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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE RAW Coverage - September 23rd, 2019

    Fatal 5-Way Match to determine who challenges for Universal Title next week

    The winner of a Fatal 5-Way Match between Rey Mysterio, Ricochet, AJ Styles, Shinsuke Nakamura and Robert Roode will go on to challenge Seth Rollins for the Universal Championship next week on the season premiere of Raw.

    WWE RAW Live Coverage - September 23rd, 2019
    Location: San Francisco, California
    Announcers: Michael Cole, Renee Young, and Corey Graves

    We begin with a look back at what happened last week between Seth Rollins, Bray Wyatt, and The Fiend.

    WWE Universal Champion Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring.

    Seth says he has to level with you. Over the last seven years, he has seen a lot of things in this ring, but he has never felt the way he felt last week. He was defenseless last week aftering being attacked by five guys. Then he has the living embodiment of a nightmare in his face. Seth says he closed his eyes hoping it was a bad dream, but it was not. In less than two weeks, he has to defend his title inside Hell in a Cell against Bray Wyatt. Seth says he does not need to tell you what that structure is capable of, it shortens careers. Being in there with Bray is a different story. What does he do?

    Seth says he does what he always does when his back is against the wall. He survives. Nobody gave him a chance against Brock Lesnar but he survived and prevailed. Braun Strowman gave him the fight of his life at Clash of Champions, but he survived and prevailed. Inside Hell in a Cell, it does not mind what mind games Bray uses, Seth says he will survive and prevail.

    Braun Strowman's music interrupts and Braun makes his way to the ring.

    Braun says if Seth has something to say to him, he prefers that Seth says it to his face. Braun says he does not pretend he is Mister Rogers with psycho puppets. Braun suggests that Seth tell him face to face.

    Seth starts to talk about the tag titles and Braun says he is not done talking. You cost them the titles and then Braun reminds Seth that he said he hopes that Braun doesn't get a rematch.

    Seth says that with all he has to do, he was saying that he was hoping that he did not have to face Braun for a while, but he has Bray at Hell in a Cell and then he has to face the winner of the Five Way Match tonight. Seth says now he wants to face Braun.

    Braun says if that is the case, then you are going to get these hands.

    We go to commercial.

    Erik and Ivar vs Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows (w/ AJ Styles)

    Erik and Anderson start off and they lock up. Anderson with punches but Erik with a knee. Anderson with a side head lock and Erik with a double leg take down and a waist lock take down. Erik runs Anderson into the corner and Ivar tags in. Ivar with a knee and Erik with a knee of his own. Ivar with a cross face and shoulder tackle. Ivar gets Anderson up and slams him. Erik tags in and Erik slams Ivar onto Anderson. Erick with an arm bar. Gallows tags in and he punches Erik Gallows with a belly-to-back suplex and he gets a near fall. Gallows with elbow drops to Erik.

    Gallows with punches. Erik with a forearm and Ivar tags in and Ivar with a shoulder tackle and side slam. Ivar with a cross body onto Gallows. Ivar punches Gallows and Gallows with an Irish whip but Ivar goes to the apron and he stops Anderson and Gallows. Styles cannot succeed in his interference, but it distracts Ivar long enough to allow Gallows to kick Ivar off the apron. Styles is sent to the back by the referee.

    Cedric Alexander attacks Styles and sends him into the ring entrance. They fight to the back as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Anderson kicks Ivar in the corner. Gallows tags in and he punches Ivar. Gallows kicks Ivar in the corner. Ivar punches back and he kicks Gallows. He elbows Anderson off the apron and hits a seated splash on Gallows. Anderson and Erik tag in and Erik with forearms to Anderson. Anderson with a forearm and Erik iwth a knee and rolling elbow. Erik with an exploder to Gallows followed by a hip lock and knee to the head. Ivar tags in and hits a clothesline followed by a double knee strike by Erik. Erik sends Ivar into the corner and hits Anderson but Ivar can only get a near fall.

    Gallows pulls Ivar over the top rope to the floor and Anderson with a spinebuster to Erik for a near fall. Anderson with the Boot of Doom for a near fall. Anderson tags in and they set for Magic Killer but Erick kicks Anderson and he punches Gallows. Gallows with a punch and Ivar tags in and hits a clothesline on Gallows. Anderson with a kick but Ivar and Erik hit the Viking Experience for the three count as Erik hits a suicide dive on Gallows.

    Winners: Erik and Ivar

    Robert Roode is in the back and he is asked about his match later tonight. Roode says he thinks he is going to come out on top because he pinned Seth Rollins on the night that he won the tag titles. He beat Seth already. With his Universal Championship on the line, the result will be absolutely GLORIOUS.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Michael Cole is in the back with Becky Lynch. Cole asks about Sasha making the challenge, but Becky asking for the Hell in a Cell match and whether it is a good decision because of her hot streak. Becky says she wants Sasha at her best. Becky says she saw the Raw division in shambles after she won the title. Ronda left the division in shambles. Sasha on a hot streak is what Becky wants. Cole reminds Becky that Sasha has been in a Hell in a Cell match, but Becky reminds Cole that Sasha did not win. Cole brings up Bayley. Becky says the goal is to keep Sasha from getting out. Cole mentions the steel chair from Clash of Champions and her fine. Becky says you sometimes go into the ring for a victory, but sometimes, you go in looking for revenge.

    Rusev vs EC3

    EC3 with punches and a clothesline. EC3 with a kick and punches. EC3 runs Rusev into the corner and Rusev with an Irish whip but he runs into an elbow. Rusev catches EC3 on a cross body attempt and Rusev with a uranage. Rusev with a suplex and he follows with a second suplex. Rusev sets for the Machka Kick and hits it. Rusev sets for the Accolade and applies it and EC3 taps out.

    Winner: Rusev

    Rey Mysterio is in the back and he says a few weeks ago, he almost retired. This business has been his entire life. Rey says he was experiencing a moment of doubt. Thanks to his son Dominic he did not retire and he is still here. Rey says he has a chance to face Seth Rollins next week. Rey tells Dominic that tonight's match is dedicated to you.

    We go to commercial.

    Sasha Banks (w/ Bayley) vs Nikki Cross (w/ Alexa Bliss)

    Nikki charges at Sasha and Sasha runs away. Bayley tries to distract Nikki but it does not work. They lock up and Banks backs Cross into the corner and connects with punches in the corner. Sasha slaps Nikki and Nikki comes out of the corner with forearms. Nikki with a shoulder tackle and a monkey flip. Nikki with a drop kick for a near fall. Sasha goes to the floor to talk strategy with Bayley and Nikki waits for Sasha to return to the ring. Sasha gets back into the ring and she sends Nikki to the mat and Sasha with punches.

    Nikki blocks a suplex and gets a near fall with an inside cradle. Cross with an arm drag into an arm bar. Sasha with forearms and an Irish whip but Nikki floats over and takes Sasha down with an arm drag into an arm bar. Nikki with a crucifix for a near fall. Nikki with a La Magistral for a near fall. Nikki with another arm drag into an arm bar. Nikki with a cross body for a near fall. Banks goes to the floor and Nikki gets on Sasha's back and applies a sleeper. Sasha falls back and Nikki lands hard on the floor.

    We go to commercial.

    Sasha with a straitjacket choke. Nikki escapes the hold and Nikki with a rollup for a near fall. Nikki with a head butt to the midsection but Sasha with an Irish whip. Sasha puts Nikk in the ropes but Nikki kicks Sasha away on the double knee drop. Sasha with a knee and a hesitation double knee strike. Sasha gets a near fall. Sasha with a head scissors and arm bar submission. Sasha runs her boot across Nikki's face and Nikki with a jaw breaker and punch. Nikki with an elbow. Sasha misses a splash into teh corner and Nikki with forearms.

    Nikki with a splash into the corner followed by a bulldog for a near fall. Sasha goes to the apron to avoid Nikki and Sasha sends the leg into the ropes. Sasha with a running double knee strike for a near fall. Sasha with a snap mare and she drops a knee to the leg. Sasha with a spinning toe hold. Sasha with a knee to the hamstring. Nikki grabs Sasha's hair and Sasha punches Nikki. Nikki kicks Sasha away and Sasha grabs the leg and Nikki sends Sasha into the turnbuckles. Nikki kicks Sasha from the apron and Nikki with a cross body off the apron. Nikki with a neck breaker in the ropes.

    Nikki with a neck breaker in the ring and Nikki gets a near fall. Sasha with a drop kick to the temple for a near fall. Sasha with a drop kick to the ribs and Nikki goes to the floor. Sasha goes for a baseball slide but Nikki pulls out the ring skirt and connects with forearms. Sasha avoids a tornado DDT and Sasha goes for the lungblower but Nikki avoids it. Nikki with a swinging neck breaker and Bayley gets on the apron and the referee forgets what his job is. Alexa takes care of Bayley and sends her into the timekeeper's area.

    Nikki with a cross body from the turnbuckles but Sasha rolls through and applies the Banks Statement and Nikki taps out.

    Winner: Sasha Banks

    After the match:
    Sasha attacks Nikki and then she kicks Alexa on the apron. Sasha with a lungblower and Banks Statement on Alexa.

    AJ Styles, Karl Anderson, and Luke Gallows are in the back and AJ asks when will they learn that they are not in his league? They say that Cedric is not on his level. Luke says none of the other four are in AJ's league. AJ says nothing will get in his way of getting that Universal Championship.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and we are told that next week on the Season Premiere of Raw, Brock Lesnar will be there.

    The Street Profits are in the back and Angelo mentions Brock Lesnar. Angelo talks about Seth Rollins versus Braun Strowman tonight. Montez mentions the Elimination Match to determine who faces Seth next week for the Universal Title. Montez mentions the participants. Angelo brings up Ricochet's reaction last week when Maria said he was the father.

    Miz shows up and he mentions that he has another daughter as of Friday. Next week, Miz will be hosting MizTV with Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair.

    Montez wants them to show what happened last week on Smackdown when Brock Lesnar challenged Kofi Kingston for the WWE Championship on next week's Smackdown.

    Lacey Evans makes her way to the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    Ember Moon vs Lacey Evans

    Lacey backs off and she has to towel off and she litters in the ring so Ember with a drop kick. Ember gets a near fall. Ember with a side head lock. Ember lands on her feet on a hip toss attempt and sends Lacey to teh mat. Ember with a springboard cross body for a near fall. Lacey kicks Ember into the corner and Ember sends Lacey to the apron. Lacey with a slingshot kick that knocks Ember off the apron. Ember is sent back into the ring.

    We see Natalya in a room with a monitor as the match continues.

    Lacey with a sleeper. Lacey with a knee drop to the arm and she kicks Ember in the corner. Lacey with a hesitation Bronco Buster for a near fall. Lacey with forerms. Ember with a Samoan drop. Ember with a short arm clothesline followed by a series of kicks. Lacey with an Irish whip and Ember goes to the apron. Lacey with a leg sweep. Lacey misses a kick when Ember ducks and Ember with a cutter from the apron. Ember gets a near fall. Ember gets another near fall. Ember goes up top but Lacey stops Ember and hits a Woman's Right while Ember is on the turnbuckles. Lacey stands over Ember and applies the Sharpshooter and Ember taps out.

    Winner: Lacey Evans

    After the match:
    Natalya is asked about Lacey using the Sharpshooter. Natalya says imitiation is the sincerest form of flattery. Lacey hasn't perfected the move and if Lacey wants a rematch, she better be ready to tap out.

    Firefly Funhouse
    We go to the Firefly Funhouse and the wall of victims. Another photo is put on the wall but it has not been revealed who is under the cover.

    Bray takes a Seth Rollins action figure from Huskus. Bray tells Huskus and Ramblin Rabbit to be friends. Ramblin says they both love Seth so much. Bray says sharing is not easy and you don't want to get too attached to something. If you get too attached to something, you get weak and you feel disappointment, neglect, and loneliness. Bray says he knows what it is like to be abandoned by someone who loves them. Ramblin says they don't want the Fiend to hurt Seth Rollins. Bray says maybe HE wants to protect Seth.

    Bray says Ramblin and Huskus can share Seth and Bray breaks the action figure in half. He says sharing is caring.

    Bray tells everyone he will see them in hell.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and the announcers talk about last week's NXT on USA Network.

    R Truth and Carmella run to the ring as they look for the Benny Hill gang. Carmella tells them to stop and she asks for a mic. She tells them to stop chasing them. She cannot take that any more. They are on the run to capture and retain the 24/7 Title. Truth says they are going to get out of here thanks to his clown friend and he will take them to Derry Lane. Carmella says she cannot do this any more.

    Truth hugs Carmella and Carmella with a rollup for the three count.

    Carmella celebrates and then she gets on Truth's back and they go to the back and we have women chasing the new champ to the back.

    Bayley talks about destroying Nikki and Alexa at the same time. Sasha says she heard what Becky said. Sasha says that Becky talks about this as a cat and mouse game. Sasha says she is looking forward to gettting back what is hers.

    Baron Corbin vs Chad Gable

    Corbin misses a clothesline and Gable with a punch. Corbin misses another clothesline and Gable with punches and kicks. Gable with a waist lock and Corbin misses an elbow. Gable with a kick to the knee and he returns to the waist lock. Corbin sends Gable through the ropes to the floor. Corbin with a back elbow. Corbin with a half nelson and chin lock. Gable with a punch but Corbin with an elbow and hard Irish whip. Corbin with a forearm to the back and he chokes Gable in the ropes. Gable floats over and hits an arm drag followed by a drop kick to the knee. Gable with a swinging neck breaker and Corbin goes to the floor.

    Corbin pulls Gable to the floor and Gable with a forearm. Corbin with a kick and he sends Gable into the ring steps. Corbin biels Gable over the ringside barrier onto two members of the security detail as we go to commercial.

    We are back and Corbin with punches but Gable with a forearm. Corbin slides around the ring post and hits a back elbow for a near fall. Corbin with elbows to the upper chest. Corbin returns to the half nelson and chin lock. Gable goes for the leg and Corbin with a hard Irish whip for a near fall. Corbin punches Gable and puts him on the turnbuckles. Gable flips over Corbin and hits a cross body on Corbin. Gable with European uppercuts and kicks. Gable runs into a boot from Corbin and Corbin gets a near fall.

    Corbin with a splash into the corner. Corbin with another splash into the corner. Corbin slides around the ring post when Gable moves on a splash. Gable with a series of rolling kicks to Corbin. Gable goes up top but Corbin crotches Gable and then slams him to the mat and gets a near fall. Gable with a kick to the knee. Gable with more kicks to the leg and Gable with a sunset flip for a near fall. Corbin with a choke slam and he gets a near fall. Gable with punches and Corbin punches back. Corbin goes to the turnbuckles but misses and hits the top rope. Gable with a German suplex. Gable with a moonsault for a near fall.

    Corbin grabs Gable by the throat but Gable escapes. Gable with an ankle lock. Corbin gets his scepter and he hits Gable with it and the referee calls for the bell.

    Winner: Chad Gable (by disqualification)

    After the match:
    Corbin continues to attack Gable with the scepter. Corbin hits Gable in the back of the head with the scepter.

    We go to the Authors of Pain. Rezar and Akam introduce themselves. They say they exposed the tag team as being soft and afraid of them. Akam says they will show you who AOP are. They walk into the hallway and they attack Heath Slater and No Way Jose.

    We go back to Akam and Rezar in Aleister Black's Room. Rezar says they said no one was tough enough to fight them. Now you know why no one will fight AOP.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Ricochet is asked about the match. He says there is time for everyone to soar and defy the odds. Tonight is his chance. A win will not just give him a title match, it will show that superheroes can be real.

    Number One Contender Elimination Match
    Rey Mysterio vs Ricochet vs Robert Roode vs AJ Styles vs Shinsuke Nakamura

    Roode watches from the floor while Rey sends AJ down with a head scissors and Ricochet does the same to Nakamura. Rey with a rollup on Ricochet for a near fall. Ricochet with a drop kick to Roode and then Ricochet sends Styles to the floor. Rey with an Asai Moonsault onto Styles while Ricochet hits a twisting plancha onto Nakamura.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Ricochet with a kick and drop kick to Nakamura. Nakamura goes to the floor and Styles is sent to the apron. Ricochet with a springboard drop kick and then Ricochet kicks Roode. Ricochet lands on his feet on a pescado and Styles clotheslines Ricochet. Rey with a kick to Roode and Roode with a knee to the midsection and he sends Rey under the bottom rope and Rey with a splash onto Ricochet. Roode punches Ricochet and Styles and Roode push each other.

    Styles and Roode work over Ricochet but they still argue. Styles with a punch and Roode and Styles with a double back elbow. Styles with a Pele kick after avoiding a Roode clothesline. Styles gets a near fall on Roode. Styles with a slam to Ricochet but Nakamura trips Styles and sends him into the ringside barrier. Nakamura with a running knee to the ribs. Nakamura with a forearm to Ricochet's back followed by a gourdbuster to Ricochet. Nakamura kicks Ricochet. Nakamura with knees and he chokes RIcochet in the ropes. Ricochet is put on the turnbuckles and Nakamura iwth a running knee to the ribs.

    Nakamura with a reverse exploder but Ricochet lands on his feet. Ricochet with an enzuigiri and Rey with a springboard senton to Nakamura. Ricochet flips over Rey and Ricochet catches Rey on a springboard move. Ricochet blocks a tornado DDT and hits a suplex for a near fall. Styles with a forearm into the corner on Ricochet followed by an Irish whip. Ricochet with a rolling drop kick to Styles. Roode is given a jawbreaker by Ricochet. Roode with an Irish whip but Roode misses a splash and sends Roode into the turnbuckles and Ricochet kicks the turnbuckles.

    Ricochet with a springboard clothesline to Roode and Nakamura with Kinshasa to Ricochet for the three count.

    Ricochet Eliminated

    We go to commercial..

    We are back and Rey goes up top and Nakamura kicks Rey. Nakamura sets for a superplex but Styles comes under and goes to the ropes for a double superplex. Roode comes out to go under for the power bomb on the Tower of Doom. Roode gets a near fall on Rey and then a near fall on Styles. Roode gets the trifecta with a near fall on Nakamura. Roode kicks AJ and sends him to the floor. Roode with chops and forearms to Nakamura. Roode with an Irish whip and he misses a splash into the corner. Nakamura with a kick to the back of the head and then he hits a jumping side kick for a near fall. Nakamura with a running knee to Styles for a near fall.

    Nakamura sets for Kinshasa on Styles but Styles moves. Nakamura sends AJ to the floor. Rey with a springboard cross body and then Nakamura with a knee. Rey sends Nakamura into the ropes with a head scissors and then he hits a 619. Styles with a forearm to the back of Rey's head and Styles with a brainbuster on the apron. Styles with a forearm to Roode and then he hits a Phenomenal Forearm on Nakamura when Roode moves and Styles pins Nakamura.

    Shinsuke Nakamura eliminated

    Roode with a GLORIOUS DDT to pin Styles

    AJ Styles Eliminated

    Roode send Rey back into the ring and he winds up for the GLORIOUS DDT. Rey with a rollup for a near fall. Rey with a head scissors that sends Roode into the ropes. Roode gets out of the ropes and hits a spinebuster for a near fall. Rey goes to the apron and he hits a shoulder and kicks Roode. Rey goes for a West Coast Pop but Roode blocks it. Rey sends Roode into the ropes and Rey hits the 619 followed by a springboard splash for the three count.

    Winner: Rey Mysterio

    Seth Rollins is in the back and he is asked about his opponent for next week. Seth says it was a hell of a fight and he earned his opportunity. Seth says this is going to be a dream match. He says he has to face the Fiend at Hell in a Cell and he has to face Braun Strowman tonight. When you are on the top of the mountain, you have to face everyone. Seth says he will survive, prevail, and burn it down inside hell in a cell.

    We go to commercial.

    Non Title Match
    Seth Rollins (c) vs Braun Strowman

    Rollins avoids Strowman and he kicks Braun in the leg. Rollins has a kick blocked and he flips Rollins back onto his feet and Strowman with a boot. Strowman with a shoulder tackle. Strowman with another running shoulder tackle. Rollins with a sleeper. Strowman escapes and he clotheslines Rollins.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Braun with a bear hug. Seth with a head butt and a drop kick to the knees. Rollins sets for a Pedigree but Strowman with a back body drop. Rollins goes to the floor and that means it is time for Braun to run around the ring for a shoulder tackle but Rollins avoids Braun. Braun catches Seth off the ringside barrier and hits a head butt. They return to the ring and Braun with a splash. Braun runs into a boot from Seth and then Braun goes into the ring post when Seth moves. Seth clips Braun and then wrings the leg into the post.

    Rollins with a springboard knee to the head followed by a super kick and Rollins gets a near fall. Rollins goes for a sleeper but Braun gets Seth on his back and sends Seth into the turnbuckles to escape. Rollins with a kick and he goes up top. Seth with a blockbuster. Rollins goes up top and hits a frog splash and then Rollins goes up top again for another frog splash and hits it for a near fall. Rollins sets for Black Out but Braun gets Seth up for a power slam but Rollins gets to his feet and he sends Braun to the floor. Seth with a suicide dive and then he hits a second one. Seth returns to the ring and and he slips before diving and Strowman catches Rollins and sends him to the floor.

    Braun goes for a lap and hits a running shoulder tackle. Braun with another shoulder tackle and then he hits a power slam on the floor. Braun sends Seth back into the ring. Braun picks up Seth for a power slam but . . .

    The lights go down and Braun does not know what to expect.

    The Fiend shows up and he puts Strowman in the mandible claw. Seth backs himself into the corner and he cowers in fear. BRay focuses on Braun and gives him the mandible claw again.

    No Contest

    We go to credits.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Scheduled for tonight's edition of Monday Night Raw:

    *WWE United States Champion AJ Styles vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Raw Tag Team Champion Robert Roode vs. WWE Intercontinental Champion Shinsuke Nakamura vs. Ricochet. The winner will challenge Seth Rollins for the Universal title at the 9/30 Raw.

    *Sasha Banks with WWE Smackdown Women's Champion Bayley vs. WWE Women's Tag Team Champion Nikki Cross with Alexa Bliss.

    *King of the Ring Baron Corbin vs. Chad Gable.

    *Bray Wyatt's Firefly Fun House.

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