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    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    Angry WWE Friday Night Smackdown Live Coverage - March 22nd, 2024

    Roman Reigns to come face-to-face with Cody Rhodes on SmackDown

    Tonight on SmackDown, Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns and Cody Rhodes meet face-to-face inside the ring, just two weeks before WrestleMania! With not much time left before their epic rematch, what will The American Nightmare and The Head of the Table say to each other?

    Our announcers are Wade Barrett and Corey Graves.

    We see Cody Rhodes walking in the back earlier today.

    We also see Damage CTRL walking in the back earlier today.

    Santos Escobar says he hoped that breaking Rey's leg would have been enough for him to leave and retire. You betrayed him and you know what he needed but you took it away from him. Because you once were my hero, I took pity on you. Here you are. You have left him with no other choice. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.

    Rey Mysterio vs Santos Escobar

    Rey with punches and forearms followed by a back elbow. Rey sends Santos into the turnbuckles. Rey with a springboard cross body but he slips on the ropes so he doesn't fully hit it. Rey with a kick to Santos followed by a punch and chop. Rey with a kick to the leg. Santos begs for mercy and Rey with a wrist lock and he goes to the ropes to try a springboard move but Santos pushes Rey to the apron. Rey holds on and hits a springboard rana. Rey with a baseball slide to a sensitive area. Rey avoids a kick but Santos with a back elbow and kicks. Santos with a knee to the midsection and a drop kick. Santos gets a near fall. Santos sends Rey into the turnbuckles but Rey returns the favor.

    Rey with a satellite head scissors to send Santos to the floor. Rey with a sliding splash onto Santos on the floor.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Santos stretches Rey but Rey gets back to his feet. We see footage from the break of Santos catching Rey off the apron and then sending Rey into the ring post. Back to the live action and Santos with a running double knee strike in the corner. Santos with a kick in the corner and then he puts Rey on the turnbuckles. Santos charges into the corner but Rey with a kick and punches. Santos with a hard Irish whip that sends Rey sternum first into the ring post. Santos puts Rey in the tree of woe.

    Santos with a kick to the midsection and he sets for a spear in the corner but Rey pulls himself up and Santos hits the ring post and goes to the floor. Rey goes to the ring post for a cross body onto Santos. Rey goes up top and he hits a seated splash and clothesline. Rey with another clothesline. Santos with a sunset flip but Rey rolls through for a drop kick because you don't sunset flip Rey Mysterio. Rey with a quebrada for a near fall.

    Rey sets for the 619 but Santos gets free and hits a super kick. Santos sends Rey face first into the mat and he gets a near fall. Santos calls Rey a pathetic old man and Rey with punches and he drop kicks Santos to the floor. Rey sends Santos into the announce table and then takes off the hood and knocks Santos over with it. Rey adjusts the announce table and Rey climbs on and he hits a seated splash that sends Santos into the timekeeper's area.

    Rey wants to know where Santos' smile is. Santos is sent into the announce table and ring post. Rey sends Santos back in and he connects with a forearm from the apron.

    A masked man pulls Rey off the apron and it is Dominik Mysterio.

    Santos with a Tiger Feint Kick and a Phantom Driver for the three count.

    Winner: Santos Escobar

    After the match:
    Dom takes the mask off and kicks it away. Santos and Dom shake hands and hug.

    We take a look at Dakota Kai and Bayley from last week.

    Bayley stops by to talk to Naomi. She thanks Naomi for helping her last week and she says it is hard to find friends. Naomi says she will have Bayley's back but she is focused on Iyo tonight. Bianca Belair shows up and she says Bayley didn't mean for Naomi to get attacked, but you didn't care about her. Things are coming around. Now you know that your actions have consequences. Bayley says she understands what is going on. They talk over each other and Naomi tries to stop them. We see Bianca trying to explain the situation to Naomi and she says that Naomi hasn't been here to see what Bayley did. Naomi understands what Bianca is saying but she cannot back down from the challenge. She says she can't do this by herself.

    Wrestlemania Tag Team Ladder Match Qualifying Match
    Grayson Waller and Austin Theory vs Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson (w/ Michin)

    Theory pie faces Gallows and Gallows with a punch. Luke sends Theory into the turnbuckles and tags in Karl. Karl with a chop and he tags in Gallows who kicks Theory and sends him into the corner for peekaboo uppercuts. Theory with a thumb to the eye and he tags in Waller who is met with an uppercut. Karl tags in and Luke with a kick to the midsection followed by one to the head from Karl. Gallows clotheslines Theory over the top rope to the floor. Karl with a pescado onto Theory and Waller.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Waller runs into a thrust kick from Gallows. Gallows kicks Theory and hits a choke slam but Gallows cannot take advantage due to the damage to his leg. Mia with an arm drag to Waller o the floor. Karl with a back senton to Theory followed by clotheslines and a swinging neck breaker after knocking Waller off the apron. Theory wtih a back elbow and a spinebuster to Theory and then Waller. Theory gets Karl up but Karl escapes. Karl with a boot and he goes to the turnbuckles for a neck breaker. Karl gets a near fall. Gallows gets Theory up for Magic Killer but Waller breaks it up. Waller sends Karl to the floor. Gallows sends Waller to the floor. Theory with a rollup and his feet on the ropes for the three count.

    Winners: Austin Theory and Grayson Waller

    We take a look at Bron Breakker.

    We see Damage CTRL walk in the back as Iyo gets ready for her match.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with a look at Roman Reigns on the Pat McAfee Show.

    Non Title Match
    Iyo Sky vs Naomi

    We cut to the back where Iyo and Bayley are fighting. Offiicals stop by and Iyo let's go of Bayley and heads to the ring.

    Naomi wth forearms and shoulders in the corner. Naomi with a scorpion kick and she sends Iyo into the turnbuckles. Naomi chokes Iyo in the ropes. Naomi tries to send Iyo into a different turnbuckles but Iyo stops her. Iyo with forearms but Naomi with an Irish whip. Iyo with kkicks and a head scissors off the turnbuckles. Iyo with a drop kick into the corner. Iyo chokes Naomi in the corner. Iyo chokes Naomi in the ropes. Iyo kicks Naomi in the head and Naomi punches back. Iyo with an Irish whip but Naomi with a springboard kick out of the corner. Naomi iwth a kick to Iyo and a Tiger Feint bulldog for a near fall.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Iyo with an Irish whip. Naomi sends Iyo to the apron and hits a cutter in the ropes. Naomi with a clothesline into the corner and she goes up top for a cross body. Naomi with a hesitation drop kick in the corner followed by a back elbow and kick. Naomi with a drop kick in the corner and she goes for a split leg drop off the turnbuckles but Iyo gets to the ropes to force a break. Iyo drops Naomi on the top rope and Iyo with a springboard drop kick. Iyo sets for the running double knee strike into the corner. Iyo goes up top for an elbow drop but Naomi gets to her feet and she kicks Iyo to stop her. Naomi goes for a superplex and she hits it.

    Naomi floats over for a near fall. Naomi and Iyo exchange forearms. Naomi with a waist lock and Iyo with back elbows. Naomi with a forearm. Iyo with a victory roll and double stomp. Naomi sends Iyo to the apron and Naomi with a Tombstone in the ropes.

    Asuka and Dakota come out and Kairi gets on the arpon to distract Naomi. Iyo with a moonsault for the three count.

    Winner: Iyo Sky

    After the match:
    Iyo kicks Naomi and Naomi fights off Dakota and Kairi but Asuka spits mist in Naomi's face. All four attack Naomi until Bianca's music plays and they stop what they are doing. Bianca sends Dakota into the ring steps and she takes care of Iyo, Asuka, and Kairi. Bianca punches Asuka and Kairi pulls Bianca by her braid. BIanca with a Glam Slam to Kairi. Dakota with a chop block when Bianca gets Kairi up for a KOD. THey continue the attack on Bianca.

    Cody Rhodes is in the back with Nick Aldis.

    We go to a video package for Jade Cargill. She says she didn't come here to be the next anyone. She says she is a once in a lifetime generational talent. She doesn't have to speak but she is the trending topic. They will build statues for her and you don't have to like it but you can't deny it.

    Jade says she is officially on Smackdown.

    Next week, Jade Cargill will make her first appearance as a Smackdown superstar.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Bianca is trying to help Naomi. Tiffany Stratton shows up and says that is a good look for her and she walks away.

    Kevin Owens is with Nick Aldis and Kevin asks about Logan's podcast. Kit and Elton enter and they say there is a conspiracy against them to keep them off Wrestlemania. Kevin says he is talking. Kit says Kevin knows nothing about tag team wrestling. Kevin says he main evented Wrestlemania in a tag team match. Kevin says they can have a tag match next week and he says he has a good friend to be his partner. Randy Orton shows up behind Elton and Kit and he freaks them out. Randy accepts Kevin's offer. Nick tells Elton and Kit they shouldn't stand that close to each other. They ask why and we see a fist go across the screen.

    We take a look at what happened when they tried to film AJ Styles preparing for Wrestlemania. AJ says he missed Wrestlemania last year and there is a commotion outside. AJ wonders who is honking the horn and we see LA Knight and he goes after AJ. We see footage of the police arriving at AJ's house and they tell AJ and LA to stop fighting. Knight is handcuffed while AJ is told to stay back. AJ says he wants Knight put in jail. Knight says he will show up again next week. Corey says that AJ refused to press charges so Knight was released from custody.

    Qualifying Match to Qualify to see who Qualifies to Wrestle for the Tag Titles At Wrestlemania Match
    Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford (w/ Bobby Lashley and B Fab) vs Akam and Rezar (w/ Paul Heyman, Scarlett, and Karrion Kross)

    Dawkins and Rezar start things off and Dawkins with punches to both men. Rezar with punches and Akam tags in and connects with punches and uppercuts. Akam chokes Dawkins in the ropes . Rezar tags in and he punches Dawkins while Akam holds him. Akam with a kick and punch. Dawkins with a kick and Ford makes the tag and hits an enzuigiri. Dawkins with a kick and he sends Akam and Rezar to the floor. Ford with a flip dive but Aakm and Rezar catch Ford and they power bomb him into Dawkins.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Rezar gets a near fall on Ford. Rezar with punches to Ford followed by an Irish whip. Rezar knocks Dawkins off the apron and the referee has to keep Dawkins in his corner and that allows Akam and Rezar to double team Ford. Akam tags in and kicks Ford. Rezar tags in and he connects with an elbow drop. Rezar goes for a belly-to-back suplex but Ford lands on his feet and he connects with an enzuigiri. Ford is stopped from making the tag but he escapes and makes the tag.

    Dawkins with clotheslines and forearms. Dawkins with a corkscrew back elbow to Akam and a shoulder tackle to Rezar. Dawkins with Silencer to Akam and he hits a twisting splash into the corner followed by an enzuigiri. Ford tags in and Dawkins gets Akam on his shoulders. Akam escapes and Ford leaps over Akam. Akam with a clothesline and Rezar tags in and they hit Final Chapter but Dawkins makes the save. Dawkins is sent to the apron and knocked to the floor. Akam tags in and Dawkins knocks Rezar out of the way and Ford with an inside cradle for the three count.

    WInners: Angelo Dawkins and Montez Ford

    Paul Heyman says that Cody Rhodes is here by himself and he tells Roman his public awaits.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and next week Bianca Belair faces Dakota Kai. We will have the two final qualifying matches for the Ladder Match at Wrestlemania. Randy Orton and Kevin Owens will face Pretty Deadly. Jade Cargill will appear on Smackdown.

    We see Roman emerge from his vehicle in the parking garage. Paul tells Roman which way to go.

    Roman and Paul make their way to the ring.

    Roman is handed the microphone and Roman says Paul made a promise and he has kept his word. Roman says he is a man of his word. He is here alone. No Bloodline other than Paul, but he isn't a physical threat. Roman suggests that Cody come to the ring because it is time to ACKNOWLEDGE him.

    We see Cody walking on the Tron.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back and Cody Rhodes makes his way to the ring.

    Roman says he kept his word and he is here by himself and he asks Cody if he did.

    Cody says if Roman came alone, he came alone.

    Roman says Paul thought he would and you believed it. Roman says Cody is a fool and stupid to him. Roman says from his perspective, you are not fit for this job and to be on top. You are an idiot. You are thinking with your heart and that everyone has the best for you. You have aligned yourself with his little brother Seth Rollins. There are all kinds of problems with that. What happened on Monday? Was Seth in traffic? Were there delays? He showed his true colors. Seth said he would be your shield. Roman reminds Cody they were in the Shield together. He says he thought they had a bond and Seth stabbed him in the back. That is why you are a fool.

    Cody asks Roman if he is asking about The Shield. You were unstoppable and unbeatable. Do you remember the first team to beat The Shield? The last name was Rhodes. Cody says he appreciates this history lesson. He has his bullet cufflinks so he knows about factions. He says the Bloodline is not a faction, it is a family. Cody asks if he can trust Seth Rollins. Cody says he didn't think about that. Cody asks the people if he can trust Seth.

    Cody says Seth might hate his guts. Cody says Roman might be right, but Seth hates you more. Cody asks Roman if he can trust his partner at Wrestlemania? Can you trust The Rock? Cody says we are a bit confused in the pantheon that is the Bloodline. Who is really in charge? The Tribal Chief or the Final Boss?

    Roman smiles and he says that is old. Did you say that to him, but the other way around? Spoken and spun like a true politician. Are you running for governor? Is there a kid who wants to be kissed or do you want to be added to his entrance. You promise things but you never deliver. Nothing comes to fruition. It is because you are number two. He says that with respect. You are the greatest number two of all time. Roman says he is number one . . . forever.

    Cody tells Roman let's get real. They both grew up in the industry. You looked in the mirror to be the face of the generation. People like Bruno, Flair, Hogan, Austin, Cena, Rock. Cody says the generation that follows them will want to be the next Roman Reigns. That is Roman's destiny but you are unfamiliar with Cody's.

    Cody says when it comes to Wrestlemania and who defeats you for this title that you have held for all this time, Cody says he is not number two, he is the one. Cody wishes Roman good luck at Wrestlemania and he offers his hand.

    Roman drops his mic and backs away.

    Roman shakes Paul's hand and he leaves the ring and starts to walk away.

    Roman looks at the ring and he snaps his fingers and his music plays.

    Roman stands in the aisle and Solo Sikoa makes his way through the crowd and so does Jimmy Uso.

    Solo and Jimmy go over the ringside barrier and approach the ring.

    Cody looks around as Solo and Jimmy stand next to Roman.

    We see Jey Uso in the crowd and Seth Rollins is also in the crowd.

    End of show

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Smackdown starting with Rey Mysterio vs Santos Escobar

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Santos Escobar defeated Rey Mysterio thanks to Dominik Mysterio's intervention.

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    heory Effect defeat The Good Brothers and advance to the Key Two Qualifier Tournament

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Iyo Sky defeated Naomi with the help of Damage Control.

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Bron Breakker Promo Video,. great presentation.

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Jade Cargill is now on a brand and will debut next week on SmackDown.

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Last night AJ Styles was interviewed at his house but LA Knight arrived at his house and complete chaos ensued, which the police had to intervene.

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Bray Wyatt now lives in our hearts

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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Street Profits defeat AOP and advance to the mini tournament in Key Two.

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