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    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Exclamation WWE PPV 'Vengeance' LIVE Coverage! 2007

    UOWForums LIVE Coverage!
    WWE: 'Vengeance - Night Of Champions' PPV
    Sunday 24th June, 2007 - 8 PM | US EST
    Toyota Center in Houston, Texas

    WWE Championship
    John Cena (c) vs. Mick Foley vs. King Booker vs. Randy Orton vs. Bobby Lashley.

    World Championship
    Last Chance match
    Batista will not receive another title match if he loses.

    Edge (c) vs. Batista.

    ECW Championship
    Chris Benoit vs. CM Punk

    U.S. Championship
    MVP (c) vs. Ric Flair.

    Intercontinental Championship
    Santino Marella (c) vs. Umaga.

    Women's Championship
    Melina (c) vs. Candice Michelle.

    Cruiserweight Championship
    Chavo Guerrero (c) vs. Jimmy Wang Yang.

    World Tag Team Championship
    Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch (c) vs. Matt & Jeff Hardy.

    WWE Tag Team Championship
    Deuce & Domino (c) vs. TBA.

    (Card subject to change)


  2. #2
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    Check out the forum and keep updated of new PPV updates in the shoutbox!
    Please feel free to comment in this thread about the PPV.
    No spoilers before they are posted in this post.

    UOWForums LIVE Coverage!
    WWE: 'Vengeance - Night Of Champions' PPV
    Sunday 24th June, 2007 - 8 PM | US EST
    Toyota Center in Houston, Texas

    A video package of Edge vs Batista tonight, if Batista gets beaten, no more chances at the title.

    A video package for the WWE Championship match tonight. Sometime the odds will catch up with john Cena.

    Vengeance, The Night of Champions. RAW attitude energy drink presents Vengeance - Night of Champions.

    LIVE in the arena, the fireworks explode.

    J.R welcomes us to the Toyota Center that has been sold out for weeks.

    Ring annnouncer introduces Barry Windham and Mike Rotundo, Tag Team champions from back in 1985 in the audience (who both work for WWE now, although that wasn't mentioned) were introduced to the crowd. They were sitting at ringside, and they showed a short video package on Rotundo & Windham while Ross and Jerry Lawler discussed their history. Strange J.R did not cross to the other announce teams.

    Hardyz music hits and out comes Jeff and Matt dancing away and make their way to the ring with the crowd exploding.

    Cane and Murdochs music hits and make their way to the ring and here we go ....

    World tag team Championship
    Cane and Murdoch(c) vs Hardy Boyz

    Ross and Lawler called this one, and JR talked about the history of the tag titles before the bout. Cade started out with Matt, and broke clean in the corner as they locked up. They locked up again, and Cade broke clean again. Cade offered a handshake, and Matt kicked him in the gut, then hit a shoulderblock. Murdoch complained that Hardy wasn't following the rules. There was a chant for the Hardys. Matt grabbed a side headlock, and Cade leapfrogged him, but Matt hit a cross bodyblock and a series of rights. Murdoch came in, but was knocked out by Matt. Jeff tagged in for a double elbow and a fistdrop/senton combo. Murdoch got a blind tag and hit Jeff with a neckbreaker for a two count. Jeff gave Murdoch a mule kick and tagged in Matt, who hit a second rope elbowdrop. Jeff tagged in for Air Hardy, then hit an elevated kick in the corner. Cade ran in and was clotheslined to the floor by Matt. Jeff dropkicked Trevor to the floor as well. Cade and Murdoch regrouped on the floor, then started to leave.

    The Hardys ran after them and dragged them back to the ring. Trevor slapped Matt, then Matt chased him around the ring and missed a bling tag to Cade, who clipped Matt's leg. Cade went to work on Matt's leg, which had been hurt during his match against Finlay on Smackdown last week. Murdoch tagged in and continued to work on Matt's leg, then hit an elbowdrop. Cade tagged in and clipped the leg, then slammed Matt knee first to the mat for a two count. Murdoch dropped a knee on the leg, and Matt tried to fight back, but Murdoch applied a single leg Boston crab. Murdoch had his left eye swelled up from a match last night. Matt struggled in the hold, and eventually turned over and kicked free.

    Matt made the hot tag to Jeff as Murdoch tagged Cade. Jeff cleaned house on Cade and Murdoch, sending Murdoch to the floor after a backdrop and hitting a Slingblade clothesline on Cade for a two count. Jeff nailed Cade with Whisper In The Wind, but Cade kicked out at two. Jeff hit a gourdbuster and went to the top rope, but Murdoch went to stop him. Jeff kicked him away, but Murdoch managed to knock him off. Matt went after Murdoch on the floor, and Cade hit Jeff with a spinebuster in the ring for the pin at the nine minute mark.

    Winners: Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch.

    Cade and Murdoch celebrate on the way out and keep repeating they won by the rules.

    King Booker is with Sharmell and she tells him he hs to be careful out there tonight as they all want to walk out WWE champion. Booker reminds her he was WCW champion, Tag Team champion, Intercontinental champion, World Heavyweight champion and ofcourse King of the Ring champion (think I got em all lol). He says they all should bow down to him and tonight they will.

    SummerSlam ad with Jackass flag. Considering the Jackass show starts soon after RAW, we can see why they are at SummerSlam.

    Back LIVE and finally JBL and Michael Cole and they chat about an ex champion Eddie guerrero and we go back to 2004, No Way Out to show when Latino Heat, Eddie Guerrero won the title against Brock Lesnar. Back LIVE and the crowd is chanting Eddie, well it was them or the old footage fading back.

    Chavo Guerrero's music hits and out he comes. They show Dean Milenko backstage standing and watching the match on a TV.

    Jimmy Wang yangs music hits and he makes his way to the ring.

    Cruiserweight Championship
    Chavo Guerrero(c) vs Jimmy Wang Yang

    Yang grabbed a cradle at the bell for a one count. They locked up and Yang grabbed a side mare. Yang worked into another cradle for a one count. Chavo complained to the referee, then clipped Yang with a punch and went to work, ramming him into the turnbuckles. Yang came back with some kicks to the gut, then a huge dropkick. Yang hit a vertical suplex for a two count, then grabbed a keylock. Yang whipped Chavo in a corner and walked up his chest with a flip, but Chavo grabbed Yang and threw him to the floor. Chavo hit a baseball slide, then a stiff forearm on the floor. Chavo tossed Yang in the ring and went to the top rope, but Yang kicked him off and Chavo fell to the floor. Yang hit a top rope bodypress to the outside on Chavo.

    Yang rolled Chavo back in the ring for a two count, but Chavo then hiptossed a charging Yang into the turnbuckles. Chavo put Yang in a surfboard, but Yang twisted out of it. Chavo gave Yang a drop toe hold and hit a forearm to the back, then hit a rolling senton. Chavo whipped Yang hard into the corner, then snapmared him and applied a chinlock while driving a knee into his back. Yang powered up and dropped back to escape the hold. Yang hit an inverted atomic drop, elbowed a charging Chavo, then hit a second rope dropkick. Yang hit a spinkick in the corner, then hit a top rope bodypress for a two count. Yang went to the ropes, but Chavo kicked him in the gut. Chavo went for the Three Amigos, but Yang floated over the third suplex and hit a spinkick for a two count. Yang went for the moonsault, but Chavo moved out of the way. Chavo went for the Gori Bomb, but Yang turned it into a sunset flip for a two count. Chavo grabbed Yang by the jeans and pulled him face first into the turnbuckles. Chavo put Yang on the top rope for a back superplex, but Yang elbowed him to the mat. Yang stood on the top rope for the moonsault, but Chavo knocked him off. Chavo went to the top rope and hit a frogsplash to the back of Yang for the pin at the nine minute mark.

    Winner: Chavo Guerrero

    Chavo Guerrero holds the title closely and celebrates his win in the ring while bowing to the crowd.

    J.R talks about McMahons "death" and the investigation going on. J.R brings up McMahons mindset before the 'death'. King and J.R talk about how McMahon had a vision of something wrong. they show McMahon leaving the arena and they mention how McMahon kept looking back at the 2 stage hands as he walked toward his limo. Then hey show how just before he opened the door, his hand was trembling and he hesitated before opening the limo door. They also mention how his foot went into the limo and then came back out. Finally they show the limo blowing up and the crowd cheer but they seem to have lowered the crowd reaction a bit. The crowd start singing ... Na Na Na Hey hey hey Goodbye ... then J.R brings up on wwe.com they have where you can show your opinion on who done it.

    Lashley is backstage and is asked about McMahon. McMahon says he wishes McMahon was there, not because he likes him but because he wnats McMahon to see him win the WWE title tonight.

    Now to Joey Styles and Tazz. They discuss who might win tonight and they do not know. Tehy then show footage of old ECW footage of Tazz. Tazz says the greatest accomplishment of his career was being ECW champion.

    Cm Punks music starts and mkaes his way to the ring.

    They announce the man who will be replacing Chris benouit tonight is Johnny Nitro. Tazz and Joey Styles mention that Chris benoit for personal reasons can not attend tonight. The crowd is not happy and start chanting 'We want Benoit'.

    ECW Championship
    CM Punk vs Johnny Nitro

    Punk and Nitro did some mat work at the start. Punk hit some kicks to the leg of Nitro, then kicked him in the head, knocking him to the floor. Nitro got on the apron and slapped Punk. Punk chased him around the ring, and when Nitro got back in, Punk tripped him from the floor, then hit a slingshot legdrop. Punk slapped Nitro across the face, but Nitro reversed a whip into the corner then hit a springboard kick to the head for a two count. Nitro hit some forearms to the face, then covered Punk for a near fall. Nitro applied a trapped arm choke. Punk fought out of it, but Nitro nailed him with a clothesline for a one count.

    Nitro applied an armbar, and the "We Want Benoit" chants started up again. Punk broke free, but Nitro hit a double kick out of the corner, then a backbreaker and a cross armbreaker. Nitro went back to the trapped arm choke. Fans chanted "boring". Punk broke free and hit an enzugiri. Nitro and Punk traded shots, with Punk getting the better of it. Punk hit a sidekick for a two count. Nitro caught a charging Punk with an elbow, but put his feet on the ropes for leverage on a cover, which the referee caught. Punk grabbed Nitro in an STO variation for a two count, then went for the GTS, but Nitro elbowed out of it into a sunset flip, but Punk dropped down on him for a two count. Punk hit some knees to the head, then a jumping knee in the corner and a bulldog. Punk went for a springboard clothesline, but Nitro ducked. Punk rolled across the mat to the opposite apron. Punk went to shoulderblock Nitro from the apron, but Nitro caught him with a knee to the head, then pulled Punk into the ring and hit a flipping neckbreaker for the clean pin at the eight minute mark.

    Winner and new ECW Champion: Johnny Nitro.

    Johnny Nitro is surprised but he sold that for about 3 seconds, then starts to celebrate in the ring. Punk is lieing on the ring hurt as Nitro looks over him and then celebrates a bit more. lol Poor ol ECW.

    Styles and Tazz bring up another great championship match - 1996 HBK vs brett Hart in an Iron Man match. They show footage from the match with Hart winning but Gorilla Monsoon comes out and restarts the match. HBK finally wins the title. One of the greatest matches ever IMO.

    Orton and Foley are staring at each other. Orton tells Foley to be careful cause it looked like he had a concussion last week. Orton reminds Foley of all the people he has destroyed lately but Foley says it is not the first time he has had one and reminds Orton of the match they had when Mick was all messed up and he kept goping. Orton says, the only thing he remembers is he won that match and walks off.

    J.R says Ricky the Dragon Steamboat is with us tonight.

    While J.R and King say how great he was, he is announced and he comes out to make an appearance with a kind of standing ovation.

    Out comes Santino Marella and shakes Steamboats hand and makes his way to the ring.

    Vengeance sponsored by RAW attitude drink.

    Umagas music hits and makes his way to the ring.

    Intercontinental Championship
    Santino Marella(c) vs Umaga

    Santino jumped on Umaga's back and hit some cross face shots, but Umaga just dropped backwards, slamming Santino into the mat. Umaga went for a jumping headbutt, but Santino lifted his knees and caught Umaga in the head. Umaga slapped his own head, then blasted Santino with a savate kick. Umaga hit some chops and applied a nervehold. Umaga grinded in the nervehold, then shoved him in a corner and hit some punches to the head. Umaga wouldn't stop hitting Santino in the corner, so the referee disqualified Umaga at the two minute mark. The crowd groaned.

    Winner via disqualification: Santino Marella

    Umaga was upset and attacked Marella and then ran after the referree. Umaga then got to the top rope and did a very large splash on Marella. Umaga finally leaves the ring but stops and puts his thumb up. Umaga re-enters the ring, picks up marella and does the Somoan Spike on Marella. Umaga leaves the ring again and the crowd cheering 'One more time'. As Umaga is leaving Maria runs down to the ring and goes to Marella to see hwo he is while Umaga looks on.

    American Bash ad

    Back LIVE to JBL and Cole who promote the great American Bash still and work their way to McMahons 'death' agaain. Cole says the investigator is there tonight and then they show footage of the investigators announcement last week on SmackDown (funny note, the crowd started to boo but were cut off). Cole says no one knows who the 3rd party is but says tomorrow night on RAW there could be an announcement of this person. They also promote the 3 hr celebration of McMahon tomorrow night on RAW.

    Magnum TA is then announced to be in the arena and they hype him up. then introduce him to the crowd.

    MVPs msuic begins and makes his way to the ring. Think I heard a few more cheers this time for him. MVP goes over to Magum TA and carries on as he does and finally taps TA on the arm and TA does not seeem happy lol.

    Flair does his woooo and his music hits and out comes Flair in ummm all pink (with alot of flair, no pun intended) MVP comes out of the ring to confront Flair and the referee makes him return to the ring.

    U.S Championship
    MVP(c) vs Ric Flair

    MVP trash talked at the start. Flair responded with a "Whoo". Flair hit a series of punches and chops, and MVP rolled to the floor as Flair strutted. They went to lock up, but Flair strutted instead and let out another "Whoo". They locked up and Flair grappled MVP to the mat and applied a legtwist. Flair delivered some knees to the back of the leg, then went for a shinbuster, but MVP raked his eyes. MVP hung Flair across the top rope. Flair went to the apron, and MVP kicked him in the head, knocking him to the floor. MVP went out after Flair and rammed him headfirst into the ring apron before tossing him back into the ring for a two count. MVP applied a sleeper, and Flair had a trickle of blood above his nose. Flair got his foot on the ropes to break the sleeper, and MVP stomped Flair.

    MVP hit some right hands in the corner, but Flair came back with some chops. They went back and forth, and MVP hit Flair with a backdrop. MVP unzipped his bodysuit to check his chest after all the chops. MVP applied a rear chinlock, and Flair fought up and elbowed out of it. Flair decked MVP with a chop, but MVP grabbed a fireman's carry and dropped Flair chest first to the mat. MVP hit a kick to the head for a two count. MVP hit some forearms and went for a chinlock, but Flair broke out with a jawbreaker. Flair hit a right hand and some chops against the ropes. MVP reversed a whip, but Flair caught him with a back suplex. Flair chopped MVP down, then hit a back elbow. Flair backdropped MVP, then strutted. Flair hit some punches in the corner, but MVP dropped Flair head first on the top turnbuckle.

    MVP went for a kick, but Flair moved and MVP caught his leg on the top rope. Flair hit a chopblock, then a second. Flair applied the figure four leglock to a pop, but MVP made the ropes. Flair hit some punches on the downed MVP against the ropes, but MVP poked him in the eyes as the referee pulled Flair away. MVP hit the Playmaker on the blinded Flair for the pin at the nine minute mark.

    Winner: MVP

    MVP leaves the ring and celebrates holding the title high.

    Michael Cole introduces John Cena and says tonight he takes on many superstars but is interrupted as Edge turns up. Edge says the odds are not looking to good for Cena tonight and all he has to do is beat Batista which he has done twice already and he is out of his life. Edge brings up McMahon and says Cena could have done it but Cena responds and says he said on RAW, "The show must go on". Edge blasted Cena for making jokes about Mr. McMahon. Cena said Edge was a kiss ass and he was "too soft" to do something like blow up Vince. Edge said he was capable of "reprehensible things", Edge gets pissed off and yells at Cena and then Cena says, it is time for him to leave you two alone and as Cena walks off, the investigator walks in to talk to Edge.

    Gone by Fuel - Official theme song.

    A video package on former World Tag Team Champions Tony Garea & Rick Martel was shown, then they introduced Garea & Martel, who were sitting at ringside, to the crowd.

    Deuce N' Dominos music starts and they make their way to the ring with Cherry.

    WWE Tag Team Championship
    Deuce & Domino vs ???

    Cherry snuck in a wave to Martel & Garea as D&D made their entrance. Deuce & Domino cut a promo about Garea & Martel being "has beens" and said they were used to seeing them in "black & white". They said tonight they would be able to watch a pair of "real tag team champions". Their opponents were introduced, with Sgt. Slaughter coming out first, then Jimmy Snuka coming out. D&D sold like they were scared of Snuka. JBL commented that if Snuka & Slaughter win the tag belts, he would call up Ron Simmons and put the APA back together to go after the belts.

    WWE Tag Team Championship
    Deuce & Domino vs Sgt. Slaughter & Jimmy Snuka

    Snuka locked up with Domino to start. Domino tried to do Snuka's old double leapfrog spot, but it got mess up and Snuka hit some shots to the head. Slaughter tagged in and hit some knees to the gut, then a kick to the ribs. Slaughter hit a gutbuster, then snapmared Domino for a two count. Slaughter hit a chop in the corner, then whipped him across the ring and hit a shoulderblock in the corner. Slaughter backdropped Domino for a two count. Slaughter went for another, but Domino kicked him in the chest. Slaughter no-sold it and applied the Cobra Clutch. Domino made the ropes, and Slaughter elbowed him in the back of the head. Slaughter hit a back elbow, then delivered a clothesline. Slaughter applied the Cobra Clutch again. Domino backed Slaughter into his corner and Deuce hit Slaughter from the apron, but Slaughter slugged him back.

    Deuce tagged in, and exchanged shots with Slaughter. Domino tagged back in to hit an elbow for a two count, then tagged Deuce back in for an elbowdrop. Deuce worked over Slaughter with some punches, then set up for a top rope splash. Deuce mocked Jimmy Snuka, then missed the splash as Slaughter rolled out of the way. Snuka got tagged in, and he hit some chops and headbutts to Deuce. Snuka hit Domino on the apron, then took Deuce down with a flying headbutt. Snuka covered Deuce, but Domino broke up the cover. Slaughter came in and took Domino to the floor. Snuka gave Deuce a backbreaker and went to the top rope. Domino got on the apron, but Slaughter pulled him back to the floor. Deuce was standing up, and Snuka went for a flying bodypress. Deuce rolled through it and got the pin at the seven minute mark.

    Winners: Deuce & Domino

    D&D attacked Snuka & Slaughter, but Martel & Garea ran in and ran off the tag champs. The crowd actually really got into Garea & Martel punching out D&D after being sort of dead for the majority of the bout. All 4 legends hold hands high as D7D keep walking back and the legends asking them to come back.

    RAW ad for 3 he event tomorrow night, memorial service for McMahon and Federal investigation widens.

    Video package for Edge and Batista coming up next for the World Championship title.

    Cole and JBL talk about Harley race, an 8 time NWA champion and King of the RIng champion in 1996. Harley Race is in arena and is introduced to the crowd.

    Edges music hits and comes out, fireworks explode and he makes his way to the ring slowly, looking at the crowd.

    Finally, Batistas music hits and out comes the animal screaming and jumping up and down liek a jelly bean, bends down, shoots his machine gun and makes his way to the ring while staring at Edge. Edge leaves the ring as Batista enters lol remember a time when there were tough champions who stood their ground *sigh*. Batista leaves the ring and goes over to Harley Race and holds up his arm and finally enters the ring and here we go ....

    'Last chance'
    World heavyweight Championship
    Edge(c) vs Batista

    Batista went for a leg dive at the start, but Edge jumped away from him. They locked up, and Batista shoved Edge into a corner. Batista rammed Edge into the top turnbuckle, then hit some shoulderblocks in the corner. Batista hit a shoulderblock off the ropes for a one count, then applied an overhead wristlock. Batista hit a short arm shoulderblock, then went back to the overhead wristlock, turning it into a hammerlock, then an armbar. Batista armdragged Edge and applied an armbar. Batista rammed Edge shoulder first into the corner, but Edge fought back with punches and forearms. Edge was favoring his arm. Batista reversed a whip and hit a side slam for a two count. Edge stopped himself on a whip attempt by Batista, and when Batista charged, Edge dropped down and pulled down the top rope, sending Batista to the floor.

    Edge jumped off the ring apron, but Batista caught him and rammed Edge back first into the apron. Batista went for a slam on the floor, but Edge floated over it and rammed Batista head first into the ringpost. Batista slowly got on the apron, and Edge hit some shots, then threw Batista shoulder first into the ringpost, with Batista falling to the floor. Edge hit a baseball slide, sending Batists back to the floor. Batista slowly crawled into the ring, and Edge hit him with a knee, then applied a Fujiwara armbar. Batista armdragged out of it, but Edge sidestepped a charge and Batista went shoulder first into the ringpost. Edge went to the outside and whipped Batista's arm into the ringpost. Back in the ring, Batista threw a few shots, but Edge kicked him in the arm. Batista fired off a few more punches, but Edge hit a drop toe hold and then grabbed a hammerlock on the bad arm.

    Batista stood up and lifted Edge in a fireman's carry, then went for a Samoan Drop. Edge held onto his armlock, and grapevined Batista's other arm when they hit the mat. Edge went into an overhead wristlock. Batista powered up, then punched free. Batista ran into an Edge boot to the face. Edge went to the apron and yanked Batista arm first across the top rope. Edge got back into the ring and Batista exploded with a clothesline, and both men were laid out on the mat. Batista backdropped Edge, then hit a clothesline in the corner. Batista ran into an elbow by Edge, but Edge ran into a spinning sidewalk slam by Batista for a two count.

    Batista went to pick Edge off the mat, but Edge nailed him with a DDT for a two count. Edge went for the title belt at ringside, but the referee stopped him. Edge got in the ring, and Batista rolled up Edge for a two count. Edge then rolled up Batista for a two count. The crowd popped for the near falls. Batista lifted Edge for a powerslam, but Edge floated over it and hit a head driver for a two count. Edge measured Batista for a spear, but as he charged, Batista hit Edge with his own spear. Crowd popped huge. Batista went for a Batista Bomb, but Edge hit him with a low blow and was disqualified at the fourteen minute mark.

    Winner via disqualification: Batista

    Smackdown General Manager Theodore R. Long came out and restarted the match, saying if Edge gets himself disqualified again, he will lose the World Title.

    World Champion Edge vs. Batista, Part Two

    Edge went to work on Batista immediately with forearms to the back. Edge measured for a spear, as fans chanted for Batista. Edge hit the spear, but Batista got his shoulder up at two. Edge went to ringside and grabbed a chair, but then realized he couldn't use it. Edge got back in the ring and Batista grabbed a small package for a two count. Batista hit a kick to the gut and went for a Batista Bomb, but Edge floated over it. Batista clotheslined Edge over the top rope and to the floor. Batista went after Edge, but Edge grabbed him by the trunks and pulled him face first into the ring steps. Edge went for a spear on the floor, but Batista caught him with a kick to the head. Batista gave Edge a Batista Bomb on the floor. Refertee is counting. Batista got up and pulled Edge up. Referee is up to seven. Batista rolled Edge into the ring at nine, but didn't make it back in time as the referee hit ten. Batista is counted out three minutes into the restart.

    Winner via countout: Edge

    Batista screams at the referee, "It was my last chance". Batista gets up and gives Edge a Batista Bomb. Batista will never get another shot at the Championship while Edge holds it. Batista screams and leaves the ring as Edge lies in the middle of the ring. Batista stares at Edge in the ring upset and begins punding on the apron. Finally leaving to the back with hands on his head and still upset.

    SummerSlam ad - Aug 26th 2007. Remember to join UOWForums for LIVE coverage with a few surprises in stall for the night!

    J.R and king talk about the fabulous Moolah and show footage from the past with her against Wendi Richter.

    Melinas music hits and makes her way to the ring. J.R mentions that Melina is Paris hiltons favourite diva. Hope they have cable in the psych ward.

    Candice Michelles music hits and out she comes, gets to the ring and removes her coat ... yummy.

    Remember UOWForums will have all the diva caps ASAP after the PPV or visit www.exposeddivas.com.

    Womens Championship
    Melina(c) vs Candice Michelle

    They teased a test of strength, but Melina kicked Candice. Candice hit a drop toe hold and some shots, then applied her headscissors on the ropes, only to have Melina knock her to the floor. Melina used a headscissors on the apron, then took her back into the ring. Melina hit a running knee to the gut in the corner, then applied a headscissors in the corner and flipped Candice to the mat. Melina yanked Candice headfirst to the mat, but Candice grabbed a rollup for a two count. Melina threw Candice to the mat and applied a bow and arrow. Candice rolled out of it into a cover for a two count. Melina went for a charge and Candice pulled down the top rope and Melina fell to the floor. Melina got back in the ring and Candice hit a powerslam. Candice did her Go Daddy sping and dropped an elbow for a two count. Candice hit a bulldog variation for a two count. The strap on Candice's top broke, but unfortunately for the fans, she has a bra on. Melina hit a neckbreaker for a two count. Melina hit some punches, but missed an elbow and Candice hit what I guess was supposed to be a spinning elbow or spinning kick, but was more like a spinning backwards shoulderblock. Either way, it got Candice the pin at the five minute mark.

    Winner and new Womens Champion: Candice Michelle

    Candice cries as she celebrates her win as Melina lies on the ring. Candice continues to cry and celebrate as she leaves towards the back.

    American Bash ad - July 22nd 2007

    The ring announcer says an ex cahampion would like to be recognised and it is JBL, as he stands and raises his arms, he then calls over an assistant where he gives him a speech and tells him to make sure each word is spoken. The speech is handed to the ring announcer and he reads it ... the speech is about JBLs past, his radio show (a nice plug), he is the greatest champion in history and is also your wrestling god lol. JBLs serious face is funny as hell.

    J.R introduces a video package about what it is to be a champion. With various superstars from the WWE Championship match tonight explaining what it means to them.

    Ring announcer announces the WWE Championship match. All 5 competitors can be in the ring at the same time, no count outs and no disqualification. Whoever pins or makes their opponent submit first is the WWE Champion.

    Bobby Lashleys music hits and makes his way to the ring.

    Mick Foleys music hits and he makes his way to the ring. Foley last held the title in 1999.

    King Bookers music starts and gets boos from the crowd. He and Queen Sharmell make their way to the ring very slowly with that damn music repeating over and over and over again .......

    Randy Ortons music hits, he comes out stoned faced and makes his way to the ring.

    As all the competitors stare at each other and then begin to stare at the entranceway, Cenas music hits and gets a huge pop from the crowd. he comes out and makes his way to the ring and here we go ...........

    WWE Championship Match
    John Cena(c) vs Randy Orton vs Lashley vs Foley vs King Booker

    All five men are in the ring at once. King Booker went to ringside at the bell and had Sharmell rub his back. Orton realized he was in the ring with three babyfaces. Cena punched him, Lashley backdropped him and Foley gave Orton a Cactus Clothesline to the floor. Lashley and Cena were about to face off, but Booker knocked Cena to the floor. Lashley went to work on Booker, slamming him, then threw Booker to the floor. Lashley dove from the ring, over the top rope, onto the pile on the floor. Lashley threw Booker into the ring and put him in a Torture Rack, then dropped to his knees. Lashley covered Booker, but Cena made the save, to boos. Cena and Lashley faced off, exchanging right hands. Lashley gave Cena a spinebuster and Cena rolled to the floor. Lashley went after Cena, ramming him into the ringsteps.

    Lashley cleared off the ECW announce table, but Orton clipped him. Foley gave Orton a clothesline on the floor. Booker gave Foley a forearm on the floor. Booker and Foley slugged it out on the floor. Foley rammed Booker into the security wall, then Booker whipped Foley into the ringsteps. Orton gave Lashley a side backbreaker on the floor. Orton went for an RKO, but Lashley threw Orton off on the floor. Cena grabbed Lashley and gave him an FU through the ECW announce table. Cena got back in the ring, and Booker kicked him. Booker hit a back kick for a two count. Booker gave Cena some knees to the head, then whipped him hard into the corner. Cena and Booker traded punches, but Booker hit him with an ax kick. Orton broke up the cover.

    Orton and Booker started going at it, and Cena shoulderblocked Orton from the ring. Cena gave Booker a shoulderblock and a back suplex. Cena did the "You Can't See Me" bit, but Orton grabbed Cena with an RKO, to a pop. Orton covered Cena, but Foley broke it up. Foley punched Orton in the corner, and did a "Bang! Bang!" Foley hit a running knee to Orton's head, then kicked Booker on the mat. Foley hit a double arm DDT on Orton, and pulled out Mr. Socko. Booker nailed Foley with a superkick and Foley rolled to the floor. Booker then knocked Orton from the ring. Foley grabbed a chair on the outside.

    Foley went for a chairshot on Booker, but Booker ducked and Foley hit Lashley, who had just gotten on the ring apron. Foley then hit Booker and Cena with the chair as well. Orton hit Foley from behind, sending Foley face first into the chair as he fell to the mat. Orton kicked Foley in the head. Lashley speared Orton, who rolled to the floor. Booker kicked Lashley out of the ring. Cena went for an FU on Booker, but Booker pulled himself to the ring apron by the ropes. Cena knocked Booker off the ring apron. Cena gave Foley the FU for the pin at the eleven minute mark.

    Winner: John Cena

    Cena celebrates. I thought this match could have gone longer with 15 mins to spare. There were 5 competitiors in the match and they end it this early. pft.

    Thankyou for joining us for our Live Coverage, see you for our next Live Coverage TNAs PPV 'Victory Road' and WWEs next PPV 'Great American Bash'. No spoilers in the shoutbox please.


  3. #3
    On the bench!
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    WWE Championship
    John Cena (c) vs. Mick Foley vs. King Booker vs. Randy Orton vs. Bobby Lashley.

    World Championship
    Last Chance match
    Batista will not receive another title match if he loses.
    Edge (c) vs. Batista.

    ECW Championship
    Chris Benoit vs. CM Punk

    U.S. Championship
    MVP (c) vs. Ric Flair.

    Intercontinental Championship
    Santino Marella (c) vs. Umaga.

    Women's Championship
    Melina (c) vs. Candice Michelle.

    Cruiserweight Championship
    Chavo Guerrero (c) vs. Jimmy Wang Yang.

    World Tag Team Championship
    Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch (c) vs. Matt & Jeff Hardy.

    WWE Tag Team Championship
    Deuce & Domino (c) vs. TBA.

    Ones in bold will win

  4. #4
    UOW's Senior Citizen LionDen's Avatar
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    ewww Cena, i hope not lol but the odds are against him.

  5. #5
    Member #20 Jodes's Avatar
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    ^ lol Mr Lion

    and yay i won Lance & Trevor match

    ^^Thanks To Maxxy

    ^^Thanks To LG

    "Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.-- Anonymous"

  6. #6
    On the bench!
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    Arent the odds ALWAYS against Cena? -_-

  7. #7
    End Of All Things To Come XXKSXX's Avatar
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    I don't see why Cena would lose now after making him look superhuman.

    RIP JC

  8. #8

  9. #9
    Member #20 Jodes's Avatar
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    Cena will win :woohoo:

    ^^Thanks To Maxxy

    ^^Thanks To LG

    "Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts. And we are never, ever the same.-- Anonymous"

  10. #10
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    lol i love that after mr mcmahons "death" the edge vs. batista match is called a "LAST CHANCE MATCH" as opposed to a "DO OR DIE MATCH"

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