks what about him? What about the things he did to get ahead. He hit his brothers in the Shield to get ahead. What about what he did at Money in the Bank or what he did to Dean Ambrose. He just has to be him.

    Booker asks if he has earned what he has gotten or has it been given to him. Seth says that he is insulted by that question. There is not one single thing that has been handed to him. He has come up from the bottom. Just because he is part of the Authority and friends with Stephanie and Triple H, he has had to earn everything. He will continue to work harder to keep that position.

    Booker says that he is just here to ask the questions.

    Booker asks about his match against Randy and his career long term. Does the future become the present if he wins. Seth says that once he wins at Wrestlemania, it will be the passing of the guard. The future becomes the present. He is never satisfied. He always wants something more and something bigger. He will work harder than he did before. In 2015, you will see the best Seth Rollins you have ever seen before.

    Michael talks about how confident Seth was. Booker calls him a polarizing figure. He believes that he is the future of the WWE.

    Michael asks Corey what has allowed Seth to succeed. Corey talks about his work ethic. He trains harder and competes with himself. If there is something he needs to improve, he goes over and above.

    Michaels wonders why does Seth have to be associated with the Authority. Corey suggests that it is to prolong his career.

    Booker says that Seth is doing it the smart way. He talks about how Seth broke Brock Lesnar’s ribs at the Royal Rumble. Seth will want more even if he cashes in and wins the WWE Title.

    Michael says that after seeing what Seth did in the match at the Royal Rumble, he does not need the Authority.

    Booker says that he is staying with Orton. Corey is going with Rollins. Cole is not sure who he is picking. Orton has the experience but he does not know. Corey says this match could steal the show.

    It is time to talk about the Divas tag match and we get the predictions of the other divas.

    Paige joins the panel.

    Michael talks about how far she has come in the last year. Michael mentions that Corey knows her from NXT.

    Corey asks her where does she go from here. Paige says she wants to be on every pay per view. She wants to be the longest reigning Divas Champion. She hopes to be in the Hall of Fame.

    Michael asks Paige about the issues that she had with AJ, but he mentions they get resolved a little on Smackdown. She is asked about the differences she has with the Bellas. Paige says that they want to take the Bellas down. Paige says that she did what she could while AJ was gone. They are very similar because they both want to win.

    Michael says that AJ talked about how the Bellas were the ‘prototypical’ Divas but AJ and Paige are not in that mold. She says that they like to represent people who like to be themselves. They don’t mind being weirdoes.

    Booker asks if the Bellas are jealous of Paige. Paige says they are. As a team, they can be unstoppable.

    Paige is asked about being on Total Divas and Paige says it is ‘Total Paige’.

    Michael tells Paige to soak in her first Wrestlemania. He points out that if she wins, they will both be undefeated.

    Michael Cole mentions Brock’s signing and we see the interview that Brock did with former WWE announcer Jonathan Coachman.

    We take a look at a shot of Levi’s Stadium, the home of Wrestlemania 31.

    It is now time to hear from Brock Lesnar.

    Brock says he was put on this Earth to seek and destroy and hurt people. Is that sadistic? Maybe to some people. Not to him. He enjoys it. It is what he does. That is why he is here. What does Wrestlemania mean to him? It is a day he gets to show up and kick somebody’s ass and make money for doing it.

    The Undertaker did not stand a chance against him.

    What about the people who were disappointed he beat the Undertaker. Brock says that he does not care. Disappointment . . . surprise? He loves every minute of it.

    As a rookie, he came in and he sent the Rock to Hollywood. He ended the Undertaker’s streak. He suplexed John Cena’s ass out of Wrestlemania. If you thought Brock was crazy in ‘hunt’ mode, wait until you see him in ‘defense’ mode. If he has a message for Roman Reigns. You can wish you can win, but it won’t happen. Brock will kick your ass and it won’t be like any you have taken before.

    There is no feel good, fairy tale moment. He is going to f*** up Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania. The End.

    Michael Cole says that he cannot see Brock Lesnar losing on Sunday. He signed a new contract. He beat the Undertaker, John Cena, and Seth Rollins.

    Booker says this match can exceed expectations. He says that people will remember Roman Reigns beating Brock Lesnar. Brock won against an Olympic Gold Medalist as a rookie in Kurt Angle. Then he beat Undertaker last year. This is Roman’s first time under the bright lights. If you can keep those butterflies under control, he can do something great.

    Corey says that Roman can walk out, he does not think that Roman can beat Brock. Everything you say about Brock Lesnar, Roman cannot get the job done.

    Cole says anything can happen and Roman can pull off the upset on Sunday. Roman is going into his first singles match for the WWE Title and it will be in front of 75,000. Brock has been there and done that. Brock does not care about anyone else. He will do anything he can to support his family. Does Roman have that killer instinct in him? He needs it to beat Brock.

    Booker mentions that Rikishi is going into the Hall of Fame. Roman needs to prove that he belongs.

    Michael mentions that Corey will be back on Wrestlemania Today tomorrow while Booker and Michael will be somewhere else for Wrestlemania activities

  3. #43
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    This was easily the worst WM I've ever seen

  4. #44
    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smartmark View Post
    This was easily the worst WM I've ever seen
    worst ever seen? LOL. thats a stretch tbf. i hope no one thinks this is credible just bc ur an smod cause this is the dumbest thing i have ever read.
    Last edited by Role Model; 03-30-2015 at 11:52 AM.

  5. #45
    (< . . o . . PowerPill! Smartmark's Avatar
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    ^^ Ehh... I am not allowed to have my own opinions??

  6. #46
    Legend In My Spare Time Role Model's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Smartmark View Post
    ^^ Ehh... I am not allowed to have my own opinions??
    Yes you are, and you know I consider you a friend. Just surprised you thought it was the worst you EVER SEEN.

  7. #47
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I thought this Mania was awesome, I thoroughly enjoyed it and have now watched it 3 times

    Rollins winning was a HUGE shock, I do not like it but i understand why it did.

    Triple H winning was ummm, well, not sure what to say lol but great to see NWO and DX out there, a great add on to the match.

    Great to see Ronda and finally she getting a match in WWE at Extreme Rules. Waiting a year for this. Rock vs Trips at Mania 32? Or maybe a tag team with Steph and Ronda.

    IMO, a good PPV overall and RAW the next night was great to.

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