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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Default AEW Dynamite Live Coverage - April 17th, 2024

    We’re welcomed to ringside, where Jon Moxley’s music hits as the new IWGP World Heavyweight Champion makes his way through an excited crowd to start the show. Mox hangs out with the crowd for a bit before making his way to ringside, grabbing a microphone to talk about one of the first titles he ever won being right here in Indianapolis. Mox talks about “swimming upstream” ever since he started back then, but delivers a message to those who said he’d never achieve great things…”kiss my a– and watch me!”

    He reminds everyone that the title on his shoulder is the IWGP World Heavyweight Championship, a prestigious championship he has been chasing for five years. Thousands and thousands of miles traveled across the ocean, and so many people saying that him holding the title live on Dynamite was impossible. He talks about how deep one is willing to dig, how far they’re willing to go to prove themselves…that’s what AEW is all about.

    Mox directs his attention now to the Don Callis Family, a group of very talented individuals who are associated with a creep. Over the weekend, they put a hit out on Bryan Danielson, trying to injure Mox’s friend and teammate. If you’re going to put a target on Bryan, you might as well put a target on Mox as well…and if you wanna get violent, Mox will be around all night. He could sneak attack them, but he suspects that won’t teach them a lesson…so he’s picking the biggest, baddest, meanest of all of them.

    Mox challenges Powerhouse Hobbs to a match next week on Dynamite from Jacksonville, and Hobbs will accept…only to find out how far Mox is willing to go. Hobbs will be sent to the ocean, calling to the ref for rescue but receiving none. He will find out that Callis is feeding him lies, and that there is only one Jon Moxley!

    Mox drops the mic, leaving the ring to hang out with the crowd as he makes his exit before we cut backstage.

    Mercedes Moné addresses whoever it was that attacked her last week during her interview. She calls out Julia Hart for her remarks last week, turning her attention briefly to “someone who doesn’t want to face me at Double or Nothing” before putting the entire women’s division on notice, saying they don’t want to mess with Mercedes Moné.

    Adam Copeland makes his way to the ring before we see on screen that Willow Nightingale is being checked on backstage after an apparent attack. With Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander by her side, we cut back to the ring as the lights go out…coming back on to reveal Julia Hart on the ramp and Brody King right behind the TNT Champion! Brody lays Copeland out before sending him to the outside for more damage, as the referee checks on him to see if he can still compete! Adam confirms that he’s still good to go.

    Adam Copeland and Willow Nightingale vs. House of Black’s Julia Hart and Brody King

    King absolutely decimating the TNT Champion, wearing him down as Julia watches on from ringside. The ref finally intervenes when Copeland is brought to the ropes, and this gives Hart a chance to get involved before Brody drives the Rated R Superstar into the bottom rope. King sends the champ to the corner for a chop as we return from break!

    Brody continues the attack until Copeland fights back by biting the big man’s head! He follows up by launching himself at King, with both men to the canvas as Julia tries to will Brody on from the corner. Both men back to their feet now, exchanging strikes…until King gets sent to the corner with a clothesline!

    Copeland catches Brody with a big boot now, trying to wear him down as he lands an Impaler for the cover…but King kicks out!

    Both men back to their feet once again, with Copeland in the corner…where he catches a charging King with a boot to the face, dropping him to the canvas! Copeland heads to the corner for a spear…but gets spun around with a massive lariat by Brody! King heads to the corner himself now, setting up for a massive cannonball senton in the corner…but Copeland evades in the nick of time!

    Willow comes rushing down to the ring with Kris cheering her on, as Nightingale gets to the ring for a tag…and takes down Brody King with a cross body to a big pop from the crowd! Julia is now technically legal given the rules of the match, but wants nothing to do with her future challenger as Copeland takes Brody out with a spear. Brody gets sent to the corner, where Willow hits a cannonball of her own on the big man…but as the ref deals with Brody and Copeland, Hart wallops Willow with a chain! She locks Nightingale in the Hartless, forcing a submission for the win!

    Winners: House of Black’s Julia Hart and Brody King

    After the match:
    Julia refuses to let go of the hold however, until Mercedes Moné’s music hits, and the CEO comes rushing down with a steel chair! Hart escapes to regroup with Brody on the ramp as Moné stares down Willow with Copeland looking on. The CEO’s music hits as we cut away from the ring.

    We cut to an interview between Renee Paquette and Samoa Joe, who calls Swerve Strickland a nuisance before running him down for his past failures to win the championship, choking and swerving just off target…promising this time will be no different. Joe assures his number one contender he will be the one to choke Swerve out at Dynasty.

    -Commercial Break-

    We start get a video package featuring FTR, but the Young Bucks call for it to be cut short “due to time” before promising to take out their friends during this upcoming trios match. Okada promises PAC he will not make it to Dynasty, before The Elite walk away!

    The Elite make their way to the ring for our next match. First out are the Young Bucks, before the coin drops to signal the arrival of Okada to the ring. The Elite head down to the ring together as their opponents come out next. First up is Daniel Garcia, looking to amp himself up with a little dance before Penta El Zero Miedo comes to the stage next, followed by the arrival of PAC. The trio make their way to the ring as this match gets underway!

    The Elite vs. PAC, Daniel Garcia and Penta El Zero Miedo

    We start off with PAC and Okada in the ring, circling the canvas…until the Bucks rush in, jumping PAC while Okada knocks Garcia and Penta off the apron!

    Tag made to Nicholas, but PAC lays into him with strikes before tagging in Penta for a double-team and a nearfall. Penta brings him to his feet for a chop, but Okada sneaks in while the ref is distracted allowing Nicholas to turn things around! Bucks try to double-team the luchador but are both dropped before Garcia tags in! Daniel goes after Nicholas, eventually mounting up for some punches with his fist and…somewhere else.

    Garcia’s still in control until Okada catches him from ringside, allowing the Bucks to regain the momentum as we go to picture-in-picture!

    The Elite continue the attack at ringside, bringing Garcia back into the ring as Nicholas is in for more damage and humiliation toward the former ROH Pure Champion. Tag to Okada now, and the Rainmaker keeps Garcia at bay with a rushing attack sending him to the canvas…followed by a tag to Nicholas, but a Bucks double-team only scores a nearfall. Matthew grabs a microphone at ringside, running down Tony Schiavone (thanks for doing this during the PiP break, fellas!) as we come back from break!

    Now that we can hear what’s going on, we hear him doing live commentary as he calls for Nicholas to tag him. Matthew runs Garcia down, telling him to “show me something” as he shoves him away…before Garcia catches him for a back suplex after being told to put Matthew down! Tag to PAC as Matthew drops the microphone, taking a German suplex from PAC who hits Nicholas with one before taking to the turnbuckle for a missile dropkick on both Bucks…and a moonsault to the outside to follow!

    Okada gets in the ring after presumably tagging in, a standoff with PAC that ends with another sneak attack from the Bucks who return to the ring, before hitting a 3-on-1 attack…but Penta gets a tag to intercept, taking the Elite down! This doesn’t last long as the trio take Penta down with a triple team, only for Garcia to intervene…followed by PAC, who hits a springboard cutter on Matthew!

    PAC drags Penta to the corner for the tag, standing nose to chin (sorry PAC) with the Rainmaker before the pair trade strikes. PAC gets sent to the corner, but catches Okada with a thrust kick…only for Matthew to stop him in the corner, dropping him off the turnbuckle!

    PAC manages to get a tag to Garcia however, but the Elite catch him with a kick from the Bucks followed by a Tombstone Piledriver from Okada! Penta tries to get involved but takes one from the Rainmaker as well…and Garcia takes a double superkick and a Rainmaker lariat for Okada to pick up the pin and the win!

    Winners: The Elite

    After the match:
    But they’re not done yet as the Bucks bring Garcia up to his knees for an EVP Trigger! This is followed by the Bucks bringing in a ladder, trying to decimate Garcia since he’s pals with FTR ahead of their ladder match for the tag titles…but an angry PAC runs in with a bell hammer to run The Elite off. We get a reminder of the Continental rules for the title match between PAC and Okada at Dynasty, as well as the tag title match for the PPV before.

    We go to commercial.

    We come back to ringside as Taz welcomes “Lionheart” Chris Jericho to the ring for this meeting that’s been brokered between the Ocho and the FTW Champion. The HOOK Signal is lit, as the man himself comes to the ring next. The crowd shows their support for the champ as Taz says he’s here to make sure things go nice and easy. Taz gives the floor to Jericho, who thanks Taz for helping him get HOOK out here as he addresses what he did last week. He explains he was trying to help HOOK by pulling him away from the match last week, before reminding him that Jericho is the Learning Tree.

    He puts over the people that have taken his advice in AEW, and how they’ve all succeeded well thanks to him. He talks about wanting to bring both himself and HOOK to the top of the wizard tree and breathe in that rarified air, before asking if HOOK is ready to sit under the branhces of the Learning Tree.

    HOOK raises a microphone of his own to his face, and gives his answer…no.

    Jericho asks what HOOK means by that, and the champ states he doesn’t need Jericho’s help. Jericho tells HOOK not to be stupid, which causes the champ’s father Taz to interject. Jericho says he’s trying to do something Taz hasn’t done in thirty years, and this only riles the Human Suplex Machine up as Jericho starts running HOOK down with remarks that reference Taz, saying HOOK isn’t as good as he thinks he is.

    Taz tries to tell Jericho he’s getting out of hand…but the Ocho shoves him away! We’re informed of knee issues Taz has as he struggles to get back to his feet…and HOOK rushes at Jericho, sending him to the corner as he tells him he can beat him again anytime, anywhere. HOOK tells the Ocho to get out of his ring despite Jericho’s pleas to step down, forcing him to take his leave to a “na na na na, hey hey, goodbye” chant from the crowd.

    We cut back to Renee, who now sits down with Swerve Strickland to address what Joe had to say earlier. Swerve addresses his shortcomings but reminds everyone that he’s still here, that he always gets back up. Joe can call him whatever he wants, but this Sunday at Dynasty he will be calling Strickland the new world champion. Renee asks what makes him sure he can beat Joe at Dynasty…but Strickland says this isn’t something he needs to answer Renee, but to Joe as he runs the champ down some more ahead of their match at Dynasty!

    Mariah May makes her way to the ring alongside Toni Storm and Luther for this next match. Out next is Deonna Purrazzo, and this match gets underway!

    Deonna Purrazzo vs. Mariah May

    Despite an early advantage from May, Deonna manages to take control for a nearfall…but Mariah fights back, sending Deonna to the outside with a hard kick from the turnbuckle as we go to picture-in-picture!

    Mariah May keeps control of the match throughout, wearing Deonna down before bringing her back into the ring for more damage. She drives the Virtuoasa into the ropes before laying in some kicks in the corner, sending her across the ring as we come back from break…

    …only for May to take a boot to the face by Deonna, who starts fighting back! May kicks Purrazzo but gets dropped for a nearfall. Deonna takes to the ropes but is intercepted by May, only for the Virtuosa to lock in an armbar! May manages to get a leg on the bottom rope to force a break, getting back to her feet just before being dropped with a kick by Purrazzo for another nearfall.

    Mariah evades a powerbomb before sending Deonna to the corner for a hip attack, followed by a DDT for the cover…but Deonna kicks out! May tries again but she gets rocked by Deonna, who gets the pin and the win!

    Winner: Deonna Purrazzo

    After the match:
    The Women’s World Champion rushes in for a beatdown on Purrazzo before Thunder Rosa runs in for the save! Storm and May leave the ring as Rosa and Deonna have words about whether the Virtuosa needed any help…but Deonna gets pulled out of the ring by May as the champ goes for a Storm Zero on Rosa! NO! Thunder powers out, laying the champ out with a punch before smudging lipstick all over her face.

    Renee is with the Bang Bang Gang who address making new friends this past week ahead of a massive match for Dynasty…a Winner Takes All match between Bullet Club Gold and The Acclaimed for the ROH 6-Man titles and AEW World Trios Championship! If you’re not down with that, they’ve got two words for you…guns up!

    We go to commercial.

    The Acclaimed and Billy Gunn address the challenge laid out by Bullet Club Gold as they accept for Dynasty. Max Caster lays out a challenge for a tag match at Collision!

    Orange Cassidy comes to the ring for our next match, notably all alone in light of Trent Beretta’s betrayal last week. Shane Taylor comes to the ring next, accompanied by Lee Moriarty and Anthony Ogogo of STP before this match gets underway!

    Orange Cassidy vs. Shane Taylor

    STP rise up on the apron, but are told to stand down by Taylor as he knows Cassidy has been looking for him since he took down Shibata recently. Cassidy with hands in pockets goes on the offensive…only to be intercepted by Taylor, who sets him up on the top rope for a jawbreaker that sends Cassidy to the outside.

    With the ref preoccupied, STP go on the attack before sending Cassidy back into the ring…where Taylor takes him to the corner for a massive chop, forcing him right back to the outside as we go to picture-in-picture!

    Taylor is still in control as Cassidy is brought back into the ring, where the former ROH Television Champion wears him down before hitting a leg drop on a prone Cassidy on the apron. The former International Champion looks worse for wear as he rolls back into the ring, but Taylor mocks Cassidy hitting weak swings…before laying him out with some heavy hands of his own! Cassidy heads to the corner as we come back from break!

    Taylor goes for a chop but Cassidy evades it, fighting back with some right hands form the corner before slamming Taylor’s head against the turnbuckle to create an opening…only for StP to keep him at bay, allowing Taylor to catch him with his hands! Cassidy fights out of the grip however, only for Taylor to block a Stundog Millionaire…before Cassidy reverses a suplex to finish the maneuver!

    Cassidy fights off Ogogo before going for an Orange Punch on Taylor, but the big man lays him out before going for the cover…only for Cassidy to kick out! Shane fights out of a Beach Break, only to take an Orange Punch…and responds with a big right hand of his own! A second Orange Punch keeps Taylor down long enough for Cassidy to get the pin and the win!

    Winner: Orange Cassidy

    After the match:
    STP rush into the ring, setting the former champ up for a big left hand from Ogogo! Matt Sydal and Christopher Daniels try to save Cassidy, but are laid out with chair shots from Trent allowing Taylor to lay Cassidy out with another big punch into a Border City Stretch from Lee Moriarty! Trent watches on before retreating up the ramp as STP lay their flag over the fallen Orange Cassidy.

    Will Ospreay makes his way to the ring for our main event before we go to commercial break!

    We go to commercial.

    We come back to ringside as Claudio Castagnoli heads to the ring, before tonight’s Dynamite main event gets underway!

    Claudio Castagnoli vs. Will Ospreay

    Claudio rushes at Ospreay, taking him down for an early nearfall before looking for the Ricola Bomb…but Will fights out of it, as well as the following onslaught from the former ROH World Champion! Claudio sends Ospreay to the corner now, but the Aerial Assassin takes him down and to the outside, only for Claudio to get away from danger. Claudio continues the attack, sending Ospreay to the barricade…but Ospreay leaps over it, before jumping onto it for a leaping attack on Castagnoli!

    Claudio blocks a springboard attack, bringing Ospreay back in the ring for a running double stomp and a series of boots to the chest of the Assassin. Backbreaker from Claudio as he goes to work on Opsreay, but Will fights out of it before Claudio fights back. Exchange of strikes between both men, with Ospreay sent to his knees for Claudio to hit an elbow to the back…only for Ospreay to fight back with a Deja Vu! Claudio escapes to the outside as Ospreay goes for a dive…but gets caught in mid-air by Castagnoli, who slams him onto the apron as we go to picture-in-picture!

    Picture-in-Picture: Claudio brings Ospreay back into the ring to continue wearing him down, eventually cinching in a chinlock as we come back from break!

    Ospreay finally manages to fight back, taking Claudio off his game before getting a nearfall. Claudio fights back with an European uppercut but Will hits a backslide for another nearfall before going after the legs, only for Claudio to quickly escape a Sharpshooter…and lock one of his own on the Aerial Assassin! Transition to a crossface as Ospreay tries to escape, but Claudio rolls through…only for Ospreay to get him on his shoulder for a nearfall that breaks the hold! Claudio gets caught with a Tiger Driver, but manages to kick out!

    Claudio sends Ospreay to the corner now, sneaking a thumb to the eye before hitting a series of strikes…and he takes Ospreay to the canvas for a close nearfall! Claudio starts mocking Ospreay now as the Assassin gets to his feet, leading to an exchange of strikes before Ospreay catches Castagnoli by surprise with a pin attempt for two!

    Ospreay goes for an Oscutter but gets slammed hard for a nearfall by Claudio…who takes the ropes just long enough for Ospreay to respond with a Spanish Fly for a nearfall of his own! Hidden Blade gets countered into a big uppercut as Claudio makes the cover…but Ospreay kicks out!

    Claudio’s calling for the giant swing, but the Assassin powers out before hitting a corkscrew moonsault for a nearfall! Hidden Blade follows, giving Ospreay the pin and the win!

    Winner: Will Ospreay

    After the match:
    Ospreay leaves the ring as the Don Callis Family goes after Castagnoli…until Jon Moxley runs down for the save! Mox runs off Fletcher and Takeshita before trading blows with Hobbs, who eventually leaves the ring to regroup with the Family. Ospreay noticeably leaves the scene, heading to the back as the rest of the Family stares down Mox and Claudio from the ramp.

    We get a rundown of what’s to come the rest of this week between Collision, Rampage, and Dynasty.

    We cut back to ringside as Swerve makes his way out, eager to have it out with Samoa Joe ahead of their match at Dynasty. Strickland reminds everyone that he knocked Samoa Joe out, making him quiver and stare as he held that AEW World Championship up high.

    He showed Swerve that he’s scared, because he knows Swerve’s gonna beat him for the title at Dynasty. Swerve is out here, Nana is out here, so Joe needs to come out here to meet him face to face. The champ’s music hits as security is trying to keep Samoa Joe from getting physical…but as the champ approaches ringside, Swerve lays out the security with a Swerve Stomp from the turnbuckle!

    Swerve stares Joe down, saying he’ll take the title from the champ…who retaliates, sending Swerve back into the ring before entering as he taunts Nana! Nana backs away into the corner…and Joe is preoccupied with him, leaving him open for a House Call! Swerve goes up top but is intercepted by the champ…who drops his challenger with a Muscle Buster!

    Joe stands tall over Strickland, raising the title up high before finally leaving the ring.

    End of show

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Always fun to see Moxley as he opens the show

  3. #3
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Mercedes Moné gives a promo saying she will look for those who attacked her last week and make them pay.

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    The first match of the night was supposed to be a mixed match between Adam Copeland and Willow Nightingale VS. Brody King and Julia Hart but Willow was attacked earlier so she's not available for the match.

    Now it will be Copeland VS. King and Hart.

  5. #5
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    Brody King and Julia Hart defeated Adam Copeland and Willow Nightingale

    Mercedes and Adam are in the ring and show respect.

  6. #6
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    AEW World Champion Samoa Joe backstage

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    Carlos Cabrera Is All Elite.

  8. #8
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    The Elite vs. PAC, Daniel Garcia and Penta El Zero Miedo

  9. #9
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    The segment where Taz tried to put Chris Jericho and Hook together but it went horribly wrong.

  10. #10
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    Deonna Purrazzo defeated Mariah May but then gets attacked by champion Toni Storm.

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