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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default AEW Dynamite 200 Live Coverage - Aug 2nd, 2023

    AEW Dynamite

    With so many eyes looking towards Wembley and ALL IN: LONDON, All Elite Wrestling comes to the Yuengling Center in Tampa, FL this Wednesday night for the landmark 200th edition of DYNAMITE! The foundation built since the October 2, 2019 premiere has been so strong, and AEW will continue to build upon it for the next 200 episodes and beyond, especially with a line-up like this week's! The ROH World Tag Team Championship will be at stake when the newly crowned Aussie Open of Kyle Fletcher and Mark Davis will take on Lucha sensations Komander and AAA Mega Champion El Hijo Del Vikingo, plus the AEW Women's World Championship will be at stake when Toni Storm meets Hikaru Shida in their first singles match! In addition, three of AEW's prominent factions will be represented in an Anything Goes Three Way fight, FTW Champ Jack Perry will be face-to-face with Jerry Lynn, and Chris Jericho will team with Konsuke Takeshita to fight his own J.A.S. running buddies Daniel Garcia and Sammy Guevara!

    The Best Moments of AEW Dynamite!
    200 Episodes 200 Memories 200 Seconds

    Announcers are Tony Schiavone, Excalibur and Taz.

    Chris Jericho and Konosuke Takeshita (w/Don Callis) vs. Sammy Guevara & Daniel Garcia

    We have the old school entrance ramp as Jericho and Sammy kick us off with a lockup, shoulderblock by Jericho, Sammy bounda right back up and they exchange chops. Big dropkick by Guevara. Jericho himself bounds to his feet and they chop away. Jumping knee strike by Sammy and Garcia tags in, double shoulderblock. Garcia and Guevara pose. Third chop exchange of the match, Garcia dances and Takeshita tags in. Garcia dances. Diving clothesline and an elbow by Takeshita for 1. Takeshita dances. Jericho tags in and nails a back suplex. Jericho with a vertical suplex. Forearms to Garcia, Garcia punches back. Callis tries to trip Garcia. Knee strike by Jericho as we go to commercial.

    We are back and it's Jericho with chops to Garcia. Garcia chops back (that's 4 chop fights if you're keeping score). Jericho misses a lionsault. Takeshita and Guevara both tag in and Sammy cleans house with a pair of topes. Frog splash for 2 by Sammy, Jericho broke it up. All 4 fight it out. Blue Thunder by Takeshita and it's Takeshita with the Walls. Guevara powers out and hits the now legal Jericho with a Spanish Fly for 2. Guevara with an inside cradle for 2. Garcia tags in and he eats an immediate codebreaker for 2. Knee strike by Gaarcia for 2. Guevara nails a thrust kick to Takeshita and hits a shooting star on the floor. Garcia rolls up Jericho for 2. Garcia with a sharpshooter. With the ref distracted, Callis nails Garcia with Floyd the bat.

    Jericho with a momentary crisis of conscience but scores the pin.

    Winners: Konosuke Takeshita and Chris Jericho

    Tony Khan pitched to a celebratory package highlighting major moments of AEW Dynamite over the last 199 episodes.

    Matt Menard found Chris Jericho backstage and said there was going to be a mandatory meeting of the Jericho Appreciation Society, and Jericho had to be there.

    Tony Schiavone brings out Jack Perry for his face-to-face with Jerry Lynn. Jerry Lynn comes out and stands at the entranceway. He reveals that, of course, he could not be medically cleared for any sort of physical activity. However, he brought in an old friend that still wrestles. Rob Van Dam comes out and confronts Jack Perry. Perry powders out of the ring and tries to come back and attack RVD with a steel chair, only for Van Dam to duck and nearly nail him with the Van Daminator

    Anything Goes
    Jon Moxley vs. Trent Beretta vs. Penta El Zero Miedo

    Anything Goes Match: Jon Moxley vs. Trent Baretta vs. Penta El Zero Miedo

    Trent with a dive on Moxley on the floor at the outset. Penta does as well, In the ring. Moxley chops Trent and eats a trash can shot from Penta. Penta blocks a DDT from Trent. Moxley with a cutter to Penta. Moxley grabs a barb wire 2x4 and thengets kicked by Penta. Backstabber by Penta. Trent with a knee strike to Penta. Moxley nails Trent with the 2x4 and rakes Trents head with the barb wire. Baretta with a back suplex onto the 2x4. Baretta with a surprisingly small cut. Penta sets tables up. Moxley rakes the 2x4 across PEnta's face. Trent suplexes Moxley to the floor as we go to commercial.

    We're back and we have tables in the ring now. Moxley eats a double superkick. Trent then gets kicked and placed on the table. Trent knocks Penta down but Penta with a Destroyer through a table. Moxley spears Penta through the other table.

    Moxley grabs a bag of thumbtacks. He pulls off Penta's shirt and nails a Gotch piledriver for 2. Moxley suplexes Penta on the tack and then Cutters Trent. Trent then drops Moxley on the tacks for 2. Now all three chop it out (5th chop battle so far tonight). Forearm fight between Moxley anbd Penta. Moxley with a paradigm shift to Moxley but Trent tosses Moxley aside and scores the pin for himself.

    Winner: Trent Baretta

    After the match:
    Moxley immediately applies the choke as Wheeler Yuta and Claudio Castignoli come out. Orange Cassidy and Chuck Taylor fight them. They get over powered. Trent saves them with a dive to the floor. Cassidy Orange punches Moxley. Chuck challenges the BCC to a parking lot fight on Rampage.

    We see highlights of FTR vs. Adam Cole and MJF

    Renee Paquette interviews Rob Van Dam and he challenges Jack Perry to an FTW Championship match next week. He even teases retiring the title if he wins it.

    MJF comes out amd has a mic. He talks about his ADD and Rejection Senstitive Disorder and how that makes life difficult for him. He talked about his Jewish heritage being a source of bullying when he was a child. He's pretty emotional. Tampa is eating this up. He's so happy that people care about him. However, he's still a scumbag but he wants to be our scumbag. He says he's so happy to have a friend. He brings out Adam Cole, who comes out sans music. Cole says Max impresses him. Cole is proud of the man Max is becoming.

    MJF reminds him of his promise to give him a title shot. Max tells him he doesn't deserve the match. That is, he doesn't just deserve any match. It has to be historic. It has to be at Wembley at All In. MJF produces the contract and asks Cole to sign it. Cole does so and tells Max he loves him. They hug it out.

    It's official. MJF vs. Adam Cole for the AEW World Title at All In.

    Roderick Strong is furious. Matt Taven and Mike Bennett show up to calm him down.

    Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson) vs. Jeff Jarrett, Jay Lethal and Satnum Singh (w/Karen Jarrett & Sonjay Dutt)

    - Jarrett and Omega kick us off, headlock switches by Jarrett, followed by a Jarrett shoulder block and a body slam
    - Lethal tags in and eats an arm drag. Matt Jackson tags in and hits an elbow
    - Nick tags in and he and Matt tag in and out with kicking Lethal
    - Singh tags in and goes face to belly button with Matt. Matt tags in Nick. Bucks with dropkick and a low cross body by Singh as we go to commercial
    - As we return, Jeff and Nick Jackson are fighting. Superkick by Nick
    - Omega tags in and cleans house of LEthal and Jarrett. Singh with a choke to Omega and Bucks pull him off the apron. Bucks hit a double superkick on Jarrett and Lethal
    - Singh tries to make the save but the Elite take him out with kicks and a BTE Trigger.
    - Karen distracts the ref but Brandon Cutler sprays her.
    - Dutt attacks Cutler but the Hardys make the save
    - Jarrett tries to nail Omega with a guitar but Hangman Page nails him with a Buckshot.
    - Omega nails a OWA on Lethal for the pin.

    Winners: The Elite; Kenny Omega & The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson)

    After the match:
    The Elite talk about their new contracts. Kenny Omega says you will see them on Dynamite, Rampage, ROH, and even Collision.

    We hear from Mogul Embassy. AR Fox wasn't happy that Darby Allin never thanked him for training him.

    Swerve Strickland throws to a package showing him invading the Buddy Wayne Academy and absolutely bloodying Nick Wayne. Swerve then called Darby Allin on the phone and said that it's very easy to make a phone call and he should have called AR Fox when he was first signed to AEW years ago. Swerve says that he and Fox are the ghosts of Darby Allin's past and says the Mogul Embassy is forever.

    ROH World Tag Team Championship
    Aussie Open (Kyle Fletcher & Mark Davis) (c) vs. El Hijo del Vikingo & Komander

    Fletcher and Vikingo kick us off. Kick by Vikingo. Vikingo with a cross body after avoiding a series of strike attempts. Komander tags in and ranas Davis, who came in to help. Davis formally tags in and Aussie Open goes to work on Komander, nailing a double clothesline and a senton. Double team GTS by Aussie Open. They score a 2. Fletcher tags in and misses a charge. Chops by Komander. Fletcher kicks a balancing Komander off the top rope. Vikingo comes in to help and they double team Fletcher. Legdrop off the top by Vikingo. Tandem topes backfire on the challengers as Aussie Open catches them and slams them together. We go to commercial.

    As we come back its Aussie Open with a double superkick on Vikingo. Deep Hook for 2 by the champions.

    Davis tags in. Double forearm sandwich by Aussie Open. Komander helps out and nails a destroyer. Double moonsaults by the challengers on the floor off the top. Double 450s by the challengers for 2, Fletcher with the save. Fletcher and Vikingo fight on the floor. Komander misses a shooting star and Aussie Open hit the Corealis for the pin.

    Winners: Aussie Open (Retains championship)

    We see CM Punk declaring himself the Real World Champion. We get video of the upcoming Collision match this Saturday with Ricky Starks.

    AEW Women's World Championship
    Toni Storm (c) vs. Hikaru Shida

    The Outcasts are with Storm. They slug it out immediately with forearms, Storm bails. Kick by Shida. Knee strike by Storm. Shoulder blocks finally sends Storm down. Shida with strikes and a rear chinlock. Action spills to the floor. Running knee by the challenger. Shida sends Storm into the barricage. Hammer punches by Strom. Storm sweeps the leg out and sends Shida into the rail.

    Action re enters the ring. Shida with a suplex and runs Storm's head into the mat. Storm fights back and nails a hip attack that sends Shida to the floor. Storm sends Shida into the apron and back into the ring, scoring a 2 as we go to commercial.

    We're back and Storm is in control, Shida blocks a hip attack and nails a German. Enziguiri by thechallenger following by a running knee. 2nd knee strike and Shida with 18 punches in the corner. Dropkick by Shida and she scores a 2. Double knees by Shida for 2. Headbutts by Shida but Soho pulls her off as Saraya had the distraction. Hip Attack and DDT by Storm for 2.

    Kick by Storm. Forearm exchange. Storm with chops amd a a big elbow by Shida. Knee strike by Shida into a Falcon Arrow for 2. Saraya throws a Kendo Stick into the ring. Shida throws it out. Spray paint to the eyes for 2 by Storm. Ref didn't see that. Rollup by Shida for the pin.

    Winner and new AEW Women's world champion Hikaru Shida.


    After Dynamite 200 went off the air:

    Chris Jericho comes out to address the crowd and thanks his adopted hometown of Tampa, FL for a great night, Tony Khan thanks the fans for an incredible night. MJF comes out to thank Tony and talk about the history of AEW. This brings out the AEW roster on the stage to show their love and appreciation to TK.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Pre Dynamite 200 Dark match results from Tampa, Florida and other notes

    Before Dynamite dark match results:

    Bobby Cruise ring announcing.

    Nyla Rose, Marina Shafir, and Taya Valkyrie defeated Avery Breaux, Dream Girl Ellie, and Kelsey Reagan.

    Big Bill & Brian Cage w/Prince Nana defeated Luther & Cameron Stuart.

    Lee Moriorty defeated Dante Casanova.


    - AEW Dynamite is going back to the past with tonight's 200th episode as they have brought back the original Dynamite set and tunnels for the broadcast.

    - There is at least one surprise set for Dynamite but whoever it is, they are being hidden.

    - Bobby Cruise is in the house.

    - Former EVOLVE lead announcer Lenny Leonard is visiting at the taping. That's a name everyone should be using.

    - They are selling AEW Dynamite 200 t-shirts and posters at the event in Tampa, Florida.

    - Other items available at the merchandise stand are Danhausen masks, Acclaimed foam scissors, MJF shirts and scarves, an Orange Cassidy t-shirt, lots of Micro brawlers, AEW Championship belt replicas for the World and TNT titles, an AEW Hoodie and an Elite shirt. The belts are priced at $700.

    - Impact Wrestling's Dave Penzer is visiting.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Moxley and thumbtacks are never a good mix lol

    Ouch pile driver on to thumbtacks.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Always chaos erupts when the BCC get involved. lol

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    RVD vs FTW champ Jack Perry next week.

  8. #8
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Well done Hikaru Shida on winning the AEW Women's championship

    A good show.

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    After Dynamite 200 went off the air:

    Chris Jericho comes out to address the crowd and thanks his adopted hometown of Tampa, FL for a great night, Tony Khan thanks the fans for an incredible night. MJF comes out to thank Tony and talk about the history of AEW. This brings out the AEW roster on the stage to show their love and appreciation to TK.

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