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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default WWE RAW Coverage & Discussion Thread - May 14th, 2018

    RAW Preview
    Money in the Bank Qualifying Matches continue in London

    Who will earn the right to battle in the Men’s and Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Matches? Qualifiers continue when Raw takes over London’s famous O2 Arena.

    WWE RAW Live Coverage - 14th May, 2018
    Location: London, United Kingdom
    Announcers: Booker T, Michael Cole and Corey Graves

    We start off with footage from the NBC Upfront in New York with the announcement of the Raw Women's Title match for Money in the Bank.

    Roman Reigns makes his way to the ring and the crowd is not happy to see him.

    We take a look back at what happened last week when Jinder Mahal took a likely victory from Roman during the main event.

    Roman waits for the boos to die down and he says last week he got robbed. This time it wasn't by WWE Management, it was by Jinder Mahal. Roman tells Jinder if he wants to be more relevant than he has ever been in his career, he should come into Roman's yard and face him like a real man.

    Instead of Jinder, it is Kurt Angle who makes his way to the ring.

    Kurt says he regrets to tell Roman that Jinder will not be coming out.

    Roman wants to know when Kurt started to talk for Jinder.

    Kurt says he speaks for WWE Management. Kurt says that when he was denied the opportunity to qualify for Money in the Bank, he was acting emotionally and he was wrong. Kurt says he should have been thinking logically because that is what is best for business. Kurt points out that Jinder is a former WWE Champion so he will get a chance to qualify for the Money in the Bank match against Bobby Lashley and Elias.

    Roman says he should be added to make it a Fatal Four Way and then he can qualify for the Money in the Bank.

    Kurt says that will not happen because he will not have any more opportunities. Kurt says that Roman got screwed last week and at the Greatest Royal Rumble when the referee made a bad judgment call.

    Roman says he knows that Kurt is doing what he has to do because of his family. Roman says that now he will do what he has to do.

    Roman goes to the back.

    We see Roman looking around for Jinder Mahal and he sees Jinder. Jinder pushes Sunil in the way but Roman stops Sunil. Jinder with punches and kicks to Roman as he sends Roman into the wall and then into a trash bin. Roman sends Jinder into the wall and then he sends him into some popcorn and bananas. Roman sends Jinder into the wall and guardrails. Roman sends a case into Jinder and then they fight to the stage.

    Roman with an uppercut and then he sets for a Superman Punch and he connects.

    Officials come out to stop Roman from inflicting any further damage on Mahal.

    We go to commercial.

    Intercontinental Championship
    Sth Rollins (c) vs Kevin Owens

    Owens with a kick and forearms followed by punches. Owens with a chop and kicks. The referee warns Owens and Owens with punches to the midsection. Owens with shoulders in the corner followed by an Irish whip. Rollins comes out of the corner with a clothesline and then he chops and punches Owens. Rollins with kicks in the corner as the referee makes his count. Rollins with a chop. Owens goes to the floor on an Irish whip. Rollins punches Owens off the apron and Rollins goes for a suicide dive but Owens catches Rollins on his shoulders and he sends Rollins into the ring post.

    Owens sends Rollins back into the ring and hits a back senton for a near fall. Owens with a knee to the back and a rear chin lock. Rollins with a jaw breaker but Owens sends Rollins over the top rope to the floor.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Owens stretches Rollins with his knee in Seth's back. Owens with a knee to the midsection and he gets Rollins on his shoulders but Rollins gets back to his feet and he sends Kevin to the floor when Owens charges at him. Owens pulls Rollins to the floor and kicks him. Rollins avoids the power bomb on the apron and gets onto the apron. Owens with a kick and Rollins blocks a power bomb. Rollins with a punch and boot.

    Rollins with a Falcon Arrow onto the apron and both men fall to the floor. Both men get back in at nine. Owens with a head butt and Rollins with a punch. Owens with a forearm to the back. Rollins with punches and chops. Owens with a knee to stop Rollins. Rollins moves and Owens goes to the floor. Rollins with a suicide dive and then he hits a second one. Rollins sends Owens back into the ring and he hits a springboard clothesline.

    Rollins with a running forearm and a boot when Owens charges at him. Rollins with a Blockbuster for a near fall. Rollins sets for the V Trigger but Owens escapes. Owens with a DDT for a near fall. Owens stomps on Rollins' hand and then he sets for a pop up power bomb but Rollins lands on his feet. Rollins lands on his feet on a back body drop. Rollins misses Black Out. Owens with a super kick but Rollins with an enzuigiri. Owens with a clothesline for a near fall.

    Owens goes up top for a swanton but Rollins gets his knees up. Rollins sets for Black Out but Owens moves and he rolls Rollins up but Rollins rolls through and kicks Owens and hits a V Trigger for a near fall. Rollins goes up top and goes for a frog splash but Owens gets his knees up and gets a near fall with an inside cradle. Owens goes up top but Rollins stops him. Owens with a forearm to the back and he sends Rollins to the mat. Rolilns gets back up but Owens with a super fisherman's buster but Rollins rolls to the floor.

    Owens sends Rollins back into the ring and Rollins with Black Out as Owens comes back into the ring. Rollins with the three count.

    Winner: Seth Rollins (retains Title)

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and we take a look back at what happened earlier today at the NBC Universal Upfronts.

    We see Ronda Rousey being interviewed by Cathy Kelley and Ronda says she has a lot of challenges ahead of her and goals in front of her. Charlotte Flair stops by and Ronda says they have a lot in common. They both wooo but Nia stops by and asks Ronda if she can hold up a title belt and be the Raw Women's Champion. Ronda says that she would like to have a shot at the title. Nia says that she has a title defense at Money in the Bank and she is challenging Ronda. Ronda mentions that she has only had one match and Nia says she is not challenging anyone else. Ronda accepts.

    Kurt Angle is on the phone and he says he cannot believe that Nia made the challenge.

    Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel interrupt and they talk about how he is the best General Manager. Curtis says they want a tag title match. Now that Miz is gone, they will be the A Team.

    Kurt says they cannot use that name.

    Bo says if that does not work, then what about The B Team. Curtis and Kurt wonder what that means. Bo says it means Best.

    Kurt says that they haven't won a tag match and you want a title match. You lost last week.

    Bo says they might not have that many wins as the MizTourage, the B Team is undefeated. Curtis wants to know how Kurt can keep their best team from the titles. Kurt agrees to give them a match if they don't bother him the rest of the night.

    We go to commercial

    Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
    No Way Jose vs Baron Corbin vs Bobby Roode

    Corbin punches Jose and Roode and then he goes to the floor to send Jose into the ring steps. Roode punches Corbin but Corbin with an Irish whip. Roode floats over and hits a running forearm. Roode with a running clothesline into the corner but Corbin avoids the neck breaker. Roode with a boot to the head followed by a Blockbuster for a near fall. Corbin drops Roode on the top rope. Jose with a running forearm to Corbin.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Corbin with a half nelson and chin lock on Roode while Jose is outside the ring. Roode with punches and a chop to Corbin but Corbin with a side slam on Roode for a near fall. Jose is knocked off the apron by Corbin and Corbin goes to the floor. Corbin sends Jose into the ringside barrier and then he returns to the ring to kick Roode. Jose punches Corbin and Corbin with an Irish whip but Corbin slides around the ring post and back into the ring to clothesline Roode when Jose moves. Jose with a punch and boot to Corbin.

    Jose goes to the turnbuckles for a cross body but Roode breaks up the cover. Jose with an Irish whip but Roode but Roode with a boot. Roode with a spinebuster on Jose for a near fall. Corbin punches Roode and puts him on the turnbuckles. Jose with a forearm to Corbin's back and Jose climbs the turnbuckles. Roode punches Jose off the turnbuckles and Roode goes up top and hits a clothesline.

    Roode looks around for the GLORIOUS DDT but Corbin gets on the apron and Rood knocks Corbin down. Jose with a rollup on Roode for a near fall. Jose clotheslines Roode over the top rope to the floor. Corbin with a forearm to Jose to send him to the mat. Corbin comes off the apron with a clothesline to Roode. Corbin runs into a boot but Corbin with a chokebreaker for a near fall. Corbin with forearms to Jose. Corbin sets for a chokebreaker on Roode but Roode counters with a sunset flip for a near fall. Corbin with Deep Six on Roode for a near fall when Jose breaks up the cover.

    Corbin runs Jose into the corner and then hits splashes on Roode and Jose. Corbin hits the ring post when Roode moves. Roode with the GLORIOUS DDT for the three count.

    Winner: Bobby Roode (qualifies for Money in the Bank Ladder Match)

    Kevin Owens stops Kurt Angle and he demands another match. Kurt says he does not get another chance. Kevin tells Kurt to do something or he will call Stephanie McMahon.

    Kurt tells Kevin he is tired of him making threats. Kevin says this is reality.

    Jinder Mahal is in the medical office and Jinder demands that that match be canceled so he can wrestle. Kurt says this is the last night of qualifying matches and keeping Jinder out of the match is best for business. Jinder demands to be taped up.

    We go to commercial.

    Fandango and Tyler Breeze vs Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel

    Breeze and Bo start things off and they lock up. Dallas with a rollup for a near fall. Breeze with a back slide for a near fall. Breeze with another rollup for a near fall. Breeze with an inside cradle and Axel breaks it up and pulls Bo to the floor. Breeze with a drop kick and he takes a swing at Axel. Bo hits Breeze from behind and Axel tags in and hits a DDT for a near fall. Axel with a reverse chin lock. Bo tags in and hits a series of knee drops and gets a near fall. Bo with a reverse chin lock.

    Tyler with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Axel and Fandango tag in and Fandango with jabs and a clothesline. Fandango with a reverse atomic drop to Dallas followed by a tornado DDT on Axel for a near fall. Axel with a rollup for a near fall. Fandango with a power slam for a near fall. Fandango goes up top and Dallas attacks Breeze on the floor. Fandango misses and Alabama Jam and Bo tags in and they hit a belly-to-back suplex and neck breaker combination for the three count on Fandango.

    Winners: Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas

    After the match
    Bo and Curtis are interviewed about their victory. Curtis screams that just happened. Bo says that anything is possible. Curtis tells Bray Wyatt and Matt Hardy that they are coming for the Raw Tag Team Championships.

    We go to commercial.

    Ember Moon, Sasha Banks, and Natalya vs Ruby Riott, Sarah Logan, and Liv Morgan

    Ember and Logan start things off. They lock up and Logan with a take down. Ember with a head scissors from a handstand. Moon lands on her feet on a hip toss and Moon with an arm drag. Sasha with a running double knee strike for a near fall. Logan with punches and a head butt. Sasha with a Thesz Press and punches. Sasha sends Sarah into the turnbuckles. Sarah sends Sasha to the mat and then runs her into the corner. Ruby tags in and kicks Sasha and punches her. Ruby with punches and Liv tags in. Sarah tags in as well and Liv with a punch. Ruby tags in and they try for a double suplex but Sasha lands on her feet and she takes care of Ruby and Sarah. The Riott Squad tries to go into the ring together but Natalya and Ember join Sasha in the ring so they stay on the floor.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Sasha and Natalya with a double suplex on Liv. Liv with a take down and she stands on Natalya's back. Natalya runs Liv into the corner and Sasha tags in. Sasha with a wrist lock. Liv with a kick and Sarah tags in but Sasha with a hip toss to Liv and a drop kick to Logan. Sasha puts Logan in the ropes and Ruby distracts Sasha to allow Sarah to connect with a knee and get a near fall. Sarah slams Sasha's head into the mat.

    Ruby tags in and punches Sasha. Sasha with a jaw breaker but Ruby with a clothesline for a near fall. Liv tags in and she goes to the turnbuckles and Sasha is sent into her knees and then Morgan with a bulldog for a near fall. Liv with a Japanese Stranglehold. Liv with a drop kick for a near fall. Ruby tags in and she kicks Sasha and connects with shoulders in the corner. Sasha avoids Ruby and Liv tags in. Liv knocks Ember off the apron and Sasha with a rollup and she tags in Natalya.

    Natalya with a clothesline and side Russian leg sweep. Natalya knocks Logan off the apron and then she hits a slingshot atomic drop on Liv followed by a drop kick. Natalya with a discus clothesline and then she tries for the Sharpshotoer and Ember stops Ruby. Ruby and Ember are down on the floor. Liv with a rollup for a near fall and then she gets a near fall with an enzuigiri.

    Logan is sent over the top rope to the floor. Sasha with Meteora onto Logan. Ember with a suicide dive onto Ruby. Natalya with a Sharpshooter on Liv and Liv taps out.

    Winners: Ember Moon, Natalya, and Sasha Banks

    We get comments from Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre. Drew says the locker room has gone soft. They have a banquet full of pigs stuffing their faces at the trough. Ziggler talks about the choreographed entrances. Drew says that the hunger is gone in their eyes and they are here to remind them of that. Drew says that they are here to flip the table over.

    We go to commercial.

    Non Title Match
    Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt (C's) vs Scott Dawson and Dash Wilder

    Wilder and Hardy start things off and Wilder with a wrist lock. Hardy with a reversal and arm wringer. Wilder escapes and he says that was wonderful. Hardy with forearms and Wyatt tags in. Hardy with a clothesline into the corner and Wyatt with a clothesline. Wyatt with a forearm to the back while Axel and Dallas take notes. Dawson tags in and Wyatt with an Irish whip but Dawson moves on the splash. Wyatt looks back and Dawson does not know what to do. Wyatt with a punch and back senton. Hardy tags in and hits a belly-to-back suplex while Wyatt hits a running head butt. Wilder tags in and he drop kicks Hardy in the back of the knee.

    Wilder sends Hardy into the turnbuckles and sends him into the tree of woe. Dash and Scott with punches to the knee. Dawson tags in and hits a dragon screw as he applies a step over toe hold. Wilder tags in and he puts the leg in the ropes and wraps it in the ropes. Hardy with a punch and Side Effect. Wyatt and Dawson tag in and Wyatt with a clothesline and palm strikes. Wyatt with a splash into the corner followed by a uranage.

    Wyatt leans back in the corner and Hardy tags in. Hardy with a Twist of Fate to Wilder and then they hit the Kiss of Deletion for the three count.

    Winners: Matt Hardy and Bray Wyatt

    Bayley walks in the back and she sees Sasha Banks in the hallway. Sasha wishes Bayley luck and Bayley thanks her.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Sami Zayn is in the ring.

    He asks if people realize that Prince Harry looks like him. He says that he has heard that the Prince is a big fan of his, unlike Bobby Lashley. Bobby leaves for ten years and makes his return to Raw on the same night he did. Bobby tries to make an impact, but he tried to do it at his expense.

    We see footage from a few weeks ago when Bobby gave him vertigo. Did you think of the effect on him when he took that delayed vertical suplex? It was the first case of vertigo in WWE history. Do you think that is funny? His doctor does not think it is funny.

    Sami reads a note from his doctor. Vertigo is a debilitating condition that affects you balance and motor skills. That was why he could not compete in the Greatest Royal Rumble. A match he should have won. It cost him the qualifying match last week. Bobby Lashley has victimized him to satisfy you? Bobby is getting special treatment and he shows footage of the interview that Bobby did with Renee Young.

    Sami says it made sense right away. Bobby targeted him because Bobby wants to be him. Look at the hat. Sami says that is his hat. Sami says he has learned to trust his instincts and Bobby had something to hide. Sami used a little tool called Facebook and he contacted Bobby's sisters and boy did they have a story to tell. They are nothing like Bobby described them to be. Bobby is not the person he portrays himself to be.

    Sami says you don't have to take his word for it, you can take their sister's word. Sami says he has invited his sisters and Sami will expose the real Bobby Lashley.

    Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
    Alexa Bliss versus Mickie James versus Bayley

    Alexa with a back breaker to Bayley and Mickie with a kick to send Bayley to the floor as we go to commercial.

    Mickie with a reverse chin lock on Bayley while Alexa watches. Bayley kicks Alexa and hits a jawbreaker on Mickie. Bayley with a forearm to Alexa and a Thesz Press on Mickie. Alexa with a drop kick to Bayley. Mickie with a rollup on Alexa for a near fall. Mickie tells Alexa it is about the briefcase. Alexa and Mickie push each other and then they kick Bayley. Mickie and Alexa put Bayley on the turnbuckles and they set for a double superplex but Baley stops them and then she hits a cross body onto both women.

    Bayley with clotheslines and a Saito suplex on Alexa. Mickie with a kick to the midsection and then Bayley sends Mickie to the apron and Bayley with a double cutter in the ropes. Bayley with a running shoulder into the corner followed by an elbow in the corner. Bayley runs into an uppercut and Mickie with a head scissors take down. Mickie is sent into the turnbuckles with a hot shot and Alexa with a kick on Bayley followed by a Code Red but Mickie breaks up the cover.

    Mickie with an uppercut to Bayley and Alexa punches Bayley. They all exchange punches and forearms. Alexa accidentally hits Mickie with a forearm. Bayley with an elbow to Mickie that sends Mickie into Alexa. Alexa sends Bayley to the apron and Bayley sends Mickie to the floor. Bayley leaps over Alexa. Bayley with a near fall on a rollup. Bayley hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Alexa and Mickie pulls Bayley out of the ring. Mickie gets a near fall on Alexa.

    Bayley knocks Mickie to the floor and Alexa with a punch and DDT for the three count.

    Winner: Alexa Bliss (qualifies for Money in the Bank Match)

    We take a look back at what happened at the start of Raw between Jinder Mahal and Roman Reigns.

    We see Jinder being taped up and he is told that he can compete. Jinder leaves the medical office and he talks to Sunil while wincing as he walks.

    Jinder continues to walk until Roman spears him through a wall.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Kurt tells Sunil the match must go on. He tells Sunil he needs to find a replacement for Jinder.

    Finn Balor and Braun Strowman vs Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre

    Strowman and Drew stare at each other as the bell rings and Drew smiles at Braun. Balor and Ziggler start things off. They lock up and Balor with a waist lock. Ziggler with a standing switch and Ziggler with a punch. Ziggler punches Balor. Ziggler with a sunset flip and Balor rolls through and hits a drop kick. Drew tags in and so does Braun. Drew tags Ziggler back in before making contact with Braun.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Strowman slams Balor onto Ziggler. Strowman and Balor do the Braun pose but that allows Ziggler to recover and hit a jawbreaker. Balor with a drop kick and Drew trips Balor when he sets for a plancha. Drew tags in and he kicks Balor. Drew with a chop and punch to Balor. Drew stomps on Finn's hand and then he chops Balor in the corner. Dolph tags in and he kicks Balor. Balor with a forearm but Ziggler keeps Balor from making the tag and hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Ziggler with a sleeper and body scissors. Ziggler keeps Balor from making the tag and Drew tags in.

    Drew sends Balor into the corner and Balor fights out of the corner but he cannot make the tag when Drew catches him and connects with a knee and forearm. Drew with a chop. Drew misses a charge into the corner when Balor moves and Strowman tags in. Ziggler tags in and he connects with shoulder tackles on Dolph. Strowman with a forearm across the chest. Ziggler moves and Strowman hits the ring post with his shoulder. Balor tags in and he gives Ziggler a double leg take down and double stomp. Balor with a chop and he floats over. Ziggler with an elbow and Balor with an enzuigiri and an elevated elbow drop for a near fall.

    Ziggler with a rollup and Balor with Slingblade. Balor with a running drop kick and then he goes up top but Drew grabs the leg and Balor goes to the apron. Strowman with a running shoulder tackle to Drew on the floor and Drew knocks over the Greatest Royal Rumble trophy. Ziggler pulls Balor off the turnbuckles and gets the three count.

    Winners: Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre

    We take a look back at the challenge made by Nia Jax to Ronda Rousey at Money in the Bank.

    Kurt is on the phone in his office talking about Ronda's title match and he talks about Roman being sent away. Kurt says he has the perfect person to replace Jinder but he is stopped by Stephanie on the phone and tells him who will be the third man in the match.

    Bobby Lashley and Elias walking in split screen while we wait to see who will be the third man in the match.

    We go to commercial

    We are back and Elias is in the ring and he does not get to find out who wants to walk with him because Kevin Owens makes his way to the ring.

    Money in the Bank Qualifying Match
    Elias vs Bobby Lashley vs Kevin Owens

    Elias punches and kicks Lashley and then Owens joins in and he wants to work with Elias. Elias misses a splash in the corner and then Lashley takes care of Elias and Owens as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Lashley Irish whips Owens into the ringside barrier and then he does the same to Elias. Owens grabs Lashley's leg and Elias with a drop kick to send Lashley to the floor. Owens sends Lashley back into the ring and he punches Lashley while Elias kicks Lashley. Owens and Elias punch each other and they argue about their ended alliance. Owens with an elbow but Elias with a chop. Owens with a back elbow and back senton on Elias for a near fall.

    Elias with a slam to Owens and he sends Owens' legs into the ropes. Lashley with a half nelson slam for a near fall. Owens punches Lashley but Lashley with an Irish whip. Lashley with a clothesline and shoulder into the corner. Lashley sets for a delayed vertical suplex but Owens blocks it. Lashley with a spinebuster to Owens and Elias with a jumping knee to Lashley.

    Elias asks Jojo for his guitar and he sits on the apron to perform.

    Owens interrupts Elias again and Elias with a jumping knee for a near fall when Owens gets his hands on the ropes. Lashley punches Elias. Elias floats over and hits a mule kick on Lashley. Owens kicks Elias and misses a cannonball. Elias goes up top and hits an elbow drop for a near fall but Lashley pulls Elias out of the ring. Elias backs away from Lashley and gets in the ring. Lashley with a clothesline to Elias followed by a belly-to-belly suplex. Lashley with a flatline to Owens and a shoulder to Elias in the corner. Owens stops the delayed vertical suplex on Elias and Lashley blocks a double suplex attempt and hits a double suplex of his own.

    Lashley with infinity shoulders in the corners but he runs into a boot from Owens. Elias runs into a boot. Elias stops Owens on the turnbuckles. Elias with a sit out power bomb but Lashley breaks up the cover. Elias with a punch to Lashley but Lashley punches back. They go back and forth. Elias with elbows but Lashley presses Elias over his head and sends him chest first to the mat. Lashley gets Elias up for the Dominator and hits it but Sami Zayn pulls Lashley out of the ring and sends him into the ring post and then Zayn with a Helluva Kick.

    Owens goes up top and hits a frog splash for the three count.

    Winner: Kevin Owens (Qualifies for Money in the Bank)

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Complete line up for tonight:

    *WWE Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens.

    *WWE Raw Tag Team Champions Matt Hardy & Bray Wyatt vs. The Revival.

    *Money in the Bank Qualification bout: Elias vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Jinder Mahal.

    *Money in the Bank Qualification bout:Bobby Roode vs. Baron Corbin vs. No Way Jose.

    *Money in the Bank Qualification bout: Alexa Bliss vs. Bayley vs. Mickie James.

    *Dolph Ziggler and Drew McIntyre vs. Braun Strowman and Finn Balor.

    *Natalya & Sasha Banks & Ember Moon vs. The Riott Squad.

    *Breezango vs. Curtis Axel & Bo Dallas.

    *Also appearing are Roman Reigns, Kurt Angle, Sami Zayn,

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Great first match between Rollins and Owens. Rollins is certainly on a roll right now.

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Miztourage now the B Team .... lol

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Not a bad qualifying match, kinda figured Roode would win.

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    lol B Team are undefeated.

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    This was a pretty good RAW.

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