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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation RAW LIVE Coverage & Discussion - June 11th 2007

    ANNOUNCEMENT: World Wrestling Entertainment announced during the broadcast of Monday Night Raw that the draft lottery will continue this Wednesday with a "supplemental draft" on the WWE website.


    - Edge (Smackdown) defeated John Cena (Raw) via countout, giving Smackdown the first "random, computer generated" selection. The Great Khali was drafted to Smackdown.
    - CM Punk (ECW) defeated Carlito (Raw), giving ECW the second "random, computer generated" selection. The Boogeyman was drafted to ECW.
    - Umaga (Raw) defeated Balls Mahoney (ECW), giving Raw the third "random, computer generated" selection. King Booker was drafted to RAW. Apparently, Queen Sharmell is going with him.
    - Bobby Lashley (ECW) defeated Chris Benoit (Smackdown), giving ECW the fourth "random, computer generated" selection. Chris Benoit was drafted to ECW.
    - MVP (Smackdown) defeated Santino Marella (Raw), giving Smackdown the fifth "random, computer generated" selection. Torrie Wilson was drafted to Smackdown.
    - Snitsky (ECW) defeated The Miz (Smackdown), but was then disqualified after the match for continuing to beat on Miz. As a result, Miz won via reverse decision, and Smackdown was given the sixth "random, computer generated" selection. Chris Masters was drafted to Smackdown.
    - Candice Michelle (Raw) defeated Kristal (Smackdown), giving Raw the seventh "random, computer generated" selection. Bobby Lashley was drafted to Raw.
    - Batista (Smackdown) defeated Jeff Hardy (Raw) and Elijah Burke (ECW), giving Smackdown the eighth "random, computer generated" selection. Ric Flair was drafted to Smackdown.
    - Randy Orton (Raw) won a 15-man battle royale to win the ninth and tenth "random, computer generated" selections. Snitsky and Ken Kennedy were drafted to Raw.


    RAW - King Booker & Queen Sharmell, Bobby Lashley, Snitzky, Ken Kennedy.
    SMACKDOWN - The Great Khali, Torrie Wilson, Chris Masters, Ric Flair.
    ECW - The Boogeyman, Chris Benoit.


    RAW - The Great Khali, Torrie Wilson Chris Masters, Ric Flair.
    SMACKDOWN - The Boogeyman, King Booker & Queen Sharmell, Chris Benoit, Ken Kennedy.
    ECW - Bobby Lashley, Snitzky.

    UPDATED ROSTERS (new additions will be highlighted in bold):

    RAW (38)

    Titleholders (5):
    John Cena - WWE Champion
    Santino Marella - Intercontinental Champion
    Lance Cade - World Tag Team Champion
    Trevor Murdoch - World Tag Team Champion
    Melina - WWE Women's Champion

    Active Roster (17):
    Bobby Lashley
    King Booker
    Charlie Haas
    Hacksaw Jim Duggan
    Jeff Hardy
    Johnny Nitro
    Kenny Dykstra
    Randy Orton
    Robbie McAllister
    Rory McAllister
    Shelton Benjamin
    Val Venis

    Injured Roster (5):
    Ken Kennedy
    King Booker
    Lilian Garcia
    Super Crazy
    Triple H
    Shawn Michaels

    Divas (5):
    Queen Sharmell
    Mickie James

    Non-Wrestling Talent (5):
    Armando Alejandro Estrada
    Jerry Lawler
    Jim Ross
    Jonathan Coachman
    Todd Grisham

    SMACKDOWN (38)

    Titleholders (5):
    Edge - World Heavyweight Champion
    Montel Vontavious Porter - United States Champion
    Deuce - WWE Tag Team Champion
    Domino - WWE Tag Team Champion
    Chavo Guerrero - Cruiserweight Champion

    Active Roster (17):
    Ric Flair
    Chris Masters
    The Great Khali
    Brian Kendrick
    Dave Taylor
    Jamie Noble
    Jimmy Wang Yang
    Mark Henry
    Matt Hardy
    Paul London
    Shannon Moore
    The Miz
    William Regal

    Injured Roster (4):
    Gregory Helms
    Rey Mysterio

    Divas (7):
    Torrie Wilson
    Ashley (suspended in storyline)
    Jillian Hall
    Michelle McCool

    Non-Wrestling Talent (6):
    Michael Cole
    Theodore Long
    Vickie Guerrero
    Little Boogey

    ECW (25)

    Titleholders (1):
    ECW Title was vacated as a result of Bobby Lashley being drafted to Raw.

    Active Roster (16):
    Chris Benoit
    Balls Mahoney
    Brett Major
    Brian Major
    CM Punk
    Elijah Burke
    Kevin Thorn
    Little Guido Maritato
    Marcus Cor Von
    Matt Striker
    Mike Knox
    Stevie Richards
    Tommy Dreamer

    Injured Roster (2):
    Hardcore Holly
    Rob Van Dam (storyline)

    Divas (4):
    Kelly Kelly

    Non-Wrestling Talent (2):
    Joey Styles

  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Dec 2005
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    RAW Results - 11th Jun 2007
    Location - Wilkes-Barre , Pennsylvania
    RAW - J.R and Jerry 'The King' Lawler
    Smackdown - Michael Cole and JBL
    ECW - Joey Styles and Tazz

    We are live from Wilkes-Barre , Pennsylvania and your announcers are Jim Ross and Jerry ‘The King' Lawler.

    Vince McMahon is in his office as he reads a prepared statement welcoming everyone to a historic night of WWE Raw for the draft as well as Mr. McMahon Appreciation Night. He says that there has been speculation that the loss of the ECW Title has had an adverse effect on his psyche. Vince says that we will hear unscripted and uncut comments from people about him. There will be no comments from his family so it will be an unbiased look at Vince. Vince says that this will be the defining moment of his life.

    We are joined as well by Michael Cole and JBL who talk about how the winning brand for the match will get the next random pick.

    Joey Styles and Tazz point out that everyone in the WWE is eligible for the draft.

    WWE champ John Cena vs WWE World champ Edge

    Edge and Cena lock up and Edge backs Cena into the corner. Edge misses a punch but Cena does not. Cena with an Irish whip and a fisherman’s suplex for a near fall. Cena sends Edge into the corner and then he Irish whips Cena one more time. Cena misses a charge into the corner and Edge connects with a Northern Lariat to Cena. Edge kicks Cena in the corner followed by a forearm and punches. Edge with more jabs and a roundhouse that takes Cena down for a near fall. Cena gets up and he punches Edge but Edge with a kick when Cena telegraphs a back body drop. Edge with a baseball slide that sends Cena out of the ring to the floor. The referee starts his count as Cena tries to get back into the ring. Cena with a shoulder and he hits a sunset flip for a two count. Edge responds with a clothesline and Cena is down in the corner. Edge chokes Cena with his knee and the referee admonishes Cena. Edge with an elbow to the back of Cena’s neck but Cena responds with punches. Cena runs into a spinning heel kick and Edge gets a two count. Edge argues with the referee and that allows Cena to get Edge up for an FU. Edge gets out of the hold and hits a rollup on Cena for a near fall. Edge with a kick to Cena’s head and then he applies a reverse chin lock. Cena gets to his feet and he gets a drop toe hold and he tries to put Edge in the STFU but Edge gets to the ropes. Cena charges at Edge and Edge knocks Cena down and gets a near fall. Edge punches Cena but Cena with a kick and Blockbuster and both men are down. Cena ducks a clothesline and he hits two flying shoulder tackles followed by a modified Blue Thunder Driver. Cena signals for the five knuckle shuffle but Edge gets up and Edge tries for a spear but Cena moves out of the way and Edge goes to the floor. Cena goes outside the ring after Edge and he slams Edge’s head into the ECW announce table and ring steps. Cena rearranges the ECW announce table as he sets for the FU on the ring steps. Edge gets out of the hold and sends Cena into the announce table. Edge rolls into the ring in time but Cena is unable to get back into the ring before the ten count.

    Winner: Edge (by count out)

    1st Draft
    Smackdown will get the first draft pick and as the Random WWE Superstar Genera tor 2007 sends the Great Khali to Smackdown.

    The Great Khali comes out with his translator as we go to commercial.

    We are back and we are reminded that The Great Khali has gone to Smackdown as the first draft pick of the night thanks to Edge’s victory over John Cena.

    McMahon appreciation moment:
    We have the first Vince McMahon segment that talks about Vince’s family and how his father and grandfather were in the business. We hear Vince’s comments about how he replaced Ray Morgan as an announcer. Vince says that he was proud of his dad in that environment. Vince was told that he was going to be the announcer. We see footage of Vince in his role as an announcer with the likes of Lord Alfred Hayes, Jesse Ventura, Shawn Michaels, and Bret Hart. We see footage of Bret Hart pushing Vince down. Eric Bischoff talks about how Vince did not want people to know that Vince was the owner. We hear comments from Triple H.

    Jesse Ventura says that it is an honor to pay tribute to Mr. McMahon. Vince says that he calls a few people ‘Mister’. Those were the officers he served with in the Seals. Jesse says that he will not call Vince ‘Mister’. He will continue to call him McMahon. Jesse says that Vince has done a remarkable job in the WWE but he is a dictator. He says that as a dictator, Vince needs to pay attention to the fact that all dictators fall. Jesse says that he does not see a beard on him.

    Jonathan Coachman is standing outside of Vince’s office and he says that Vince told him that Vengeance will be a night of champions and all titles will be on the line. Coachman says that because of the volatile nature, the main event will be a WWE Title Challenge. Any former or current champion on the Raw roster will be eligible to wrestle for the WWE title.

    We see Carlito and CM Punk walking in the back as we go to commercial.

    We are back with the Slam of the Week: Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch winning the World Tag Titles from The Hardys and the post-match activities by Cade and Murdoch.

    Carlito vs CM Punk

    Carlito and Punk lock up and Carlito backs Punk into the corner and he slaps Punk. Punk responds with a kick to the head. Punk with knees to the head and that backs Carlito into the corner. Punk tries for a running knee into the corner but Carlito blocks it and he sends Punk into the corner. Carlito with shoulders but Punk with a kick and he goes to the second turnbuckle. As Punk comes off he is met with a drop kick from Carlito. Carlito with kicks to Punk and then he connects with more shoulders. Carlito with a drop kick into the midsection and Carlito with a near fall. Carlito with knees to the ribs followed by a suplex and elbow to the ribs for a two count. Carlito with a body scissors and then he punches Punk in the ribs before returning to the body scissors. Punk turns the body scissors into a Boston Crab but Carlito makes it to the ropes. Carlito sends Punk to the apron but Punk with a springboard clothesline for a near fall. Punk with a clothesline and a kick to the back of the head for a two count. Punk with knees to the midsection followed by an Irish whip and running knee but Carlito gets out of the bulldog and he hits a lungblower on Punk that sends Punk out of the ring. Carlito lets the referee start the count but he goes out after Punk. Carlito rolls Punk back into the ring and he gets a two count. Carlito waits for Punk to get up but Punk hits the Go To Sleep for the three count.

    Winner: CM Punk

    2nd Draft
    We go to the Random WWE Superstar Genera tor 2007 and the next draft pick for ECW is The Boogeyman.

    The newest member of the ECW roster comes out through a cloud of smoke.

    McMahon appreciation moment:
    It is time for more of Mr. McMahon Appreciation Night and we get comments from Snoop Dogg. Snoop thanks Vince for everything that he has done for wrestling to bring it to the people. He talks about people like John Cena and Steve Austin. Snoop talks about the time that Vince had his head up Big Show’s rear end. We go to commercial.

    We are back with Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler and they talk about how things have not gone Raw’s way. Lawler talks about the two draft picks already made.

    McMahon appreciation moment:
    We go to another video package of things that Vince McMahon has done in the past to his family and the people that he has fired. We also see the ‘Kiss My Ass’ Club. We see Vince McMahon winning the Royal Rumble and the Montreal Screwjob.

    Mick Foley comes out and he has something to say. He says that under normal circumstances the words of Jonathan Coachman do little to interest him until he heard Coach mention that there was an open challenge for the WWE Title. Mick remembers that he is a former WWE Champion. As a matter of fact he is a three time former champion. He says that since Vince rehired him, he is a member of the Raw roster. If he is still a member of the Raw brand at the end of the show, he will be a part of the WWE Title match at Vengeance. Mick wants to talk about a man who thrives on ‘vengeance’ and that man is Vince McMahon. Mick says that Vince has affected the lives of everyone in the arena and watching at home. He has the power to do so much good in the world but has he followed through. The answer is that he has somewhat followed through. Vince has unbolted that checkbook and given to charity. He is a super patriot. He has money and he has power. The truth is that Vince an arrogant, misogynistic egomaniac who likes to manipulate things. He talks about how men have had to kiss his rear end. Mick says that it took time for him to get over it. Mick wonders if Vince has any real friends. Mick lets out a Mick Foley cheap pop and he asks if Vince has any real friends. Mick asks random people in the crowd if they are Vince’s friend. He says that many people were asked to be a part of Mr. McMahon Appreciation Night. He mentions Hulk Hogan, Triple H, Eric Bischoff, The Rock, Dick Ebersol, Shawn Michaels, Trish Stratus, and Ted Turner. Every one of those people declined because Vince was not worth their time. They did not appreciate Vince McMahon and the question is whether any of the fans should. Mick says that he could not have said it any better. Mick tells Vince to ‘have a nice day’ and he leaves.

    We go to commercial.

    Balls Mahoney vs Umaga

    Umaga with a kick followed by a super kick to Balls and Mahoney goes down. Umaga picks up Mahoney and hits the Samoan Spike for the three count.

    Winner: Umaga

    3rd Draft
    We go to the Random WWE Superstar Genera tor 2007 for Raw’s pick in the draft and they get King Booker.

    King Booker and Queen Sharmell come out as they assume the royal pose in front of the TitanTron.

    We go to commercial.

    McMahon appreciation moment:
    We are back with another Mr. McMahon Appreciation Piece and we hear from Steve O. He has a poem for Vince and he says that he is ready for Vince, but then says that he is just kidding. He thanks Vince for the entertainment.

    Chris Benoit vs Bobby Lashley

    Lashley with a single leg take down but Benoit gets the arm as he escapes into a front face lock. Lashley takes Benoit down but Benoit holds on to the arm. Benoit continues to hold on to the arm but Lashley with a waist lock and Benoit gets to the ropes. They continue with a Greco Roman knuckle lock and Lashley gets the leg again. Benoit returns to the arm and Benoit with a body scissors and chin lock. They both return to their feet and lock up again. Lashley with a double leg take down and a near fall. Benoit with an arm bar but Lashley gets out of the hold. They lock up again and Benoit with knees to the midsection and chops. Lashley sends Benoit into the corner and he connects with forearms. Lashley slams Benoit and gets a near fall. Lashley with a front face lock but they return to their feet and Benoit backs Lashley into the corner. Benoit chops Lashley and then he kicks him and chops him some more. Benoit with a snap suplex and a near fall. Benoit chops Lashley but Lashley with a knee and punch to the head. Lashley with an Irish whip and then he gets Benoit up for a torture rack but Benoit gets out of the hold and he tries to get Lashley in the crossface. Lashley with Shock Treatment for a two count. Benoit with chops to Lashley but Lashley with a knee. Lashley with an Irish whip and running shoulder into the corner. Lashley tries for a suplex but he is too slow as Benoit puts Lashley in the Crippler Crossface and Lashley makes it to the ropes. Lashley tries for a suplex again, but Benoit with a knee to get out of the hold. Benoit tries for the Sharpshooter but Lashley gets out of the hold. Lashley with a gutwrench into a back breaker but Benoit gets out of the hold and Benoit with the Hat Trick German suplex combination. Benoit signals that it is over but Lashley gets up. Benoit tries for another German suplex but Lashley backs Benoit into the corner. Benoit tries for the Sharpshooter and he applies it on Lashley but Lashley powers out of the hold. Benoit chops Lashley but Lashley hits a standing power slam for the three count.

    Winner: Bobby Lashley

    4th Draft
    We go to the Random WWE Superstar Genera tor 2007 for ECW’s next draft pick. ECW gets Chris Benoit.

    Benoit and Lashley shake hands in the ring and then they stare each other down.

    Joey Styles and Tazz talk about how Chris Benoit goes back to ECW and Joey talks about how Benoit is an ECW original. They also talk about The Boogeyman.

    Michael Cole talks about how Smackdown has lost three men but they did gain The Great Khali.

    Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about how King Booker and Queen Sharmell have joined Raw.

    McMahon appreciation moment:
    It is time for another Mr. McMahon Appreciation piece. We get comments from Donald Trump and he calls this pathetic. He points out that Bobby Lashley defeated Umaga in their match and we see footage of the shaving. Trump says that he is going to give himself an appreciation night. Trump says that the fans don’t like him and he wishes Vince well.

    We go to commercial.

    We are back with the WWE Rewind: Jillian and Ashley from Smackdown and Ashley’s subsequent suspension for spilling coffee on Vince.

    We go to comments from Ashley Massaro via satellite. Ashley says that she wishes that she could be there but she is suspended indefinitely. She thanks Vince for creating the Diva Search because that is how she got her job in the WWE. Ashley says that it was an accident on Smackdown. Ashley talks about the way that Vince has treated the Divas and she mentions that way that she treated Trish Stratus. We go to footage of Trish barking like a dog. Ashley says that Vince would love nothing more than have a Diva come out in their underwear to bark like a dog. Ashley says that instead of one Diva, why not two.

    We go back to the arena and Mae Young and the Fabulous Moolah come out in robes and they show their lingerie as they go to the dog house area of the stage. They bark like dogs.

    We see Santino Marella and Montel Vontavious Porter walking in the back as we go to commercial.

    McMahon appreciation moment:
    We are back and we will hear from The Iron Sheik and Jimmy Snuka in the next Mr. McMahon Appreciation Piece. Jimmy says that there is one thing he wants to tell Vince. He knows that something is not right with Vince and wonders why he is different. Iron Sheik says that he does not think that Vince is crazy. Sheik talks about what Donald Trump did to him and that is why he is cuckoo.

    Jim Ross thanks the people who did the closed captioning for the last segment before we go to our next match.

    Montel Vontavious Porter vs Santino Marella

    Marella goes for the leg but Porter stays up and hits a gutwrench suplex. Porter has some words for Marella. Marella goes for the arm and hits a hip lock take down, arm drag, and hip toss. Porter with a clothesline out of the corner for a two count. Porter with punches to the head and he gets another two count. Porter with a cravate on Marella but he punches out of the hold. Marella with a kick and Porter responds with one. Both men with kicks but Porter with a punch to get the advantage. Porter with knees followed by a snap mare and kick to the back for a near fall. Porter with crossfaces and a rear chin lock on Marella into a reverse chin lock. Marella gets out of the hold and then he hits a shoulder tackle from the second turnbuckle. Marella slams Porter’s head into the turnbuckle and then he hits a flying forearm for a near fall. Marella with a short arm clothesline for a two count. Porter gets Marella on his shoulders and then he drops Marella. Marella avoids a kick and then he hits a back heel trip for a near fall. Marella with forearms to Porter and Porter goes into the corner. Porter with an Irish whip and the running boot to the head and Marella goes down. Porter hits the Playmaker for the three count.

    Winner: Montel Vontavious Porter

    5th Draft
    We go to the WWE Random Draft Genera tor 2007 for the next pick and it is Torrie Wilson.

    Torrie Wilson comes out and we go to commercial.

    McMahon appreciation moment:
    We are back for the next Mr. McMahon Appreciation Night package and it is comments from Bret Hart. He says that it is hard for him to find the words to express the deep gratitude that he has for Vince McMahon. There is no real way to express those words and the better way is a fist up the jaw. If you have thirty or forty, the more the better. That is all he has to say about Vince.

    Mike Mizanin vs Gene Snitsky

    Snitsky sends Mizanin into the corner but Miz punches Snitsky. Snitsky sends Mizanin into the corner and then Miz goes up to the second turnbuckle but Snitsky catches Mizanin and sends him into the turnbuckle. Mizanin is in the Tree of Woe and Snitsky with boots to Mizanin. Snitsky with a slam to Mizanin for a near fall. Snitsky with punches and a short arm clothesline. Snitsky sets for the big boot and he hits it for the three count.

    Winner: Gene Snitsky

    After the match:
    Snitsky kicks Mizanin and he hits a running clothesline into the corner. The referee reverses the decision and Smackdown gets the pick.

    6th Draft
    We go to the WWE Draft Random Genera tor 2007 for Smackdown’s pick. Smackdown adds Chris Masters.

    Chris Masters comes out and the Smackdown and ECW announcers discuss what Snitsky did.

    McMahon appreciation moment:
    We go to the next Mr. McMahon Appreciation Piece and we go to Bobby Heenan. Bobby says that you have to appreciate Mr. McMahon for putting more people to work as well as firing as many people. Bobby talks about the walk and he says that you need to have the confidence inside. He also says that Vince probably has the worst case of being chafed or else he has the biggest set going.

    We see Roddy Piper walking in the back as we go to commercial.

    McMahon appreciation moment:
    We are back and Roddy Piper comes out to give his thoughts about Vince McMahon. Roddy says who better to appreciate Vince McMahon than Roddy Piper. He says that it is his honor to share a few of Vince McMahon’s proudest moments. We see the DX ‘cock’ segments followed by his head up Big Show’s rear end. We see Shane shoved up Vince’s rear end followed by DX modulating his voice. Then we see waste dropped on Vince, followed by some of Steve Austin’s greatest Vince moments. We also see Shane’s announcement that he owns WCW. We then go to a Stunner from Vince McMahon. Next is Vince getting his head shaved at Wrestlemania. We are back and Roddy says on behalf of the WWE audience, they appreciate Vince McMahon for what he really is.

    We see Candice Michelle and Kristal Marshall walking in the back as we go to commercial.

    McMahon appreciation moment:
    We are back with another Mr. McMahon Appreciation Piece and it comes from Mark Cuban. Mark says that Vince has integrity and he is a winner who knows how to get it done. He talks about how Vince built this into a real business despite taking some lumps.

    Jim Ross says that there will be a supplemental draft on Wednesday.

    Candice Michelle vs Kristal Marshall

    Kristal with a knee to Candice and she throws Candice down. Kristal works on Candice’s leg but Candice with an enzuigiri. Candice with clotheslines to Kristal followed by a knee and then a back breaker. Candice with the Go Daddy elbow drop for a two count. Kristal with a punch to Candice but she charges into a boot. Candice with a triangle choke in the ropes before releasing the hold. Kristal with a boot to Candice but Candice with a spinning heel kick for the three count.

    Winner: Candice Michelle

    7th Darft:
    We go to the WWE Draft Random Genera tor 2007 for the next pick for Raw. Raw adds Bobby Lashley to their roster.

    Bobby Lashley comes out to address his new fans.

    Jonathan Coachman comes out and he has something to say to Bobby. He congratulates Bobby for being drafted to Raw. He says that according to Vince McMahon since Bobby is no longer a part of ECW, he can no longer be the ECW Champion. Coachman says that Bobby Lashley has been stripped of the ECW Title. Coach wants Lashley to give him the title. Lashley takes the mic as he gives Coach the belt. Lashley says that since Vince stripped the title from him, he is still a champion and he will prove it on Raw.

    McMahon appreciation moment:
    It is time for the next Mr. McMahon Appreciation Piece and it is Bob Costas. Bob talks about what he does not appreciate about Vince. He talks about how he was never considered to replace Mean Gene Okerlund when Gene moved on, forcing him to announce baseball.. He appreciates that wherever he goes, people talk about the interview on HBO. He talks about how he dominated the interview and then how Bobby Knight was the next guest and he was a gentleman. We go to commercial.

    We are back with a video package for John Cena’s appearance on Fast Cars and Superstars, airing on ABC.

    Jeff Hardy vs Elijah Burke vs Batista

    Burke tries to sneak up on Batista but Burke goes outside before Batista can get to him. Hardy goes outside and he hits Burke. Batista hits a standing power slam on Burke for a two count and it is broken up by Jeff. Batista sends Hardy into the corner and hits shoulders and then he punches Hardy. Batista with a short arm clothesline to Hardy. Batista sets for a Batista Bomb but Hardy gets out of the hold. Hardy with a flying forearm. Batista catches Hardy but Hardy gets to the top turnbuckle and hits Whisper in the Wind and a Swanton but Burke pulls Hardy out of the ring after the count of two. Burke sends Hardy into the ring post and Burke gets a two count. Burke tries for another cover but only get a two count. Burke with an STO to Hardy and then he hits a drop kick that sends Batista out of the ring. Hardy with a flying clothesline to Burke and a baseball slide to Batista outside the ring followed by a pescado. Hardy returns to the ring and he hits a mule kick on Burke followed by a delayed baseball slide into the corner. Hardy misses a swanton on Burke and Batista with a spinebuster to Hardy and one to Burke. Batista hits the Batista Bomb on Burke for the three count.

    Winner: Batista

    8th Draft:
    We go to the WWE Draft Random Genera tor 2007 for Smackdown’s next pick. Smackdown adds Ric Flair.

    Ric Flair comes out and Batista likes the pick.

    McMahon appreciation moment:
    We go to the next Mr. McMahon Appreciation Piece and it comes from Lou Albano. Lou says that Vince has the brain of a dehydrated beebee. Lou calls Vince a little punk. Lou says that he is a legend in his own mind. We go to commercial.

    We are back and we are reminded that Jackass will be involved with SummerSlam.

    Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler talk about their picks of King Booker (with Queen Sharmell) and former ECW champion Bobby Lashley.

    Bradshaw and Cole talk about their picks of The Great Khali, Chris Masters, Ric Flair, and Torrie Wilson. Cole talks about the supplemental draft on Wednesday at noon on wwe.com.

    Joey Styles and Tazz talk about the ECW picks of The Boogeyman and Chris Benoit.

    McMahon appreciation moment:
    Dusty Rhodes is the next to give his thoughts on Vince McMahon Appreciation Night. Dusty talks about Vince McMahon and how his favorite statements is perception versus reality. While they came up in the business, Dusty had a dream while Vince had a vision. The vision was to create the biggest empire in the business regardless of how many families he affected. Dusty asks the fans to be the judge of who Vince stepped on whether it was right or wrong. Vince’s legacy is in this building, especially where it says ‘sold out’. How many people got fired by Vince only to come back when Vince made the call a few months later. You do not have to love Vince. You do not have to like Vince. You do not have to agree with his psychology in this business. You have to respect Vince McMahon.

    We are told that the final two draft picks will be determined in a battle royal. We go to commercial.

    McMahon appreciation moment:
    We are back with the next Mr. McMahon Appreciation Moment. It comes from Mean Gene Okerlund. He talks about their long relationship and all of the things that he did for Vince. Gene talks about how Vince made him the host of Tuesday Night Titans. Then the show was cancelled. Mean Gene talks about all of the promoters Vince took care of. Then Gene talks about how Vince fired him but he was able to get a good job.

    Tri-Brand Battle Royal with the winner getting two picks for their brand

    Matt Hardy, William Regal, Chavo Guerrero, Mark Henry, and Chris Masters from Smackdown. From ECW, we get Matt Striker, Kevin Thorn, Marcus Cor Von, Sandman, and Tommy Dreamer. Representing Raw we get Johnny Nitro, Kenny Dykstra, Eugene , Randy Orton, and Viscera

    The match begins and we see Thorn and Viscera battle while Cor Von goes after Eugene . Viscera with a head butt to Striker but Striker punches Hardy. Thorn and Striker try to eliminate Hardy but they are not able to do it. Hardy eliminates Striker from the match. We see some dissension among the Smackdown wrestlers as Chavo and Masters go after Mark Henry along with some ECW wrestlers. Viscera punches Johnny Nitro. Viscera with a head butt to Hardy and Viscera goes after Hardy. Sandman is the next man to be eliminated followed by William Regal who is eliminated by Viscera. Mark Henry eliminates Chavo Guerrero. Hardy punches Henry. Viscera eliminates Tommy Dreamer. Eugene hits Viscera from behind and then tries to eliminate the big man. Henry works on Thorn in the corner and then he eliminates Thorn. Orton goes after Henry but Henry with a head butt to Orton. Viscera slams Cor Von and then we get a stare down between Henry and Viscera. The two big men charge at each other but neither man goes down. Henry punches Viscera and rakes the eyes. Henry tries to push Viscera over the top rope but Viscera holds on. Now it is Viscera’s turn. Viscera goes down after a clothesline from Henry. Henry throws Viscera over the top rope to eliminate Viscera. We go to commercial.

    We are back and Orton is trying to eliminate Cor Von as we are down to six men. Cor Von stays in the ring. We see Kenny Dykstra and Eugene getting eliminated during the commercial break.

    WE are down to Johnny Nitro, Randy Orton, Mark Henry, Chris Masters, Marcus Cor Von, and Matt Hardy.

    Cor Von and Hardy exchange blows and Cor Von tries for the POUNCE but Hardy holds on to the ropes and drops down as Cor Von and ECW are eliminated. Hardy sends Chris Masters into the corner and tries to eliminate him. Orton with a drop kick that sends Orton over the top rope to the floor to eliminate him. Masters presses Hardy over his head but Hardy gets out of the hold and Hardy hits a Twist of Fate that knocks Masters from the apron. Henry with a punch to the head and then he sends Hardy to the apron. Hardy holds on to the ropes and he tries to pull Henry over the top rope like Chris Benoit did to the Big Show in the Royal Rumble. Randy Orton eliminates Mark Henry while Hardy holds on and rolls back into the ring. Orton waits for Hardy to get up so he can get an RKO. Hardy avoids the hold and hits a Side Effect. Hardy with punches to Orton but he misses a clothesline. Orton hits a back breaker and then he tries to send Hardy over the top rope to the floor but Hardy gets out of the hold. Orton with a boot to the head followed by an Irish whip but Hardy blocks the charges from Orton. Hardy connects from the second turnbuckle and he sets for the Twist of Fate but Orton blocks it and he drops Hardy on the apron and then hits a European uppercut to eliminate Hardy.

    Winner: Randy Orton

    9th and 10th Draft:
    We go to the WWE Draft Random Genera tor 2007 and the final two draft picks go to Raw. Raw adds Gene Snitsky from ECW and Snitsky comes out. The final pick of the night is Ken Kennedy.

    Ken Kennedy comes out to the cheers of his new fans.

    Vince McMahon is in his office and he walks around gingerly before walking into the hallway as we go to commercial.

    McMahon appreciation moment:
    We are back with the next person to show their appreciation for Vince McMahon and it is Steve Austin. Steve talks about when he sprayed Vince with beer in Philadelphia . Then he talks about when he poured cement in Vince’s Corvette. Then he appreciates Vince for letting him play doctor and hit him with a bedpan. Then he appreciates Vince for letting him drive a Zamboni in Detroit . He talks about how Vince has tried to screw with him ever since he signed in 1997. He says that Vince is a lying sack of s***.

    We are told that the following matches will happen at Vengeance:

    John Cena will face Bobby Lashley, Mick Foley, Randy Orton, and King Booker for the WWE Title.

    Edge versus Batista for the World Title in a Do or Die Match

    There is NO CHANCE that Vince McMahon would not come out on his own night and he comes to the ring. Vince stands in the center of the ring and he has a mic. Vince holds the mic but he is unable to speak for a few seconds. He thanks everyone before he drops the mic and leaves the ring very gingerly. Vince walks up the Rawest Ramp in Sports Entertainment before he stops and turns around. Vince walks to the back and the crowd applauds Vince’s departure.

    We go to the back where Vince walks past all of the wrestlers. Jonathan Coachman stops Vince and he tells Vince that his limo is the other way. Vince takes a look back at the wrestlers before walking out of the building.

    We go outside the building and Vince appears to have a smile on his face. Vince gets into his limo and it explodes as we go to credits with the limo still on fire.

    Report by: PWInsider.com / Editing by: LionDen

    ANNOUNCEMENT: World Wrestling Entertainment announced during the broadcast of Monday Night Raw that the draft lottery will continue this Wednesday with a "supplemental draft" on the WWE website.

  3. #3
    On the bench!
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    yawnfest so far.. i mean who didnt think lashley would go to raw... that to me is a no brainer

  4. #4
    The Maverick legolas4792's Avatar
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    this is one of the best raws ever though mel u can\t deny that
    The Eel Collection
    [Today 03:41 PM] EeL: can you touch yourself for me please
    [Today 06:27 PM] EeL: I was hoping you'd be a perfectly tanned muscle head!
    [Today 05:10 PM] EeL: I wish I could meet Bam Neely just to touch his beard
    [Today 10:57 PM] EeL: now I just need Rob in here to give him my special chocolate bar
    [Today 09:16 PM] EeL: gay tackle! yay! I love those
    [Today 09:47 PM] EeL: jacking off, I'm down for that
    You Have My Bow

    [Today 03:16 PM] Punisher: Rob aint got shit on you

  5. #5
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mellybear View Post
    yawnfest so far.. i mean who didnt think lashley would go to raw... that to me is a no brainer
    Hopefully he might beat Cena, Lashley has been taking on 3 at a time for the last few months and Cena is one guy.

  6. #6
    The Maverick legolas4792's Avatar
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    The Eel Collection
    [Today 03:41 PM] EeL: can you touch yourself for me please
    [Today 06:27 PM] EeL: I was hoping you'd be a perfectly tanned muscle head!
    [Today 05:10 PM] EeL: I wish I could meet Bam Neely just to touch his beard
    [Today 10:57 PM] EeL: now I just need Rob in here to give him my special chocolate bar
    [Today 09:16 PM] EeL: gay tackle! yay! I love those
    [Today 09:47 PM] EeL: jacking off, I'm down for that
    You Have My Bow

    [Today 03:16 PM] Punisher: Rob aint got shit on you

  7. #7
    ....Cow! Notorious Cow's Avatar
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    Woooooo!! that wuz a big ass explosion......nice...

    He's A Killer!


  8. #8
    King of New York yankeesman77's Avatar
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    I think its safe to say that that was one Explosive Raw for the ages.

  9. #9
    Ring Crew apex's Avatar
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    ya wtf is right this is either the must f'ed up thing I have seen in wrestling (well maybe not ) or this may lead to a storyline with Vince Faking his Death

  10. #10
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    I am amazed by that and wonder how they are going to play this out and it was better than the ending of the Sopranos lol

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