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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE RAW Live Coverage - May 23rd, 2022

    Bobby Lashley has an All Mighty Challenge for Omos

    Despite being launched through the side of the steel cage, Bobby Lashley walked away victorious in his cage match against The Nigerian Giant Omos. Now The All Mighty steps back into the ring with a special challenge for Omos and the double-crossing MVP.
    What does Lashley have in store for the destructive duo?

    Your announcers are Corey Graves, Jimmy Smith, and Byron Saxton.

    We begin with a look at the crowning of a single tag team champion on the main roster when the Usos defeated Randy Orton and Riddle.

    Riddle makes his way to the ring.

    Riddle says he is here with a heavy heart. Randy is his best friend, mentor, and dude. He says to be honest, the last couple of years have been hard for Randy. The last couple of months, even though they were having the time of their lives, Randy has been having a real hard time. His back has been giving a real hard time. Last week, before their title match, Randy could barely watch. He knew Randy wouldn't let him down because of how much the match meant to him. He knew how much it meant to you.

    Riddle reminds everyone that they lost on Friday night. The Usos are one hell of a team. They are tough and they have done it all. Riddle says his hat is off to The Usos. To have Roman, that piece of trash, do that on Friday, he is a tribal piece of trash. Riddle assures everyone he will get his vengeance on Roman, Jey, Jimmy, and anyone else who is part of the Bloodline.

    Riddle says that he knows Randy has done a lot for him and has done more for him than anyone else. Riddle tells Randy that he loves him. To be honest, Riddle says he does not know what the future holds for the team. He does not know if it will be a thing again.

    We go to commercial.

    Jimmy and Jey are on the TitanTron and they ask how will the people react to their introduction. Jey says the people will be hating on them for doing what they said they did and became the tag team champions.

    Riddle, Angelo Dawkins, and Montez Ford versus Jimmy Uso, Jey Uso, and Sami Zayn

    Riddle attacks Jimmy and Jey on the stage and all six men get involved. Riddle kicks Jey.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and the match begins with Dawkins and Zayn. Zayn with a side head lock and a shoulder tackle but Dawkins bounces off the ropes and hits a shoulder tackle of his own. Dawkins with a drop kick and a twisting splash into the corner. Ford tags in and Ford with a drop kick. Ford gets a near fall and then applies an arm bar. Riddle tags in and he goes after Jimmy and Jey on the apron. Zayn hits Riddle from behind and kicks him in the injured ribs. Zayn with more kicks. Zayn works on the ribs on the ropes. Zayn with a punch and a knee to the back. Zayn with a body scissors. Riddle with elbows to escape the hold. Zayn with a boot to the back.

    Jey tags in and Riddle runs Jey into the corner and kicks Jey many times. Riddle with a fisherman's buster for a near fall. Riddle with a wrist lock and Ford tags in and kicks Jey. Ford with a clothesline and a thrust kick and punch. Jimmy makes the tag and he pulls the rope down and Ford goes over the top rope to the floor. Jimmy sends Ford into the ring steps and then hits a super kick.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Zayn with punches to Ford and a reverse chin lock. Ford lands on his feet on a belly-to-bck suplex and Ford hits a belly-to-back suplex of his own. Jey pulls Riddle off the apron to prevent the tag. Jey with a back drop driver onto the ringside barrier. Ford with an inside cradle on Zayn for a near fall. Jey tags in and he punches Ford. Jey sends Ford into the corner but Ford knocks Jimmy and Zayn off the apron. Ford with an enzugirii and both men are down. Zayn and Riddle tag in and Riddle with a Pele Kick and he lands on hs fet on a belly-to=back suplex attempt by Jimmy. Riddle with a knee to Jimmy. Riddle with forearms in the corner to Jimmy and Zayn. Riddle with an exploder to Jimmy and then to Zayn. Riddle wit ha back senton to Jimmy and Zayn. Dawkins iwth a punch to Jey and a corkscrew back elbow to Jimmy. Ford with a flip dive onto Jimmy and Jey.

    Riddle with an IEDDT to Zayn and then he twists to the mat and punches it before Jimmy and Jey distract him. JImmy and Jey go to the back to leave Zayn by himself. Riddle with an RKO for the three count.

    Winners: Riddle, Montez Ford, and Angelo Dawkins

    We take a look back at last week's steel cage match.

    Bobby Lashley, without his platform, makes his way to the ring.

    We are back and Bobby Lashley says he survived a steel cage match against a giant. When the referee came down and raised my hand in victory I looked at that giant and I saw the anger and defeat in his face. I knew that we were far from over. We have so much more to fight about. I wasn't surprised to know that me and the Nigerian Giant would be doing it one more time at Hell in a Cell.

    Tonight is the All Mighty Challenge. I am sure that MVP and Omos would like to know about this. Lashley invites Omos and MVP to come out to hear about this challenge.

    Porter and Omos make their way to the ring.

    Porter says they are not a pair of dogs who come running when they are called. You might be the Top Gun, but he is Maverick. We saw the Nigerian Giant throw you around the cage. If it wasn't for some faulty equipment, you wouldn't have won that match. Porter says he has filed a compliant.

    Lashley tells Porter to shut up. A regular match with regular stipulations will not be enough to finish what we have. Tonight, we will have a match and the winner picks the stipulation for the match at Hell in a Cell.

    Porter says Lashley barely survived the last time.

    Lashley tells Porter to hush until they are finished. Tonight, we still have some unfinished business . . . MVP. My challenge is me versus you and the winner selects the stipulation for the match at Hell in a Cell.

    Lashley asks Porter if he is confused or scared.

    Porter says he made Lashley so it is only fitting that I am responsible for your downfall. I will pick a stipulation that not even the All Mighty can overcome.

    Lashley asks Porter when was the last time he won a match? If anybody made anybody, I made you. I will tear Omos apart at Hell in a Cell, but I will put you in the Hurt Lock tonight.

    Omos and Porter walk to the ring and they surround Lashley. Porter gets on the apron and Lashley knocks him off. Omos checks on Porter.

    We see what happened between Liv Morgan and Rhea Ripley two weeks ago on Raw.

    We are back and WWE returns to Riyadh on November 5th.

    We take a look back at Asuka and Becky Lynch from last week.

    Dana Brooke is in the back with Adam Pearce and she tells Adam she wants a match against Carmella. Becky Lynch in her Seinfeld Puffy Shirt bumps into Dana. Becky says that Asuka cheated and she can't get the green mist out of her hair. Becky tells Adam to take the match off the record and give her the title match. Adam says the fair thing would be to give Becky a rematch against Asuka. If she wins, Becky can get her championship match and she will be added to the match and it will be a Triple Threat Match.

    We return to the ring where Edge, Damian Priest, and Rhea Ripley have been standing.

    Priest tells everyone to rise to show respect to The Judgement Day. Priest says Edge made an offer for anyone to follow their mission statement and join the group. One aspect of that mission statement is modesty. Damian says that him and Rhea are different from everyone else. Edge saw it. Edge showed them the way and set them free. They had been sheep like all of you, stuck in the mud trying to figure out the alleged right thing. It is like everyone in the back waiting for instructions. It is who you are and what you do. The truth hurts.

    The one attribute you are missing is courage. Courage to be who you are. Accept who you are and be proud of who you are. None of you have that courage. We can help you. First, you have to help yourselves.

    Rhea tells Liv she knows that Liv uses her heart more than her head. Stop listening to the peasants on Twitter and the simpletons in attendance. I might forgive you for failing me in the past if you think for yourself. Save yourself, like I saved myself. Join the Judgment Day.

    Edge says they are truth. A truth that is right in front of most of your faces, but you are too afraid to see it. The truth will set you free. The Judgment Day is power. It is physical power and mental power. It is an opportunity for everyone to join them, recreate yourself and rewrite your career. Do it under my learning tree and you can be the best.

    Imagine Tom Brady, Wayne Gretzky, or Michael Jordan giving you this opportunity. I was not given this chance like a John Cena. I am at the top because i am a miracle of hard work. You are afraid of hard work and success. You are content to watch your boss make 10 times what you earn by doing little of what you do. You are sheeple. We are not afraid to grab at it. We offer a mentality. It can be offered to all of you. If you accept it, you will wake up. For anyone here, it is a chance to head butt glass ceilings to bits. The same glass ceiling I shattered decades ago.

    Who will be next? Who will be savvy enough to know to join us? Will it be Tommaso Ciampa? Will it be Corey Graves? Alexa Bliss? Drew Mcintyre? Liv Morgan? Finn Balor? What about you AJ Styles? Surely standing side by side and shoulder to shoulder with us is better than standing eye to eye. Join us and maybe your kids can start calling me Uncle Edge. The choice is yours and choose wisely.

    Rhea "The Eradicator" Ripley and Damian "The Punishment" Priest (with Edge) versus AJ Styles and Liv Morgan

    The men start off and Priest with a knee and forearm to the back. Priest with a wrist lock. Priest with a knee drop to the arm. Priest with a side head lock. Priest with a shoulder tackle for a near fall. Priest with an arm bar. Styles with a reversal and a waist lock. AJ with a side head lock. AJ with a back elbow and forearms and kicks followed by a back fist. Priest with kicks to AJ and AJ with a drop kick. Rhea tags in and that means Liv enters the match and AJ sends Liv to Rhea for a head scissors take down. Liv with a drop kick and a running back elbow into the corner. Liv goes for a crucifix into a sunset flip but Rhea blocks it and then connects with a head butt.

    Rhea tosses Liv into the corner. Rhea runs into a boot and Liv with a cross body off the turnbuckles but Rhea catches Liv and goes for a delayed vertical suplex but Liv tries to counter into an inside cradle. Liv escapes and hits a lungblower. Priest pulls Rhea to the floor and Liv with a suicide dive and AJ with a kick. AJ and Liv too sweet before Liv goes back to the floor to send Rhea into the ring. Rhea with a round kick to Liv followed by forearms. Rhea with a suplex for a near fall. Rhea with a punch to the midsection but Liv with a kick. Rhea punches Liv on the turnbuckles but Liv with a head scissors take down and she gets a near fall. Liv kicks Rhea in the leg.

    AJ tags in and Priest with punches. They exchange punches and Priest with a punch in the corner followed by an Irish whip but AJ moves when Priest goes for an elbow in the corner. AJ with a forearm and Priest goes to the floor. The referee gets between AJ and Rhea and Priest hits AJ from behind and sends him to the floor. Priest hot shots AJ on the apron.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Priest stops AJ from making the tag and AJ misses an enzuigiri. Priest catches AJ and punches AJ. Priest goes over the top rope when AJ drops down. Priest grabs AJ from the apron but AJ with a Pele kick and Liv tags in. Liv with punches to Rhea. Liv with a kick and enzuigiri. Liv with a running knee into the corner and she misses a secodn charge. Liv with a springboard drop kick and a springboard facebuster but Edge puts Rhea's feet on the ropes. AJ punches Edge and Priest grabs AJ but AJ punches Priest. AJ and Priest get in the ring and AJ with a Cactus Jack clothesline. Edge holds Rhea when Liv goes for ObLIViion and Rhea gets the three count.

    Winners: Rhea Ripley and Damian Priest

    After the match:
    AJ goes after Edge but Priest with punches and then Rhea grabs AJ's ankle. Edge punches AJ. Edge with a spear to AJ and then Rhea hits RipTide on Liv.

    Miz is in the back as he gets ready for his match against Cody. Kevin Patrick ambushes Miz and asks how will Miz halt Cody's progress. Miz says he is sick and tired of Cody Rhodes. In life, there is one think he knows. Never trust a guy with a neck tattoo. Cody couldn't steal his spotlight when he left WWE. Miz says Cody's ego is so big that he has more pyro than the Fourth of July. Miz is not bragging about the season premiere of Miz and Mrs. Miz says he does not need a count down clock.

    Jerry Lawler makes his way to the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Jerry Lawler welcomes everyone to the King's Court. He says his guest had one of the most anticipated debuts and he has left his opponents shaking in their boots at the sound of his name. Jerry brings out Veer Mahaan.

    Jerry says he wants to give Veer the chance to dispel the rumor that he is a man of few words and Jerry asks him to explain his success in WWE.

    Veer does not say anything.

    Jerry has another question and he asks why has Veer targeted the Mysterios.

    Veer says nothing.

    Jerry asks if it is because of something the Mysterios said about him. Jerry tells a few jokes that only Jerry would tell.

    Veer tells Jerry he is not here to joke around. Rey Mysterio is a legend, but he is too busy worrying about his little boy. That made him weak and I took both of them out.

    Veer asks if that is fear that he smells on Jerry.

    Jerry says it is just his cheap cologne.

    Veer tells Jerry to stop with the jokes. He says he wants to show Jerry who he is.

    Jerry backs up as Veer approaches him and Veer stops when Rey Mysterio's music plays. Dominik and Rey walk intently to the ring and they punch Veer. Veer presses Rey and sends him into the ring. He does the same to Dominik. Rey and Dominik with drop kicks through the ropes. Dominik with a springboard drop kick and Rey kicks Veer through the ropes.

    Rey tells Veer to get in the ring but Veer is not in the mood to fight.

    Alexa Bliss is in the back and Sarah ambushes to ask Alexa what it is like to be back. Alexa says she is trying not to get into trouble. Alexa is asked about Sonya. Alexa says that maybe Sonya should look into therapy because it does wonders. Alexa says she faces her former partner Nikki A.S.H. She says it is so great to be back.

    Alexa Bliss versus Nikki A.S.H. (with Doudrop)

    Nikki with an arm drag. Alexa with an arm drag. Alexa offers her hand and Nikki shakes it but punches Alexa. Alexa with punches. Nikki goes to the floor and Doudrop checks on her. Alexa pulls Nikki back in the ring and Nikki with a double leg take down and punches. Nikki with a hard Irish whip and she gets a near fall. Nikki with a chin lock. Alexa with punches and Nikki with a sleeper. Alexa with a jaw breaker and drop kick followed by a blockbuster. Nikki with shoulders in the corner. Nikki puts Alexa on the turnbuckles and connects with a forearm. Nikki goes for a superplex but Alexa with forearms when Nikki poses. Alexa knocks Nikki to the mat and Alexa with a boot and Twisted Bliss for the three count.

    Winner: Alexa Bliss

    Kevin Patrick is in the back and he is with Seth Rollins. Kevin asks Seth about Cody's challenge for Hell in a Cell and how have things gotten to this point.

    Seth says they used to sing his song every night in every city. Now all I hear is people chanting for Cody. Seth says it makes him physically ill to hear that name. it is Cody this, Cody that, Cody here, Cody there. There is even a countdown clock for Cody Rhodes. Where does it stop? Where is the countdown clock for Seth Rollins? It is in my head. It is ticking away, second by second. The question is, what happens when the clock strikes zero? Seth cackles.

    Megan is in the back with Asuka. Asuka says Becky was not ready for Asuka last week and she was too busy crying. Asuka says Becky cried again and got another match. She will beat Becky again and turn her into Big Time Baby. No one is ready for Asuka.

    Cody Rhodes versus Miz

    Cody goes for the leg and Miz stays on his feet. Cody with a side head lock and Miz backs him into the corner. Miz misses a chop on the break and Cody with a chop. Cody with another chop. Miz with a side head lock and take down. Cody with a head scissors and Miz escapes. Cody with a side head lock. Cody with a kick and a drop down uppercut. Miz with a chop and he gets a near fall. Cody and Miz with a Greco Roman Knuckle Lock and Cody gets a near fall. Cody with a drop kick and Miz goes to the floor. Cody goes for a suicide dive but Miz with a forearm. Miz goes up top and Cody with a punch to the midsection. Cody with a delayed vertical gourdbuster. Cody goes for a bow and arrow but Miz with a lateral press for a near fall.

    Miz with a back heel kick and he goes to the turnbuckles for a sunset flip and tries for a figure four leg lock but Cody kicks Miz into the turnbuckles. Cody with knees as Miz hits the ropes. Cody with knee to the midsection and a knee to the head for a near fall. Miz drops Cody on the top rope in an uncomfortable position. Miz with a boot to knock Cody off the ropes to the floor.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Miz misses an Awesome Clothesline when Cody moves and Miz hits the turnbuckles awkwardly. Cody with a flying forearm and he floats over and hits a power slam. Cody with a kick and a drop down kick and a Cody Cutter. Cody sets for a figure four leg lock and he locks it in. Miz tries to get to the ropes and he succeeds to force a break. Miz rolls to the floor. Cody goes to the turnbuckles and sets for a mooonsault but Seth Rollins pushes Cody off the turnbuckles.

    Winner: Cody Rhodes (by disqualfiication)

    After the match:
    Seth punches Cody. Cody punches Seth but Miz attacks Cody from behind. Seth clips Cody and then Miz and Seth send Cody into the ring steps. Seth grabs Cody's weight belt from the fan and then Seth returns to Cody and whips him with the weight belt. Cody limps to the back and he gives the weight belt back to the kid.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Kevin Owens is at the announce table, but not on commentary but providing his own analysis.

    Ezekiel versus Chad Gable (with Otis)

    They lock up and Ezekiel with a wrist lock and Gable with a bridge and reversal into an arm bar. Gable with a front face lock. Ezekiel with chops. Ezekiel sends Gable into the turnbuckles. Ezekiel with a kcik and Otis trips Ezekiel and Gable clips Ezekiel. Gable with a dragon screw or two. Gable with knee drops to the leg. Gable with a Northern Lights suplex for a near fall. Gable goes to the turnbuckles and goes for a moonsault but Ezekiel gets his boots up and hits a spinebuster. Ezekiel with chops. Gable with an Irish whip and Ezekiel with a mule kick. Ezekiel with a splash into the corner and Otis knocks Ezekiel down and the referee sends Otis to the back.

    Otis argues with the referee as he heads to the back. Owens gets in the ring and the referee sees it but Owens does not do anything. The referee sends Owens to the back as well. Owens blames Otis.

    Ezekiel with a rollup for the three count.

    Winner: Ezekiel

    After the match:
    Ezekiel gets out of the ring and goes through the crowd. Kevin Owens gets in the ring and he says he does not care what he calls himself. Kevin says all he cares is that he wants to beat the hell out of him. He challenges Ezekiel or whatever he calls himself to a match at Hell in a Cell.

    We see Cody emerge from the trainer's room and Kevin Patrick asks for an update. Cody says his knee got a little dinged up and he can put weight on it. That is fortunate for him but not for Seth Rollins. Cody says Seth Rollins has the potential to go 0 and 3 at Hell in a Cell. I will be there to finish the job.

    Winner Chooses the Stipulation for Omos vs Lashley at Hell in a Cell Match
    Bobby Lashley (with his platform) versus Montel Vontavious Porter (with Omos)

    Porter goes to the floor when the bell rings and Porter stretches on the ringside barrier. Porter returns to the ring and then he goes into the ropes and the referee holds Lashley back. Porter goes back to the floor. Lashley follows Porter to the floor and Porter goes back into the ring and his knee gives out. The referee checks on Porter and Omos hits Lashley. Porter with a Yakuza kick. Porter slaps Lashley and he tells Lashley he made him. Lashley grabs Porter but Porter with punches. Lashley with a flatliiner. Lashley clotheslines Porter over the top rope to the floor. Lashley follows and he picks up Porter and runs him into the ring post. Omos goes after Lashley but Lashley moves. Lashley gets counted out.

    Winner: Montel Vontavious Porter (by count out)

    After the match:
    Lashley sends Omos over the ringside barrier. Porter tries to punch Lashley but Lashley moves and Lashley applies the full nelson.

    Next week, Lacey Evans will be in action.

    Raw Women's Champion Bianca Belair makes her way to the ring.

    Becky Lynch Second Chance If She Wins it is a Triple Threat Match at Hell in a Cell Match
    Asuka versus Becky Lynch

    Becky slaps Asuka and Asuka with a shoulder tackle. Becky kicks Asuka in the head and Becky with a rollup for a near fall. Becky blocks a kick and slaps Asuka. Asuka runs Becky into the corner and connects with shoulders. The referee pulls Asuka out of the corner. Becky with a kick. Asuka blocks a back heel kick and Asuka with DisArmHer on Becky. Becky gets to the ropes and Asuka with a kick. Becky goes to the floor and Asuka misses a sliding kick. Becky pushes Asuka into the ring post and Asuka falls to the floor.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and the referee has started his count for Asuka on the floor. Asuka beats the count back into the ring. Becky with a baseball slide to send Asuka into the ringside barrier and Asuka sends her into the ringside barrier. Asuka beats the count back into the ring and Becky with forearms and she sends Asuka to the floor. Becky with a clothesline and she sends Asuka into the ring steps. Becky rolls Asuka back into the ring and goes up top for a leg drop and gets a near fall. Asuka sends Becky to the floor but Becky gets back into the ring and both hit clotheslines. Asuka iwth elbows and a clothesline.

    Asuka blocks a kick and hits a German suplex. Asuka with kicks and a sliding boot for a near fall. Becky sends Asuka into the turnbuckles and Becky uses the ropes to get extra leverage but Asuka kicks out. Becky comes off the turnbuckles and into a Codebreaker for a near fall. Asuka with an arm bar but Becky rolls to the ropes to force a break. Becky drops Asuka on the rope and then Becky goes up top but Asuka stops her. Asuka with a super plex for a near fall.

    Asuka misses a hip attack and Becky with DisArmHer in the ropes. Becky with a kick to the arm and Asuka with hip attack to knock Becky to the floor. Asuka with a sliding kick on the apron. Asuka with an Asuka Lock on the floor and then a pop up knee. Asuka tries to kick Becky who is sitting on Bianca's lap and Asuka kicks Bianca. Both women get back into the ring and Becky gets the three count.

    Winner: Becky Lynch

    We go to credits.

  2. #2

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