Pro Wrestling NOAH “The Second Navig. 2016”, 2/14/2016 [Sun] 17:00 @ Kyoto KBS Hall

(1) Akitoshi Saito & Kaito Kiyomiya vs. Ra-pid & Taiyoto Kamen [both Doutonbori]
◆Winner: Ra-pid (8:21) following a Diving Double Knee Drop on Kiyomiya.
(2) Kenoh & Hajime Ohara vs. Yoshinari Ogawa & Genba Hirayanagi
◆Winner: Kenoh (10:35) following the Kibo on Genba.
(3) Muhammad Yone & Hitoshi Kuamno vs. Takashi Iizuka & TAKA Michinoku
◆Winner: TAKA (12:23) with the Just Facelock 2006 on Kumano.
(4) Taiji Ishimori, Daisuke Harada & Atsushi Kotoge vs. Yoshinobu Kanemaru, Taichi & El Desperado
◆Winner: Ishimori (10:01) with a 450° Splash on Desperado.
~ Though the champions claimed the win the Suzuki-gun trio took out the champions following the match.

(5) Lance Archer & Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs. Shuhei “Maybach” Taniguchi & Quiet Storm
◆Winner: Archer (9:43) following the Killer Bomb on Storm.
~ K.E.S. dismissed Shiozaki & Taniguchi as even being worthy in the least bit for a shot at the GHC Tag belts.

(6) Takashi Sugiura, Minoru Suzuki & Shelton “X” Benjamin vs. Naomichi Marufuji, Katsuhiko Nakajima & Mitsuhiro Kitamiya
◆Winner: Sugiura (18:23) following the Olympic Qualifying Slam on Kitamiya.
~ Suzuki stated that he as a condition for the upcoming singles match between himself and Nakajima. That if Nakajima loses he will be forced to join Suzuki-gun.