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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE Friday Night Smackdown Live Coverage - January 19th, 2024

    Huge Contract Signing for Royal Rumble Set

    Next week on SmackDown, Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns, Randy Orton, LA Knight and AJ Styles will be in the ring to sign the contract for their monumental title match at Royal Rumble. The last time all four men shared the ring, utter bedlam erupted as The Bloodline attacked Styles, Orton and Knight while they were competing in a Triple Threat Match to determine who would challenge Reigns at Royal Rumble. What will happen when these four dynamic Superstars participate in what seems certain to be a volatile contract signing?

    Your announcers are Corey Graves and Kevin Patrick.

    Jimmy and Solo are in the building as Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman come through the metal detector. Roman asks Paul if it was 'fixed'. Roman says he is here to make it all right again. Solo says he will fix it. He says he will fix everything.

    Nick Aldis is in the ring with a table, four more microphones, and a contract.

    Nick welcomes everyone to Smackdown and the official contract signing for the Title Match at the Royal Rumble.

    Nick brings out AJ Styles first.

    AJ signs the contract.

    LA Knight is the second to come to the ring for the signing.

    Knight signs the contract while Nick gestures to AJ to stay back.

    Nick brings out the final challenger, Randy Orton.

    Randy signs the contract.

    The final man needed to sign the contract to make the match official is introduced by Nick Aldis.

    Roman's music plays but Roman Reigns is not the man who makes his way onto the stage.

    Paul Heyman comes out and he introduces himself. Paul tells Nick that him and Roman just arrived at the arena and they have not had a chance to submit this contract to an attorney or for Paul to look at the contract. Paul says Roman will not sign that contract tonight.

    Nick asks Paul to confirm that Roman is not signing the contract. He says that is absolutely fine. Paul says he has three signatures and he will make it a Triple Threat Match for the vacant Universal Championship.

    Paul turns around and makes his way to the ring. Paul gets on the apron and he tells Nick that he cares deeply about him. He says he halfway respects and admires the mediocre job he has done in charge of Smackdown. Paul says Nick looks really good in your Paul Heyman wannabe suits. No matter how you look, there is no way you can sell this to the Board of Directors or the fine upstanding people of Atlanta, or Roman, who runs things. Roman should be defending the title in a one-on-one match at the Royal Rumble.

    Knight tells Paul to shut up. He says this should be a one on one match because he had Roman beat at Crown Jewel and his cousins helped him keep the title. Knight says this should be a rematch but these two Johnny Come Latelies show up after a few months off.

    AJ says the Bloodline tried to end his career and you walked over his body to get the match, and you lost. You are lucky to be in this match.

    Knight says if anyone has a horseshoe up his keister, it has to be AJ. Knight should watch the bass in his voice when he talks to Knight and worry about Roman.

    AJ says Knight understands they are not fighting Roman, they are fighting each other.

    Knight says he comes in and pins Roman to become champion. He does not care if he has to walk over your body. It won't be the Bloodline leaving you laying, it will be him.

    AJ punches Knight and they fight to the floor and up the aisle.

    Aldis tries to stop them and officials come out to break things up.

    AJ gets free and he goes after Knight. They fight to the back.

    Randy and Paul watch from the ring and Randy grabs Paul by his tie.

    Randy tells Paul that he sees what Paul is trying to do and it isn't going to work because tonight he will drop Solo and he will beat him in the middle of this ring. After he does this, he will reintroduce to Roman the three most dangerous letters in sports entertainment . . . R . . . K. . . O.

    Logan Paul walks in the back.

    AJ Styles stops Nick Aldis and he says he wants LA Knight tonight and he gives AJ the match.

    Carlito, Joaquin Wilde, and Cruz del Toro (w/ Zelina Vega) vs Santos Escobar, Angel Garza, and Humberto Carrillo

    Carlito starts things off and Angel hits Carlito from behind. Carlito with a chop to Angel. Cruz tags in and he kicks Angel but Angel stomps on the foot and connects wtih punches. Cruz with punches and a kick. Cruz avoids Angel in the corner and hits a springboard head scissors. Wilde tags in and they hit a double back elbow. Cruz with a slingshot hip toss onto Angel for a near fall. Wilde avoids Humberto and he avoids Humberto and hits a wrist lock take down and drop kick. Santos goes to the floor and Wilde and Cruz with flip dives onto Angel and Humberto.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Santos tags in and Humberto with a slingshot blockbuster out of a Gory Special. Santos with a drop kick for a near fall. Humberto with a chop and Angel and Santos tag in. They press Wilde over their head and drop him onto Santos' knee for a near fall. Santos with a back heel kick. Santos with a belly-to-back suplex for a near fall. Humberto and Angel tag in and they kick Wilde in the corner. Angel with a drop kick when Wilde starts to crawl to his corner. Humberto tags in and applies a reverse chin lock. Wilde with a jaw breaker and Wilde with a satellite DDT. Angel pulls Carlito and Cruz off the apron to prevent a tag. Wilde lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt. Carlito tags in and he punches everyone. Carlito with a knee lift to Humberto followed by a clothesline. Carlito with a drop kick to Angel. Humberto knocks Angel to the floor and Carlito with a spinebuster for a near fall.

    Humberto with a springboard round kick for a near fall when Cruz breaks it up. Santos with a kick to Cruz. Wilde with a super kick to Santos. Angel with a super kick to Wilde. Carlito with a kick to Humberto and he hits a lungblower but Santos makes the blind tag and gets the three count with a rollup.

    Winners: Santos Escobar, Humberto Carrillo, and Angel Garza

    Kayla Braxton is in the back with Pretty Deadly. She asks them about their match against Tyler and Butch and if they feel better facing them tonight. Elton says there will be no surprises tonight. Kit says they have been studying tapes on Tyler and Butch. They are pretty smart BOYS. Elton says they have never been more prepared.

    Elton Prince and Kit Wilson vs Butch and Tyler Bate

    Kit and Tyler start things off and Kit with a wrist lock. Tyler with a reversal and kick to the head. Tyler with a head lock. Dunne tags in and he hits a clothesline. Pete with a hammer lock and boots to the arm. Pete pulls at the fingers. Pete with a arm bar submission but Kit gets to the ropes. Pete with a boot to the leg. Tyler tags in and he goes up top and hits a double jump senton off Pete's back. Tyler with an airplane spin and Kit takes down Elton when he gets too close. Kit rolls to the floor due to the number of rotations.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Kit tags in and Elton stops Tyler from getting across the ring. Elton with an Irish whip and Kit with an elbow into the corner. Elton tosses Tyler onto Kit's knees for a gutbuster and a near fall. Tyler lands on his feet on a belly-to-back suplex attempt. Tyler catches Kit in the corner and hits an exploder. Pete and Elton tag in and Pete with an enzuigiri and a German suplex to Kit. Pete stomps on Kit's hands a few times and kicks him in the head. Pete lands on is feet on a suplex attempt by Elton. Pete with a kick to Elton and an X Plex to Kit onto Elton. Pete stomps on the chest. Pete runs into a boot from Elton but Tyler tags in. Tyler with an uppercut to Elton. Tyler blocks a kick and connects with a jab. Tyler punches Kit and Kit bounces in the ropes. Pete tags in and Tyler with a rebound clothesline to Kit. Pete and Tyler kick Elton in the corner and Pete with a suicide dive to Kit.

    Pete with Bitter End for the three count.

    Winners: Pete Dunne and Tyler Bate

    We take a look back at the latest from Kevin Owens and Logan Paul.

    Kevin Owens makes his way to the ring.

    We go to commercial.

    Elton and Kit are walking in the back and they complain about the match. Kayla ambushes them and asks what happened. Elton says they prepared for Butch, not the new man who was Tyler's partner tonight.

    Kevin thanks everyone for the support and he brings out his guest Logan Paul.

    Logan thanks Kevin for inviting him on his show, but he is not honored. Why would he be honored to be on this bottom of the barrel show. Logan says it is his show because he is the show. Logan says he is glad Kevin invited him. He owes Kevin a proper thank you. Logan says Kevin is the reason he is in the WWE.

    Kevin wants to know what he means. He says Logan needs to explain it.

    Logan has a clip showing Logan at Wrestlemania in 2021 when Kevin gave him a stunner. He says Kevin embarrassed him in front of 70,000 people. Everyone cheered when he was given a stunner. Logan says that was the moment he realized that he needed to prove to Kevin and everyone else that he belonged her.

    Kevin says he barely remembered that happen. Kevin says you would remember your first Wrestlemania as a guest. Kevin says he has been doing this for almost 25 years. You are one of many that he has stunned. Going into that Wrestlemania, he was thinking this was just another celebrity guest. You did stick around and Kevin says he will give Logan the credit for doing the work and being way better at this than anyone would have thought.

    Kevin says as good as Logan is, he is not one of them. He is not a Rey Mysterio, a Seth Rollins, a Sami Zayn, or a Kevin Owens.

    Logan says thank God he is not like any of y'all. Logan says he is one of one. Logan says he is the maverick. He says Kevin is . . . you.

    Kevin says he doesn't know any of what Logan said, but he cannot say what he wants to say about Logan. He says he cannot talk about it because of the same reason Logan is champion. You are protected and sheltered. You were offered the tools to become champion because of the notoriety. You get to say that you were US Champion. Kevin says that is a joke. It is a joke that has been going on for far too long. That joke ends at the Royal Rumble.

    Logan says he wasn't listening. Logan says the hypocrisy is stunning. Your arm is protected. You have a weapon on your arm. Logan says he knocks people out clean. It will only take one second to KO you.

    Kevin says as unimpressive that Logan thinks he might be, the people watching WWE know that he can take more punishment than anyone and he can get up. He keeps getting up. There isn't a punch you can throw that will keep him down for three seconds or knock him out. Kevin says he heard Logan talk about the cast and filing a lawsuit. Kevin says he won't have this cast on at the Royal Rumble. Kevin says he will take it off right now.

    Logan sucker punches Kevin.

    Kevin gets up while Logan talks to the crowd. Logan is shocked that Kevin got up and he asks if that is it. Kevin with a double leg take down and punches. Kevin chases after Logan but Logan runs Kevin into the ring post and slams the injured hand into the ring post.

    Roman is in his locker room and he says he gets to his bus and he sees a Viper around his neck. Roman asks Jimmy and Solo why did they send Paul out when there are two of you. Solo says last week was on him. He says Roman made him the Tribal Heir for a reason. He says he will fix it.

    We see KAIenFive next to the announce table.

    WWE Women's Tag Team Championship
    Katana Chance and Kayden Carter (c) vs Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn

    Alba and Isla attack Kayden and Katana. Alba with a suplex and Isla with a kick. Alba gets a near fall. Alba sends Kayden into the turnbuckles. Isla tags in and Alba with a super kick and Isla with a Saito suplex for a near fall. Isla with a forearm. Carter escapes a slam and Katana tags in and she knocks Alba off the apron. Chance with a face plant and a head scissors. Chance with a clothesline into the corner and Carter tags in. Alba blocks a double superplex. Carter super kicks Fyre and Chance with an assisted rana off the turnbuckles onto Dawn for a near fall. Carter sends Fyre to the apron . Isla sends Carter tot he mat. Alba tags in and Carter kicks Isla. Carter with an O'Connor Roll for a near fall. Isla with a forearm and Alba with a rollup for a near fall.

    Chance with a dive onto Dawn. Carter with a slingshot destroyer and they hit Keg Stand on Fyre for the three count.

    Winners: Kayden Carter and Katana Chance (retain Championship)

    After the match:
    Asuka and Sane bring the title belts into the ring. Carter and Chance want their belts. Sane and Asuka give them to Carter and Chance.

    Mia Yim is in the back with Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows. Gallows says they still have AJ's back.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with Karrion Kross. He says they know who Bobby Lashley and The Profits are. You are the Yes Men of this company. You were supposed to be the face of this place. The reason they don't get the opportunities you do, we are the disruptors. We are not here to play your game. Kross says they have a new game. They will see them face to face in the ring. Maybe then, the whole world can see who the real All Mighty are.

    We take a look at last week's match between Carmelo Hayes and Austin Theory.

    Cathy Kelley is with Carmelo Hayes. She asks him about last week's match and what happened. Hayes says things like this happen in the heat of battle. They were able to walk away from it. He might not have won, but he did not lose. Hayes says he is HIM. Theory and Waller show up and Theory accuses Hayes of trying to end his career. Hayes suggests they have another match next week in Miami. Theory says he is busy. Waller says Theory has nothing going on so he would love to face him. Theory yells at Waller for doing that.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and next week, Carlito faces Santos Escobar. There will be a face to face meeting between the Final Testament and the Street Business. Carmelo Hayes will face Austin Theory. Kayden Carter and Katana Chance will defend the tag titles against Asuka and Kairi Sane.

    AJ Styles vs LA Knight

    Knight with punches but AJ with a side head lock. Knight with a belly-to-back suplex but AJ holds on to the side head lock. Knight sends AJ face first into the turnbuckles. Knight chokes AJ in the ropes and hits a running splash to the back. Knight with a suplex for a near fall. AJ with a chop and Knight chops back. They continue the exchange with Knight gaining the advantage thanks to a phantom chop. AJ with kicks to Knight. AJ sends Knight into the turnbuckles and hits a back breaker. AJ with punches and he chokes Knight in the ropes. AJ with a chop but Knight with a kick and punches. AJ with a kick and chop. KNight with a power slam for a near fall.

    Knight sends AJ into the turnbuckles and he kicks AJ many times. Knight goes for a knee in the corner but AJ goes to the floor. AJ with a sliding knee on the apron. AJ Irish whips Knight into the ringside barrier. Knight hot shots AJ onto the ringside barrier and then he sends AJ into the announce table many times.

    Jimmy Uso makes his way to the ring and Knight is distracted. This allows AJ to hit an enzuigri.

    Solo with a Samoan Spike to Knight and the referee calls for the bell.

    No Contest

    After the match:
    Solo sends AJ into the ring steps and then back into the ring. Solo with a Samoan Spike to AJ. Solo gets the mic and he says two down. . . one to go. He tells Randy Orton to come to the ring right now.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Nick Aldis is at ringside with the contract for the Universal Title Match at The Royal Rumble.

    Solo Sikoa vs Randy Orton

    Randy with punches but Solo with an uppercut and Orton falls into the corner. Solo with punches and a running hip into the corner. Orton falls to the floor and Solo follows. Solo tries to send Randy into the announce table but you don't do that to Randy Orton. Solo blocks a back drop driver and Solo does in fact send Randy into the announce table and then the ring steps.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Orton with a back drop driver onto the announce table. Solo with an elbow and he sends Orton into the apron. Solo misses a shoulder and Orton with a kick. Orton sets for the IEDDT and hits it. Orton looks around and he twists to the mat for the RKO push ups.

    Jimmy Uso makes his way to the ring but LA Knight stops him. Jimmy goes to the back but he is stopped by AJ. Randy looks at what is happening on the stage and Orton hits an RKO for the three count.

    Winner: Randy Orton

    After the match:
    Knight, Styles, and Orton stand in the ring.

    Knight punches AJ and Orton gives Knight an RKO. AJ gets an RKO from Randy as well.

    Roman Reigns comes from behind and he hits a Superman punch on Orton.

    Roman smiles at Aldis and Roman gestures to give him the contract.

    Roman takes the contract and acknowledges it by signing it.

    Roman drops the contract at Nick's feet.

    Roman sets for a spear and Orton hits an RKO on Roman.

    End of show.

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Jimmy Uso, Solo Sikoa, Roman Reigns, and Paul Heyman at the entrance of the arena.

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    AJ Styles, LA Knight and Randy Orton come out on SmackDown. Then Paul Heyman arrives.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Legado Del Fantastma defeat L.W.O

  6. #6
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Tyler Bate and Pete Dunne defeat Pretty Deadly

  7. #7
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Logan Paul comes to the ring for the Kevin Owens show

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn as the Unholy Union

  9. #9
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Karrion Kross & The Final Testament say they’ll meet The Pride in the ring next week on SmackDown

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    AJ Styles Vs LA Knight ends via No Contest after Solo Sikoa interferes and destroys them both

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