WWE Hall of Famer Greg "The Hammer" Valentine recently appeared on Filsinger Games' The View podcast and made some very controversial statement regarding women's wrestling. Valentine cut right to the chase:

“As far as girl wrestling, I would send them all out to the strip bar and fire ’em.”

“I’d fire every girl wrestler I ever saw. They don’t draw any money, they have horrible matches. Uh … they’re terrible. That’s the way I feel.” “They take away jobs from men that need to support their families. They should be home washing dishes and cooking and pregnant and barefoot.”

The male host responded, "Here we go.." and added that this was a perfect heel interview. Valentine continued:

“I love women … but they gotta realize their place. They’re not supposed to be wrestlers. They’re not supposed to be MMA fighters or boxers. It’s bullshit.”