Jeremy Borash is in the back outside Jim Cornette’s door and Jeff Jarrett comes out of Cornette’s office. Jeremy asks Jeff if he is going to get his title belt back tonight. Jeff says that sometimes the fight is not worth fighting for. Jarrett walks away.

We are welcomed by our hosts Jeremy Borash and Shane Douglas. Jeremy talks about the world title situation with Samoa Joe laying claim to the title belt. He mentions that Joe is undefeated in sixteen months, but he cannot call himself the champion. Shane mentions that possession is nine-tenths of the law and Joe is not only undefeated, but he has laid his mitts on the NWA World Title. He says that Jarrett has a submission problem in front of him.

Samoa Joe is in the ring and he has the NWA World Title belt. Joe addresses the crowd. He mentions that some people probably wonder why he is out here, but since the jackass that normally carries around the belt gets to have all the time he wants to talk, it is his time to talk. Joe says the real question is ‘Why does Samoa Joe have the NWA World Heavyweight Championship? Why have you stolen the belt? Why are you holding it hostage?’ He says that for the last four years, the fans have seen the belt held hostage by the worst of men. For the past four years, they have seen paper champion after paper champion. They have seen the most prestigious title in wrestling used as a political leveraging tool. For the past four years, the title has not been treated with the respect that it deserves. The NWA World Title was borne on the back with the blood, sweat, and tears of real men. Men like Dory Funk Junior and Harley Race. Men who treated this title for what it was, a testament for being the best. Joe tells TNA and the fans of the Impact Zone that he will hand the belt back to the winner at Bound for Glory if they give him a title match.

Christian Cage’s music plays and he comes out. He says that he was standing in the back, minding his own business and he heard Joe talk about paper champions. He came out and assumed that Joe was not talking about him. Joe says that Jarrett was his number one choice, but Christian was a very close second. Christian says that Joe has bragged about beating everyone, but he is missing one person on the list. That person is Christian Cage and he says that Joe will never beat him. Christian says that the belt that Joe is holding was stolen from him the same way that Joe stole it from Jarrett. Christian says that he is taking his belt back tonight. Joe tells Christian that he can come to the ring to take it from him. Christian says that he is not talking about a wrestling match. He is talking about a fight. This is not about winning or losing, it is about the NWA World Title belt. He suggests hanging the belt above the ring and it does not matter how you get it down, or it can be done with a ladder. Whoever grabs the belt is the better man, and Christian says that it will be him.

Jeremy Borash is in the back with LAX. Jeremy asks Konnan about the Six Sides of Steel match. Konnan says not to worry about Bound for Glory tonight because they are on the hunt for some gringo meat. They are looking for Daniels and Styles. Before Konnan can finish, A.J. Styles and Christopher Daniels attack Homicide and Hernandez. Daniels sends Hernandez into the lockers. Styles and Daniels have taken the battle with LAX into the Impact Zone as they fight up the Chute of Heelish Impact. The brawl moves to the ringside area and Styles slams Homicide’s head into the ring steps. Things move into the ring and Styles punches Hernandez while Daniels holds him. Daniels chokes Homicide and punches him. Styles sends Hernandez over the top rope to the floor. Daniels hits a pescado on Homicide as things move to the floor. They fight towards the Spanish Announce Table. Konnan hits Styles from behind and that gives Hernandez a chance to work over Styles. Hernandez and Homicide pull Daniels behind the cage door and Konnan locks it to keep Styles away while Daniels is pummeled by Homicide and Hernandez. Homicide prevents A.J. from getting over the cage door. Security tries to pull LAX away from Daniels while the beat down continues.

Jeremy Borash is in the back and Jerry Lynn is telling Shark Boy, Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, and Sonjay Dutt that he hopes they have learned their lesson that what matters most is what the fans think of you. Right now, the fans think that they are a bunch of jackasses, and not in a good way. He tells them to go out there and do what they do best, and that is wrestle. Chris Sabin tells the old man to come to the ring to watch what the X Division is all about.

Match Number One: Senshi, Johnny Devine, Alex Shelley, and Petey Williams versus Sonjay Dutt, Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, and Shark Boy

Shelley and Lethal start things off and Shelley spits some water in Lethal’s face as they lock up and Alex sends Lethal to the mat. Lethal kips up and then he hits an arm drag. Shelley with a back elbow but Lethal responds with a jumping leg lariat. Shelley grabs Lethal with a testicular claw and then he tags in Williams. Lethal with a hip toss into a cartwheel and a drop kick before he tags Shark Boy into the match. Shark Boy with a drop kick and then he slams Williams’s head into the turnbuckle. Shark Boy goes for the punches of ten, but Williams is able to stop him and he moves into the center of the ring. Shark Boy tries for a sunset flip, but Williams does not go down. Williams tries for a leg drop but Shark Boy moves out of the way and it is time for Shark Boy to take a bite out of Williams’s rear end. Dutt and Devine tag in and Dutt with a drop toe hold followed by a rolling senton splash and a moonsault for a two count. Shelley breaks up the cover and the referee deals with Devine, allowing Senshi to come into the ring and he hits a running forearm. Senshi tags in and he hits a running back elbow. Williams tags in and he puts Dutt in the tree of woe. Petey sings and then he punches Dutt before Dutt can get out of the tree of woe. Devine tags in with a snap mare and a series of knees to Dutt’s head. Devine with a snap suplex but he misses a running knee and Dutt hits a reverse hurricanrana. Sabin and Shelley tag in. Sabin with a drop kick to Shelley’s knees followed by a running drop kick. Shelley charges at Sabin, but Sabin with a back kick followed by a tornado DDT. All eight men are in the ring briefly until Sabin, Shark Boy, Dutt, and Lethal send their opponents out of the ring. Shark Boy with a pescado to Williams. Lethal hits a flapjack on Shelley, followed by a shooting star press from Dutt, and Sabin with a La Magistral for the three count.

Winners: Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt, and Shark Boy

After the match, Kevin Nash appears on the video screen. He says that he has been gone two months and the X Division has gone into the crapper. Nash says that he has built the X Division over his thirty year career; he doesn’t know what is going on. The X Division is at an all time low, and it sickens him. He will announce at a press conference next week, the details of the Kevin Nash Open Invitational X Division Gauntlet Battle Royal. We go to commercial.

We are back and Jeremy and Shane talk about Kurt Angle’s interview. Jeremy mentions the TNA website for the latest news leading up to Bound for Glory. Shane says that this will be the greatest pay per view in TNA history. Jeremy talks about the Six Sides of Steel, Monster’s Ball, 8 Mile Street Fight, and Career versus Title matches already announced for the pay per view.

Shane Douglas is now in the ring and he tells Orlando that they get to see their first opportunity to see the number one contenders for the NWA World Tag Team Titles. He brings out the Newly Franchised Naturals.

Match Number Two: The Naturals versus Petey Williams and A1 in the Xplosion Xclusive Match of the Week

Williams and Stevens start things off, but Williams tags in A1 before there is a lockup. Stevens with a waist lock but A1 with an elbow. Stevens with a hip toss and a near fall followed by an arm drag into an arm bar. Douglas is tagged in and Williams is also tagged in. Douglas with an arm bar and Williams goes outside the ring. A1 joins Williams on the floor and then Stevens sends Douglas over the top rope onto Williams and A1. Douglas goes up top and A1 grabs Douglas’s leg. That distraction allows Williams to hit a drop kick and it knocks Douglas to the floor. We go to commercial.

We are back and Williams gets a near fall on Douglas. Williams chokes Douglas in the ropes and then he hits a drop kick to the back. A1 with a backbreaker to Douglas for a two count. A1 with a punch to Douglas but Douglas punches back. Williams makes the blind tag and after an A1 punch, Williams slingshots into the ring and he hits a jawbreaker on Douglas. A1 continues the attack with a clothesline to Douglas and Williams gets a two count. Williams kicks Douglas and then he tags A1 back into the match. A1 with shoulders in the corner and then he chokes Douglas. A1 with a bear hug but Douglas gets out of the hold and he hits the running high knee to A1. Williams and Stevens tag in and Stevens punches A1 and Williams followed by a flying forearm to A1. Stevens with a kip up and he sets his sights on Williams with a fireman’s carry into a neck breaker and then he hits a clothesline that flips Williams for a two count. Douglas bulldogs A1 on Stevens’s knee. The set for the Natural Disaster on Williams, but A1 takes Douglas out of the equation. Williams with a German suplex to Stevens and Williams sets to reel in Stevens. Stevens with a back body drop after Williams sets for the Canadian Destroyer. A1 with a kick to Stevens, but Douglas trips A1 when he comes off the ropes. Stevens with a clothesline that sends A1 over the top rope to the floor. Stevens gets Williams up in a power bomb set up and Douglas hits a missile drop kick and Stevens with the sit out power bomb for the three count. We go to commercial.

Winners: The Naturals

We are back and Bobby Roode is on the phone telling Bobby Heenan, Colonel Robert Parker, and Sherri Martel that they did not get the job as his manager. He tells Bobby Heenan that it is 2006, not 1986. He tells the Colonel to save his breath because the job has been filled. He will reveal his manager at Bound for Glory. He tells Sherri that if she is in Canada, she has his number but she hangs up on him. Bobby calls someone in to fax off some paperwork to make it official. He says that he has made the right choice.

Match Number Three: Diamonds in the Rough (David Young and Elix Skipper [with Simon Diamond]) versus Ron Killings and Lance Hoyt

Young and Skipper attack Hoyt and Killings before the bell rings while Killings was still dancing for the crowd. Killings is sent out of the ring and Young and Skipper work over Hoyt. Skipper and Young with kicks to Hoyt followed by a kick to the head by Skipper and a neck breaker by Young for a two count. Young with a forearm and Skipper tags in.

We go to the back where Jeremy Borash is with Abyss, Raven, and Brother Runt. Raven is telling Abyss and Runt that the ‘Fat Coconut Eater’ is not respecting them because he is off running to the NWA World Title.

We return to the action in the ring and Young has tagged back in. Young chokes Hoyt in the ropes and then he connects with a forearm to the back. Skipper with a drop toe hold but Young misses the baseball slide when Hoyt moves out of the way. Young yells at Skipper and that allows Hoyt to hit a double clothesline. Killings tags in and he punches Skipper and Young. Killings with a modified DDT to Young. Killings avoids a double clothesline and he comes back with a drop kick to the Diamonds. Hoyt with an F5 and then he clotheslines Young over the top rope and both men go to the floor. Skipper charges at Killings in the corner, but Killings floats over and he hits a sunset flip for the three count.

Winners: Ron Killings and Lance Hoyt

After the match, Diamond yells at Skipper and Young joins in. Diamond throws his jacket at Skipper and then Diamond leaves the ring. Skipper goes after Diamond, but Young stops Elix. Young yells at Skipper before leaving the ring. Ron Killings comes back into the ring and he shakes Elix’s hand and hugs him. Killings leaves the ring.

We are back with Jeremy and Shane. Jeremy talks about the ladder brawl for possession of the NWA Title belt which we will see later in the show. Jeremy talks about the great wrestlers from Pittsburgh and he mentions Larry Zbyszko, Bruno Sammartino, and perhaps the greatest of all time. He is a man they are so happy to have in TNA, and Jeremy is talking about Kurt Angle. Shane is shocked that Jeremy was not talking about him.

We are back and it is time to go to the interview that was conducted earlier in the day with Kurt Angle. Angle says that his dream was to win an Olympic Gold Medal. After he won, he did not know what he was going to do after that. He went into pro wrestling and put his body on the line. He won six WWE titles and then someone came up to him and said that he was not that special. There was nothing else to prove over there and he saw a company on the rise, and that was TNA. When he had the chance, he was going to take the opportunity and prove to the world that not only can he dominate in the WWE, but he can dominate in TNA. The guys in TNA want to be the best in the world. All of them have that look in their eyes, the ‘eye of the tiger’. That is the same look he had when he won the gold medal and that is the same look that he has right now. Angle says that there was a point where he hit rock bottom, and that was when he was addicted to Vicodin. That was when he broke his neck and he had surgery. The doctor tried to wean him down, but Kurt said that he wanted to quit immediately. He says that TNA management told him that they were going to take care of him and make sure that his health is good. He is going to make sure that things are alright with his wife and children. He found out this year that his family is the most important thing. Bound for Glory will be historic and a revitalized Kurt Angle will be there. He talks about how Vince McMahon told him to his face that an Olympic gold medal and a cup of coffee don’t mean s***. He tells his former employer to watch what he does. If you thought you saw Kurt Angle when he was there, you haven’t seen nothing yet.

Match Number Three: Samoa Joe versus Christian Cage in an unsanctioned ladder fight

Christian goes after Joe as he enters the ring and they exchange punches, but Joe with a knee and a series of punches. Joe with a running shoulder tackle and punches. Joe with a running boot to Christian. Christian with a thumb to the eyes and a forearm to Joe. Joe with a running knee to Christian and then Joe goes outside the ring and he gets a ladder. Christian with a baseball slide that sends Joe to the ground. Christian goes outside the ring and then he rolls Joe back in. Christian gets the ladder, but Joe with a suicide dive into the ladder and Christian goes down. A ladder is set up in the ring while Christian punches Joe. Christian puts the ladder in the corner and then he tries to Irish whip Joe into the ladder, but Joe reverses and the ladder falls on Christian. Joe puts Christian in the corner and then Joe with the face wash and then he puts the ladder in Christian’s groin and Joe kicks the ladder and Christian rolls around the ring in pain. Joe climbs the ladder, but Christian stops Joe and Christian hits an inverted DDT from the ladder and both men are down. Christian climbs the ladder but then he goes back down. He moves the ladder and after he tries to climb it but Joe pulls Christian off. Joe puts the ladder on top of Christian and he hits a senton splash on the ladder. Joe with punches and he sets up for the muscle buster but Christian gets out of the hold. Christian grabs the ladder and he knocks Joe out of the ring. Christian climbs the ladder and Joe stops Christian and then Joe hits a palm thrust on Christian and then he hits an enzuigiri followed by the muscle buster. Joe climbs the ladder, but Abyss comes to the ring. Joe punches Abyss and Abyss hits the Black Hole Slam. Abyss climbs the ladder, but Brother Runt and Raven come out and they powerbomb Abyss off the ladder. Runt and Raven fight in the ring and Raven hits the discuss clothesline. Abyss trips Raven and he pulls Raven out of the ring. Runt climbs the ladder and he hits a cross body onto Raven and Abyss. Christian climbs the ladder and he removes the belt and then him and Joe fight on top of the ladder over the belt. Rhino comes out and he pushes the ladder over and Joe hits the ground with the belt.

Winner: Samoa Joe

After the match, Rhino gets in Joe’s face and then Rhino GORES Christian and then they fight outside the ring and to the back. We go to credits.

Xplosion Thoughts:

I liked that they did more than the opening segment with Jeremy and Shane on this week’s show. I wish they would continue to advance storylines during this show to make it more than a straight Impact recap show.

I liked how Don and Mike mentioned the fact that A1 and Petey Williams teaming together reminded them of Team Canada. I wish they had gone further and mentioned Jim Cornette’s announcement that they can never team together because Team Canada was disbanded.