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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry AEW: ALL OUT Live Coverage - September 5th, 2021

    September 5, 2021 8:00 pm

    NOW Arena, Chicago, Illinois

    Available on:
    B/R app, Bleacher Report, Traditional PPV, FITE


    AEW World Championship
    Kenny Omega (c) vs. Christian Cage

    AEW Women’s World Championship
    Britt Baker (c) vs. Kris Statlander

    AEW World Tag Team Championship (Steel Cage Match)
    The Young Bucks (c) vs. Lucha Bros

    AEW TNT Championship
    Miro (c) vs. Eddie Kingston

    CM Punk vs. Darby Allin

    Paul Wight vs. QT Marshall

    Jon Moxley vs. Satoshi Kojima

    MJF vs. Chris Jericho
    *If Jericho loses, he can never wrestle in AEW again.

    Women’s Casino Battle Royale
    Big Swole, The Bunny, Thunder Rosa, Red Velvet, Tay Conti, Penelope Ford, Diamante, Nyla Rose, Hikaru Shida, Emi Sakura, Jade Cargill, Kiera Hogan, Abadon, Kilynn King, Lelya Hirsch, Rebel, Jami Hayter, Anna Jay, Riho, & Skye Blue
    *Winner receives shot at the AEW Women’s World Championship.

    The Buy In
    Chuck Taylor, Wheeler Yuta, Orange Cassidy, and Jurassic Express vs. Matt Hardy, TH2, and Private Party

    – Countdown to AEW All Out video begins with clips, interviews, and more leading into tonight’s big PPV matches.

    – Tony Schiavone and Excalibur welcome us into The Buy In as they run down tonight’s card.

    – Justin Roberts out first to hype the crowd.

    Chuck Taylor, Wheeler Yuta, Orange Cassidy, and Jurassic Express vs. Matt Hardy, TH2, and Private Party

    Crowd hyped as the good guys make their way to the ring. Hardy starts up a few “Delete!” chants and battles Yuta for a moment, before demanding Cassidy. Luchasaurus ends up tagging himself in and Hardy backs away to bring in Evans. Jack tries for a push and gets sent across the ring, picked up and dropped to the mat, wheelbarrow german suplex. In comes JB to a nice pop, he flips off his tag partner’s shoulders, cover, two.

    Yuta tags in, tries to fight off both Private Party members, doesn’t have much luck, Quen with a springboard splash, cover, two. Angelico gets into the match and works an arm, Yuta able to reverse, but now everybody is getting involved and grabbing a limb for a submission. Luchasaurus skips that and just runs right down the middle of the line. He launches a few opponents, goes for a chokeslam on Evans, he tries to flip out of it and ends up eating a knee to the face.

    Hardy with a chop block on Luchasaurus and he’s then sent into the ring post. Cassidy gets in the ring and hits a few light kicks on H.F.O. He shoves Hardy out, but Private Party end up hitting an assisted shooting star press. Taylor in the ring, send Private Party into one another. Taylor takes out TH2, then flips out on another guy. Yuta flies into the ring, tries for a cover, no. TH2 with a neckbreaker/backbreaker combo, cover, Taylor breaks it up. Gin and juice hits on Yuta, Cassidy breaks up the cover. Cassidy puts his hands in his pockets, he ducks Angelico and nails him with a step-up hurricanrana.

    Double hurricanrana on Private Party, shotgun dropkick on Evans. Hardy jumps in the ring and lands twist of fate. Taylor dumps Hardy out to the ring. A bunch of people out on the floor now. JB with a brainbuster on Quen. Evans ends up on Angelico’s shoulders. Luchasaurus puts JB up on his shoulders and he ends up knocking Evans down with a big lariat. Quen tries to fly off the top rope, JB leans back to avoid. Kassidy also tries and he takes a modified spanish fly. The Blade tries to get involved, knocked to the floor. Stunt gets on Luchasaurus’ shoulder and leaps to the floor. JB with the snare trap on Angelico for the tap out.

    Winners: Chuck Taylor, Wheeler Yuta, Orange Cassidy, and Jurassic Express

    – After the match, Cassidy is in the ring still and gets dropped by H.F.O. The Butcher makes his way back into the ring and destroys Cassidy. Butcher has been away for months. Hardy is barking at Cassidy (saying he’s going to cut his hair) as Jurassic Express, Dark Order, and Varsity Blonds run out to make the save. Giant hug in the center of the ring with John Silver in the middle giving a thumbs up to the camera.

    – Jorge Masvidal, Junior Dos Santos, Andrei Arlovski, and Men of the Year are with American Top Team’s Dan Lambert way up high in their own box. Men of the Year cut a promo and say they are dangerous men and need to take it to the next level. Sky says they are getting out of the comfort zone and into the danger zone with American Top Team. Lambert says the group is ready to go and will take out whoever he directs them to.

    – Jim Ross makes his way out to commentary and helps run down some of tonight’s matches.

    AEW TNT Championship: Miro (c) vs. Eddie Kingston

    Miro and Kingston do some taunting as the bell rings. Miro looks for game over early, nope. Eddie tries for a suplex, but Miro gets away and bails out to the floor. Crowd is so behind Eddie in this one. Kingston with a kick, Miro blocks it, and Kingston pokes him in the eyes. Kingston with machine gun chops in the corner. Kingston gets Miro out to the floor, looks for a big splash off the apron and Miro turns it around into a power slam. He then jams the challenger into the ring post, not once, but twice.

    Back in the ring, Miro ends up biting at Kingston’s hands, he then chokes him over the middle rope and lands a kick to the back. Kingston is mad, gets up, and slaps Miro. Miro with a big forearm that drops Kingston, elbow drops to the face, cover, one-count. Miro with a big dropkick, taunts the crowd a bit, running splash in the corner. Kingston tries for some chops. Miro with a splash, tries again, Kingston move and hits an enziguri. Kingston just shoves Miro out to the floor, looks for a suicide dive and takes a shot to the head.

    Miro gets in the ring and walks right into a saito suplex. Back and forth strikes in the middle of the ring. Kingston with a couple saito suplexes, cover, two. He looks for the backfist on the champ, Miro bails out of the ring. Kingston hits him with an elbow suicide dive. Back in the ring, Eddie dodges the single-leg kick, fisherman’s suplex on Miro for a two-count. Kingston in the corner, Miro with a suplex, Kingston rips the top turnbuckle pad off in the process. Miro with the single-leg kick land square. He calls for game over! Miro locks it in, Eddie fights it off at first and is able to lean forward, grabbing the rope for the break.

    Miro wasn’t thrilled with that. Crowd pops big. Kingston up, spinning backfist, DDT, cover, two-count! Ref was slow to count as he was trying to put the turnbuckle pad back on the top rope. Crowd booing the hell out of the ref. Kingston looking for a piledriver, nope, tries again, nope. Kingston with knees to the head and tries to throw Miro into that exposed corner, ref gets in the way to stop him! Miro with a lowblow kick while the ref’s vision is blocked, kick to the head, another high-kick to the face of Kingston, cover, 1-2-3.

    Winner: Miro

    Jon Moxley vs. Satoshi Kojima

    Crowd with a nice pop for Kojima’s entrance. Moxley makes his way through the crowd wearing a GCW hoodie. Moxley won the GCW World Championship last night. Crowd with a “GC-Dub” chant. Kojima looks for a handshake to get things started, Moxley shoves him and gives the middle finger. Back and forth shots gets the action started.

    Kojima looks for the cozy lariat, Moxley out to the floor, Kojima just splashes down on him. He continues to swing away on his opponent and sends him back into the ring. Moxley decides to come back out and lands a suicide dive. Back in the ring, Moxley working over his opponent’s taped up hand. Big chop by Moxley, talks some trash, and hits another. He taunts a bit and gets sent into the corner himself, Kojima lands machine gun chops! Moxley sent into the corner, Kojima heads to the top, hits an elbow drop, cover, two.

    Moxley tries for a brainbuster, blocked, Moxley is put up on the top turnbuckle. Both end up biting each other. Kojima then coughs, like Moxley tasted terrible, lol. He then suplexes Moxley to the mat. Both end up on the apron Moxley eats a DDT. Kojima continues to work over Moxley. He takes off his elbow pad, tries for the big lariat, misses, Moxley sends Kojima to the mat. Moxley with some big lariats. Double lariats. Paradigm shift, no, left arm lariat, koji cutter! Moxley with a big shot on lariat, cover, two. Moxley goes right into the bulldog choke, Kojima gets a leg on the rope. Moxley’s elbow is bloodied up. Kojima with Mongolian chops! Moxley hits a headbutt, paradigm shift, a second one, cover, and that gets the victory.

    Winner: Jon Moxley

    – Post-match, Minoru Suzuki comes out to the ring! Moxley couldn’t believe it as his music played. A calm Suzuki walks his way to the ring with a grin on his face. Suzuki gets face to face with Moxley for a moment. He then backs aaway and takes his jacket off! He blasts Moxley with a forearm. Moxley bows to him and then fires back. Suzuki hits him again and away we go! Suzuki laughs at the shots. Suzuki hits the ropes and lands a kick. Moxley laughs, too, and nails a king kong lariat on Suzuki. He then hits the ropes, ducks under Moxley and locks in a rear naked choke. Suzuki hits the gotch style piledriver!

    AEW Women’s World Championship: Britt Baker (c) with Jamie Hayter and Rebel vs. Kris Statlander with Orange Cassidy

    Statlander getting the best of the champion early on. Baker out to the floor for a breather. Statlander then tries for a “boop” but it gets stopped. Baker tries for “DMD” and it gets blocked, Statlander then takes Baker’s own hand and makes the champ “boop” herself. Baker gets in some offense, drapes Statlander on the top turnbuckle and hits a neckbreaker. Statlander out to the floor, Rebel and Hayter walk over, Cassidy does too, blocking the way. Baker with another big move on the apron. Statlander rolls into the ring and instantly gets stomped on.

    Back and forth shots, Statlander with big elbows in the corner, running elbow, running knee. She tries for a clothesline, misses, Baker with a slingblade. Statlander with a boot, inside hook falcon arrow, cover, two. Baker with a backslide pin, two. Baker with a nasty DDT, another cover, two-count.

    Statlander with a stalled superplex! Kris up top, 450 splash, nobody home! Baker goes for the lockjaw, switches to a crossface, Statlander rolls through and lifts her up on her shoulders. Baker in the electric chair position and gets sent to the mat face-first, big leg scissors, cover, two. Baker out to the floor. “This is awesome!” chant. Statlander goes for her signature pendulum moonsault, nobody home.

    Baker launches herself off the steps and stomps down on Statlander. She’s really slow to get up. Cassidy takes his glasses off and yells (!!!) at Statlander to get in the ring. She gets back in there and is able to lock in a wild leg submission, but ends up getting kicked in the face. Baker kicking away at Statlander. Ends up shoving the ref away. Baker hits the panama sunrise (commentary calls it Pittsburgh Sunrise) a la Adam Cole! Statlander kicks out of it, Baker with a stomp, cover, two! Baker then applies lockjaw and Statlander submits.

    Winner: Britt Baker

    – Backstage, Alex Marvez talks with Andrade El Idolo and Chavo Guerrero Jr. He says their match doesn’t happen tonight because of PAC’s travel problems. Marvez wonders if Andrade had anything to do with this. Andrade says he wanted to be involved in tonight’s big night. Andrade wonders if one of his guys cancelled PAC’s flight. Chavo looks a bit guilty, but says he didn’t do it. Andrade says on Friday they will meet at Rampage and he will defeat PAC.

    Steel Cage Match for AEW World Tag Team Championship: The Young Bucks (c) vs. Lucha Bros

    Lucha Bros. get a big entrance for this title match. Don Callis heads to commentary. Match starts and both teams swing away. Young Bucks try to climb out, Fenix gets popped up by Penta and hits a double dropkick to drop the champs. Nick gets kicked into the wall again. Nick and Fenix both try for top rope arm drags, but Fenix sends Nick flying with a hurricanrana. Penta with a dropkick to the backside on Matt, cover, two. Double thrust kicks to the Young Bucks.

    Matt and Nick able to get some offense in the match. Penta gets kicked into the steel cage. Fenix is powerbombed into the cage, as well. Penta is trapped between the ring and cage, Nick with a penalty kick to the face. “Young Bucks suck!” chant starts up as Nick uses a chain to choke Penta. Lucha Bros. able to get in a few moves. Fenix with a step-up (off the cell wall!) into an arm drag on Matt. Stereo thrust kicks by Lucha Bros, but they kick each other’s feet. Matt with an over-the-top stunner on Penta.

    Fenix lands a double cutter on the champions. He throws a big kick to Matt, made in japan by Penta, cover, two-count. Fenix up top, but gets shoved into the cage. Nick then hits a german suplex into the apron. Matt with a sharpshooter on Penta, no rope break though. Nick with an assisted senton off the top rope on Penta. Young Bucks with the dropkick/senton combo off the top rope by Nick while Matt piledrives Penta to the mat, cover, two. “Lucha brothers!” chant by the crowd. Callis calls it an unfair advantage with the crowd. BTE trigger, Fenix moves, and they kick each other. Fenix shoves Matt into Nick. Matt ends up hit a lowblow kick to Fenix and then Penta. Crowd boos.

    More bang for your buck hits, cover, Penta with a big kick to the break up the pin. Matt and Nick now rip at their opponents’ masks. Calli and Tony getting into it a bit on commentary, lol. Crowd with a “f*** the Young Bucks” chant. Cutler then heaves a bag into the cage to his guys. Penta and Fenix are out after being sent into the cage. Matt then pulls out a show with thumbtacks on the bottom. Matt looks to blast Fenix and Penta (who looks to be previously busted open) gets in the way. Matt then blasts Penta right in the face. Matt jumps on the top turnbuckle and puts his foot out, Nick tries to throw Penta into the shoe. He stops initially, but then gets sent in and they shove his face in harder. Matt holds his head there while Nick kicks his head!

    Penta very bloodied up at this point. They look for BTE trigger, Fenix is up to his feet and Matt cracks him with the tacks. Poinsonrana by Nick. BTE trigger to Penta, 1-2-Fenix breaks it up at the very last second! Crowd goes nuts, they thought this one was over. “Lucha!” chant breaks out. Matt goes for another shot, blocked, Fenix with a flurry of attacks on the brothers. He puts Matt up on the top rope. Fenix grabs the evil shoe and smacks both brothers. Fenix with black fire driver, cover, 1-2-nope.

    Fenix goes to the top rope, Nick shoves him to the wall but Fenix hangs on the cage. They fight for a moment on the cage and fall to their partners. Penta and Matt each hit package piledrivers on the apron. Matt and Penta battle in the ring, Penta up to the top turnbuckle, Matt with a few shots and goes up. Penta nails a super canadian destroyer! An absolutely stunner of a move right there. Nick looks to be bloodied now. Chops and superkicks all around the ring. Matt thinks he’s the last man standing, Fenix back up and they all get in another shot on each other. Crowd going wild and mostly standing at this point.

    Fenix and Nick trading shots, Fenix leaps to the top rope, hits fear factor, cover, Matt breaks that pin attempt up. Fenix is going to the top of the cage! Looks like he’s going for a double stomp with Penta holding Matt. Nick stops that with a superkick to Penta. Nick quickly scales up to the top and gets kicked down to the mat. Fenix with a crossbody down on the group, Penta and Fenix with a spiked piledriver on Nick, cover, 1-2-3! Crowd goes wild!

    Winners and NEW AEW World Tag Team Champions: Lucha Brothers

    Women’s Casino Battle Royale

    Hikaru Shida, Skye Blue, Emi Sakura, The Bunny, and Abadon enter the match.

    Everybody begins battling. Shida and Sakura look to fight, but Abadon screams at them and they scream back. Abadon looks to bite Shida in the corner. Blue with a big knee strike to The Bunny, crowd pops for the hometown wrestler. She looks to the crowd, but gets eliminated by Abadon. Crowd boos. Abadon gloats and The Bunny sends her out of the match. Bunny waits for Shida and Sakura to battle before getting involved.

    Anna Jay, Kiera Hogan, KiLynn King, Diamante, and Nyla Rose enter the match.

    Jay runs right to the ring and swings away on The Bunny for her attack on Tay Conti earlier this week. Hogan runs in and blasts Shida with a single leg low dropkick. Everybody pairing off in the ring now. Hogan gets sent out of the match. Rose then eliminates King. Rose then dumps Shida out of the match. Crowd boos. Sakura was also sent out at some point. Bunny, Jay, Rose, and Diamante currently in the match.

    Thunder Rosa, Penelope Ford, Riho, Jamie Hayter, and Big Swole enter the match.

    Rosa with a shotgun dropkick on Nyla. Hayter throwing big shots on everybody. Swole goes right after Diamante thanks to their ongoing feud. Lots of people in the ring at the moment. “We want Tessa! No we don’t!” chants ring out. Riho is apparently eliminated. Diamante sent out by Swole. Hayter blasts Swole and tosses her. Swole and Diamante fight outside the ring. Hayter and Rose work over Rosa as the crowd chants “Thunder Rosa!”

    Tay Conti, Red Velvet, Leyla Hirsch, Jade Cargill, and Rebel enter the match.

    Conti runs to the ring and goes right after Bunny. Red Velvet with a huge spear on Hayter! Hirsch with a german suplex on Bunny and then gets Rose! Cargill blasts Hirsch. Red Velvet boots Rebel out. Lots of battling all over the ring. Jay with a thrust kick on the apron gets rid of Bunny. Ford with a kick sends Jay out of the match. Conti nails Ford right after with a kick. Cargill lifts and sends Hirch down on a group of people for the elimination. Seven in the ring at the moment. Only the Joker is left to enter the match.

    Ruby Soho enters the match.

    It’s Ruby! She comes out to Rancid’s “Ruby Soho” to a big cheer. Soho goes after Cargill and gets in some shots. She then has to fight off Nyla Rose. Cargill lifts and plants Soho to the mat. Cargill whips Hayter out of the match. She does the same to Red Velvet. Cargill flexes and is flipped out by Rose. Conti eliminates Ford. Rose hits Conti off the apron and we’re down to three. Rosa, Rose, and Soho are left. Nyla lifts and plants Soho, she then drives Rosa down to the mat.

    Crowd with a “Ruby Soho!” chant. Ruby is put in tree of woe position. Rose looks for Rosa and gets sent to the apron. Rosa with a big kick to send Nyla Rose out of the match. We’re down to Rosa vs. Soho. Crowd gets hyped for this match-up. Rosa with a big chop! Soho returns fire, back and forth we go. Some more shots off the ropes. Rosa on the apron, and drags Soho to the apron with her. She stomps away on Soho, but she won’t let go of the ropes. Rose with a kick, blocked, Soho with a knee strike. Rosa slides down, but holds the rope. Soho looks for a suplex, no, Rosa holding on and throws a couple shots. Rosa looks for death valley driver, Soho slips out and sends Rosa into the ring post. Soho with a big kick to the head, Rosa falls down to the floor!

    Winner: Ruby Soho

    Chris Jericho vs. MJF

    We get a Y2J-esque countdown as the fans cheer. The screen flashes “Chris Jericho’s Last Match” and it’s actually MJF. Crowd boos big time. Chris Jericho gets a live guitarist playing his entrance theme. Audio gets a little weird during that one. MJF out to the floor for a moment, rips up a fan’s sign and gets back in the ring. The two go back and forth and eventually battle out into the crowd.

    Jericho initially getting the best of MJF as they work their way back to the ring. MJF ends up getting Jericho trapped between the ring and the ring apron, then swings away on him. Back in the ring, MJF continues to beat up Jericho, taunting the crowd along the way. He then bites at Jericho’s fingers. MJF continues to taunt the crowd with some humping motions. Jericho finally gets in offense with a bulldog, backbreaker, cover, two. MJF does some Ric Flair-like strutting and then hits the heat seeker on the apron, sending Jericho out to the floor.

    Ref starts up her count, she gets to nine and he finally gets in the ring. MJF looks for a moonsault to the floor, lands on his feet, charges Jericho and takes a powerbomb to the edge of the apron. Jericho goes up top in the ring, leaps and goes right into a modified codebreaker. MJF slow to get up after taking that powerbomb to the apron. Jericho looking for walls of Jericho, but gets booted in the face. Jericho hits lionsault, cover, two-count. Jericho lands a bunch of strikes in the corner, moves Jericho up to the top rope and throws more punches. Jericho goes for a move and MJF hits a sitout powerbomb. MJF screams out as his back is still messed up.

    MJF resorts to just biting Jericho’s face and moves him up to the top turnbuckle pad. Jericho shoves MJF down to the mat and hits codebreaker on his opponent, pin, two-count. Out from the back comes Wardlow, but behind him is Jake Hager. They start throwing shots and end up battling to the back as referees guide them to the backstage area. Aubrey is looking out at the action on the outside. MJF clock Jericho in the head with his own baseball bat. Crowd boos at the ref staring off into the distance for way longer than it was needed. MJF hits judas effect on Jericho. Cover, 1-2-3! Jericho got his foot on the rope and Aubrey Edwards missed it.

    MJF gets his hand raised. Paul Turner comes over to Edward and says his foot was on the rope before the three. Turner tells Roberts what happens. MJF is hot! The match gets re-started. MJF yells at Edwards and shoves her! She shoves him bakc, Jericho with the roll-up for a two-count. MJF locks in the fujiwara armbar on Jericho and he’s nearly tapping. Jericho the reversal into a pin, two-count. Jericho scrambles and is able to apply Walls of Jericho. MJF is scratching his way to the ropes, he bites his hand in pain. He nearly gets there, but Jericho pulls him to the center of the ring, shoves down on MJF’s back and MJF ends up tapping out.

    Winner: Chris Jericho

    – Post-match, Inner Circle head out to the ring and give Jericho a hug for his big victory. They sing Jericho’s song as they hang out in the ring for a moment.

    CM Punk vs. Darby Allin

    Sting comes out to the stage with Allin, gives him a fist bump and a hug. Allin then glides on his skateboard down to the ring. A serious looking Punk comes out to a big pop and does “it’s clobbering time!” with the crowd echoing it. Punk heads into the ring with Allin sitting in his corner, just staring at Punk the whole time. Punk going with no shirt and longer pants for the match. Punk saw Allin sitting there, so he sits cross-legged for a moment. “Holy s--t!” from the crowd. Bell rings and crowd pops.

    The two lock up, Allin with a quick arm drag. Punk gives that one a thought and gets back up. “CM Punk” chant breaks out. Punk with a shoulder block that sends Allin to the corner. Crowd is mostly for Punk, but there are Allin fans there. Allin working Punk over with a hammerlock. Punk with a side headlock, Allin with a shoulder tackle. Allin tries to leap over Punk, gets caught on his shoulders and scampers out to the floor in a hurry. Allin realized that was a mistake.

    Allin back in the ring, gets a couple coffin splashes in the corner. Punk launched Allin hard into the corner and he went flipping through and hit the ring post back-first. Looks like he got a cut above his eye during that violent bump. Punk with a pin, cover, two. Punk is now stretching out Allin, he gets the rope, Punk stomps on Allin’s back. Punk with a backdrop on his opponent, cover, two. Punk continued to work Allin’s back. Allin fights out of it, elbow strike, hits the ropes, and Punk hits a backbreaker, cover, two. Punk working Allin’s neck as he’s trying to really keep Allin slowed down.

    Allin with some big slaps, springboard coffin drop, tricky pin, cover, two-count. Punk looks for GTS, no, Allin counters into a roll-up for two. Allin with a flury of strikes into code red, cover, two. Allin heads to the top turnbuckle, but Punk crotches him. Punk climbs up, looks for a super back suplex, but Allin flips off and splashes down on Punk, cover, two. Both looking for pins now, Punk cracks Allin with GTS and Allin goes out to through the ropes! Punk stares at him for a moment and the ref then begins his count. Punk moves to the far corner to let the ref count. Allin is able to get back in at nine.

    Punk hits the big knee in the corner, followed up by a bulldog. Punk does his “GTS” taunt. Punk lifts Allin up, Allin with some elbows to the face. Punk drops down to the mat. Punk out to the floor and Allin ends up blasting Punk with a suicide dive. Allin then goes up to the top rope and clocks Punk with a flipping senton! He brings Punk back in, Allin looks for coffin drop, does “GTS” taunt (gets boos). He goes for it, Punk just sits up out of the way and laughs. Allin with a pin, two. Punk tries for GTS, blocked, Allin tries for last supper pin. Punk then cracks Allin with a leg lariat. Allin tries for a move on Punk’s shoulders, Punk flips him around and nails GTS, cover, 1-2-3!

    Winner: CM Punk

    – Post-match, Punk rolls to his knee and looks to be a bit emotional after his win. Punk holds up seven fingers for being away for seven years. Punk is really fired up as he celebrates with the fans. Allin is still out i nthe ring. Sting makes his way down to the ring to check on his friend. Punk looks on as Sting walks over to him and puts out his hand. Punk looks at him and then shakes Sting’s hand. Punk walks over to Allin and says something to him. Allin wants to get up on his own and eventually does. Punk walks over to him and shakes his hand. Allin makes his way out of the ring as Punk’s music continues to play. Punk makes his way up to the stage and celebrates. He then wonders which tunnel he’s supposed to go through and the crowd helps guide him, lol.

    Paul Wight vs. QT Marshall with Nick Comoroto and Aaron Solo

    Wight gets rid of Marshall’s guys. Wight shoves Marshall into the corner and hits a big chop to the chest. Wight then stands on QT’s chest before going back to more chops. QT finally gets some punches in and a low dropkick to bring Wight down. He then lands another dropkick to the chest that drops Wight, cover, Wight sends QT out of the ring.

    QT then goes flying when Wight hits a back body drop. Wight then pulls Solo up to the apron and chops his chest. Comoroto tries running in and he takes a big shot to the face, then eats a spear. QT tries for a move off the top, but he’s caught by the throw. Wight with a chokeslam, cover, and that’s it.

    Winner: Paul Wight

    – AEW Full Gear is on Saturday, November 13.

    – Next Wednesday: Jon Moxley vs. Minoru Suzuki, Ruby Soho makes her first Dynamite appearance, and Malakai Black vs. Dustin Rhodes.

    AEW World Championship: Kenny Omega (c) vs. Christian Cage

    Omega tries for v-trigger right off the bat, misses in the corner. The two jaw a bit and start swinging. Omega with a hurricanrana that sends Christian out to the floor. He tries for a baseball kick, Christian avoids it, throws some chops and sends the champ hard into the barricade and once again even harder. Christian goes up top and flies down on Omega.

    A table is pulled out and put over Christian. Omega leaps off the apron and double stomps down through the table on Christian. Omega sets up another table out on the floor. Omega looks to suplex Christian through it, but that’s reversed and Omega is suplexed on the floor. The two make their way back into the ring. The two battle back and forth with Omega getting some momentum as he knocks Christian off the top rope, sending him to the apron and the floor. Omega looked to moonsault off the barricade and slipped. Crowd mocked him and he took it in stride. He then hits it on his second attempt.

    Both wrestlers back in the ring, cover, two. Christian gets sent chest-first into the corner. Omega heads up top, but Christian crotches him and goes up with him. Christian fights back, looks for texas cloverleaf, but gets kicked away. Christian with a reverse DDT, cover, two. Omega recovers and jams Christian into the corner. Christian with a big swinging DDT, pin, two-count. Omega gets back into this and hits a few snap dragon suplexes. He looks for a v-trigger, Christian gives him the middle finger, so Omega lands another snap dragon suplex. Omega hits the ropes and clocks Christian with a v-trigger.

    Near the table on the floor, Omega looks for a suplex, but Christian won’t let go of the ropes. Omega then tries for a snap dragon suplex, but Christian fights that off. Christian looks for kill switch, no, sent into the ring post. Omega then looks for one winged angel, no, Christian snaps Omega back over the top rope. Christian then spears Omega down through the table! Back in the ring, Christian with a spear to the spine, another to the midsection, cover, two-count.

    Christian with a cut on the ribs from that table spear, along with a bloodied mouth. He heads to the top rope, frog splash attempt, knees up. Omega tries for a gutwrench suplex, but can’t pick Christian up. He ends up just kneeing Christian in the face a couple times. Third one is blocked at first, but Omega finds his mark, ripcord v-trigger drops Christian. Callis calls for The Good Brothers, Callis distracts the ref, but Omega ends up hitting Gallows by mistake. Christian hits kill switch on Omega! He goes for the cover, but only gets two this time around. Callis gets in the ring for a distraction. Christian chases him off while Omega is sitting on the top turnbuckle. Christian looks for a super kill switch, Omega gouges the eyes and hits a second rope one winged angel, cover, 1-2-3!

    Winner: Kenny Omega

    – Post-match, The Young Bucks and Good Brothers come out to celebrate with Kenny. Gallows decides to beat up Christian a bit more. Jurassic Express run out and don’t have much of a shot as Omega hits Luchasaurus with the title. Omega takes the mic as the fans chant “Yes!” Omega says he doesn’t care about hometown heroes, he says nobody is on his level. It doesn’t matter where he goes, he remains the best. He then says the only people who ever have a chance to beat him are either dead, retired, or not in AEW. Lights go out. ADAM COLE BAY-BAY! Cole makes his way down to the ring and got in front of Omega. He then superkicks Jungle Boy!

    He hugs his friends. Cole gets on the mic and says The Elite is the most dominant group in this business. He says there’s no chance in hell anyone is going to stop them. Omega says now that’s a happy ending. He goes to do his “Goodbye and Good night” and Brian Danielson's music plays! Out he comes! Crowd is losing their mind. He jumps into the ring and helps up Jurassic Express. The two sides face off in the ring. Omega runs out of the ring as everyone else starts fighting. Crowd chanting “Yes!” to Bryan’s kicks on Nick Jackson and clock him with a running knee. He gives Christian a hug and gets up on the turnbuckle to huge cheers. The Elite make their way up the ramp. Crowd chants “AE-Dub!” as the good guys celebrate in the ring.

  2. #2
    Main Eventer TKO's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
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    Awesome ppv
    RIP Bray Wyatt

    President Vivek Ramaswamy

  3. #3
    Main Eventer TKO's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2019
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    Holy fucking shit you fucking kidding me
    RIP Bray Wyatt

    President Vivek Ramaswamy

  4. #4
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
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    The PPV as a whole was boring to me. The few pick ups were the debuts of Ruby, Adam Cole, and Bryan Danielson. That boosted my rating an extra point. Other than that I was NOT impressed. Tony Khan NEEDS to hire a fucking booker and stop being a fucking mark. They are positioning themselves to top WWE with all the ex WWE talent coming in. They just need better booking, and TK is a shitty booker.


    ***GAME OVER!***

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