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  1. #1
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation Genesis LIVE Coverage!

    Join us for LIVE Coverage!
    Sun 19th Nov 2006 - 8 PM | ET

    Exclusive opening to TNAs Sunday PPV!


    NWA World Heavyweight Championship Match
    Sting (c) vs Abyss.

    Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe.

    NWA World Tag Team Championship Match
    LAX (c's) vs America's Most Wanted.

    X Division Championship Match
    Christopher Daniels (c) vs. Chris Sabin.

    AJ Styles vs Christian Cage.

    Austin Starr & Alex Shelley vs Ron "The Truth" Killings & Lance Hoyt.

    Voodoo Kin Mafia (aka The James Gang) vs Kazarian, Matt Bentley & Johnny Devine.

    Robert Roode Open Challenge.

    The Naturals vs Sonjay Dutt & Jay Lethal.

    Card subject to change


  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment in this thread about the PPV.
    No spoilers before they are posted in this post.


    Jeremy Borash welcomed us to the show, then they went outside the building, where Christy Hemme was asking fans who would win between Samoa Joe and Kurt Angle. LAX showed up, and Hemme started a "USA" chant. LAX got in the face of some fans. Security showed up, and they cut back inside, where Mike Tenay & Don West revealed that LAX is still planning to try and burn an American flag. They then reviewed the matches for the PPV.

    Eric Young came out, stood in the crowd, and said that tonight he would get to make his big announcement. He said he was going to let the fans in on a "big secret", but was interrupted by Robert Roode's music. Roode and Ms. Brooks came out for Roode's open challenge, with Roode saying it was open for "anyone in the building tonight". Roode asked Eric if he would accept the challenge. Roode said Young was scared, and if Eric doesn't wrestle him, he may get fired. Roode hit Young with the microphone and dragged him into the ring to start the match.

    Robert Roode vs Eric Young

    Roode pulled off Young's shirt (Young was in streetclothes) and choked him down in a corner. Young floated over a suplex attempt and rolled up Roode for a two count, then grabbed a crucifix for another two count. Roode stopped Young's momentum with a spinebuster. Young leapfrogged Roode and ducked a clothesline, but was caught with a sleeper. Young shoved it off and applied his own sleeper. Roode dropped Young with a back suplex attempt, which looked bad. Young came back with a Thesz press. Roode whipped Young into a corner, and Young awkwardly went to the apron and then to the ropes. Roode went to join him, but Young shoved him to the mat and hit a top rope elbow for a two count. Brooks got on the corner to distract Young, but Young avoided a charging Roode. Young hit a cross bodyblock, but Roode rolled it over and got the pin with his feet on the ropes for leverage at the five minute mark.

    The fans told the referee that Roode had his feet on the ropes, so the referee restarted the match. Roode protested, then charged Young. Young caught him with a double boot to the face out of the corner, and rolled up Roode for the pin, also using the ropes for leverage. The announcers played up that the fans weren't clueing in the referee this time, so Young's pin stood.

    Winner: Eric Young

    After the match, Roode complained to Ms. Brooks about the loss.

    A video package hyping Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle was shown.

    Backstage, Christy Hemme was awaiting the arrival of Samoa Joe, but LAX interrupted her. Homicide took the mic and interviewed Konnan, who said they would burn the American flag tonight. He also said that Petey Williams is now on their hitlist for foiling their efforts to burn the flag on Impact. Konnan also noted that the next time James Storm takes his shirt off, he should wear a sports bra.

    In the arena, Christian Cage came out and said it was a "load of crap" that he had to wrestle AJ Styles tonight, because he is the number one contender for the NWA World Title. Styles came out and attacked him, but security broke it up.

    A video package hyping Sting vs. Abyss was shown. James Mitchell, with Abyss behind him, did a promo, making a lot of references to "Sting's maker forsaking him" when Abyss destroys him. Mitchell said by the end of tonight, Sting would be thanking him for "saving his soul".

    Don West did the hard sell for the PPV.

    Kurt Angle was shown arriving, and they went into a music video to hype the PPV.

    TNA Genesis PPV Results - 19th Nov 2006
    Location: Orlando, Florida
    Commentators: Mike Tenay & Don West

    The new TNA opening hits. A very well done video package then rolls showing footage of the NASA space program and mirroring its accomplishments with the ground TNA has covered recently highlighting Sting, Kurt Angle, Samoa Joe among others. The NWA World Title, LAX trying to burn the American flag and Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe is also highlighted.

    A graphic opening hits welcoming us to TNA Genesis. We then go live to the Impact Zone in Orlando, Florida where a display of pyro goes off above the ring and in the entrance area.

    The music of Kazarian, Bentley and Devine hit as all three men make their way down to the ring. Out next is VKM (Voodoo Kin Mafia).

    Kazarian, Maverick Matt & Johnny Devine vs Voodoo Kin Mafia

    Kazarian, Matt & Devine came out with kendo sticks, Voodoo came out with chairs. This is a three-on-two handicap match. There was a "DX Sucks" chant at the start. Matt started out with BG James, backing him into his corner for a beat down. BG was soon cleaning house with right hands, but Matt took him down with a superkick. Devine came in and bit BG on the ear. Devine hit BG with a sloppy body block, then bit him again. Kazarian hit BG with a kendo stick from the floor, as the threesome kept BG on their side of the ring. Matt dropkicked BG in the face as he sat on the mat for a two count. BG came back with a forearm to Matt, and had the referee help him do a kip up so he could make the hot tag to Kip James. Kip cleaned house and gave Matt a Pedigree, then mocked the Sweet Chin Music stomp. James then tossed Matt and Kazarian out of the ring and gave Devine a cobra clutch slam for the clean pin at the four minute mark.

    Winner: Voodoo Kin Mafia

    BG James mentioned Vince McMahon, Michael Hickenbottom and Paul Levesque again, and said the next step in their "war" would be seen this Thursday night on Impact.

    At ringside, Mike Tenay & Don West cover the Genesis card tonight.

    We then see Kazarian and Bentley dragging Devine back down the ramp. Devine's head is covered. They throw him in the ring, uncover his face and Raven comes out. Raven is wearing white clothes and a leather piece of clothing around the bottom of his face. Raven then takes a singapore cane and beats Devine over the back with it a few times. They show a shot of Devine's back that is full of welts.

    Jeremy Borash is with Shane Douglas and The Naturals. Douglas talks about Team 3D being beaten at their own game in a Tables Match on iMPACT! this past week. He mentions a rumor that Team 3D are in Japan because that is the only place the fans still care about them. They show the table The Naturals put Team 3D through. Douglas says since 3D isn't here tonight, The Naturals will instead face Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal.

    The Naturals vs Jay Lethal & Sonjay Dutt

    Jerry Lynn walked Lethal & Dutt to the stage, but then returned to the back. The Naturals have new ring gear with Douglas' logo on it. The Naturals attacked Lethal & Dutt before the bell, choking their opponents and screaming about wanting more of Team 3D. Stevens tried to powerbomb Lethal on the floor, but he blocked it. He then helped Dutt to backdrop Douglas onto his partner on the floor. Lethal & Dutt hit stereo dives on the Naturals. Lethal & Dutt hit a slew of double team moves on Stevens, but Douglas broke up the cover. Dutt hit a powerdrive elbow on Stevens for another two count. Lethal tagged in and worked over Stevens, but Stevens kicked him low, right in front of the referee. Douglas tagged in and choked Lethal on the ropes. Douglas kicked Lethal low, then stomped him on the mat. Stevens tagged back in and choked Lethal as well. The Naturals made a wish on Lethal, then Douglas put Lethal in an abdominal stretch, with Stevens reaching in to provide extra leverage. The referee caught it after a few attempts and made them break the hold.

    Douglas hit Lethal with a jumping knee for a two count. Stevens tagged in and hit a running kick on Lethal. Lethal tried to mount a comeback, but Stevens caught him with a wheelbarrow suplex. Stevens hit Lethal with a top rope elbow. Douglas then went to the top, but Lethal caught him with a shot to the gut and made the tag to Dutt. Dutt worked over Stevens with right hands, then hit a dropkick and a flying headscissors. Dutt dropkicked Stevens' legs out, and then worked over Douglas before giving Stevens a neckbreaker for a two count. Dutt hit Douglas with a springboard senton. Lethal gave Stevens a faceplant and Dutt followed with a moonsault for a near fall. Dutt went to the top rope, but Shane Douglas went after him. Dutt knocked him away, as Lethal pulled Douglas off the apron. Stevens grabbed Dutt for a powerbomb, and Douglas came off the top rope for a dropkick that missed badly. Stevens still dropped Dutt into the powerbomb for the pin at the eight minute mark, but the crowd was groaning at Douglas' whiffed kick.

    Winners: The Naturals

    Jeremy Borash is with LAX. Konnan runs down American and promises to burn the American flag tonight after they defeat America's Most Wanted. Borash mentions that Jim Cornette is here tonight to prevent any such action. Konnan says "screw Jim Cornette" and that they don't take orders from any "white boy."

    A video package runs highlighting the X Division Title Match tonight between champion Christopher Daniels and challenger Chris Sabin.

    Jeremy Borash is with X Division Champion Christopher Daniels. He mentions he is still friends with AJ Styles, but his career and championship comes first. Daniels says Chris Sabin's new attitude will get him no where in the X Division. He says he beat the X Division with AJ Styles and that tonight, he will show him why he was the longest reigning X Division Champion in TNA history.

    X-Division Championship
    Christopher Daniels vs Chris Sabin

    They locked up at the start with Sabin wiping his hands across Daniels' face on the break. Daniels grabbed a side headlock, then applied a wristlock. Sabin flipped out of it and slapped Daniels across the face. Sabin went for an arm twist, Daniels flipped out of it, but Sabin poked Daniels in the eye. Sabin stomped Daniels and nailed him with a right hand. Daniels came back with a series of hiptosses for two count. Sabin went for a monkey flip, but Daniels landed on his feet and hip tossed Sabin again. Sabin went to the floor to regroup. Sabin and Daniels ran the ropes when Sabin returned, and when Sabin dropped down, Daniels stopped himself and stood on Sabin's head, saying "You will respect me". Daniels then hit a slingshot moonsault and rammed Sabin into the turnbuckles. Daniels headbutted Sabin to the mat for a two count. Sabin backdropped Daniels to the apron, then dropkicked him to the floor.

    Sabin teased a dive, but stopped, got on the apron, and jumped off with a double axhandle. Sabin dropped Daniels throat first across the guardrail, then rolled him back into the ring for a two count. Sabin hiptossed Daniels, delivered a fist drop, kipped up, and then kicked Daniels in the back of the head for a two count. Sabin applied a nervehold, but Daniels elbowed out of it. Daniels missed a springboard bodypress and Sabin got a two count. Sabin choked Daniels against the middle rope, then he snapmared him and applied a surfboard. Daniels fought out of it, but Sabin tied him to the Tree of Woe and dropkicked Daniels in the corner. Sabin threw a chair into the ring, but AJ Styles came out, grabbed the chair and took it out of the ring. Sabin yelled at Styles, then went for a baseball slide on Daniels. Daniels sat up, and Sabin slid out of the ring. Daniels then hit a flying bodypress from the top rope onto Sabin on the floor.

    Back in the ring, Daniels hit a jawbreaker, a forearm and a clothesline. Daniels hit an STO, then put Sabin on the top rope and hit a palm strike. Daniels yanked Sabin to the mat for a two count, then hit a uranage. Sabin hooked Daniels' leg as he headed for the ropes, and caught him with a shot to the face. Sabin hit a springboard DDT for a two count. Sabin missed a clothesline and Daniels hit a enzugiri. Daniels went for a rana, but Sabin turned it into a powerbomb for a two count. Sabin hit a kick to the midsection, then went for a springboard, but Daniels caught him and hit a Fall From Grace. Daniels hit the Best Moonsault Ever for a two count. Daniels went for Angel's Wings, but Sabin grabbed a Dragon Screw legwhip. Sabin hit a running kick in the corner. Sabin went for Cradle Shock, but Daniels turned it into a crucifix for a two count. Sabin went for a powerbomb, but Daniels reversed it into a rolling cradle for the pin at the thirteen minute mark.

    Winner: Christopher Daniels

    Sabin went for a chair to hit Daniels, but Jerry Lynn ran out and took the chair away. Lynn screamed in Sabin's face that he should shake Daniels' hand. Lynn even threw his TNA employee badge down. Sabin relented and shook Daniels' hand, then suckered him with a Cradle Shock and ran off before Lynn could grab him.

    A new Paparazzi Productions airs. Kevin Nash says Austin Starr and Alex Shelley need to win badly tonight. Nash asks for 90% from both. Starr asks Shelley for his $100. Shelley said the check is in the mail. All three throw out some "classic" names they could be like. Shelley even threw out Hector Garza's name. They put their hands in a circle and move them up and down.

    Austin Starr & Alex Shelley vs Ron "The Truth" Killings & Lance Hoyt is up next.

    Kevin Nash, his arm in a sling, joined the announcers, saying he was the pioneer of the X-Division.

    Austin Starr & Alex Shelley vs Ron Killings & Lance Hoyt

    Killings and Shelley started off, engaging in a test of strength. Shelley hit a right hand and a headbutt, but Killings hit a shoulderblock. Shelley kicked Killings in the gut, but Killings hit a faceplant. Starr tagged in, and Killings scared him by doing the crane kick position. Starr and Killings had a sort-of dance-off, but Starr caught Killings with a kick. Starr then avoided a Killings charge once and danced, but a second time Killings caught him and powerslammed him. Killings and Hoyt ping-ponged Starr back and forth. Hoyt & Killings hit a double hiptoss and a double elbowdrop. Starr kicked away a Hoyt backdrop and tried to make a tag, but Hoyt stopped him and hit a flapjack. Hoyt knocked Shelley off the apron, then went for a moonsault, but Shelley crotched him. Hoyt got hung in the Tree of Woe, and Starr dropkicked him in the knee. Starr & Shelley double teamed Hoyt in the corner.

    Hoyt battled back, but Shelley tripped him and Starr tagged in with a slingshot senton onto Hoyt for a two count. Shelley tagged in and did the same move to Hoyt for a two count. Shelley and Starr took turns dropping their weight on Hoyt's leg. Starr hit a twisting slingshot splash on Hoyt for a two count. Starr raked Hoyt's eyes on the middle rope. Shelley gave Hoyt a neckbreaker, then went to the top rope. Hoyt got his boots up as Shelley jumped off. Killings got the hot tag and cleaned house, hitting Shelley with a flying forearm. Shelley accidentally kicked Starr, and Killings hit a suplex into a jawbreaker on Shelley. Starr broke up the pin. Killings dropkicked both opponents. Hoyt came in and held Shelley for Killings' top rope legdrop. Killings missed a sidekick on Shelley and crotched himself on the top rope. Starr and Shelley knocked Killings to the floor. Hoyt lifted Shelley, but Starr kicked his leg out. Starr dove out of the ring onto Killings. Shelley frog splashed Hoyt on his bad leg. Shelley told Starr to get his video camera ready to record the pin. As Starr did so, Hoyt grabbed Shelley in a small package for the pin at the eleven minute mark.

    Winners: Ron Killings & Lance Hoyt

    Kevin Nash was ticked off, telling Starr he shouldn't listen to Shelley, and blaming Shelley for the loss.

    A promo hyping Christian Cage vs. AJ Styles airs.

    Jeremy Borash is with Christian Cage. Borash asks him if he made a mistake of overlooking AJ Styles due to his obsession with the NWA World Title. Cage says he is undefeated in TNA and says he overlooks no man. He mentions Styles isn't overlooking him since he jumped him during the pre-show. Cage says he takes care of his problems face-to-face. Borash rolls his eyes and Cage tells him to never do that again. Cage says Styles will be the next on his victim list. He adds that whoever wins tonight in the NWA World Title Match, Sting or Abyss, he will be waiting for the winner.

    Christian Cage vs AJ Styles

    They locked up and rolled along the ropes before they broke clean. They locked up again, and traded waistlocks. Christian took it to the mat, but Styles made it to the ropes. Christian slapped Styles across the back. Styles slapped Christian across the face. Styles hit some punches, then hit a running elbow. Christian grabbed a side headlock, then hit a shoulderblock. Styles kicked Christian in the legs and grabbed a headlock, but Christian shoved it off and leapfrogged him. Styles ducked a clothesline and hit a pair of shoulderblocks, knocking Christian down. Christian hit Styles with an elbow and a series of right hands, then chopped him against the ropes. Styles flipped over a backdrop attempt, and Christian tried for an Unprettier, but Styles backdropped him and went for a Styles Clash, but Christian slid out of the ring.

    Christian went for a chair and as he argued with the referee over it, Styles hit him from behind. They went back into the ring, and Christian hit some punches, elbowed away a suplex attempt, but got caught with a flapjack. Christian went to the floor for another breather. Styles dove over the top rope and hit Christian with a flip senton. Styles rolled Christian back into the ring for a two count. Christian pulled Styles to the apron and tried to yank him to the floor, but Styles avoided it and kicked Christian. Styles was setting for a springboard, but Christian pulled him down to the apron, then rammed him into the guardrail on the floor.

    Back in the ring, Christian hit a backbreaker for a two count and applied a rear chinlock, but Styles fought up and elbowed out of it. Christian tripped Styles to the mat, but Styles grabbed a headscissors from the mat and took Styles down. Christian nailed Styles with a clothesline, but Styles battled back with chops. Styles missed a splash in the corner, and Christian hit a back suplex for a two count. Christian went back to a rear chinlock, but Styles fought out and caught Christian with a backbreaker. Styles went to the top rope, but missed a frogsplash. Christian went to the top rope, but Styles met him there and they battled on the ropes. Styles won out, and took Christian to the mat with a rana off the top rope.

    Christian and Styles were slow to get up, and exchanged chops. Styles leapfrogged Christian, dropped under him, and then nailed him with a dropkick. Styles hit a clothesline and a kneedrop. Christian begged off, then tripped Styles and gave him a catapult into the corner. Styles jumped onto the middle rope, then moonsaulted off and grabbed Christian in an inverted DDT for a two count. Styles got on the top rope and jumped off, but Christian avoided him and hit a spear. Christian went for an Unprettier, but AJ got out of it and hit a buzzsaw kick for a two count. Styles went for a springboard, but Christian caught him and powerbombed him for a two count, then covered him again for another two.

    Christian grabbed a chair, Christopher Daniels came out and grabbed the chair from the ring apron. Daniels and Christian were having a tug of war over the chair. Styles jumped onto Christian with a sunset flip. Christian didn't go over (because he was holding the chair) and dropped down onto Styles, letting go of the chair (sending Daniels to the floor) and hooking Styles' leg for the pin at the sixteen minute mark.

    Winner: Christian Cage

    Styles and Daniels argued after the match, with Styles shoving Daniels. Officials, Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal tried to calm them down. Rhino came out, and cleared the ring of everyone but Styles and Daniels. Rhino told them that he's been fighting his former best friend for months, and he wasn't going to let Christian ruin another friendship. He told them to shake hands. Styles took the mic, called Rhino "Dr. Phil" and said if he needed a psychiatrist, he'd call him. Styles stormed off angry, yelling at Daniels on his way out, while Rhino and Daniels stood in the ring and wondered what was wrong with him.

    Jeremy Borash is with America's Most Wanted and Gail Kim. Chris Harris puts over the toughness of Gail Kim and the Border Toss she took from LAX. He talks about LAX trying to burn the American flag and adds that although they may not have been liked lately, they will not sit around and allow that to happen. James Storm said the only thing LAX is good at is swimming and dry walling and adds that they should hurry up and finish his garage.

    A video package airs highlighting the feud between LAX and America's Most Wanted, including the Border Toss that Gail Kim took from Hernandez.

    NWA World Tag Team Championship
    LAX(c) vs America's Most Wanted

    Konnan got on the mic before the match, saying they were protected by the First Amendment and they would desecrate the flag. AMW attacked LAX before he could finish his promo, and the two teams started brawling on the floor. Harris tossed Hernandez into the guardrails. In the ring, Storm gave Homicide a double underhook slam. AMW gave Homicide a double hiptoss, throwing him over the top rope and into Hernandez. Konnan distracted Harris, so Hernandez was able to hit a shoulderblock. Harris came back with an awkward Thesz press. Harris tried a suplex, but Hernandez forearmed him across the back. Homicide tagged in and hit a slingshot senton on Harris. Hernandez tagged in for a shoulderblock, then applied a chinlock/nervehold combo. Harris battled out, and tried for a tag, but Hernandez slammed him into the opposite corner. Homicide bit Harris on the head, then snapmared him and applied a chinlock.

    Harris battled up and hit a spinebuster on Homicide. Hernandez tagged in, but Storm got the hot tag and cleaned house with punches. Storm backdropped Homicide. Hernandez tossed Storm over the top rope, but he skinned the cat and gave Hernandez a headscissors. Storm dropkicked Homicide for a two count. Hernandez grabbed Storm for the Border Toss, but Harris pulled his partner down out of the move. Hernandez and Harris went at it, with Harris hitting a forearm and a vertical suplex for a two count. Homicide caught Harris with a tornado DDT. Storm shoulderblocked Homicide, then set him up for the Death Sentence. Hernandez broke it up and gave Harris a chokeslam toss off the top rope. Hernandez powerbombed Storm, and Homicide followed with a top rope splash. Harris broke up the cover.

    Harris went for the Catatonix on Homicide, but Homicide reversed it into an attempt at the Gringo Killer, but Harris got out. AMW sent Homicide into Hernandez, knocking Hernandez to the floor. AMW gave Homicide a lame Hart Attack for a two count. Storm gave Homicide and Hernandez enzugiris. Harris hit a top rope clothesline on Hernandez. AMW gave Hernandez the Death Sentence, but Konnan was distracting the referee. Konnan went after Gail Kim on the floor, leading to Harris leaving the ring. Homicide hit Storm in the back of the head with the blowtorch, and Hernandez got the pin on Storm at the ten minute mark.

    Winners: LAX

    They teased the Gringo Killer on Gail Kim, but Petey Williams ran out with a steel bar and ran off LAX. Jim Cornette then came out and said this "gringo white boy has something to stay to all of you." Cornette tells LAX they are all guilty of bad taste. He said he doesn't know if they are really that bitter about racism in the U.S. or if it is just some huge publicity stunt. Cornette said TNA management and the fans didn't like hearing they wanted to burn the American flag. He said others who didn't like to hear that is the veterans of the U.S. and the soldiers who defend our right to do what we want. Cornette said TNA has found that LAX is no longer fit to represent the NWA World Tag Team Titles and that they are now stripped of the titles. He said they had until Thursday to hand him those belts. The fans didn't like this decision at all and were chanting "BULLSHIT" loudly in the background as Cornette tried to talk over them. AMW put Petey Williams up on their shoulders to celebrate with the American flag.

    James Mitchell was with Abyss. Mitchell talked about Sting and how it was fitting that while he was on top in wrestling so many years ago, it was the things he despises now that he was guilty of doing.

    A promo airs highlighting Sting vs Abyss for the NWA World Title tonight.

    NWA World Championship
    Sting(c) vs Abyss

    Sting attacked Abyss before the introductions could be made, headbutting him and knocking him to the floor. Sting hit a pescado and shoved Abyss into the crowd. They brawled amongst the fans, with Sting ramming Abyss into the wall beneath the bleachers. They went back to ringside, but Sting missed a Stinger splash and hit the guardrail hard. Abyss grabbed a chair and hit Sting across the back with it. Abyss set up two tables below the entrance stage, and then put a barbed wire covered boards on top of them. Abyss teased powerbombing Sting off the stage, but stopped to argue with the referee, and that allowed Sting to mount a comeback. They fought back down the ramp to ringside, where Abyss choked Sting.

    They made it back into the ring, and Abyss applied a head vice. Sting elbowed out of it and hit a Stinger Splash in the corner, then hit a second one to the back of Abyss. Sting kicked Abyss in the back of the leg, hit another Stinger Slash to the back, then kicked the leg out again for a two count. Sting went to the top rope, but Abyss stopped him and they fought on the ropes. Sting shoved Abyss to the mat, then hit a top rope splash for a two count. Sting ran into a big boot from Abyss, then Mitchell handed the title belt to Abyss. Before Abyss could use it, Sting kicked Abyss, grabbed his legs and took him down to the mat. Sting applied the Scorpion Deathlock, but Abyss made the ropes. Sting picked up the title belt, and went to use it, but before he could, Abyss grabbed him with the Black Hole Slam for a two count.

    Abyss went for a chokeslam, but Sting elbowed it out and stumbled backwards into the referee, knocking him out. Mitchell handed Abyss his bag of thumbtacks, but Sting grabbed his baseball bat. Sting hit Abyss with the bat, then delivered the Scorpion Death Drop. The referee woke up to count, but Mitchell pulled the referee out of the ring to stop the count. Sting took the bag of thumbtacks and spread them out in the ring. Sting went to knock Abyss into the tacks, but Abyss grabbed Sting and chokeslammed him into the tacks. Abyss covered Sting, but Sting kicked out at two and jumped up, his back covered with tacks and blood. Sting gave Abyss a drop toe hold into the tacks, then applied the Scorpion. Abyss tapped, but Mitchell was distracting the referee. Sting grabbed Mitchell and put him in the Scorpion. Mitchell screamed and tapped, and Sting released the hold and Mitchell crawled to the floor. Sting went after Abyss, who was on the floor. Sting hit Abyss with a chair. Sting called for something, and a rope was lowered from the ceiling. Sting tied Abyss' legs to the rope and pulled him up, so Abyss was hanging upside down by his feet. Sting seemed to be having issues securing the rope, but he finally did. Sting then hit Abyss with a steel chair across the back and face as he was suspended upside down.

    Sting then had Abyss lowered (a stagehand was helping Sting with the rope at ringside). Sting then dragged Abyss to the top stage. The referee tried to stop Sting, so Sting clotheslined him. The referee called for the bell (I guess thumbtacks, chairshots, managers grabbing officials and staying outside the ring for minutes doesn't end a match, but this does). Sting shoved Abyss off the stage and he plummeted through the barbed wire boards and tables. Sting walked back to ring and suddenly realized that the match was over.

    Winner via disqualification and new NWA World Champion: Abyss

    The announcers then reminded us that the NWA World Title could change hands on a DQ. Jim Mitchell laughed and draped the title belt over Abyss, who was still lying in the barbed wire. A dejected Sting walked off.

    Samoa Joe vs Kurt Angle

    Angle had a large bandage on his head. They did the "big fight" style introductions before the match began. They locked up, and Angle backed Joe into the ropes. Fans chanted "This is Awesome". Wow, they really like collar and elbow tieups. Angle broke clean on the ropes and then went for a single leg takedown, but Joe grabbed the ropes. Joe went for a lockup, but hit a kneelift instead. Joe punched and kicked Angle to the mat, then lifted him against the ropes and punched him again. Angle blocked a whip and hit an overhead belly to belly suplex, then clotheslined him to the floor. Joe grabbed Angle from the outside, pulled him from the ring and swung him by the legs so he would go head first into the guard rail. Joe rolled Angle into the ring for a two count.

    Angle burst back on offense with three uppercuts, but missed a charge and ran shoulder first into the ringpost. Angle fell to the floor, and Joe hit a Elbow Suicida through the ropes. Joe threw Angle into the ringsteps. Joe got back in the ring and threatened to hit referee Earl Hebner. Hebner started to count Angle out, then stopped to yell at Joe for some reason. Angle slowly got back into the ring, blood flowing from his head (his bandage was gone). Joe kicked Angle in the head, then headbutted him. Joe ripped at Angle's cut with his fingers. Angle came back with punches, but Joe hit him with a powerslam for a two count. Joe hit some crossface shots, but Angle fired back with uppercuts. Angle went for a whip, Joe reversed and Angle ducked a clothesline, but got caught with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker for a two count.

    Joe put Angle on the top rope, but Angle fought from the ropes, applying a front facelock. Joe pulled him off the ropes, but Angle turned it into a DDT for a two count. They were both slow to get up, then they exchanged punches. Joe got the better of it, but missed a charge in the corner and Angle caught him with a German suplex. Angle hit a second German, then on a third sort of lost the handle and dropped Joe awkwardly. Angle got a two count. Angle went for an Olympic Slam, but Joe armdragged out of it, then it a jumping knee in the corner. Joe hit an enzugiri in the corner, then delivered a Muscle Buster for a two count. Joe went for a choke, but Angle armdragged out. Angle ducked a clothesline, then hit Joe with an Olympic Slam for a two count.

    There was a "Make Him Tap" chant. Angle pulled down the straps and went for the ankle lock. He cinched it in, and Joe went for the ropes. Joe tried to roll through it, but Angle wouldn't let go. Joe rolled to his back, kicked the back of Angle's leg with his free leg, and Angle fell backward into Joe's choke. Angle was in the choke, but he kept his grip on Joe's ankle and managed to get back his hold, escaping the choke. Joe was stuck in the ankle lock again, but he rolled through it and sent Angle into the turnbuckle. Joe missed a charge in the corner, and Angle hit the Olympic Slam. Angle pulled the straps back up, then pulled them back down again, and applied the ankle lock. Samoa Joe tapped out, ending his 18-month undefeated streak in TNA, at the sixteen minute mark.

    Winner: Kurt Angle

    The fans chanted "You tapped out" at Joe. Joe got on the mic and said "You're goddamn right I tapped out, because I know when I can recognize when one one day, someone is a better man". Mike Tenay immediately apologized for Joe saying "goddamn". Joe asked Angle for a rematch. The crowd chanted "One More Time" as Joe offered his hand to Angle. Angle teased shaking his hand, but then he didn't, said no to the rematch, and instead flicked the sweat off his brow at Joe and walked away. Angle stood on the stage and celebrated, while Joe glared at him from the ring. Angle left, and the fans chanted "Thank you Joe". Joe called for silence, and said "Then Angle, we've got to do it the hard way". Joe then walked off to end the PPV.

    Thankyou for joining us for our Play by Play, see you for our next Play by Play for WWEs Survivor Series on Nov 27th.

    Some pics from the ending.

  3. #3
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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    That was the stupidest most over booked finish that I have ever seen.

  4. #4
    Free Spirit Kellie's Avatar
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    Angle didnt look to good .... thankyou for the Play by Play Mr LionDen

    "In order to be irreplaceable one must always be different." - Coco Chanel

    EeL: I love you Kellie with all my heart and soul
    EeL: if I had to choose between one last gasp of oxygen or Kellie, I'd choose Kellie

    Super Klawz: I LOVE YOU KELLIE!

    PheTravenal: but I love you

    PheTravenal: piss off!!!
    Kellie: You would miss me!!!!!
    PheTravenal: yes.

    EeL: I love you more than Randy Orton's glistening abs

    The Black Wings of Death: <3 you Kellie
    The Black Wings of Death: You are awesome Kellie

    4033: YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. #5
    phenomenal realfnshow's Avatar
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    angle was bleeding allot but i cant wait to see the rematch!!!

    should have been longer but i have a feeling theyre setting this up like hbk/angle

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  6. #6
    Kal Ho Na Ho,C'est La Vie Will's Avatar
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    Angle is as over with the crowd as he ever will be, there was no reason for him to be the one to beat Joe.

  7. #7
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    leading up to the PPV Angle was so over that anyhting Joe did or said to him got bood (hinting at Joe turning heel), but when Angle won and finally broke Joe's "undefeated streak" he was a prick to Joe (possibly hinting at Angle turning heel). Such contradictions are very annoying and im f*cking happy as hell that that fat no-talent bastard finally got handed a loss.

  8. #8
    GOD OF THUNDER Kemo's Avatar
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    I f'n loved it! Angle killed Joe!


    ***GAME OVER!***

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